Newspaper Page Text
THE VOICE OP F U E E D O M . THE VOICE OF FREEDOM. MONTPELIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1839. The Debates. No apology, we are sure, will be deemed ne cessary, for devoting; several numbers of the Voice mainly to the discussions and documents of the National Convention. Our first thought was, to present only an abstract of the debates, but as this course might give offence to some, we have de termined to spread out the whole as it came from the reporter. We bespeak an attentive perusal of the speeches published to-day, as well ris those which are to follow. Those of Messrs. Goodell, Lee, Stanton and Stewart will be found to bo .especially able, timely and eloquent. The lecture tof Mr. Scoble, of London, exhibiting the work ing of freedom in the British colonies is promised ,'by the Emancipator, and will be sought for with avidity. The Address of the Convention to the (Citizens of the United States, ought also to be universally read. And we here respectfully re quest at the hands of political journalists, of what ever party, its insertion in their columns. "The State of Things." Under the above caption, the editor of the Chron icle has another chapter on the delinquencies of the Voice of Freedom the monstrosities of Col. Miller attacks on " the freedom of the clergy," &c. If the editor of the Chronicle and his breth ren of kindred feelings, could be persuaded to de vote oncihalf of the time and space now occupied by them in blazoning the real or supposed faults of abolitionists, to a consideration of " the state of things" we mean 3,000,000 " things" according to the law and religion of the South, we don't know but the anti-slavery society might dispense with the labors of such " pestilent fellows" as have so much disturbed the quiet of the wise and pru dent, of late. Certain we are that this fault-find ing about men and means, this din of controversy about clerical prerogative, and harmony in the churches, would measurably give place to solemn discussion and action more befitting " the state of things" in the American Church at the present era. In respect to the controversy between the Rev. Mr. Ingraham, the Chronicle and Col. Miller, we have not volunteered a3 the ' champion' of either. When the Chronicle charged Col. M. with the avowed intention of "breaking down ministers and breaking up churches that would not pronounce his Shibboleth,'' we were assured by Col. M. that his langaage and meaning had been palpably mis represented and perverted. That he expressed a wish and determination to rid the ministry and the churches of proslaveryism, he freely admitted. Tliid, ho declared was " the head and front of his oifending," and that whoever charged him with any desire or design of waging war against min isters or churches as such, was guilty of falsehood. With such assurances, we met the charge of the Chronicle with a prompt denial, on behalf of the accused. The Chronicle subsequently published a. note from Mr. Charles Marsh, purporting to give some choice expressions, duly dressed up in quo tations, which expressions, the public were told, were tantamount to those imputed to Col. Miller by the Chronicle, as evincive of an intention to " break down ministers and break up churches that would not pronounce his Shibboleth." It turns out, after all, pro-slavery men being judges, that the terms " breaking down ministers" and " break ing up churches," were coined in the Chronicle mint. The bugbear could not be made to assume an aspect sufficiently frightful without this trifling draft' upon the editor's imagination. The sly Jesuitism of the matter has a fair parallel in the famous effort of the same journal to fasten on M Garrison the cedit of calling George Washington " a liar now in hell." The editor of the Chronicle remarks that " proofs are accumulating that Col. Miller is not alone in these intentions," i. e. intentions to " break down ministers," &c. And who are the accomplices ? Why, the National Convention at Albany. How so ? " He was made a Vice President of the Na tional Convention at Albany "! Who else is guil ty? The State Anti-Slavery Society, to be sure. Why ? " Col, Miller, notwithstanding all devel opements of his doings