Newspaper Page Text
ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1915 PAGE S No. 597 HAMMOCKS $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 Also Couch Hammocks in two styles and two low prices New White Waists for the hot weather Beautiful Creations at $1 and $1.25 Direct from the makers, a new line of the celebrated "India" Umbrellas The new shape. Just right open; it's large. Just right closed; it's short. No more broken ribs; double strength frame. The LITTLE umbrella with the BIG spread. Prices $1.00 and up. Orleans News Page News and Views from this Hustling Village More of those Apron Wrappers, 3 buttons and all dressed, 50 and 75 cts. Pay Cash and save two and one-half cents on every dollar I will pay $i.oo to the first per son returning Cash Receipt 1409, 4933. 5857 or 43- Miss Eva Bassett returned Mrs. O. C. Miles " Mrs. Wallace Allen " 8191 9666 11 Don't expect a casta receipt if it is charged O. W. LOCKE ORLEANS, VERMONT Methodist Episcopal Church Notes. Prayer service tonight at 7.30 o'clock. This exercise is essential to growth in grace. Sunday services. Children's day ex ercises will be held at 10.30 a. m., consisting of songs and recitations by the Sunday school. This is always an interesting and helpful service, which no one should miss. It will be followed by the regular session of the Bible school, where all ages will find a place. Junior League at 3 o'clock. Evening meeting at 7.15, opening with a song service in which all are urged to join. The pastor's theme will be, "The Value of Wisdom." The teams visiting among the people Thursday in the financial interests of the church report everywhere a hearty reception and a generous response which they gratefully appreciated. Sixteen members of the Bible school . 1 - -a were present at tne uistnct bunaay School convention heM at Barton Monday. - The- W. F -M S.. snent a verv nleaa- ant afternoon with Mrs. J. B. Flint at her home in Brownington Tuesday, June 1. After devotions and business, the following program was given, Mrs. Elmer Dodge in charge : Topic, "Our Children's Work at Home and Abroad.' "The Call of the Silver Trumpet," Miss Lilla McMullen; "The Gleam of the Candle and the Star," Mrs. Jenness; "Why Be a Little Light Bearer," Mrs. J. W. Brennan; "Music and Light in Dark Places." and "Chil dren's Missionaries," Mrs. Dickens; "Children's Thank Offerings," Mrs. Ingerson; "Is It Worth While?" Miss May Willey; Mystery box, Mrs. Smith er. Mrs. Gilmour gave as her report as"Mite-box secretary, "The Story of a Self-Denial Mite-Box." The hostess served ice cream and cake. The ladies enjoyed a walk about the farm, and the beautiful view of mountain sce nery. They wish to express their thanks to Messrs. Twombly, Allen, Dickens and Maurice Brennan for thier kindness in furnishing automobiles for transportation. ORLEANS Asa Harris has a new Buick car. H. J. Blaisdell of Chicago is visiting W. H. Blaisdell. Bartlett Goodnough has been visit ing his parents. The usual concert was given here on Saturday evening. Tom Ducharme has sold his car to Marshall Freehart. 1 w wiwg".il' ur PA CREONOID Kills Lice and Drives Away Flies SCREEN DOORS, WINDOW SCREENS WIRE SCREEN CLOTH TWOMBLY & COLTON ORLEANS, VERMONT 1 IM mAJ ,,f.'J"W..W M 1 arU" . VVVVYV TVYVVTVVYTVVVVV WV TVV TVT VVVWV VVVTVYVWVVTY JUS1 RECEIVED 1 in. Black Serge, Blue Serge and White Serge, Sponged and Shrunk 44 Congregational Church Notes. Morning worship Sunday at the usual hour. The day will be given over to the little folks in observance of children's day. The pastor's sermon will have to do with their Christian nurture and the ordinance of baptism will be administered. Good musical selections by the choir. All not wor shipping elsewhere are cordially invit ed. The Sunday school will come together at the close of morning worship. Lesson topic, "The Blessed ness of Forgiveness." Classes for all ages already organized and a warm welcome for all who can Join us. The evening church service at 7. 