ill Flies Before
They Swarm.Over
The Premises.
THE straight road to safety lies in
clearing out all the rubbish and
putting it in covered receptacles,
to be carted away by the proper au
thorities. It is of small use to "swat"
flies after they have got possession
Prevention is better than cure. To
avoid both mosquitoes and flies drain
off any stagnant water about the place.
Fill up the ground dents where mud
can collect in rainy weather. Remove
all old pans and pails, boxes and bas
kets from the back sheds or yard. Do
not allow the remnants of meals, peel
ings or vegetable offal to remain any
where near the door. It is necessary
not only to clean up the cellars, but to
see that the refuse turned out is art
ed away to the dump heap, to be burn
ed or otherwise destroyed at once, and
to shift every vestige of such heap that
Is within calling distance of home.
Let every citizen tackle his share of
this cleaning process and reflect that
in doing this work he is really consult
ing as well his own health and that of
his family as the comfort of his neigh
bors. There may be and are aesthetic
reasons for desiring a sightly city and
streets $ree from litter, and civic-pride
catering for a "city beautiful" is a
most laucfcxble aim. But in urging this
domestic cleanup the authorities sim
ply get down to the logic of hard facts,
and for this reason their appeal should
receive the co-operation of all the resi
dents interested in the health of the
G. W. Bryant remains very ill.
Jonathan . Bryant of Holland was in
town last week.
Mrs. D. G. Brooks is helping care
for Mrs. James Bullock.
Mrs. Gray of Brownington is visit
ing at Mrs. D. G. Brooks's.
Mrs. Clara Pinney of West Derby is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Bryant.
Elder Harris of Holland was in town
last week calling on friends before
going to conference. 4 k&zi. LL
J. G. Watkins has been ill with the
James Martin has rented his farm to
Mr. Besaw. fflM
WHEN a city has attained
to such a standard of
cleanliness that it hasn't
enough flies to feed its pet
chameleons it has made long
strides toward the ideal of fly
lessness preached by modern
sanitarians. That was Cleve
land's case, according to an ar
ticle in the Survey describing
the anti-fly campaign which
had been waged in that city. A
man who has six of the curious
little reptiles has written the
fly fighting headquarters this
plaintive letter:
You have brought about a
famine in flies. My pets are
.starving. There are no flies to
be had about my house, and my
neighbors can't seem to help me
out. I'll pay, and pay well, for
every live fly your children can
bring me.
And he did.
Berton Percy wasin Reading recent
ly on business. j
Albert Eastman has recovered from
the pneumonia.
Miss Madge Martin has returned to
Manchester, N. H.
W. H. Jeffrey of East Burke is to
speak in the church Sunday.
Ivan Burnham is home from Derby
academy and is having mumps.
Mrs. Ralph Larabee visited her
parents in Coventry last week.
"Mr. Parker, formerly of South Al
bany, has joined the church choir.
ThefRev. FJB. Hyde and family
expect to return from Troy this week.
l,Geo. W. Miller and Herbert Angier
have had Passumpsic telephones in
stalled. Apr. 9, Mrs. Knight attained the
age of eighty-four. She was givenpa
party in honor of the event. Refresh
ments were served and a good time
The village school commenced Apr.
13 with the old corps of teachers.
The Misses Patterson and Burgess
board with Mrs. E. H. Hitchcock and
Miss Chamberlin with Mrs. Mandana
News has been received announcing
the death of Dana L. Whitcomb at his
home in Northwood, Iowa, on Mar. 26,
aged 51 years, two months. He was
the oldest son of Geo. H., and Lucene
Stebbins Whitcomb. formerly of this
town, who went to Iowa in 1869.
Wilmer Daniels has crone to
to work for Ray Webster.
Miss Mildred Chase visited at the
home of Geo. Myers over Sunday.
Miss Harriet Myers is s home from
Middlebury for the Easter vacation. .
Rev. Wilber Rand of Hubbardton
occupied the pulpit Sunday morning
after which the Easter concert was
held. There was a good attendance and
we see no reason why it should not
Fred Marshall of St. Johnsbury and
Miss Ruth Calkins were quietly mar
ried at the parsonage at Evansville.
Saturday evening. Their many friends
extend hearty congratulations and
wish them a long and happy! married
Easy Riming. !
