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VOL! ME M.--NUMHER 1. ft': itijj Standard ,SSWI: EVERY FRIDAY EVEMIK6 BY JOHN MILLER MURPHY Hi *oran»l Proprietor. Olio v '.r. i advance 150 Ono m iwnr»* Inch) peryear sl2 per quarter 4 'Hi Dim one insertion 1 <"» subsequent insertions.. Advertisinir. four squares or upward by the vear, »t liberal rates. Iwat n tics will tie charged to the attorney or officer authorizing their ineer \ I\-<*rti*emetits sent from a distance, and transient notice* must be accompan ied bv t!.<' cash. , \o>Miiin>eiiiiMits ot marriages, births and deaths inserted free. mutuary notices, resolution* of respect ■»!,.1 .ith r articles which do not possess a ireiiera! interest will be inserted alone hall i lie rates for business advertisements ALFRED THOMPSON Conveyancer and Notary Abstracts of Title Carefully Prepared 20 Years' Experience OLYMPIA NATIONAL BANK B'LD'G. PAUL'S PLACE NJTED FOR QUfcl' OF THEIR LIQUORS. THE FINEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars Olyinpia Beer a Specialty 115 IOIIRTH STKEKT. Oonrteous Treatment to All. I'AUL DCTIILEFBBN. Proprietor. Tips and Topics of the Olympia National Bank. Thin bank ir under Oovemmenlinspection and supervision. * * * The Thief function of this bank is to receive deposits and to loan mouey. These thing* we are. prepared to <to iu a tnauuer acceptable to our pat rout * * * Every transaction" between the bank aud It* customers we regard a* of a private nature, not to be divulged by u>.. * * * With ample and experienced management this bank man comnieud itself to all who have a need of the service* of a bank. • # * The management of this bank baa endeavored to pursue a progressive policy, to be liberal ib Its treatment, and to adhere strir.tly to the legit- Imateliue* of banking # ★ * In directing the affairs of this bank, the olllc era iutist upon a atrict compliance with every role hiving lor its object the safety and aecorlty of the institution By closely and carefully studying the cause* lhat lead to failures, we have avoided the tocka upon which others have been wrecked. # * * Wc re not unmindful of onr obligation to the many friend* from whom »e are deriving pat ronage and MlpjHirt.. Having once secured your pairoiiage it will be our earnest endeavor to re taiu it. # » * Among the nianv patrons of this bsnk are found the most careful and conservative people iu the coinmuuity. * * * Should anything ever go wrong with yonr rela tion* Willi this bank we should esteem It a favor If yon will frankly tell ua where the trouble Is, and thus allow us to remedy the difficulty. * * * The question frequently arises: "Where shall Ido my banking business >" Onr reply Is this, " At tbe Olympia National Bank." § THE POPUL.AII 8 TONY FAUST | I RESTAURANT. j 1 JOBS MEIXNER - - PROPRIETOR, j 5 The titble will be seived with all the]? Sdeiicaeieß of ' lie season. Open <i«y O StaudiiiKbt. (inod service. Kißht prices. V |iu Fifth K: Oljapi*, Kuk. | j £ORNER SALOON^ WILLIAM GOUDY, PROP All the Popular Brandt of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Are on sale at this place. 340 Main St. - Phono "130 BYRON MILLETT Lawyer NuUr< <5& Block ' Olyrapia ffstbiigtM :♦>. ♦: :x^foecs3ocs I will pick layers from .-J vr your llix-k that will pay you -T --* a prolit. Pay when you are o satisfied that I can. C. T. MCCLELLAND. £ $ : •* <; STICK!IN UNDERTAKING PARLORS ji FRED W. KRAISS. MGR. J I ] > Professional Funeral Director and < | 11 Embilmer. Lady Assistant. J > J > Office and Residence: 414-16 Frank- < [ < [ tin Street. Phone 212. * 1 R J. PRICKMAN Artistic Tailor. * Main Street, between Fifth and Sixth TEDDY S VISIT TO THF. UNKNOWN. Jcffcr-oii Toutnbs in Harper',- Weekly. I dreamed 1 «1 reached the other shore 1 he one where we receive What punishment may lie in store l or tailzied webs we weave. Likewise w here we are given joys For good de< ds we have done— When suddenly a jarring noise Exploded likea gtin. "I was Theodore who had arrived ; lie stood and looked about, rhe spirits swarmed like bees uuhived To learn what made him shout. St. Peter met him at the gate With countenance austere. "<iood morning," Teddy said "But wait! Please telt me who's inhere." St. Peter showed him then the list. And Teddy looked it o'er; He bent his brows and clenched his fist And then launched forth a roar; How dare you have that man inside?'' Rndit in St Peter's ear. He yelled. "You knew I'd said he lied ! He should not be In here!'' Then other names