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Orleans County monitor. [volume] (Barton, Vt.) 1872-1953, August 13, 1913, Image 4

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stops :
1 Pk J
at Nelson's Stores
when you come to the Barton
Fair. It will he a good time
to leave that Watch or Clock
that you want repaired right,
or have the eyes tested. We
employ men that Know How.
Both 'Phones
Nelson Block near Pa-jjenger Dapoc
Barton, - Vermont
The late home of N. F. Hutchinson,
situated in the northwest corner of
the Square, at Lowell Corners Vhlag?,
Orleans County, Vermont, consisting
of House, Ell and Barn, in a good
state of repair, good spring water,
with a small piece of land therewith,
will be sold at ruoiic Auction
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1913
at 1 o'clock p. m., without fail, to
close the escate of Mrs. Marcella
M. Hutchinson.
One of the fxecutors of the will of
Marcella M. Hutchinson.
Dated at Lowell, Aug. 2nd, 1913.
This Week
We offer you some trades in Win
dow Screens, Screen Doors
and Wire Screen, in all
the popular widths,
We are Making
the Oxford Shoes go some. Prices
are what talks. Come in while
we have our bargain
mood on.
Sulky and Walking Plows now
ready for your inspection. We
put them out on trial. You
are the judge.
Riibberoid, Colonial and Everlast-
ic. None better made. A
guarantee with every roll.
A Nice Lawn Swing at $3.00
Will Pay for the Monitor
Pin a dollar bill to a sheet of paper, put
your name and address on it and mail in
a sealed envelope. We'll do the rest.
First Display of Fall Millinery
urctay, August 1 6
Mrs. Leila King of Newport was a
caller here last week Tuesday.
Ed. Eastman has his shed torn down
preparatory to erecting a barn.
Karl Ruiter has been working for
Clayton Brooks in Morgan during
Albertine Patten and Grace Phifield
visited Esther and Margaret Kidder
Miss Esther Kidder has had a friend
from Rock Island, Miss Myrtle Dor
man, visiting her.
Mrs. Gary Wheeler and little son of
Morgan are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Locke.
A number from here attended the
circus at Newport Saturday and pro
nounced it very good.
Mrs. Lizzie Buck of East Charlesten
is here caring for Mrs. David Cook,
who is slowiy gaining.
Misses Esther and Margaret Kidder
have been in Newport camping with
friends the past week.
Mrs. Amy Crawford
to Salem-Derby to care
Moulton and infant son.
. . .
Will have on display a nice line of Early
Fall Felts, Wing and Fancy Feathers. You
are invited to call and inspect the same-
Davis Block Tel. 50-3 BARTON. VT.
Are You Perplexed?
The air is full of questions questions of life, con
duct and destiny.
Such are solicited from readers of the Monitor
from all quarters.
Such are being answered at the Sunday Evening
Service of the Glover Church.
There's no excuse now-a-days for not
KNOWING your customers.
Travel is
and it's the only way to get results.
went Monday
for Mrs. Roy
Mrs. Ella Church of Derby has been
visiting at John Dudley's and Herbert
Badger's the past week.
Mrs. Eugene Clark and three chil
dren are at Derby visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis.
Fred Parlin and Ed. Eastman have
each purchased a new Ford automobile
of Ed. Flanders of Barton.
m TT ri i T" i . .
Mrs. verna ai. reter ana nttie son
are in Derby visiting her sister, Mrs.
A. J. Duquette and family.
Mrs. George Calkins and family have
been entertaining her sister, Mrs. Roy
Griggs, ot Derby for several days.
Mrs. Williams Bnd daughter of Island
Pond visited at the home of her uncle,
A. H. Kidder, the first of this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hamblet of
Springfield, Mass., are visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamblet.
Miss Margaret Kidder has finished
work at Prof. McNair's, and is
succeeded by a young lady from New
Many friends in this place were
pained to learn of the death of Mrs.
John Cheney at her home in Brown-
The friends of Rev. J. A. Mitchell
will be pleased to learn that his health
is slowly returning. He is at Ocean
Park, Me.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Durgin took
an auto trip to St. Johnsbury recently
to visit Mrs. Solon Gray, who is in the
hospital there.
Miss Florence Downer has returned
to her home in Lyndon Center, after
spending several weeks with Miss
Genevieve Rich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dwire were called
to Barton last week by the serious
illness and death of their little grand
son, bhirley .Richmond Morse.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson of Island
Pond were in town one day last week.
Mr. Kobinson came to adjust the
insurance on George Calkins's barn.
Charles Crawford, his son Fred and
son-in-law, John Hancock, all of New
port, were in town one day last week
and the two former visited Mrs. Amy
Mr. ana Mrs. J. r. Holton were at
Willoughby lake two days last week
visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lyon at
their cottage and attending the Field
day exercises.
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Kendrick have
had as guests the past week her
nephew, Sherburne Campbell, of
Lyndon vi lie and friends Koy and Reg
inald Anderson of Craftsbury.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. . Church have
attended two funerals the past two
weeks, that of Mrs. Julia Ruiter at
Derby and Mrs. Perkins- Greene at
West Derby. Mr. Church has also
recently received notice of the death
of a brother-in-law.
Tenna Gibson will continue the
series of subjects on moral reform and
social purity at Woodman hall Tuesday
evening, Aug. 19 at 7.30 o'clock.
Subject, "Mother's Boy and Father's
Daughter." Seats free.
On Monday of last week occurred the
birthdays of Dr. R. A. Gatchell of
Beebe and G. W. D. Reed of this place.
Dr. Gatchell came with his new auto
and took Mr. and Mrs. Reed to his
home, where the occasion was properly
celebrated to the great enjoyment of
all taking part. Dr. Gatchell brought
his guests home the next day.
Morning service as usual, with Rev.
J. W. Burgin pastor. C. E. meeting
at 6.30. Topic, "Lessons from the
Forests and Fields."
Union service at 7.30. Topic. "The
Love of God." Let each bring a
message for the social part.
Mrs. Amy Crawford received last
week Monday a check for $1000 from
S. S. Tanner, director of the Modern
Woodmen of America, it being in
settlement of the insurance held in
that company by Mr. Crawford At
the time of Mr. Crawford's decease he
was 54 years, five months, ten days of
age and had been an honored member
of the Crescent camp, 10913, M. W. of
A., order of this place for ten
years, nine months and three days.
He had paid into the benefit
fund $100.25. Mr. Crawford was a
firm believer in woodcraft and its
various officers and Mrs. Crawford has
only praise for the kindness, courtesy
and promptness shown her by the
officials. Ernest Worboys,- clerk of
the camp here has also earned and is
accorded a large . share of praise for
the way . in which his part of the
business was performed.
Mrs. Julia Grant is quite ill.
J. H. Cook is in very poor health.
Judge F. M. Sears was in Lowell on
business Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Templeton spent
Friday in St. Johnsbury.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Alden visited
friends in town over Sunday.
Arthur Story has moved his family
into Charles Sylvester's house.
Miss Mae Brahana of Lowell is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. T. C. Fisher.
Judge Ferrin of Holland was the
guest of Judge Sears Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Houston visited
his parents in Evansville over Sunday.
Col ton Chapter, O. E. S., has pur
chased a new piano for the Masonic
A. E. Powers of Lowell has been
doing, the haying on his farm here the
past week.
The concert given by the Orleans
band here last Thursday evening was
much enjoyed.
Mrs. Blake of Brownington is spend
mg a tew aays with her aaughter,
Mrs. E. O. Wells.
Mrs. W. ' H. Winget has been suffer
ing from blood poisoning in her hand
the past few days.
Harry Sargent was quite
injured one day last week by
kicked by a horse.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Clark and little
son oi button spent tne past week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Webster. ,
Several of our townspeople attended
the circus at Newport Saturday while
others attended the Field Day sports at
Mr. and Mrs. " Leland Herman of
Coventry arid Ernest and Morris Allen
of Troy spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Wells. '
Mrs. Flora Kimball of Glover and
daughter, Mrs. Jennie Hovey and two !
children of St. Johnsbury spent Sun
day at M. A. Wells's.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gaynor and son
Charles of Boston are spending the
week with her father, S. W: Beauclerk
and her sister, Mrs. P. C. Templeton.
t"rank fcnerner's son. George, was
take a to the St. Johhnsbury hospital
inursaay wnere he underwent an
operation for appendicitis and is at
present doing nicely. -Q
The Irasburg baseball team will
cross bats with the Lowell team on the
common here Saturday afternoon.
uon t torget to see the game tor it is
sure to be a lively one'. Our bovs have
thus far won five of six games played.
a he game will be called at 2.30 p. m.
