Newspaper Page Text
Iluv {’uuru. .:' .:. 'III', \u. . n; ‘ ' 7 ‘4 "II . . . , . £ . t .. . ' . I ‘p‘ 't Hidtn .‘.l>- v' I ‘ '. ‘.Hll.‘ ' .‘h‘ ' 1 .; . MlU‘.‘|‘.,L~ 7 t -, . I ' ‘ ~ \. . \4 - . ..; 1 - '. . .A"'-!.“(n, ’ ‘. "-hvu‘n- Y"l.:' ». ‘-\ ~ ‘ \m- “2-31::3 v- _~ 1- y .- 3' \w- w“ m 0 :A) «1 . -' _\ .I'l. ‘1 n’. -f.“,|y‘yi ':.‘l..r‘, v' rip". '_\ wt» ‘’ I " ..'";I xv-‘KHH'II 't‘ 1"} , . L. ' -I-‘.L\IC-.ln' - t...l|n_‘. .v.. k- .1 ant 1m 2.‘wl..ul:‘.u|\\'; \n m I'\ In nnm I '.lw “in ' H |\:-1-1:.|.-;n, ~ Ir 'w .\' m. . ~- i-:.,_'l.t 1.; -_\ \ :1." rm}. ln' nth-rud— \: muli'l mm L m; .m.: H in, t .-:n 3» u-vm 1...: -, m. writ-nu null-Ir. ‘lyluy‘wx . -_ mm 140 ;::ml'ir_-'l.u : -- Iv vrurv you; ‘lnn' liuhls ' | n-l I ll'-' la and fro! 1551,11~hlnHI<lhrluuflvnl{IM'IILL‘I} 'l'.nn|\t\\m:. run «mu». mu yuu Lgo. 1.. murnzv u‘mn‘.‘ I: - _\2»ur .uhly W!“ H 3-H: tho hm: ~uul'm;\‘lm,;ih, '.nd lru~l in at humanly Futhvr. \\ Lu “ill km '.v )‘m I'm-[mum] from all]. :"IIIIVHIHI'IIS will {a nu Inn-waking. .\.~ rtrmms from .- I'ulM. flung hut ifyuu ulv- lrm- tn yuur numhoml. Ilm'v caning", 21::~ l>n_\.tusny no. -—-———-———O~Qo—————-————- ()rixhnul llymu. mm; at tha- luylnu‘ of tlu- Azhcucnm comm we. Source “Highland truth and love, We mlnr~9 my power» displayed; l’l-mhmt hnmm haw: from nlmvc, Sou thy glm‘y 'hn re (llsplnyud. Uh, the var!!! EU dirt-p, profound, L'nmhl ugvs lllls' thou been; Mystvrlcu in llh- ulmund. L'nlmuwu \vundcrs hunt thou uccn. Thou. our nwtln-r, we adore; Frnm thy dual. nur bring sprung, Lll'u tlmu mlv'fl in day» olyutc, And tho stunt umuud [ht-”mug. Sm'ngth dlvhw. oh. lend thy Md, “3th thy wonders we explore ; 0f Ignorance make us ufmm; All thy huh may we adore. Arabian Laughing: l'llllfl. In T'Algl’m'u's " Central and Enatern Aral-in," urn mun.- interesting facts con cerning this singular plant. The active principle appears to reside principally in its weds. ’l‘hw: seeds, when powdered and mlminimered in fullJndicious quan titien. produres effects aimllar to those ”minced Ich the celebrated laughing gnu nfsir Humphrey Davy. The person to whom the (Inn; is administcrul laughs, pings, dances, and conducts himself in thi- most e-xtrnvngnnt and ludicrous style. After an hour of this intwsc excitement lie l‘nlls nt‘ll'ell, and upon waking, is total ly nnconcinus of mything he said or did u hilo under the influence of the drug. it is 11 common joke to put a small quan tity into the rofl‘éu of some unsuspecting individual, in order to enjoy n laugh at his antics. and it is said when judicious ly given, it has never produced evil con »equcnccn. An overdose would be (lan geroue. The plant which beats these herricu grow. only in Ambit. In Kn eeeln it hardly attains the height of six Inches nbove the ground, while in Omln :t has reached