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THE VOICE OF FREEDOM. CvThe following report of the proceedings at the State anniversary, is from the pen of the Edi tor of the Telegraph We give pkt(Ce to it in pref erence to the official report, because its arrange-, ment is more convenient, and, withal, a little more in detail. Fifth Alumni Sleeting of the Vermont Anti Slavery Society Notwithstanding the severity af the travelling, for the want of snow, the attendance, I believe, was thought to be fuller than at cither of our pre vious anniversaries. The representation was not so general, throughout the state; but dinerent portions were more fully represented, and the at tendance from the immediate vicinity of the meet' ing was greater. It was a good time a profitable season. There was great unanimity of feeling and sentiment. A great amount of business was done. The session continued from Wednesday morning t Thursday night, besides a preliminary discourse on Tuesday evening. The interest was kept up to the last; and another half day or more might have been occupied advantageously" to the cause. The sneakers from abroad were Orange Scott, of Lowell, Mass., and Oliver Johnson, of Boston. At home, J. P. Miller, C. L. Knapp, E. D. Barber, Benjamin Shaw, and numerous others. It was emphatically a Vermont affair nnd none the less entertaining on that account the two speakers from abroad being true sons of the Green Mountain btate. My sketches of the proceedings, it will be seen, are only a skeleton. A report of many of the speeches would have been very valuable to pre serve on paper. They would not have suffered in comparison with many that are preserved and hjghly valued. But it was impossible for me to do any justice in reporting, if I had undertaken it especially in connection with taking a journal of the proceedings, and all the other business which fell upon my hands. . Below is an outline of what was done : Tuesday Evening, Feb. 19. Address, in the Methodist O. Scott. Good attendance and attention. An effi cient effort setting forth the sin of slavery, the connection of the North with it, and the duties of the North, growing out of the relation. Adjourn ed, to meet at the Baptist meetinghouse, at 9 o' clock to-morrow morning. Wednesday Morning, 9 o'clock. Met in the Baptist house. Meeting called to order by John Conant, a Vice President of the So ciety. Frayer by J. F. Goodhue On motion, Resolved, To invite Orange Scott, of Lowell, Mass., and Oliver Johnson, of Boston, and others trom abroad, to take seats with us and participate- in our deliberations. J Voted, That all members of Anti-Slavery So cieties present, oe invited to seats and participation with us. Appointed Calvin Sqier af New Haven, Foot and J. M. Slade of Middlebury, a Commit tee to obtain a roll ot the members oi the meeting, Appointed for a Business Committee, C. L. Knapp,- O. Scott, E. D. Barber, J. P. Miller, and J. r. Goodhue. Committee for Nomination : O. S. Murray, Ben jamin Shaw, Lawrence Brainerd, Dea. Grant, and Ira Allen. Adjourned to the Cogregational house for pub lic exercises. Eleven o'clock. Met in the Congregational Meetinghouse. Pray er by Benjamin Shaw. The Business Committee reported the following resolution, which after encourageing reports were heard from various parts of the State, and a state ment of interesting facts, showing the progress of light and truth on this subject at the South was adopted : Resolved, That the progress of the Anti-Slavery cause, the past year, at the North and the South, furnishes cause for thankfulness toGod.andshould stimulate the friends of the slave to unremitted la bors. 2 o'clock, P. M. Met according to adjournment. Prayer by O. Scott. ' Heard the Fifth Annual Report of the Execu tive Committee, from b. D. Barber, Correspond ing Secretary. It was written with characteristic force and intelligence. After exhibiting the doings of the Society, during the year, it went into a thorough siftinff of the gag-proceedings of Con gress. It also took a survey of the working of immediate emancipation in the critish West In dies, showing its triumphant success. The following resolution was then introduced by the Business Committee, and after being ably supported by J. P. Miller, B. Shaw, 0. Scott, 0. Johnson, and J. Battey, was unanimously adop ted : Resolved, That northern churches and profess ing christians, by holding religious fellowship with slaveholders ; by admitting them into their pulpits, and to the communiontable; and by a pologizing for their unfortunate relation, do more to strengthen the bonds of slavery, and to arrest the current of public opinion against it, than all its sophistical casuists and chivalrous defend ers of the South. On motion : Resolved, That we have learned with deep re gret, the manner in which the resolutions of this State, on the subject of slavery, the slave trade and the right of petition, were treated by our Sen ators in Congress, on their presentation of them to that body ; and that we regard their conduct on that occasion with unqualified disapprobation, as a betrayal of the high trust reposed in them, and M a cowering down to the ' dark spirit of slavery,' wholly unworthy of the representatives of Ver nlonters. . The foregoing resolution was sustained by J. P. Miller and E. D. Barber, and carried with accla mation. On motion s Resolved, That we view with approbation the decided and manly course of Messrs. Everett and Slade, on presenting the Vermont resolutions in the House af Representatives of the United States. Adjourned. 