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PAGE 8 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915 Sale Starts Friday January 8, 1 91 5, 9 a. m. Men's and Young Men's ready made Suits, Overcoats, Mack inaws, Raincoats. Sweaters, Flannel Shirts, Negligee Shirts Hosiery, -Underwear,- Odd Pants, Boots, Shoes and all Rubber Goods, etc!; '-'-v Gr eatesr uearance Sale in the History -of. Orleana Sweeping Stock-Reduction of Men's and Young Mens Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Sweaters, Hats, Caps, - Boots ...and Shoes, and all Gents' Furnishings too numerous to mention, in the latest styles and fabrics; including the celebrated "Collegian" clothes, which are Lnown for their quality and tailoring throughout all New England. DON'T WAIT DON'T DELAY At the Height of the Winter Season, Sale will Begin Friday Morning, Jan. 8 and will continue for the next fifteen days closing Saturday Night, Jan. 23 Such a tremendous sale is unusual, and bad it not been for the necessity of turning my $10,000 stock into ready cash we never could offer such a slaughtering of prices. There isn't space enough in this paper to tell you all that deserves to be told, but the following items below will serve to show y ou how some of the goods are being marked: Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats O Suits Men's Suits, formerly sold at 22.50 and 25 00, sale price 16.50 Men's Blue Serge Suits, made up in the latest styles, formerly sold at 15.00, 18.CO and 20.00, sale price 12.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits, sin gle breasted, worsted and cash mere, in the height of fashion, formerly sold at 16.50, 18.00, 20., sale price 12.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits, this lot consists of a number of the latest styles in fabrics that suits all tastes, formerly sold at 13.50 and 15., sale price 10.00 Boys' Suit's in Norfolk style in the ! 1 111 " i Overcoats Men's and Young Men's Overcoats in the newest styles and patterns in grey and brown mixtures, for merly sold at 18.00 and 20.00, sale price 12.50 Men's fine grade of black kersey cloth coats, formerly sold at 15. and .18., sale price 12.00 Young Men's Overcoats in the new Balmacaan style, formerly sold at 16.00, sale price while they last 10.50 Boys' Overcoats in the grey Chin chilla, formerly sold at 10.00, sale price 6.50 all-wool greys, and blue mixtures! , " also in the serges, formerly soldi60?5 Overcoats, formerly sold at at 5. co, sale price -S.oj .w, oa,, t.a Sweaters S Rubbers 3 doz. Men's all-wool Sweaters with Men's 10 and 12 inch top rubbers, pockets, in all colots and sizes, I regular 3 50 value sale price formerly sold at 5.00 sale price ' '2 50 . , 3.68 jen's !g incn top . lumbermen's Ladies pure wool Sweaters, large rubbers; regular 4.00, sale price square collar and pockets 7.CO 2 15 value, sale price 4.75 Bovs' 10 inch top rubber, regular Men s pure wool Sweaters, auto 2 50 sae ice l 7g collar and pockets, formerly at Men's 4 buckle Arctics regular 2.50 8.00, sale price o.25 sale price 1.98 Men's and Boys' Sweaters, in all colors, 2.50 value, sale pricel. 78 Mackinaws Boys' Coat Sweaters with collar, Men's and Boys' all-wool Macki- 1.25, 1.50 values, special for this naws, formerly sold at 8.00, sale sale 89c price 5.50 Men's Trousers M's MacKnaws formerly at 5.00. J fto 6.00, sale price 3.68 1.50 working pants .98 qpfpt a t 2 co " 150 ormi. 3.oo work and dress pant 2.15 Ladjes' all-wool Mackinaws, form- 2.50 all wool Compton pant 2.68 frlv at 8;00 and I000 111 a11 the 4.Q0 dress pants at 3.00 latest ors saie price to be qut 1-2 while they last. Flannel Shirts Fur C t Men's and bovs' Flannel Shirts in . . the grey, blue and tan 1.00 Black Pogskm Coats with natural grade 79c Kat collar, formerly sold at 25.00 : sale price 17.50 Men's ar,d Boys' Negligee dress 3 Black Kersey coats, plush lined, s. Shirts; 1.00 grade at 79c with blended Rat collar, formerly Men' and Boys' Shirts, 50c value sold at 23.00, sale price 17 00 ' - 39c -7: ' a Caps , Work Shirts Men's and Boys' caps, grade, Men's President Work Shirts, 50c sale price 69c value 39c Men's and Boys' caps, 50c grade, . sale price 39c Hosiery Boys' caps, 25c grade sale price 19c Men's Heavy all-wool Socks, 50c value 39c Hats Men's fine Hose 25c grade 19c The entire line of Hats to be Children's 15c Hose in black and closed out AT COST. tan 9c . . Underwear shoes Men's heavy fleeced-lined two piece Boys' tan high cut Shoes with two