Newspaper Page Text
1 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1914 PAGE B No. 560 Closed all day July 4 i Paris Green now ready BRADFORD BERRIES daily New line of Orleans News Page News and Views from this Hustling Village LACES Edges, Insertions Nets DUST COATS for ladies and gentlemen PATCHWORK PRINT Small pieces at 11c per pound Only 160 lbs. All we could get Same Kind as before. Can give you the GLOVE BRAND in Men's White Bals. V. 1. S. Automobile Day. Several parties availed themselves of the opportunity presented Saturday. i by the Village Improvement society's automobile day and no one could have possibly failed to enjoy themselves. The day was a perfect June day and the trips well planned and carried out without the slightest hint of accident or delay. The trips to Willoughby lake in cars owned and driven by Drs. Wells and Cleasby, were patronized by Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Joslyn, Mrs. Aus tin, Miss Austin and Miss Ordway. To Glover and Dry Pond in the Rowell car, Mr. and Mrs. Rosebrook, Mr. Stimpson and Mrs. Perley. To North Troy in the car driven by Ray Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Barker, Geo. Parker and Mrs. Stannard. To Lyn donville and the Vail farms in the Whipple car were Mr. and Mrs. Keys, Mrs. Eldridge and Miss Jones. Mr. Taplin generously gave the committee present of $5 for a trip he took in his own car to an auction. There fwere many other cars ready for trips if we had had the passengers for them, but in all $25 was realized and it all goes to help beautify our village. A NEW FEATURE Samples of Exclusive and Fashionable DRESS FABRICS from the Stadfast Mills. Decid edly out of the ordinary styles. Any number of yards desired. Over 150 Samples MEN'S SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE Both Telephones Pay Cash and save two and one-half cents on every dollar I will pay $i.oo each for the re turn of Cash Receipts 8642, 2756, 6936, 2972, 8888,9999, 1666,4132, 9931, 2948. Mrs. Wallace Smith returned 1113 Don't expect a cash receipt if it is charged O. W. LOCKE ORLEANS, VERMONT Methodist Episcopal Church Notes. Prayer service this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Read the91st Psalm. Sunday services. At 10.30 a. m., there will be a short sermon by the pastor, followed by the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Bible school at 12 m., to which all are invited. All should be in their place at the opening of the new quarter. There will be no Junior or Epworth League seiices during July and August. At 7.30 p. m., the pastor will preach the first of a series of sermons con tinuing through July on the general theme. "The Voyage of Life." The subject of Sunday evening will be, "Setting Sail." There will be special and appropriate music, and the read ing of Longfellow's, "The Launching of the Ship." At a recent business meeting of the Ladies' Aid society the following offi cers were elected for the coming year : President, Miss Mae Willey; vice president, Mrs. Ray Morse ; secretary, Mrs. W. S. Smithers; treasurer, Mrs. L. M. Lanphear. The society has had a prosperous year under the efficient leadership of Mrs. L. M. Kinsley. The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States B. O. Smith, Local Agent Orleans, Vt. V W YY7 V V V V V V V Y VVWVWVV VY V VY VYY Y YT YY Y Y YTY Y Y Y YYY Y Y Y s At The Ideal Lunch Room Where you can get an A No. 1 Lunch when you are autoing through, shopping or doing business in our town. There is everything you wish in the lunch line at our lunch counter. We also will on short notice put up lunches to carry with you. Bring the ladies, the place is suitable for them as well as gents. Take a glance at our food cases before leaving, if we do not have what you want we will take your order and deliver promptly. Don't forget the C. C. C. Ice Cream and cool drinks. 