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ICE BOM. E. A. ALLEN, Publisher. Published under ihe sanction of the Vermont Anti- Slavery Society. C. L. KNAPP, Editor. VOLUME I. MOAT PEL, IE 11, M"iT, DECEMBER 21, I89. NUMIIEK 31. THE OF FKEE S'iSilai Vnila CI?1 UIBlsS il HKDiii'o From the Emancipator. Correspondence at Horns. New Vokk, December Cth, 1S9. JArss G. Biuney, Esq. : Ihj Dear Friend, As this is the anniversary of the formation of the American Anti-Slavery Society, my thoughts are naturally turned to the proceedings of tho Convention lhat adopted the Constitution, and sent forth the Declaration m 1S33 : and 1 have reflected more, at this time, on those important documents, than heretofore, as measures are in agitation which, in my humble opinion, are diametrically opposed to their pruici nles. Permit me, then, to state wherein 1 con ceive the eltbrts of ihose brethren, who aro striv ing to form an abolition political party, appear to contravene the Constitution ol our feociely, and the Declaration of tne Convention, and to request that vou will, if you deem the matter of sufficient importance, make sreb a reply as you think will present Hie oilier, and 1 may say, your side of the question. If wrong, 1 wish to be set right, and doubt inn there are many persons desirous of be ing established in tne truth on this subject, who, with me, believe that you will give due weight to the arguments of those who differ with you, and reply in a nunner worthy of the importance of the matter under consideration. It has been proposed, as you know, by some prominent abolitionists, lhat the -American Anti Slavery Society should nominate candidates for 1 ho oflices of President and Vice President of the United Slates, and since the Society declined doing it at their recent meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, a Convention of abolitionists, in this State, have proceeded to nominate two persons for those high offices, one of them being an officer of the parent institution, and the other President of a Slate So ciety. Several, members of the Socieiy, including the editors of leading anti-slavery papers, are stren uously advocating the formation of a distinct po litical party, while others, who have rot yet un furled the banner, have too hastily, I think, con ceded that it is impossible to prevent the adoption of such a measure. . Some members of the Society are urgent that it should organize a new political party, while others, doubting the propriety of such a step, rec ommend that abolitionists throughout the country organize themselves into a distinct or third politi cal party, not as members of Anti-Slavery Socie ties, but as abolitionists or friends of human rights. At least this may fairly be deduced from the essavs and other acts that have been put forth by the advocates of a distinct abolition political party. I do no; see, I confess, any essential dif ference in the principles of these modes of action, as they both seem to ttnd to the same result, the one appearing to be a palpable violation of the Constitution oi the American Anti-Slavery Soci ety, and the oilier an evasion of its virtual prohi bitions. In this letter I will restrict myself to the supposed direct violation of the Constitution, es pecially as I have ventured recently to publish some reasons against the direct infraction of lhat instrument by tho course pursued by many mem bers of our Society, and the inexpediency of form ing a third political party. It is not denied that political os well as moral action was contemplated at the founaiion of the American Anti-slavery Society, but I apprehend that the whole political and moral action intend ed, is comprehended in the following terms warning, appeal, petition, remonstrance, argu ment, prayer; and that all the measures in view of the frame rs of the Constitution are included in what has been, from the beginning of this benev olent enterprise, termed MORAL SUASION. I except, of course, the privilege of voting, a right existing; prior to the formation of our Society. Abolitionists did not disfranchise themselves by associating to overthrow slavery by moral means, although they virtually agreed, in meir consiuu tion, to act as a moral and not a political associa tion. All the right that exists to use political ac tion, as a society, is derived from their constitu tion. Under the prior right, therefore, and the provisions of their constitution, a large portion of the members ot the Anii-oiavery oocieiy, in au dition to other measures, have petitioned Congress, and State Legislatures, anc many ot mem nave been favorable to voting irrespective of party, and onlv for those who are in favor of the great pnn rinle of immediate emancipation. Abolitionists, generally, have expressed a desire to do "all that is lawfuly" in their power, to use the language of the constitution, not inconsistent Willi the above terms, or the recognized principles of the charter of our association. But the political action orig inally contemplated by the abolitionists, in their associated capacity, or authorized by the constitu tion, does not, in my view, include or allow a dis tinct political organization, as I will now attempt to prove. In the preamble to the constitution is the follow ing clause : "and whereas we believe that it