6 o'clock, P. M. Met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by W. G. Johnson. On motion : Resolved, That slaveholding, under all possible circumstances, js sm, and ought to be immediately repented of & abandoned ; and hence every philan thropist and christian in short, every moral agent is under the most solemn obligation to use all means sanctioned by law, humanity and religion, to eflect the immediate aboluon pf this sinful re lation. On motion ; Resolved, That we have no fellowship with that opposition to slavery, which only manifests ltselt by opposing abolition. Adjourned. Thursday'Moming, 9 o'clock.. Prayer by M. Richardson.. Heard the report of the Nominating Commit tee, and the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year: For President, HARVEY F. LEAVITT. For Vice Presidents, , Aaron McKee, Bennington County . Charles Phelps, Windham " John Conant, Rutland " Ryland Fletcher, Windsor " D. 31. Camp, Orleans Austin Fuller, Franklin " J. P. Miller, ) ,,r . . , James Dean, Chittenden " Tillon Eastman, ) Belcher Salisbury, ) ran5e R. T. Robinson, ) nr .. O. J. Ells, Addlson R C. Benton, j Ca!edonia James Milhgan, ) Daniel Dodge, Lamoille " For Board of Managers. D. Roberts, Jr., Bennington County. E. W. Granger, Orange " JoellBattcy. J AdJ Lalmn Sjier, ) C. D. Noble, Windsor C. Grant, ) ... , .. A. Beecher, Clllttei Seymour Eggleston, ) p y;n Lawrence Brainerd, ) Daniel Bates, Orleans " Josiah Morse, Caladonia " ErastusParher, ) w i . n e; Washington " Orsonkkinner, O. S. Murray, Rutland " For Corresponding Secretary, E. D. Barber. For Treasurer, J. F. Haskell. For Auditor, Chauncey Cook. For Rec. Secretary, M. D. Gordon. On motion : Resolved, that a Committee of one from each County be appointed to make inquiry, and report the number ol Anti-Slavery Societies, Male and Female, in their several Counties the number of members of each, the name of their President, Secretary, and Treasurer, to be published in the next Annual Report, and the following individ uals were appointed that Committee : Uriah Edgerton, Bennington County; Oscar L. Shafter, Windham Co.; J. Holcomb, Rutland ; Horace Onion, Windsor; D. M. Camp, Orleans; E. L. Jones, Franklin ; C. L. Knapp, Washing ton ; James Mitchell, Chittenden ; E. W. Gran ger, Orange : B. F. Haskell, Addison; James Milligan, Caledonia'; Francis Wilder, Lamoille. On motion : Resolved, That it is the duty of Abolitionists, so far as they are able, to sustain the periodicals devoted to their cause, and in a particular manner the Voice of Freedom. The Business Committee made the following report on "Political Action:" Resovcd, That as Abolitionists, we ' carefully a void all alliance with cither of the political parties of the day; but in the exercise of the elective franchise, we will support those candidates, with out regard to party distinctions, who will promote the cause of immediate emancipation ; and if no such candidates are nominated by either of the political parties, we will give our votes to good men not on either of the regular tickets. Whereas the Hon. Henry Clay, in his recent speech in the United States Senate, has charac terised the "ultra abolitionists" of the country, as persons "who are resolved to persevere in the pursuit of their object at all hazards, and without regard to any consequences, however calamitous they may be ; and that with them the rights of property are nothing the deficien cy of the powers of the General Government is nothing civil war, the dissolution of the Union, and the overthrow of a government in which are concentrated the proudest hopes of the civilized world are nothing ;" and whereas we consider ourselves as "ultra" as any aboli tionists in the United States, therefore Resolved, That the foregoing extract contains allegations which are contradicted by all our dec larations, and all our measures as a body, or as individuals, and are gross and infamous slanders upon our character, which we cast back with in dignation upon the senatorial libeller. Resolved, That if, in the language of Mr Clay, it is the first duty of Congress, in its legislation over the District of Columbia, to make theDistrict "available, comfortable and convenient as a scat of government of the whole Union," still we deny that any spot can be an "available, comfortable or convenient" place for the seat of government, for a free Republic, founded on