Newspaper Page Text
gum SOM! @isputch. Vol. I. No. 39. 22;; gigs: : = fZSIKR." ling-181.2; I;h:s;lay, A:¥;2;.:7; County_F_inances. Mr. Gardner Kellogg, for many years County Auditor of King County, was some months since questioned thrrngh the public prints in regard to the finan cial affairs of the county, of which no definite or consistent report had ever been made during his term of ofiice. . The ofiicer, from long use, had come to regard the oflice as belonging to hin» self and not to the people, deemed all such questions impertinent and insult ing, and refused to answer or give any explanation of his official nets. Subse— quently Mr. Kellogg resigned Cue, other and candidacy for another term to which he had been nominated, and now he comes out in his personal and party cr gan with a communication pretending to give the information sought, and ex plaining the reasons for not giving it he !oro, ptemising his exphmmion with the statement that “ for doing a small part of the labor asked of me, our Unnuty 'Sherifi‘ paid an accountant the modest sum of EMS, and in the potitinn they made no provision for necessary com pensation." “'hat Mr Kellogg‘s motive was for making this last communication we will not pretend to fathom. What purpose he has served by it, we are not nhle to -l.iscover. He has not accounted for a single discrepancy between the receipts and expenditures of the County as he i’ore reported. He has not given a sin gle new fact of the least practical use in arriving at any conclusion as to whether the financial afl'airs of the county are judiciously managed or otherwise. The n-xpense of making a. statement of tht’ financial afl'airs of the county is no ex uuse for neglecting a manifest duty.— "I he Auditor is the accounting officer of the county, and nothing is more clearly tithin the line of his duty than to pre~ i-cnt, at statetl periods, an intelligible halurce sheet of its fixnncial transac tions and contlition. If the Auditor’s~ l-tiicial report, or his \‘aletlictory mltlrcss give any adequate idea. of the literal transactions of our county officials. then the whole batch ore grassly incompetent or viciously corrupt. We find. and have heretofore shown from the Auditor's re port, balances struck which do not cor- ‘ respond by thousands of dollars with l the detailed statements of receipts and expenditures; gross amounts appropriat ed for interest which 'do not correspond with the principal of the outstanding} indebtedness; conversion of securities without authority of law with no ex planation of the amount, kind or nature of such securities; appropriations made and put upon interest in advance of the work or considerations which said up propriations were calculated to meet.—‘ \‘tfe'hnve no explanation of any of these 1 discrepancies, but an cl vborate stute- ‘ ment to show that the discrepancies in j the report of the road fund are chiefly ‘ attributable to the neglect of snppnsa- 3 ble road supervisors. not one of whom ‘ has ever been called to account accord- ‘ iug to law, and that no settlement hasi ever been made between the county and ‘ city, the collector for both being the 1 same identical ofiicer. This is upon the ‘ hypothesis that L. V. Wyckofi'. the City ‘ Marshal. has made no settlement with: L. V. Wycliofl', the Sherifi' of the C(tlln-i t 5; that the Marshal returns the tuxct‘ collected in the city to the city treasurer, 1 and returns the same to himself as Sher— 1 if as delinquent on the county books. ‘ It was the loose. improvideut. not to say dishonest manner. in which our county afl‘airs were conducted to which we called public