Newspaper Page Text
' ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1913 PAGE 7 We are sending out our Catalogue of Seeds, Plants, Bulbs and Cat Flowers this week; if you do not get one, send nsa card with your address. We don't ask you to pay more for an article than you could get it for in the city. ' We do ask you to pay less for as good an article. We have some Jonquils now those yellow spring flowers, at 45c. per dozen postpaid. Send the money and we will send the flowers to any address. H. J. BALL Florist and Seedsman West Derby, Vt. M PLOYMENT Young men, if you wish w ill brine you advancement. positions that attend the for a course of special study in SHORT HAND, TYPEWRITING and BOOKKKEP IN(t. The demand for our men graduates is greater than the supply. Send for cata logue and particulars. Darnell & Hoit, Albany, N. Y. DOUBLY PROVEN Monitor Readers Can No Longer Doubt the Evidence. This Barton citizen testifit d long ago, ToW of quick relief cf undoubted benefit. Tha facts are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete the evidence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. W. A Murray, Main St., Bar ton, Vt., says: "I suffered from a dull tired feeiinpr, together with pain in the small cf my back. Finally 1 was induced to try Dean's Kidney Pills and I got a supply at Barron Co's. Drug Storn. They brought almost instant relief and it was not long be fore the pains ;-.tid other difficulties disappeared. I owe my present health to the use of this preparation. " Statement given September 4, 1908. THD BENEFIT LASTED Mrs. Murray was interviewed some time later and she said: "I am only too willing to verify my former statemanc regarding Doau's Kidney Pills. They made a permanent cure in my case and I am always glad to make the fact known." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fo&ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yora, sole agents for the linked States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. G. J. Oben & Co., Newport. Vt. If this food is not sold in your place, we -will send you freight prepaid a 1 25 pound sack for $4. Q0, or a 60 pound sack for $2.00. If in want of Beef Scraps, 'Poultry Bone, Oyster Shells, etc., write us for prices. Carroll S. Page, Dyde Park, Vt Page's Perfected Poultry Food may be ob tamed or the following: A.D. Thurber, - i E. W. Barron Co , Chas- N. Moulton, Twombly & Colton, H. A. Parker, H. A. & G. C. Barllett, J.A. Gendron, W. M. Taylor & Co, Coventry Barton East Charleston Orleanas Lowell Newport Newport Derby, Vt Brownington, Vt. Lyndonville, Vt. W. Charleston, Vt. - Derby Line, Vt. Sutton, Vt. Wm. Davies, J. C. Eaton & Co., J. B. Holton, Caswell & O'Rourke, F. A. Holmes, We Pky Highest Market Prices for CALFSKINS Hides, Horse Hides, Sheep skins, Raw Furs, etc. Smith & Jenkins Public Market Orleans, - Vermont fiffljjBgfg ' 11 VERMONT ORIS 1 1W fca' Estate of j For Sale or I g ail Descriptions " fixcnaiise gj I SEND FOR BIG J5AT4L!OG--' Makes Hens Lay in Winter. -- Important Happenings and. Local Notes from the County Seat. W. B. BULLOCK, Complimentary to Mr. Redmond. Speaking of Mr. Redmond and the editorial comment of the MorrisviJle Fews and Citizen (already printed in this column) the Vergennes Vermonter says : Not only has Mr. Redmond the necessary backbone, but he had the training of a lawyer and the knowl edge gained by a thorough study of railroad rates and the science of their application, as well as railroad man agement generally, He had to match his wits against the best talent the corporation could buy, and often being obliged to make important decisions promptly. It is no disparagement to his successor to say that he will have a hard job to keep up to the standard set by Mr. Redmond. School Notes. Examinations will be conducted in all the grades the first of the week. Another pupil enrolled in the 1st grade last week making a total of 47. Several teachers from the St. Johns bury schools visited the grades on Fri day. The eighth grade pupils attended the town meeting "in a body on Tuesday forenoon At the regular, biweekly teachers' meeting on Monday evening, Miss Thayer reviewed "The School and its Life" by Gilbert and Miss Fulton read a paper on "Elements of General Method" by McMurry. Only three changes are to be made in the personnel of the teaching corps of 40 teachers of the Newport School union, for the Spring term. These changes are in the Lane, Burlington and Gore schools,of Newport town. The Kindergarten and all the grades will close the winter term on Friday, the 14th, for a two weeks' vacation. The High school will close on the 21st for one week's vacation. All the rooms will open the spring term on the 31st. Eleven teachers took the examina tions conducted by Supt. Hamilton on Thursday and Friday of last week. Miss Edna Bowen, one of the candi dates, was seized with an attack of ap pendicitis on Thursday noon and was obliged to discontinue work and leave for her home in Troy. NEWPORT Mrs. Seth Herrick is very sick. Lora Tenney is confined to the house with a severe cold. Mrs. L. B Wellman visited in St. Johnsbury this week. F. E. Alfred left for New York Mon day night on a business trip. Mrs. May Young is critically ill with acute indigestion and heart trouble. The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drown are very ill with typhoid fever. St. Mark's Ladies' Guild will meet with Mrs. Wm. Batchelder in West Derby Thursday afternoon. The Probate qzce is TBelHg thorough-' ly renovated, fffing cabinets added and varibus.changes in process. mm.-" ' Rev. L. A. Edwards exchanged with Rev. Geo. Pomfrey of West Derby for last Sunday evening services. The two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Dauphin died Saturday with pneumonia. The funeral was held Sunday. The final entertainment in the As bury Brotherhood course is an illustra ted lecture on Mexico by Peter Mac Queen this evening. There will be no Thursday afternoon Lenten service at the Episcopal church this week, only the Friday even ing meeting and lecture. Mrs. B. F. Moore, who had been re covering from her recent attack of the grip is not as well at present, being threatened with pneumonia. Rev. J. P. McCullough announces that the Sunday evening service at St. Mark's church will begin at seven o'clock hereafter instead of 7 :30. The Ni C. L. basket ball team de feated Orleans last Tuesday evening, 40 to 18. They play Morrisyille here this evenng and a dance follows the game. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to be satisfactory or money refunded. ' ' Fred D. Pierce, Barton A. O. Austin, Orleans R. M.Oowles, Albany , E. W.Barron Co.. : Barton ' it Stomach Misery AH Gone" "Mv! How I Did Suffer But Now I'm Happy All Day Long and Sleep Fine.' That's what a woman said just a few months ago. She said more and here it is. "I wish it lay within my power to persuade every woman sufferer from dyepepsia or indigestion or whatever they may think their stomach trouble is, to give MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets one week's fair trial. I am sure that every one of them would thank me from the bottom of her heart." "I am well and happy for the first time in years and I do not hesitate to give MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets all the credit." Follow this advice. Give MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets a week's trial; if they do not benefit, P. D. Pierce will return the cost,50 cents. Sold and guaranteed in Orleans by F. J. Kinney. Local Editor Combining the Customs Districts. Regarding the talk of combining the Memphremagog and Burlington Cus toms districts the Barre Times says editorially. "Senator Dillingham and Representative Plumley certainly re flected the sentiment of Vermont when they appeared before President Taft and opposed the new customs distri bution plan, which would unite the Memphemagog and Burlington districts of the United States customs service. They might have added, besides their plea based on mountain line barriers' and no material lessening of expense by the union, that Vermont wants two separate districts because the emolu ments of a united district would be stow on the single customs collector too much of this world's goods, where as if the two distiict idea is continued it would spread the returns more equit ably. Perhaps it is a localized argu ment merely for Vermont, but it is quite a strong argument in Vermont." Railroad Notes. W. H. Johnson, who duty by injury to foot, work this week. has been off recommenced A. E. Manning, covered from his to work Monday. car repairer, has re illness and returned E. G. Kimball, B. & M. night inspec tor, returned to duty this week after a ten days' leave of absence. Rich. Buchanan was called to his former home in West Brome, P. Q., last week, by the critical illness of his father. H. W. MacPherson and bis wrecking crew of six were called to the scene of the freight wreck between Barton and Wlloughby last Friday. The trains were delayed several hours, the air line not leaving Newport until 3 o'clock that day. Grand High Priest Scott of Barre made an official visit to Frontier En campment, No. 13, I. O. O. F. Wednes day evening and made a very pleasing address. The office of the Public Service Commission has been transferred to St. Albans, the "address of the new chairman and clerk. The removal was made Friday. Mrs. Mary Moore arrived home from her visit in Attleboro, Mass., last week, and has gone to Morgan by rea son of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. L. D. Farr. Myron Alexander caught the little finger of his right hand in a machine at Hood's creamery last week and mangled it so badly that amputation was necessary. Marion Newland arrived home from La Salle University last week ; that institution having temporarily closed by reason of scarlet fever among some of the students. A. H. Grout has been established in his new office for two weeks, a com modious section having been fitted up next to the office of Grout & Grout for the use of our new state's attorney. Will R. Prouty returned Friday from lljis tropical trip. He spent two days in ""Panama and went over the route of the famous canal ; a stop was also made at"ifavana. He speaks n high praise of th trio. Frontier Encampment, I. O. O. F., worked the Golden" Rule degree upon two candidates last Friday evening. The evening of March 14th, the en campment will work the Hoyal Purple degree, and serve refreshments. Friday, Feb. 28, was the banner &Ti in log drawing at the Frost 1 Venee Seating Company. Twenty-eight load of logs were received from teams an i t mi i i taKen care oi. ine lumoermen arq making the most of the snow it comes. now a Mrs. Sidney Davis, buyer of chinq for True & Blanchard Company, ha just returned from market, and report as being able to purchase the most del icate and artistic lines. New good will be constantly coming in afte April 1st. Oscar Cummings has, left the emplo of E. Lane & Son and gone into parti nership with Ernest Pickel, formerl clerking tor A. 5. Uobleigh, an bought out the grocery store of J. Hi Wilson at West Derby. Mr. Wilson ha bought a farm in Coventry. B. F. Moore and E. C. Blanchad are planning to leave this week for trip through the northwest to Winn peg, tnence to Vancouver ana aow the Pacific coast by steamer to For land on the return trip. Some time wi be spent in Utah and Colorado Mrs. 1. u. .Biancnara received woi Saturday of the sudden death of h( sister; Mrs.Aldrich at' East Aurora, Y. Mrs. Blanchard, in company witf her sisters, -Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Johnsd and Mrs. Fairchild. left for East Aurd ra Sunday. evening, via Montreal. The partnership of Green & Prat undertakers, has dissolved and Satu day G. D. Pratt came into entire po session oi tne. ousiness, having room at No. 32 Coventry street, telephon call 156-12. This is one of the olde established Concerns in town, Mi Green having conducted it for a de aae oeiore Mr. rratt was taken in- partnership more than two years agi As Mr.. Pratt is so well and favorab known, it would be superfluous for i to mention his ability, geniality, good will. ' What a Man's Beard Is Good For. The Cynic, writinsr in the Man American Magazine, says: "The only advantage in weanni full beard is that when you get to be about sixty you can cut it off and hang on to your job three or four years longer." PROBATE COURT. Louis F. Peabody estate, Newport. Leon E. Peabody appointed adminis trator. Nettie Cobb Humphrey estate, New port. E. F. Humphrey appointed ad ministrator. Mary Louisa Worboys estate, Charles ton. F. L. Pari in appointed adminis trator. H. G. Ruiter and J. B. Gray appointed appraisers and commission ers. Albert B. Heath, insane, Albany. John A. Brown appointed guardian. Laban S. Harding estate, Lowell. Commissioners' report returned. Edward Carter estate, Holland. Ad ministrator's inventory returned. Maria Paul Stockwell estate, Bar ton. Appraisers' inventory returned. Samuel G. Dow estate, Coventry. Appraisers' inventory returned. Emma W. Scott Allen estate, Crafts bury, ft Hon. H. N. Stevens, executor, settled his final account. Sabrina Macomber trust estate, Greensboro. C. A. Stanford, trustee, settled his annual account. W. W. Tiffany trust estate, Greens boro. C. A. Stanford, trustee, settled his annual account. William Longevin minors, Barton. E. W. Barron, guardian, settled his ac count. Eliza E. Shanks Reed estate, Derby. Will proved. F. E. Alfred appointed executor. H. B. Cushman and L. P. Jenne appointed appraisers and com missioners. Henry M. Gilbert, minor, Troy. Li cense granted to sell real estate. Ellen A. Kirk estate, Troy. Execu tor makes application for license to sell real estate. Referred to March 8, 1913. Charles Bennett estate, Holland. Last will presented for probate by Calvin Bennett, custodian. Referred to Newport, March 17, 1913. Clara L. Stowell estate, Newport. Last will presented for probate by U. A. Harris, executor. Referred to New port, March 10, 1913. Francis Pronto estate, Lowell. Chas. Pronto appointed administrator. V. M. Parker and Benjamin Arel ap pointed appraisers and commissioners. Mary Louisa Worboys estate, Charleston. Appraisers' inventory re turned. Leon Ladue estate, Troy. Clara La due appointed administratrix. Sylvester Drowrr estate, Newport. A. C. Sleeper appointed administrator. Heman N. Bates and H. A. Bartlett appointed appraisers and commission ers. Kate C. Coventry. Redfield Cummings estate. Commissioners' report re- turned. Trustram C. Blanchard estate, New port. Commissioners' report re turned. Harriet Parker estate, Barton. Commissioners' report returned. Heber Parker estate, Barton. Commissioners' reporc returned. William D. Blake estate, Derby. Appraisers' inventory returned. Sidney Perkins estate, Newport. Appraisers' inventory returned. Mary L. Fuller estate, Derby, praisers' inventory returned. Susan Mitchell estate, Derby, praisers' inventory returned. Frank Woodard estate. Holland Ap-Ap- Ad- ministrator's inventory returned. Charles S. Duckies estate, Albany. F. H. Pierce, administrator, settled his account. 0 Decree of distribution made. THAT AGRICULTURAL MEETING CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE the Monitor will give some of the fig ures taken from the government census reports as given by Mr. Gilpin. Membership cards were distributed, and many were signed. Those who didjj not hand them in should send them to C. E. Hamblet, secretary. Barton. True & Blanchard NEWPORT, VT. Manufacturers and Distributors of Sugar Tools,' offer, this week, this special selection of Second-Hand Boiling Rigs, taken out where new Monarchs have been installed. Every one is thorough ly overhauled, carefully tested, newly painted and in Al condition No. l SIZE 24 in.x?K ft. DESCRIPTION No Arch and" Evaporator complete wn-n stacK 30 in.x8 ft. Cast Iron Arch, pan and heater 30 in.x 10 ft. Steel Arch, two pans and heater 28 in.x7 ft. Cast Iron Arch, pan and heater 32 in.x 9 ft. Noyes Rig. two pans and heater 30 in.x 10 ft. Keir Outfit, evaporator and heater 42in.xi3;fc. Chasse " with evaporator 40 in.xl4 ft. Bellows Falls Outfit 48 in.xl2 ft. Grimm outfit 36 inxl2 ft. Monarch outfit, old style 2 3 4 5 6 , 9 10 These prices are subject to our usual taKe sugar in payment at liberal price, complete outfits we have several arches, evaporators. Aeide from these wood holders, tanks, and a quantity of second-hand buckets. Send in your orders for Monarch and Royal goods. We can make prompt delivery on Boiling Rigs, Buckets, Tanks, Sugaring-Off Rigs, Bucket Covers, Sugar Pails, Syrup Settlers, Cans, or anything else in the sugar utensil line. TRUE & BLANCHARD CO. Mam Street NEWPORT", VT. STATEMENT OF Newport, January RESOURCES 0 Mortgages 3858,679.03 454,501.24 50,300.00 3,760.65 32,655.20 26,96554 $1,426,861.66 Loans and Discounts Stocks and Bonds Real Estate Cash Accrued Interest ANOTHER CARLOAD OF Will arrive at Wednesday, Bay Horses o years 5 " Sorrel Horse 5 Black Horses 4 and 5 " Mares 6 and 7 varay norse ana iviare o WW 1 IK H Gray Horses 5 years old Black Horse M tt 5 4 tt Bay Horses Bay Horse 4 and 5 5 6 5 tt tt tt tt These horses were bought direct of the farmers in northern Illinois, every one is a sound, well broken young horse and we sell them fully guaranteed as represented. If you find them different return them and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Our last load was bought in the same town. Not one of them had a cold or a cough. There is no sickness with a horse right from the country. Through the Spring season we shall have from one to two loads every two weeks. See them and get our prices before you buy. , We have Harnesses, Collars and Blankets Yours truly, GILMAN ST. JOHNSBURY, 17 VERY busy House wife will appreciate saving in work, trouble, and money due to Oxo 1 Jon Cubes. ! K:-r - A Cube to a Cupful A Cupful in a Minute Oxo Cubes in tins keep indefinitely Tins of 1 0 cubes, 25 c. Tins of 4 cubes, Tins of 50 and 1 00 cubes cost less. CD 7 17 A hox ofOxo Bouillon Cubes for . : ' XVI iB fi your dealer's name and address. CORNEILLE DAVID & CO., Sole Agents. Dept. 9 N. Moore Street. N. T. Get Oxo Cube from any of the following Dealers: O. AjBarrows, Barton, Vt. V. F. Hunter. Barton, Vt. Charles A. Nute, Barton,Vt. Fred D. Pierce, Barton, Vt. E. B. Kobinson, Opera-BlockBarton, Vt. Subscribe for Comp any TREES PRICE 100-150 20.00 150 200 35.00 200 300 50.00 150-200 40.00 300-500 45.C0 300-500 55.00 300-600 50.00 400-700 65.00 600-900 75 00 400-600 65.00 cash discount, or we will contract to Phone 277-2 CONDITION OF Vermont 1S13 LIABILITIES 1st, Capital Surplus Undivided Profit Deposits Bills Payable $50,000.00 50,000.00 5,167.93 1,300,455.90 21,237.78 $1,426,861.66 our Stables arch 5th, '13 old weight 3000 44 3000 ( 1500 3200 2800 ( it ana o years old " 3200 weight 3200 " 1500 tt tt 1400 2600 -1400 1400 14C0 n tt tt n at prices are right. that ROTHERS - VERMONT 00s M Austin's Pharmacy, Post Office Brk, Orleans, Vt. A.D. Beede,!Orleans, Vt. Kinney's Pharmacy, Orleans, Vt. B. O. Smith's Up-to-date Grocery, Orleans.'.Vt. the- Monitor