Newspaper Page Text
ORLEANS2COUNTY MONITOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 4, 1915 PAGE 5 No, 601 Instead of waiting until later we want to give you an extra reason for visiting Orleans LHAU1AUQUA WtilK. Ladies Misses' and Childrens' SUMMER COATS AT Close Out Prices Some are half prico. Some are even lees. It's a mid-season opportunity to bay thesa garments at season-end prices. head- Caps Near the Big Tent. Make Locke's store your quarters. SEEN THOSE New Auto FOR LADIES? Only 25 cents Each PARIS GREEN THE REYNOLDS BRAND Pounds and Half Pounds Shoes! Shoes! Lots of new ones in last week Pumps and Oxfords for Ladies and Children have received special attention HAMMOCKS Orean News s News Page and Views from this Hustling Village Congregational Church Notes. , Morning worship Sunday at the usual hour, Rev. C. E. Gordon of Derby will preach in exchange with the pastor. All will want to hear him. Let no one miss this opportunity. There will be good music by the choir and a helpful service may be expected. Sunday school at the close of the morning service. Lesson topic, "Solo mon Anointed King." Classes for all ages already organized, and much profit may be anticipated from a study of this ancient historic occurrence. The mid-week services will be main tained during the summer and we hope for a good, hearty, attendance. But the Sunday evening service, in accord ance with a custom that has prevailed for some time, will be omitted during July and August. $1,$1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 Also Couch Hammocks in two styles and two low prices Pay Cash and save two and cents on every dollar one-half I son 4933 5555 will piy Si. oo to the first per returning Cash Receipt 1409, 5857 1333. 643, 2515, 3667 or Mrs. Arthur Vatter returned 4492 Don't expect a cash receipt if it is charged O. W. LOCKE ORLEANS, VERMONT ORLEANS Hope Ranney has gone to New Haven, Conn. Harry Dickens and party motored to Magog Friday. Dr. K. C. Smith of New York was a visitor in town last week. The village trustees are relaying the steps at the opera house. Mrs. Lydia Johnson of Hardwick is visiting Mrs. A. F. Chamberlin. Vivian Willey of Salem. Mass., is visiting friends and relatives here. The handkerchief factory is closed for its annual two weeks' vacation. Miss Blanche Churchill of Boston is visiting friends and relatives here. Miss Lillian Taylor of West Derby has been visiting Miss Bertha Kinne. Miss Mary Williamson of Barton is spending the week at Tom Colburn's. Miss Dolly Stimpson visiting her sister, Mrs. of Hanover is Alfred Wilkie. Mrs. A. L. Brown and Farman are visiting at F. Mrs. W. C. J. Kinney's. E. C. Skinner and family and Fred Dean spent the week-end at Willoughby lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Aiken of Leomin ster, Mass., were visitors here Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson of Glover attended the Chautauqua on Tuesday. All Roads Lead to Orleans Chautauqua Week YYY YYYYTYYYYYYYrYYYYYTTYV YYYVYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY While in town call at The Webster Co. Store for Summer Bar- rviie TWoo 1To4--ll1c? ittVi ll CfT loot" gains 111 iitoa xixacvi iaio vv tuiv juji. . Methodist Episcopal Church Notes. Sunday services. Sermons by the pastor at 10.30 and 7.30 p. m., Bible school following the morning service to which strangers and others not connected with any school are cordially invited. Notice the hour for the evening meeting will be fifteen minutes later than formerly, or 7.30. This will be the hour until September. Come and join in the praise service. The Chau tauqua is providing a feast of good things, and it may be a little hard to come down to common fare. It should, however, prove an incentive to us to do better work for ourselves and the community. Come and join in the singing and worship. The pastor will speak briefly on an appropriate theme. ' The W. F. M. S. spent a delightful afternoon at the bungalow of Mrs. Arthur Gilmour Tuesday, July 6. It is "beautiful for situation," when once you have reached the heights. Mrs. Harry Dickens had charge of the program. Roll call, response, short items from the "World Outlook"; "Leading Books of the Year," Mrs. Goodnough; "Hindu Girls," and "A Chinese Polyanna," Mrs. Dickens; singing, Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Dickens ; "Definite Service for Students," Mrs. Moulton." The mys tery box was in charge of Mrs. Smith ers. Refreshments were served by the hostess and pleasant social hour was er joyed together. A. H. Swett has resumed his duties as salesman for a large Portland shoe concern. Mrs. Harry Bingham of have been visiting at L. M. 25c Plisse, now 15c 25c Zephyrs, now 19c Chiffon. Silk, Green, 25c Poplins, now 19c Figured Muslins, 12 l-2c Black and White, Striped and 39c per yd. Raspberry, Jasper 19c Black and Green Silk Marquisette, Great