of other men He found upon the page; Again, again and yet again He rumbled forth in rage: " How dare you let such persons in? You know upon the Karth I charged them with all forms of sin And showed what they were worth! '•Justput them out at once, or I W ill not come in at all!" St. Peter hove a gentle sigh And stepped inside the wall And closed the gate and called : "Too bad, But our list you cannot fix. So far in Heavun we've not had But once, some politics." Then Theodore went further down ; Mephisto met him there, A hesitant and nervous frown Showed in the ruddy glare. '•Here," said Mephisto, "you just take This brimstone and a match And go t>ut there beyond the l?ke And give that match a scratch And start a hades of your own, Because, the truth to tell, If I can't run tny place alone ' know it would be hell!" SHRINKING SAVINGS. Nothing shows more clearly the strain on the resources of the people, caused by the increased cost of liv ing, than the shrinkage of savings re ported l>y the Savings Banks. High prices— caused by tariff protection, which fosters trusts and combination and creates monopoly —if they do not in every case force the withdrawal of savings, certainly prevent adding to the store. Those who have been self-denying enough to save will rarely spend their savings except through an extreme necessity. What a crime it is, therefore, to tax necessities— that should be free —to enable the protected few to profit at the ex pense of the many ! This high protected—tariff tax is a two-edge sword. It decreases im portation that would compete with the products of our trusts and com bines, and allow the price of home products to be increased nearly to the same level as the imported articles. If the tariff tax were reduced, the price at which imported articles could be sold would be relatively lower; and to preserve their trade, the home manufacturer would have to also re duce the price of their products. The protectionists declare that to reduce the tariff on manufactured products would make paupers of the workmen employed liecawse they would have to compete with the pauper labor of Europe and else where. But experience in England shows that since the free trade era began, the wages for all kind of labor have risen over 100 per cent, and the government savings banks have more deposits year after year. Then, there is further experience of Germany and France since those countries adopted high protection as their policy; commodities have so advanced in price that their is great unrest among the workingmen and those with small salaries, de mands are being made to reduce the tariff taken, which, as in the United States, protect the manufacturers at the expense of the consumers. One can hardly wonder, therefore, that with savings decreasing and the price of necessities continually in creasing there is a strong trend to ward Democracy, which stands for tariff for revenue instead of tariff for protection. Swiss Make Watch Dial of Growing Flowers. A watch that keeps excellent time, though its dial is made entirely of growing flowers, was presented to President Fallieres of France on a recent visit to Bern, Switz erland, one of the centers of the watch-making industry of the world. It has l>een placed in the garden of the Elysee palace. The dial is six feet in diameter and is a mass of violets, anemones, pansies and asters. The hands are long beds of beautiful blossoms of a dif ferent color from the face of the clock, and the Roman figures are of a still different color. All the flowers are growing in boxes of fine mould. The movement is one of the most famous of Swiss manufacture, and the mechanism has been so delicately balanced that its makers declare it will keep time with the accuracy of a chronometer. He*w to the Liiie, Let the Chips Fall w here they May.'* OLYMI'IA, WASHINGTON: FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1910. \ VEL^T N^^UAtST C (INDIVIDUAL OPINION) r Judge Ronald, of Seattle, on being asked by the attorneys for Clara Townsend, a negress who pleaded guilty to petit larceny, to suspend sentence, replied: "leant doit. She is over 21. If I have power to suspend sentences indiscriminately, then I have the same power as the Czar of Russia, and it isn't right." Hail, Judge Rouald, of Seattle, Washington! * * * There is sadness and sorrow in Ross land. 15. C. The famous Le Roi mine which has made many million aires, and provided working men with homes, has been ordered sold. It was the blue-ribbon