Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 4 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21. 191 S HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW METE Touring C . r rr ar at cpouu (EQUIPPED) Runabout $495 Gray & Davis Electric Starter, and Electric Light Sys tem, Bosh Magneto. Stewart Speedometer, one-man Top, 108-inch wheel base. Telephone for literature and demonstration. Most economical car on the road, no gears to strip or oil. Too Well Done. "Yes, dear," continued the newly made husband as he .gazed desponding ly at the steak that 'was broiled almost to a crisp, "you are very charming, and you do several things uncommon ly Well, but you don't know how to cook a steak." jVnd yet, my love," answered the culprit with a becoming penitent air, "you said yourself Jhat it was very well done." It is scarcely necessary to add that the cyclone was averted. ;ws FRO HRASBURG MRS. F. A. FIELD. LOCAL EDITOR GE O COLBY Asst. Distributor Greensboro Bend, Vermont 'THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE" Patbe's wonderful serial which jou have been calling for, will open at the Gem Theatre, Thursday Night, July 22, 7:30 Orleans Opera House, Friday Night, July 23 DIRECTLY AFTER BAND CONCERT Don't miss the first episode of this facinating seiial. These mystery and detective dramas will be sure to please you Balance oi program will consist Of WW 1 TL T Silent Accuser. 2 oarts. 1 Love Uie INursts. Pathe News Up-To-Date. CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES This is BEFORE a ADMISSION 10 cents "WHEN ROM Pathe Feature in five parte of up-to-date eventsC RULED" with Pat he news GEM THEATRE, : TUESDAY, JULY 27, 8:00 ORLEANS OPERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 8:15 ADMISSION 10 and 20 CENTS Stop Look ! ! Listen!!! Beginning July 22, we will drive the biggest sale evi-r attempted in the fifteen years of our business. A $15,000 Stock Must be Reduced to $10,000 Right here in mid-summer we offer you the pennies that make the dollars. We need the room and we need the money, and you need the good at these prices. Our terms will be STRICTLY CASH. All goods taken from the store will be considered sold. No goods returnable. Men's Underwear, 50c value now 39 cents 25c u (t it (I it it Union Suite, $1.50 value now " 1 00 " 44 B. V. D.Suita 1.00 " Low Snoes, Black and Tan, 83.50 value now it ii ii ii g oo i .t n tt tc (t 2 50 " " Work Pants, $2 00 value n.w " "1 50 " " " l 23 " " Negligee Shirts, 81 f0 v lue now ii n i oo " " 19 $1.15 79 79 2 75 2 25 2 00 150 1 15 it tc 1 1 Hose, it all co. ore. tilt 50o 25c loc 10c ti it it tt " 3 for Dust Coatf, 1 25 ano SI 50. now Ladies' Silk Hose, an cios, 50c value now " Isle Hot BiHck, Wnitn and Tan, 253 VJue now Cotton H 8e, Blcls and Tan, 15 ; vaua now i: t ii tt 10c. ' ' Underwear. Muslin, 50c value now 14 " 2c 25c 15c 50c 25c Sl.UO 75c 1 25 1.00 1 00 tt tt tt tt tt , tt tt it tt tt tt Sleeve less .i Vsta ii Corset Covers, ii it White Waists, it it SUk Waists, Lot of Middy Bl-iuaes 25 Wait, slightly soi'el it it tt i it it it ti tt Ladies' White and Colored Underskirts, 1.75 value now tt it tt tt it ti ti Mu&lin Combination Suits, Princess Slips, Niht Robs?, House Dresse?, tt Summer Dress Goods, it tt ti Gingharre, Remnants, Prints, Ladies' Low Shoes, Black and Tan, it tt tc it it ti il il Ladies' and Children's Hats, tt tt tt Children's Rompers, K it 1.25 5l)c 1 50 1 25 1 OJ 2 00 1 50 1 00 25? 15 10 c 7? 3.00 2.25 2 00 50c 25c fOc 253 it ti it tt tt it ti tt .i tt i. it it tt it it it it 00 15 79 39 20 11 25 98 39 19 11 07 39 19 17 11 39 19 75 65 18 50 39 $1 39 98 39 1 19 9S 75 1 50 1 19 79 18 10 5 2 50 1 8 1 50 39 19 39 19 it t. t it ti it it tt it tt tt ti tt it it it t. ti tt it it tt it GROCERIES Raisins, 13s value now Soda, 8 ids. Oatmeal, 5 lbs. Corn, 3 can Tomatoes, 3 cans Blueotrries, 3 cans Raspberries, 3 cans . R-d Kidney beans, 3 cans L nox Soap, 8 cakes Bbbitt Cleaner, 3 cars Pvffed Wheat, 3 packages PnnVd Ric, 3 parages Corn F.akf, 4 p expires 10 cents 25 , 19 25 25 30 30 30 25 25 25 30 25 14 ft ft it il tt tt Picture-taking time. you buy a Camera or Supplies come in and see THE SCOUT The best Low-priced Camera on the market. It is made entirely of wood and metal and by the same workmen that turn out the higher priced Senecas. The Scout is light, strong, quick.complete. It is equipped with a Lens that cuts a sharp picture well into the corners of the film as well as a reliable Automatic- Shutter for Time or Instantaneous exposures. The method of loading the .Scout is a new and easy one. The nlm chamber is held in the camera by the most secure and simplified locking device on releasing one draw catch and two clamp clips, the film chamber can be easily withdrawn loaded, returned to place and firmly locked