attention. and it has on ly been made a personal matter by the us suinption of Mr. Gardner Kellogg that he was the sole responsible public officer of the county, the regent and head centre of the ring. exercising “ prerogatives ” which belong only to sovereignty; and in his valedictory nddrese to his subjects he evidently thinks that the whole mat-- tar is settled by resigning his clerkship. We propose to look after these maitkzrs hereafter jnst the same as if the light of Gardner Kellogg's genius haul never been reflected upon them, nul there are people in this county who are clearly of the opinion that. the affairs of the L'Ullll ty can be mmmged bv an honest and in telligent Board of Commissinuem \ulh I good clerk quite as well as when they had the benefit of Mr. Kellogg’s great executive ability. What Has He Done? The above question is frequently ask ed by the partisans of Mr. Gnrfiwlde. showing that the) base their support of the man not upon what he has done. but upod what he has not done; as his support before was urged entirely upon promises of what he was going to do if elected. In view of those promi ses it is now our turn to ask. what has he done 1‘ By referring to the Index of the Congressional Globe for the session of 1870-"71 we find he introduced the following bills : "To grant lands to Washington Ter rritory to aid in the construction of rail roqd and telegraph lines in said Terri tory." ‘ . " For the relief of William -Kelly. Contain of eighth United States Caval- W-n ‘ ‘ a “For the nfief of disabled oflcem of mummy hOlmebly mustered out under the act of July 15. 1870. " To extend the benefits of the damn tion laws 011 September 27. 1850 to oer. min persons." “ In regard to homesteads upon pub— lic lands.” , “ Joint resolution for abnnnh rail road from Utah Territory to the Comm bin River." These include every measure _intro» duced by Mr. Gnrfielde during the last session. and it will beobserved that the) are chiefly private bills for which he was only acting as attorney. Not a sin~ gle measure {or the general benefit of the. Territory was passed under his aus picesnmt a single act of any kind in which he was not personally interested. The. Dgislalure at its last session: memorialized Congress on many matters‘ deemed of great importance to our fu-‘ ture prosperity. It will be seen that not one of those memorials was pre sented to Congress by Mr. Garfielde. He promised in his first: canvass to devote his time and remarkable elocu tionary powers to promoting the build ing 0f the Northern Pacific Railroad and o induce immigration to this Territory. All the services he. has rendered the mil mad he has been paid for by Jay Cooke & (20., while at the same time he was under subsidy to Hotliday & CO., Mimi interest, and while professing to repre-‘ sent Washington I‘crritory, assented to make Portland, in Oregon. the initial point of the main line of the road on this side of the mountains, giving to Puget Sound only it branch line. He promised in his last canvass to procure appropriations to a. Custom House at Port; Townsend, n Penitentia ry ut >~teilucoom, :1 Capital at Olympia, and various other much needed improve ments. The records of Congress do not show that he has made a movement to secure any one of these measures, and the acts of Congress do not show an appropriation of a dollar for public improvements in this Territory. Ap propriations for those objects, procured by Mr. Denny, his predecessor, have. been alloch to lapse to the Govern ment, and no efiurt has been 111311.: to renew them. What Mr. Garfielde has done as Dele~ gate is only manifest in mattersin