the "inalienable rights" of men, where the representatives of freemen meet to legislate in favor of human liber ty, within the bounds of which about one-sixth ol the population are slaves, and where slave-auctions, slave-prisons, slave-drivers and slave-ships exhibit it to the scorn and reproach of civilized nations, as the greatest slave market in Christen dom. Resolved, That the clause of the Constitution which provides that Congress shall "exercise ex clusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district as should become by cession of par ticular states and the acceptance of Congress the seat of Government of the United States," and also over "all places" purchased by Congress "for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings," was designed to give Congress the control over "such district" and such "places," for the benefit of the people of the United States, and not for the benefit of the District or other p aces, except so far as their bene fit is involvedand 1 necessary to the general advan tage; and that Congress is, therefore, bound to consult the advantage and wishes of the majority of the people of the United States, in .its legisla tion over the District, instead ot the advantage or wishes of the people of the District or of par ticular States. Resolved, That the doctrine, that for Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia would be a breach of good faith to Virginia and Maryland, "implied" in the cessions qf those States, is absurd, inasmuch as Congress cannot be bound by implication, when there is no power to bind by direct restriction, and inasmuch as the admission of such a principle would make the legislation of Congress, over the District, so far as the wants of the District are concerned, depend ant on the legislation of Virginia and Maryland, and would bind Congress not to abolish or estab lish any institution there until those States had first done the same. After an interesting discussion, the foregoing resolutions were adopted, a single voice dissent ing. On motion, of R. W. Griswold : Resolved, That Martin Van Buren, by his sub scrviency to the South, and especially his pledge on entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, to veto any bill lor the abolition w sla very in the District of Columbia, for reasons similar to thoge urged by Henry Clay, is equally obnoxious to Abolitionists. Adjourned. Met again at 2 o'clock, P,M, Prayer by Dea con Bitiffham of Cornwall. The subject of raising.funds was called up, and pledges and contributions taken, to the amount o $1200 to S1300. No estimate can be formed, from this, of what may be raised during the year to come. Upwards of $2000 had been raised for the parent Society at New York during the past yeaiwand this with a financial agent in the He'd but a small part of the time. Judging from present prospects, I shall be disappointed if the funds are not considerably aug merited for the year to come, compared with any former year. On motion : Resolved, That we heartily respond to the prop osition which has been made, to. hold, during the present year, a national Anti-Slavery Convention that we recommend to the Executive Committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society to call such a Convention, at some convenient time and place, during the Summer or rail; and that the lvxeC' utive Committee of this Society be instructed to appoint delegates to such Convention when called On motion : Resolved, That we highly approve the resolu tions and proceedings ot the Convention ot Con' gregational churches, recently convened at Ches ter, in relation to slavery. liesolved, lhat the Constitution of the society be so amended that the Treasurer of the Society shall be, ex-officio, member of the Executive Com mittee. Resoloed, That Charles G. Atherton, a member of Congress from New Hampshire, by introducing his gag-resolutions in the House of Kepresenta tives of the United States, on the 13th of Decern ber last, has secured for his name a conspicuous place on the roll of infamy, and that all those members of Congress from the free States, who voted for those resolutions, have proved themselves unworthy the confidence of a free and christian people. On motion : Resolved, That we are as much as ever con vinced of the great sin of African Colonization, which was founded in an unholy union of slave holding and inveterate prejudice against the color ed American ; and that the recent attempts to re enlist the sympathies of the North, in favor of its diabolical schemes, after its wickedness had been so fully developed,and its utter hypocrisy exposed, and after its condemnation had been so frequently and unequivocally pronounced, by all the most in telligent of that class whose special benefit it pro fesses to regard, can be viewed in no other light than a hopeless struggle to sustain a sinking repu tation, rather than frankly to acknowledge an error and co-operate with those who had discovered the fallacy of their scheme and honestly rebuked its wickedness. Thanks were voted to the several churches for the use of their houses. Ifome stic The Boundary Troubles. Advices have been re ceived from Augusta, to Feb. 25th. Mr. Mclntire, the land agent, and his associates, have been released on their parole of honor. ThePortland Al'crtiser of the 21st, says Mr. Rogers, the bearer of Gov. Fairfield's letter to Sir John Harvey, returned with the three following proposi tions from the latter : 1st. That the Provincial Land Agent, Mr. McLaughlin, be released on the same terms that Mr. Mclntire was re leased. 2n. That the trespasser be given up to be tried by the British laws. 3d. That the force on the disputed territory be imme diately withdrawn. Meanwhile the Legislature of Maine has unanimously voted an appropriation of $800,000 for defence. Gov. Fairfield has directed a detachment of 10,000 men to be made by draft from the several divisions. The troops were collecting at Augusta on the 25th. Sir John Harvey demands that Maine should evaduate the disputed territory, and talks of force in case of refusal. The authorities of Maine appear to be equally determined to defend their position, at all hazards. The Massachusetts Senate, Feb. 26, passed strong reso lutions 'endering the co-operation of that stale. The House has doubtless concurred. The following articles from the Atlas, contain the latest news. Correspondence of the Atlas. Senate Chamber, ) Augusta, February 25, 1S39. J Tho troops are collecting at the Capitol. They will march tomorrow or next day. Last evening intelligence reached us that can be relied upon, that our forces under the immediate command of the Land Agent pro tern., had advanced from No. 10 about 40 miles towards Fish river. We are in a state of painful anxiety to hear from them again the moment one drop of blood is shed the people will rush, without waiting for orders, lo the scene of action. The public mind is wrought up to a great excitement. The questjon is will Sir John Harvey back out? Maine cannot and will not. The Legislature of Maine has said by their Resolves that the honor and interest of the Slate demand that a sufficient force shall be placed on tile Restook and St. John to protect our property and defend our rights. If the general government does not come to the rescue then we must make a strong appeal to the pairiotism of old Mass achusetts, and that appeal will not be ineffectual on her chivalric foiis. Our ship of State has put lo sea with a noble cargo, may God bless the voyage, THE MAINE QUESTION IN WASHINGTON. ' The correspondence of the New York Express,writes thus from Washington: Out of the Halls of Congress the most exciting topic of conversation is the trouble between Maine nnd New Bruns wick. Mr. McCrate arrived here lajt night with messages from the Governor of Maine to tho President of the United States. Mr. McCrate ha had two interviews with tho Executive upon tho subject, and the President I believe, thus far, is non-committal, very properly wishing to await further in formation, and feeling embarrassed. Mr. Van Buren will send a messagq to Congress upon the whole subject on Monday or Tuesday. The Maine Dele gation had a meeting this morning, received the special messenger from Maine, and are ready, as far as can be done, to carry out the wishes of Maine. The President and Cab inet, as well as the British Minister and all concerned are sadly puzzled by this movement. The news from Maine is locked for upon the arrival of tlia mail with intense interest. CONGRESSi In Senate, Wednesday, Feb. (i. The bill for the armed occupation of Florida, was dis cussed. PETITIONS, &C. By Mr. Prentiss: From a number of male citizens' of Windham, in Vermont; and also the petition of d num ber of females of the same town, praying for the aboli tion of slavery and the slave-trade in the District of Co 'lumbia, the prohibition of the slave-trade among the slates, and that no new stste bo admitted into the Union whose Constitution tolerates slavery. Motion to receive was ordered to lay on the tatile. Mr. Morris said he had severel petitions of the same na ture, which he had been receiving from time to time, tho' he had forebornc to present them, because he was un willing to lake up the time of the Senate at tt period like the present, when every moment was valuublc. He de sired, however to place himself in a proper'posilion before his constituents and before tho world. The manner in which these petitions were treated, amounted, in fact to rejection. He had drafted n preamble and several resolu tions explanatory of his views on the subject, which he did not ask to have then considered, but lw wished them printed and laid on the table for the further consideration of the Senator's. Mr. Mi then read in effect the following: The right and privilege of petition is an existing princi ple, established by the laws of nature in all animate be ings which are made capable to feel or suffer, and is de signed to be exercised, not for opposition and resistance, or for relief only; and this right, when the people peaceably exercise it for relief or favor from the government, is pla ced in tho Constitution of the United States, and above the power of legislative bodies, who cannot controvert the time when, or tho manner or the matter in and upon which the people shall petition. But recent events in Congress in their proceedings on this important subject, have ren dered it doubtful in many minds, how for that body consid ers the people justifiable and ought to be heard in the ex ercise of their rights, and more especially on the subject of slavery, the slave-trade, and (he abolition of slavery. And as it is an undoubted truth that on all subjects upon which legislative bodies can act, petitions may be present ed; and it seems equally clear that every intelligent human being who is subject to this action, ought to enjoy the right of its fullest extent : Resolved, therefore, lhat as people of the United States, or certain portions of them, claim to have an inal ienable right of petition Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, to suppress the slave trade therein and between the different states and territories or between them and the Republic of Texas, and against the admis sion ot any new state into mo Union whose constitution tolerates slavery, in as full, free, and complete a manner as they can exercise this right on any other subject, it is therefore expedient that all petitions on the aforesaid sub jects, or any of them, presented to Congress by any por tion of the people of the United states, be referred to the committee on the judiciary, which committee is instructed to enquire and report to the Senate their opinion on the following points: 1st. Whether the people of the United States have the right to petition on any of the subjects mentioned. 2d. Whether Congress can abolish slavery in the Dis trict of Columbia. 3d. Whether Congress have tho power to abolish slave ry in the Territories. 4th. Whether Congress have the power to create, intro duce, ot establish slavery in any territory acquired by the United States in which slavery did nt exist at the time it was acquired. 5th. W bother Congress has the power or right to res train or abridge any of tho constitutional rights of the citi zens, because the exercise of such right may tend to call in question the justice and policy of slavery, or to wea'.en or abolish that system in any of the Stales. 6th. Whether Congress can, directly or indirectly, con stitutionally restrain or abridge the freedom of speech or of the press, or tho right of petition. 7. Whether Congress has power to provide for the pro tection of Ihe persons and property of the citizens of anv State, from violence and injury being done such citizens when in another state; but also to protect the citizens of any state, who think proper, within their own slate, lo speak, write, print, and publish their opinions against the moral, political, or religious institutions of another state from trial and punishment in the state whose institutions such speaking, writing, printing, and publishing was de signed to effect. 8. Whether Congress has the power to declare what shall or shall not be made property by any of the slates. 9. VV helher Congress has tho power to authorize the sale of slaves as property to discharge a judgment in favor of the United States. 10. Whether a removal of the seat of Government in to a state in which slavery does not exist would not b ex pedient, consistent with sound policy, and promote the quiet and safety of the country. Kesolved, further, lhat as Congress has no power over the persons of slaves as property in anv state, or the sub ject of slavery therein, a recession of the District of Co lumbia to the states of Virginia and Marvland ou"ht to bo made to prevent the exercise of such power in the te.i miles square. Resolved further, That it belongs exclusively to tho states of this Union to provide lhat a person who may be held to service or labor in one state, under the laws there of, and who shall escape into another state, shall be deliv ered up by such slate to the party to whom such service may be due, and that the states, as parlies to the compact of Union, are in good faith bound to make such provision. Kesolved, further, lhat Congress has not the power to authorize or permit a person to take into, or hold as prop erty in anv state, that which tho constitution and laws of such state declare shall uot be held as property therein; but the citizens of such state ought lo be protected in the several states, in the enjoyment of all privilcies and immu nities that citizens of the state are entitled to, and to none other. Resolved, further, That it would be expedient and prop er for Congress -to ascertain the number of slaves in the District of Columbia, the extent of the slnvetrado carried on within and from the District; whether such slaves are purchased in the District, or brought within the same from ho states for exportation; and how inanv have been ta ;cn from the District, within the last two years, for tale, and to what market they were ta'-.en, whether within or with out the United stales. Mr. Hubbard was totally opposed to the consideration of any such resolutions, or touching the subject in any man ner in that body. ilesolulions of a cor dilatory character had been introduced in the other branch by a rcprccnta- ive from his own state (.cw Hampshire,) vet no individ ual had been more abused than ho had been, though Mr. H. was pursuaded that he had uttered the sentiment of nine tenths of the peoplo of the stale. As long as ho had been n the senate, he had even mado it a matter of policy as well as duty to let the matter alone: to give it no counte nance whatever in the Senate. Mr. Clay, of Alabama, rose to m':c a question of order on the reception. 1 he Chair was understood to say that the rule was im perative; that the Senator had on undoubted right to pro- sent, and lay on the table for consideration, any resolution, and when it came up, as a matter of course, the Sena'e miht act as it should deem fit. Mr. Clay, of Alabama, would as';-. Suppose a fsemtor presented libelous mutter, did the Chair contend that i! might not be rejected on the spot? llio Uhair said tha right woj undoubted under t:io rule. If thorule was wrong, the Chair was not to blaino. Mr. Foster asked if ho was to ba understood lhat the Senate had not the light, to protect itself from the reception of improper communications? If so, it was very strange to him. He was a novice in such matters, he aJinitlel; but he was of opinion that it had the right. Mr. Mori is withdrew the motion to print, and the reso lutions lie over under the rule. In Senate, Tuesday, Ve'.u 7. Mr Clav presented a memorial from the District i f Co lumbia, against the nholition of Slavery, and addressed the Senate at length, in Bupport of the memorial. In the House. Discussion had on tbe sale of Public Lands, and Army Appropriation bill. 4 In SeNATB, Friday, Feb. 8. Mr Clay of Alabama, said there was 11 resolution offered yesterday on which he asked thequcstion of consideration. He alluded to the resolution offered by the Senator from Ohio; not that he wished it considered, for he hoped it never would ha, but he desired the sense; of the Semite on the question af consideration. The Chair stated that the rssolutiori having bn nn day before the Senate, it would come up as a matter ' of course. Mr Morris regretted that it had been called up, lie did not desire immediate' action., lit) would therefore, move tt postpone, it unfi) to-morrow, and. that it be printed. Mr Calhoun, was understood to say that it was in the power of any Senator to demand the question. ,The rea son why the present rule was in force was, that formerly resolutions were passed without any body taking notice, and that it had. been adopteo to prevent such a course. It was like giving notice of the introduction of a bill, and, like that, was just as much open far Consideration. Sir Clay of Alabama demanded the question of consider ation. Mr Morris inquired if there was anv rule which could prevent its being debated. The Chair m:ido an explanation, inaudible to the report er. .Mr Norvo'.l moved to lay the motion to consider on the, table, and, on that question, he would ask the, yea's and nays. Ii must ba apparent to every Sonator that'the prints introduced in the resolution would lead, to an unorofitablo as well as endless discussion. Mr Buchanan nppealad to the, courtesy of the Senator from Michigan to withdraw his motion for a moment. Mr Norvell assented, oil, tli, ground lhat the Senator from Pennsylvania would repw it himself when he had finished. Mr. Buchanan said he, desired to say but one word to jus tify himself for the. Vote he was about to give. He should record his narae. against the proposition. He presumed the whole of his past Course wou'd sufficiently show that he was not friendly to the views of the abolitionists, but fair play was a jewel. ' The Senator from Ohio had a right to be beard: and he desired to give him an opportunity of re plying to the remarks of yesterday; after which he hoped there would be an end of the matter. Air Hubbard applauded the course taken by the Senator, Michigan. There was no unfair play in the matter. The Senator from Ohio had the same rights as any other Senator, and could reach his object by presenting a memo-' rial and giving his views, as the Senator from Kentucky had done. Ho was totally opposed to the consideration of the resolution, and hoped the question of consideration, would be taken and decided in the negative, and put an end to the whole matter. Mr Morris was very deeply indebted to the Senaor from New Harnpshiie for stf much valuable information, lie fhonght he ought to thank him in the name of his constitu ents for letting him know that he had "the same rights as any other Senator;" but he did not desire to bow to any dictatorial mandate. The events of yesterday ought to ba written in characters of fire; they were written indelibly on his mind. When thousands upon thousands were1 knocking at the door of Congress, were they to be told they had ho right to be heard but by tho courtesy of the' Senate? Such doctrines might become the autocrat of Rus sia, but he believed they would dethrone any tyrant in Eu rope. He had looked with pain and regret on all these proceedings. The displays of yesterday called aloud for. action. There were twelve hundred millions of slave pro perty in the South, and six hundred millions in the North, of bank capital, united to ruin this country. Mr Clay of Ala. here rose to a question of order. Mr Morris said he would like to know how he was ou of order. Were tho words used out of order? The Chair mado an explanation ruling Mr M. out of or der. Mr Morris said he should lake his seat, and to-morrow he hoped to have u little more strength when he should say a great deal more. Tho question was taken on Mr Norvell's motion, and de cided in the affirmative, as follows: Yeas Messrs. Allen, Benton, Brown, Calhoun, Clay of Ala., Foster, Fulton, Hubbard, King, Linn, Lumpkin, Merrick, Mouton, Nicholas, Norvell, Pierce, Preston, Roane, Sevier, Smith of Ct., Spence, White 22. Nays Messrs. Bayard, Buchanan, Clay of Ivy., Clay ton, Crittenden, Lavis, Mclvean, Morris, Nilcs, Prentiss, Robbins, Robinson, Ruggles, Smith of la., Southard, Smith, Tallmadge, Wall, Williams of Maine, Young 20f In the House. Tho day Was occupied with the business relating to pub lic, lands, nnd on private bills. In Senate, Saturday, Feb. 9. Mr Morris presented numerous petitions from inhabitant of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, aijd Michigan, in rela tion to the abolition of slavery. Mr Morris addressed the Senate at length on this subject, giving his views of the right of petition, fic. He movml their reference to the Committee on the Judiciary. The motion lo receive was ordered to lie on the table. In the House. Further discussions were held oa the public lands, and on sundry private bills. HlilcaiTO.X MARKET. Reported fir the Boston Patriot & Daily Advertiser. J Monday, February 25, 183:). " At market 425 Beef Cattle, 10 yoke. Working Oxen, 15 Cows and Calves 1375 Sheep, and n,o Sw ine. Piucts. Beef C'ntlic. Owing to tde, large' quantity at marke, and the bad state of the weather, prices of last week were not sustained. First quality, $8 to $S25; second quality, $7 to $7 DO ; third quajity $6 50 tO 7. Working Oxen.- One yoke sold for $'JL10, Cott's and Calves. 30, 35, 40, and Sheep. ?3,75, $4, $4,30 to $5. Another lot from E. Phinney's farm, similar to the lot reported last week, for 6,50. Five beautiful cosset wethers f;om Princeton, Mass. were offered for 2t) each; $25 were offered, but refused. MARRIAGES, In Wheclock, by Rev. John Davis, Ilollis Heath, Esj. to Miss Sally Cochran. At North Danville, on4he 14th inst. by Rev. S. Keller, Mr. Jacob S. Stanton to Miss Laura Green. " In D.mvillc, on the 18th inst. by Rev. S. Kellcy, Mr. Ilimry II. Hidden, of Craflsbury, to Miss Mary Jane West. DEAT II S In Morrisville, Jan. 26", Mrs. Letticc Ann Mavo, wife of F.dwa-d L. Mayo, Esq. and daughter of E.ijih and Orpha Hulden of Barro, aged 25 years. At Wells River, 22d inst. Jane Eliza, only child of Hi ram Tracy, Esq., aged 15 months. I'OT-AMH K 12 TlX US! F superior quality, and extras'wed Caldrons, suit able to set in Arches, for sale by the Brandon Iron Co., at the Foundry, and by their Agent, Zenas Wood, at Montpelier. Also, CORN SHELLERS; IMPROVED PLOUGHS; CULTIVATOR TEETH, and a general va riety of STOVES. Including the Improved "Coiiant Pa tent," which is believed to be superior to any of the mod ern stoves with small fire arches, ' Sheet Iron, elevated ovens will he furnished both at Bi-nmlon and Montnalicr for Ihe Conant Phtent, Rotary, ook, which, with the Cast Iron Oven attached At Vermont lyoo't to eah of these Stoves, renders them the most desirable Coo' ing Stoves now in the market. The cost of the corn sholler will be saved in labor by orjinary farmers in two seasons, besides the saving of room thov a ford in getting out corn. JOHN A. CONANT, Agent. B.aiulon, Jan. 1839. 3 tf IVcw Arrangement! PPpIin Subscriber having taken as partner his son, WIL--ii. LI.VM P. IHDGER, in the business heretofore con ducted bv liiuiK''f, the business will hereafter bedor,fi un dar the tir.n of j. E. BAD. 5 Eli & SON. J. E. BADGER. Muj ,'e,; Tub. 7, tS3!. " 6:tf HIT, CAP ANDFUR STORE, STATE St., MONTPELIER, Vt. Dealers in MATS, CAPS, STOCKS, FURS, RUSFENDERS, Gloves, Hosiery, &c, &c, would return their thanks to the oilizons of Montpelier and vicinity for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to their establishment and solicit a continunnce of the same. N. B. Merchants supplied with H'i of 11 kinds at city wholesale prices. ' Februvy 7, 1830. .1 ! . .tf