and intentions, is still lec turing as an agent of the State Society" ! And again, " His lectures are honored with an editori al puff in the last Voice of Freedom" ! and " his doings and avowed intentions in the premi ses cannot be regarded otherwise than os theirs" ! ! What an oversight it was that the conservators of the peace of the churches at the Albany meeting did not file a protest against that abominable Col. Miller ! Alas for us, the whole body of 494, and what is more, their constituents with them, stand charged with the crime of "breaking down min isters" no of faithfully rebuking those professed rninisters of Chri6t who are too proud to take the part of the poor, outcast victims in the prison house of slavery ! The Chronicle lakes alarm at our article or last week, relating to the General Convention, where in we expressed the hope that the body would con tend for " as high a standard of ethics as has been recognized by all consistent politicians for the last five years." Understand us. Politicians who are eound abolitionists have for years, in the face of Doctor W oy'and's book of limitations, pronounced slavery a sin under all circumstances and in all places a system involving a combination of all the moral evil that exists among men. ' They de clare plainly that slavery comprehends in its scope, hatred of God, idolatry, profanity, sabbath-break- ing, disobedience to parents, murder, adultery, stealing, lying and covetousness. Now wo nsk that the Congregational and Presbyterian Minis ters of Vermont, in the year 1S39, will pronounce their solemn judgment upon this complicated inU quity. If they speak at all, would the Chronicle have them avoid the grand point of pronouncing slavery sinful under all circumstances ? Would the Chronicle advise that the subject be treated as the merest pecadillo ? For what was the church instituted for what the ministry ordained, if not to bear testimony against sin to labor and pray for its eradication from the earth? We say in the words of another, "If in New England, where freedom has loved to dwell, and where, as the almoner of God's bounty, she has quenched the people's thirst from the smitten rock, and made them suck honey out of the flinty rock, if, in the heart of this free commonwealth, the ministers of heaven's word shall, from a blind policy, a faint heart, or a mis taken sense of duty, refuse to remonstrate against slavery in our land, one wonld think that nature itself would speak out; that the forests would murmur and sigh ; that the rocks would cry out from the mountain ; that the hearts of these hills would throb with audible pulsations ; that these rallies would wail with unsleeping echoes ; and the broad atmosphere be filled with the cries of freedom, in agony for the crushed and bleeding slave." The Rev. Leonard Worcester, wishing to have Col. Miller's story respecting himself contradict ed where it had been most heard and credited. sent a communication on the subject to the. Voice of Freedom. The champion of " free discussion" who presides over that paper, would not publish the slandered minister's vindication of himself. The readers of the Voice must be kept in the dark about it. Vt. Chronicle. Without commenting on the dignified courtesy of the Chronicle's rebuke, let it suffice to say that the affair of the " story" has appeared to us, from its first appearance in the Chronicle, as a studied attempt to disparage Col. Miller and the cause he serves, rather than to do away an unfounded ru mor. Who supposes that Leonard Worcester was criminally implicated in the alleged gambling fra cas ? We are surprised that a man of his dis cernment has been prevailed on to appear in the papers on so slender a pretext. But we are net surprised that the Chronicle should seize upon this small matter with its usual zeal. The Chronicle's rebuke in this case comes with a peculiar grace, after having himself utterly re fused a candid reply to Mr. Ingraham's letter, written and signed by a member of the executive committee, brother Holcomb of Brandon. National Convention. In publishing the pro ceedings of the late Convention at Albany, we o- mitted the list of delegates, for want of room. We annex a statement of the numbers