4 4 -4 M 4 ORLEANS BAKING CO., Wilcox Bros., Prop's. Opera Block ORLEANS. VERMONT 3 4 -4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa' 73 H COME IN AND GET YOUR Mags ffDir " tEDne -;4!rtHln all sizes from two inches to six feet in length sold in any quantity spec ial price on dozen or gross lots 100 Pair More Lace Curtains same as we have had before at 25c Figure 10 ounces if sent by mail for each pair. Call and see what we are selling this week for 25 cts. Our store will be open Saturday all -day and evening. HOYT & HOYT rj Beede Block, ORLEANS, VT. Orleans Plays Fast Ball. Orleans proved conclusively Saturday that they have a ball team this season, which has th'e ability to play the game away from home and had not the least difficulty in taking the Island Pond team into camp, by a score of . 8 to 2. Our boys played almost errorless ball there being but one mark chalked against the team, and practically every man was there with the big stick, Turnbull and C. Webster connecting three times and only two of the team failing to connect for one or more singles. Laird pitched a good game and kept the hits well scattered. Score by innings follows: 123456789 R HE Orleans 00241 1 000 8 12 1 Island Pond 000001100 2 7 1 Batteries for Orleans Laird, Bas set; Island Pond, Morse, Stevens. Umpire, Holmes. Time, two hours, forty-five minutes. William A. Farrington. William A. Farrington was born Feb. 18, 1683. For the past 15 years he has been a resident of Orleans. Oct. 4, 1900 he married Miss Bertha Dunham of this place. - He died Satur day morning after an illness which has confined him to the house about three week's. Mr. Farrington has for the past twelve years been an employee of i the Chandler company, working in the sounding board mill. He is survived . by his wife and daughter, Martha, v and daughter Mabel of Springfield, Mass., as well as his two sisters, Mrs. Martha Seaver ox Barton and Mrs. Chas. C. Webster of Irasburg and one brother, Geo. Farrington of Provi dence, R. I. The services were at the home on South Main street Sunday at two, Rev. E. W. Eldridge officiating. The interment was in the local ceme tery here. Pierce-Smith Wedding. Miss Hazel Emeline Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Smith, and Raymond Sidney Pierce, were married at the home of the bride's parents on Friday evening, June 26." The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. A. Warner of Barton in the presence of a few near relatives. The young people were attended by Miss Minnie E. Stannaj'd of Orleans and Arthur M. Rich of Newport. Follow ing the ceremony, the happy couple left on a short wedding trip, later they will reside in their new home on North Avenue. The bride has been a faithful and efficient operator in the local exchange of the Passumpsic Telephone company, and the groom is employed in the clothing store of F. H. Pierce. The best wishes of many friends are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. Congregational Church Notes The rain of Sunday was much needed and we were all glad to see it coming down. It did not appear to dampen the ardor of our people for they came to church in good numbers. We were favored also with the presence of many representatives of the Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters. We were glad to see them and hope they will want to come again. The midweek sewice will be held in the vestry tonight at 7.30 o'clock. We hope for a good attendance and expect a profitable service. Morning worship Sunday at the usual hour. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered, the ordinance of baptism and the reception of members will also take place. The pastor's sermon will be along lines appropriate to the occasion. All not attending elsewhere will be cordially welcomed. The offering for the missionary work ot the Congrega tional Sunday School society will be received. The amount desired is $20 and we hope to raise it in full.: ' The Sunday school will meet at the close of morning worship. Lesson topic, "The Laborers in the Vineyard" The new quarter's lessons begin Sunday and we should be very glad to welcome many additions to our classes. The series of lessons now being considered is full of interest and may N be made of great profit to all.. Why not come in with us? The Sunday evening church service will be omitted during July and August. They will be resumed with new zeal after the respite of the vaca tion months. The barrel for the Kurn Hattin Home will be packed Thursday. All who have articles to contribute are asked to bring them to the chapel by 3 o clock in the afternoon. ORLEANS The stores will be closed Saturday, July 4, all day. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Bailey June 21. Miss Inez Waterman has returned from her visit to Barre. Mrs. F. L. Hall is at her camp at Willoughby lake for a time. Go to Glover Saturday and enjoy a good old-fashioned Fourth-of-July cele bration. Miss Susie Ford of Concord, N. H., is the guest of Miss Hazel Twombly this week. f. ' .-. i 'v wo i .; ; . -n ;:s -" ' -. i MrsSara A. Green 6f .Kiriderhook, N. Yi was a7guesty'aVthe-4pnae of S. W.CorlisjUie;pa9t Mr. and Mrs. Joel Temple "enter? tained 1 guests ; from- Morgan and Charleston at dinner Thursday. - . Miss Nan Farman, who has been caring for Mr. Farrington during his illness, has returned home in Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith, formerly of Orleans and now of Pike., N. H., are at their camp at Willoughby lake, , Mrs. L. D. Wells and daughter, Edith, of Manchester, Iowa, are guests of Mrs. Wells' brother, C. E. Gay. The Willard f Tripp property on South Main street has been sold by Mr. Marston, administrator, to Fred Caron. ; .t -;., Saturday being a holiday, the library wlil be open Friday instead of Satur day, usual time both afternoon and evening. - A. D. Beede has contracted with the McLane Mfg. company for the new postoffice equipment and they will have it all in by August 1st. Miss Marie Darling was a guest at the wedding of her brother in Barre the past week, and will visit friends in Massachusetts during her vacation. G. G. O'Hare and Mr. Badger went with Mr. Beede Sunday to get his automobile which he was compelled to leave at Sherbrooke some days since for repairs. Spear & Son, contractors of Burling ton, have been in town the past few days, completing a few odd jobs about the bank block, which could not be done during cold weather. Mrs. M. L. Pearson, state president of the W. C. T. U., returned home last week after several weeks spent in attending numerous conventions held in different towns in the stat?. A local game of ball was played at Skinner park Saturday between a team composed of shop hands and a team from Charleston, resulting in a score in favor of our home talent. The postoffice equipment man was in town last week making estimates and measures, and operations have already commenced on the new and enlarged postoffice quarters in the Beede block. Miss Esther Bent, Somerville, Mass., Miss. Helen Wilson. Pawtucket, R. I., and Miss Margaret Lawson of Saxton's River are guests of Ruth Skinner at a house party at Camp Weelyket, Lake Willoughby. Earl Wedge, Earle Montague, Rob Wells of Orleans and Louis Baker of Pawtucket, R. L, have gone to Wil loughby lake for a couple of weeks, where they are camping at Birch Bower in the Foster grove. Rufus Trip and Ed. Skinner had the misfortune to meet with their automo biles at the foot of the sand hill near Coventry village. No one in either of the parties was injured but both auto mobiles were badly damaged. I wish to thank my friends who have given money and so kindly helped me in many ways during my recent ill ness. Especially I thank Mrs. Ranney and Mrs. French. Mrs. Annie Jewell. The directors of the E. L. Chandler company held a meeting here Monday night. It is their opinion that business conditions are improving and they expect that the entire mill here will be working on full force in another thirty days. Big Ripe, Sweet Fourth-of-July Watermelons at 45c Each We have a whole Wagon Load and are saving one for you. Bradford Berries all this week. Buy your Canning Berries early, the season is short. Special while the lot lasts, 300 packages Diamond Dyes at 5c per package. STORE WILL CLOSE ALL DAY JULY 4th. B. O. SMITH, Proprietor THE UP-TO-DATE GROCERY p. s. save smith's sale slips ORLEANS, VERMONT Erwin Willey and family from Salem are visiting Mr. Willey's parents for a few days. Mr. Willey states that the big Salem fire came nearly within a single block of reaching his home, and deems himself exceptionally tortunate to escape. There will be a regular meeting of the Orleans club tonight at their club rooms at 7.30. It is important that all members attend, as several articles in the constitution need amend ing, and there