Newspaper Page Text
ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR ; .WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1913 PAGE'S TTh s rage Bradford v " o this Orleans 1T raw No. 519 Paris Green Be ready when the bugs come Cottolene A fresh supply jnst in Condensed Evaporated Mill Every year sees an increase in its use. We have three kinds. Yellow Eye Beans Wanted Tennis Shoes all sizes When you need those Men's Long Rubber Boots remember that you can get them here. News and Views from this i, H Dust Goats to protect your clothing when you ride, from $1.50 up Hammocks From $1 up Use the Parcel Post I will pay $i.oo each for the re turn of Cash Receipts 8310, 9676, 2331, 4431, 5919, 2963, 2162,6142, 1142, 1949, 3146,8738, 1861, 2643, 4217 Maurice Brennan returned No. 5291 Those Supreme Court Cases. Several weeks ago the Monitor printed current newspaper reports relative to two supreme court cases in which W. R. Aldrich was concerned. Mr. Aldrich wrote the editor a letter stating: the reports were not "correct, " and the communication was printed. This statement put the Monitor in the light of printing malicious items re garding Mr. Aldrich. Accordingly on June 5 we wrote Mr. Aldrich as fol lows: ' ' "In view of the fact that you make the assertion that the reports of your supreme court cases were not correct as published, and I have published your letter" to that effect, it puts me in a light of making a false report. The report might have been incorrect in detail but not in the essential and for this reason it seems that I should in justice to myself, publish a correct report, but before doing so I wish to srive you an opportunity to state parti culars and take this method of making it loiown to you that I intend to put myself right with the public." Mr. Aldrich acknowledged receipt of the letter .by the following note dated at Westmore : "Yours, of the 5th received. Am taking my annual outdoor upbuilding to make possible for me to do indoor work part of- each year. A health de fect long known to mypeople makes this necessary. It costs something to get to Barton from here but will be at Orleans soon and will be up to see you seasonably for your issue of June 18th, and I thank you for the opportuntiy 'to state particulars' in my matter." Having given Mr. Aldrich ample opportunity to state particulars, we quote from certified copies of the cases of Mr. Aldrich before the supreme court. In regard to the disbarment pro ceedings: "Judgment of suspension I iiuiii Liic yiatuc ui law ill iiiia siatc 1 fnr nrinrl rf nnp vpar frnm. and including May 6. 1913." Quoting from a certified copy of the entries in Mr. Aldrich's unlawful fish ing case he was sentenced to pay a fine of $100, without costs." (Wallace H. Gilpin, Ed.) Congregational Church Notes. Pastor Rev. Ernest Wiiton Eldrisob, STATED SERVICES Sundays Morning Worship with Sermon, Sunday School, Juuior Endeavor Society, Y. P.S.O.E.. Evening Worship with Sermon, Midweek Meeting, 7:30 Wednesday Evening All are cordially invited to worship, with us 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a. m 3:30 p. m' 6:30 p. m 7:15 p. m Don't expect a cash receipt if it is charged O. W. LOCKE ORLEANS, VERMONT For - Sale! 25 CHOICE YOUNG COWS at our farm known as the O. J. Converse place in Brownington situated on -the road leading from Orleans to Willoughby Lake. We shall keep on hand at this place a fine lot of cows for the pur pose of selling and trading same and will be ready to meet any there at short notice. Taplin & Rowell ORLEANS, VT. ORLEANS JNew tram scneauie tor uneans - on page one. Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Benjamin of Montpelier visited Mrs. Benjamin s brother, O. B. Dodge, recently. We will appreciate our new street sprinkler when it arrives. Now seems to be a time when we need it most. The reservoir is being cleaned. The water this spring has had a very bad taste and certainly something needed to be done. Many people have been at Willough by lately fishing and they report some very good catches. This seems to be the right time of year. Mrs. F. E. Parker returned to her hem 3 in Falls Church, Va., Monday after spending six weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gay. The road where the old Skinner house was moved is very badly torn up. When it is finished, however, that corner will be greatly improved. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Smithers re turned Friday from Syracuse, N. Y., with their son Otis, who received his degree from the university there. There is a meeting of the Orleans graded school district Monday, June 30th. Some important subjects will be discussed and all voters are expect e 1 to be on hand. There will be a special meeting of Valley Lodge, No. 106, F. & A. M. Fri day, June 27th. Central Lodge of Irasburg is invited and the third de gree will be worked. The mid-week service will be held in the vestry this evening at the usual hour. Topic. "God's Attributes." At the Sunday morning service the pastor will speak upon "Divine Prov idence in our Nation's History." This theme will be particularly appro priate at this time, when we are so near the anniversary of our nation's birth. The Sunday school will meet at the close of morning worsnip. The sub ject is, "The Victories of Faith," and the lesson will contain references to the theme studied during the past Quarter. We have classes for all acres and a cordial welcome extended all who can join us. The C. E.. meeting will be in the vestry at 6.30. Topic: "Our Nation's Glories and Perils." Miss Sadie Lo- throp will lead and an interesting serv ice is assured. ; . The evening church service will be at 7.15. There will be a season of good hearty singing at the opening and a brief sermon upon some appro priate and important theme will be delivered by the pastor. At the church meeting held Friday afternoon it was decided to build a chapel in the rear of the church and a committee was chosen for that purpose. THE UP-TO-DATE GROCERY B. O. SMITH, Proprietor p. s. save smith's sale sup3 ORLEANS, VERMONT In behalf of Geo. G. Meade Post would make mention at this late day of a few things which made our gatherings such great success. In first place thanking parents of those fifty children, who marched to the cemetery on Decoration day and to the teacher who had the care of them. And would thank the members of the brass band, who rendered such excel lent and appropriate music at the cemetery. And also thanking all who helped to make our county reunion a success would make special mention of the fife and drum corps, which played so well and reminded the veterans of times long ago. A member of Geo. G. Meade Post. 3 "A series of Bible lectures will be held at the tent near the F. M. Andrus residence on the Brownington Road, Orleans, commencing Tuesday eve ning, June 24, at 7 :45 p. m. and every evening thereafter except Saturday evening. Opening Subject: "The Work of God." Followed by other practical talks and. studies on the prophecies. These services will be conducted by Evangelist H. A. Clark assisted by Evangelist Hiram Morrill. All are welcome, seats free. The tent is on a grassy plot well, seated, with over 100 chairs, and with an electric light system installed. A pleasant place to spend a summer evening. Hundreds of these tent meetings will be held throughout the country this summer attended by thousands of people in the aggregate. The public is cordially invited to be present. Miss Marion Ordway, Mrs. Mary Ordway and Miss Inez Winslow are in Burlington for a few days. It is reported that they are to attend to wedding of Earl H. Ordway. Announcements have been received of the marriage of Carroll Joslyn and Miss Grace Laughlin of Boise, Idaho, at that place, June 17. Mr. Joslyn is well known here and his friends extend congratulations. -iyiis5 nuin oKinner was cnosen as a delegate for the Student Government association by Wheaton college and sent to Silver Bay, N. Y., for a meet ing there. She expects to be home the hrst of July. Progress on the new Bank block has been somewhat retarded on account of the force working there being obliged to finish a job at Newport first. They expect to get to work again either today or tomorrow. Miss Amy Fisk, who has been sick about two weeks at C. E. Gay's, died very suddenly yesterday afterncor. The funeral will, be held at Mr. Gay's house Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the body will be taken to Waits field Friday for interment. Further particulars will be given next week. The Montenegrins. It is only in recent years that Monte negrins have begun to appreciate the services of the hospital. Hulme Bea man, after visiting the country in 1889, wrote that the people "take very little care of their " children, and only the sound and