the height of three or {our taut, with wide spreading limbs. The stems are woody, and when stripped of the lmrk hnve n yellosish tinge; the leaf is ot‘n dark green colnr, ml pinnatod, with about twenty leaflets on either side the stalks nre smoothe and shining; the flowers are yellow and grow in tufts, and the anthem nunn-rons. The fruit is a‘ (opeule, ntull'ed with greenish pulling, in which :lie embedded two or three Muck seedl, in size and shape much like Pram-h bcmw. Their [mate is: swwtish. hut Willi a peculiar opiate flavor. The :illlL‘u is owrpowcring, and almost sick ‘y.——Et. I A gentleman one evening was scaled near a lovely woman. when Lhammpuny Mom: I him were pmpming mnundrum! in each other. Turning to his compan mn, In: said: “ Why in lufly unlike; mirror!" Slu!“gareihup;" "manuals" nili‘l the rude 11-ng “a mhror reflects without speakinghut Nady ape-mks with out reflecting}. “And why are you un. like u mirror ?" mixed the Indy. He could Hut tell. ‘ Because nmirmr is anlmth and poliahm‘), and mu are rough and unpofishcd.“ IT'R‘ I IHH’. Hun ownlL.‘ xu- « v'l’y. t‘xr- t} ivmh ul' :n1 m n‘rml . u :plw 1n (‘nilin-utm, drh rzmn : ml 2» :11'.‘ (mm A ~t~pri<v pllt)’. 'l‘n‘r [Li- rn-i. 1W 1w rvmlvh ~ UV)” mg I Lilh'a ’ uwl:lvl'll~xl.vll.\\i‘h “vi! tilin-i HKln-ls.’ nu ln' tl-cir uppmmnuu- In-furc tlu: lmuwl :l'rllllf 1' (Ida. k. A‘ tin-y mm:- Ilp tni lllL‘llb4‘l.lllt:}’sx\\‘ the gvntlu nnm smml~ ,ing in the ”HI-yway with hiunurmut on,‘ smoking u vigvtr. mvl Ihr.- p'nlnr lightml ' Alp. Tnis ~er:k thvm m Lulu-r singular. I In! Ilw Icmlur gmhbl-«l (In: duur knob. 1} sum! lhs-y rnshud hilnliuudy in. The gym; wu: Muning brightly. uml .‘i\’ (lignifiul ; I.OM Indira Wen.- sitting around tlw ~tuvc. i I looking as mh-nm us grand inquisnnrs. : “ “ Oh, my, whurc's Manic.“ I-hnuml . | I n ‘Nfl I 1,. . ALI..‘ 1,_.. I mn: exuhel'unt ruling Luly setting her 1 hmhr-t on the liiulHL 1 “ She's up 3min." ruin] the OM Indy. ‘ louhmsr, Over her spectacles with sniemu 1 Incrimony. 1 “ Let‘s have her down." screamed huh“ Imluzén girls in Chorus, as they made a | break 2'.» the mu. “ lleru. girlx'. girl-I, don‘t gu up there!" and thoth huiies made husky uiteuipts to check the [)l’lipmcd mini “ Why, what on earth‘s the mutter Ihoro, anyhow .’“ inquired the impatient I duri‘ngs. I “ Well. I believe it‘s n boy." 1 " Oh, let's go !" Ami thnt mmpxmy of nice young men and Women moved away like a soap-bubble in a hurricune. and the girls never stopped for heuux or basket, hut atufi'ed their hnndkerchieik in their mouths to hold their breath Idown rill they were safe lrchind (heir I own doors, and nut it [girl in the Fourth ward knows where Mattie “ma—~Bl. Ju -1 «9le (Ma) Gazette. l’lllN'l‘l-llls‘ l’l . warm" uoonwm mmuu ‘ Most children love pi. But printi-rs' pi