in. attend ance, by States. There were From Maine 3 delegates. " N. Hampshire 9 " " Vermont 33 " " Massachusetts 77 " " Connecticut .23 ' " Rhode Island 7 " New York 270 " " Pennsylvania 33 " " Delaware 2 ' " Ohio 3 " Michigan 2 ' Whole number 491 Case of Holmes. We understand that the Supreme Court have decided that Holmes be delivered up to jhe author ities of of Canada for trial, and that this decision has been made known to the prisoner through the Clerk of the Court for Washington county. Acknowledgments. The Treasurer of tho Vermont Anli-Slavery Society acknowledges the receipt of the following sums : Cornwall, Dea. Jeremiah Bingham, aged 91 years, $10 3 1 Middlelniry, Sarah Douglass, Franklin A. S. Society, Westford, avails of gold beads by wid ow btewart, 4,0b ; collection at close ot Rev. Wm. Miller's lectures, 10,00, Two gold rings, 11 GO 25 23 81 N. B. It is probrtble that some of our friends who made pledges at the annual meeting, have paid the same to the Financial Agent; but such as have not, and any others who tan send us funds, are requested to do so as we are in very great want. B. F. Haskell, Trcas. Domestic. Exp'osion mid Fire. To the Editor of the Vermont Chronicle: Sib, On Wednesday the 27th inst., the store of C. & R. Ainsworth of East Williamstown, was deslryed by fire Tho facts are these: There was in the store between the counter and the door, a hogshead about half full of what is called " high wines." Two individuals were standing by this hogshead, one by the head, the other leaning a gainst the side. While in this position they hoard from the hogshead a violent hissing noise like that from the burning of wet powder, while tho individual standing by the head noticed a blue flame upon its surface. In a mo ment after the hogshead burst covering the whole floor with liquid fire. All who were in the store, except two children, instantly rushed to tho door. There was only time to rush in again and rescue the two ctildren. This was done by Mr. 11. Ainsworth and his clerk, Mr. Josiali Farr, who, in passing through tho fire, were considerably burned. It was not possible to enter tho lower part of the store again. The whole building was soon enveloped in flames. All was burned books, notes, and bank bills. The loss in store and goods is at least six thousand dol lars, besides the insurance, which is three thousand four hundred. The loss on the debts, of which there now re mains little evidence, must, it is feared, inevitably be much greater than this. No causa which seems satisfacto ry is yet assigned for tho explosion of this hogshead. It is quite certain that no (ire was near it at the time, and that none had been in the room fur some hours. No liquor had been drawn from it for more than 24 hours. Can any one give us any light on this subject ? Do " high wines" ever ignite spontaneously .' This pnrt'cular account is deemed necessary, since it is known that erroneous statements concerning this event huve gone abroad in the community. Respectfully yours, A Royce. East Williamstown, August 13, 1839. Elections. From North Carolina, the whigs claim that the members of Congress will stand 7 whig and C Van Buren, being 1 whig gain. The Globe, however, says that A. II. Shepperd (whig) has been beaten. In Tennessee there is a Van Buren gain of at least 1 mem ber of Congress, and an entire change from whig to Van Buren in the State Government. The Alabama delegation will probably stand as in the last Congress. A V. B. Governor and Legislature, it is supposed. From Kentucky, 9 whigs and 1 V. B: Three districts to bo hoard from. A V. B. member elected in the place of Mr. Southgate, late whig member. A whig report claimstwo more members. Tho latest report from Indiana is, that Robert Dale Ow en has been defeated by his whig competitor, and that Rariden (whig) is re-elected. Tho other 5 members Van Buren. Chonicle. i no at. iouis uazeuo ot me iaui uu. says " lioata nave arrived here within tho last week from tho Falls of tho Missouri, nearly three thousand miles distant in a norther I v direction; from Pittsburg, 1300 miles eastwardlv; ami New-Orleans 1200 miles to the south bringing with them tho furs of tho North, lumber from the Alleghany, and su gar from the South the