producer, and many a tale for writers it has in spired. The high-grade ore has failed, and the ore which is in sight is of too low a grade to pay expenses of operating the old mine, hence it is for sale. # * * Mrs. Taft, wife of President Taft, made her first public appearance, since she was taken ill a year ago, in in Washington, D. C., recently, at a session of the world's Sunday School association. President Taft intro duced her as the "real President of the United States." This is not a bit startling. Thousands of people over all the United States have thought right along that William Howard Taft was not President of the United States, in fact —only a figurehead. * * * Mrs. Ballinger, wife of Secivtery Ballinger, on her return to Seattle in an interview said: "I expect to remain here until November. Mr. Ballinger will come to Seattle as soon as Congress adjourns and he in tends to spend his summer here. Probably he will have to return to Washington earlier than 1!" It would be just awfully lovely and nice if Mr. Ballinger could arrange, some how or another, not to go back —his wife, seemingly, could probably at tend to his business "Just as well, if not better." Ye gods ! and a man is supposed to be the head of his house hold ! * * * One hears so much aliout forging to the front, taking time by the fore lock, seizing the bull by the horns, and so on, that the tail hold is en tirely ignored. Nine men who wise ly follow succeed where one does chauging around all the time. If you miss the forelock, seize the tail. It is the hanging on more than the par ticular hold that counts. The man will go as far, or nearly as far, who holds to the tail as the one hanging oir the horn, b<>sides he can hoid bet ter and is in less danger. The young man should cot be too anxious to get to the front, but hang on to what he has, and he will get ahead in the world just as rapidly as he deserves. ♦ * » The Seattle Times, not so very long ago. contained an article headed: " Accuracy Not Essential When M. E. Hay Talks," which closes with the following paragraph: "There is another curious voucher and one that opens the way fir deserving newspa|>er proprietors to gpt a portion of the tax money they pay to the State. A vnnclier on file from the executive of fices shows that Hay made the State pay fo 50 for a year's subscription to the Tribune, of Everett. Official records in dicate that the other State papers were discriminated against." So the Tribune, of Everett, is the only paper the State subscribe for? What do the publishers and pro prietors of " the other State papers" think about the matter? Why should th£ State subscribe for the Tribune, of Everett, only? There should be a reason. The publishers and owners of all other newspapers in this State should de mand the reason from M. E. Hay as to why he subscribed in the name of the State to the Tribune of Everett, thus as the Times article states, dis criminating against other State pa pers. " There is a reason." What is it? * * * Morrison, 111,, has an ordinance which prohibits any saloonkeeper ejecting a man who is intoxicated into the street; and makes it also the saloonkeeper's duty "to take good care of the intoxicated person until he is perfectly sol>er, and that a place shall l>e provided for him to sleep." This reads well at first, but let's see about it. Suppose it makes no difference to the City. Council of Morrison, 111., if the "drunk" spend ing all his money in the next saloon above wanders out about closing time and enters a saloon wherein he has never been before, nor spent a nickel; yet the proprietor of the] place must take "good care" of him, and "provide for him a place to sleep." Ugh! Probably the City ;Council of Morrison, 111., will, ere long, frame an ordinance requiring a merchant to loan a man who patron izes and deals exclusively with the storekeeper (his rival in business) across the street, money to buy goods from him. Just as much sense in it. The saloonkeeper pays a li cense to sell liquor, and as long as ho is allowed to do so, his busim ss is just as legitimate, legally, as any other industry which a city may license, and is entitled to fully as much protection, and why he should take care of a "drunk" who has never once patronized him is a conundrum for the City Council of Morrison, 111., to answer. About the only object in life with some mem bers of a town Council is to frame some freak ordiuance which will not affect their private business but in jures the