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VOICE OF PR FFTIfllVf VOL. VII. "THE INVIOLABILITY OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IS THE ONLY SECURITY 6F PUBLIC LIBERTY." NO. . J, IIOLCOMB, Editor & Publisher. BRANDON, Thursday, January 8, 1846. J. F.McCOLL AM, Printer. VOICE OF FREEDOM. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT BRANDON, VE11MONT. TERMS, One Dollar rind twenty-five cents Cash andtirict y in advance. One Dollar and fifty cents within four months. One Dollar and seventy-five cent" niter four, and within eight months; and Two Dollars after e ght months and within the year from the commence .nent of subscription. ' Such pay as Messrs Wnltons of Montpelier, or Solomon Parker of Middlebury will take in pay ment for paper, and give their receipts, will be re , ceivnd. Also, most kindsofproduce at cash value paid to the subscriber. AGENTS will be allowed 25 cents on each sub scriber they obtain and forward the pay for a year. XT Each responsible subscriber is authorised to act as agent in obtaining subscriptions. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 square 3 weeks $1,00 1 square 1 year 2 squares 3 weeks 1 75 2 squares 1 year 8 squares 3 weeks 2 50 3 squares 1 year 4 squares 3 weeks 3 25 4 squares 1 year 5 squares 3 weeks 4 00 5 squares 1 year $5 00 8 50 11 00 It 00 squares a wpbks i uu u aquaics i vcm Legal advertising to be charged at legal rales, J. Holcomb, 16 1)0 V. 15. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AGENCY OFFICES. Philadelphia N. W, corner Third and Cheg nut streets. New York Tribuno Buildings, opposite Cily Hall. .Baltimore S. E. corner Baltimore and Cal vert streets. Boston No 12 State street. P. S. V. B. Palmer is authorised to procure advertisements for the Voice of Freedom and forward the pay. Notice to Pest Masters. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Appointment Office, Washington, D. C. July 3, 1845 ) Notice to Publishers or Editors, that subscribers do not take their papers from the office is official business, and may be franked by the Deputy Post Masters. Sending the same, being made by law, a part of their duty. XV. N. Miller, 2d Ass't. P. M. General. fj3- Several Deputy Post Masters have notifi ed discontinuances of this pnper at my expense. Some subsc.ibers have returned copies of the Voice, without telling from what town, or pay ing the amount due for the paper. Subscribers are hereby notified that when they wish me to discontinue sending them the Voice of Freedom, Ihey must see that the notice comes as above, free of expense tome; also that if arrearages for the paper are not paid, it will be oplional with me whether to discontinue or not until the amount due is paid. J. Holcomb. October 18, 1845. POETRY. From the Youths' Monthly Visiter. THIS RETURN. Father ! I come back to thee Lo ! a bruised and broken reed ; ' In my hour of utmost need, While my heart is weak and worn, Viih contending passions torn, While I meekly bow before thee, To my lost estate restore me. Father ! I conn back to thee : From the world's wide, cheerless waste, Doth my weary spirit haste, Like the dtooping-pinioned Dove, To regain the Ark of Love; Nestling on thy pitying breast, 13idniy fluttering; spirit rest. Father! I come back to thee: When the world h brightest, sweetest, When the rosy hours are fleetest, ' All conspire with vain endeavor From ihy love my heart lo sever ; Vain the toils they spread around me, Thou with stronger chain hast bound me. Fathet ! I come back to thee : Oh ! if in an evil hour, Yielding to the tempter's power, 1 forget the vows 1 make, And my chosen rest forsake May ihy spirit whisper low To my heart this sacred vow ! OR A MM A II. The following article we copy from an old manuscript for the benefit of our juvenile readers. 1, Three little words we often see Are Articles, a, an, and the. 2. A Noun's the name of any thing, As school or garden, hoop, or swing. 3. Adjectives tell the kind of noun, A3 great, small, pretty, white or brown. 4. Instead of Nouns the Pronouns stand ; John's head, his lace, my arm, your hand. 5. Vf.rbs tell of something being done; To read, write, count, sing, jump or run. 6. How things are done, the Adverbj tell : As slowly, quickly, ill or well. 7. Conjunctions join the words togeihet ; As men and children, wind or weather. 8. A Preposition stands before A noun j as in or through a door. 9. The Interjection shows surprise ; As oh ! how pretty, ah I how wise. The whole are called nine Parts of Speech, Which Reading,M'riling, Speaking leach. Children. Ye stand the nearest to God, ye little ones ! The smallest planet is nearest to the sun. Making "twain one flesh" is supposed to mean, in modern parlance, tho mixing of pig and puppy in the manufacture of sausages. England's Growth. The wife of n poor weaver in Clryton, Eng., lately had twins. The mother is only 19 years of age, yet in little more than three years has presented her husb'ind with seven children. Muss. Spy. From Clay's Truo American. An Appeal to all the Followers of Christ In the American Union. To all the adherents of the Christian religion, Catholic and Protestant, in the American Union, the writer of this