is practicable, by appeals to the conscience, hearts, and tntcrests of the people, to awaken a public senti ment throughout the nation," and in the con stitution itself is this passage " it shall aim to convince all our fellow-citizens by arguments ad dressed to their understandings and consciencesi &c." In the Declaration put forth by the Con 'vention that adopted the constitution, the inten tions of the founders thereof, are expressed in the following language " We shall organize Anti- 1'JI Slavery Societies we shall send forth agents to lilt up me voice oi remonstrance, oi warning, of entreaty, and rebuke we shall circulate anti- slavery1 tracts and periodicals we shall enlist the pulpit and the press we shall aim at the pu rification of the churches we shall encourage the labor of freemen we shall spare no exer tions nor means to bring the whole nation to speedy repentance." And it was solemnly and emphatically added "our trust for victory is solely in God." It would seem that the principles of the Con stitution, and the modus operandi, were clearly and fully expressed in these quotations, and that any action, not obviously and fairly conprehen ded in the instrument, is unconstitutional. But it is said by some that by the constitution the members of the Society are obligated to do "all i ,mt is 'awfully" in their power for the nboliiion 01 slavery, as n, instead oi using the measures specified Hi the Lonstitution una Declaration to the extent permitted by the laws of the country, they were authorized bv ihosu insirumeuts to do every act. for the attainment of the oti nets of the Isrtrieltf. nnt int-liirlrlpn hv thp Invve m llip l:in.l A teamed ecclesiastical uoeior, who proiesses to be an abolitionist, reasoning in a similar way, sta ted, just before the last meeting of the General Assembly, (N. S.) that that body had cognizance of nil ecclesiastical matters not expressly forbid den by the Presbyterian book of discipline. The old doctrine was, that all powers not expressly delegated were reserved, and it is apprehended tlint a benevolent or religious society, having written constitution, cannot, any more than a civ goveanment, transcend ihe power granted. If however, any ambiguity exists, as to the inteipreta tion of a written constitution, the common way of ascertaining the meaning, and tho views and in tendons of the frainers, is to inqure into their con temporaneous and subsequent acts. In this way tho right interpretations ol clauses in the Consti tution of the United States have been determin ed. The Conf titulion of the American Anti slavery society, thcrelore, may be interpreted without difficulty, by the light thrown upon it by the Declaration, which was almost simultaneously adopted ; by the resolutions and reports adopted at various annual and other meetings, disclaim ing separate political organization ; and by the undisputed import ot the Constitution as under stood, till recently, by the great body of our fellow members. It has been said that the resolution adopted last August, at the JNational Convention at Albany in which we both concurred, by which the sub ,oct of political action was left to abolitionists in their different localities, contemplated political or gamzation, should circumstances render it expe dicnt. Rather, I would say, did that resolution cave the matter instantu quo, societies and in dividual to take such order, with regard to un disputed political action, as to them might seem best. Ihe resolution asserted no aew principle but, waiving the recommendation of any specihc course on the subject, left the matter to the judg ment of abolitionists to act, according the exigen cies that might arise, butagreably to the acknowl edged principles ol the Constitution. it, my dear sir, 1 have been able to show, or f it can be proved by some abler pen, that the formation of a distinct abolition political party, by the American Anti-Slavery Society, or any of its auxiliaries, is contrary to our constitution, it seems to follow, as a matter of course, that no organ of the anli-slavery society should advocate such measure, or any officer of the parent and other societies allow himself to be m nomination for of fice by such a party. While our present consti tution exists unamended, it appears to me ourdu ty to conform to its obvious provisions, to continue to press upon the hearts and consciences of our countrymen the sacred doctrines avowed in it, to persist in voting irrespective of party for those and those only, who are the friends of impartia liberty, and immediate emancipation, leaving to others, who think moral suasion less effective than separate political action, the responsibility of organizing and sustaining an abolition political party. While they devote their energies to such a measure, let the adherents of the American Anti-Slavery Society maintain the spirit of the Constitution, and not, disregarding its letter and obvious meaning, act upon the doctrine of expedi eney, so often and strenuously repudiated by the friends of human rights. Confining ourselves to the plain provisions of the Constitution, annual reports, and resolutions, abolitionists need not be under any apprehension of inaction in their ranks; for new modes of action will be presented in the progress of the cause that are indisputably incon sistent with what has been, until recently, under stood to be the principles of our association When the Constitution requires amendment, i constitutional number can at any time avail them' selves of the provision made in the instrument it self by adopting such amendments as the light afforded by experience may suggest. But until amendments are made, authorizing separate po litical action, by which I mean the formation of a distinct political abolition party, is it not better to keep withi u pale of the Constitution? In this way we may hope to commend the cause to the well principled in our land, keep ourselves from the contaminating influences of parlizan warfare, and suspicious ol interested motives, while we conn dently hope for the continued guidance and aid of the Cod of the oppressed. What success I may have in this letter of con vincing you, my dear sir, of the unconstitutional tendency of measures in agitation, or what easy and convincing way you may have of refuting rny reasoning, 1 will not venture to anticipate, but so clearly does the obligation of "total absti nence" from any abolition political party appear to to my mind, as the duty of the American Anti Slavery Society, and its Auxiliaries, smd their members, lhat I feel constrained, at the risk of having my argument refuted, to present this view of the subject, in hope lhat it may lend to allav the spirit so ardently engaged to form a distinct political party, and thus, as I fear, bring about the prostration of our association as a moral and re ligious institution. With regard and respect, your's Sec. LEWIS TAPPAN. KEl'LV . New York, Dec. 9, '39. To Lewis Tappan, Esq. Very Dear Sir, Your friendly letter was han ded to me this morning. As it is to be published in the Emancipator of this week, it is thought advisable that ihe Answer should accompany it. I shall, I fear, hare but little time for more than briefly, and perhaps imperfectly examine your principle position. I do not remember, in any thing I have seen heretofore in reference to forming a, third political party, that its unconstitutionality has been hinted at, or insisted on. The measure has been oppos ed as inexpedient as showing our instability as highly injurious to us in the estimation of our fellow-citizens generally, and as tending greatly to retard, if not to defeat our object. No one but you, I think, has gone back of this. But the You cite from the Preamble and the Constitu ihet, that you stand alone, cannot in the slightest tion the following pass-ige : "We believe,-that manner, abate the respect that I owe to an opin- it is practicable, by appeals to the consciences, ion, which, after due examination, you entertain, hearts and interests of the people, to awaken a nii'i tliiui; wormy to be published, Your position is that abolitionists, in forming t distinct political party, with a view to eltect or ciiange the Government in relation to a peculiar subject, violate the constitution of the American bociety. 1 ou concede, that action, in unison with ouu or both of the po'itical parties existing at the time of the organization ol the Society and since, no matter how Protean the shapes they have assumed from time to time, was contempla ted by the Constitution; that to vote with them and assist them to elect such of their partisans as are lavorable to our views is allowable. ieiiher is there, in your mind, any question, that, accor ding to the Albany resolutions, we ought to vote for no candidates for certain offices who are not fully with us on the subject of immediate cmanci nation. If the foregoing is what you grant, the whole question, so far as it is a practical one, and worthy of consideration, is narrowed down lo this May abolitionists themselves, select for their suffrages such of their fellow citizens as they know to be true to the cause of human freedom men who consider the abolition of slavery as the most important political question now pressing on this nation, and hold them up, separate and apart, as the representatives of their principles ; or are they bound by the constitution to vote only lor sucn abolitionists as the nominating caucuses of the Whig and Democratic party may resncc- lively select for them men who regard every subject coming before them in the course of legis- Jation with an eye, first to the consolidation of their party next, to the" furtherance of emanci- pation. this is the true question. You may perhaps reply, that we are not bound lo vote for such but that every voter may if he choose, vote lor any other abolitionist whom he may preler lo the one m nomination. But if this be so, we may, instead of two parties have three or a hun dred. Each man or if he draw to him five or ten or twenty more, who shall thus vote, is in ef fect, a par'y. I wish that the loose expression "moral and po itical action" had not been inserted in the "Dec laration since political action is out a species of moral action. As they now stand, they seem to some persons to mean different and almost op posite things. II moral action had alone been spoken of, all confusion of ideas would have been avoided. By moral action was intended peaceful action such action as can be put forth in consistence with the constitution and laws of the country and such as is, therefore, peaceful. It was opposed to forcible; and