strong grow up. In after life, too, they are extremely averse to sanitary precautions or medical treat ment, and a sick Montenegrin is almost synonymous with a dead man. At least he at once gives himself up and, if he recovers, looks upon it as a curious freak in nature's laws. The few who reluctantly submit to losing an arm or a leg invariably refuse anaesthetics and converse with their friends, smok ing a cigarette while the knife and saw are at work." umjij ihmjmmu mn mem Appreciation. A city man who had made good finan cially and socially was showing hia country friend over his newly built i house. It was furnished most luxuri ously, and as one room after anothei was visited the farmer's silence In creased. The city man, thinking hia old country friend was too full for ut terance, asked 'him when the last room, with its heavy furnishings, was in spected, "Well, Josiah, what do you think of it all?" " ' J " - "I've been thinkin', Henry," replied the farmer, "what an all fired job you'd have if you had ter move." Judge. GJWe have surpassed every previous effort in the display of our Spring Suits this season, in both value and colorings; When you see the smartness portrayed in the styles, the thoroughness of the tailoring and note the manner in which the garments fit, you will not "wonder why Men and Boys come here to select their Spring Suits. Mothers Gather Here For The Boy's Clothing. ! Because the quality is the best and price the lowest WIDOW JONES CLOTHES Make Mothers and Boys both smile. Boys' Scout Suits $1.75 Boy's U. Suits 50c. Boys' Caps and Hats 25c. and 50c. Men's Yale Union Suits B. V. D. Union Suits Poros Knit Union Suits Two-piece Balbriggan Underwear Hath a way's Shirts, New Idea Hosiery, Rain Coats Dusters, Straw Hats. Have you seen the New Summer Collar, La Salle ? Trunks, Grips, Suit Cases for your vacation trip. Walk-Over Oxfords, f . Men's and Boy's Tennis The Store That Saves You Money it c. s. ' Orleans, Vermont STEVENS EE IE M 54 STRAWS ARE RIPE And the finest picking is to be found at this store, where you'll see every conceivable kind of Straw Hat except the poor kind and not a last year's hat in stock. Jnst received, a lot of the Packard Shoes The Packards represent an extensive line of Shoes, built as a man wants his footwear made, faultless in style, faith ful in service, and rendering everlasting comfort. Come in and look them over, you will not regret the time. We carry a line of the Stag Trousers Our guarantee is back of every pair. Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, etc. Clothing for Men and Boys Low Prices and Reliable Goods F. H. Pierce, Orleans, V t Beginning today and continuing all week, our greatest June Sale of Wash Iresses New Materials, New Styles, New Colors, New Trimmings Prices range from 98c to $15. We have a new lot of Turkish Towel Hats to arrive this week, just what you need for your vacation. Ask about the "New Idea", it will interest you E, L. Bassett, Orleans, Vt. Telephone 79-3 Brown Block Perfect Smoking Condition Is, how you will find our Cigars. The humidor arrangements in our cigar case keep the humid ity the samelyear in and year out, that means Perfect Smoking Condition. Have You Tried Our Two Week End Specials Official Seal 1 Oc. Cigar, - Saturday Only 5c La Marca, 1 Oc. Cigar, - Saturday Only 5c. Cut out this advertisement and we will give you an extra Cigar for it FREE, if at the same time you buy one of the above at 5 c. Satur- day only. v AUSTIN'S PHARMACY T.fie ?f?gg Store A. O. AUSTIN. Pharm. D, Vv , ORLEANS; VERMONT TO) We have. just received another lot of New, Button and Lace Oxfords in ,the Quaker Girl Shoes for par ticular people, in Patent, Gun Metal arid Russet Leather. Also a Popular Pump in Gun. Metal and Patent Leather. These shoes do not cost as much as some other advertised lines, but we have failed tb' find "any shoe that will outwear them. We also have, the Old Lady's Comfort line in the Quaker. If the hot weather makes'your feet uncomfortable, come to us and we will give, you relief. ' , 22. ; If you want a good - Tennis Shoe we have got it, and it will outwear two pairs of the ordinary cheap "sneaks." We have them with both red and white rubber buttons, genuine leather innersole, which do not draw the heat to the foot as the common kind do, and they cost but little more. Try us on Hammocks, Poros Knit Union Suits, Thin Hosiery, etc. J. 3D),