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PAGE 8 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1913 IHIWIkWrf UfV IVTfHfbY lr DrVlM (IF Ik KtrV Ittf WrW fflrf llt CWv UrT LlrY CI Oairnsftimais Rfestt WeDs and it is surely TIME TO GET BUSY. You know this is to be A CHRISTMAS ing else atfthis time. And after reading it you will know TIHIE CQQKISTMAS come to town. Hflowever we will tell you the place at once, TAIL.IK. It could be noth- STORE as soon as you DIAMONDS ! i mm rrf'4fc tibi iLAEJ(33'S JJEWEILIEY SUMDKDE And since it is also the Old Reliable Store there can be no hesitation in deciding wherejto make 99-100 of your Christmas. Purchases. We have spent months pre paring for this particular Christmas. We have visited wholesale houses and through their representatives, wholesale houses have come to us We have perused our mailing list (always changing, so never quite complete) thinking of our customers as families and as individuals. We have consulted their tastes; we- have considered the tads ot the hour, we have searched tor "something ditterent. And because we and other reliable gift sellers have telt the need of this, the gift makers have done their part in placing on the market such goods as will please the gift givers. iirii i.riu 1 i nodi "How Much Must I Pay?" To suggest a few lines and to note n few prices will be our aim -mm tw ww mwmm mm mm wwv mmmmr mm w-bv ws wtrsr- w .' n fiS MJkwn JfhMfM TWMm-VM r Mm MJw wHZk i I srwtiuvf 11 ifwm a mww m w m m m 11 tm tv wmu 11 1 To mention our entire stock in this issue would be impossible. For the Housewife Who Thinks First of Her Table IN buying any piece of property 1 you naturally buy of someone who knows about it. We Know about Diamonds and we have a good assortment in stock to choose from, ranging in price from $10.00 to $300.00 Our $10 diamond rings are very neat and tasty. $25 will buy a very good sized stone in a nice setting. These diamonds are not sent us on approval ; we own them. We selected them with as much care as we would use in buying any piece ot property. If undecided about a gift come early and let us show you these diamonds. Biass Goods These are mentioned else where and are surely very attrac tive. Engraving We have the best facilities for engraving. Parisian Ivory has been regarded as difficult to engrave. We can now do this the best ever ; with the letter enam elled in different colors, the effect is charming. Plain Script, Old English or fancy monograms. SILVER 12 Knives 12 Forks, Rogers, Teaspoons, per dozen, Rogers, Dessert Spoons, per pair, Rogers, Table Spoons, per pair, Rogers, $4.98 1.38 .50 .60 Butter Knives or Sugar Shells Fruit Knives, one-half doz. Child's Table Sets Napkin Rings 25c to 50c 1.25 to 2.50 50c to 3.00 25c to 4.00 Fancy Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, and special sets, some very low priced, obher heavier articles in proper ratio. We have the old atand-by patterns for those who wish to match former purchases also new designs to please those who are fond of novelty and all good reliable plate, such as Rogers Community Silver, Our Brand, with oar name on, made by International Silver Co. or Sterling Silver, we stand behind each purchase. 9 In Silver Dishes we have a great variety and range of prices. Come early and ask to see these goods. They are sure to please. Every Lady OUR CUT GLASS LINE Commencing with salt and pepper sets at 50c to 3.00 p- ih;i ; afttT this tootbpicfe holders, bon bon dishes, trays and nappies in many sizes, beny sets, ougar and cream seta, water pitchers and glasses, and complete water sets. In this cunnection we mention oar Table Center Mirrors at only $2.00; the wifa would like one. Hand Painted China A beautiful line we are proud of io, 25c, 35c, 5Jc, aal up to several dollars Our Weller Pottery line Includes pie plates, casseroles, beau pot-, pudding .uacMts, ramotiirn, etc. 8me of these are in silver frames booqc in nickel, a few are piain and alt are reas nably priced. We have also in this Weller line fern dishes, j irdinieres (some of these on a stand for table center), plant dishes, vase3, candlestands, all in deiicni eoloriag, 35c up. ?K) 2A BJOTE THEESE WATCH PRICES We find ourselves overstocked in some lines of watches. Rather than carry over these goods we have decided to give our custo mers the benefit of our over-puchase. These watches are all fresh and new and fully guaranteed in every particular and make tht very best gift to relative or friend. We quote a few special prices: Lang s Christmas This always appeals to shoppers as ic should, for it hap been tried and proved; this year it is a BEAUTI FUL ORANGE SPOON in the Dolly Madi son pattern the same at tractive design as pur last year's gift, it is heavily plated, first quality, worth 75c and Will Be Given Free with aparchase of $1.00 in no matter what line. Each spoon is packed in a neat box and may be mailed If desired. $7.50 Ladies' Seven Jewel movement in a haniaoma engravBi or pUii p Visaed case for monogram, warranted a good timekeeper, a wonderful bargain at only $4.50 $10.00 Gentleman's Waltham n a 20 year guaranteed case, engraved or plain polished for monogram, warranted a fine timekeeper and guaranteed to give satisfaction, now only 6.95 $10.00 Ladies' Watch in a guaranteed 20 year gold filled case, plain for monogram or engraved, costing in many places $12.00 to $15.00. Wa wimnt it in every way and only ask now 6.95 $12.00 Guaranteed Waltham ia in extra fina hunting case, en graved or plain polished for monogram, actually worth every penny of 12.00, now only 7.90 $15.00 Ladies' O-size High Grade Waltham in a beautiful hunting case, gaamtl fjr 20 yeirs, vet1 paoiUr szv and in great demand wherever shown, now 9 10 $16.00 Gentleman's 17-Jewel Waltham In a high grade 2)-year gold fille i case, engraved or plain polished for monograms ust as you wish. Tnis watcn is regularly sold everywhere for $16.00 and is good value at that price. Only $9.25 $18.00 Gentleman's 16-size, 17-Jewel Highly finished in every way and extra quality. 