arti cle would respectfully represent, that he is but a single individual of humble pretentions, struggling with honest zeal for the liberties ol his country and the common rights of all mankind. EIo sets up no claims to piety or purity of life, I but whilst he is himself subject to all (he : infirmities of our common nature, he be lieves in an omnipotent and benevolent! God, over-ruling tho universe by lixed and eternal laws. He believes that man's greatest happiness consists in a wise understanding and a strict observance of all the laws of his being, moral, mental and physical, which are best set forth in the Christian code of ethics. IIo be lieves that the Christian religion is the truest basis of justice, mercy, truth and happiness known among men. As a pol itician especially does he regard Chris tian morality as the sole basis of nation al and constitutional liberty, Ho be Icivesthat the liberty of conscience was the antecedent of civil liberty, and that to Christianity did our fathers owe the emigration from the Old World and our national independence in the New. lie bclcivcs that there is now a crisis in the affairs of our nation which calls for the united efforts of all good men to save us from dishonor and ruin. Slavery is our great national sin, and must be destroyed or we are lost. From a small cloud not lurcer than a man's hand it has overspread the wholo Hea vens, I hree millions of our fellow men, all (if our religion be not a fable) chil dren of the same Father, are held in ab solute servitude and the most unqualified despotism. By a strange oversight or self avenging criminality of our fathers, an anti-republican, unequal, sham rep resentation has given the slavcocracy a concentrated power, which subjects the additional fifteen millions of whites of this nation to the caprice and rule of some three hundred and fipy thousand slaveholders. 1 hey monopolize the prm cipal offices of honor and profit, control our foreign relations and internal policy of economical progress. Ihey have forced us into unjust wars national bad faith and large and unnecessary expen ditures of money. They have violated lime after time the National and State Constitutions They have trampled un der foor all of the cardinal principles of our inherited liberty Ireedom ol tlie press- liberty of speech trial by jury the habeas corpus and that clause of the Constitution which gives to the citizens of the several States the rights and priv ileges of citizens of each Stale. 1 hey have murdered our citizens imprisoned cur seamen and denied us nil redrer in the courts of national judicature, by forcibly and illegally expelling our em bassadors thus failing in the comity ob served sacred by all nations, civilized, and savage, till nowl All this have we home, in magnanimous forbearance, or lame subserviency, till remonstrance is regarded as criminal, and it has become the common law of the land, in all the Slave States, to murder in cold blood, and in a calm and ''dignified manner," any American freeman who has the spir it to exercise the constitutional and nat ural and inalienable rights of free thought and manly utterance! Now in the namo of that religion which teaches us to love our neighbor as ourself to do unto others as we would have others do unto us to break every yoke and let the oppresed go free, we pray every follower of Christ to bear tes timony against this crime against man a id God; which fills our souls with cru elty and crime stains our hands with blood and overthrows every principle of national and constitutional liberty, for which tho good and great-souied patriots of all nges laid down their lives, and for which our fathers suffered, bled, and di ed. We pray you to set your faces ngainst all those professed followers of Christ, who betray him in the house of their friends, and make God the founder of an institution which causes the most refined, enlightened, and "respectable men" in tho State of Kentucky, where Slavery exists in its most modified and lenient supremacy, to raise tho black and bloody flag of "death to liberty of Speech and tho Press!" We pray you in the namo of liberty our country our common humanity and the God of all, who is no respecter of persons-to come lo our help! We know that in J77t5 the pravcrs of the Church went up from the closet, tho altar, and from tho field of battle to the Great Arbiter of the destinies of war; wo believe that a ti no of equal danger and awful responsibility is at hand, and wo now ask that tho prayers of the uni versal Church be uttered in tho cause of Liberty once more. And as we bclievo that it is not only our duty to pray, but to act, we respect fully subtuit for your serious considera tion the following suggestions: 1st. That nil ministers of religion, all over tho Union, either in their sermons or in their prayers once on every Sab bath solemnly warn their hearers against the special sin of Slavery. 2d. That in nil religious journals a column be devoted to slavery ils econ omical statistics and to moral remonstrance. 