business of others. These sort of Councilmen are thick in every city, at times, but after a while are found out by the j»eople and are kindly tucked in, by votes, to the political graveyard of ' has l>eens." How to Handle Apples—Problem for the Railroads. The increasing production of ap ples in the Northwest has furnished a problem which the great railway systems centering in St. Paul will have to solve. Howard Elliott, President of the Northern Pacific, also President of the Nationll Apple Show, held for the third time in Spo kane, Nov. 14 to lit, in his opening address, discussed the question from various standpoints. Despite the fact that thousands of new trees have been planted and the 1909 crop of apples in the Yakima Valley, Washington, the Hitter Hoot Valley, Montana, the Wenat chee district on the Great Northern in Oregon and the various apple dis tricts in Idaho is the largest for seve ral years, the demand for apples and the new markets opened in all parts of the world will take every apple raised. It is the getting of these apples tu market with which the railroads are concerned. American apples are al ways at a premium in Europe. Far away Egyptians have taken to the fruit and want all they can get of it. Australia on the other side of the gloln* has a growing appetite for this country's apples. In our own coun try where the apple is regarded as the most health-giving of fruits the demand is increasing and thus the railroads find themselves facing the problem of transporting the fruit. One of the new ideas to be suggest ed by President Elliott is the erec tion in the great producing districts of apple storage houses. He will recommend that the apples instead of being picked from the trees and rushed to the cars, be placed in these storage houses where they will be precooled. It has l»een found that precooled apples keep better and taste better than those that are cooled in refrigerator cars while in transit. There are other advantages in this plan of storing the apples near the orchards in which they are grown. It is believed, for one thing, that the grower will be able to get a better price for his product by holding it and shipping when market condi tions are improved. The grower also will have more tirno for hand ling his crop and will not have to rush it to the trains. The apple production in the Yaki ma Valley this year will amount to 3.200 cars and it has been estimated that the establishment of new or chards in this district alone will mean the production of 15,000 car loads at the end of five years. The output of the other districts will be proportionately large. The Northern Pacific railway has found it necessary to run solid re frigerator trains of 35 cars each on a 91-hour schedule from points in the Yakima Valley to St. Paul, which is almost passenger-train speed. It is doubtful if any railroad in the coun try has 15,000 refrigerator cars that can be used for the hauling of a single commodity at a certain time in the year. It is to avoid meeting such an emergency that Mr. Elliott will recommend that the apple grower hold his fruit in storage houses and ship it as the demand comes instead of rushing the whole crop to the East where it is placed in storage and held to the advantage of the jobber. The United States Reclamation Service now has under way the re clamation of hundreds of thousands of acres of land, much of which will be devoted to orchards in the next few years. Pears, grapes and other fruits, of course, wiil be grown, but the apple will remain king, and it is to get the fruit into the mouth of the people that the railroads aim. The work of the government is supple mentary to that of many private in dividuals and corporate irrigation enterprises that aggregate other enormous acreages and expenditures. In Montana, it was recently esti mate!, about 1 acres were under irrigation by private com panies and individuals. In Idaho, Washington and Oregon, in the Ijewiston-Clarkston, Columbia River, Walla Walla, Spokane, Yakima and OTHER valleys the same story is true. Consequently it may readily lje seen what the railroads will have to con tend with when thousands and thousands of new trees begin to pro duce apples and pears and many new vineyards yield their grapes. There is no fear of overproduction, as it is certain that the new markets and in creasing demands will take care of every apple that can be grown. (■rain, alfalfa and sugar beet pro duction in the great Northwest is also increasing and the railroads must handle these crops. The num ber of cars that will be necessary to handle this increased production is beyond the power of man to estimate, and President Klliott will urge upou the apple growers that it will be to their advantage to help the railroads to solve the great problem that cen fronts them. The Great Sometimes Err. En. STANDARD: Human nature seems much the same the world over. I am often surprised at the inside history of some of our most distinguished men. We have always considered Thos. Jefferson a fit model for our boys to emulate, and yet he was guilty of some glaring secret faults, as the fol lowing extract from the American Slave Code of about 400 pages will show. This code-was compiled by \\ illiam Goodell in '53. It is a sort of synopsis or compendium of all leg islation touching the subject of chat tel slavery in the United States. The author on page 375 says: " Look then at the dying Thomas Jefferson, penman of the Declaration that all men are created equal,' now penning a clause in his last will and testament, conferring freedom on his own enslaved offspring, so far as the slave code permitted him to do it, supplying the lack of power by ' humbly' imploring the Legislature of Virginia to confirm the bequests, 'with permission to remain in the State, where their families and con nections are' —then dying under the uncertainty whether his requests would be granted, or his children sold in the rice-swamps! One of his daughters, it seems, was afterwards sold at auction to New Orleans at the harem price! And his grand daughter was colonized to Liberia coerced perhaps by the cart-whip. This is not written to disparage the great name of Jefferson who is hon ored as the greatest statesman of the age, but simply to show that great men have their faults as well as oth ers. The father of the Declaration of Independence, was also the father of a number of mulatto children, a result perhaps of surrounding con ditions. J. C. Co 9. Resemblance. "It is easy to see that the baby takes after me," Mr. Nupaw assert ed. "He is as bald as I am, his eyes are blown as are mine; he re sembles me in ways and features, he " " Also," cut in his wife, as the kid set up a howl for his noon-dry meal, " he goes after the bottle about as often as you do." Mrs. Nupaw did all the talking for the rest of the evening. GUARDIAN —" How does my niece get along with her music—is she making any progress?" Musicus — " I regret to say that she is not. Her time and fingering are very de fective, and all I can do to correct them makes no impression on her. She will run the scales to suit her self." Guardian —"She inherited that from her father. He was twenty years in the coal business." " THIC poet tells us that' good-bye' is always hard to say," remarked the sentimental girl. "It may be," replied her pa, with a sly wink at ma, " but it seems to me that 4 good night' is the hardest of all to say." " Why—why so, pa?" " Well, I no notice it always takes you and that young man who was here last even ing over an hour to say it." Two Irishmen were passing by a jeweler's store that had a lot of un set precious stones in the window. They stopped and looked at them, when Pat said to Mike: " How w'uld ye loike t' have yer pick?" " No, said Mike; I w'uld rather have me shovel." MAKING CINEMATOGRAPH PICTURES It is only just over a dozen years since Edison first introduced his kinetograph, by means of which the first moving pictures were produced. A few experts prophesied a great fu ture for the invention, hut the ma jority, while conceding that the motion pictures were novel and in terestihg, were convinced that there was not much in the idea. Kven those who had faith in the invention could scarcely hive imagined that, in the course of ;i dozen years, peo ple would be paying tens of thou sands of dollars every day to see moving pictures at the thousand-and one picture palaces which have sprung up all over the world, or that a couple of prize-fighters would share between them close upon $125,- 000—as Johnson and Jeffries did re cently for allowing moving pic tures of themselves to be taken dur ing the contest for the championship of the world. No fewer than ten cinematograph cameras were perched round the ring while the tight lasted. During the fifteen rounds expert operators worked on relays, and secured 30,- 000 feet of films for the moving pic ture shows. The first exhibition of these pictures was given in New York, full theater prices