which he is personally and pecumarily inter chtcd. He has succeeded in controlling a hnfiiciunt amount of Government [mt ronage to organize and maintain a tin-,1 of uh misc:npnlouziaunl corrupt politi cians as v. Vcl‘ controlled and Ili‘ngl‘iltell ;: nmnicnml gowrnme-nl anywhere. lic kept in oflicc for two years n Supt-rm tendent of Indian Afi'viirs hc had hint nel! declared to be corrupt. Llc pm cured the removal of Gov. Salomon, who was doing more for the public in terest. than any other Federal ofliL-ial in the Territcry, and the appointment of Ferry, a mere carpet-bag cross-roadpuli tician, who has neilher (he cupadty or Inclination for any thing but po iticui management in its most corrupt and uh— jectional phase. He procm‘red the ap‘ pointment of Beach, a refugee from British Columbia, ofinfumous notoriety, ‘ to handle and disburse $70,000 of pul» ‘ lic funds appropriated for Government surv=ys. and used to maintain a news-‘ paper devoted exclusively to the inter ests of the “ring.” If he has done any meritorious act. or any thing for :he public benefit. we will be happy to re ‘ cor the fact whenever our attention in called to it. No Convention. The Democratic Territorial Com mittee will not cull a convention to make at party nomination fur Delegate to ('ougress. Judge 0. B McFadden, yitrlding to the generally expressed wish of citizens of both parties. who earnest ly desire reform l']. the public service, will run as no independent candidate. pledged to the principles of the Cin ciunuti plntform. and entirely free from party obligations or personal commit ments. He will be supported by many leading Republicans in every county bordering upon Puget Sound~some of whom yet ndhere to the fortunes of the Grunt. Administration —npon the ground that he would much better serve the interests of the Territory than the present incumbent. It is a subject for devout gratitude to every patriot that old party lines are swept away: that unscrupulous men can no longer attain tvfiioiul positions by pat-king party caucusses and compel the sum-ages of the people by party dis cipline. The voters are once more free. and honesty and cnpucity nre the only tents for office. By this test only do we urge the support of O. B. McFadden, the people's (-anfiidute. against Selu cious Garfielde the candidate of a ring. OLYMPIA.—We made a. flying visit to the capitol last week and ware surprised to see the marked improvement it was exhibiting. There never was in the his tory of the town somany improvements in progress at. the same time as at the present. The Citizens have come to the wise conclusion to wait no longer {or the railroad to build the town, but toi build one themselves that no ruilrond‘ shipping point three miles from them‘ can seriously afi‘ect, What they want now. and what they are determined to have. is a Delegate in Congress who will look after the public interests in stead of his own exclusive private inter ests. A liberal appropriation for capi tal buildings, which Judge McFadden will undoubtedly procure for them next year, will secure the future of Olympia as the _most attractive. though not the largest city on Puget Salim. @- Jamirson, the pioneer jewelerfis determinrd Io keep the lead and My competition, and he is taking the most efi‘octive menu of doingitby, hoping 1119 best quality of goocband rivet-tile ing them. PUGET SOUND DISPATCH, SEATTLE, W. T., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1872: The DISPA'I'én i§ going to run as a Democratic campaign paper until lln election—Courier. The Courier makes this statement up on our distinct announcement that thv Dmmwcn is “ abs nlnteiy independent of party." The editor of the Fourivr is not in a position to comprehend indepen lence in journalism. or under such in iuenccs as to regard truth as among the social or political virtues. If the Gov ernor or the President may lie with im pnnity. can less be expected of their hired mun ? / \ 7. m x ‘1; J \‘ / flagi {93, J) .