Our local baseball team defeated the
Orleans team at Willoughby Saturday.
At hrst, allowing the Urleans team a
lead of three runs the locals won
easily by hitting Laird hard in the fifth
and seventh innings. Some of the boys
thought it a pity that Orleans did not
have Crapo, Shina, Grow and a few
others mentioned in a recent issue to
lend a helping hand. Following is the
Irasburg 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 06
Orleas 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03
as shown by oar Suit Hacks and Shoe Counter.
But there is yet a good assortment left. If in
need of a Cheap Suit call and see what we, can
do for you at : : : . : : :
$6.00 or $7.98
Watch our windows for Specials in
Hosiery and Neckwear Friday
and Saturday
3 Remember this sale only lasts this week. It will
pay you to call and see us. Your clothier,-
Services will be held in the M. E.
church as usual next Sunday.
Choir rehearsal on Jtriday evening
at u. W. Russell's.
Weekly devotional meeting of Ep-
worth League on Thursday evening at
C. H. Hanson was a business visitor
in this town Monday.
Mrs. Courtney Batchelder from
Burke was in town Wednesday.
Day Sawyer is visiting his aunt, Mrs.
David Wylie, in Westville, N. H.
Mrs. Hayden McClary of Barton
visited friends in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moodie visited
their son in Waterbury Saturday.
Fred Goodwin has sold his store at
the Corner to Mr. Austin of.Wolcott.
Avis Kier spent last week in camp
at Lake Hosmer with a party of friends.
R. C. Moody and family took an auto
trip to Canada Thursday, returning
Blanche Moody returned to the
Hardwick Inn Sunday after a week's
vacation. :;.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry King from
Hardwick visited in town a few days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Leavitt spent
the week end at their bungalow on
the Gulf.
G. E. Davison repaired the inside
of his house and painted his carriage
shop last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hanson took
an automobile trio to Montpelier and
vicinity Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.i Benjamin Thornburg
from Waltham were visitors in town
the first of the week.
Mrs-. Ada Burgin went Tuesday to
Waterbury where she expects to
remain for the present.
Mrs. Merrill Williams returned from
Barre Sunday where she had been
spending several days.
Dr. Allen of St. Johnsbury wasfin
town Sunday to dress Mrs. Patterson's
hand. It is doing well.
Rev. C. D. Pierce and auto party
went Wednesday to Enosburg Falls
and on to his cottage at Riverside
Mr. ana Mrs. u. u. uonant took an
auto trip to Burlington Wednesday ac
companied by Mrs. Batchelder and her
The Willing Workers entertained the
Band of Mercy by having a picnic in
Hon. H. F. Graham's sugar orchard
Wednesday. ,
Many from this part of the town
attended the golden wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Garvin at North
Craftsbury last week.
Ernest Sabin of New Hampshire was
in town last week. It is reported that
he has purchased the Victor Gilbert
piace at jyuh village ana will come
there to reside.
Mrs. Horace McLaren spent a few
days at Westmore last week.
Miss Lena Sheoardson of Richmond
is the guest of Miss Mary Simpson.
Miss Mildred Dutton has cntie tn
Providence, R. I., for a few weeks'
Rev. and Mrs. Guy Crawford of
Randolph are visiting at Herbert
Mr. Marshall of Collinsville spent
several days here recentlv with his
daughter, Mrs. Lee Fletcher.
Misses Mary Dutton, Helen Stewart
and Ruth Heidger were members of a
camping party at Hosmer pond last
week. ... - - .
Exactly So. "
"Embroidering Setters on handker
chiefs is a very nonprogressive busi
"How so?"
"Because it never gets beyond the
initial stage." Baltimore American.
The familes of Chas. White, Armour
Babcock and Geo. Wallace took an
outing at Runaway pond in Glover
James Calderwood of Nashua, N. H.,
is stopping, at his brother Hiram's,
while recuperating from a serious
Rev. Guy Crawford of Randolph.
who was visiting friends here, preached
a very helpful sermon in the United
Presbyterian church Sunday.
Dr. Crampton. an eye specialist of
St. Johnsbury, was called here a week
ago to make a special examination of
Miss Margaret Morse's eyes. She has
been unable to see daylight since last
January on account of the painful and
sensitive condition of her eyes.
Mrs. Orange Wells is quite ill at this
Rev. Smith from Montreal is stop
ping at Rev. C. H. Rowley's.
