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VOL. I . Ell: gorflmu Star _. w¢o> ‘-——- PUBLIHIIED EVERY SATURDAY AT Bnohomish City. Snohomiothounty. Wulllxo'run ’l‘muurmw, B, Ennnnmm Manna, Editm‘nml [‘mprictnr, Aubtcd by Dr. A. 0. Fauna. Associate. Editor. . ___. “w , ._ _ Terms of Subscription. S.OO per mmmn ln U. 8. Chin; 1.1 50 per mum“, in Currency lxnnunu m Auuxclt. —.————.-————- Mule: (if jbllzeth'A/ng. I Column pt'r yunr, in U. 5. Coin. 8100 00 X l. n u .. l. u .. .50 00 1‘! QI CI I! ll |I II M 80'“, Ono square 10 lint-u. l insertinn....... ......2.m u H “ " lnlunth.... ...........5.i)0 Legal unlit-ca 81.00 per lim- tiM inwrtiun ; 50 cu. per line u-nch sulmequrnt inerrtiun. hull notlt-r-e ILOOpL'r mnurr, tlrat lnsrrtian; 50 eta. mu-h nulmcpuent iuui-rtluu. Special notices. IPN‘IMI rut-'3. Legal notice» ('hurgrtl tn nttnrncy or ufllcur nnA . thurizln: their insurtiun. - Adwrlitnwnh m-ntlrnrn n «llntnncn, and min alcnt Imlicus "nut he ucvumpunied by the wish. _.———n— Agent 5. L. I,,“th i.-‘ nppullllell lmml Agent for Seattle. Adwrllscmcntanr nuhwriptlnnn Inny nlm l”.- loft 11. Messrs. l'uinpllry tr Yunng‘a lluukutoro. These gunth'lnun In: aulhurim-d tu l‘crulpt (or I“ lulus paid them {or use of thin pnpur. i'i”" ~.._- I"""l ___. .. .~.___..,_.a .__... OFFICIAL DIIN‘EC'I'HICY. "on. .lnsltrll R. Lllmehlc! Justiur, and Judge oftlm’l‘hlrtl Judlclul Dl~trivt nt \t'uahhmlnn Tu-r --rltnry: Jllll'.:i.'o{ult‘. District Cuurtotthc lelli)’ offlnulmlllirh. * (icn.N. McConnnlul, . . I'nwruum/.lll'y. H. A. (arr-wiry‘ ‘ . . . Clark It'd. (hm-L 1! .nj. Slrl-ti-h. . . . . . . . . fillrrjr. “F. 11. Ward, . . . . . . . .hnlilul‘. Eldrhluc Morse. . . . . lkpuly .lmllhnu T. I". Mark“. . . . . . . . l'ruumw‘. llon. Royal "lulu-11. . . . I’mhulr Judge. Will. H. ltuevcs. . . . School.k'lqwlutmdcut. l (lumly Coulmlm‘murn. ‘ G F. Kvln, ('lmirmun, offitil/uy/imnwih Pm'incl. i Will. H. “News. .. .. .. Qua/10 " M. 'l‘. Wight, .. .. . lhi‘kuwd " —~-n—- TERMS OF COURT. l Distrlvt Court-Third I‘lchth 0! Mahala, and Second Tuesday it! Narcmhur n! rut-h yutr. Probate Court. Yourth Monday at Jnnuury, July and October ate-ch your. flu r”... ~ “quasar... uouomnummwrmn‘. i hummus" A‘rlmsxru—t)rrlckns. I E. (7. Ft-ruuson, . . Prulnlml H. A. Uri-gory, ' I W. 11. Wunl. . . I'l've l'rrxl'llmtl. 5 Ist' Cnlhl-nrl, l l Kltll'illgu Morse, . . librarian.i M. W. PJK'knl‘ll, . . Trraxm‘r'r.| Dr. A. C. Fulmm. . . (hr. .N‘n-rrrmy, . 2n n H . Null! an'nlly'r [lr/ll .' “. H. Wurd, . Nupl. TAi-ltl‘h-lils, . “sic, Ar. 1 Truxlou. "“5"" Foruunnn, (‘l'. II" Wltrl Cutl ‘ll'l Molar, Packard and FOLIIt’l‘l; " ‘ ' H: ' ——|l-——- onuuulsn Furs RELIGIOUS Aasocurlus. Orrtcmm. Eldrld e Marge, .. .. . ‘ gcnl.§trnh‘h, .. I'lmulenl. 'eo. lunlb, ~ " . l (_ A. (3. Folunn, ; lite I milieu J W. u- Ward, .. .. {fa-rotary. Trualmv. w::“:‘"”- “0'“; Strum-h. l'lumbl l-‘ulaom and ———-u———— ’ QNOlloulsu COUNTY Auuu'uu'uu. Sucmn’. J “ Ol‘rlclztls. nl. . ustcrum, .. __ L,..' . 81mm A. Wands, ~ _. raw/{1,215.15 Eidrldgu MW”: -. .. bet-wally. Truxhfl. 630:; 1‘1?“th Bulmn A. Wunll‘; Eldridge Murw, Yours: ”A”. John Davis, J. .‘V. Low and i). a. ~ ‘o. SN‘OIIOHHIH TKLKUHAI'U Com-mm—orncmu. It“ (6 {£3.33th . . .. President. .. . L llunr Ju-im' ‘ hillJL‘lthcurt?’ . . . . Vut-I’amldmh. ' -‘~' .. .. Sa'retury. Trmltu. “floccufifmflgllhli. D. Kramer, Henry Jnckaon, ' . u __ __' -——n-——- 3:010!!!“ Cnuruuv Asuocurlol.—ovrlcnn.~. ’ u“ "0“- ~ . . . I'rm'zlrlt In“? S’Plhmn- - . l'l'lbl’rraul’tjit. I E. L. ulovwn, , _ _ Symmw’ Tram”. _,_.M_"_"'" Ro4“.>Cl|lllcflrl, nml Frruumn. I'flol’l-JSHIO3AI. CARDS. bx..:u -~_~:_.___ ‘ ‘ ELDRIDhE MORSE, Lawyer; ‘ SNOIIOMISH. M.