products of our own territory. We had in port yesterday 40 steamboats, from 7o to COO tons burthen a larger number and a greater amount of tonnage than ever before floated into our harbor at one time." From the National Intelligencer. The Hornet Again. The Army and Navy Chrrnicle notices a story which has obtained general circulation founded on a letter from Washington, published originally in the Charleston Courier, and copied extensively in oth cr papers. The amount of the storv is, that an individual in Washington has offered to make disclosures in consider ation of a pecuniary compensation for himself and pardon for a friend, that the Hornet survived the-gale in which she is generally believed to have been lost, and was subse quently destroyed by conspirators, bribed by a foreign Gov ernment! Tho Chronicle says, " that there is an individual. in Washington who has offered to make disclosures, is true enough; but that any faith was placed in his protended story, or that it ' has led to frequent and long deliberation is utterly untrue. The individual in question has been convicted of a criminal offence, and probably hoped to es cape punishment hy pretending revelations of the fate of a gallant vessel and her crew, which must remain shroud ed in mystery until thj day of judgment. '1 he subject has never been oflicially before the Navy lioard, and only once formed tho topic of a few moments' conversation, but was dismissed as unworthy of a serious thought. Foreign fews Latest from Mexico. There have been two late arrivals at New Orleans from Mexico. One bringing aocounts from Matamoras to the last week in July; and the other furnishing news from Tampico to the first of August. By the way of Matamoras, we learn that general Lemns had obtained arms and amunition, and was at the head of 2000 Federalists at Monclovia, on the 24th of July, and intended to march on Wonlery, where the Centralist Gen eral Canalzo was doing nothing, in cojisequence of tho fee bleness of his forces. The town of Matamoras was still considered as in a stale of siege. Little or nothing was doing in the business line and the government officers wero quarrelling among them selves. The latest Tampico paper is dated July 27. Things re mained quiet, and mercantile business was yerv good. There was a report among the English merchants, that Mr, Packenham would settle the disputo between Mexico and Texas. The English packet Rebecca sailed from Tampico on the 25th of July, with 063,509 dollars m specie on board She was to touch at Vera Cruz, before she steered for Eng land. It was reported that the Mexican government had de termined that no more coin or bullion should beexnoried by the way of Tampico. This report had created dissatis faction. On tho 17th of July, Bustamente entered the capitol of Mexico, and is said to have been received with gladness. He issued a manifesto on the occasion, which may be ter med non-eommittnl, or words with no meaning. The Captain of the vessel from Matamoras states that the Mexicans there occasionally boasted of what they in tended to do in Texas, as soon as Lemus should be put down. Mexico, tliey said, would send twenty thousand men to chase back the intruders over the Sabine. These givings out do not agree with the opinions entertained by the English in Mexico. The latter think that John Bull will be able to pa'ch up a peace, from which he may prom ise himself some important advantages. Sickness was rather prevalent at Tampico. 17 DAYS LATER, TROM EUROPE. The steam packet Liverpool, Captain Favrer, arrived at an early hour this morning. We havo received by her several files of foreign papers comprising Liverpool to the 1st of August, London to tho evening of the 31st of July all inclusive. Among other interesting news by the Liverpool we have intelligence of the deaths of Sultan ftlahmoud, Lady ies tor Stanhope, and Admiral Sir Isaac Collin. Birmingham has again been the scene of alarming dis turbances more alarming than any of previous occur rence. On the night of tho 19lh of July tho town was for some hours completely at tho mercy of the rioters. A body of about 500 attacked the prison, tho windows of which they demolished, without interruption from the police who were