3d That in all addresses of religious I bodies, oral of written, when moral con--ductis touched upon, that solemn and 'special denunciation of slavery be made. I 4th. In the exercise of the elective 1 franchise, that each Christian will hon- I estly endeavor so to use that great and responsible privilege as by all honorable, just and constitutional means, to destroy ' Slavery in this nation. I Wo suggest with great diffidence for the consideration of Christians a Board of Home Missions, founded as follows: A common treasury sustained by all sects of Christians, to be located in tho city of New-York. From this shall be sustained, at fair wages, as many mission aries, in the same Slates, as the funds of the Society, or the interest thereof, when invested in stocks, will sustain. 1 . Let an equal number of each sect represen ted bo elected. 2. Let tho ministers living in Slave States be preferred if they can be procured. 3. Lot them be in structed never to speak of Slavery in Ae presence of Blacks or slaves. 4. Lot them for the present bo confined to the States of Maryland, Virginia and Ken lucky. Let them be instructed to preach in the counties where there are the fewest slaves. 5. Let them be men of ability and, though not fanatical, self sacrificing and well versed in the politi cal and economical bearings of slavery as well as in its moral influences, so that they may be able to show the non slave holder, how Slavery impoverishes his family excludes them from schools, churches, the honors of. the Stale and (the general advantages of civilization. Wo believe that a scheme of this kind would do infinite good. There could be ! no pretext for. violence on the part of blave-holders, because tho Blacks would never hear. It would arouse a generous I shame in the bosoms of our own Clergy ! and force many to make sacrifices in the cause of Religion and Liberty. I Now once more in great yearning of spirit for the liberty of our country the happiness of mankind and the glory of Uod, wo pray you to question each one his own conscience. Never let it bo said that our country called on us for help, in great wo, and none heeded her voice! We ask all the friends of Constitution al Liberty, and pure Christianity, to give he above an insertion in their Religious and Political Journals--a request never before made by us C M. CLAY. Lexington, Ivy. Dec. 9th. 1343. Address. To the Teachen of Common Schools in the several School Districts in the Stale of Vermont : It is doubtless within your knowledge thnt at the last session of the Legislature of this State, an act was passed having for its object the improvement of our common school?. As a step preliminary to the adoption of measures well adapted to se cure tli e accomplishment of this purpose in all iis parts, most, completely and suc cessfully, it seems desirable, if not ind is pensably necessary, to obtain some further and more minute knowledge of their ac tual condition. And some of the informa tion sought can be obtained conveniently from no other source than yourselves. And it is for connection with others yet to be named, that I now address vu, on tn r own behalf and that of the county superintendents of your respective counties respectfully and earnestly so liciting you to co-operate with us, as you can do, in no small degree, in that work of improvement in which, we cannot per mit ourselves to doubt, you feel an inter est. We wish, in the first place,- lo ascertain 'he amount of time during which the sev. eal scholirs in your respective schools shall actually t.ttend. The most conven ient method to determine this perhaps will be iho following. Write down on a sheet of paper at the left hand side of the page the nanviS of your pupils, and then rule tho pnper perpendicularly until you hive six spices to the right of each name. In these spaces you Cin, at eve ning for tho several days of the week, mark with n pencil the attendiace of ihe pupil. At the close of tho week you will add up ihe number of days which each has attended and set do'.vn the number to the total of the previous week erase and set down the new to!al in place of thai of the preceding woek. The following would b.- the form : C. H II 1 P.M.... I I 1 1 1 i If your school should have continued for soma length of lime when you re ceive this, you will set down the daily attendance previous, with as much precision 09 your memory, or other means will enable you to do it. If you cannot, however, approach near to accu racy, you may omit this, and commence at the lime stating in your return? at what period of your school you commenc ed taking the account. At tha close of your school you will make out an abstract of the results so n's to give the number of scholars that have attended for different periods of time, no ling each difference of ton days in '.he fol lowing' form supposing your school to have continued 14 weeks or 77 diys : Length of School, 77 days. Number of scholars that have attended lire school 70 davs and upwards 10 GO '"' ' less th in 70 .... 