— Dr. A. C. FOLSOM, Physician & Surgeon. outlet: in the Romulus S‘nu building, up hhlim. \»‘_-_ ‘ ._._,,_ ~__ ... ~., .. ._ V‘- v v . McNAUullf and LEARY, Attorneys and Counsellors i at—Law, l l PRACTIC IN ALL (.‘(lL’llT‘d OF RECORD. . PHOENIX, A'iENTH ron l HUME. NORTH nulTNl and ‘ MEMUHAN'I ILEV FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. ; n°n°yl:.unn¢d. ('ul I'lnlxllc- boll In and null] Collection» IIIIIIII'. K . l (fcrnvoynm'hlg. &I!.&u'. I SE:\'I"I‘IJC,\V.T. l “31:! human. Joun Lusty-i THE NORTHERN STAR 230 mg. “'hy Should the flplrlt of .Vlorlui 110 l'roml'.‘ ' The following in in copy otthc lute President I l Abruhlm Lincoln's favorite poem. I . ' ll on why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Like in tent-timing meteor. nthst flying elhud, I f A fin~h of the lightning. u hrenk of the war. .‘ lle pnsseth trout life to Me I't'nl in the grove. ‘ ’l‘hc leareu of the oak d the willow shell fade. lie int-uttered «round nnd together heluid— l ' And the yount: and the old, sud the low and the l ' high, ’ i Shull moulder to dust, Ind together uhuil lie. : 1‘ The child thlt a mother uttended and low-d; ’ The mother tlnit intunts nil'eetiou who proved; . The husband tlnit mother und infant who bloat ‘ Eueh, all. ure uwuy to their dnellingn of [‘an ’l‘he nniid. on whose check, on whose brow, in ‘ whose eye, i Shone heuuty uud pleasure—her triumphs are by; And the memory of thoze who loved her Illd ' pmlned. i Are "like, from the minds of the living erased. I The hand of the king. thnt the scepter huth borne; 'l'he hrow of the prient that the untre huth worn; I The eye of the urge, and the heart or the brine, i Are hidden und Not in the depths oi the grew. 3 The pensnnt, whose lot wan to now and to renp; ‘ 'l‘he ln'rdmnunl who climbed with his gout: to the (sleep: The hemur. who wondered in search of his oread. lltuo {aided nwny like the when that we trend. The anint. who enjoyed theeounnumou of heuvcu: 'l‘hc sinner, who dared to renniln unforgirt-n; ; The wise and the (00”le the guilty und just. llnve quietly Ininuled their button in the dint. [no the multitude goes, like the flower and the weed. 'l‘hut wither utvny to let others sneer-ed; . So the nmltitude eomes, eten those we behold. ’ 'l‘n rt‘prut every title that hath often been told. For we er. the sumo things our (others hsre heen; We see the some nights our 'lllilt‘l‘l here seen; We drink the uulue ntreuiu and feel the mine run, And run the some course. our huh rs hnve run. The thought» we are thinking, our fathers would think; l'roin the death we are shrinking from, theyl torn would shrink; To the life we are clinging to. they too. would t'lillt', But it 'Npet'du from the we. likeahlrduntlw t w uu‘. They loved, but their Itory we eunnot unfold; 1 They neoine'd, hilt the heart of the hunghly in cold. ’l‘ln-y grimeddlnt no unit from their slumhers Will i come; I 3 They joyed. hutthe \‘oieeof thelrgludneen in dumb. i 'l‘hey died—«y! they dio d; we things thut are now, ‘ 1 Who wulked on the turf thnt lien over their hrow; Who nntke in their duellinzn u trstn-irnt uhode, I Meet the elumges they met on thelrpllgrlmoge’ rnnd. Yen, hope and (it-spondenee. nud pleumtre and pain, Are mingled tog-liner in sunshine and mint And Ult‘hlllllt} end the tennthe song and the dingo, Still follow each other like purge uponnurge. ,Tin the twlnkofun eye' {is the drought ofu breath From the blosrom of heulth to the pointless of dentin; From the gilded nultion to the hler and the nhroud. ()h,why snould the nplrlt. oi'niortll he proud? - O gillsrrllnucouu. i ’l‘lll-l 'l‘l-JA ROSE. / There it stood. in its little green vnee. on a light elmny stand. in the window of the druwingqonm, The rich sntineurtninn.with‘ eostly fringe. «went. down on either side of it. mid uronnd it glint-red ovry rnre and rust ly fringe, swept down on either side of it. nnd around it ulittererl every rnre nnd lnnci iul trifle which wenlth cnn offer to luxury. and yet the simple rose was the fuirest of them all. So pure it. looked itn white leaves just tout-hell with that tlelicioun (-rentny tint peeulinr to its kind: it» cup so full, so pnri'et't: its head liending us it‘it were sinking nnd! melting nway in its own richness —oh! when (lid mun ever nntkn anything to equal the liv ing, perfect flower! But the sunlight thnt streamed through the window revealed something fnirer tlmn the rose-s young lady reclining on an otto mnn, who wns thus addressed by her liviier cousin. “i any. couuin. ! have been thinking what you are to do with your pet. rose when you goto New York. as to our conutrenation you are determined to do; you know it would be a sad pity to lcnve it. with such a scatter lirnin Ml um. I love flowers inheed; that in. I like a regulnr hoquet, cut oil' and tied up. i to entry to u party; but its this tending and . luming, which is needi‘ul to keep them grow‘ ‘ ing, l luwc no gift in thnt line." I “.llnke yonrnt-li'enuy an to tlmt, Kate." auid ' Flori-nee with n smile; "i linve no intention I ot‘enlling upon your talents; 1 how my my. i lum in View for my jitvorite." 1 ' “oh. then you know but whutl was going {to say. Mr». Mnrelmll, I prsuumo lnni been i speaking to you; nhe mm here yeaterdny. and i E 1 WM quite pathetic upon the sulnieet. tellingl ! her the hue your favorite. would suutnin, end so torth; and she suid how delighted e-he ' would he to have it in her green-house. it in lin Mllt'il tillnestutvuow ,ao hill ol'lnnli. I told her i knew you would like to give it to her, iyou Ire on bed of Mrs. Inflmllqou know.“ i Representing the Interests of the Snohomloh. syonomsu CITY, w. T., SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1876. I “Now, Kate, lam sorry, but I have other wise engaged it.“ ‘ I "Who can it bet you have so few intimate l I here.“ ' “Oh. it is one ot'my odd fancica.” LI I‘l‘iut do tell me. Florence." I “Well. eouaiu, you knew the little pale girl to whom we give aewiaut" ~ , - “Wlmtl little Mary Stephens? llow ah. aurd. Florenee! This IS just another ot‘your motherly. oldrmnidialt ways. dreasing dolls tor poor ehildren, making hoaneta aml imit— I ting eoeka tor all on dirty little hnhieain the I neiuhlmrhoml. ldo heliere you have made ‘ more calls in those two rile. illamellina alleys behind ourhouae. titan ever you have in Cheat nut street. though you know everybody i.- dying to see you: and now to erown all. you I I tnnet give this ehoiee little hijou to a neat“- etrew-Lvirl. when one of your moat intimnto t'rien la. in your own einan. would value it an highly. What in the world ean people in their cirenrnatanees want wltn flow-era." "Just the name as I do." replied Florenee. ealmly. “Have you not notieed that little girl never eomea here without looking wist t'ully at the opening lutdd And don‘t mu I‘l‘lflt‘llll't'l'. the morning ahe naked me an pret tily it! would let her mother come and see I it, she was an iotul offlowera?" I "lint. Florenee, only think of thin rare flower flooding on a tulde with ham. egza, Icheeae, and tlour. and utitled in that eloae lit tie room where Mra. Stephenaund her daugh ter manage to wnah. iron and eook.“ “Well. Kate. and it'l were ohliged to live in one eoorao room. and wash. and iron. and cook, art you any: i” had to apend every mo ment. of my time. in mil, with no prospect from my window hut a hriek wall and dirty lune. each a {lower as this would be untold enjoyment to me.