15 will consist of a concert by the chil dren. They will render songs, recita tions and various exercise, which all will enjoy. An offering will be re ceived for the missionary work of the Congregational Sunday School society. The public is cordially invited. The county association of Congrega tional churches will meet Tuesday and Wednesday with the church in West- more. JLet as many as can, plan to attend. Arthur Cfclburn has Barre for treatment. returned to Mrs. Lydia Haves is SDendiner a few days in New York.- ' " Miss' ZafliP Fnrmnii nf Sr.. .Tnrinshnrv is visiting F.' J. Kinney's. - ' : Mr.' and Mrs. H. M. Whinnle are spending a few days at Lyndonville. Several of the band bovs nlaved with the West Derby band Friday evening. Levi W- Dean and familv nf flnvpn. try have been visiting at Fred Dean's. Harry Wellman of Boston has been visiting his mother, Mrs. II. B. Smith. A son, Eugene Chase, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will fRanney Monday. May 31. J. W. Fletcher has boueht a new Ford touring car. Miss Mariorie Albee of Lvndon Institute has been visiting Miss Doris Spafford. C. A. Sargent is moving into the tenement house of Mrs. Ranney on Uongo lill. A. H. Simnson visited Sherhrnnko last week to witness the rtenartnre nf Canadian troops. . Henry Lewis was overcome bv the heat and melting tar fumes at the mill one day last week. " Dr. Hight, chiropodist, will be at Valley House on Thursday and Friday. June 10th and 11th. Miss Goldie Mann of "Burlincrtnn is with her narents here anrl ia HnflForinor with plood poisoning. Mrs. D. L. Willey returns today with her daughter, Lena, to the latter's home in Fitchhurg, Mass. O. H. S.. defeated Hardwick hierh at Skinner Athletic park Saturday after noon by a score of 8 to 4. There will be ' a meeting of the village hose company Wednesday even ing, June 16, at 7 o'clock. The senior class and teachers were entertained at the home of Prof. Fletcher on Saturday evening. . Dr. E. G. Stevens will be away from Friday night until Tuesday morning of each week until further notice. 75 cts. per yard Some New White Rice Cloth and Crepes, New Patterns in Window Draperies 3 4 1 FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS Heinz Ripe Olives, Chili Sauce, Sweet and Sour 3 Pickles. Try some of our Heinz Oven Baked Beans The Webster Co. 1 Dry Goods and Groceries Orleans, Vermont 3 The closing exercises of the grammar school took the form of a play instead of the usual graduation exercises. The play was given Tuesday evening at the opera hall and was entitled, "A Christmas Carol." It was much enjoyed. The school orchestra fur nished musics CARD We wish to thank the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our beloved wife, mother and sister. Our appreciation for the floral tribute is also heartfelt. G. A. Dean, Robert G. Dean, Mrs. Hattie E. Cleveland. The graded schools have closed and the high school finishes its year this week with an alumni banquet this (Wednesday) evening at the Congrega tional church vestry at 8 o'clock. Grad uation exercises of the senior class will be held at the opera house Thursday evening at the junior promenade at the same hall on Friday eveniner. The graduating class consists of: Dean Mathews, Dresident; Gladys Winget, vice-president ; Grace Heath, secretary ana treasurer; nasie Skinner, Esther Perley and Howard Bartlett. The exercises will consist of a discussion by the girls of the class on domestic science and essav on acrirnltnre hv Howard Bartlett and the class prophecy by Dean Mathews. I he exercises will begin at 8 o'clock. The operetta. "Jack and the Bean Stalk,' given as the closing exercises of the Orleans graded school on Friday evening, June 4, was a success in every particular. The opera house was filled to its capacity and all were enthusi astic in their praise of the work done by the pupils. The cast of characters was as follows: Jack, Dayton Green; Jack's mother, Lula McDowell ; Giant, Dean Matthews ; Madame Giant, Vera Bullard; Fairy, Geraldine Stoddard; WE ARE HAVING A SPLENDID SALE FROM THE MERRIAM STOCK OF CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS. WHY? . .