OCR Interpretation

The voice of freedom. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1839-1848, April 20, 1839, Image 3

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National Aunivesary.
The Executive Committee have appointed some
seventy odd delegates to the coming annual meet
ing of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Tho'
we do not expect to find allof these at Broadway
Tabernacle on the 7th of May, still we trust that
an unusual number will bo on the ground. We
need not specify reasons. Our friends who have
watched the progress of events the last six months,
need not be told that the present is a period of un
precedented interest to the ca.usc of the slave.
Questions of great importance and delicacy are
coming up at the next meetings the decision of
which it is vastly important to have a full expres
sion from all parts of the anti-slavery field. We
trust that those who have been appointed delegates
will consider these things, and let not trifles hinder
the attendance of any one on the list.
Anecdote. A gentleman residing somewhere
near the 44th degree of North latitude, who acts
as a sort of Informer General against abolitionists,
was lately discoursing on the subject of slavery
After protesting, in the usual way, that he was as
much opposed to slavery as any body, he. at once
began to apologize for the slaveholders, alleging
that 1 they came as honestly by the slaves as our
farmers have by their cattle,' &c. The conversa
lion soon turned upon the treatment of the slaves,
their religious advantages, &c. ' Why,' said our
colonization champion, ' in Pennsylvania it is a
common thing for masters to call in their slaves
ometimes 40 or 50, to attend family prayers.'
Extract of a letter from Orleans county, of
April 16 :
" The cause of ' immediate freedom to the slave
is rapidly gaining ground in this vicinity. Al
most all our public men, ministers, deacons, law-
years, doctors, merchants, and beside these our
intelligent farmers, are strong in believing this
should be the motto of every true republican."
E7" Of twenty-three weekly papers in this state,
only five have published Morris's speech in reply
to Clay. These papers are, the Windham County
Democrat, The People's Press, The Thursday
News, the Vt. Telegraph and The Voice of Free
dom. Mr. Clay's pro-slavery speech has appear
cd in about the same number of papers.
tD,"We trust that the length of Gov. Camp's
letter, on the first page, will not prevent its perusal
by every reader.
We have another letter, addressed to the Presi-
den of the State A. S. Society, from the Hon.
Waitstill R. Ranney, Senator from Windham
C7 Our friend at the North is informed that
the failure of the package is not chargeable upon
us. The suggestion at the close of our friend's
letter is important. The subject has already been
laid before the Executive Committee.
The Maine ' Advocate of Freedom' is not re
ceived at this office. Will the Editor do us the
favor to exchange ?
We shall find room soon for the very ac
ceptable offering of our friend B. of Franklin
E7" The Champlain Steamboats are now mak
ing their daily trips between St Johns and White
C7"Dr. Channing is out upon Mr. Clay, in a
long letter, an extract from which we publish to
day. 017" A slip from the office of the Woodstock
Mercuy brings us intelligence of the death of Ben
jamin Swan, Esq.
For the Voice of Freedom.
" The Flag of the Union, published at Tuscaloosa, the
eat of government in Alabama, states that since the com
mencement of the late session of the legislature of that state.
. " no less than thirteen fights had been had within sight of
the capitol! And fights in that region, be it understood,
mean something more than a gentle tap on the head; pis
tols and Bowie knives were used in every case." Zion'i
Mr. Knapp :
In this extract we have a fair specimen of the
blessings of slavery, and of the safety of living in
ociety where slavery reigns. Fistols and Bowie
knives are common companions. Feuds and
bloodshed, occurrences of almost every day. Civ
il law prostrate under the foot of Lynch law. Vio
lence triumphing over right. Assassinations hard
ly worth a passing remark. And dueling the
climax of honor. What a charming state of so
ciety ! What wolf, or savage, or infernal, would
not be delighted with such scenes !
But is there any thing strange in all this ? If
you sow the wind, what can you expect but the
whirlwind ? If children are cradled in the lap of
slavery see their parents insult, abuse, and treat
their slaves with unrestrained cruelty, and are al
lowed even from their infancy to play the petty
tyrant, and to give unbridled vent to all the lusts
and passions of their evil hearts, what can we
expect, but pistols, and Bowie knives, and assas
tinations, and duels ? Such effects should be ex
pected from such causes. Those who sow ad
der's teeth, must expect a crop of vipers : and
those who will go to reside in such a region, must
expect to feel the fangs of the viper. Evil com
munications will corrupt good manners. Chil
dren will oon learn to do as others do. And
those that live with the Romans, will conduct like,
the Romans. Tyrants at home, will be tyrants
abroad : and passions that are daily indulged -in
acts of cruelty towards slaves, will not brook re
straint when roused by a brother, a friend, or a
neighbor. It is then just what we might expect,
that Lynch law, Bowie knives, and duels, and as
sassinations, and blood, should be the order of the
day. Can a christian then, place himself and
children in such a situation for the sake of gain ?