“ “P~‘ilt|l, Florenee: all sentiment! Poor deople have no time to he lentimental. Be uidea. I don't believe it will grow with them: it is n flrl't‘ll-lmllbu flower. and used to deli ente living." "oh. an to that. a flower never inquires I whether its owner in rieh or poor: aml Mra. Stephem. whatever else she has not, has aun ahtne ot‘oa goml‘qnnlity aa llda‘fhut‘ii'ieiirii through our window. The heautit‘tl thinm Ithut God molten are hi- pitta to all alike. You will nee that my fair rme will he as well and at clu'erl‘ull in Mrs. Stephens‘ room as in ‘ ours.“ I "Well. after all, how odd! When one given I to poor people. one want»: to give notnethinu i useful—«a bushel of potatoes, sham and eueh thinm.“ ““'it?' certainly. potatoea and ham munt he I supplied: but having ministered to the ill-at I .and moat craving Wullttl, why not add any I other little plenaure or urntiflention we may I I have in our power to hestnw‘l I know there I are many ol'the poor who have tine feeling" I and a keen Home nl‘t_he lu-autit'ul. whieh rust! mot and diva lwemm- they are too hard prena ed to proeure it any gratification. Poor Mrs. Siepnma, for example, i know she would en-I iov ltll'llrl. and Kim-era and mode a.- mueh a! I i do. i have seen we light up at: nine looked I upon these thine"! in our dr'twim: room. and t vet not onehenutii'nl thin: enn ahe eommand. I From neeeuuitr, her room. her elothinp. alll ahe hut. mustllre eonrae. and plain. You I uhonhl have ueen the almout rupture :lue and ' Marv felt when lol'lered them my roae." I “Dear me! :Ili this may he true, hut T nev-I er thought of that het‘ore. i never thouzhtl that theaehurd-working people had any idona of finite." I “Then why do you eeo the, geranium or| roan no earefully nurwl in the old ernekedi teapot in the poorest room, or the morning- I glory planted in a hox. and tvrmed ahoul’.| the windowl Do not them show that, the -‘ human heart yenrna for the heautii'ul in all I ranks ofht‘et You remember. Kate, how our I wnnherwoman not up a whole night, after a i hard day‘s work, to make her first lmby a' dretty dress to he hnptiaed in.“ I “Yes, and l rememhcr how I laoghod atl you {or making such a tautnful littlo cap for n." I “WellJKate. i think the look of perfect . delight with which the poor mother regatled t her hahy in it. new dress and rap, waaaome- I thing quite worth ere-ting. {do believe she could not have felt more grateful if I had 1 lent her a hand of flour." “Well' well. cousin [Hippo-o you are right. 1 hot have merry on my poor head: it in to l amall to hold an many new ideas all at onee . ~ln go on your way." And the little lady began pruetitnna a waltzing step In fore the 1 glass with great laliafio‘tion. I ‘ O I! O . 0 I I it was a very small room, lighted luy only I one window. There wua no earpet on the; floor. them was ltlicflll. l-ut coarsely eovered I ilt"’l in one corner; It cuphourd with a few I dishes and plates, in the other. a eheat of: drawers: uml before the window stood a sumll l cherry atund. quite new, and indeed it waal the only article in the room that seemed so. I A pale, sickly looking u mnnn of about lurty wealeuning hoek in her rocking elmir, I her eyes closed, and her lilmemnprem-d as if: in pain. She, roeked backward and forward ' in few minim-o, pro-ed her hand hard uponl - i her eyea. ttttd than lungnidly resumed her Iflne stitching, on which she had been busy I slnee morning. The door opened. and a slenderlittle girl of ahout twelve years of age entered. her large hlue eyes dilated and radient with delight, as she bore in the use 3 with the rose-tree in it. _' ‘ “Oh! we. mother. loot Here lsone in full , I bloom. and two more halfont. and ever so r i many more pretty huds peeping out of the g ‘ green leavers.