being charged —that is. from a dollar to two dollars a seat. It is said that Mr. Oscar Haimnerstein made an offer of #20,000 for the first use of the films hi New York, and some bids for State rights reached $50,- 000. No wonder Johnson and Jef fries got such a huge sum for their share in the business. Of course these pictures are of exceptional interest, in view of the world-wide interest created by the fight; but as an illustration of the enormous popularity of moving pic tures, it might be mentioned that many big companies have built spe cial theaters arid keep big stock com panies of actors and actresses, in or der to prepare what are called "story pictures." Enormous sums are spent in their preparation. Some time ago. for instance, a certain company issued a series of pictures depicting the history of Nero. The photographs were taken in Italy, and six months were oc cupied in preparing for them. Over four hundred people were employed in acting the parts, and in the scene of the burning of Rome model houses were built up exactly to scale, and then set alight. Altogether, the production of the complete films cost nearly $5,000. Another company purchased a con demned house for the price of the building material, and then arranged for the fire brigade to come and put it out while thrilling rescues were performed by the trained acrobats of the stock company. In another case the branch line of a certain rail way was hired in order that a '* head on" collision might bo arranged, and a striking series of pictures was the result. There is a constant demand for new ideas for moving pictures on the part of cinematograph companies, $lO or S2O being paid for a plot or even for an idea for a series of pic tures. The actual taking of the pic tures occupies but a few minutes. It is the rehearsing and arrangement of the various scenes which occupies Ihc most time, for everything has to be done just as though it were an actual play before an audience. The Pork Barrel. " I'm glad they're going to take the pork barrel out of Congress." said Mrs. Bliggins, who had just re turned from the ladies' class in cur rent events. " Indeed?" said her husband. " Yes: members of Congress may not be able to economize on their lunches so easily, and they'll give more thought to the cost of living." MR. Sunns (after engaging cook) " There's one other thing I suppose you should know, Miss Flannigan; "my wife is a chronic invalid, con fined to her room." Miss Flannigan —"Thot's fine! I wor afreed she moight be one iv thim chronic kick ers that ar-re confoined t' th' kit chen, be gobs!" »#♦ ANY insurgent who wants to join tho Democratic church will bo admit ted by letter to full communion if he believes that the tariff should be for revenue only; but any standpatter will have to sit on the anxious seat until he shows works mete for re pentance. IF a good complexion is desired, in stead of bonl>ons and pastries eat plenty of good, ripe fruit, and drink an abundance of cold water between meals. STONOES are great germ collectors, and should be scalded thoroughly very frequently. PROTECTING THE FARMER \\ hat has caused the State of lowa to decrease 7,082 in population since 1900? Secretary Wilson has told us that the tariff is making the farmers prosperous, and yet thous ands have moved away from this prosperity to seek other and more inviting fields. Is it |><>ssil>lc that the bleak prairies of Northwestern Canada where corn will not ripen, offer better prospects for suc cessful farming than the rich lands of Iowa? The fact is. Secretary Wilson is mistaken and the farmers know it, else why their intense demand for real tariff revisions. The only lowa farmers that the tariff helps are those who raised sheep; for they benefit by the tariff of 12 cents ]>er pound on wool. But there were in 1909 only 747,000 sheep in lowa (see year-book of the Department of Agriculture, p. 730). and the number is decreasing: for according to the same authority there were 8(H),000 sheep of shearing □ge in 1903 (see page 732), which shows a reduction of 35.000 in one year. In these same official statistics, the price on the farm appears to he declining; for in 1908 the average price in the United State is quoted at $3.88 per head, while in 1909 the price had declared to $3.43 (see p. 729) This does not indicate that the farmers are getting their share of the prosperity which the Republicans assure us is due to the protective tar iff. Even their sheep and wool on which they are