Newspaper Page Text
ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25,1913 PAGE 9 We still have Z a large stock of Plants Such as. SALVIAS CANNAS DAHUAS FERNS PALMS BEGONIAS COLEUS HEUO- TROPE GERANIUMS VINCAS GERMAN IVY ASTERS SINGLE PETUNIAS FORGET-ME-NOTS LANTANAS Let us fill your wants Prices right H. J. BALL Florist and Seedsman West Derby, - Vermont Kewp.rt f ews Page Important Happenings and Local Notes from the County Seat. W. B. BULLOCK, Local Editor FOR SALE "Hill Crest Farm," Greensboro 228 acres; miles from Greensboro village and Caspian lake. Productive money -making dairy farm. Extra good buildings, good orchard, well equipped sugar place of 1600 trees. Lots of wood and sufficient growing timber fcr home use. Well watered and altogether a highly desirable farm home. Write for particulars and terms to the owner H. W. GILLIS, Greensboro Bend, Vt. U. S. Depository. Organized 1875. The National Bank OF NEWPORT, VT. Capital, Surplus and Profit, Deposits, $100,000. 41,000. 345,000. E. Lane, President. J. E. McOarten, Cashier. Earl. L. Brown, Asst. Cashier A Paid on Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, $3 00, $5.00, $10.00 per year. We cordially invite new business connections. C. J. Oben & Co., Newport, Vt. MERMONT Real Estate of " all Descriptions SEND FOR BIG oRMS or Sale or Exchange CATALOGUE JUNG WOMEN MIDDLE AG1 OF Mrs. Hilbert Tells of Her Dis tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. iiL ni iiiiirn Villi! WW li : : i Fleetwood. Pa. "During the Change of Life I was hardly able to be around at all. I always had a headache and 1 was so dizzy and ner vous that I had no rest at night. The flashes of heat were so bad sometimes that I did not know what to do. " One day a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Com pound and it made me a strong well wo man. I am very thankful that I fol lowed my friend's advice and I shall recommend it as long as I live. Before I took the Compound I was always sickly and now I have not had medicine from a doctor for years. You may pub lish my letter." Mrs. Edward B Hil: bert, Fleetwood, Pa. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation,hot flashes, headaches, back aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the Heart, sparks Deiore tne eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. - , Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. NEWPORT Hallie Sias is sick. Irene Reed has whooping cough. Leslie Flint is home from Stanstead college. Harry Jenne is clerking in Libbey's grocery. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Hutchins are here from Boston. Mrs. Clara Robinson is enlarging the piazza to her residence. Mrs. Charles Taylor has returned from her extended visit to Alberta. Miss Dorothy Webster of Montreal visited Clementine Hayes last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Cummings of Gary, Ind., are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. J. N. Cunningham has gone to Hanover, N. H., for a two weeks visit. Prof, and Mrs. Jameson of Lyndon- ville are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Downey. The steamer Anthemis handled a Sunday excursion and of course was largely attended. Bear in mind that all roads lead to Newport July 4th, to witness the celebration and races. George Parker of Troy was arrested for assault last Saturday by Constable G. A. Place and brought to jail. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bigelow and Mrs. E. J. Prouty are attending a Pharmacy meeting at Brandon. John Fitzgerald has finished clerking for J. E. Renihan and has a position in Davis & Livingstone s drug store. The Boston express was two hours late Monday evening by reason of breakage of an engine near Lyndon ville. The Ladies Reading Circle held their annual outing Wednesday at Knowl ton s Landing, going on the steamer Yioco. The annual Advent campmeeting commenced Sunday at Beebe. There was a large attendance from this section. The Newport town base ball team played Island Pond Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock on the West Derby grounds. E. A. Hamilton is at Queen City Park, Burlington, this week attending annual conference of Union schoo superintendents. Mrs. H. H. Green and mother. Mrs Humphrey, attended the commencement exercises of the Randolph Agricultura school last week. Mrs. W. E. Lougee of Springfield, Mass., is visiting her mother, Mrs. M J. Bullock. The latter has not been as well the past week. Herbert A. Wright and daughter Emily arrived from Somerville Sunday night and went to Georgeville, P. Q. Monday to visit his relatives. The annual reunion of Company E. 9th regiment Vt. Vols., will be held tomorrow at G. A. R. hall, at 10 o clock. There will be a basket picnic also. Gov. and Mrs. G. H. Prouty, Mrs unaries rrouty, miss iviaua Hurst and T-v t m TT 1"! "T-k til Dr. ana Mrs. n. u. uiancnara are attending Dartmouth college com mencement. Mrs. Harriet Lance and children motored to Cabot Saturday with B. F, Moore. Mrs. Lance will go this week to New York state to remain with relatives a while. The black bass season has opened but the gamey fish is slow about rising to the fly. Reports from the famous bass ground about Lake park show a lighter catch than usual to start with. Samuel H. Holbrook, an old-time resident and well known farmer living on"the Lake road, died Friday. The funeral was held at the Congrega tional church Monday atternoon. The annual village school meeting is called for Monday evening, June 30, at the schoolhouse hall. The pamphlets containing the officers' reports, are just issued today from the office of the Bullock Press. The petition of St. Mark's Episcopal church, to be transferred from a mis sion into a parish, was granted by the convention of the diocese held at Barre ast week. A meeting of the parish to ratify this petition will be held Thursday evening of this week, fol lowing our evening service, at which time the delegates to the convention. Henry Burgess and C. V. Slater, will render their report. The steamer. Lady of the Lake, ran her trial trip Saturday to the satisfac tion of those in charge. The Montreal and Burlington boat inspectors were here Friday and gave the iron steamer "clean bill of health" again. The regular trips for the season began Monday. She will leave in the morn ing at 8 o'clock, returning at ll.bu, leaving for the afternoon trip at 12.50, returning at 7 o'clock. Mondays the boat will leave at 8 o'clock as usual, making but one trip through the lake, stopping an hour and a half at Magog and returning at 3.30. EAST CHARLESTON Mrs. C. E. Coruth is ill. Charles Shedrick of Montreal spent last week in town. Asa Gregory of Irasdurg was a visit or in town recently. Will Stoddard spent Sunday at West Derby with his family. Henry Danforth spent Sunday at Is land Pond with relatives. H. J. Hudson started Friday for the West for another carload of horses. Glen Alexander of West Derby has been visiting relatives the past week. Edna and Freda Wilson of Newport are spending the week at J. B. Buck s Miss Orpha Wilson visited her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Davis, at Brighton the past week. Mrs. B. J. Lang and daughter Edna of Lyndonville were visitors here re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Campbell of Brownington spent Sunday at Leon Buck's. Mrs. Eugene Davis is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Stoddard, at East Burke. Mrs. Thomas Gilman of Lyndonville has been visiting relatives here and at Westmore. Several from here attended the graduation exercises at Island Pond Friday night. Dr. Cushman accompanied Edgar Doloff to the insane asylum at Water bury Monday. There will be a Fourth of July ball at Echo Inn. Cota's orchestra will furnish music. PROBATE COURT. Eliza Shanks Reed estate. Derby, F Hixecu tor's inventory nied. Herbert A. Gillander estate. Derby. Marion Gillander appointed administratrix. John A. Moore, minor, Newport. C. R. Moore appointed guardian. Sanford E. Burr estate, Derby. Commissioners report filed. Alice L. Dexter, minor. Glover. Ward having attained her majority. Amy L. Bean, former guardian, settled her final account. r Benjamin F. Moulton estate, Bar ton. Commissioners' report filed. Horatio Devereaux estate. Barton. Inventory of administratrix filed. Agnes Blodgett, Lowell, represented mentally incapable of caring for herself or her property. Petition filed for appointment of guardian ; hearing assigned for June 27, 1913, 10 a. m. at F. W. Baldwin's office, Barton. Samuel G. Dow estate. Coventry. Commissioners' report filed. Francis Pronto estate. Lowell. Appraisers' inventory filed. Sidney Perkins estate. Newport. Commissioners' report filed. Edgar Whitney Dolloff, Charleston. Adjudged insane and dangerous and ordered to be removed to state hospital lor insane at Waterbury, and to be there supported at expense of the state. A Question of Dollars and Satisfaction ! What kind of a .Carbureter are you using on your car, and are you satisfied that you are get ting the power your engine should deliver and getting the mileage per gallon you ought toget? Ifyouare w.e have no suggestions for you But, if the contrary be true, you will want to learn all you possibly can. about the Air Friction Carbureter Air Friction Carbureter Then too, you may be interested to know that with an Air Friction you can use 1-2 gasoline and 1-2 kerosene, get more power, have a smoother running engine, prevent carbon, and have much greater flexibility. Get one at our special intro ductory price $9.00 for jTord size and other sizes accordingly. It after 30 days faithful trial you are riot satisfied we'll take it back and pay back the purchase price. 1 Fair, isn't it? Are you interested ? Mamie Uttin" was in West Derby last week visiting her uncle, Walter For- dyce and family. Mrs. Nancy Bean and daughter, Mrs. Carrie Waterman, of Island Pond visited here Monday. -- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crawford are staying with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford. Mrs. Chester Carpenter and children Charles and Alice of Derby visited her i parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Temple, I one day last week. J A number from Jhere attended th3 : uanvuie .Baptist Association meetings at Derby last week, and report both pleasure and profit. Miss Leona Driver is so far recovered from her long illness as to be able to go to llsland Pond to visit her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldrich. ' Mrs. "Alvin, Woodard returnedfrom Manchester, N. H., last week oh account of her eldest""daughter being 1113 with the measles". "Her brother's wife, Mrs. OraFoster.Jcame with her. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Silver of Holland were here over Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.. Silver, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford. Mrs. Silver remained as her father is rapidly failing. J Thefollowing interesting! item is taken from the Express and Standard : "The friends of Ray Tracy will be pleased to know he was chosen to sing the leading bass role in "The Bohemian Girl," grand opera, in three acts, presented at the Corvallis opera house by the Corvallis choral union, Prof. William Fredervi Gaskins, director, under whose direction Ray has been studying music in the college at Corvallis, Oregon." DYNAMITE Greatest season we ever had. People are just learning of its value. Roofing, Pulp Plaster, Edison Cement, Beaver Board B. &. S. Wall Boards, Nails, Sheathing Paper. -WE HAVE THE GOODS- TRUE & BLANCHARD CO. Garage Phone 277-3 NEWPORT, XHT Store Phone 277-2 W. F. McCrea of Montreal was arrested by Sheriff Hill last week upon charge of absconding debtor and placed in jail. Complaint was made by W. J. Avery for not returning mileages loaned some time ago. ffnfl I ' 1 p RUBBERS Effingham Bartlett was called to Derby Line one day last week to play baseball on the local team. "Ham's" experience and observation at Dean academy will soon rank him among the experts on the New England diamond. While some freight cars were being backed on a siding near the flour sheds, a Stanstead train came along and run over the open switch, bringing the engines together. The speed was not high, however, and no very serious damage resulted. ....... . The Newport 2nd baseball team played the Irasburg nine at this place Saturday and failed to score a run. The visitors' figures . were 29 but they were a team of longer practice, while the Newports are lighter weight and swing too heavy bats. However they are a "game" bunch.? . Athol Manning has a 30 horsepower gasoline engine that he intends to in- stall m a ooat, tnat is, ne win make a craft that will accommodate the high power engine on -speed lines, possibly a hydroplane. Manning already has boat that will cut the water at 15 miles an hour, but that's altogether too slow for v his red blood. He cer tainly missed his calling an aviator Mrs. Matthew Crow is spending the week with her brother, Charles Thayer at Stanstead, Que. Ernest Stevens, who has been