William Makepeace Thackeray In his
lines "Peg of Limavady" acknowledges
himself a cockney. It was hardly nec
essary for him to do this, as not only
In that poem, but In others, he makes
the syllable "ing" rime with sylla
bles like "in" and "en," failing to sound
the concluding "g." Richard. Harris
Barham, of Ingoldsby Legends, a most
facile rimer, has done the same thing
over and over again, thus lightening
his labors greatly in the pursuit of
D'strpss after eating1, belching of gas
and undigested food, that lump of
lead feeling in the stomach, sick
headacho, and biliousness indicate
dyspepeia. Now at cnce is the
time to remove the cause and stop
the distress.
Mi-o-na is the remedy. Surely get
a box cf these health-restoring
tablets from F. D. Pierce today. Be
sides quickly stopping the distress
Mi-o-na soothes the irritated walls of
the stomach and- strengthens the
gastric glands eo that they pour out
their daily supply of digestive materi
als your food is promptly digested
and assimilated, the entire svstam is
properly nourished you feel strong,
energetic ana periectiy wen.
Mi-o-na is not an experiment is
not a cure-all it's a scientific remedy
recommended only for indigestion
distress and out-of-order stomachs.
These health-giving and harmless
tablets are a household remedy keep
them handy whether at home or
Sold and guaranteed in Orion no Vw
! F. J. Kinney.
uilseye Knbber
This warmer weather will make you think of those
rubber boots.
Now we have just a word to say to you on that
subject. We can sell you a pair of Bullseye Rubber
Boots with a warrant that they will not crack, for
An Old Colony Boot for " $3.25
Boys' and Youths' boots in proportion
Low Rubbers for shoes of all kinds. It will pay you
to visit us.
"Your Clothier"
G. L. Merriam, Barton
VTke Lhtle 'Aristocrat
"Not the best car in the world, but the best
we know ot selling under $1500 It's needless
to say more. You wont buy by reading this ad
BUT YOU WILL BUY after you have had a
demonstration and understand the merits of
the EMPIRE 31. It's the real thing.
Five passenger Touring car, or -Roadster,
$900. F. O. B. factory. With Reamy electric
starter and lights $125 extra.
Our garage is now open for general repair
work on all makes of cars. Now is the time
to fix up before the spring rush.
A. L. URIE, Mgr. Phone 31-11.
Send for catalogue
Geo. H. Davis, Barton
Permanent Polish for Stoves.
Instead of soiling the hands with or
dinary blacking there are several
kinds of improved polishes on the
market which are to be applied with
a paint brush and which keep attract
ive for a couple of weeks. This polish,
also comes for the nickel part of the
Made Sure.
"Are you sure that Charley's protes
tation of love did not lack a genuine '
ring?" asked her confidant
"Yes; I got a jeweler's opinion of
the stone," remarked the practical
maiden. Buffalo Express.
Commissioners' Notice.
Estate of Willis Eugene Allbee
The Undersigned having been appointed
by the Honorable Probate Court for the Dis
trict of Orleans, COMMISSIONERS, to re
ceive, examine and adjust the claims and
demands of all persons against the estate of
Willis Eugene Allbee late of parts unknown,
in said District, deceased, and all claims ex
hibited in offset thereto, hereby give notice
that we will meet for the purpose afore
said at the store of A. D. Beede
in the village of Orleans in said Dis
trict on the 30th day of April and 2d
day of September next, from 2 o'clock until
4 o'clock p. m.,on each of said days and that
six months from the 20th day of March,
A. D. 1914, is the time limited by said Court
for said creditors to present their claims to
us for examination and allowance.
Dated at Barton, Vt., this 3rd day of
April, A. D. 1914.
15-17 Commissioners
TTwod DDsays9 SM IE
W(D)inm(Bim9s (EaiiriMeinitts
No. 315B. For Sale. 1 1-2 ACRES OF LAND and a GRIST MILL thor
oughly equipped with a large water "wheel, and a water power equal to run
two such mills. All shafting, belting and machinery complete in first class
condition, deep basement, gpinder on 1st floor, grain that comes into mill
easily unloaded, goes to basement, then taken by elevator to top of building,
comes back through tunnel to grinder,then back to top of building to different
bins as desired, and is distributed through tubes into the bag for shipment.
Main part of building 30x40, ell 30x24, besides another small building, good
repair, located on river in village of Irasburg. One of the best locations for
a business of this nature on account of its extremely good farming section.
Does a large custom grinding and big retail business of feed. This is a good
paying business proposition throughout the year. Located 4 miles to Orleans.