-. Because we are having a Real Bargain Sale. If we can fit you, we can fit the smallest pocketbook in Orleans County. Everything at ONE-HALF PRICE, including about 30 Splendid Overcoats. These Overcoats will be put away for cold weather very soon, and when the wind blows 40 miles an hour and it is 30 below zero, we shall get more than half price for these overcoats. Moral : BUY NOW. THE UP-TO-DATE B. O. SMITH, Proprietor ... GROCERY ORLEANS, VERMONT Butcher, Bernard McMullen; Jennie, Eleanor Bean; Nettie, Gertrude Wheel er: Mary, Fannie Dean; Rose, Velma Lance; Dick, Foster Powers; Ned, Preston Smith ; Tom, Harold Gallup ; Fred, Park Beede. Velma Lance, Addine Collins, Lena Bulaski, Eleanor Lyon, Pauline Richardson and Ruth Badger appeared in the pantomime while Miss Helen Beede sang, "Abide With Me." Two hundred children sang in the overture and the several choruses. The entire program was under the direction of Miss Sadie Lothrop and reflects great credit upon both school and teachers. Governor Charles W. Gates has appointed three delegates to represent Vermont at the New England fruit show to be held in Boston in Novem ber. The men chosen are Geo. D. Aiken of Putney, Ernest H. West of Dorset and C. L. Witherill of Middle bury. These men have all had experi ence in exhibiting fruit, are large growers, and are men who are well qualified not merely to prepare an exhibit, but to take charge of the same at the great New England exhibit. WATCH TUT THIS WEEK We are showing some good things in Hos- ' iery and Underwear for Ladies, Misses and Children. Also a nice line of Dress Goods in Crepe, Poplin, Lawn, Muslin, Gingham, Percale, Print, Kiddie Cloth and many others not men tioned. Come in and see if you do not buy. No bo ther to show goods. HOYT cb UOYT Bede Block, ORLEANS, VT. t - 0 m i i r NEW WASH SKIRTS To Retail at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.5 and $4 More of Those Waists at 98c each .hi -r Mrs.. Lillian (Doe) Woodbury - of Needles, Cal., is here to spend the summer with her father, E. E. Doe. Mrs. Jane McFarlane of Waterbury and Erwin McFarlane of Woodstock have been visiting Mrs. Colby Stod dard. R. A. Bean, Wilder Joslyn, A. O. Austin and others are attending the meeting of the Grand Lodge at Bur lington. A. D. Beede and son. Park, and Mrs. E. H. Lothrop visited at Coaticook. P. Q., Saturday. Park will remain for a short vacation. i E. C. Skinner and Georce Parkpr have been at Willoughby lake for a few days, making necessary repairs on tne bkinner cottage. Magnolia Beach for the summer, Miss Rosalie Esehenbrenner goes to Brook lyn, N. Y., and Miss Walters goes to n r t J. G. Turnbull, E. E. Doe. and B. H. Alden attended the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons at Burlington Monday and Mr. Doe and Mr. Alden took the 32d degree in the order. With the coming of the summer schedule, Geo. C. Porter, railway mail clerk, will be transferred from the Newport and Springfield run to the flyer between the Fabyans and New York City. New England telephones have re cently been installed for E. W. Merrill and Tom Buzzo at Orleans, Fred Davignon at Brownington, Lewis Menard and George Phillips at Irasburg and Henry F. Long at Willoughby lake. -; 4 R. G. Card has a piece of winter rye measuring over 50 inches in