'feaall num. cnSfi '; l!
it lHitflrliT3Q til awd stotw&M
Ray P. Webster,
Barton, Vermont
This Hub-Mark is your Value-Mark on Rubbers
Wear Hub-Mark Rubbers this winter. They cost no
more than any first-class rubber. If your dealer can't
supply you write us.
Boston Rubber Shoe Co., Maiden, Mass.
Miss Eva Dewing is quite ill.
Ed McGoff returned to .Montpelier
Sunday. " , ':
C. D. Kidder has been ill with grip
the past. week.
Charles Temple has been quite ill tlie
past two weeks.
T. Mason of Conway, N. H . , has been
in town the past week.
Hermon Healey has finished work in
D. A Brahana's store.
Hala Shedd of Barton is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. J. C. Carpenter. .
Marian Holbrooke is spending a few
days with her sister in Orleans.
Mrs. Loia Fuller is ill with measles.
Miss Mabel Ware is caring for her.
S. W. Beauclerk, who was injured
by a fall last week, is much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis visited
his mother in Charleston over Sunday.
Mrs. E. P. Webster and son David
visited friends in Brownington Thursday..
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Post of Newport
spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs.
A. M. Clough.
Misses Susie and Katherine Miller
spent Sunday with their mother in
South Albany. . '
The many friends of Mrs. C. D
Kidder are glad to hear that she
passed a successful operation at the
Royal Victoria hospital in Montreal
last week and is doing nicely.
Mrs. M. A. Wells and David Prance
attended the funeral of Mr. Priest in
Coventry Friday. "
Mrs. Arthur Boright of West Derby
spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. U. W. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bean and little
daughter of Orleans visited S. W. Beau
clerk last Sunday afternoon. ,
vil m - '
Lnarue ana bnerman rriestwere in
Coventry Friday to attend the funeral
of their father, Alonzo Priest.
Cassius Allen" had his hand badly in
jured while at work in the E. L.
Chandler sawmill one day last week.
Mrs. Wm. Bennett entertained her
brothers, Yate Hurlburt of South
Newport and Park Hurlburt of Barre
the past week.-
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Powers of
South Troy and Allen Griggs of North
Troy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R
O. Abell over Sunday.
Will' Lurvey has moved from the
farm known as the .Fred Watson farm
ta Hyie Park and Peter Mitchell has
purcnased the farm of George Griggs
ani taken possession.
Miss Florence Tinker closed .anoth
pr successful term of school in East
Albany Friday and left Monday for an
extended visit with friends and rela
tives in Boston and New York.
Local News
ONLY ?sj
2nd. t&tWs
We will give
you this en
tire Pillow
Outfit including
I -1 Pillow Top-
S either oblosg cr cqasrc tinted
oa Aberdeen Cr :.
Sweaters find Suits at greatly
have moved, there bein onlv
U i4 iiii KSam
a lew left.
. . 1 Diagram Lesson
showing crr.r)enent of adtches
and coloaT scheme, and
"We hve one
1 lot of Lad
"Gin or
ionnerl y sold for 3 50 we ar
close out at
One Ladies' Mackinaw, size 40, former
price $G 50 at
One Gent's Mackinaw, Size 44, fcrmcr
price 3(5 .50 at
Three Sheeplined coats, sizes 40-44-4G,
at $6.00.
A stoic full ol bargains like the
"Your CIcihier"
ies' Sweaters that
S9 fiO
e 7 00
"8 1
Ivan Ingalls and Jennie C. Wells
w?re married Saturday by Rev. G. L.
Wells at her home. Mr. and Mrs. In
galls have rented her father's farm
nnd taken possession. Congratulations
aii best wishes are extended.
G. W. Russell, leader of the Irasburgr
Band, requests every member to te
present at the band meeting- next Sat
urday evening as there is important
business The town voted to give Ihe i
band $203 this year and Mr. Russell
says thay have got to get busy.