variety of thin white goods at reduced prices. We have a fine assortment of Curtain Muslins and Madras, White Ecru and with colored figures. Kayser's Patent Finger Tip Gloves Sand and Pongee color, and white with black stitching just arrived, 75c and $1.00 per pair. Great variety of buttons at small prices. Take advantage of this sale beginning Friday, July 9, to continue one week. The Webster Dry Goods and Groceries Co. Orleans, Vermont 4 5 especially as to deaths among our people. We have regularly been met with the answer that there were sever al dead ones not quite ripe for buriai. We have not dared print the answer for fear someone might be mad. The lecturer at the tent on Tuesday after noon spoke about the dead ones who had not been buried and had therefore done nothing worth while for their town, and everybody applauded. That gives us courage to make our belated announcement that there are several dead ones. Names withheld, but fur nished on request. -AAAAAAAAiAAAAm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa n AFETT YIFEIES1P Use Ajax Tires. Guaranteed in writing 5000 miles. And Ajax Supurb Heavy Red Tubes. Wizard Spark Plugs. Columbia Dry Cells. GASOLINE TWOMBLY & COLTON ORLEANS, VERMONT u Mr. and Burlington Kinsley s. There are advertised letters at the postoffice for George Rowe and Freder ick R. Smith. An acconnt of the Community Chau tauqua being held here appears on page one. W. R. Aldrich has finished his vaca tion at Willoughby lake and returned to his office here. Mrs. Olive Harris of Sutton and Chas. Powers of Brooklyn are visiting Mrs. M. A. Ordway. Mrs. H. C. Wheeler of Barton is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Gertrude Fischlin. Mrs. Ella Loveland and daughter, Stella, of Brownington have been visiting at Alton Baird's. Mrs. C. E. Ordway and daughter, Ruth, of Jamaica Plain, is visiting her mother, Mrs. O. H. Austin. Chas. Townsend has secured employ ment at Meredith, N. H., and expects to move his family there soon. Mrs. Shirley Wakeman, who has been at W. E. Sawyer's for the past few months, has moved to Barton. Mrs. O. S. Annis and daughters, Ruth and Grace, were visitors at Frank Hardy's the first of the week. Mrs. John Beck of St. Johnsbury and Mrs. Julia Fitch of Littleton are spending the week at H. H. Person's. Mrs, Sadie Brown and son, Fred, have returned from an extended visit to Montreal and other Canadian points A. R. Bennett has been appointed special police for the week and is in attendance at the tent as traffic police man. Harry Flentje of Hartford and Miss Mabel Barnard of New Britain, Conn visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred . Donaldson last week. Mrs. Ira Allbee of Barnet and Miss Mabel Ware of Coventry are guests of Mrs. L. JU. Spafford during the week of festivities. W. E. Sawyer and Miss Susie Andrews of Troy were married at the home of Rev. G. L. Wells at Irasburg on Saturday evening. The local exchange of the New England Telephone company has made a net gain of ten new subscribers during the past month. R. W. Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eldridge and Mr. and Mrs. Linn Eld riflge are on a motor trip to Westfield, Mass., and other points. Delone Andrus has returned from Bridgton, Me., where he has been wiring the new residence now being built by JJwinell & Persons. T 1. . lvirs. iames iaugnton and sor, Armine, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Dodge at the Smith cottage at wiuoughby lake, tor a week. About 25 automobile loads of people attended the fire at Coventry Monday morning. The local fire company responded quickly and rendered splen did service. Mr- and Mrs. Judd Temple of St Johnsbury and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Temple of Orleans spent Sunday. July 4 at Morgan Center, all going in Judd Temple's new Ford auto. James Laugh ton, James Gorman, Walter Chase and William Champion of Hanover, H. N., were guests of Colby Stoddard at Weandus camp, Long pond, a few days early in the week. Considerable excitement was caused on Willoughby . avenue i Sunday by the reported loss ; of the baby . which is to be given as a premium in the Bdoster club contests Mr. Stevens has been taking especially good care of the baby for some time and it has developed pretty blue eyes, beautiful blonde hair, cunning little feet and a curly tail. It was finally located near Addison Fletcher's garden and returned to its pen in the basement of Mr. Stevens's barn. ' ' For six weeks consecutively we have called at a certain place for news", Cause and Effect. "I wonder why it is so damp and foggy in London?" "It is the fault of their government." "How do you make that out?" "They have such long reigns there." Baltimore American. The School of Experience. The average man never fully realizes the truth of the adage about a fool and his money until after he has bumped up