instructed not to act without ordors from tho magis trates. Having done thoir work here, tho rioters next attacked along range of buildings occupied by Messrs. Bourne, the windows of which they also broke to pieces; and then, dividing into smaller parties, commenced more serious do vaslalion. They burst into the doors and flung the con tents of the buiiding, consisting of groceries into the street. Then they set fire to the ware house, and also to that of a Mr. Leggett, and both were destroyed. . While these houses wero burning, the rioters attacked and broke into many stores and shops, pillaging and des troying every thing they could lay their hands on. Thus mattors continued until half-past 10, when strong bodies of the police and military arrived, and the rioters took to flight. The operations of the chartists were violent and alarm ing also at Leeds, Stockport and other places. Tho government had in consequence of thoso events brought forward a proposition for the increase of the army, to the extent of 6000 men; and also for the establishment of a police force at Birmingham. Tho prospects of the harvest throughout England were good, but not extraordinary. Mr. Webstor made a great speech at the agricultural dinner in Oxford, producing an immense sensation. Tho Canadian prisoners, John G. Parker and eight oth ers, were released, somewhere about the 12th or 13th of July. Thoso released were J, G. Parker, R. Wixo:i, W. Alves, Finl'ay Malcolm, Leonard Watsor, J. Brown, Ira Anderson and Paul Bedford. J.inna W. Miller and John Grant yet remained in prison, but it was thought they also would be released. The Turkish and Egyptian hostilities have been brought to a speedy close. WVbout the 221 of June the armies came in conflict near AleppoV-'wnd after a combat of two hours tne Egyptians gained a complete victory, tho Turks lea ving every thing in thoir hands, and flying in great confu sion. To add to the disasters of tho new appears that wide-spread disaffection exists among his highest of ficers, civil aud military; it is even said that tho admiral of his fleet has made unequivocal overtures to the Pacha of Egypt, and that the Sultan's new divan was disposad to follow the example. NOTICES Notice. Tho Annual meeting of the General Convention of the Congregational and Presbyterian Ministers in Vermont, will be held in Montpelier, on Tuesday the 27th of August at 2 o'clock P. M. 5CTP' The Members of the Convention, and others in terested, on coming to Montpelier are requested to call at the house of Silas C. French on State st. one door east of Mr. Cottrill's Hotel whore places of entertainment will be assigned them. 15. W. SMITH. Montpelier Aug., 18, 1830. General Convention. Tho Annual meeting of tho General Convention of Con gregational and Presbyterian Minisiers in Vermont, will be held in Montpelier, .on Tuesday the 27lh day of Au gust, at two o cloct, 1. ai. lne Convention nave propo sed the following arrangement of public, exercises. Tuesday, 2 o'clock, P. M. Convention sermon ; in the evening, meeting of the Vermont Sabbath School Union; Wednesday, forenoon, reserved for transacting the busi ness of the Convention; 2 o clock P. M. Narratives on the state of Religion; evening, JJcport of the Education Socie ty, with addresses. Thursday, half past 9 o'clock A. M. Report of the V. D. M. Society, with addresses and a con tribution; at 2 o'clock P. M., the Communion Sermon and tho administration of tho Lord's Supper; in the evening, religious exercises. Col. J. P. Miller will lecture in Calais, at the Town House, on the first Sabbath in September, commoncing at tho usual hour of morning service. State Anti-Slavery Convention. An Anti-SIaverv Convention under the direction of the State Ex. Com, will be holden at Manchester, on Wednes day, Sept. 25th. A public J.ecturo will ba given on tho evening prece ding: business meeting at 9 o clock and public exercises at half past 10, A. Dl. on the day of the convention. Several distinguished speakers and advocates of the cause will be present; and tho public generally aro invited to attend. By order of tho Committee, J. A. ALLEN, Sec. of Ex. Com. of Vt. A. S. Society. Middlebury, August 20lh 1839. Anti-Slavery Lectures. The Rev. G. Becklcy by the leave of Divine Providence will deliver Anti-sslaverv lectures as follows vu: August 25lh, Stow. " 27, Morristown, " 28, Craftsburv, " - 29, Barton, " 30, Irasburh, 31, Coventry, Sept. 1 & 2, Derby, " ' 3, Morgan, " 4 St 5, Kirby, " 6, Lyndon, ' 7, St Johnsbury, " 8, Danville, " 9, Cabot, " 10, Mnrshfield, Meetings to commence at 4 o'clock or 7 P. M. as will best accommodate. The friends of the cause in tho above named places will have the goodness to make all necessary arrangements for tho meetings. The North Star, nnd Caledonian, will please copy the above. BRIGHTON MARKET. Reported for the Yankee Farmer. Monday, Aug. 19, 1839. At market, 285 Beef Cattle, rineludimr about 70 stores 6 yoke Working Oxen, 14 Cows and Calves, 2250 Sheep and Lambs, 525 Swine. Prices. Beef The ereator Dart at market were of light quality. GooJ catlle were but few at market. "First quality, former prices were fully sustained, say $8,50 second quality, 7,50 a $8 third quality 6,75 7,50. warning uxen'JH 5115 $135. Stores We noticed a few sold at $28, 30, 32, i $35. Cows and Calves 37, 40, 47, 50, and 52. Sheep and Lambs They were principally bought be fore they arrived in market, at prices varying from $2, 3, ana $3,00 Swine At retail from S to 9 els. Small lots were ta ken at 6 3-4 cts for sows. Old hoes were retailed from 7 to 8c. Lots of shotes to peddle w ere taken from u' to 8 cents. siohse: for Inquire of Aug. 20. 3 A Si I'. C. L. KNArP. FIKKt FIHKn TIKE!!! mptHE members of the Vermont Mutual Fjro Insurance Company are hereby notified that the following as sessments have been made by the Directors on all notes in force on the following days, to wit : Nov. 10, 1838 1-2 of 1 per cent. if Doc, Jan, 22, " 20, 31, " 6, 1S39 II, 1-2 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-4 1-4 1-4 Feb, 8,. Mar, 12, May, 8, making 0 per ' con:, assessment for the year; said percentage to no cast on mo original amount oi tho premium note, without reference to nny emlnrsmenls, and to ho paid to the Treasurer, at his ollWe in Montpelier, on or before tho lfith day of October, 1839, being the day of the annual meeting of said company. An oppoitunitv will be presented to forward assessments !v the members of the Legislature, and those w ho neglect to forward their assessments then, ayi referred to the 8th section of the Act, attached to each policy, for the consequences. I1AKIIY VAIL, Treasurer. Montpelier, Aug 12, 1S39. 13 lCJ"Tho printers of each weekly newspaper in this state aro requested to publish the above notice three woo-In suc ocssively, and forward their bills by tho members of the Leg slature for payment. ANTI-SLAVERY ALMANACS, FOR 13-10 for site at this Office. tj WASHINGTON COUNTY (lltAMMAK SCHOOL. riJXIIE fall term of this diservedly popular school, under JSL the superintendence of Mr. Calvin IVase, l'rinnpa!. and Mr. R. Case, Assistant, will commence on Thuinflav, 29th of August instant. The terms of tuition are as fol lows, payable in advance: 7hree Dollars for Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic, English Grammnr and Latin Grammar. Five Dollars for Languages and Mathematics, (except Arithmetic and Latin Gran. mar.) Four Dollars for all other studies pursued in tho Acad emy. Board in respectable houses may be had from jl,G0 tr 1,75 per week; and those who prefer can be furnished with rooms, and board themselves. The Board of Trust have made such arrangements as they believe will render this institution among the first in the Slate. From the pop ularity of the tcacherB the last year, and the prcficiency of the scholars, as evinced at the lato examination, parents may rely on a thorough education of such of their sons and daughters as they may be pleased to place under tho care of the present conductors of this literary institution. JOSEPH HOWES, )Prudentiat JOHN SPALDING, V Commit I. F. REDITELD, ) tee. Village of Montpelier, Aug. 6, 1839. 32 3:w. AXES! AXES!! M. T. BURNHAM would say to the public, that he has on hand a quantity of FIRST RATE AXES, ground and polished, which he will sell cheap as the cheapest, or exchange for old axe poles. fCT" Shop nearly opposite the State House. MILITARY GOOD JUST received from New York, by?. It. RIKEP, State street, opposite the Bank, a large assortment of MILITARY GOODS, suitable for the present regulation of tho Militia of this Slate. Terms Cash. May 6th, 1839. 