‘ . 3%}: .r,_; a a l «(r— 7' *‘Q 3 :: ~ - ‘ *3 7’“ l l / @n ° \Q 05:5,. @7- * .... ./ W. G. JAMIESON, Watchmaker and Jeweller. NEA'F'I‘LIC, \V. T., “mama". Isl? RECEIPT. PER LATE ARRIVALS, 01" no“ “noun. u! Elgin, Hull/mm, Swiss California W'wtehes; Golrl Opera, Leontine and Chatelaine Chains; A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F Jewelry of new styles, Solid ;S'ilver-wcu‘e, .41 Electroplate-ware, Pebble Spectacles aml Eye— Glasses, Calendar, O/fiee, lonic, Drop Uet, Jllimtel and .Mzrine Clocks, Compasses, Frmey Goods, elm, etc., All offered an. the lowest mics. ; if“ Jewelry of any_ desired pattern made to order. 15F Timepiecns of every description carefully l't‘pzlll‘t‘ll and warranted. 5 gr Engmviug- in all us branches. A cmninuuucr ul' lln- public pntl‘unflge is. l'v.“pvk‘ll'nll)‘ >nlimh ll and We Wurmut rulire Suthfdcliun in every pmliculm‘. "(if Unlcm by mull will waive prompt autcunun. \\'. \l'. JAMIESON, ert dour m Schu‘ubztcher's new Brick Building, Unmmerciul street. Scuttle. Aug. 2.1, 1672. 39H. RACES. at?! Ffif}; *1" \ _ 'l“ THE FALL MEETING OF THE SE ut-ilu Jacky-y ('lnh will be belll A! lllc Semllo (nurse commencing \Vulnvsxluy October 23, 1872. and will cuuliuue three days. us fulluws: FIRST DAY. Jockey Plnl) l'ln'su. SBOO. Mile heats, best two In three, tn rule. SECOND DAY. Prnprielnr’s Purse, $200; Free Hum (limp fur all horses. Mile heats, bust (Wu in three. Twenty per cent. entrance to above races added to purses. THIRD DAY. Sweepstakes SSO each; Gate money added by Prupl'irtol'; Mlle heats, best three in five. Three to enter and two to start for the übove purses. The above Races will be conducted necordiug'to the Rules and Regulations of the Richmond Jockev Club. Rules 10, 11, 13, 27 and '2B being stricken out. ROBERT ABRAMS, President. ‘ C. C. Pmuuxs, Secretary. Seattle, \V. T. Aug. 19. 39m1. PHllllll FIRE lIISURIIIEE Ell. OF HARTFOLD. CONN. 1 lxsxrmgs DWELLINGS. storms, MER vhandlse, Furlllhlrmt‘tc. Pal-um WIRm-xg insurance in this reliable Company. can obh-‘in it by calling on a. P. Wants, Agent. 394 m. ' “l ‘ . SllOllOllllbll bounty RAN CH, Containing 158 90-100 Acres, 011 Saturday next THE 2£TH INSTANT. At 10 o'clock, A. m., in front of our Ofice. Commercial street, we will sells: Public Auction to the Highest Bidder. the Propetlv at the month of the Snohomish, known as the II n NICK CODE RAHEH. McNAUGHT & LEARY, ATTORNEYS-AT—LAW. Seattla. Ammst 17. 1872. Dr. H. P. LATHROP, (mm or an: mam.) Hume nocam m SEATTLE. m 4 - den; his profesional canines to m cm.- nn‘s‘ brsemle um vicinity. 01110: temporarily at the Occidentll Hotel. . NEW Furniture Store ANDERSON 8‘ HOPKINS. ————<a.~>———- Mili street, next door to the Post Office, Are prepared to furnish the People of Seattle and vicinity with a superior article of FURNITURE, at Reduced I’l'ices! Also, 0091'59 l" Sash and Blinds. \ WALNUT AND HEDWUUB MOULBINES, Undertaking, }Furm'ture Repaired. SHOW CASES Made to order. SOLE AGENTS AND Manufacturers of "' i i I BhSéflHS IflFBUJEi] SPHIHG )[ ;XT.§.L;XSS. it? (live us a call before purchasing elsewhere. AXI)ERS(')N & HOPKINS. Seattle, August 15, 1872. NEWS FOR THE THIRSTY ! THE I‘NDIIRSIGLVI-TI; WOT'LD INFORM lhnir friv Ink and tlw puMiv that ll'l-y are mm‘ 1"" pun .1 In 11 wk thu thirsty a: the Dolly Varden Saloon, l'urnwr nf Front fill-l (7b! try straws, opposite the ix. Y. Lin an ;‘y. ‘ SEYI'TLE. \Y. T. ‘ \\'l.