Thursday, March 6th, praver meet
ing : Sunday, March 9th, 10:45 sermon
y pastor; 12:00. Bible school ; 7 :30,
C. E. m aeting, leader, R. G. Quimby.
'' ' m M 1
age ana was born ... m L-owansvuie,
Canada. She had been in poor health
for several years and had been confined
to her bed since last June. Cerebral
hemorrhage was the cause of her death.
She had been tenderly cared for in
the last three and one-half years she
has spent with her daughter. She
leaves to mourn her death three sons
and two daughters. The , funeral was
held yesterday afternoon at , Mrs
Doyle's home on Water street at two
o'clock and the remains were entombed
at the W. O. Brown cemetery, Rev. W.
E. Allen officiating.
At the regular meeting of Orient
chapter. ' No. 13, O. E. S., last Friday
evening 125 members and visitors par
took of the bountiful supper served at
6 o'clock and many remained for the
work which was exemplified in the
chapter's usual manner. Several
grand officers were present. Mrs.
Minnie M. Coy, Grand Matron, Geo. F.
Leland, Grand Patron, Mrs. Florence
K. Pierce, Grand Warder, Mrs. Annie
R. French, Deputy Grand Matron of
the 7th district, F. M. Sears, Deputy
Baldwin, Past Grand Patron, Mrs. Lil
lia Lang, Grand Representative to
South Carolina and Past Grand Esther
and Mrs. Helen Royston, Past Grand
Electa. These were called upon for
remarks, the responses being both in
teresting and profitable.
Fred Young is quite HIT
Mrs. Selina Wheeler is quite ill.
E. Shedrick ha? returned to Mont-
Mrs H.
N. Webster is in very poor
Elva Findley has returned from
Mabel Gray of
at J. B. Buck's.
Canning is home from
Holland is working
Ray Gage of West Charleston is a
D. A. BRAHANA, Iraskrg
Grist Mill and Fred Stor8 known as
the "Irasburg Grisc Mil'," one of the
&3 I best pieces ot property in t his vicinity
j for the moiHy. Grinding by roller
t rvthing in good repair.
For particulars inquire of owner,
Irasburg, ' - Vermont
A 1
I will sell at public auction my house and
barn situated oa Irasbur? street,
t i
1 1
IT1U1. O
at 2
rooms and
o ciockc. o. m.
is newly built and
bath, good c
has six
floors throughout ihe whole ijouse, also
finished in hardwood on ths ground
floor, electric lights end village water.
BARN is also newly built and is con
nee'ed to house by woodshtd, also has
a good basement.
Terms made known day of sale
Taplin & Dickens, Auctioneers
he da
1 . 1
iar vicn a name
we have them.
Chamber Suits, Springs, Odd
Wood Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Commodes, Chairs, Couches,
Stands, Writing Desks, Book
Cases, Pictures, Straw Mat
ting, and more of those Rugs
expected this week.
A "White" Sewing Ma
chine nearly new; O. K. and
a bargain.
Opposite Crystal Lake Garage
Barton, Vermont
y Telephone 43-5
15 Eastern Ave., Newport, Vt.
Registered Embalmer
Having sold out my interest in the
firm of Green & Pratt, I shall still con
tinue to do business with an entire
new line of the latest Caskets and
Robes, also Steel Vaults. Telephone
calls will be attended to promptly,
either day or night. Telephone 312-2.
Optical Department
Mr. Rutter will be here March 8
and 15. . People are beginning
to take notice of this man Rut
ter. His work is satisfactory.
If you doubt it we will give you
all the proof you want
New Goods
We are adding new goods to our
stock each week. If we haven't
got what you want we will get it
for you; the price will be right
and the goods will be right.
Barton, - Vermont
One of the most popular American
breeds of standard poultry for utility
and exhibition. I have four choice
matings, one for Cockerels, three for
PulJets. Tne pens are. headed by line
bred exhibition Cocks. If you want
eggs that will place you at the front
I can fill your order for eggs to your
entire satisfaction. Book your order
for setting, eggs early. Write for
mating list today.