“ . I The, poor woman‘a lace, hrightened as she p I looked. first on the rose. and then on her yuslt‘kly child. on whose tat-s she had seen so I ' hritrht a color for months. . “God bless her!" she exclaimed uncou- I I scionuly, l “Misti Florence—yes. I knew yott . would feel so, mother. Does it not make r | your head feel hotter to see surh a hrautifttl , I fiowert Now you will not look so longingly at the flowers in the market. for we have a rose that in handeomer than any of them. 'Why. it seems to me it is worth as mot-h to unaa our whole garden used to he. Only: see how many huda there are. Jn-at eount them. and only smell the. fiom-r! Now. where shall IWe set it up." And Mary skipped nhout ' plat-int: her flower first in one position rtml then in another. and then walked otl' to see the effect. till her mother gently reminded her that the. rose-tree eould not preserve Its demtty with-tut sunlight. "Oh. yea. trulr.“ Mid Mary: “well. then. it must he plaeedln-re on our now stand. How glad i am that we have sneh a handsome. new atand for it: it will look so mneh hotter." ‘ And Mrs. Stephens laid down her work. and I folded a pieeo of newspaper, on which the trenattrc was duly deposited. “There." said Mary. watehinu the arrange ment eagerly. “that will do ~ no, it does not show hotlt the openin'! hull-'2 a little farther i round—a little more; there. that ii fl!!lll;“i and then Marv walked around to View the i rose in various positions. after whieh sltei nrc’ed her mother to go with her to thoout- ' aide. and tree how it looked there. I “ "ow kind it WM in Mina Flow-nee to l ‘WMM- to noflnid Nun “tho-"eh l site as done so mueh for us. and eivnn not so 4 many thing". yet thin seems the heat of all. I became it seems as ifulte thought urns. and i knew jttvt how we felt: and so few do that, 1 yon know. mother." I What a lariuht. afternoon that little gift i made in tltat little room. How tnueh factor I Mary's tluuers flew the livelon! day a! she i sat sewing hy her mother; and Mrs. Stephens. I in the happiness of herehild. forgot thatt she hall a headarhe. and thontzht no ahe .Ilp~ l per] hereveningeupoften that she felt strongr i ler than she had done for some time, I I That rose! its sweet intluenee died not : with the first day. Through all the lonul eold winter. the watching. tending, eheriuh- I inn that flower. awakend a thousand pleasant . trains of thought, that ltegniled the sameness I and wenrinena of their lile. Every day thel t fair growing thim: put forth some fre-lt . Ihenntyr a leaf. a hurl. anew sltoot— and con; i atautly awakened ft‘chdl rttioytnent itt its poa- I . sessorw. Aw it stood in the \tindow, the 1 passer by would sometimes stop and unite, I attracted hy its heatttr. attd then prottd and I happy at: Mary: nor did even the «orioua and earettorn widow notiee with indifl't rt'Ht't: thi~ trihntc to the heauty ot'their favorite. Ilut littlodid Florence think. when ahe he stowed tltegitt,tltnt there twim-d tt'utttt it an invisihlo thread that rearhed far and bright ly into the web of her destiny. fine eo'al afternoon in early spring. a tall.‘ grseefitl gentleman, ealled at the lowly roont to pay for the making of some linen by the inmates. lie was a stranger and way-fsrer. I reeomemled through the charity of some ot'l Mrs. Stephena‘ patrons, As he turned to go, hiseye rented admiringly on the role-tree, and he stopped to gen at. it. “ How heantital!" Inltl he. “Yes." raid little Mary. “ and it was given to us by A lady as sweet and beautiful as that is. I “Ah." said tho stranger. turning upon her a pair oi hright. dark eyes. pleased and rath er struck by the communication; “ and how canto she to give it to you. my little girl? “oh. because we are poor, and mother is stelt, and we never can have anything pretty. I We used to have u gnrden onee. and loved flowers so much, and Mt“ Florence found it. out,snd she gave on thin." “ Floreneei" echoed the stranger. I “Yes- MlSNFlttl’t‘flt‘ttl'EdlrflllgtE-wfl henttti- . ftll lady. The my Illt' watt from foreign parts; I hut Nltt.