- ln‘ mum u nlh- r luxurie-i-z may he found lhl‘ ; BEST BIIAXDS Ol’ Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SMIW'S PRFMIUM CflflKTAILS, imkuuwlmlgml by cumin-tout jmlgvs to be 5111m ri'rr to all ulh: rs, will lu- disponsuil nt all hours. ’l‘ln- prnprivlnrs trust that ll_\' N'l‘ll't nth-Minn tn limiums. aml kindly tri-utxm-ut of guests, to mrrlt a dun-c of public patronage. ‘3‘ cm. AND 3m; ('5. SMITH & LOWE. July 4.12472. am i __o. “W- _._._.___._______ i ‘1 I ' i J llbt An Mcd 1 Ex BK. OAKLAND. 20,000 llh‘. sugar cured Hams, Breakfiist Bacon, Mess and Prlme Mess Pork. ‘ BOOTH. FOBB I. BURST. Seattle Market, Aug. 8. tf. TREES! mems: Bums: SEEDS! HEDGE PLANTS! Nursery Stock! Fruit. and Flower plates! Address F. K. PHOENIX. BLDIIMIIIGTOII NURSERY. ILLINOIS. 600 Acres: 315: yenrzlfl Greenhouses. Apple. 1,000 1 )r., 520: '2 y. S3O; 3 y. S4O; 4y. SSO 4 Cutalogubs, 20 cents. 36—4 m. Em gugct Sauna! BANkm N; g CQ, l \ SEATTLE, VI. T. Capital Stock $500,000. C. T. WARREN, Px'esident. SAMUEL P. WARREN, Cashier. THIS COMPANY “'ILL 'I'BANSACT ALL kinds of legitimate Bmking business. re cclve deposits, make collections, md sell Ex chuugv in Gold and Currency drawn direct on Ncw Yul-k or Sun ancinco, Make no charge for collections in Seattle; Drafts on New York or Sm Francisco collected at cost . Certificates of Deposit issued baring interest from six to ten per cent. per nnnum. Approved business paper discounted for de pasitors. Funds invested in Real Estate or loaned on Mortgage, Ind reliable inform-tion furnished regarding thi: Territory for non-residents. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Money deposited in this Department, in sums ‘ of One Dollar and npmrds. will dnw interest ‘ 1 at ten per cent. per mnum. ‘ Mechanics. Mill. Mining Ind Milton! Em ployees will find I ufe Ind reliable plus for deposit for their moneyflteiides receiving inter est on the sumo. _Sigln Daft: on New York or San Funeisco will be “ken without discount. Time Dut collected (reap! clan-3e for depositors. Rules 0! thin Department mun-bed on up?“- ution. 3m , Nexv Barber Shop, 93. 1% EY, Late of St. Louis, _ INFORMS TEE CITIZENS 0F SEATTLE and visitors to the QUEEN CITY OF THE SOUND, that he has fitted up I first on: TONSORIAL SALOON 0!: Commercial street next doortothe Bunk Exchange. Slmving. Hnir Dressing and Shampooing. Hair and Whiskers Dyeu' in the highest style of the art, Particular attention paid to Chflnh‘en's Bur Cutting. Give me a trial md you will come nguiu. July 19, 1872. 33“ Seattle Car Jlz'll am? Fourth Streets, (opposite Batvh’r’s TI! Img y. SEIXTTLE, \‘V. ’l‘. STUART BRIGHTON 6; Co. PROPRIETORS. H a, to supply the WHOLE 8F PUGET SOUND WITH THE Best, Draft and Bottled Ale, Beer, Porter and Lager Beer, made on the Pacific Coast. Our BOTTLED ALE and PORTER is considered by competent judges equal to the best imported, while our LA GER BEER, (made by Mr. Jon): omm, the famous Ger man Beer Brewer, so well and favorably known on the Sound and lately Brewer for the N. P. R. R. Bravery, at Stella -000111,) is excelled by none. Tln- patronage of the beer-drinking public of Puget Sound is solicited, as we feel satisfied we mm supply them with a BETTER AND PURER ARTIBLE than they can get elsewhere. All our MALT LIQUURS are made of the best Hull and flaps—contain no drugs —aml are properly fermented on scientific principles. All orders promptly attended to, and particular attention paid to orders from families; STUART CRICHTON & CO. Scuttle, July 11, 1873. Millinery Establishment. 