is a -waiting list of thirteen names which should be acted upon. The Monitor by sending, a corre spondent to Orleans two and three days each week is trying its best to get the items of local interest in this village, and it can be very easily done if the townspeople are willing to lend him their assistance. Permit us to say that they have done so, but we want even more than we are now getting. Miss Grace Williams of Ottawa and Miss Angeline Fullington of Malone, N. Y., were guests of Mrs. J. Marston the first of the week. The Misses Fullington and Williams are to open an ice cream parlor at Rock Maple cottage near the Joe Hyde place at Willoughby lake and will be ready to serve patrons on July 4. The directors of the Parker, Young and E. L. Chandler companies, who held a directors' meeting here Monday night, came to Orleans by automobiles, from Lisbon and Bradford. They were accompanied by their wives, and also by Mrs. Amelia Parker, wife of the company's former president, one of those young old persons, who while her years totaled 87, is still able to enjoy a hundred mile auto trip... With the exception of H. B. Moulton the party returned Tuesday morning. E. E. Doe - in his recent trip to Bangor, Me., most clearly demonstrat ed that in a good many cases the auto mobile has train service beaten. Mr. Doe, with his daughter, Mrs. Wood bury, Miss Freda Towle and his son, Alton; left here Sunday morning at 6.30, stopping at Lancaster where Mr. Doe's nephew joined them. They stopped at Livermore Falls for three hours and were in Bangor at 9.30 p. m., covering a distance of 247 miles in the day. The party returned the mid dle of the week. o sinno. See Our Bargain Table for Bargains. From now on for a few weeks we shall place on our bargain table different articles we wish to close out, odds and ends of lots etc. Price will not stand in the way at all on these things, they must go and go they will. We shall place on the table this week 50 Pair of Men's Ox fords, all sizes, black and tan, regular $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 quality. These are going at just 50 per cent, or one-half of their regular value. 1 0 Pair Work Shoes at just one-half their regular value, 75c to $1.50 One Lot of 15 pr. Boy's Tennis to go at 25c pair. Mostly 1, 1 1-2, 3 and 3 1-2. Orleans County si eading Food Shop The Best Place in the County to get Your Food Wants Supplied Large variety of Fresh, Cured or Cooked Meats at all Times We are Curers and Smokers of Pork Products Pi I Canned Fruits, and Vege- Lafge 5I0CK 0t tables, Fish and Meats FRESH FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fresh Fruits in Good Supply. Butter, Cheese, Eggs Pickles, Olives and Condiments Fresh Green Vegetables at all times SMITH & JENKINS PUBLIC MARKET ORLEANS, - - VERMONT 50 Large Pictures Set in a nice frame 27x21 inches, regular price $3.00 to $4.00 to close while they last at 50c. These are the greatest bargains we have ever been able to offer. Don't miss the opportunity to get you a pair of Oxfords for haying, just the thing for a good rig cheap. Our Store will close all day Saturday, July 4th. EVEN ORLEANS, - VERMONT is 5 TH E basis of elastic paint the kind that expands and contracts with the wood, leav ing no cracks exposed to the weather is ; ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD (Dutch Boy Fainter Trade Mark) and pure linseed oil. We sell these prime paint ingredients as well as the necessary tinting, matter to get the color combination you ;desire. j , . . Owner's Painting Guide to help yoiiswKrther ce feature. It' 3 full bf color schemes, painting truths and suggestions. Come m and et Whipple, French & Co, Orleans, Vermont We'll Fay Ymt HodD(D For Your Old Fountain Pen Any Day up to October 1, 1914 Providing You Buy a Crocker " IKTIK TOME " Fountain Pen, here (Only one pen taken in exchange for each new pen purchased but no restrictions as to make or condition of pen you exchange.) The new "Ink Tite" Pen is the Only self filling, non-leaking pen ever offered. Every Crocker "Ink Tite' Pen is guaranteed to be a Far Better Pen than you have ever known. AUSTIN'S PHARMACY A. O. AUSTIN, Pharm. D. ORLEANS, VERMONT i i 1 r i . .. The Monitor Prints most County News