‘ speaks Engliahjost like other lutllt'rl. 1 only ureter.“ I "l-t site here no“? is she in the city? said ' the gentleman eagerly. I “ No; she, left some months ago," said the. widow, notit-ing the altadeot'diaztppointtnent i on llli fnee; “hut." laid she, “you can tlnd. out all nhout hernt her anttt‘tt, Mrs. (Jarlyle‘~, No. to ~——»street." l ‘ A short time alter, Florence reet-iud a let- i ‘ tr-r in a handwriting that made her tretntlle. ‘ During the many early yearuofln lit'e -p-'nt ; ‘ in Frame. ~h.; had well learned to know the ‘ writer. 'l'ltislettet‘ told that. ho was ~till liv- ' ing‘ that he moo) but, even a s Itlmmlfll ' i may be traced, hy the freshness. the wartime ' ot' the heart, which her deedsot'kindnn-sshud i I lvt‘t wherever she had pussml. Thus much 'l said. our readers need no help in finishing my 1 story for themselves—Household. I “*0“ Count]. Anes- Marriage. I “ Now this is what Imll comfort.“ suit] I , Msdgn Harley. as she sat down hy her neigh ‘ hnr's flrc one evening; “ here you are at your , sewing. with the kettle stesmim: on the hoh 'lnml the tss things on the tshlc. expecting tilevc'ry minute to him your hushund's step, and see his kind him: look in ntthe door. Ah I it' my hullmnd was but like yours, Janet.“ “ lie isliku mine in many ofhis ways.“ suiil Janotfwith n smile, “ and it‘ you will ullow Inn to speak phiiuly. he would be still more like him it'yuu would take more pnins to mllkl' him cmnflrrluhle." “ Whut do you mean? " ('riud Madge. “ Our house is us rlenn as yours: I mend my husband's clothes I and cook ill“ lillllltln as i-urct'ully as any woman in the parish. and yi-t he nvvvr stays at home of un owning. “Iliiu you sit here by your tire, night after night, as linppy as cun he. “ “ As happy us run he on earth," said her trii-uii. grim-Iv: “ yen. and slinlll tell you the sevret of it, Murlgo l “ "I uish you would." snid Murillo. with a deep sigh. “ It‘suiisury tolive us Ido now.“ " erl, tlu-n.“ suid Juuet, spanking (lis- Itinetly uml slowly. "I let my lunhnnd set that I love him still. und that I lcnrn every ’ «wry tiny to love him morn. Love is the chain that liimls him to his homo. The world may rall it fully, but the world is not my lmy-girvr." " Auxl do you really think," exclaimed l Name in supriso, “ th‘tt hui'mmli euro for ; ihnt sort ol thing?" 1 H For love. (lo you menn?“uskcd J-mot. i “You; ”my don‘t feel at rill us we do. Janet. land it don't take many yenrs‘ut marriml litu ’ to muke llll'lll think at :1 wife as snort ofmsiil l ol'~ull-\\'ol‘k.“ ‘ i WiMlLW;c.‘¥l-9H Mrs. ”IM‘H- iffilfifl" 1 ing; "I won't. nllow you to sit in \Villuiui's {choir und tulk so.“ ' “No, ltfl‘tllhl? your huahanil is lliil‘tll'lflll' ! and values his wil‘u‘s low. while John cares l for me only us his houselmrpor.“ i “I ilr-u't think tlnt." suiil Junot.“‘ ul~ :lhtlllflill know that he said in my hushand ‘the oilu-r day that conrtiuu timu wuathie} I lmppivst. in man‘s life. \Vilium reminded ‘ ‘ him that then: in gri-uti-r lllll)|).lll(‘.