away some time, has returned home much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Davis and son Eldrid of West Derby were guests of W. C. Hinton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Willis visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Whitehill, at Brownington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and daughter Irene of Newport Center were guests of his sister, Mrs. Leon Buck, a part of last week. Pupils at the Center school having no marks during' the term were : Orem Andrews, Harlie Davis, Bertha and Beatrice Hudson, Clyde and Van Roy Moulton, Herbert and Ralph Taylor. Miss Jennie Campbell, teacher. Mrs. J. B. Buck entertained rel atives, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Huntoon of Pine Hill, Minn., recently. Mr. Hun toon has not been in Vermont for fifty two years but has found several old acquaintances here and in neighboring towns. WEST CHARLESTON Mrs. Ruhamia Horn is failing. Mrs. A. H. Kidder is in Georgeville, P. Q. Mr. and Mrs. George Atherton have another boy. ' Mrs. Burroughs of Morgan is helping Mrs. Kendrick. Ernest L. Hunt of West Derby was in town Monday. Henry Wilder is having a vacation from stage driving. Mrs. Kendrick recently entertained a nephew, Dr. Leonard. J. ts. Silver ana ramuy are moving to Newport this week. Dr. Allen of St. Johnsbury was here last week to see Dr. Kendrick. Mrs. Harrison jonnson and two sons have been ill part of the week Mr. and Mrs. David Cook spent the past week at G. W. D. Keed s. a 1 1 1 a numper irom nere attended camp meeting at Beebe last Sunday, Mrs. L. J. Seavey was ill part of last week with neuralgia in her head. Mrs. George ; Calkins appears to be gaming as also is Dr. Kendrick. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Pickel one day last week. Mrs. L. R. Wilson and family are en tertaining her father, Mr. Shannon, of Newport. -. Mrs. Josie Royce and Miss Emily The Gilman store Women's Tailor Made Suits Marked for Clearance: $19 for regular $30 to 37.50 Suits $15 for regular $25 to 30.00 Suits $10 for regular $15 1 7.50 Suits to This sale is your opportunity to purchase a Tailor Made suit at about half-price. To clear the stock we have grouped our suits in the three lots and lowered the prices to a point that they are bound to sell very quickly. If you want a suit don't wait until the best ones are gone. Clearance Sale of Wash Fabrics Colored Linens with hair stripe of white, regularly priced 25c, now 10c. Poplins, a few shades, 25c quality reduced to luc. Uotton Kengaunes, for suits and separate skirts, good values at 19c, re duced to luc. Cotton crepe, white with dimity stripe of diflerent shades was 15c, re duced to 10c. Seersucker Ginghams, good variety of snades 12 l 2c. Devonshire Cloth in plain colors.sun and tub proof, 25c qualicy 15c. Soiaettes, good line of colors, 25c quality 15c. Embroidered Ratine, 28 inches wide 50c a y.ard. Parfitt visited at Wilbur Allen's Saturday. New measles cases develop every day and a few more whooping cough cases are reported. C. J. Crawford and son Fred o Newport visited his brother James CARPET DEPARTMENT Don't forget and send away for rugs when you can buy them cheaper at home. Our prices are: Tapestry Rugs, 9x12 size, 10.00, 13.50, 15.00, 18.50 Velvet Rugs 9x12 size, $12.50, 19.50, 23.50, 27.50 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size $i9-95'23.5o Body Brussells Rugs, 9x12 size - i-'V":---: V . - . ':' $2 Gilman & Go. Put the rest in the bank. You'll find yourself in the best of com pany your troubles lighter- -your purse heavier if you buy a Ford and join the happy throng of those who know car comfort plus service satisfaction. More than 275,000 Fords now in service convincing evidence of their wonder ful merit- Runabout $525; Touring Car, $600; Town Car, $800 f. o b. Detroit with all equipment. Get interesting "Ford Times" from factory, Department F, Detroit: Ford Motor Company. Flanders & Mossman Barton, Vermont Subscribe for the Monitor Sentiment and .4 Business have kept the the Since 1835 we coach ever run on Lines. THAT'S SENTIMENT first passenger New England vf -- ' Now we average to send to the scrap five cars a day. THAT'S BUSINESS . i: 1 "'Al I Frequent service. Well equipped trams. The finest stretch of road in the world. THAT'S THE RESULT wear Q NEWPORT, - VERMONT he should be. over Sunday.