any one will be convinced of this who, in reading the Declaration. will notice how carefully the projected anti-slave- ry movement is contrasted with the forcible part of the American Revolution. If I am Tight in giving this comprehensive meaning to the word moral, al! our action was intended to be of lhat character, whether we acted on the politics or the religion or the commerce or the mechani- cal, or laboring interests ol the country. It was all moral, because persuasive and peaceful. It was to all intents and purposes what you call a system of moral suasion, to be followed up, as 1 believe, by a corresponding course of action l ou say, lhat the constituent of the "moral fWTfjnw nl tho I nnclitnlinn nya "teaming, an- peal, petition, remonstrance, argument, prayer, I3ut abolitionists have voted "irrespective of par ty and only for those who are in favor of the great principle ofemancipation." Now, I am un able to see how, in virtue alone ofuny one of these constituents, or of any number of them com bined, an abolitionist can claim to vote at ail ; or if it be conceded that he can vote, where is the ground of h 13 obligation to vote for candidates presented by two parties both, as such, hostile to him any more than to vote lor such ns he may himself select without any reference to these par ties, but simply with a view to principles. ! Il may be replied, the right to vole is a right prior to the institution of the Society. But is any thing gained by this? For- it may also be said that the right to form a third party, or to vote for a thud party if lormed by others, is iust as old and as undeniable as the right to vote. Persons acquire no additional political rights neither do they lose any by joining the Society. All that the bociety asks ol its members is to use the rights already possessed in such a way as will best promote the peacelul emancipation ot .Qtutiovalitiio such a measure obiccted to or even slaves, whether it be, by influencing the existing parties, or any other which may spring up in the country and be more effective for that ob- lect. Suppose, there had been in existence at the time of the formation of the American Society, three, instead of two political parties in thecountry, would the Constitution bind us to vote for any wool them to the exclusion of the third f Or, suppose, lhat, persons not members ol the Anti- Slavery Society, and, therefore, not bound bv what you believe to ba its rules in this matter, were now to nominate as their candidates, none but men of good moral character and of the most pproved anti-slavery sentiments ? Where would my excellent friend Lewis Tappan be found on the day of the election ? I doubt not, in his proper place, supporting the right men. And if such a party were to rise up, setting out with never so few honest men. who had become disgusted at the practices of ihe two parties with which they had heretofore ac'ed, would you be the first lo address them on this wise? "You had better return and vote with your old parties they are very corrupt, it is true ; and, as parties, tterly opposed to your views, but just as sure ns you vote by yourselves, and set up candidates ho truly represent your principles, and try by a rigid adherence to them, and bv the renublican honostv of vour lives, in win n'nr.ntlipr in .irlnni them, you will become corrupt and go '.ho way of all narties who have rone hpTm-p vnn. As you vaiU3 your purity, and peace, and respectn- hllitxr. nnri fpnr 1 1 U ncc- ciales. fk- In,!- tn thnm nn,l nvnr mnr .ImmI.- nt separation." You, my dear sir, would be among the last to give such counsel and among the from voting with such a party. public sentiment throughout the nation "it (the association) shall aim to convince all our fellow- citizens, by arguments addressed to their under- standings and consciences," dec. "we owe it to the oppressed," &c. "to do nil that is lawfully within our power to bring about the extinction of slavery,' and you seem to think that every thing that can be done, in virtue of them is inclu ded in the following specifications found in the Declaration." We shall organize Anti-Slave ry Societies send forth agents lo lift up the voire of remonstrance, of learning, of entreaty and re buke circulate tracts and periodicals enlist the pulpit and the press aim at the purification of the churches, and encourage thu labor of free men. Now, if the specifications include all that abo luionists in their isocialed capacity can constitu tionallv do, where is our authority for sending out "financial agents, and raising money -for printing other books than tracts and periodicals for sending two gentlemen to the West Indies to explore the state of things there for sending delegation to attend the Convention to be held in London next June or for appealing to the "in lerests,' the pecuniary interests of the slaveho ders and those connected with them ? The sped fications contained nothing of this sort. But you reply, these things are undeniably, if not palpably necessary to the furtherance of the cause I grant vou, they are. But how can you adopt them s 1 hey are not included m the specifica lions and the specifications contain, according to your view, a full enumeration of all the power exercised under the constitution. Now, I say, that the specifications, as fur as they go, are consistent with the constitution, but that they never were intended as a full enumera tion of constitutional powers They are but mere examples. 11 they were riot, where was the ne ccssuy oi adding lo inem, that, "we shall spare no exertions nor means to bring the whole nation to speedy repentance !" This is not surplusage it is intended lor some object. Uoubtless, to cover sucn action as was not then forseen lo be necessary to the cause, nnd-which, of course could not bo provided lor but which might in the vicissitudes of our national affairs become al essential to its success. Under the pledge contained in the constitution that we w do "all that is lawfully within our power," ccc we have done many things n.t incompatible grant) with what is specified. Thcso thing have been done, because they were cxpedien!, for the advancement of the cause. Now, the fcrma tion of a third party may also become expedient for the i.ame object and if it is not forbidden bv the laws of the country, 'and not at variance with any provision of the constitution, or with any of the specifications of the Declaration, (should you choose to consider that document obligatory,) where is the sufficient reason for not adopting the third parly mode ol political action if it really be more ctlective than the two party-system winch has already so often failed us ? If lhat should be thought the best mode of action for the extinction of slavery, we stand pledged lo adopt it, because it is "lawfully in our power there being noth ing in the laws of the country or of the Society lorbiclding it. II your constitution be right, abolilionists can not, in any future lime, vote for the candidate of a lurd party without a change in the constitution Liet us take a case then, to show how this woul lie right in the way opposing the extinction of slavery. We will suppose there are 39,001 votes in this city and county that IJ.UUU ol them are whigs 13,000 democrats and 13.000 of a thin or anti-slavery party. Thus they vote and are ti the last and deciding vote ed, whilst you have Suppose yon were to vote for one of the two old parties, or refuse to vote at all and should be asked for the rea.'on of your course. Where in the Constitution or ihe Declaration can von find any thing forbidding you to vote for a third party whilst you might he told, it was as "law fully in Jour power" to vote for third party a for the first or second. It' strikes mc that the proceedings at Albany, in relation to this subject, militate strongly a your constitution. In none ot the arguments there used against the formation of a distinct party, was the consti hinted at. Mr. Loring, whose views deservedly had great influence with the Convention, whilst earnestly deprecating the formation of a third party, did not once allude 10 it but warmly en treated, whatever might be clone m this matter, at a future lime, that it might be delayed for the present. It is hardly to be supposed, if the in stitution of a third party is so plainly unconsti tutional a3 it now seems to you, that so nnpor- tant a point would have been overlooked, on that occasion, by the suillul and discriminating men (yourself among them) who were and are still civ posed to the measure; and lhat the lollowing preamble and resolution would have passed with out any serious opposition " Whereas, the subject of nominating distinct Anti - Slavery candidates for oflices in the gift of me people nas ueen presented 10 mis Vyonveniion therelore " Resolved, That it be recommended to Aboli- tionists to adopt such course in their respective sections ol the country, as will, in their judgment best subserve the cause ol immediate emancipa tion To this compromise, for it was strictly such. between the advocates and opponents of a third party, the whole question is treated as one ot rx- pediency. In some sections ol the country, nom- mating distinct anli-slnverv candidates might best suhscirvp the cause of emancipation, in others, not. If, in the judgment of abolitionists residing in nnrticulnr sections, il would, they were reconv mended to nominate. . If it would not, they were rnrnmmpnderl not to nominate. I0 INCIDENTAL decision of a question could more nearly approach . a direct one than this. l ins conclusion can w ovoided only on the supposition that the question did not occur to the convention. But this cannot be seriously insisted upon, if the questisn is so plainly and palpably unconstitutional as you con sider it lo be. Abolitionists ought to do whatever the laws of the land, (presumed not to be inconsistent with the divme law) permit, for tho extinction of sla very. To this they stand pledged " to the op pressed, lo their fellow citizens who hold slaves to the whole country, to posterity and to God." Because they associate together to effect a partic ular object, they arc not on that account to be set down as acting with delecJAtkh powers, and therefore to be subjected lo rules of strict construc tion as lo the extent of them. There is no dele gation in the matter. Abolitionists associate to gether with the view of uniting powers that have not been delegated such as are reserved to them as the people to accomplish a lawful end. It could not have occurred to the Rev. penile- man, who thought that the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church