\fl than that. (‘Vt‘ll on ourth, it own hut givuthcirl lu-zirta to CNN. I know .lohn dill not ultor his opinion, hut. he wont iiwuy thinking of his courting time as u joy too great to he urn-wind." i H Dour fvllow'." cried Madge. smiling through llt‘l‘ tvurs:“l (lo holivve tlmtllcl “'lls happy then. I ruuwmlrer I used to lintvn tor hi» stops as Isnt with my «I: ar’ umth'r hy the tire, longing lor the hnppi- , ui-ss ot swim: him." i “.lu-t so," mid Janet; “do you nursrl tool like that noul“ l Nudge hvsitatml. I " Well no, not vxuctly." i “ And why uott“ ‘ “ Oh, I don‘t know." s-iiil Blnllcr: “ mur riml proph- gii‘o up thut sort of thing.“ “Low, you menu?“ uski-il Jam-t. “ No, but, what poople cull sentiment,“ said Mrs. Hurley. I “ In longing to see your illlaimlh't senti mental? “ replied Jam-t. l “ B-it. souiu peoplo are so ridiculously foolish hi-t'ori- others.“ rcusnnrd Mudgo. I “ 'l'hut. proves they u'unt fil'lllit‘. lum not I likely to approve of that. as William will} soon tell you ; ull I want is that. wires should I let their husbumls know that they are still . oveul. " i " But men are so ynin. “ suid Madge, i “ That it in dangerous to show them to much ‘ fllti‘llllnn." " oh. Madge, wlmt me you saying! Have you, then. murrierl with‘tho notion \ that it is not good for John to lx'live Ihut ' you love hirul " l “ No, but it is not wise to show that you care too much tor them. " “ Bin ‘l' and ‘ him ;‘ do not talk ofhus hands in general, but of yours in partic ular. “ ‘ "He thinks quite enongh of himself sl resdv, I usaurc you." i UMy ilrur Madge." Mid Junot. smiling. ! “ would it do you uny lmrui toruurixc ul little more attention Imm yonrliusliuml ("l “ t)t' t'tlllr‘l‘ not. 1 mm ln-‘il try," and ; Mrs. Hail-y lnguhi-il .a nu: mm. 1 "Thin, you don‘t think enough of your l Gt'll nlmul}! Aull Homing uould inukojnu you Voill. I ndppuw I" ‘ )zdtlut‘ culuru-l, anrl ull tlu- worn when ~hcl pi-rt'rivi‘li lltlll. \Vllil'ilii .‘liilmn li..llt'nmi- in ' quittly unit “as how Htuudmg luhinii J”. net‘s t‘ildll'. This, ul' wurn'. phi un t [lt] to tln: (mm i-ution. .‘liilge retinal to ho:- owu home to think ol'Jaiu t‘a “owl" uud ml (‘onti M si-i‘irlly that lill‘_\ “(‘l't' \iim'. Hours i lizl-~l‘ll lnliil'i: Jvilu ll.“ Ivy rutlll'llml iltllllt'. ‘ He was Is nun ot good “Mini-o, and Mali t: No.l zito-tlo in in the world;nnd heving married 1 ' Mndgu lrecuuse he truly loved her, he Indra:- ripzz-tetl to lmve’ nhuppy home. ~. . I» ' But, partly bccnuee he wee rennet] and acneitivu. and partly because Madge hand to make him vain, they had grown Vera-mid } thud each other—leopolgl at» W to thin the ole-house In more comtortuble I place than hi 4 own flrc‘eide. « ' ' That night the rain fell in torrent; the ’1 wind howled, end;it was not untiultheztnid. ' i night hour Ittul arrived tlmt Hurley lci'ttho ll pu'liltl home and lmetened toyfitlhie ect . i tnge. llu wne wet through when he ntlength ' l crossed the threshold ;he|wue“ used tathpt.” , l but he was not “ toad" to the tone out} look , l with which hi»: wife dn-w near, to n’glcttmo iltin:, or to find dry clothes hy eernrlkling i tire, and slippers on the hearth; no; tq'huef i no reprooch for the late hours and dirty foot. imurks, us he not in his chair. Some ch'wgo {had mine to Moon». he was lute. f'fih'el; Iwore a dress he had lmught herlyeeni’mf i with e neut linen eollur around hernmlt‘aad lwl n cup, trimmed with white tibmw i her head. fl: r ’3‘ I “ Ynnr‘e ear-rt. Nudge." he etch-ti an"? " : 'T‘l . 35'qu lust, when, he :had mired at. 11.95% 4' _, time in silence. ” Who hue been)» ' “M ‘f‘ droning for tonight?" . V "“2313“: {j}: i-No one. until you‘cat‘ne‘z'fifd a» if: lteli‘lnughing. ' ”f" L" 1-, “l l Nonsense; you didan;7 that " cried John. . am Mr! gush”? “You won't.\ l gig I hnve hem talking witlflMn, . 3.» evening, and she augmenm .- " ”'3; ’93: znlricv. So now. Johnmyhg. j. u _m‘». hkr- to have for your 'K’Pl’fiflfit_,;g: 11:." t» A.