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7 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR WEDNESDAY, AIm uJT-1 3, 1 915 f 4 WHY SUFFER ANY STOMACH DISTRESS When Mi-o-na is a Qn Effective Remedy. If Tour Btomilpi in ticking up a disturbance, causing cistress after eating, heartburn, toated tongue, gas, sour taate of Jood, and you feei blue, irritable and nervous, you are suffering from indi gestion and dvspepsia. It's needless tor you to suffer, and now is the time to quickly stop thr distress and regu late your upset stomach. Simply get from F. D. Pierce, or any drug store, some Mi-o-na tablets a aiuiyiv prescription tnac does more than give quick and lasting icnoi. mi'u-na soocnes tne irritated lining of the stomach and stimulates mo now or cne digestive juices so tnat what you eat is quickly convert ed into healthful nourishment, then juu are wen ana strong, ana no Jong er worry about trifles or have restless nights. t ft Do not allow indigestion to wreck your health and happiness but get Buiiit) ivn-o-na taoiets at once they are cheap and harmless. Sold and guaranteed in Orleans by F. J. Kinney. CALEDONIA COUNTY. JpAG E 'SpERFEC TED Makes Hens Lay inWinter. If this food is not sold in your place, we will send you freight prepaid a 125 pound .sack for $4.00, or a 60 pound sack for $2.00. If in want of Beef Scraps, Poultry Bone, Oyster Shells, etc. , write us for prices. Carroll S. Page, Hyde Park, Yt Page's Perfected Poultry Food may be ob tained of the following: Wm. E. WarJp, Newark Lewis Bros., Morgan J. G. M-miu, South Albany Adoa i$. Cobleign, West Derby . Erastus L. Scott, North Derby Chas. N. Moulton, East Charleston A. D. Thurber, Coventry Twombly & Colton, Orleans H A. & G. C. Bartlett, Newport Center Wm. DaviB, Bro.wnington J. C. Eaton & Co., Lyndonvilte J. B. Holton, West Charleston Caswell & O'Rourke, Derbv Line The E. W. Barron Co , Barton J. A. GendroD, Newport W. M. Taylor & Co., Drby Akin & House, Bee be Plain Roy E Davis, Glover Commissioners' Notice Estate of Mary A. Grant, non- compos. THE UNDERSIGNED, having been ap pointed by the Honorable Probate Court for the District of Orleans, COMMISSION ERS, to receive, examine, and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against the estate of Mary A. Grant, non-compos of Albany, vt., in said District, and all claims exhibited in offset thereto, here by give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid, at the Town Clerk's office in the village of Barton in said Dis trict, on the 26th day of January, and 11th day of May next, from 1 o'clock p. m., until 5 o'clock p. m., on each of said days and that six months from the 16th day of November, A. D. 1914, is the time limited by said court for said creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allowance. Dated at Barton Vt. thisl28th day ofiDecem ber, A. D. 1914. E. W. BARRON, J. F. BATOHELDER, 52-2 Commissioners. A meeting of members of the house trom 1,aIedoma county was held in i he superior court room M. G. Morse pf Hardwick was elected chairman and n. c. rioibrook of Barnet spfrptnrv Messrs. Morse of Hardwick, Gilman of oc. jonnsoury and Mackav wptp oioto as a committee to call meetings of the association at any time desired. Incorporation papers have been filed witn tne secretary of state at Montpel ier by the Vermont Granite Quarries cumiiany. a. capital StOCk Of $400,000 aivia'd into 4. uuu snares of $100 each is declared. The headquarters of the comony are to be at Hardwick. The property or the new corporation is located in Woodbury and comprises 69 acres or quarry land. State Geologist G. H. Ferkins has investigated the Deas ana nas pronounced the granite to De or gooa quality. Tne incorporators are F. M. Thrall of Boston, A. G. Per ry, 01 Harawick. treasurer of the uranite lrust company, of that place. and John Walsh, proprietor of the American Granite company, also of Hardwick. WEST BURKE visited in St. Mrs. H. C. Caswell Johnsbury last week. Mrs. Mildred Wilcomb was in town ;ne first of last week. E. E. Alexander snent a nnrt of lacf week with relatives in Brownington. Little Leierhton Wav has hppn nnWo ill for several days, but is much better now. H. B. Stuart ofReehe. P. O . visit. ed at Dr. J. B. Burke's part of last week. Mrs. Cynthia Aldrich has been auite ill with grip and bronchitis, during the past week. Mrs. H. E. Fairbrother was on the sick list last week, but is able to be out again. Sydney Brigham continues to im prove, and we nope will soon be about trie house again. Mrs. Clayton Hitchcock spent the week-end with Mr. Hitchcock in Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Effie Soloman entertained her Sunday school class, and several other young people at her home Saturday evening. Dr. Walsh has been snAFe-i-incr from stomach trouble for the past week, and has gone to Manchester, N. H., for treatment. The lecture given by Rev. Mr.Joslyn of Newport at the church, Friday even ing, was very good indeed, and the fine supper served to the men, by the La dies' Aid society was thoroughly ap preciated by those who accepted Mr. Angell's kind invitation. At Alpine Lodge. No. 28, I. O. O. F., the following officers were installed Jan. 9. W. G., H. W. Carpenter; V. G.. H. A. Burpee; Treas. W. A. Drown; Sec, G. H. Caswell ; R. S. W. G., C. A. Aldrich; L. S. N. G.. James McDonald; R. S. V. G., A. Z. Craig; L. S. V. G., J. McGill; R. S. S., R. R. Carr; L. S. S., Eli Duval ; O. G., C. E. Ball; I. G., W. F. Wheeler ; Chap., Lewis Gordon; Con., Frank Drown; War., C. O. Che ney; P. G.. H. E. Gaskill ; F. F. Le n ard of Wells River, installing officer.. At Mystic lodge No. 5, D. of R. the following officers werejinstalled Jan. 2, by installing officers Miss Mabel Ran ney and Miss Florence Ranney deputy ; N. G., Mrs. Annie Colby; V. G., Mrs. Myrtie Allard ; treasurer, Mrs. Myrtie Caswell ; secretary, Mrs. Ida Powers; R. S. W. G., Mrs. Lucy Whittier; L. S. W. G., Emma Way; R. S. V. G., Mrs. Mabel Gaskill ; L. S. V. G., Mrs. Mat tie Gilman ; Chap, Mrs.. Fanny Aldrich ; R. A. S., Mr3. Hattie Cheney ;L A. S , Mrs. Lilla Walter; Con., Mrs. Emma Coburn; War., Mrs. Alice Guy; I. G., Mrs. Annie Fairbrother; O. G., H.G Caswell; pianist, Lei a Turner ; banner bearers, Mrs. Jennie Angell, Mrs. Jennie Burpee, Mrs. Jennie Batchelder, Mrs. Florence Duval. Commissioners' Notice Estate of Abbie M. Winslow The undersigned, having been appointed by the Honorable Probate Court for the District of Orleans, Commissioners, to re ceive, examine, and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against the estate of Abbie M. Winslow, late of Barton, in said District, deceased, and all claims exhibited in offset thereto, hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid, at the store of O. A. Barrows in the village of Barton, in said District, on the 15th day of January, and the 11th day of June next, from 10 o'clock A. M., until 4 o'clock P. it., on each of said days and that six months from the 11th day of December A. D. 1914, is the time limited by said Court for said cred itors to present their claims to us for ex amination and allowance. Dated at Barton this 29th day of December A. D. 1914. U. A. BARROWS, II. P. COOK, 52-2 Commissioners. Estate of James R. Collison STATE OF VERMONT. District of Orleans, sn. The Honorable Probate Court for the Dis trict aforesaid: To the heirs andall persons interested in the estate of James R Collison late ot Barton in said District, deceased, GREETING: WHEREAS, application hath been made to this court in writing by J. F. Batchelder, Administrator of said Estate, praying for license and aut hority to sell all of real estate otl said deceased, to wit: ten acres of land mora or less, with house and barn thereon, andfbeing the premises occupied by the said James R. Collison at the time of his decease as and for his homestead, situated in said Barton, to include the homestead andall other rights of the widow of said deceased therein, representing to said court that it . would be beneficial to the heirs and all per sons interested in the estate of said deceased, to sell said real estate and convert the same Into money. And bringing into Court the consent and approbation in writing, of all the heirs to said estate residing in this state, and setting ' forth the situation of the real estate. WHEREUPON, the said Court appointed and assigned the 8th day of January, 1915. at at F. W. Baldwin's office In Barton, in said District, at 1:30 p. m., to hear and decide up on said application and peUtion, and or dered public notice thereof to be given to all persons interested therein, by publish ing said order, together with the time and place of hearing three weeks successively In the Orleans County Monitor, a news paper which circulates in the neighborhood of those persons Interested in said estate, all of which publications shall be previous to the day assigned for hearing. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place assigned, then and there in said Court to make your objections to the granting of such license, if you see cause. Given under my hand at Newport in said District, this 21st day of December, 1914. RUFUS SPEAR, Judge. THIS IS A BAD MONTH The indoor life of winter, with lack of out door exercise, puts a heavy load on the kid neys. Nearly everybody suffers from rheu matism, backache, pain in sides and hack, kidney and bladder ailments. A backache may not mean anything serious, but it cer tainly does not mean anything good. It's better to be on the safe side and take Foley Kidney Pills to strengthen and invigorate the kidneys and help them do their work. They help rid the blood of acids and poisons. Sold by Austin's Pharmacy, Orleans, Vt.; W. S. McDowell, Evansville; J. B. Holton, West Charleston. SHEFFIELD Mrs. Julia Mitchell remains about the same. Leon Collins is stopping at Wm. Simpson's. Georere Mosher visited at Chester Ash's Sunday. Alpha Brooks has taken his boy.Earl, to Barre where he has employment. Clara Richardson is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. Martha Under wood. Henry Mitchell is at Brighlook hos pital at St. Johnsbury for surgical treatment. The donation Friday night was very well attended and the receipts were about $35.00. Doris Jones was given a party Saturday night. Miss soon to go to Boston. surprise Jones is Installation of the officers of the D. of L. took place Wednesday night, Jan. 6, Deputy Mercy Green performing the ceremony. Councilor, Rose Rob erts; vice-councilor, Lydia Brown;, as sociate councilor, Mercy Green; asso ciate vice-councilor. Bell Brown ; guide, Ada Sheldon ; associate recording sec retary. Flora Barber,: recording secre tary. Amy Bishop; treasurer, Sarah Gray ; financial secretary, Inez Jones; inside guard, Alice Davis; outside guard, Anna Randall trustees, , Lydia Brown, Alice Davis. His Misfortune. "Have you heard of the terrible mis fortune that has befallen, Bones?" Bil son said to his friend. "No." said his friend. "No." "Bones, poor fellow," said ,Bilson. "has eloped with my wife." Exchange. ... . . 1. ,-. . TTlT 23 . - THE AN N U AL IP 3S 3E TrS '3Ea' 122 S3 ' 4SSS$SJ$S sS$3xsxxSxsxSxs SxSx8xSex3xSxsxe -AT THE Commencing at 7,30 A. at 5.00 P. Closing .., Thursday, January 21st, 1915 ., Saturday, January 30th, 1915 Something New Each Day iV"l fM US ANDS have learned by experience to watch and eagerly await for the r eerie a; bale which is the Annual Event of the season. The sale comprises Discontinued Samples, Seconds and Discontinued Styles in Muslin Underwear and Flannelettes, Remnants and short lengths, Muslin, Flannelette and Trimming, Braids, Ribbons, Etc A General Clean-up of all odds and ends about vthe factory. CI I I I. IIIUlIfNA, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTES ROBES and SKIRTS In factory Samples and Seconds, goods that will not go in the line the coming season. ALL SIZES It GREAT ASSORTMENT OF Skirts, Princess Slips, Combination Cover and Drawers, Com bination Cover and Skirts. LACE AND HAMBURG TRIMMED DRAWERS iln Ladies', Misses' and Children's. In MiMin, Cambric, Nain sook and Crepe. HAMBURG AND LACE TRIMMED. ALL PRICFS MUSLIN PIECE GOODS In bundles and short lengths at about half price. One case of very fine Longcloth, 40 in. wide, at 11 cts. One case fine Nainsook, (ofl color) 36 in. wide at 10 cts. CHILDREN'S, MISSES' AND LADIES ROBES Made in Muslin, Longcloth, Nainsook and Crepe Lace and Hamburg Trimmed, Low r and High Neck, Long and Short Sleeves. All prices. Out Size Robes 18 to 20. CORSET COVERS Cambric, Nainsook and All-over Hamburg from 12 cts. to $1.25. UNDER BODICES IN LACE In Muslin, HANDKERCHIEFS In Ladies' and Men's, Fancy and Hemstitched Edge OUR OWN" MAKE FLANNELETTE PIECE GOODS. In pieces from 2 yds. to 10 yds., 36 in, wide, all prices. Squares in bundles and packages for Comfortables at about half price. . Thousands of yards of Hamburgs, Laces, Ribbons, Braids, etc., in short lengths. The assortments are so large we cannot describe them. Enough to supply the country. Handfinished Hamburgs, Medallions, Yokes, etc., English and French Val, French and German Torchons, Domestic Edges and Insertions. 10c. bundle of trimming, everyone will want a bundle. Sale to commence Thurs., Jan. 21 at 7.30 A. M., closing Sat., Jan. 30 at 5 P. M. IPeeirless mm paimy Barton, Vermont Telephone 36-2 Trains from the South arrive 12.02 M., 4.48 P. M., 6.02 P. M., 8.42 P. M. Trains from the North arrive 7.08, 10.13 A. M., 1.514.11 P; M.? i, -... N - V'" '7-