12 50 " GO 7 j and so on, giving as the last ilem the num. I ber who have attended less than 10 days. You will then subjoin to this a state ment of the principal school books in use in your schools (information in regard lo which, we wish to obtain) naming first, under their respective heads, those which are most used in the school, as fol lows : Spelling Books. Webster's, Town's, Marshall's. Reading Books. Higher classes Porter's Rhetorical Re ider Emerson's First Class Reader, &c. Middle Classes Second Class Reader, English Reader. Lower Classes Easy Lessons, Third Class Render. English Grammar. Smith's Grammar, Kirkham's Gram mar, &c. Geography. Smith's, Olney's. Arithmetic. Higher Classes Adams', Thomp son's. Lower " Colburn's, Emerson's History of the U. States. Goodrich's, Hale's. Natural Philosophy, Comstock's, Olnisicad's &c. You will also, at the close, stale wheth er your scholars have been competently supplied with books whether the school ha3 a black-board whether any kind of apparatus for illustration. And any fur ther statements which you may see fit to add, in regard lo the condition of the school, will be deemed accep'ab'e. This should then be signed in tho following manner: 13. F. W. , Teacher in District No. 8. Wilmington, March 2, 184G. It should then be directed to the county superintendent for the county in which you have taught, and be deposited with the town clerk ; or it may be left with the district clerk or prudential committee to be forwarded, if not convenient to you to send it directly. But we hope for more from you by way of aiding in the advancement of our school., than the mere furnishing of statistics, as a preliminary to certain future measures having this great object in view. It is your privilege to commence the work of improvement directly, during the present winter. By increased diligence and fidel ity in the discharge of the duties of your important trust, some fruits may be gath ered in of that harvest of benefits which it is hoped we may reap in full and rich abundance. But your earnest, anxious and unwearied efforts will be constantly demanded in order to secure this desira ble result. Your plans and means of usefulness must be studied and devised not merely in the school-room, but in your hours of retirement from the immediate' duties of your charge. Study out methods of enlivening tho interest of your pupils, of encouraging their hopes, and urging them onward in the pursuit of knowledge. E ideavor lo make the school-room their most attracting pluce of resort, the spot where their fondest interest shall centre, and where their most delightful and ener getic efforts shall be displayed. This may be done ; for there is implanted in ihe human mind a craving for knowledge, which is no less active in early life, than in more mature age; and the attainment ol that knowledge must ever be delightful unless some extrinsic circumstances ren der the process of its acquisition repulsive and unpleasant. As or.e of the means of accomplishing the general purpose in view, aim always, in the first place, to secure and fix the at tention of your papils, in all their exer cises. S'J long as (hoy are habitually heedless and listless they cannot be mau ing an v sulis antial progress. And here very much is depending upon your own efforts and skill. A wandering mind can not be effectually "called back" by mere ' remonstrance. J o eflect the purpose of enchaining the pupil s attention, you must make his exercises interesting by your illustrations, or by nt limes varying your mode of instruction. We cannot here go into details, and in the main the proper method of proceeding must be left to your own judgment and ingenuity. We will however illustrate our view bv a few specific example. In spelling, as ihe exercise is ordinarily conducted, after ihe individual has spelled hi3 word, his mind may be and often is, keeping company with "the fools' thoughts," until his" "turn" comes again. But this mole of procedure might be varied to the following. Lit ihe word be put out, and after wailing a few sec onds, name, or point to the individual whom you would select to spell it; and proceed in this way without reference to the order in which your pupils stand. You may, in addition to this, require each one of the class who thinks a word mis spelled, to declare it by saying " wrong." If" wrong'' is pronounced by more than one of the class, select one of them to spell it again. Under this arrangement you can, if you choose, have one place of hon or, "the head" but we would recom mend, in order to avoid too much con fusion or inconvenience that it should only be taken, unless an individual shall spall a word correctly, after hnv. ing alone pronounced thu previous spell ing " wrong," or when all others who have pronounced " wrong" shall have failed to spell it right. In this way we believe not fttily-tlvtt an exercise which is ordinarily dull may be made a most lively and interesting one, but that the pupil would form the habit of attending to each word as it is put out, even though this mode of procedure were only occasionally resorted to. And the effect might be ren dered still more certain and decisive, by requiring each pupil to pronounce his opinion on the spelling of each word, whether " right," or "wrong;" but this perhaps would occasion too much confu sion to admit of its adoption as a frequent practice, unless in very small schools. We are aware that tho whole mode of teaching spelling, as ordinarily practised, is by many condemned as