33$ '13,?» ~ ‘2?- 33- ‘w 15.":"1, 4. f V A?- €“iMN 7' .45 4(fo :7: :4! I: 2‘ fl—_ ‘ A CHOICE SELECTION OF MILLINERY Goods just received. Fine Feather Flowers, Real Ostrich Plumes, Gros gmin Ribbons, And all the latest styles in HATS Ind'BON NETS. New Styles and Novelties By every San Francisco steamer. Ladies {mm the Sound Ports should csl] aud examine. All orders promptly attended to ma sslist‘nc (iou guaranteed. Stamping, Bniding and Pinking done to or d r. 8 Mrs. G. W. BALL. Commercial street, next door to Schwabacher Bros. & Cm, Seattle. W. T. je6. Railroad Land Notice, THE ITNDERSIGNED HAVEN'G BEEN AP poiuted Age-n: to meeive all applications for Railroad lands in the Olympia Land District, applicants for such lands Ire referred to the fol- Inwing letter: NORTHERN PAOIFIO RAILROAD GO. Home Division. Omcz Ass'r Tnus‘n AND 6mm. Asm,’ Knhmn. W. T.. June ‘26. 1672. FRANK Tsmnn, Esq., Olympia. W. T.. Dear Sin—To avoid the tiling of conflicting spplications Ind errors In description of lands applied for in the Land Department of this Com. pany. I desire to ask you to receive 11l applica tions for lands in the Olympia Land District,and whsn the mine are in due form forwn-d them to this uflice. Fess. if my, will be collected by you from the sppllunts. Yonrs. truly. J. W. SPRAGUE. Genenl Agent 1". Tm Agent. Olympil, w. 'l‘. 35-4 KN IG H'I‘&DICKSON , Pamt & Color Store, WASHINGTON 81., SEA" LE, W.T. 3381. FOR SALE, 300 BARRELS FRESH SAII .IIIAII LINE, ‘ JUST RECEIVED. Inquire 0! JOE! T. Jf‘R'DAN. Seattle. Jun. 21, 1812. m 7. m. s. RUSSELL & co; ‘ BIAIVIBIOTII Furniture Store ! No. 10 Commercial st. SEATTLE, W.T. Furniture 01' all demriptions, Wholesale and Retail Bedding, Pictures, Molding, Oval Frames, Window Curtains and Fixtures. Agents for the celebrated Chrome ivafihingtun winging the gimme Pictures Framed. Furni ture made to orvlvr. Show Cases Made in “'ulnut and Maple. Rclmiring done with neat ness and dispatch. July 4, 1872. 322 M. CLOSING OUT At Cost, ! TQ: 9:35:11 ESE; FOR A LARGE Groceries, Provis ions, &c., I to—day commencc-d to dispose of my extensive Stock of CIJOTIIIN(I‘" Boots and Shoes, llats and Chips. etc. etc. etc. , ' vw ATE 0031' PRIUE ! FOR CASH ! [sollll early i 1 ydn wish to secure bargains. JOHN A. WDOBWARB, chlcr’s Corner, Seattle, \V. T. N. B. As hertofore, my extensivc Stock of Groceries, Provisions, etc. Will be disposed of at the most moder ate rates. March 4th, 1872 f. lSt WELLS. FARGO & 60.. BANKER S , I” ates Strret. Victoria, B C. DRAW EXCHANGE 0N LONDON. NEW YORK. San Frnncisco. Boston. md the principal points in the West and Dominion u! Gin-dl. LEGAL TENDER NOTES AND OTHER Gow mmcnt Securities ‘ BOUGHT AND SOLD. ‘ Deposits received Ind Icmuntfl kept subject 1 to Dun. ‘ Intel-eat nlxowed on Time Deposit ’for Ape-led 0! three months Ind upwu'ds. All orders left with my 01' our Agents on Puget sound will be promptly “tended to. F. GARESGHE, Agent. April 11. _ 20:1. ISAAC A. PALM ER, Architect and Bui'der, SEATTLE. VI. T. ‘ WILL MAKE DRAWS, PLANS. SPECl nuflons md Emma In Buildings of every description. Ofloo with Pnlmer. Bro. & 00., on mm mm opposite Occidentll Hotel. 21". June Ist 187'? ’ Iv. r , NEW MARKET Corner Commercial and Washington streets. Great Reduction in Prices. ummer prices established at the Seattle Market. Sale of Pt. Townsend Mar~ ket, , Business confined exclusive ly to Seattle. Prepared to contract Beer at SIX CENTS a pound dur ing the Summer, Juét Received. 50 head choice Island Reeves: 50 head from east of the ‘ Mountains. " ‘ To Arrive. ‘ .. . 