20-year gold-filled case, one of the best watches ever offered for less than $20 00 and worth every cent of $18.00. Our out price for the holidays only, with full guarantee is now 12.38 $20.00 Solid Gold 14k Case Extra High Grade Waltham Warranted in every respect, no better watch made for stvle and wear and will last a lifetime. Regularly sold for $20.00 everywhere. Our cut price for the holidays, only 14.98 We have in addition an odd lot of medium price Watches, which carry our guarantee and are O. K. in every way as to their timekeeping and quality. These watches usually sell for from $5.00 to $10 00 now cut to from 3 f0 IFiraDmm tMs TLftst a iiflt W&y foe (DHaapsemi ffir enftlher ILadly dir . eimtHleinmaim- s plped with a new Brush, Comb nd Mirror Set or with any new piece for her drying table. We -have these in Sterli-g Silver, beat Si ver P ate, Braps. Ebony and in the beau tiful Tarftt ?iirm This last material appeals to dainty people, and includes, besides the above set8,all s rt8 of ittl boxep, trays, picture frames, clock cas s, manicure articles, hat pin holders, ring stands, etr;., and prices range from 25c to as many dollars as you rare to spend. N te what we say elsewhere abo.t engraving. We also menti-n Jewel Boxes in gold, silver, brass, ivory, wood ane leather. We have a splendid assortment of band bags, chain purses, vanity purses (every girl wants one), eome showing very low piices and all care fully selected. In Jewelry ;he number and variety is marvelous. Bracelets in many styles and all beau irui. $$15. Lockets 75c to $15 The celebraied W. & H. ar:d other excellent mkes wi h chains in fceve-rnl lengths. $1 to $8 Pendants, 25c to $5 00 (perhaps some even butter.) Pins for fcveiy corceivab e use. Hat Pins are in the "always wanted" list. Gold Beads delight any lady or girl; we have them in gold filled or solid. We also have Indestructible Pearl Beads and other Ic-bb t xpeusive kinds. JP ost Cards We httVe -iectd the at care fully as our j-weiry nd our eards have become quite famous We Dave hem in all grades. ' Dolls The children have noticed the dolls in our window. These are now for sale. Ask about them. Thermos Bottle, Lunch Box, Drinking Cup (10c to $3.00) Trinket Box, Hdkf. Box, Clocks to suit any fancy and any pur3e Pocket Knire, Puraa, Oard Oise, B5k Cover, Address Book, Birthday Book, a Line a fcay Book, Albam or Saap Shot Bok 25c up to $3.00 Calendar, Picture, Stationery in boxes or pound packages (ona never has too much) Watch, Chain, Fob, Cuff Links, Ring, Fountain Pen, Kodak and here let us say a word about these last three lines: We make a specialty of the W. W. w Ring "In which the Stones do stay." The Birth stone Ring made by this company are espe'jilly attractive and one always makes a pleas ing gift. These rings are fully guaranteed. In Fountain Pent we have 'The Best Dollar Pen Made," Lang's Crystal Lake, which we are putting in this year as a leader at 75c We have also a very good pen for 25c and every other grade that 'could be wanted, A gold mounted Pea for $2.00; others mors heavily decorated up to $10.00. We have all the best advertised makes. An Eastman Camera or Kodak delights any recipieaG. One Dollar wih Oiy a Kodak; Two Dollars a better one, and then any price to suit one's purse. We have a full line of Eastman Supplies and anything in this line makes a nice gift. For a Very Special Gift we suggest a FIELD GLASS or if it's a lady perhaps an OPERA GLASS will suil better. Here again there is broad range in prices. Lt us show these goods early. At the sma tima eximiaa lorgnettes, reading glasses and eyeglass reels and chains. ' ' Mull UMBRELLAS Excelsior We have two special lines, Hull and Excelsior each' with detachable handles aud in several designsand grades, $1.00 to $7 50 and better. Among these are gold or silver mounted pearl and fancy wood handles. No more useful gift could be chosen. Pictures E -eryene Bri s they are beautiful. We Uave the Wallace Nutting and the Th"mpson line, asso a cheaper grade which is still very pretty. Repairing Wh' n you come for Christmas shopping bring ihe watch or clock or j-welry tbr neds repairs. If only a little is reeded it may oe done while you wait If it must be left the work will be carefully done and fully guaranteed. If you do snot see ttMe article you have in mind call and inquire if we have if . er stock is larger than ever before; and rennenutoer our guarantee means much. We invite you to come and COME EAOLTff". WE HAVE ESTAIBMSIHIEP AM ATTH&ACTIVE EAIEGAIRT TAE5ILE- IBE STUUSE TO SEE IT "V3Zri3L03r3L"(t I i