19:rf NEW GOOD 31 JETl'ETT, HOWES A CO. RE just receiving from New York and Boston a prime assortment of Goods, to which they invite tho at tention of their friends and customers. May 4, 1838. 18 Cw NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! I5ASiDV3i& SCOTT AVE just received a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which they will sell cheap for cash. fCTc' Those wishing for a great bargain will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. May 13, 1839. 19:tf. IVciv Arrangement! THE Subscriber having taken as partner his son, WII -LIAM P. BADGER, in the business heretofore con ducted by himself, the business will hereafter be dona un der the firm of J. E. BADGER & SON. J. E. BADGER. Montpelier, Feb. 7, 1839. 6:tf HAT, CAP ANDFUU STORE, STATE St., MONTPELIER, Vt. J. E. BADGER & SON, Dealers in MATS, CAPS, STOCKS, FURS, SUSPENDERS. Gloves, Hosiery, &c, &c, would return the'r thanks to the citizens of Montpelier and vicinity for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to their establishment and solicit a continuance of the same. N. B. Merchants supplied with Hats of all kinds at city wholesale prices. February 7, 1839. C:tf Notice. THOSE indebted to J. E. BADGER, by note or account, of over six months standing, are requested to call and adjust tho same immediately. J. E. BADGER. February 7, 1839. :tf AT THE CASH STORE OF STOKRS & LANGDONS, JUST received from Boston and New York, an EXTEN SIVE STOCK OF GOODS, among which may be found : From 6 to 7,000 yds- PRINTS, from Cd to 3 C per yd. From to SO pieces plain and fig d diess SILKS all shrde;. 33nOADC'I.OTII3 &. OASSIJVZEIirS. BONNETTS, from 20 cts. to 15,50. .Ribbons, Laces, Linens, Muslin de Lains, Printed Lawns and Moslihs, Ar tificial Flowers, Faiicv Hdks., Shawls, Flannl Binding, Gloves, Oiled Silks, Neck Stoc! s. 4,000 y8- Sheetings, from 10 1-4 to 16 cts. 1,400 Shirtings, from 7 to 10 cts. Tickinn, Cotton Yarn, Wickin, Batting, &c. LOOKING GLASSES, CHINA TEA WAKE with Plates to match. Anvills, Vices, Mill Saws, and Hard Ware in genoral Nails and Glass, Paints and Oils, Iron Axles, with pipe Boxes fitted. ICpA Large and moro general assortment . of all kinds of IRON nnd STEEL, and at lower prices than has been sold before, will be received in a few days. We invite' our friends and the public to examine our stock and prices. Cy We aro on tho principle of smalt, advance for cash, or short credit. WAJNTTITD 1,000 vds. TOW CLOTH, DRIFD APPLE, BCTTEi?, CHEESE and GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. May 15lh, 1839. 20:4m ,KV UOODS! CHEAP UHOHS!: LAN6D0N & WRIGHT AVE th'i3 day received, nt their Cash Store, a largo amount of FKESH GOODS, from New York rikT Boston, comprising a very general assortment which they have recently purchased with cash, and which they oiler at prices which cannot fail to please. They respectfully solicit tho patronajo of their friends and the public goner-' nllv. jr"p N. B. L. & W. will soon remove their Cash Store to the large white Store one door North of the old Langdon Store, on Main St., where goods w ill bo sold cheap fin prompt pay. Call anil see. Montpoticr, lay 1, l3i. IS tf ' THE CASH STORE IS REMOVED! ANGDON & WRIGHT have removeJ thoir CASH Jk STORE to the -largo VVhito Building, one door north of the Landon Store, on Main strorH where they have on hand, and are daily receiving, a great variety cf Desirablo GOODS, w hich they offer for sale at great bargains. Call and see. Montpelier, May 16, 1S39. 20:tf Attention Artillery Companies ! R. It. Ill K Eli, (State sveel, opposiio the Bank,) MAS this day received from NKW-YOKK, Scarlet Broad Cloth, for Military Comiaiiies' Usiftn ins, Ai- tillery Buttons, Yellow Wings for Sa-Tftennts, Red Cock feathers, Red Pompoms, Red 12 incMi Vulture Phimr. ellow Lace, Yellow Epaulette, Red -Sashes &c. for tal cheap for cash. SO do,. Infantrrllal Plates, White Cue1 feathers. Whitrt Wings for Sargeatits, 12 inch White Vulture Plumes. Swords and Bells, Flat Eaile Buttons, l.aces. Foanletin. &c. for salo cheap for cash. Montpelier, June 10, 1839, f:if