000 head of chmce mutton Sheep from Oregon, in charge of James How, Meats and Vegetables de livered in any part of the Ci ty accessible by team five of charge. Seattle Market closed on Sundays, ‘W'E All]: Xifll' PREPARED T 0 (TIN. true! for supplying Mills, M- ulnr‘rs. \‘i. sols. Loggers nnd 111-lids mm bet-f by ”i” win at srx (inn 1» 1- ll». during the human-norm. mun-ling: June lint. The Retail Trade Will be supplied at (114- wry low: bl rims. 2» pm inl nth n‘ ion is rallul tn our JUNE I‘RKEh. The S 2 :mh- Marla: will rrinaiu open umi: I“: u‘ylm-k Saturday i \u nuns. eiriiu ‘ v. ry in ms .1 winner h- 1 :m uh- ili ir Mindoy lnr-n‘n. at“! which it wilt Le I'IUFI‘II until Monday mening- Having dispnsvd of our Port annsoml Mar. kot. we shall in full-Irv givv nux- vntin- attrnfiun to the inh-nAstH of \ rattle- and the wzum uf hrr vitiz< m in nur ”hr of hnsimss. running that Ivy so dniug We rh-‘ll merit their continued patron age and gum] will. BOOTH, FOSS & BORST. Propnetors. 5 . (AJXRDQ x‘fE TAKE I’LEARI'BE IN A.\'— ‘ ' mmm-ing tn the public the return (If Mr. THOMAS MURPHY to may Pli'plny ment. like will be renwmbered an IL9 per-nu who gnw- our house such an I‘ll viable reputation. last full, for hnvinun choice quality of small goods of all d:- scriptions, consisting of Bologne Sausage, Pork Sausage, Beef Sausage, German Sausage, Sum mer Sausage. Llver Puddings, Black Puddings, Saveloys, Trlpe, Head Cheese, etc As there has always existed in the minds of many persons. and more «spy ciaiiy the indies, a sort of antipathy 11!: regard to the nuumfzu-tnry of these smm goods by butchers, the public. mutt! course the ladies, are very respm'ltlm.‘ invited to visit our suumgzo “IV“T‘H‘“?! and Witness the moving :q.rl-:r,,nli (it mu" ing these gawk. Mr. Murphy WE)” found in thie apartment. alwaya J Ml' 1 to give my uif‘ornmtiun desired in ;‘U gimi tnhis mule. BOOTH, FOSS & BORFT. Seattle Market. Seattle, May 20, 1872. “1“”: NOTICE 7 ; To the Jlerc was of PIW Sound .- ON THE FIRST INST. WE HAD SHIPPED to our address from the well Immrn Flyi ing Hunso of Tlmmas .I. Biggc-r, Karma: (ff; Missouri. TWENTY THOUSAND PUL‘MJS w cured Meats, consisting in part of Breakfast Bacon, Heavy Bacon, ‘ Sugar Cured Hams, Barrelled Pork, etc. WP recs-in: (hm mats direct fmm first tum;g by the cur loan]. and hum-e will supply {ht-mm at San Francism jabbing ralvs. We «150 L”: notice am we ha re onkrud from £21.15 puru ‘ house, a large stuck o! Pure Loaf Lard, in parkages of 5m to mm earn, Whil‘h we H 11” ofl'vr to (hr trade at th- same rutrs. We have made amnzemvnts with xhic HOO for supplies of any muguituuh- whim the) m of the Sound Wlll wnrmut, our übjrcl Mini establish 3 Wholesale Mart here {or these Ind other articles of Eastern ml! ufwcmn- in am- line, instead of havinfl WW ‘mlmte m uniform: and Ongun for Nu m. m Being permnmnfly 1003!“! at Skunk. ~x most central paint on Ihr bound furdismlmflixv -'h|ving mm! up rooms suitable for our 1.“; ‘ noon in All iis branches. and rppeciall)‘ “”1“ View of embummg this‘ trade. w ""11 "sl.. the public that we shall smmin this (“”1 ‘ uguimlt I" fox-Pisa companion. i wit}; As Inn-chums It? not usually I‘!‘ PW“ “a. suitable moms for kwping this cuss 0" “I: in (holy can pmmre moi;- supplies {run “' l-v qmtities to suit. on wry short notma URL-K obviating the DPCCESiCy of Its-vying Hum" friri on ma for their truce, besides “VIN! "‘1? M o! transportation and’twping, and me “- mun: nvccssarily invcstrd. ' flfi' of Our stock will Irrlve on or about 111? h [we July, (no plrventlinu obstacle: :2;?" nmpectfully In {cit ur p 8 ND ' . Buoy-FE, FOSS x BURST- Scuttle. June 15,1872.