suit, regular 50c grade, sale price buckles, 3.00 value 2.29 39c Boys' black Educator Shoes, form- Men's Union Suits, pure all-wool, erly at 2.50, sale price 1.75 regular 2.50 grade, sale price 1.79 : . ,i' 7': LOWELL ., .;.., Representative A. P. Sweet has gone to Montpelier. - - ' Remember the January sale at D. J. Blanchard'a. : V Mrs. W. A. Blake has gone to Derby ' to stay awhile with her mother. , E. Alexander "of West Burke is a guest of his son. M. R. Alexander. Mrs. Lizzie Benware of Westfield is with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sinclair. Mrs. Almon Clark of South Troy is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jacques. Mrs. C. C. Stannard was called to Fitch Bay, P. Q.t by the serious illness of her sister's child. Mr. and Mrs. Albion Stebbins of North Troy are visiting his parents.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stebbins. "The Judgement" was the Sunday morning theme at the North church and "Fast Enough ; or Soon Enough" for the children's sermon. Union meetings continuing the week-of-prayer services, will be held three or four evenings this week alternately at the churches, beginning Tuesday evening at the Methodist church. The funeral of Mrs. Geo. Recor, for merly Mrs. Adelbert Austin, who died so suddenly Monday morning, was held at her home Wednesday afternoon. Rev. F. Oldridge officiated. Mrs. Re cor was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Henry Curtis of Westfield and was about 50 years of age. During Mr. Austin's long illness she cared for him with constant devotion until his death about three years ago. Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Clarence, who lives at home and Arthur of Flor ence, Mass., and a daughter, Mrs. Alice Richard of St. Albans, mother and one brother, Fred Curtis of West field. The family have the sympathy of the community. WESTMORE Ethan Gilfillan is very sick. Mrs. Oscar Lyon remains about the same. Greta Daniels is home ill unable to teach. A. E. French and Mrs. C. H. Atkins have been on the sick list the past week. Both are better. Lula Valley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Valley, died at Barton Fri day as told in the news of that place. Funeral service was held at the Catho lic church at Barton Monday. COVENTRY Charles Fushey is again able to be out. Little Alta Wheelock is in very poor health. David Drake of West Derby is visit ing his son, W. E. Drake. Miss Mona Bickford has returned to her school in Woodsville, N. H. Mr. Menard of Quebec has taken possession of his farm recently pur chased of Frank White. ' Mrs. Carl King underwent a very serious operation in the Mary Fletcher hospital at Burlington, remains criti cally ill but is a little better. The many friends of Mrs. George Goodnough were saddened to hear of her death which occurred Saturday after an illness of two months. Much sym pathy is felt for the husband and daughters. Lewis William Drake of this place and Gladys Kinney of Newport Center were married at the M. E. parsonage in Newport by Rev. R. N. Joscelyn. Mr. and Mrs. Drake will go to house keeping in D. W. Fairbrother's tene ment. Their many friends extend congratulations. An Experience social was held in the Congregational vestry Friday night. A bountiful supper was served, after which Rev. Anderson of Derby Center gave an interesting lecture on the sub ject, "The House that Jack Built." The sum of $19 was earned for the Ex perience social but only two ladies gave their experiences in earning it. , The Word "RepUca . Perhaps not one writer in fen uses the word "replica" in its correct sense. People seem to think that "replies" means merely a "copy." , One reads, for example, about modern artists' "rep licas" of old masters' work and that "replicas" of Columbus' caravels are to be made. A replica is "a copy of a work done by the same hand that did the original." It is not likely that the hand which designed the caravels of Columbus is now at work making cop ies of them. New York World. -: The above offerings arfc only a small proportion of thegreat tremendous bargains which I offer to the public the next 15 .days of the sale. jjlf you .want to save time, utilize ! economy, be i here! early and select your winter supply. 1 ' :! ; :; i-.'jj ,! Sale starts Fri. Morning, Jan. 8, Closing Sat. Night Jan. 23 E H. PIERCE Not a Regular. The "tall blond has Mrs. Malaprop backed off the map when it comes to reckless handling of the queen's Eng lish. "My cousin, Ignatz, has joined the navy," "she confided to her friend. ' "Is he a regular sailor?" asked the short brunette. - "Not yet." replied the tall blond. "He is Just a sub marine, I guess." Youngstown Telegram. ' . What Might Have Been. First Suburbanite Do you enjoy go ing into Newcome's wonderful garden? Second Suburbanite No; everything in it is so exasperatingly perfect that I can't have the fun of saying. "If you had followed my advice it would have been better." Exchange. Taking a Walk. "I took a long walk yesterday." said Boreman as he collapsed into a seat at Busynian's deskj ! , : j,)'; jjjj p : "Take another ' old man.7 suggested Busyman. "It'll do us both good." ! 1 Mad His Mark. "Well, yopng Dr. Slir has made his mark .already, hasn't he?" . "T; dltf ft om Ms ftyt . "Great Scott! What did he do?" "Vaccinated him." v K7 DQ ISS IS? Trains rm 71 TEDE YEA1R We wish to make a; quick deairance of all Coats, Suits, Silk and Wool Dresses, Fur Coats in both Men's and Women's, Dress Skirts, Boys' Suits, and Many other items not mentioned here. Sale Opens Thursday and will Continue to Jan. 31 I $17.50 and $18.50 Goats Clearance Sale Price $13.50 S20.00 and $22.50 Coats Clearance Sale Price $15.95 $9.50 Silk Dresses Clearance Sale Price $5.49 $12.50 Silk Dresses Clearance;Sale Price $8.89 Wool Dresses $6.00 values Clearance Sale Price $3.95 All other dresses marked in proportion, $5.00 Dress Skirts. Clearance Sale Price $3.75 1 lot odd skirts, values up to $6 00. Clearance Sale Price $2.98 Many others that space does not permit of mention. 50 People Wanted to fit as many Fur Coats, every one marked to the lowest figure. Some as low as $14.50, others at 17.50, 19.00, '21.50, a few better ones at 39.00 to 68.00 Boys' Suits, ages 7 to 14 years, $1.98, 2.49, 3.98. Just the thing for School Clothes. ' if flit imatm Wo IE (ED IL IL II EJ The Shoe Man BAMTBJ VERMONT 1 AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN Protect your Bank Account by using the Page Check Pro tector, at a small expense, will last a lifetime, can be carried in the vest pocket or hand bag. : Perforating and inking all done at one motion of fingers. PracticaJ for Merchants, Lawyers, Doctors, Farmers, Traveling JVlen, and all that do business with banks. . FRED C. BMWMIMG Barton, Vermont General Agent for Vermont and New Hampshire Below are given a few names of users BARTON J VV Murkland, i, Machinist E J Coofe, Selectman and Coal P S Whitcher, Farming Implements Fred Richmond, Crystal Lake Garage Flanders & Mossman, Automobiles and Kepair Stock and Wool Granite Dentist Merchant Agent Livery -I Grocer and Granite Livery . Blacksmith ,'. ; Real Estate Merchant Pharmacy W E Hanson, Cornish & Rook, Dr J A Pt-arson, O A Barrows, H J Stannard,' , Brown & Sawyer, Hotel Barton - Chas Nute, Jar via & Lahue,' ifimi'e Leroux, J O King, , ORLEANS O W Locke, , Kinney, Austin, , tlfrnry Webster, i B O Smith, i ' iA H Swett, ) Agent, Boots and Shoes H G Tripp i V, !- '! Hmith & Jenkins, I Market F II Wright, ' i ; Livery Chas Hannant, Farmer NEWPORT O J)ben, i O S SearJeB': - ;V 'r RP Skinner, u Huntington Pharmacy,: r ,f i (Nyal Remedies) Dvia & Livingston, Pharmacy Merchant Groceries Real Estate Jeweler Groceries Attorney Groceries Merchant Taxidermist Kingston Granite Co I uime Theatre J a. Gendreau, ' Bailey's Music Parlors Harry Black, Hotel Raymond F A Swett, ' GLQVER Roy E Davis, O S Phillips, WEST BURKE . - R W Densmore, Merchant A D Fogg, Market and Groceries M H Lewis, Furniture O H Cobnrn, . Pharmacy LYNDONVILLE GM Campbell, Stock and Wool Cook & Norton, Attorneys Campbell & Blodgett, Insurance and coal ; Live Stock Grain and Feed Tops Painter Wood and Teaming . Livery F O Shonyo, R A Weatherbee, A N Weatherbee, PE Grant, RPS ockwell, O W Thompson, - ST. JOHNSBURY St Johnsbury Gro Co , Groceries Grocer and Baker Clothing ; - Printer St Johnsbury Electric Light Co "--ij H M Scott, Agent H E Wilson, Arthur Smith, F A Scott Co, A W Scott Co, CowJes Press, jlj IS E?3 WE ALWAYS CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF 66 SON BRAND" YAR In Scotch Knitting we have the fol lowing shades: Black, Blue, Brown, Grey ana White. : We have a few shades Shetland Floss, Saxony Wool, Shetland Zephyr, Shetland Wool and German town Zephyr at 5 cents skein. To anyone buying 16 oz. and wishing to change the color we will give one package Dy-o-la or Diamond Dyes FREE. ML 'C M RRON CO. Opposite Passenger Depot BARTON, - VERMONT good lift talk. Schiller.