P? O. West Glover, Vt.
Subscribe for the Monitor
Sale of Real Estate on Non-Residents
The Sonierville Jjumber Company, a cor
poration organized and existing under and
by virtue of t lie laws of the stale of Massa
chusetts, ha Vint? its principal, place of busi
ness at Komerville, in the stsituof Massa
chusetts, owning .real estate in Albany, in
the county of Orleans ami state of Vermont
and huvin-x a known, authorized Und desig
nated agent in the state ol Vermont, to wit,
15. K. Kullard. of Ilardwick, in the county
of Caledonia and slate of Vermont, is here
by notified that the taxes assessed by
the said town of Albany within the
year next preceding this date remain, either
in whole or in part, unpaid, on the following
described real estate in such town, to wit,
the standing timber, hereinafter described,
and the l ight to cut and remove t he same
within six years fi om the Sth clay of Novem
ber, 1H)7, said stand in;? timber being more
particularly described as follows, to wit:
All the timber or trees fit for saw logs, six
inches on the stump one toot trom the
ground for soft wood, eight inches on the
stump one foot from the ground for hard
wood, standing oi- being on three pieces of
land in said town of Albany, said pieces of
land being described as follows, to wit:
U A part of lot No. (,t and being be low the
mill house and on each side of the brook.
mid bounded oh the south by Oraftsbury
town line, on the north by K. M. Gallagher's
mowing and rail fence, on the west by a line
of small spotted trees near an old. lxjard
(2) A part of lots Nos. 8 & 17 and bounded
on the south by Oraftsbury town line, and
on the west by the creek brook, on the
north by the Cass piece, on the east by t he
Kowell farm, and continuing in the same di
rection to Oraftsbury line, excepting a small
piece of second growth In the northwest
corner of this piece, and west of the sugar
house road leading to the Oass sugar house,
also excepting some second growth soft
wood that has been spotted around situated
on what is known as the Parks place, all
above timber being on the west side of the
creek road.
(3) A piece on the east side of the creek
road beginning at the southeast corner of
the Will Rowell sugar place, thence easterly
along Owen Harvey's line to Lawrence
ITrie's land, thence southerly along the L.
Urie line to the south side of K. M.Gallagher
sawmill, thence northerly following said
Gallagher's mowing fence to place of begin
The foregoing timber being the same
conveyed to said Sonierville Liurnber
Company by E. M. Gallagher by deed
of writing dated November 6. 1J07. re
corded In volume 18, pages 498 and 499, of
Albany Land Records, to which record ref
erence Is hereby made for further descrip
tion thereof "and the terms, conditions and
limitations of the said conveyance; and the
said standing timber and rights In real es
tate of said Sonierville Lumber Company,
under said conveyance, are subject to a
mortgage to the Barton Savings Bank:
& Trust Company dated the 24th day of
April, 1911, recorded in volume 18, paes 553,
554 and 555, of Albany Land Records, to
which record reference is hereby made ; and
to a certain execution in favor of Elmer J.
Douglass against said Sonierville lumber
Company, in the sum of two hundred sixty
two and 61-100 dollars, and the costs thereon,
issuing out of the county court within and
for the county of Orleans and state of Ver
mont, on the 23rd day of December, 1912, and
levied on said timber and rights in real es
tate on the 26th day of December, 1912; and
so much of said real estate will be sold at
public auction, subject to said mortgage and
execution as aforesaid at TownOJerk's office
in Albany aforesaid, on the 5th day of April,
1913, at one o'clock in the afternoon, as shall
be requisite to discharge such, taxes with
costs unless previously, paid
E. G. Darling, 1st Conrtab'
Oollecter of Town Taxes.
Dated at Albany aforesaid, this 24th day of
February, 1913. . 9-U &
Tne receipts of the
dinner were nearly f 27.