had cognizance of all ecclesiasticarmattcrs not expressly forbidden in the Book of Discipline, that the Assembly acts not with original, but delegated powers and that, therefore, the exercise of these powers ought to be subjected to strict construction. AU powers lhat the Presbyterians, as a body, have not conferred on the General Assembly, they have reserved, either lo subordinate tribunals, or to themselves. The Amer ican Anti-Slavery So ciety is a primary assembly its powers are original, not derivative they are reserved pow ers ; such ns belong to the members, as citizens of the country. They can delegate powers to others as they have to the Executive Commit tee. I have, now, my dear sir, presented you such views as I entertain on what you are pleased to call my side of the question. Tfear, what I have written is diffuse and unconnected. The only npology Ican offer is, that I have not had time to condense my arguments and throw them into more logical form. As your letter calls on me only for such opin ions as I may entertain on the constitvtionality of the third party movement, I could not, perhaps, even if time were allowed me, to enter here on the discussion of the expediency of that measure. I pin unwilling, however, wholly lo dismiss the subject without saying, that instead or feeling ap prehensive of disaster to our cruise, from the ea gerness now showing itself among abolitionists to unite in political action, it is tome a cheering sign of encouragement. Our political movement, heretofore, may be com pared to the wake of a vessel at sea never in creasing in length no matter how many thousands of miles she may sail. But the present movement shows that we have discovered our mistake that there is enough of life and spirit among us to at tempt its correction that we are willing to act as well as talk to overshadu , with this great question, minor ones that have for a longtime dis tracted portions of our friends and alienated them from each other and that instead of resting satis fied with still longer committing our sacred cause to the hands of its enemies, or of mere partizans who, almost uniformly thus far, have either bnflled or befooled, or betrayed us, we have confidence enough in it and in ourselves to take the political, as we have the other parts of it, into our own keep ing and under our own management. I look on the independent party movement as proof, not on ly of the greater force and energy of the anti-slavery cause but of its greater expansion ; & lam not more surprised at it, than I would be, at seeing the young of a noble bird, grown too large for the nest, and feeling its strength and courage equal to the attempt, committing itself to the bosom-of the air, and training its powers in the region of thunders and lightnings and storms. Very truly, your friend, James G. Birney. Arnold Burruiu. Our brother BufTbm wn at Cincinnati at the last advices. A meeting was advertised in the Cincinnati Gazette, on the 29th. .1 i. .. .i i ii ' ' tuAumiAiuit'ii ny me following commendatory no tice from a Kentucky paper of high standing. The good report is doubtless iust. the insimmlinns about delusion will pass for what they are worth From the Louisville Journal, eilited by Geo. D. Prentice. The American Anti-SIaverv Societv has iIpIp gated ten lecturers lo the different portions of the uniteu otates. ' . xtiey have sent Mr. Arnold Buf fum to Indiana1 We used to know Mr. Buffum very intimately; we lived within a few vnrds of him nearly ten years. He is a fine old'Oimker gentleman, talented, energetic, eloquent, and pos sessed of as benevolent a heart as ever throbbed m a human bosom. However denlorable mar ho his delusion upon the subiect of nboliiion. now him to be honest in it ; and we sincerplir hope, that, during his pilgrimage in the West, a way from the interesting and high-souled daugh ters that bless his domestic fire-side, he will be treated with no personal unkindncss. Richard Rohert Madden, M. D. This gen emen sailed from this rort in the shin Roscins. on Monday, 25th ult., leaving his deposition with respcel lo his knowledge of facts relative to the Africans of the Amistad, in the District Court nf Connecticut, and with' respect lo the same, and lis knowledge of Ruiz, in the Court of Common Picas in this city. The substance of his deposition has found its way into the newspapers, and the facts disclosed will astound the people of thiscouu- Jt will be found in nnother column. Doc tor Madden has visited Washington, and laid be fore the President of the United Slates and the British Minister, important testimony with re gard to the captured Africans, and the iniquitous proceedings in the Island of Cuba. This zeolous philanthropist, during his short visit to this coun try, has performed an important service to tha caiL-e of humanity. B. F. Butler," Esq., U. S. Attorney for this District, nssisied by Mr. Purroy, the Spanish At torney, in.taking the J.'s deposition to use in the suits against Ruiz and ?,louiez here. About four hours was consumed in taking it. Dr. II. after- warns remarked that, every t"mg in the testing ny that could in any wise appear favorable to the cause of the negroes, wns objected toby the Uni- ijd SfitPS Attonipy Both here and at Hartford, lit onH ti, r,i,.. tt c the whole legal wei