“ John, who wee Wnnttn " i *6“ 1". ut night and mntentlritnpi-l’ri M. .:".“‘r I‘ he could find, thought Ifudge'e, "31‘”!‘3'1-11"): 2-; or-llvot’do he rr-lneetlJnil Vet-956315 f howl of t‘llooolutt' I'flffift‘dtnifl‘t ‘M ‘3‘“ Mo. Tin-n his wife midanfi-i. m.‘ ,’ ' lvy Mum... and talked r'mttb‘z'ilmtiti' 393 t und itltrkl‘t] plonsr-tl, witch. “ind,“"fi . rnuld not help it. he snid— " ' ' ’ u hm old mm - .1 ' ‘l‘" Turn ' \FTifii‘n‘tigl’i‘? droiwollmww’iihmtmfifi i found it! way. tlwn, tn thr- mm of his great In!) lir. nod ulo- not looking: quietly at the fine. ' At‘tr-r n “Milo, John spoke ntmln: ' ' 1 « )tmlgn, dour, do you nmemhe'r the. Old {li'll's when “'t‘ltSWl to sit tide by eldflu t ‘ your mother‘s kitchen!" ' 1' " ‘ " Yes." ' ' -" ' i “ l was a young man them “fistula“: II Ithey told me, handsome; uW-leWM‘ .. i older, pluint-r. duller. Tlmn‘yonkydll'ldnd ] me; do you lou- me still?" ' " WI! She looked up In 111. face.utd Wm“ H ‘nttswurutl him. It. was like goinmmm -~ 5 ho old thus to feel his arm. urnurppfi'fi‘gl _ i her ill'ltl lay on his ehuuldurfantlffio Ifif. to her once uguin the kind .wordatmcmh _ ’if ' her curs nlonc. ; yum my?” ‘1 ' sht- never once linked it this would meh' ’itltll "Htill.' She knew, in if hawk)“, i .lmt it true milking hitu t wimrhvm. ‘ thoughtful. more earnest-heeded may, find” . who“, Jilt‘l‘ a happy silencedte‘tqok Mn “ ‘ i‘..c Irig Bible und road a chapter. unlimited horn “out to run] to her motile; informer titnvs. elrt- rho trout-d he; head lull greyed- YM, prnyml - l'nr pnt‘dnt‘t lhrotlgll'..§lto lilootl ul Jtuun Christ ~ for strength tn Mflll every duty iuthc future—for the. Alt-pover l'ulinllnvnct- nfthe Spirit—Jot blaming: ,on her hn»h.nnl (‘Vl'l'nlmth 1. r, She pnnycd—tutll not in Vflitt. .’ - —T.:'z¢ Canonnntt'mlth. _ m; WW ‘ 4. In tlw winter of 1862-8 there W‘fin Milli-ring in" n (amt) of 23,000'cmmtwwehu nonr Alt-xnndriu.‘ "it, and in'rvttpb'nee‘Yb a petition of President Lincoln, n "qttt‘el‘flééd" mun viaited the comp um! exutnltiefl' lil'dhn ditiou, bringing with him his twmtnlblhn we lotltit-d with blankets and provliionu. lle inul linen tnking unmnorlndunt of sonn-ot‘ his word come. and was just depen ing when a week Voice inquired for postage elmpl. «,th him you, you," said the quiet wntleumn. “here-. 5 a few, and moneyhboy’“ you Ilium." null, producing his wfllet,_ 11. bed in tho hoods ot' the St'nrgenut ill Mme of pitch diviwion it new OM hi". '0» postage stamps. rumomlu-r,‘ and, turning to the gut.- itlud nudionce, he added. in ecltcury we}. ‘will he here again. boys, Monday, and Will inn-e n ilifl‘rrent etntt- ofthinge." Monday name and with it the (inlet-faced men and I hoard or surgeon with orders to dieclterpre or t'orlouzzhowrv man who was not reed] for immt-tlintt- :tt‘tivt- duty. Nt'w Iml'l'lt‘kl “wt-t» luiilt. nn'! rump ‘.‘ilhl‘f)' nill' canned to mi 4. Thu! quiet-nicer! man was Henry W ii:(|ll.——l':J'. ‘ ___.—“m ' ‘1: ll‘ifty l 4 :ulim: t-itizt-ne ol' (‘hirngo hum (_vn mutt -t -l n l'null ol'QlllilO I‘M" '0 "lilin- _ Lon :. mm m fit-ntlnyrc'liuilltll ptrrvlt-ru in . Mu. \.il.'i\| rk litt‘fll' r. utnhn‘tliu tntuzurnilir n of l'rnt, Suing. “l! uill tlru- Lo “'Ol- to (x-' I'r' u M; min m-t't'tit-liu-m, prtt't‘ti'ml or Illln l’\\'i~:‘_ pntrnnnnelhtl Ivy-hum!) pr sec l:ll':|lll t tutllol. _ " ' . i'wl fir. in; is “1-: My gl'trumfl rutltqlit- in Li: I! :u iii: :5. moi hit "it nlm prm tit nl rpiig. int. r-.tll- r Him lil‘ullld'il‘lli lit-lit‘f. In t”! t w is in il'lt‘tlinl'y uiih the prw-reneivc epirit oi liw ugtg with tho tl ‘vt-lritmiufifi of ”citing”, nml tin: «liar-w: nus oflfUN-l MU“). ruin. ot'old (m Ind em. ‘ .;v n-