A large number of Round Robins a'e
beins he!d this month. Tha scherre"!
seems mst popular.
Tha illustrated lecture given in the !
hall last Monday by Rev. Mr. Rankin !
of Newport was exceptionally ' fina.
About 140 colored slides of Hawaiian
Islands ver shown. Our local school ;
is to be congratulated on having se
cured the series of lectures.
The Epworth League "Date" social
held at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. P.
N. Baldwin Friday evening was well
attended and a very pleasant occasion.
Refreshments of sandwiches, cake,
coffee and dates were served.
The next meeting of the Ladies'
Aid society will be held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lanou Thursday,
March 13th.
Devotional meeting of the Epworth
LeagueThursday evening at 7 :30.Topic :
"The Labors of Jesus." Leader: John
Fosby. This meeting will be followed
byVthe monthly business meeting.
Choir rehearsal Thursday evening at
G. W. Russell's.
Friday evening at the town hall Peter
MacQueen. the well known traveler
and lecturer, will give his stereoptican
lecture on Africa. The writer has
heard and seen this, and considers it
remarkably entertaining and. instruc
tive. Remember the date, Friday even
ing, March 7th.
The pastor will preach next Sunday
morning and evening. The theme for
the morning will be "The Ounce of
Prevention. "v
On Monday evening, the 24th of Feb
ruary, the Methodist Brotherhood held
its first annual banquet and ladies'
night at the town hall. There were
about 80 people present. After the
banquet consisting of "sugar on snow,
Rev. Olof J. Anderson of Derby gave
his lecture entitled "Masked Faces,"
which was enjoyed by all.
Last Thursday the Ladies' Aid society
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Lanou. This meeting was a record
breaker in attendance, 131 persons
sitting down to dinner. The following
officers were .elected for the coming
year. President, Mrs. A. M. Annis;
1st vice president, Mrs. J. H. Cook ;
2nd vice president, Mrs. E. W. Keith;
secretary, Mrs. Pearl Bailey; treasur
er, Mrs. J. S. Willey. The society
has earned $180 during the past year.
town meeting j visitor in town.
Effie Moore is home helping to care
for her mother.
M. C Davis has purchased Asa .
Gregory's house.
Henry Danforth is visiting friends
in St. Johnsbury. -
' -
Roy Wilder has moved into the vil
lage from New York city
Ed. Allbee of Weehawken, N. J.f is
visiting relatives in town.
Lester Blake has been driving the
Island Pond stage for a few weeks.
Mrs. Ball has returned home after
spending the winter in Grovetown,
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Gray, who was very ill last week,
is improving.
Mrs. John Piper and son are visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Hudson at Mid
dletown Springs.
" George Andrews, who has been in
poor health all winter, had a council of
doctors last week.
Laura Whitehill has gone to Derby
and will teach Miss Moore's school for
the rest of the term.
Mrs. Wm. Colburn and daughter
Minnie are visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Leon Tripp, m St. Johnsbury.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Blake of Island
Pond and Converse Andrews were
guests at George Andrews' the past
week. (
The topic for the C. E. prayer meet
ing March 6. "The Ideal Christian, His
Practical Service." Leader, Mrs. W.
R. Price.
The Junior C. E. society will give an
entertainment Friday evening, March
7. Refreshments will be served. Ad
mission 10 cents. Ladies please bring
i cake.
A few friends and neighbors called
on Mr. andMrs. Alfred Wilson Tues
day evening, the occasion being their
18th wedding anniversary. A very
pleasant evening was enjoyed. .
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. D.avis of West
Burke, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Davis of
West Derby, Wm. Nelson of West
Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ap
plebee and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davis
of Island Pond attended the funeral of
B. F. Davis.
Teachers' Club Comment.
Th.3 St. Johnsbury Caledonian elite
rially comments on the teachers' club
of Oraftsbury in verv complimentary
words as follows: "The Teachers' club
of Oraftsbury has asked the co opera
tion of the school directors and citizens
of that town in securing a longer
school year without the long winter
vacation, keener appreciation of the
value of school books and property, bet
ter sanitary conditions, personal clean
liness of the pupils, better ventila
tion and co-operation of the parents in
enforcing the compulsory law
keeping children at home nights. In
declaring these purposes the teachers
have shown a serious deficiency on
the part of the average parent in
getting the best results from school
work. If they can succeed in all
these things Craftsbury will become
one of the progressive towns of Ver
mont .in educational matters."
Dan Hale, formerly of Sheldon, has
moved into the house recently vacated
by Walter King and his mother.
Misses Myrtie and Maude Bailey are
n w at home having finished teaching
t ieir winter terms of school in Greens
boro. The winter term of the village school
closed Friday. The teacher. Miss Etta
Smith has gone to her heme in Crafts-
j bury.
j Mr. and Mrs. Corey Urie entertained
l Mrs. James Calderwood, - Mrs. D. W.
and l-Childs and Mrs. David Urie one day
last week.
Estate of Chester Facto
District of Orleans, ss.
The Honorable Probate Court for the
District of Orleans.
To all persons interested in the estate Of
Chester Facto, late of Grand Rapids, Mich.',
to wit, Barton in said District, deceased, -4
WHEREAS, said Court has assigned the
24th day of March next for examining and
allowing the account of the Administrator
with will annexed of the estate of said de
ceased and for a decree of the residue of
said estate to the lawful claimants of the
same, and ordered that public notice thereof
be given to all persons interested in sahl es
tate by publishing this order three weeks
successively previous to the day assigned,
in the Orleans County Monitor, a newspaper
published at Barton, in said district.
THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to
appear at the Probate office in Newport,
in said District, on the day assigned, thenJ
and there to contest the allowance of said ac-1
count if you see cause, and to establish your
right as heirs, legatees and lawful claimants
to said residue. , . .
Given under my hand, this 27th day of
February, 1913. . ,
B. M. SPOONER. Register
- . v 10-12
Commissioners' Notice.
Estate of E. O. Ranney
The Undersigned, having been appointed
by the Honorable Probate Court for the Dis
trict of Orleans, COMMISSIONERS, to re
ceive, examine and adjust the claims and
demands of all persons against the estate of
E. O. Ranney . late of Barton in said
District, deceased, and all claims exhibited
in offset thereto, hereby give notice that we
will meet for the purpose aforesaid, at the
home of Mrs. S. E. Ranney, in the village of
Orleans in said District, on the 20th day of
March and 10th day of September next,
from 1 o'clock p. m., until 4 o'clock p. m.,
on each of said days, and that six months
from the 14th day of February, A. D.1912, is
the time limited by said Court for said
creditors to present their claims to us for 'ex
amination and allowance.
Dated at Orleans this 4th daj of March
A. D. 1913. - , - ...
. ' 10-12
Orrin Robbins remains critically ill.
Bell King from Hardwick is working
at Alden Twiss.
Belle Lock is working in the store of
Mrs. E. N. Nelson.
Miss Shedd from Albany is working
for Mrs. H. W. Bishop.
Lorenzo Colburn seriously injured
his right arm last Friday.
Bay Simpson commenced repairs on
the Shannon house Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archer returned to
their home in Orford Saturday.
The little son of H. S. Burleson
was very ill the first of this week.
Mrs.- Inez Newcomb went Friday to
Greensboro Bend for a few days' visit.
Ida Arbuckle has finished her work
at H. W. Bishop's and returned home.
Fred Keir returned from Whitman,
where he has been visiting his mother
last week. -
Blanche Moodie 'from Hardwick
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Moodie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen of Barton
and Mr.-and Mrs. F. J. Kinney of Or
leans was in town for the donation.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Eldridge from
Orleans were in town last week to visit
their daughter and attend the dona
tion. N. H. Kinney received a message
Saturday announcing, the death of his
brother, Arial Kinney of Lowell,
The annual donation of last week
proved a great success in every partic
ular. A bountiful supper was served
to two hundred and fifty persons. The
male quartet, the orchestra, the talk
by Rev. C. D. Pierce, all combined to
I make the whole evening full of inter
est and pleasure. Proceeds one hun
dred and sixty-five dollars.
. Howard Thompson, who has been
sick, is better. '
Miss Winnie Locke is helping Mrs. M.
Z. Thompson this week.
Mrs. Charles Willey is suffering from
a painful affection in the head.
Miss Florence Philbrook of Crafts
bury is working at Charles Willey's.
Mrs. Henry McLaughlin is in Wolcott
helping to care for her mother, who is
Dutton attended the state
institute in Burlington last
sick last week
school at North
E. A.
week. i
Paul Harriman was
and unable to- be in
L Craftsbury. . ;
Mrs. Horace McLaren has returned
from visiting friends in Massachusetts
and Connecticut.
Howard Findlay - is visiting friends
in Norwich, Conn., and Boston and
Greenfield, Mass.
Miss Mabel Findlay and brother Neil
and Roy Homer- have returned to
their homes in Gothenburg, Neb., after
visiting relatives here for several
Let us all bear in mind and plan to
attend the lecture in the U. P. church
Thursday evening by L. B. Wickersham
on the subject, "Chickens Come Home
to Roost."
James Anderson Jr., of Yonkers, N.
Y.i visited his father for a few days.
He is connected with the New York
Central railroad. He returned to Yon
kers Tuesday.
The Ladies'-Missionary society held
their monthly gathering in the church
vestry last Thursday. About fifty par
took of the dinner. " Two new mem
bers, Mrs. George Simpson and Mrs.
Harry Daniels, were added to he soci
ety. The following officers were chos
en for the coming year : President,
Mrs. N. L. Heidger; vice president,
Mrs. George Simpson; second vice
president. Mrs. Oney Rowell ; secre
tary, Mrs. Aurelius Shields ; treasurer,
Mrs. Armour Babcock.
Willard Wheeler is quite ill with
Mrs. Agnes Witt visited her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. E. Wheeler, over Sunday.
The Missionary society met with
nf t?j e m.j .1 1
lviia. i-iua. iiitsst; vr euiitjsuay aiLt:x-
Con. Brown has returned and is
working in the Mill Village creamery
Little Ruth Davis, who has been vis
iting her grandparents, returned home
Charles B. Smith was in Burlington
a part of last week to attend farmer's
Mrs. Snyder entertained her class
and' a few friends Thursday evening
at her home.
Rev. E. R. Gordon, who was in Bos
ton a large part of last week, returned
home Saturday.
John Churchill, who has been work
ing in Barnet for Roy Brothers, was is
tovfai over Sunday.
Louis Parker is at his home in Al
bany for a short vacation before com
mencing another year's work for N. B.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Stevens, Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Pike, Dr. Dustan and
his daughter Mary made a trip to John
son last Wednesday to visit Rev. and
Mrs. F. Hazen.
On Friday evening of last week the
I senior class of the Craftsbury academy
presented the play "The Time of His
Life" to a house full of admiring and
interested friends. The play was one
of action and of interest -to the listen
ers, whose satisfaction and-pleasure
increased with each act. Many times
the , laughter of the audience was
checked only because it drowned the
voices on the stage. The young people
took their parts with enthusiasm and
yet with ease and grace unusual in am
ateur actors. The class and the teach-
. 1 1 . .
ers may surety ieei repaid iortne time
and energy which was evident had
been put into the preparation! The
class will give the play at Greensboro
Bend this week Friday evening. All
who did not hear it at Craftsbury will
want to be on hand at Greensboro and
many who heard it last week will wish
to hear it again.