against some other man's game. i St. Louis Post-Dispatch. j Balzac's Poverty. An ancedote of Balzac -shows the strange condition of poverty in which he lived even after he had won fame. He made a visit one evening to the house of one of his pet admirations, Rossini, where he found a party as sembled and among them a great sing er, then the rage, who had declined to favor the company. Ignorant of this, Balzac begged her to sing a song. For you? Why, of. course, at once!" And she did. "Who on earth can that be?" asked an astonished guest of Ros sini. "Don't you know? It's M. de Balzac." "Oh, really! Then no won der!" And all the morning Balzac had been trying to borrow a few francs. Smith's Insurance Agency Everything in Insurance Fire, Life, Health and Accident, Liability, Etc. We insure anything that is insurable and solicit your risk. Only the Best arid Strongest Companies in each line. Call, Write or Telephone Orleans 121-2 OFFICE AT THE .UP-TO-DATE GROCERY B. O. SMITH, Proprietor - - ORLEANS, VERMONT Typewriter Ribbons CARBON PAPER at the MONITOR OFFICE LOVE AT SEA. Where shall we land you, sweet? On fields of strange men's feet. Or fields near home? Or where the fire flowers blow? Or where the flowers of snow Or flowers of foam? We are in love's hand today. Land me, she says, where love Shows tfut one shaft, one dove, One heart, one hand. A shore like that, my dear, Lies where no man will steer, No maiden land. Algernon Charles Swinburne. Keep the flies off while the smith is doing his work. Conkey's Fly Knocker is better than a boy. A time and money saver. No accidents to horse or horse-shoer, as the animal stands quiet after he is sprayed with a squirt of Con key's Fly Knocker. Econom ical. Gives satisfaction. Does just what we claim for it. Sold under our guaran tee, money back if you want it. Spray your horse before taking him out for a drive. Save flesh and spirit. Cut down expense for shoes. Spray it in the stable and save horses from kicking out floors. Will you come in and try it on our guarantee? Prices Qt, 35c; 2 qts., 60c; 1 gal., $1.00. With Money-Back Guarantee from KINNEY'S PHARMACY Orleans, Vermont TTTTTTYfTTTTTTYTTVTTVTTTT YY7VVYYVYVYYYTVYVYVVVVVVT 4 4 -4 -4 m 4 4 -4 AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA AAAAAA J AAAA AA A AAAAA AAAA A AA AAA AA A MMeirim Eflaiirkett Prime Western Steer Beef, Native Pork, Veal and Lamb. SQUIRE'S LUNCHEON TONGUE . Appetizing and wholesome .Luncheon Specialty 35c lb. Grape Fruit Marmalade is delicious 10c jar Lime Jucie 15c - 25c bottle 23 differant styles and sizes of Olives in glass and bulk. Blue Ribbon Butter 32c lb. I I ? $ From Monday, July 19 to Monday, July 26 On all cash purchases or for money deposited during this week, to be traded out afterwards, we shall give seven times the regular coupons. Double coupons will be given on settlement of accounts during this week. Vote for the Baby. The ballot box will be closed Saturday night, July 24. Music next Saturday by Vera Richardson. Our windows were trimmed by Glen Wedge. SAILS OT1AW MATS Thursday, Friday and Saturday of This Week We are going to clean up the balance of our Straw Hats at prices as low as 7c Regular gi.50 and $2.00 Straws to close at 1 If in want of a hat, call in. ' The BOOSTER STORE ' ORLEANS, - VERMONT Prices that Tell the Story 4 cents yard SMITH & JENKINS ORLEANS, PUBLIC MARKET VERMONT Authentic S tyles in Corsetry YOU will find here the season's showing of back-lace and front lace Corsets for all figures no matter hat the size or proportion. Corsets for all Purses. As for quality the time test of 25 years has proven the superior style, service and all-round satisfaction of American Lady Corsets. We take pleasure in announcing that the American Lady Corset Models for Fall are now ready fptri your inspection and comparison. E. L. BASSETT Brown Block opposite Passenger Station Orleans, ' - - ; - v - - Vermont Both Phones Standard Print, all colors Bates, Seersucker Ginghams any color you wish Lockwood Brown Sheeting 81-inch 36-inch Percale, all colors Apron Gingham, best quality Buntinsc Red, Blue, Red, White and Blue Best Quality Crepe, all colors, plain and fancy, warranted fast color, will not fade in sun or washing, only Poplin, all colors, silk finish Hydrogen Peroxide, standard quality, 8 ounce We have most everything in staple dry goods. Come in and see. 10 2-2 9 7 S C( 11 41 14 22 10 cts. bottle 44 HOYT cfc HOYT Beede Block, ORLEANS, VT. Are Chocolates of Quality, 80c and $1.00 a lb. The "Elect" Package Is Liggett'8 latest package; the centers are all hand-made and dipped in the best chocolate, coating. Our bulk Choc olates at 40c are not surpassed by any. Get one of those Pound Boxes on Saturday at 29c iUSt 9 ins I? Til 1 11CLI 111CUJ y The GJQ$JL Store A. O. AUSTIN, Pharm. D., ORLEANS, VRRMONT Ask those that have tried our ads whether they pay or not