protected do not seem to be adding to their prosperity; and nothing else than wool is the lowa farmer really protected by the tariff. The price of wool has declined since the passage of the new tariff law, al though the very high protection on wool and woolen was not changed. At St. Louis, the highest price reached in January, 1908, for best tub-washed was 33 cents per pound; while during December of the same year the price fell to 28 cents per pound. There are no later govern ment statistic published, but the Daily Hatte at Quincy Illinois, No vember 4, 1910, in its market reports of the price of hides and and wool says: " Wool —Although prices are now advancing just yet, the market is toning up. There is a better dc inend and the general feeling is " Bright wool —21 to 23c per p<sund; Clothing wool—lß to 20c per pound.; Western and inferior grades—l 6to 19c per pound." While tho lowa farmer has been having good crops and getting good prices for them during the past few years, the cost of living has advanced over 60 per cent with him as with every dollar in the cities, and those who have rented farms have had their rent raised as the price 01 land increased. These lowa farmers who have immigrated—probably mostly tenants —have evidently not l»een very prosperous, or they would not leave their homes and their neighbors and their friends to go to new count ries and begin all over again with all the hardships of frontier life. No wonder that in lowa, and in all the Western states where similar condi tions prevails, there has been a gen eral demand for tariff revision down ward ; for it is very evident that pro tection does not protect the fanner, but plunders him. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1911 Almanac. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac fur 1911, that guardian Angel in a hun dred thousand homes, is now already. Not many are now willing to be with out it and the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Mag azine, Word and Works. The two are only One Dollar a year. The Almaanac is 35c prepaid. No home or office should fail to sen'l for them, Word and Works Publishing Com pany, St. Louis, Mo. ALL the girls at the football game envied Clara." " Why—did she havo the hand somest suit?" " No, but she went with a fellow whose eye was bandaged, whoso arm was in a sling and who walked with a crutch." A WBITKR in the New York Medical Journal says whisky is not a cure for snake-bite, but kindly refrains from expressing an opinion as to its suit ability for fish-bait. To Theodore Roosevelt the disas ter that has befallen his party and the sweepfng character of the Demo, cratic victory are in large measure due. — X<w York- Times. .TIIKRK is going to be something new to talk about when the first pir ate airship captures a flying freight er and makes the crew walk the plank. ♦ • THK great victory is a vindication of the Democratic tariff policy as laid down in its platforms.—Balti more Sun. WHOLE NUMBEft 2.<i:U L Your fortune is that you will l><> happy if you purchase your drugs and sundries here. The clairvoyant endeavors to orognosticatc the fu ture. By patronizing this store you are simply making genuine satisfac tion a certainty. WE LEAD BUT NEVER FOLLOW. HUGH ROSS The Druggist, Phone 260 + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+ t GO TO THE -1* f OK :: BARBERSHOP :: •" «► :: FOR A GOOD :: :: SHAVE. I *■ 4 k <► 4 | For Good Workmanship, Clean- - > '* liness and Fair Treatment <► give u,j a trial. I, £A. L. Armstrong Bert Miller - ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ P. J. O'BRIEN & COT HORSE SHOEING AND General Blacksraithiiig. OIVE XJB A. TRIAL. Sole agent! for Olvraplaand Thuraton county for the celebrated STUDEBAKER Wagons and Carriages Corner Third and Columbia Streets. Olvmpia, Wash. <♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦ Ulna Packing Co. Jos. ZAMBERLIN, PROP. DEALER IN ;; :: Fish, Oysters " and Clams : : ■; *' SHRIMP AND CRABS A SPECIALTY "; ; 405 Water St. - Olympia, Waah. - ....PHONE 133 .... « 6 THE K 1 WDiie Front saloon 1 J WINES, 1 9 LIQUORS k g and g CIGARS g | John Mcintosh, Proprietor | I 119 4th St. Phone 599R 5 FKEJ). B€HOMBEB 356 Franklin St., Olympia, With. Keal Estate, Insurance, t!olle tions, Notary Public. r/IM^VUNB/^a/ oo i * THE AKNEX 9 ■ Paul Dethlefsen, Pup. ■ \ 116 WEST FOURTH STREET ■ IT SOLVES THE BREAD QUESTION ASK YOUR GROCER CEO. C. ISRAEL Attorney at Law OLYMPIA, WAS H Office: Funk-Volland Building