in not liked an well. You shall have a tnste before I am through. The types from which this piece is printed are little slips of lead about an inch long, with a letter cutin one end. These are kept in little squares in a large case, one square for each letter in the ulphubet. The printer stands before this cnse, holding in one hand what is called it. “ stick." a little iron case just the width of this column. In this he stands the type on end, with the letters up, snd‘ each letter in its plucc. When the stick ‘ is full he sets the type in it aside. and fills his “stick" again and again. until the whole article is set up. Snmctimcs when his stick is tnll he lets it slip, Ind sway goes the type on the floor. if they were used as when first picked up in the " stick,“ the read ing would be like this: lnEz==urccsuNms p=n=p vun:wocn Z“) ozuurw.“ o: eq I: ya——|l:hv:t: tanpt now: can.” rgl- ojrtgdgrhmma' “33:" =.€:u:q.l n:eo:is uuunh moe(l:qu=rs: on Ao:u:a kn‘aanm drn {ulna th, pthc anna=mug=woa g pocoeoielhbn 1 Nu [o:btlma g- pufiflofifimsflfia 03' at: Ann-:3 czenuxta: I: :znw=i ac ,nlns ma ele:w t si 05mm fhrrr hg‘h uplmsiethmr eccsen incumo; grammcs nu aw obu :0 un ou‘ pct on tnq e co g g N: no t man gum neco Thin if; planters pi: flow would you like to have all your books like that! Here in another taste of printora' pi. The lcm'rn in the lust line when rightly Maud spell the name of the boy printer who set up the typo for this nrticlc. What in his namcl “:.\C.M'l:lx 3.. ‘ —E.rchany(. Mr. I). P. McMullen. ot Jelferson: Tex as, has a mpy of the bible, printed in Latin, by Barnilcn. at Brylingcriuus A. I). 1574. The binding in of beech wood, «wired with boar akin. 0n the front lizl in the picture of Martin Luther, nnd on the other is that of Melnncthon. Originally it won lnstcncd with golden ‘clups, but “me have been broken so ‘ that only remnnnta of them remuiu. lt ‘ isn (nuiily relic, 298 yearn old. nml in n gnod state 0! preacrvutinn. He is am" ious in sell MlO lmolt', thinking on no cnunt ot‘iu antiquity to get it large price for it. Yung mnn, yu kam learn anything new bi hearing yourself ulk. Iq"l‘l)7{’*{‘T 181,. . E“ ELLA HE WUN , Dealer in 3 6'11“: 72'], ,‘l, L Jlfiflflilbiflg '1)! SE. Snohomish City, W. 'l'. i HAS (IN HAND A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED } STOCK OF GOODS, 3 (_‘HNsls'|‘l.\'H IN PART 01" Q i Dry Goods, Groceries & Provisions,! 3 HARDWARE and CUTLERY, BUBTS and SHOES. 3 ‘CLOTIIINH. ]I.\TS& CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS. (SURNAME. Crockery J»- Glassware. Paints & Oils. Stationery. Wines, Liuuors. M. 3 AW Alan-3,0 assortment of Sllifi) IQNIQIES mnstuntly «m l hum]. smr xxx-ms nfun‘v dimensions l'urnislwrl Ln order. Give Me a Call \ln] HNOHUMISH ('I'I‘Y, W. 