Remember how Lot and his family prospered in
Sodom. - K. B.
From the Pennsylvania Freeman.
Dr. Cliaiiiiiiig's New Work.
We have received a copy of a new pamphlet of
91 pages, by William Ellery Channing. It is
mainly occupied with a review of Clay's speech in
the United States Senate, but incidentally discus
ses the whole subject of Abolitionism. It is, judg
ing from the few pages we have found time to
read, one of the ablest efforts of the author, unu
sually nervous, eloquent and impassioned. It ex
poses, with somewhat of lofty scorn, the misera
ble sophistries, and animadverts with becoming
indignation upon the monstrous and unchristian
sentiments of the Kentucky orator. We cannot
envy the feelings with which these strictures will
be read by Henry Clay. Their justice and truth
will be felt, even through the triple searing of a
slaveholding conscience. We make a few extracts
from the pamphlet, to give our readers an idea of
its power :
" The constitution requires the free States to
send back to bondage the fugitive slave. Does
this show that we have no concern with the do
mestic institutions of the South ? that the guilt of
them, if such there be, is wholly theirs, and to no
degree ours ? This clause makes us direct par
takers of the guilt ; and, of consequence, we have
a vital interest in the matter of slavery. I know
no provision of the constitution at which my. mor
al feelings revolt, but this. Has not the slave a
right to fly from bondage ? Who among us doubts
it ? Let any man ask himself, how he should con
strue his rights, were he made a slave ; and does
he not receive an answer from his own moral na
ture, as bright, immediate, and resistless, as light
ning? And yet we of the free States stop the fly
ing slave and give him back to bondage ! It
does not satisfy me to be told that this is a part of
that sacred instrument, the constitution, which all
are solemnly bound to uphold. No charter of
man's writing can sanctify injustice, or repeal
God's Eternal Law. I cannot escape the convic
tion, that every man, who aids the restoration of
the flying slave, is a wxpng-doer, though this is
done by our best and wTsest men with no self-reproach.
To send him from a free State into bon
dage, seems to me much the same thing as to
transport him from Africa to the West Indies or
this country. I shall undoubtedly be told, that
the fugitive is a slave by the laws of the territory
from which he escapes. But when laws are ac
knowledged violations of the most sacred rights,
we cannot innocently be active in replacing men
under their cruel power. The slave goes back
not merely to toil and sweat for his master as be
fore. He goes to be lacerated for the offence of
flying from oppression. For hardly any crime is
the slave so scored and scarred as for running
away; and for every lash that enters his flesh,
we of the free States, who have given him back,
must answer.
I know perfectly how these views will be re
ceived at the North and South. Some will call
me a visionary, while more will fix on me a hard
er name. Jiut 1 look above scotters and denounc
ers, to that pure, serene, Almighty Justice, which
is enthroned in Heaven, and inquire of bod, the
Father of us all, whether he approves the surren
der of the flying slave. I shall be charged with
irreverence towards the fathers of the Revolution,
the framers of our glorious national charter. But
I reply, that, great as they were, they were falli
ble, and that the progress of opinion since their
day, seems to me to have convicted them of error
in the matter now in hand. 1 am aware too, that
good and wise men, friends who are dear to me,
will disapprove my free, strong language. But I
must be faithful to the strong moral conviction
which I cannot escape on this subject. If I am
right, the truth which I speak, however question
ed now, will not have been spoken in vain. To
day is not Forever. The men who now scorn or
condemn, are not to live forever. Let a few years
pass, and we shall all have vanished, and other
actors will fill the stage, and the despised and neg
lected truths of this generation will become the
honored ones of the next."
The author thus comments upon the Kentucky
statesman s valuation ot slave property :
" Mr. Clay maintains, that ' the total value of
the slave property in the United states is twelve
hundred millions of dollars,' and considers this
' immense amount' as putting the freedom of the
slave out of the question. Who can be expected
to make such a sacrifice ? The accuracy of this
valuation ot the slaves 1 have nothing to do with
I admit it without dispute. But the impression
made on my .mind by the vastness of the sum, is
directly the reverse of the effect on Mr. Clay.
Regarding slavery as throughout a wrong, I see,
in the immenseness of the value ot the slaves, the
enormous amount of robbery committed on them.
I see 'twelve hundred millions of dollars' seized,
extorted by unrighteous force. I know not on the
face of the earth a system of such enormous spoli
ation. I know nowhere injustice on such a giant
scale. And yet, the vast amount of this wrong is,
in the view of many, a reason for its continuance!
If I strip my neighbor of a few dollars, I ought
to restore them ; but if 1 have spoiled him ot his
All, and grown rich on the spoils, I must not be
expected to make restitution ! Justice, when it
will cost much, loses its binding power! What
makes the present case most startling is, that this
vast amount of nronertv consists not of the poods
of injured men, but of the men themselves. Here
are human nerves, living men, worth at the mar
ket price, ' twelve hundred millions of dollars.'
That this enormous wrong should be perpetuated
in the bosom of a Christian and civilized commu
nity, is a sad comment on our times. Sad and
strancre, that a distinguished man, in the face of a
great people and of the world, should talk with
entire indifference of fellow-creatures, held and la
belled as property, to this ' immense amount.'
But this property, we are told, is not to be
questioned, on account of its long duration. ' Two
hundred vears of legislation have sanctioned and
sanctified negro slaves as property.' Nothing but
respect for the speaker could repress criticism on
this unhappy phraseology. We will trust it es
caped him without thought. But to confine our
selves to the argument from duration ; how ohvi-
ous the reply ! Is injustice changed into justice
by the practice of ages ? Is my victim made a
righteous prey, because I have bowed him to the
earth till he cannot rise ? For more than twp hun
dred years heretics were burned, and not by mobs,
not by Lynch law, but by the decrees of coun
cils, at the instigation of theologians, and with
the sanction of the laws and religions of nations ;
and was this a reason for keeping up the fires,
that they had burned two hundred years ! In the
Eastern world, successive despots, not for two
hundred years, but for twice two thousand, have
claimed the right of life and death over millions,
and with no law but their own will, have behead
ed, bowstrung, starved, tortured unhappy men
without number, who have incurred their wrath ;
and does the lapse of so many centuries sanctify
murder and ferocious power ?
But the great argument rerr.ains. It is said
that this property must not be questioned, because
it is established by law. ' That is property, which
the law declares to be property.' Thus, human
law is made supreme, decisive, in a grave ques
tion of morals. Thus, the idea of an eternal,
immutable justice, set at nought. Thus the great
rule of human life is made to be the ordinance ot
interested men. But there is a higher tribunal, a
throne of equal justice, immovable by the con
spiracy of all human legislatures. ' 1 hat is prop
erty, which the law declares to be property.'
lhen the laws have only to declare you, or me,
or Mr. Clay, to be property, and we become chat
tels and are bound to bear the yoke ! Does not
every man's moral nature repel this doctrine too
intuitively to leave tune or need for argument V
The italics are by Mr. Clay.
From the Friend of Man.
"Abolition hinders Revivals I"
'Tis Sunday evening and I have just returned
trom meeting where I witnessed a scene around
which angels linger with delight and which
causes loud anthems of joy to resound through all
Heaven, and which adds another refutation to the
long list already adduced, to the base calumny in
serted over this article, so often in the mouths of
pro slavery men and abolition haters. Mr. Al
ien's (formerly Mr. Kirk's) church, as you know,
friend Goodell, is on North Market st. in Albany,
and you know too, somewhat of the reputation of
that church lor its spirituality and that it has
maintained and still maintains the character of an
abolition church and it has recently been said to
me by some of its members, "we are all abolition
ists in our church," and by the way, it is the
largest church by lar, as to numbers, there is in
the city. Their minister prays abolition, and
preaches it too and so do the members ; and this
forenoon, the minister preached from the text, Ex
odus 14: 15. " And the Lord said unto Moses,
wherefore cryest thou unto me ? Speak unto the
people that they go forward." From the text the
preacher illustrated most conclusively the doctrine
that it is always safe and right, to obey God, even
though a sea rolls its waves before us, we are to
go forward and though he requires an Abra
ham to offer up an only son, there is to be no
shrinking, but to go forward. When the Israel
ites were required to go round the walls of Jeri
cho seven times, or when the prophet required Na-
aman to dip seven times in Jordan for his leprosy,
how naturally would the suggestion arise " what
good will these simple acts accomplish ?" But
the command of God is go forward. And who
does not know in all these cases, the grand, the
triumphant results which followed obedience to
God, and what would have been the results of dis
obedience? who can tell? The principle was
brought to bear upon the obligation to sanctify the
Sabbath, in which the minister referred to the late
session of Congress upon the Lord's day, by which
that body has provoked the judgments of the Al
mighty. He also applied it to our obligations to
go lorward in the great benevolent causes indeed
the text itself is a sermon of reproof to all time
servers and expediency men, who choose to gov-
ern inemseives oy man s wisdom ratner than by
the wisdom of God. Well, now to the point hint
ed at, at the commencement of this " sketch."
Under all the circumstances named above, could
any one suppose that a continuous revival of reli
gion is going on in this church. Yes ! Aboli
tionists would say that would be the result, as a
matter of course. Anti-Abolitionists would say,
no; they would be looking and anxiously expect
ing (not to say hoping,) that the " peace and har
mony ot the church would be disturbed by tntro
during such subjects into it ! But what is the
tact ? Why, a large number have been hopefully
converted to God, some hundred or two ; and
when, after service this evening, the minister, Mr
Allen, invited those who had indulged a hope re
cently, to rise up, and walk into the next room,
perhaps one hundred rose, and thus separated
themselves from the congregation for religious ad
vice and instruction. And who were the subjects
of this work? They were the old, the middle
aged and the young of both sexes; and this is the
scene to which I referred, as causing joy among
the celestial inhabitants, and it seemed as though
the bounding hearts of Christians too, who were
present, were full of joy unspeakable. So we see
that, so far from the caption of this article being
true, the reverse is the truth, that those who come
up unitedly to the help of the Lord in behalf of
the slave, against the mighty, are sure to expe
rience the refreshing dews ol divine grace. It is
said here, that this is the only church in the city
where any revival at all exists, and it is the only
church among the multitude in this city, where
the slave's cause is not fettered. In the other
Presbyterian and Dutch Reformed churches, his
cause is so dispised that even a notice cannot be
read for an anti-slavery meetiner. No wonder
dearth reigns, and that souls are not converted ;
and that infidelity is strengthened. As further
evidence of the truth of the position, I have as
sumed in this article, I would cite the fact as sta
ted in Zion's Watchman of March 16th, which I
have just received, in which it is stated that the
Congregational Church in Syracuso has shared
in a glorious revival of late, where there have
been one hundred and fifty or two hundred con
vertecP"and the work still going on. Now this
church Watisn it sustains the holv cause of hu
manity and unfolds its doors to the advocates of
the bleeding slave is sneeringly called in lvra-
cuse, the " negro church !" How true it is that
" the Lord dvvelleth with thein that are of a con
trite spirit, and that tremble at his word."
I'. W. U00DW1X.
National A. S. Convention. In coniformity
to the recommendation of a large number of aux
iliaries, the Executive Committee of the Ameri
can Anti-Slavery Society, some weeks since, re-
solved to call a National Convention of Abolition
ists, to bo held some time during the summer, to
consider our duty in the present crisis of our
cause. At the meeting of the committee, March
21, it was voted that the convention be held on
Tuesday, July 30, at 10 o'clock, A. M. This
was thought to be a time as little encumbered as
any in the summer, with calls upon the farmers,
and it would enable the friends from the different
parts of the country to unite in a solemn commem
oration of the first of August.
The place is not yet fixed upon, but will proba
bly be Albany. Email,
Forei gn JYc tc s .
I'onrtcen days later from Europe.
The Great Western has arrived at New York,
after a passage of twenty-three days. She en
countered head winds all the way. She brings
London pnpers to the 22d.
On the 17th of March, in tho House of Com
mons, Sir S. Canning inquired of the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, whether he had received any in
formation from Washington with reference to the
recent collision which was reported to have taken
place upon the boundary between the State of
Maine and the province of New Brunswick. He
need not remark how important this subject was.
He was desirous to know whether the noble lorfll
had been informed of the course which the Amer
ican government proposed to take in consequence
of this transaction. He also wished to be inform
ed whether there was any reasonable probability
of the negociations which had now been carrying"
on for eight years, for the settlement of this ques
tion of disputed territory, being brought to a sat
isfactory termination.
Lord Palmerston stated in reply, that he hud
received but very imperfect information upon this
subject from our minister at Washington. The
circumstances to which the honorable gentleman
referred, were only known generally in that city,
their details not having arrived. It was not yet,
therefore, in his power to state what course the
American government intended to pursue. He
would be, however, fully justified in stating that
the most friendly disposition toward this country
prevailed in that quarter (Hear.)
Sir S. Canning What is the date of the com
munication to which the noble lord refers ?
Lord Palmerston replied that he aid not remem
ber the exact date, but that the communication
had reached him by a rapid conveyance (the
Great Western.) He could not say whether the
result of the negociations referred to by the hon
orable gentleman would be satisfactory or not; but
this he could say, that both governments were an
imated by a most serious desire to obtain such a
result. (Hear.)
In the House of Commons, on the 21st, Mr 0'
Connell repeated the question he hud before ask
ed, whether the capital executions in Canada were
about to cease.
Mr Labouchere said he was happy to inform
the House that communications had been received
from Sir John Colborne, and Sir G. Arthur, in
which those gallant officers stated that they did
not imagine any farther capital executions would
be necessary.
Mr. Hume brought forward his motion for the
extension of the right of suffrage, which was op-
osed at great length by Lord John Kussell, and
ost ayes 50, noes 85.
The Maine Boundary Question. The steamer
Liverpool had not reached England when the
Great Western sailed, consequently the action of
Congress on the Boundary (Question was not known
there. The special message of the President, how
ever, was carried out by the packet ship England,
which had arrived.
The subject has been far from producing the ex
citement which many have apprehended. Some
oi me more violent lory papers seem to be ratner
belligerently inclined, but in general the tone of
all the journals, both Whig and Tory, is exceed
ingly pacific. This is especially the case with the
Times, which advocates the settlement of the con
troversy by an exchange of territory. Any further
apprehensions of any collision growing out of this
aiiair may now be sately dismissed.
JPomestic .
Death of Benjamin Swan, Esq.
We perform a melancholy duty, in announcing
the decease of Benjamin Swan, Esq. who died
at his residence in this town on Thursday the
11th instant, at the aee of seventy six years. It
is needless to say that he was universally respect
ed and beloved. No man was ever more highly
esteemed by the people of this state, and no man
was more deserving, none more faithful, none
more honest.
For nearly half a century, Mr. Swan has been
a prominent man in the community. It is nearly
fifty years since he came to this town and estab
lished himself as a merchant, having been bred
to the business in one of the first housesJn Mas-
, Tt- .1 1 .'1 J
sacnuseiis. nis inorougu mercantile eaucauoi
and his correct views of commercial and financia
matters were of great assistance to him in the va
rious public avocations to which he was called,.
and rendered him valuable as an accurate and
ready man, in all business transactions. In pub
lie and private life his urbanity of manners, con
ciliatory deportment and undoubted integrity, se
cured the respect and confidence of the whole
community. With the elevation ot character
which ho possessed and the deference universally
paid to him, he was a man of great modesty and
humility. His christian character was as we
distinguished by meekness, as by his numerous
acts of benevolence. He lived and died without
an enemy, at peace with oil mankind and en
iovinc the hope of a happy immortality.
ilr. swan lias sustainea a variety oi oiures ami
public trusts. He was the first postmaster ap
pointed in this town, and resigned the office when
other cares engaged his attention, in trie year
1796, on the resignation by Gnu. Morns of the
ortice or me county clerk, :wr. :van was ap
pointed to that place and from that tune lo his
death, a period of forty three years, has held the
office of clerk of the supreme and county court.
In the year 1S00, m was appointed by the legis
lature, treasurer of the state, and thenceforward
for thirty two successive years was elected to
that office by the freemen of this state, and gener
ally without opposition. Ho lias, with great cred
it and perfect fidelity, executed many other respon
sible offices. It is impossible in the short space
allotted to a newspaper article to do justice to
the memory of such a man, out H win live mm
flourish, as long as the present ceneration of men
shall remain ; and their children will, in after
years, call up the warm recollections which their
fathers entertained of the virtue and integrity, tho
exemplary life and christian chnracter of Benja
min bwAN. Vt. Mercury,
Massachusetts 4ni r)rTir-r Ar,nrA,.rr i.
the Boston Post, the result is as follows, Parmen
ter4972; Brooks 4432; Scattering 529. At the) '
previous election, there were 731 scattering votes..
The New York election 1ms
the Administration. Maioritv for Vnri fnr TVTnv.
or, 1059. Whole number of votes, 41,231.
The Treatv betwppn Fnn -,i tvt . l-.
been ratified by the latter.
Wool. Boston prices. Prim Snvn,.
ces, lb. washed, 57 a 62 ; American full "blood,
washed, 52 a 55 ; do 3-4 do. 47 a 50 ; do 1-2 do.
12 a 45; 1-4 and common, do. 37 a 40 ; Superf.
Northern, pulled lamb, 52 a 55 ; No. 1, do. do.
47, a 50 ; No. 2, do. do. 30 a 35.
Sales of Wool are generally made on a credit of
6 months, and the above quotations are the credit
Sixth Anniversary
TY. The sixth anniversary .w ill be held, ivith Divine
permission, in the city of New York, on Tuesday,
the 7th day of May next. The public exercises
will be in Broadway Tabernacle, and commence
at ten o'clock, A. M. An abstract of the Annual
Report will be read, and several addresses deliv
ered by brethren from different parts of the Union.
A meeting for business will be held in the Lecture
Room of the Tabernacle, in the afternoon, after
the public meeting, and be continued, probably,
for one or two subsequent days.
All the auxiliaries are requested to send dele
gates, and members of Anti-Slavery Societies,
throughout the country, are invited to attend the
Josiipa Leavitt, Committee
Lewis Tappan, of
La Roy Scndeklanp, ) Arrangements.
N. B. Editors friendly to the cause of human
rights, are respectfully requested to give the abova
notice an insertion in their respective papers.
Reported for the Yankee Farmer.
Monday', April 15, 1839.
At market 315 Beef Cattle, 14 yoke Working Oxen, 19
Cows and Calves, 625 Sheep, and 1750 Swine.
Prices. Beef Cattle. First quality, $8,75 lo $9;
second quality, 7,50 to $8 J third quality $7, tO $7,25.
Working Oxen. $110, $ 115, $118, $ 125, $1,50.
Cows and Calves. $36, $40, $45 and $50.
Sheep. $4,25, $4,50 $5 to $6,50.
In Bethel, Mr Hiram Twitchel lo Miss Alice C. Child.
In Burlington, Mr Ira Blin to Miss Sophia E. Fisk. In
Colchester, Mr Freeman Button to Miss Catherine Weeks.
In this village, April 18, Chester York, aged 21
years, son of Mr. Parker York.
At Waterloo, S. C, Joseph E. Chnpin, of Burlington. .
In West Hartford, on the 26th inst. of consumption,
Ruth P., daughter of Stephen S. and Caroline Downer,
aged 3 years.
In Monkton, Vt. March 21, Mrs. Susanna Shattuck, aged
72, the wife of Nathaniel Shattuck.
In Monkton, Olive Alexander, 79. In Underbill, I.u
cint B., wife of Deacon E. Frink, and daughter of Capt.
E. Birge, 31. In Williston, Mrs. Mary Wakefield, wife
of Mr. Simeon Wakefield, 57. In Bridgewaler, Mrs. Pris
cilla Thomson, widow of the late Noah Thomson, Esq.,
formerly of Halifax, Mass., 89. In Hartford, Mr. Olivor
Dutton, 73.
In Hillsborough, N. II. on the 1st inst., the Hon. Ben
jamin Pierce, in the 83d year of his age.
In Wilmington, Del., Hezekiah Niles, lato of Baltimore.
As the editor and proprietor of Nile's Register, the de
ceased entitled himself to the gratitude of his countrymen
in furnishing the best record extant of passing events of
national or local importance.
CW. STORRS having received into co-partnership
tinue business at the Langdon store recently occupied by
Baylies & S-roRns, under the firm of STORRS &
LANGDONS. And the patronage of their friends and the
public generally, is respectfully solicited.
Montpelier, April 1. 1839.
Montpelier, Vt.
JCyAll orders promptly attended to. 12:tf
New Arrangement!
f BHE Subscriber having taken as partner his son, WI1.
JtL MAM P. BADGER, in the business heretofore con
ducted by himself, the business will hereafter be done un
der the firm of J. E. BADGER & SON.
Montpelior, Feb. 7, 1839. 6:tf
Dealers iu
Gloves, Hosiery, &c. &c, would return their
thanks to the citizens of Montpelier and viciiiitv for their
liberal patronage heretofore extended to Iheir establishment,
nd solicit a continuance of the same. .
N. B. Merchants supplied with Hats of all kinds at city
wholesale prices.
February 7, 1838. :tl
rjlHOSE indebted to J. fc. IiAUGI'.K, by note or account,
.ML of over six months standing, are requested to rail and
adjust the sums immediately. J, E, BADGER.
1 ehrunry 7, l;w. ti:tf
Jan. 5, 1839, ;(t

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