unnatural ; but in regard to this, as well as other points, we would say it is not to be expected that established practices can be broken up at once, even though obviously better might be substituted. And if in any case belter modes of instruction have already been introduced than what our remarks would sern lo contemplate, we rejoice at it. Our suggestions are intended lo ripply to what is supposed to be the general con dition of our schools, and to be adapted to the supposition that complete revolutions cannot be ihe work of a moment. In reading, if a word is miscalled, or mispronounced, you may occasionally call on one of the class to correct it. But the more reliable and practible method for fixing the attention of all, in this exercise, would b, perhaps, to have it understood, especially if the reading be descriptive or historical, I hat one or more of Ihe class will be called upon at the close of tho les son, to give a general outline or statemrnl of what has been read. So too, their opin ions should occasionally be asked in re gard to subjects or topics embraced in tho lesson, I hey should be engaged not on ly in ascertaining what the author means, but in inquiring and deciding whether he is correct whether his statements, his views or opinions nre just and proper whether ihey are in accordance with those generally received. By these means not only will the attention be enlisted and con centrated, but another important end will be gained that of keeping the reflecting and reasoning .lowers in active exercise. It is true that by proceeding in this way your pupils will go over less ground in a given time ; but the great end and purpose of rending will be much more surely al ia ined. For the object is not, merely to acquire a quick and ready association of the sound of words wHi ihe le'ters which compose them as they appear on paper. If it were so, then rapid reading would be and unfortunately it is loo often sunrio?- ed to be the ultimatum of acquisition. And under this view the unreasoning par rot might, for ought we can tell, become as good a reader us the beet. We admit that the acquisition of this facility for read iness of association which has been spoken of, is an incidental, andjiot an unimpor' lam ooiect. ism it is oy no means the prominent and ultimate one. This o ict is to gather ideas and that (no not only in such a form ns to nuke them most clear and intelligible to ourselves, but in such a way as (o communicate them most clear ly and distinctly to others. Your pupils then should bo taught to read intelligently and intelligibly : and this great n.d can never be secured by mere familiarity of association between letters and sounds. We have lingered upon thu topic, and pressed it the more strongly and earnestly upon your attention, because our school reading is so often or perhaps we mighi almost say is so universally bad. But we have not lime to illustrate the application of the principle to other branches of study. You will, however, (ind ample scope for the exercise of your ingenuity; And we wou'd say to you- do not fear to break away from the dull routine of every day practice, so you can excite attention, quicken thought, give ex ercise to reason, or accomplish some oth er useful purpose always guarding, how ever, that your proceedings do not degen erate into levity or frivolity; To call into exercise the imagination of your pupil may at suitable times bean object worth v your attention. The systematic cultiva tion of this faculty of the ntiud has rarelv, if ever, been attempted or thought of; but a certain degree of liveliness and nc- livity of imagination, may contribute much to ihe enjoyments of ordinary social life, and we believe in cultivation should not be lost sight of in n complete system of education. It would, however, he im poilanl that it should receive culture, as well as cullitation that a right direction should be given it, ns well as nnd notivi'y be increased. us power As an example of the mode of employ, ing this faculty, you might suppose that a wounded deer, or bird, leturris to her young, and enquire of your pupils conversation thev think would ensue if the animals could reason nnd converse. This case would exercise the imagination m n'nly upon moral subjects. Or again you misjlit suppose the qualities of certain animals lo bo transferred to o'hers the eagle, for instance, to possess the strength of the elephant, or ihe bear ihe agility of the fox or nntelopo Brid inquire what would be ihe probab'e consequences. And here you would lay open that wide world of beneficence which Providence has dis played in the proper distribution of its various gifts, to the several varieties ol living beings wisely adjusting nnd har monizing its favors lo each, in such n manner ns not to interfere with the com petent security and preservation of the rest. Again you might suppose changes and transformations to take p'ace in ihe natural world, whether animate or inan- imate perhaps a change of some of na ture's laws and these cases might com bine, in their solution, more exerci e of the reasoning powers involving ihe ope ration of those laws so far as the pupil's knowledge of them extends. These