'l'. January 1. I‘7“. HEW 3.39635 r'é’g STAE’IMIERY S’i‘fi‘fllfiis JOHN L. JAMIESON. NEXT DOOR T 0 SL‘HW'ABAFKIZR BRU'S, SEATTLE, W. T. School and Miscllaneous Books, STATIONERY, (JIfTLI‘ZRY—JIUSICAL INS'I‘RL'MBKTS. CIGARS, Tomccu and SMOKERS MATERIALS. Subscriptions solicited for all Sun Frnnciaco and linstcru l'npma and POl indicala ‘ All orders will? receive prompt attention. SNOHOMISH r = o , , EA OH‘I.W GE} SNOHOMISH CITY, w. T. i 'rms 11mm. Is the Best In Snohomlsh County, in every - respect. FIRST flLaISS 30.213809 In always Furnished at Moderate Rates. 'I‘IIIS Pizklt Is supplied with the best Wines and Liquors Nam of San Francisco. Also a First-Class BILLIARD TABLE To Accomodate tho Patrons of this Home. um ISAAC CATHCAHT, I'ruprl'elnr. PHOTOGRAPHY ! . H. H. GARDWEI-L, fl .sucunssm: Tl) wanna}: MOORE. 'IS/u'h' «If rel/nu on [/w u/yw floor of flu! Salt/10 JIM/(M [mi/ding, I ‘ cornu-r Comm-Tum! and Wurhlngton siren-Lu. 1 THE BEST OF WORK '3 001 m: IS THIS GALLERY, AND s.\l‘lsF.\«:l‘loX GUARANTI-IHU. i x ‘3O . I” R; G) E’GDSA L 9; “I” in- l'("'|‘i\('ll M 1111', Armrmz's “mm; x.\ .\'\mm_\,-,,_. ('H'Y, W. 'l‘. In!“ L}, 11.1 [lu'lx ‘-|., JHDI' “(h lawn. I} , t‘nrninhim;nmmin:mulbuilding”l..“g .‘IK'I‘IM Pill ("imv k. l’ldlh :Iml ~ll‘lifim HUI“ t'illl ln‘ “l‘l n H‘l I‘l’l‘ :vl llll' Alhlilnr'; 011']! (‘. Sv-lvnl'uh- I-l'lx filtlil';fl'(| l‘m' [11: “Lining nun: rirnl. :uhl fax lvmhlipx' I'lllllH‘Ali (I: ll.‘ M‘uhd [l'V'yl I'll‘h'hlul " ['l'nlxnwzfls 11-Il‘ l‘i” ( llllvk l'lillgf‘" HIM 1I1I|H~illll\"i'h'lll‘ .‘lhlitm‘. .‘l. T. \‘u'n-ll’l [IV/rig; (vhf,- CI ‘10“ ‘.f'T! {JT " T?) rI ~. raw-FILL? zufiiixm.’ Nil/(1w Q], ('I'I‘UW t/I'Am'l'l'lfilt'ull (Pl-U II" furnished by '.l‘ll Ii undersigned at: his: place. ol'businvss, l unvell, SNOHOMISH CO., W. T. In .lllg/ (Juan/(j llcsale'rl. ‘ Address 1 El DI SMITH. I LOWELL. NNUIIIHIINII m, n, 7‘ BAELLY l EBQYE, .. RALLY ‘1 a p H '-. ‘ ' ' I aTIIIIII 1.1 111111111111 11 11.1: . 0 Wm. HENDERSON H has opened the 0 lßank l‘lxullung‘t-H o lh-Ntxuu'unl'. m Hus renuvutwl 111111 rclittudg the whole cstuly- H a lishmont 111 E FIRST CLASS STYLE. fl Everything 0 tn order by night 5 2am] «lily, ofthu host 1111111119. 0 in market. u “FRESH VEGETABLESH B In“ a Every Stmuner, from CALIFORNIA. 112') Puget Sound Stone Yard ! Foot of Second Street SEATTLE, W. 'l‘. Every Variety of G EMETE RY WORK. 1111.11) STONES, ' Monuments, ac. lair-«cum! in marble and other stun”, «tiff: mainm and :liqudcl‘. jl/l (In/mu ..‘(Z/aIH/11/LIJ. '.‘7l'lll'l/ Also all kinds of gfiufiuns building mutcxial KEPT FOR THE MARKET. All Orders Addressed To M. J- OARKEEK, I’IHU’IHE T 0”. \1 20. garlphi Salon”. Finest Wines, Liquors 3’. Cigars 111-III“ 85 cln. pc-r quart. ()pposilc J '.l l 'J'L [OW Scuttle. - ~ W. T. .l. S. Anderson, Reuben Low, I’roprictors. ul no