Price of Real Estate and Equipment $3,000. Stock will be sold at cost price.
Owner must sell, as he has other business and cannot look after this. The
water power alone is worth more than we ask for the real estate and equip
ment. Send for catalogue No. 8.
No. 270B. For Sale, HOUSE AND WOODWORK SHOP in village of
East Charleston, and doing a good business, 6 miles to Island Pond, on main
street, telephone, good water and water power, 1 1-2 story house, good size,
clapboarded and painted, good foundation, wheelwright and woodwork shop
co nplete, also a cider mill complete, all necessary tools, machinery, belting
and shafting, for $1600. Stock will be sold extra at a low price. For further
particulars, address,
C. J. OBEN & CO.
Newport, Vermont.
Send for free Catalogue.
Thursday and Friday, April 16 and 17
When The Latest Models in
We Guarantee To Please You
Alterations Made
ii i
The Or
iginal M
itchell Emgieeer
Again at trie head of the Mitchell -Lewis
Motor Company a matchless line for 1914-
The Mitchell 1914 Line is being
produced by Engineer John W. Bate, the man
who created the Mitchell car, and the famous
Mitchell Baby Six. After a year's rest he re
turns to Racine to place the Mitchell in a
stronger position than it has ever occupied.
The Mitchell-Lewis Motor Com
pany, with unlimited capital at its command, has
surrounded Mr. Bate with the best facili
ties and the finest factory that it is possible to build.
It vyill back the car with the most liberal Service
Policy for car owners that the business mind can conceive.
This Means for the Mitchell Car for 1914
Quality Efficiency Long Life
Eighty years of faithful service to the American public is the Company's Guarantee
Equipment of All
Mitchell Models
the Mitchell Little Six is the most logical value on the market. It is a six-cylinder car of aristocratic design. It has fifty horse cower.
iiii.ii wueei-oase, nve passenger capacity, it nas a long, low, rakish streamline body, is luxuriously upholstered, is equipped with
electric self-starter and generator, electric lights and all modern conveniences and sells for the reasonable price of -
The Mitchell Bis Six is very much the same design as the Little Six. It has
sixty horse-power, 144 inch wheel-base and seats seven passengers. It has
big tires and the same splendid finish throughout as the Little Six, &t OfiA
likewise the same fine equipment Frice, - - - tpc&jsJiJv
The Mitchell Four has 120 inch wheel-base, forty horse-power and seats five
passengers. It is a splendid family car for little money. It is equipped 1 EQE
precisely the same as the two sixes and sells for - - - . JXj550
No matter which one of the Mitchell cars you select, you will make an investment
You have Bate's word for it. You have our word for it. And the service that lies
behind it is ten tames better than a guarantee. We are going to make you like the car,
like us and like the agent you deal with. In all respects this is to be a Mitchell
year aqd you will love
The Car You Ought to Have at the Price You Ought to Pay
Electric Self-Starter and ;
El-ctric Lights.
Mohair Top and Cover.
Rain Vision, Ventilating
Quick Action Wind
shield. Extra Removable Rim.
Double Extra Tire Carrier.
Bair Bow Holders.
License Plate Bracket.
Electric Horn
Electric Exploring Lamp.
Complete Set of Toole
Pump lack.
All included in Ust price.
Price F. O. B. Racine
Racine, Vis, U.S.A.
80 Years of Faithful Service to the American Public
Features of 1914
Left Hand Drive.
Center Control.
Tungsten Steel Valve.
T-Head Fully Enclosed.
' Lng Stroke Motor.
Rayfield Carburetor
' Gravity Gasoline Feed.
Roomy Streamline Body.
Timken Wheel Bearings.
Full Floating Rear Axle.
Big Tires.
Luxurious Upholstering.
Nickel Trimmings.
Demountable Rims.
Jiffy Quick-Action Side.
Curtains, t
Prices F. O. B. Racine
r-aTL . -T-N3 mM
One Car Fine Granulated Sugar
In small barrels, hundred pound bags, 25
pound bags, 10 pound bags and 5 pound
cartons. The small barrels and hundred
pound bags at
As canning will begin in the south in about
30 days, it looks like a good time to lay
in a stock of sugar at above price.
Holding 30 dozen(used only once) at 10 cts. each,
one or more.
Oblong boxe holding 20-30-40-60 lbs.
each, nicely lined with best quality paper.
Opposite Passenger Depot