The Book and Thimble club mt with
Mrs. Alma Marshall Tuesday.
Miss Susie Paddock, who has been
in JBarton visiting triends. has re
turned. '
been in Orleans
returned home
Mrs. Witt, who has
the past two weeks,
Miss Lilla Larabee is home from her
work in New York for a few days'
itev. i. m. rratt, wno nas been m
France for a month, has returned to
North Craftsbury.
Dr. and Mrs. Johnson from Franklin
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Cowles Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Hazen and children from
Johnson are stopping at the old home
for a few weeks.
Lee Cowles, who has been working
in Bridgeport, Conn., is at his fathers'
for a short visit.
Mrs. Clara Tenney and Mrs. W. A.
Whitney from Boston are stopping at
E T. Wheeler's.
Mrs. Johnson, who has been caring
for her daughter, Mrs. Will Ryan,
has returned home. -
Mrs. Howard Lyon and two little
daughters ;were guests at N. B.
Williams's last week. -
E. H. Town was here last Monday
and removed the body of his son,
Cabot, to Morrisville.
Victor Gilbert has sold his residence
at Mill village to Mrs. Ella Ellis and
her brother, E. Sabine.
Rev. John Chamberlain and grand
son. Chamberlain Shepherd, arrived
from New York at Auld Lang Syne
The annual concert for the benefit
of Craftsbury academy will be held
Friday night, Aug. 15. Col. Joseph
Scott will be present and give a short
address. After the concert there will
be a chicken pie supper in the new
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Garvin were
surprised x Tuesday by 100 of their
friends,' who came to remind them
that 50 years had passed since they
were made companions for Jife. The
near relatives came in the morning and
held a basket picnic on their pleasant
lawn. Later, friends and relatives
went to offer congratulations. Ice
cream and cake were served. A plate
on which was $50 in gold was present--ed
with other gifts. There were about
50 children and grandchildren present
The guests departed at five o'clock
wishing them many more happy years
Second Thoughts.
A young actor, being very hard up.
wrote to another: "Dear I.?-Can you
lend me 2 shillings until Saturday? H.
P. S.WOn second ; thoughts, will iyou
make it 3 shillings?"
The friend replied: "Dear H. Regret
I have only got 1 shilling, which I in
close. Yours. 1. P. S. On second
thought. 1 find I must change It foi
dinner!" Loi:tlo:i C'lobe.
Men are not corrupted by the
exercise cf power or debased by
the habit of obedience, but by the
exercise of a . power which they
believe to be illegitimate and by
obedience to a rule which they
consider to be usurped and op
pressive. De Tocqueville. - -
I fully well realize that I cannot have a
busy Jewelry Store unless I sell you the
same Jewelry for less money than you can
buy elsewhere.
However, if I sell three or four times as
much Jewelry at my prices than I would if
I sold at the old-fashioned Jewelry prices,
in the end I will make more money and
have that busy Jewelry Store that it is my
ambition to have.
You can figure this out for yourself. If
I sell you and all your friends your Jewelry
I can afford to sell it cheaper than if I
merely sell one piece now and then.
It is not necessary to pay a big price just'
to get a good ' article. Mv Guarantee in
sures your getting the best,
elude that my Jewelry is
Jewelry can be just because
Do not con
not as fine as
it is cheaper.
The only difference is that I am satisfied
with a lesser profit. I want a busy Jewelry
Store and I am going to have a busy Jew
elry Store. My policy of reasonable prices
is going to make my store a busy one.
If you are not buying your Jewelry here, this is a good
time to begin.
j -it Jfe
Everybody will attend Orleans County Fair.
We shall be at our booth in Floral Hall, also at our store.
Please remember we are Watch Specialists. Don't forget
us when in need of Glasses. Our Ootical department is al
ways open for little accomxl itio:is free of charge, or for
the more complicated ones.
My display in Floral Hall of
Art Needlework and the Spirella
Corsets will be worthy of your
attention. I -hall be showing a
large variety oi finished pieces and
all materials for working, and will
' also show you why the Spirella
Corsets are superior to all Corsets
Miss Colburne,
Keep the Flies off your Cattle and Horses
Spray the stalls and hen houses with Williams' Fly Oil, the
kind that kills.
buys a
Vaco Bottle
Keeps hot 24 hours
.without fire.
Keeps cold. 72 hours
without ice.
Get the child one
oi inese
Costs only
I i

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