specific examples are given, be cause they may better and more distinctly convey our meaning than could be dona by any general statement. Exercises of this character, if adapted as they should be to the capicity of your pupils, will af ford you an opportunity lo convey to them much useful information, and will be high ly interesting and pleasant. We have no doubt that by means of their introduction even allowing that no other ultimate good were attained many a reluctant urchin, who now "creeps unwillingly to school," would be induced to quicken his steps, and hie to the school-room witn alacrity and delight. It is perhaps a prevailing fault among teachers that ihey lake loo limited views of ihe purposes of education. They loo often seem to think that when they have taught their pupils to read, wrile, cypher, parse, &c, they have accomplished all that devolves upon them, and that the ,vork is done. Now these attainment? do not, by any means, ensure a proper edu cation. It is true they carry with them a certain kind and amount of knowledge : but not necessarily any effectual ability to acquire more: and, much less do they make it certain, that this knowledge, whatever be its amounl, shall be turned hereafter to any useful purpose. The pupil who has merely made the attain ments spoken of, cannot be called educat ed any more than he who has learnt that horse-nail is drawn out by repeated strokes of the hammer, first on one side and then on the other, can be said lo havo learnt the trade of Ihe blacksmith. You have then much more to do than merely to hear your pupils spell, read and recite. You have to instrurt ihem to communi cate to them from the great book of na ture, and lo prepurejhem to glenn further lor themselves, Irorri tbat same book knowledge, useful nnd substantial knowl edge thai shall be " enduring ns time, and ... O t lasting as eternity." But the view we have taken of educa tion, thus far, reaches only to I hat branch of it which pertains to tne cultivation of the intellect. In its full and proper scope it embraces every machinery, agency or influence which rpera'ts in the grand process of establishing ihe physical con stitution, developing the mind, and form ing the character in short, moulding Ihe man in all bis parts, bodV mind and soul. It aims at developing and bring ing forth to vigorous nnd healthful ncinm nil the powers nnd facultits whirl) our Creator has given us. It should fit us for all the active duties of coming life fit us to act well our part in "the great drama of human existence." An able writer, in pointing out the prib of a dtf cient or incompVte educa'iori, says, "ed ucation in our schools, oeght lo embrace it, if it docs no', the intellectual, morl iir.ti physical training of ihe young, all that make? the man or ruins t! e chile1. If we cultivate the moral nature at the expense of the intellectual, we make f the child a weak, hair-brained tnthusiast, and set him r;floal upon the sa of life, wi hout sufiicient intellectual ballast to preserve trs hark amid ihe breakers ihnt surround it; amid the waves that dash and the tempests that beat. If we culti vate the in'el'eclual nnd neglect the rr.ot al man, we furnish him with a weapon for evil. We sharpen the powers of mind only that he may be more successful in effecting mkchief lo the community. If we cherish the physical nature nt the hazard of both inieliectual and moral, we strengthen the animal and sink the man. It is only when children nre educated .villi reference 'o their three fold nature, and to the complicated, unerring laws which govern thai nature, that they are rightly educated. It is only then that they are reared up to be what God in tended they -hotild be, men of strong in tellect, strong hearts, and strong h.-nds ; men fitted, trained nod qualifkd lo serve the s'ate, the church and (he world." Under this view of the subject, nnd it is doubtless a correct one, the developement and culture of ihe physical moral ns well ns intellectual nature of your pupil-, is to be provided (or. Nature herself, however, has substantially providid for physical growth and lt velcpement ly essential nnd intrinsic laws over whicri we have little control, except so fur as these may be perverted, and the purposes of nature thwarted by our ignorance, or caprice and folly. It is true that you m,iy direct your pupils to such sports" and ex ercises as will lend to secure lo ihem ro bust bodies, hardy frames, supple joints and active imb?. Yet in the main,rta. lure's own irrepressible promptings are sufficient for these ends, nnd the most de manded ol you will be lo guard adverse nnd counteracting agencies. The care of the health of your pupils while ihey are under your immediate charge, enmes clearly within the scope of vour duties. It should be a just mailer of reproach lo yr,u if they suffer in this respect, Irotn any neglect or inattention of yours, or in consequence of any cot tin gency against which ordinary prudence or foresight could guard them. Endeav or lo Keep them as comfortable in ti e school room as its constnitjtion nnd condi tion will allow. We admit that vou can not be held responsible for all the ill health, the colds and coughs which may