height. He also has incubator chickens hatched in April that crowed at 45 days of age and have combs measuring one and one-quarter inches high. These ap pear to be records worthy of mention. The W. C. T. U. will hold a Flower Mission meeting June 15, at 2.30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. J. W. Fletch er. A good attendance is hoped for. as this is the last meeting before our vacation. Contributions of fruit and flowers for the sick will be gratefully Also a LINE OF WAISTS at 49c each One piece Dresses in Linen at $5 each SWISS MUSLIN, ETC., at from $2.00 to $3.98 HOUSE DRESSES, 98c and $1.50 See our TRIMMED HATS at 98c each, Saturday, June 12 Remember we cut prices on Coats and Suits E. L. BASSETT Brown Block opposite Passenger Station Orleans, - - - - - Vermont Both Phones TTTTTTf TTTTTTTTTY TTTTTTT Y7YYTYYYYTTYT YYYvT YYY YYT . i Why We Are Orleans County's Leading Food Store nrri A TO 17 We buy in large quantity S5llAsIJJSL We sell QUALITY GOODS We have unequalled variety We give efficient service We make our prices as low as sound business can afford. . - All these are possible owing to our large volume of business - . A Few Lunch and Picnic Specialties i A GOOD" HEAD OF HAIR '" PARISIAN SAGE Is a splendid preparation for Dandruff, Falling Hair, Itching Scalp, and for assisting the hair to retain its life, beauty and natural color. SPECIAL While the combs last, with every bottle of PARISIAN SAGE we will give a regular .size COTTON FIBRE COMB FREE. . Kinney's Pharmacy Orleans, Vermont EDNA MANN Was the beat Booster last month and wears the gold watch. Now who will play the Piano? Remember the Cracker-Eating Contest on Saturday, June 26th, at 3 o'clock Everybody come for a bully lot of fun. Find out how many crackers can be eaten in a little time. We want you to come in to see the size of the crackers to be used, and practice eating. Children, get in your letters in the Letter Contest before Saturday Night, June 26th and get the large bag of Candy and fifty coupons which we shall give you. Write a good letter, maybe you can win tbe first pre mium, which is a $2.5 Gold Piece See the rules on the Poster at our Store. Men's and Boys' Suits, all Prices and Colors Have you seen our $18 Blue Serge Suit for $15? No Better Made for the Money Men's and Boys' Tennis, Boys' Blouses, Odd Pants, Straw Hats of all Kinds, Men's and Boys' Night Shirts (D. STTIEVIERJ The BOOSTER STORE ORLEANS, VERMONT Can Olives All Kinds Deviled Meat, 10c Pickled limes Vienna Sausage, 10c Peanut Butter Lambs' Tongues, . 50c Jellies and Preserves Boned Chicken, 35c 4 O'Clock Cheese , Lobster, - ' ' 30c ' Roquefort Cheese ' '"y Shrimp, ' 15c ';, . Sliced Bon JnGlass s ; .., Sardines, . , !, c"1r. . ''Sunkw Canned Fruits - Kippered Herring,1 ' 10c Sunshine Biscuits Boiled Ham, 40c lb. Mustard Chili Sauce Pickles Luncheon Tongue, 35c lb. Worcestershire Sauce, &c. SMITH & JENKINS ORLEANS, PUBLIC MARKET VERMONT and Kodak Supplies Don't think that all camera supplies are Kodak Supplies. They are not. Get the . " Kodak kind every time. The Vest Pocket Kodak fits-the vest pocket or small handbag, has the new autographic back, takes pictures 1 5-8x2 11-2 inches, takes eight pictures without reloading, and does first class work. . Price, This Enlarging Camera makes pictures 3 1-4x5 1-2 (post card size) from the films of the Vest Pocket Kodak. ' Vest Pocket -Enlarging Camera Price, $1.75 Let us get you an autographic back for your old Kodak Austin's Pharmacy The GKaAJL Store A. O. AUSTIN, Pharm. D., 11 ORLEANS, VRRMONT IF IT IS DONE AT THIS OFFICE IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT. WHAT? cUdDlD received. x m p.- ...:' ' m LAsAiiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlf AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAiAAiAAiltiAAAiiAiiiiA