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PAGE 4 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 1914 Where is There to be Found in State of Vt. OrfAny Other State A Discovery That Has Benefited Suffering Humanity As Much As Dr. Merrow's System Renovator Has. Read what well known prominent Vermonters have to say of System Renovator 10 years ago; to say noth ing of the legion3 of Vermont testi monials that hive aopeared in these columns since that date. MR. H. S. PETTEE. Bowels Diseased, Spitting Food. One of Brandon's Best known Citizens Cured at 64 after suffering since childhood. Remarkable case. Brandon, Vt., Nov. 24, 1904. DR. J W. MERROW: Dear Sir Am G4 years old. Since a boy have been troubled with consti pation, spitting up food. Tried box after box of pills, no relief. Com menced the use of your system Reno vator, and must say it is the best medicine I ever used. It eurd me of spitting food and constipation, also of a sore torgue from which I suffered. WiM recrmmenci it to all. With thanks for what it has done for me. Very truly voura, H. S. PETTEE. Dread Asthma Cured. System Renova tor vanishes this stubborn Disease in a Grand Isla man's case. Grand Isle, Vt, Aug. 11, 1904. Dear Dcetor: Wss troubled with as thma so bad that wnen I went to see has made special preparations ! f ?H ' Iv -s.-5- THIS reasonable demand for the various requisites for Clean Up and Paint Up Week And we shall offer same at Special Prices for the occasion Garden Rakes Seeds and Bulbs Hammers, Nails Saws, Hinges Ash Barrels Garbage Cans s Waste Paper1 Receptacles Shovels, Hoes Vacuum Cleaners Metal Polishes Garden Wheelbarrows And many other special features complete stock of H. T VER UTe HARDWARE MAN Reduction .of. In order that we may 1 , f 17 cumulation ol. Fertilizing oait we have decided to reduce the price 50. cts. per ton, making our quotations today: " $3.50 per ton In iess than carloads and $3 per ton in carloads, f . o. b. Hyde Park We are able to get a Send in Commercial t ertihzers We are in a position to fill all orders for materials for Home-Mixed Fertilizers promptly. If you are going to use any Commercial Fertilizer this year, you had better get our prices. In addition to the chemicals carried in stock, we man ufacture Raw Ground Bone and Tankage, which are both valuable for Fertilizing purposes. Write us for particulars. CARROLL S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vt. you last spring, could do nothing. But alter taking your System Renovator, am now well and strong, and can work like a nailer. Have highly rec ommended it to others. MOSES BLOW. Every one in West Derby knows the sterling character of Mr. M. J. Hurl bert. No one will doubt the truth of his remarkable cure by System Reno vator as follows : West Derby, Vt., Nov. 16, 1904. DR. J. W. MERROW: Dear Sir I was all run down, and called myself a sick man, A friend of mine advised me to try your System Renovator, and it has helpedme won derfully. I can'now work, something I could not do previous to taking the Renovator, and feel almost as well as I ever did in my life. Yours truly, M. J. HURLBERT. He'ped Her More than any Medicine She Ever took Estimable Johnson Lady Cured of lameness by System Reno vator Johnson, Vt., Dec. 2, 1904. J. W. MERROW, M. D. ' I thought I would write you a few lines in praise of System Renovator. I was troubled with lameness in my side and back, and was all run down. I began taking System Renovator and it has done me a great deal of good, in fact has helped me the most of any medicine I ever took. You may use this as a testimonial if you wish. Respectfully vours, JULIA A. WESTOVER. SPECIAL NOTICE System Renovator is sold under a postive guarantee to give perfect sat isfaction in all cases or money cheer fully returned. 1 month's treatment 25c?, 70 days 50c, 6 month's treatment $1.00. For sale by leading druggists and grocers or sent to any address postpaid upon re ceipt of price by addressing Dr. Mer row, 15 Pearl Street, Burlington, Vt. A free test treatment with many tes timonials of well known Vermonters will be sent to any address, including Dr. Merrow's comprehensive chart so you may be able to know just what your disease is and what to do to be cured if curable, free. vm, B-m m STORE to be able to supply- any Paints (Ready Mixed) Stains Varnishes and Shellacs Paint and Whitewash Brushes Buckets, Brooms Scrubbing Brushes Wire Netting Wire Fence Screens Roofing Materials in addition to our usual dependable goods. move our present 1 O 1. ac- very low rate on carloads. your orders. Barton, a' Vt J. M. BLAKE, M. D. BARTON, VT. Special attention given to treatment of diseases of the nose and throat, and the fitting of glasses to defective eyes. Office Hottks : 11 a. m. to 8 p. m., except Sundays, and by special appointment. Commissioners' Notice Estate of Elma A. Miller THE UNDERSIGNED having been ap pointed by the Honorable' Probate Court for the District of Orleans Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against Elma A. Miller of Barton in said district, and all claims exhibited In offset, thereto hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid, at the office of! Black & Stoddard in the village of Orleans i.i said District, on the 14th day of May and 14th day of October next, from 2 o'clock p, m. until 4 o'clock p. m on each of said dayi and that six months from the 18th day of April, A. D. 1914, is the time limited by saidciart forsaidcreditorstopresent their claims to as for examination and allowance. Dated at Orleans this 27th day of April V. D. 1914. 17-19 JERRE MARSTON, F. C.BROWN, IF YOU SUFFER ANY STOMACH AGONY Take Mi-o-na Now Perfectly Harmless but acts. Quickly and Effectively When you feel nervous, blue, irri table, tired and dizzy when you have headaches, sour stomach, heartburn and pains in the colon and bowels you are suffering from indigestion you need Mi-o-na at once. Mi-o-na is not a cure-all but a spe cific for stomach ills. It builds up and strengthens the stomach walls and glands, improves quickly the di gestive system and assists nature to properly digest and assimriate the food, thus insuring good health. Do not suffer another day. Get a fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets from F. D. Pierce. Keep them with you constantly. They will help you get well and strong and immediate relief is sure. If not benefited Mi-o-na costs nothing. Sold and guaranteed in Orleans by F. J. Kinney. NEW GOODS arriving Nelson's wagon nearly every day at . Buy the boy a play or cart, I have them ranging in price -from 10c to 2 50. Also sidewalk sulkies for the baby, price $1.75 and up. Before you bay House furnishing goods come in and see me. I have several bargains now. Will tell you moro about it next week. That tired feeling Your watch or clock may be suffering for lack of proper treatment. My watchmakers know just how to treat them. Bring 'em in and we wi'l make 'em good as new. F. E. NELSON Jewelry, Books," Novelties Nelson Building-, near Passenger Depot WEAR RUBBERS The kind that burns without smoke. Costs a little more We have those Dr. A mometers to a limited C. Daniels sell -at 30 while this lot lasts. Good Clean Fresh Eggs J. G. ARTIN, "The New Store" Or! eans Lountv 0 ssociailoe A Attention Farmers Do you know that opportunity i3 knocking at your door, an op portunity that you cannot afford to miss? Do not let it pass unheeded. See what associations of this kind have done -for other oounties. Cal edonia county reports a saving of over FIFTY THOUSAND DOL LARS in only one year. Bennington county has a flrrishing associa tion which is doing untold good for its members. ORLEANS COUNTY is one of the best, if not the best, farming county of the state and cannot afford to be behind in this movement. Now is the time to act. In unison there is strength. CO-OPERATION from business interests is assured. This bank will pledge TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS .a year for the next three years to make the association ar reality' and our Directors will aid personally. ; - Be Sure You Do Your Part Orleans Trust Company LOCAL NEWS " ALBANY CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Mrs. Ella Frasier was quite sick last week. The schools in town all began Mon day with the same teachers with the exception of the school at South Al bany. The regular meeting of the Maple Valley grange was held Friday night. The third and fourth degrees were worked by the ladies' degree team. A very interesting program of anecdotes and a spelling contest was enjoyed, Miss Nellie Ansboro being the winner. SOUTH ALBANY. . Miss Bell Rowell, who has been quite ill, is gaining. Miss Floy Webster of West Glover visited friends in this vicinity recently. The village school began Monday, April 27, taught by Miss Goldie Davis. Mrs. W. F. Ames, who has been sick with the pneumonia, is able tojJo light work. Alvah Miller, who school at Craftsbury, is attending has been at home the past week. Miss Pike and Miss Maud Grant of North Craftsbury were the guests of Mrs. Magoon recently. Don Courser is working for M. B. Anderson during the sugar season and Chas. Locke for W. F. Ames. Mrs. C. H. Porter, who was called to St. Albans by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Orne, has returned home. W. D. Whittemore. who has been confined to the wheel chair since about January 1st, wishes to thank those who so kindly remembered him on his 91st birthday, April 24th, by postal card shower and other gifts and says it is pleasant to be remembered, espe cially in your declining years. BROWNINGTON Geo. Cummings is very sick. Mr. Taylor has Canada. returneil home from Carrie Going, was at home from Lyndon over Sunday. Jasper Cummings was in Lyndonville Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ernest Going of Orleans spent a few days with her father this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and daughter of Lyndonvillespentlast week at Moses Burbank's. Mrs. Edith Comstock from Barton cared for Miss Lizzie Bryant a few days recently. Elmer Putney and family of Sutton visited his mother, Mrs. Truman Blake, the first of the week. Miss Alice Smith of Orleans took the teachers' examination at Mrs. E. S. Kelley's the first of the week. THE THREE CRAFTSBURY, CRAFTSBURY M. L. Sawyer is having a bathroom added to his residence. Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Pierce returned from conference Monday. Fred Laduke has rented R. C. Moody's village residence. John Allen came from Barton with his last load of goods Saturday night. Some of the sugar makers com menced gathering Iheir buckets Mon day. ' S. A. Smith and Clarence Pierce attended conference in Hardwick Sat urday. but is lots bett fO-Y number of large ther cts. each Wanted at 20c Doz. trade So. Albany, Vt. Agricultural B R.O WNINGTCN CENTER Archie Drown is building a barn. Leon Gilman spent Sunday at the electric mill. Frank Marshall is moving from the Frank Seavey farm to Evansville. John Young has purchased a farm of Frank Seavey and is moving there. School began in District No. 5 Mon day, Mrs. Orange Simpson of Charles ton teaching. Albert St. Peter has torn down the shed at the end of his house and sold it to Archie Drown. Mr. and Mrs E. A. Emerson spent Sunday at Brownington with Mr. Emerson's brother, Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Whitehill were in Morgan recently to see a sister of Mrs. Whitehill, who is very ill. There will be a lecture at the town hall Friday evening:. May 1. by the Rev. R. N. Joscelyn of Newport Subject. "The Making of a Man." Let everyone come and hear Mr. Joscelyn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Broome were called to Gardner, Mass., by a tele gram stating that Mrs. Broome's son, Robert Shombo, was badly injured. Later word was received that he died from his injuries. EVANSVILLE Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Smith attended the M. E. conference at Hardwick. The Woodmen will give a dance at their hall Friday evening, May 1., Everyone invited. Burt Dunham has the job of stacking and drawing the lumber for W. J. Montieth for this year. Mrs. Fred Foster went to Montreal Friday, where she underwent an opera tion on her throat and is getting along as well as could be expected. CLEAN THE GARBAGE CANS. GARBAGE cans should receive your attention yow. See that the next cleaning is thorough, that all mat ter is removed from the corners and that none is permitted to remain on the ground. A good flushing of the can with a carbolic acid solution three tablespconfuls of 95 per cent carbolic acid to each quart of water, permit ting the excess to remain in tho can will not only destroy any remaining fly life, in egg or maggot form, but will also srve to act as a fly repellent un til the next cleaning, which should be within a few days. Smaller garbage cans in use at your back door should receive daily attention with carbolic acid solution. Ida Williard of Richford came Satur day to teach the higher department of the village school. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Buchanan will move into the ell of their newly pur chased house this week. John Gravel moved his family the nrst ot trie week to tne rooms over Sawyer & Lathe's store. Mr. Boardman finished his work for the village creamery Friday and re turned to his home in East Hardwick. Mary Spaulding, who was taken to the home of her cousin at East Cratfs bury three weeks ago on account of illness, is improving. A. G. Buchanan is preparing to raise the roof of his newly purchased house. Work has already commenced. The house is to be repaired and all the modern improvements added. A few from this rart of the. town attended the annual dinner and sugar ing off at Charles Root's sugar camp Saturday. About 70 sat down to a bountiful dinner and a general good time was enjoyed. FORTH CRAFTSBURY ' The district school besran Monday with Miss Webber as teacher. Miss Aice Brown is staying at E. T. Wheeler's and attending school. Mrs. Ella Ellis of Manchester, H.. is visiting her uncle, A. Garvin. N. H. N. Stevens was a business visitor in St. Johnsbury the first of the week. Mrs. Rowley was called to Sheldon Tuesday to attend the funeral of her brother's wife. The Missionary society met with Mrs. A. B. Pike Wednesday afternoon. A good number were present and all were invited to tea. It was a very pleasant occasion. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Root held their annual party at the sugrar camp Satur day. It was a nice day and 65 sat down to the feast, for such it truly was. Mr. Root then sugared off and about six all started for their homes with a very pleasant time to cheer them the - year through. For many years Mr. Dutton and Mr. Root have each given a day to their friends in their sugar camps and it is much appreciated. The annual -meeting of the Village Improvement society was held on Tues day evening of last week in the church vestry. The executive committee re ported that the work of the society during the past year was done in put ting in the new sidewalk and driveway in front of the academy. The commit tee stated that a great deal more work vras done and a much greater amount of earth, stone and gravel was used in this job than is apparent to. the casual, observer. The officers elected 'for the year are: President, Ernest Keeler; vice-president, Fred Root; secretary and treasurer. Miss Rowley. The president appointed the following executive committee, Allen Pike, Guy Garvin. Mrs. Rowley, Mrs Dustan and Ed. Wheeler. The society starts the new year with about $17 in the trea3 ury. WESTMORE e Lula Valley is still improving. Communion next Sabbath, May 3rd. Rev. Johnson of Windsor is visiting at Geo. Brigham's. Ira Lyon has finished work at Sutton and returned home. M. E. Calkins and A. E. French were in St. Johnsbury Friday. Mrs. C. H. Atkins and have been on the sick week. Mrs. J. Wills list the past Homer Leonard has finished work for Geo. Myers and Mr. Kennerson has taken his place. The Chandler company started work in their mill Monday and Mrs. Mary Cole is boarding the help. The Ladies' Aid society will serve dinner at the church Thursday, May 7. Everyone cordially invited. Fred Marshall of St. Johnsbury made a short visit at M..E Calkins's recent ly. He now has a position with J. W. Murkland at Barton. MEWS FROM MRS. F. A. FIELD, Mary Longeway is quite ill. C. E. Towne was in Lyndonville on business Tuesday. Remember the May ball in the town hall on Friday evening. W. A. Jerome has been quite ill with grip the past week. R. N. Baldwin was in St. Johnsbury on business yesterday. Nelson Crawford was home from East Berkshire over Sunday. Miss Jessie Lanou has been suffering from rheumatism the past week. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Shephard, Tuesday, Apr. 21. C. H. Woodward has sold his farm to John Burkewitz and has bought the Harlow Bates farm. L. Mason, who recently lost his home by fire has moved into the old 'Beehive" owned by Taplin & Rowell. Mrs. Ella Hunter, who has been visiting her brother, H. C. Goss, has gone to the home of her daughter in Lowell. TH3 GREENSBORO The Rutledges are out of quarantine. There is a case of diphtheria at D. Willey's. The ice in the lake will probably not be all out by the first of May. L. A. Jackman has been making some improvements in his tenement. Herbert Johnson started work at the hotel for the summer season Monday. Some of our young" people attended a social at North Craftsbury Friday evening. Wallace and John Goss's brother returned home Saturday after a short visit with them. Dean Cobb, who completed work for Miller & Kaiser last week, is visiting his mother in Barre. Frank Dufur. Jr., has completed his new boat house and will have every thing in running order by May 1. Tim- Silver gave a sugar party to the people of the town Friday and about 50 were present. The sugar was good and enjoyed by all. GREENSBORO BEND A. C. Chase business Friday. was in Danville on LOVER GLEANINi GLOVER. All schools in town open May 4th. Mrs. Sarah Orleans. Aden Phililps Stebbins has gone to has rented the Henry Davis house. Mrs. Annie Smith has moved to the Claud King house. Mrs. E. M. Dw'nell has returned to her home for the summer. Elijah Stone of Albany visited bis son, Henry, here recently. H. S. Clark has been suffering with pneumonia but is improving at present The next meeting of the Excelsior class will be held at A. P. Bean's May 8. Wesley Drew will move into the tenement recently occupied by Aden Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor of Fran conia, N. H., visited at J. W. Mathie's last week. , N. C. Dodge was called to attend the funeral of his father at VVhitefieid, N. H., Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Smith of Evansville visited at J. W. Mathie's when return ing from conference. Mrs. Lillian McQueen is home from Georgia. It is expected the Inn will be open to the public after May 1st. Mrs. Mary Cobb has - been at H. S. Clark's for the past two weeks caring for Mr. Clark, who has been very ill. Glover Community Church IN THE MOOD TO LISTEN. g Henderson You can't tell some women anyway. Henpeck That's right. They won't" stop long enough to listen to you. IRASBU1 LOCAL EDITOR Mrs. Chester McGoff went to the Royal Victoria hospital in Montreal Friday. She was accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Temple ton. Miss Sadie . Huntington is teaching in Barton, Miss Gladys Huntington will teach in Albany and Miss Florence Tinker has returned to her school in East Albany. The next regular meeting of the Black River Valley grange will be held Wednesday evening, May 6,. The first and second degrees will be con ferred. Committee of refreshments, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lanou, Nettie Healey and Clement Pike. All those having sing ing books or rituals belonging to the grange will please return them to the hall. M. E. CHURCH NOTES Choir rehearsal on Friday evening. Services will be held at the usual hours Sunday morning and evening. All will be glad to welcome Rev. and Mrs. G. L. Wells to Irasburg for another year. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clary of Lyndon visited Mrs. A. S. Clary the past week. There is a case of diphtheria in the family of Frank G. Wiliey, and they are quarantined. John Barr and Mrs. Addie Barber, who have been sick all winter, are both improving. Mrs. J. II. Pope and Mrs. A. J Daniels were in St. Johnsbury from Monday to Wednesday of last wTeek. Mrs. Celia Streeter of Worcester, Mass., has come to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Amelia Arcs den. Mrs. F. H. Roberts met with a very painful accident by tipping a pan of boiling water on one limb, scalding it badly. Mrs. E. A. Buck, who has been quite sick the past week, is being cared for by Mr. Buck's sister, Mrs. Ordway. Card of Thanks We take this way to express our sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the death and burial of our dear father, also to the choir. May God reward them all. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McFarlane and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. King. G. Drew, rural carrier on route 1 wishes to thank the friends who left sugar in their mail boxes for him. He appreciates their thoughtful kindness. A. R. Rich has sold his farm to his two sons, Alva and Sumner. The new firm will be known as Rich Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Rich will remain at the farm with their sons for the present. The Woman's Union will hold a dinner and social at the vestry on May 1., when some S's will Serve Smething Special. Those not solicited please bring sponge cakes or soft pies. About 40 neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sanville gathered at their home a few evenings previous to their mov ing to Barton, for a farewell visit. They brought sugar and the means to serve it, as Mr. Sanville's goods were "mostly packed for removal, and vthe evening was very pleasantly spent. The Woman's Literary club of Bar trn will repeat the "Mock Trial" given -at Barton last week, here on Friday evening. The entertainment was a success at Barton and is worthy of your support. Don't come if jt hurts you to laugh. jCard we wish! to express our heart felt thanks to the friends and neigh bors who so kindly remembered us during" the illness and death of our aunt, Mrs. Jerusha Foster Clark. Also hose who gave the beautiful flowers. Your loving help and sympathy so readily given will always be remem bered. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bean,'' Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Anderson.