in an instant. I have the Scout in four sizes Price, $2 to $5 I also have Films, Supplies and Developing Outfits at lowest prices We also develope Films. When you come to my store ask to see these goods and don't forget about the Hammocks, Tents and Camp Furnishings If I haven't got just what you want I will g t it tor you on snort notice at Money -saving Prices IRASBURG Mrs. M. A. Wells spent Friday with her sister in Glover. Carroll Powers has purchased an Overland touring car. Mrs. George House is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Moses banvilJe. Miss E. M. Skinner of Brownington soent the past week with Mrs. Maud Webster. A ivrge number of our townspeople Chautauqua at Orleans Fishor entertained her Alice Laclair of Lowell THE TH1 CRAFTSBURin NEl CAM Je-velry, nisrjingf--. B t-iks, Novelties, House Fur Hne Watch, Clock, Jewefry na v.Dlical Kenniriasr. vve iean ana Repair Sewing Machines.Typewriters etc. Nelson Building, Main Street Barton, Vermont Estate of Willard S. Eld redge attended the last week. Miss Annie cousin, Miss the past week, Dr. P. C. Templeton and family and Mrs. A. E. Templeton f-pent Sunday with nis brother in Lyndonville. Alex Freehart went to St. Johnsbury and accompanied his wife home from the Brightlook hospital Thursday. Mrs. Fred Lothrop and children of West Derby visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Drew, over Sunday. A social dance is advertised - for Thursday. July 22, in the town hall, with music by Sawyer's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Westover bf West Glover visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Webster, over Sunday. A new milliner arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C E. Pike Monday July 9. She weighs five pounds and has come to stay. Mrs. L. H. Thompson of St. Johns bury spent the past week with her sister. Mrs. R. M. Cowles, and niece. Mrs. J. L. Carpenter. The Epworth League will hold a lawn social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Phillips Friday evening. Ice cream and cake will be served. Miss Buck had the misfortune to fall down the cellar stairs while at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- Raymond Wells Sunday and received severe cuts about the face and head. Mr. and Mrs J. O. Gero entertained his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blanchard and friend. Miss Celina Beec'reau ofMillbury, Mass., Mr. and Mrs Arthur Taylor of Lowell, and Mrs. Lewis Besaw and Mrs. John Do rina of Nebraska, the past week. The Newport baseball team took the measure of the home team here Satur day to the tune to 5 to 0 It was far fr-m being an ideal baseball cay for rain fell continually. The Irasburg beys hit the ball hard but in the air. We shall play Newport again in the near future and we shall iry to rub off that coat of whitewash in the mean time, and have some all ready for them. A game with Morrisville' will be played on the Common.- Saturday, July 24, at 10 a. m. Morrisvi4Ie has not played on the local grounds- Tor some time. They have a strong team. "Zeke" Lyons is pitching. It promises to be a fast game. The expenses for having the team come are $20.00. It costs to have home games1 but those are the kind we all want arid we shall try to give them to you as long as we can break even on expenses. The remains of Mrs. Harriet Hol brooke, widow of the late Lucius Holbrooke, were brought here for burial Sunday. She died Ju'y 16 at the home of her son, Charlesin John son at the age of 93 years and six months. H-r sons, Bert of Barnet and (Varies or Johnson, and nephew, Ed. Sheldon and wife, and grandson, Elermr.n Holbrooke of Hyde Park accompanied the remains here. She has another son, E. A- Holbrooke, of this place. All her life since her marriage had been spent in this place Her husband died 21 years ago and since that time she has lived with her daughter and son in Johnson, who have done all in their power to make the declining years happy ones. Mrs. Holbrooke had for many years been an earnest Christian and a devoted wife and mother. She leaves beside her children a wide circle of relatives and friends. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES The topic of the E. L. meeting this week is, "Perils of the Heat." Leader, Miss Muriel House. The League'will hold a lawn social at the home of George Phillips on Friday evening. lhe Lamp Fire Girls will meet at the parsonage at 2 o'clfcck. Thursday. The Guardian of the Camp Fire will take the girls to camp at Willoughby lake Monday. Girls desiring to go, whether members or not, should notify Mrs. Wells as soon as possible. The first week in August the boys will be in camp. All the boys who desire to go and are willing to obey the rules, are welcome. Notify the pastor as soon as can be. Expense moderate. Sunday we had 160 in church, and 160 in Sunday school. There were 116 in Sunday school at Glover. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Preaching Sunday morning as usual at 10.45. Sunday school immediately following. An open air service will, be held in the evening at 7.30. The band will furnish music. A cordial welcome extended to all. The auditorium is large. The Ladies' Aid society will eet at the home of Mrs. J. B. Tinker on Thursday. Corrie early as 9.30. CRAFTSBURY C. E. f Cowles is in Burlington at- l tending the summer school. Mrs. ElmaWhitney has returned to her home in Boston Monday. Mrs. Julia Dill passed a successful operation at Brightlook hospital Wed nesday of last week. Mrs. C. H. Rawson and son. Max, cme Friday to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster and Mr. and Mrs. Laduke made a trip to Barton and Hardwick Thursday, mak ing the trip by auto. x Bert Robbins of Morrisville spent Sunday with friends in this town. Rev. C. D. Pierce took up his work at Collinsville as usual Sunday. NORTH CRAFTSBURY Mrs. Hammond is working for Charles Berry. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cole were in St. Johnsbury Monday. Prof. Colburn was a business visitor in Burlington last week. Miss Bessie Fairbanks was a guest at C. H. Root's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gilbert are rejoicing over the arrival of a son. Mrs. Clara Whitney Tenney of Bostonis a visitor at E. T. Wheeler's. H. N.. Stevens and N. B. Williams were business visitors in St. Johnsbury Friday. Miss Maud Grant has returned to the Orleans House as cook again this summer. H. O. Douglass and family are camying in the Wylie cottage at Lake Hosmer. Farrar were in Hardwick doing a plumbing job for Keeler & last week. Hires Bros, Rev. E. R. Gordon started on his summer vacation Monday. He will be gone two weeks. Dr. C. W. Dustan was in Burlington last week to attend the meeting of the state board of health. Cecil Cole, who broke his leg some weeks ago, was " taken to the hospital at St. Johnsbury Friday. Mrs. C. H. Morse and son, Charles, and daughter, Ruth, of St. Johnsbury called on friends here Friday. Mrs. Kate Wilson, who has been visiting her nephew, M. E. Williams, for some time, has returned home. Mrs. Dustan and Miss Mary Dastan are in New York, called there by the death of Chamberlin Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Dunn, Fred Root and Miss Bessie Fairbanks were in Orleans Thursday to attend the Chautauqua. The playmates and friends of Cham berlain Shepherd will feel very sad to learn of his death. He was killed by the cars at a crossing Wednesday of last week. The funeral was at the home at Long Island Saturday. EAST CRAFTSBURY. Mrs. Willis Logan and little son are visiting her parents in Derby. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crow of Glover are working at James Anderson's. Mrs. Horace McLaren spent last week in Orleans and Ryegate, visiting friends. Mrs. Arthur Dewing entertained her Sunday school of primary pupils at her home Friday. Miss Blanche Silver is employed at the cottage of John Harvey at Caspian lake, Greensboro. Will Crow of Clinton, Mass., is spending his vacation here with old friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Higgins are smiling over a new member of their family, a ten-pound boy. Miss Katherine Kerr of Montreal and Mr. - Shepard of St. Johnsbury visited at C. W. White's last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Harriman and sons, Neil and Paul, were in Lyndon Thursday attending the wedding of Mr.' Harriman's niece. A banquet was given in the U. P. church vestry Thursday evening by the young men's Bible class. Twenty six young men and boys sat at the feast. Six young ladi es waited on the tables. "A good time" was the gen eral verdict. CLEA3NIM STATE OF' VERMONT District of Orleans, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the Dis trict of Orleans. To all persons interested in the estate of Willard S. Eldredge, late of Albany, in said District deceased. GREETING ? At a Probate Court, holden at Newport within and for said 1 istrict on the 14th dav of July. 1915, an instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament oi W lllard S. Eldredge late of Albany in said District, deceased, was presented to the Court afore said, for Probate. And It is ordered by said Court that the 6th day of. August. 1915 at the Probate office in said Newport, at 10 o'clock a. in., be assigned for proving said instrument ; and that notice thereof be given to all persons concerned, by publishing this order three weeks successively in the Orleans County Monitor, a newspaper circulating in that vicinity, in said District, previous to the time appointed. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time iind place aforesaid, and contest the probate of said wiu, ii you have cause. Given under my hand at Newport, in said District, this 14th day of July 1915. 29-31 B. M. SPOONER, Register. Commissioners' Notice Estate of Thomas J. Newton The Undersigned, having been appointed by the Honorable Probate Court for the Dis trict of Orleans, COMMISSIONERS, to re ceive, examine and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against the estate of Thomas J. Newton late of Albany, In said District deceased, and all claims exhibited in offset thereto, hereby give notice that we will m-et for . the purpose aforesaid at the residence of the late Thomas J. Newton in the townof Albany in said district.on the 13t h day of August and 81st day of December next, from 11 o'elock, &. m until 8 o'clock, p. m., on each oi san days and that o months from the 3rd day of July. A. D. 1915, is the" time limited by said Court for said creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allowance. Dated at Albany, this 13th day of July, A. D. luic. r. m. omvr.ES D. H. HAOKETT 29-31 Commissioner?. NOTICE To the Taxpayers, Town of Albany The taxpayers of the Town of Albany are hereby notified that the Tax bills of the . Grand List of 1915 are now in my hands for ! collection. A disccunt of 4 per cent be i allowed on taxes if paid tnziinety days from July H5, 1915. After that date the bills will ! be placed in hands of the collector to be col- l lected by process of law. The ninety days expire Oct. 14,1915. ! J.G.MARTIN. I 2-80 Town Treasurer. ALL TOE ALB AMY! Mrs. Pond. ALBANY Gilbert is visiting in Island Mrs. Kate Hesd week in Boston. is spending the F. W. Tenney spent several days at Orleans last week. Dr. Goddard was in St. Johnsbury Friday with a patient. Miss Elzada Sanders was at Orleans several days last week. Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Chase spent several days last week at Orleans, j Mildred Brown is visiting her sister, Mrs. Conroy Brown, at North Troy. Mrs. Harmon of Medford, Mass, is visiting her brother, W. C. Lanphear. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McGuire motored Knowlton, Que., the first of the week. son of Hard at J. D. Mrs. John Hovey and wick, recently visited Kelly's. A. N V mc? and family s-ent Sun day at Gsspian lake with Dr. and Mrs. Bu-hnell. Mrs. Lydia Johnson of Hardwick visited rer sister, Mrs. J. D. Kelley, Saturday Mrs. George Lawrence and Mrs. Ira Saidfrs visited in Burilngton several da s last week. GLOVER Mrs. L. L. Drew of West visiting in town. Derby is attended the officers at Burl- FOR mm mitt i i' ii ipp 'wnw in m i ii inn iim 3 Registered JERSEY HEIFERS ALSO A New Lot of Capital Cream Separators , Car-oil Fi ch ock meeting of the health ington last. week. A large number of people from this pla'e attended the Chautauqua enter tainment at Orleans last week. Mrs. Clyde Sweet and son and . Mrs. Charles Stewart and son visited at C arence Hrewster's last week. Harvey McClary and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of Chicago are spending s. me time at their summer home here. There will be no services in the M. E church for two weeks as the pastor and wife are away on a vacation. Mrs. Clarence Hand, has returned from the hospital at St. Johnsbury where she has been for medical treat ment Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Smith of Parton visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs G. A. Divis, the first of the week. .; Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Chase took a carriage drive to Franconia the first of the week where they will remain for a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Horace McClary and son and daughter from Windsor and Nelson McClary from. Chicago are recent guests at the McClary home. Mrs. Emma '..Beedei who has been spending several weeks with : her sister, Mrs. Mary Cowles, returned to her home in Portsmouth, N. -H , Sast week. ; Th? fovH herein adver;i-fed ire frfth, nev and np-to-datp. Tnis salf; willmcH August 22. 4Mabe ha j while tdt sun thin 3'' . JL&JBrahana Irasburg. Vt. Tapliii & Rowel! Orleans. Vermont ' SOUTH ALBANY Harold Child has been spending the past week with Foster Anderson. Mrs. Cora Winslow, who has been visiting Mrs. 0. M. Rowell, returned on Monday to her home in Barton. Mr. and Mrs. D.' R. Cobb left the first of last week for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Enosburg. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Anderson spent the week-end with relatives here, a. s A a i returning ounoay to ineir nome in Montpelier. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garfield and tamiiy or bt Johnsbury were recent guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs VV. F. Ames. Mrs. Ella Frasier and daughter, Miss Lucy Martin have been spending a few days at James G.Martin's before going on a visit to Underhill. Mrs. Thomas Orne and family of Greens Corner are visiting at Henry wiagoon s. Kj. ti. sorter s and among other relatives and 'friends. Mr. Orne spent Friday Here, returning to his work early Saturday morning. Mrs. Arthur Dewing royally enter tained her Sunday school class at her home on Friday. This was a very pleasant and profitable occasion and will long be remembered by those present. Several of the little friends of Foster Anderson helped him celebrate his tenth birthday July 13th. Games were played, supper was served and t--e little folks went to their homes wishing Foster many more pleasant birthdays. Mrs. C. H. Porter was very happily surprised on Friday when all her chil dren and grandchildren, seventeen in numb -r. met at the old home to help her celebrate her sixtieth birt-day. Thosd coming from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Anderson and daughter of Montpelier, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Orne and two children of St. Albans, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchanan and son of Irasburg, George Anderson and family of Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Anderson and son and Robert Anderson of Soutn Albany completed the number. The occasion was espe cially notable and enjoyable as it was the first time in fifteen years that the whole family had been together. A bountiful " repast including a large birthday cake with sixty candles was served, and she was presented a beau tiful library table. Mrs. Porter was still further surprised in the evening by a gathering of about 60 of her friends and neighbors and relatives. A social time was enjoyed followed by refreshments of ice cream and cake, after which the people dispersed eaving Mrs. Porter not only their good wishes for future happiness but also a present of money. Card of Thanks Mrs. C. H. Por er wishes to thank all tr.ose who helped to make her sixtiem birthday one of the red-le ter days of her life. Miss Florence Drew was home from Barton over Sunday. Stewart Paddleford has gone to Massachusetts to work. Mrs. V. I. Cameron and Miss lone are visiting in Massachusetts. Miss Cora Healey is staying with Mrs. Alexander for a few weeks. There will be a social dance at Insti tute hall Friday evening, July 23. Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Nellie Colby go to Sherbrooke Saturday for a visit. Mrs. Will Leonard of Brookline, Mass., is visiting at Chapin Leonard's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt, Jr., of Lyndon Center visited at E. H. Nye's Sunday. Miss Corabelle Clark has been ill for some time with scarlet fever butis improving. Thad Drew and tamiiy visited in Stannard and Walden recently, going with the car. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLellan visited at J. W. Mathie's Sunday, also calling on friends at West Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Douglass of Albany visited Mrs. Douglass's sister. Mrs. Henry Stone, recently. Barton Town, Village and School Df- '' J trict Taxpayer: - The' Taxpayers of the Town of Barton are hereby n.itilled thai the Tax Biilson the Uran (I List of 191-5 are now in my hands for eollection. A dinoount of 4 per rent will b allowed on taxes if pa'-d ithln ninety rtays from July Ifith. After thai d.ite the bills will be placed in the hands of the collector to be coll cted by process of law. The ninety days expire October 14th. 1915. . , FRED I),, PIERCE : Treasurer Tnwm v illace and School ? I ; . U ses of Tonga. - . Grandfather, sitting in his old arm chair by the fireside, picks up from the hearth .with fire tongs a glowing em ber . wherewith to light his pipe. Grandsom working on the New . York elevated extension, picks up with pair of . blacksmith's tongs, from -.the portable forge used for heating rivets, a: live coal wherewith to light his Harris Drew has been suffering from a bad attack or rheumatism, tie is improving somewhat at present. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Aldncn were called to Canada Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Aldrich's sister. There were 17 taking dinner at Henry Cusson's Sunday, being friends from Rock Island, Derby Line and Barton. Mrs. Inez Graham and Mrs. Kate Graham of Greensboro spent Sunday here with their father, Thomas Fayer. Frank Shepard, who injured his head quite badly by a fall while unloading at Orleans, is able to drive team again. A large number from here attended the Chautauqua at Orleans and report very pleasing entertainments and lec tures. Mrs. Roy Christie is at the Balsams, at Dixville Notchwith her husband, w,ho has been there since the season opened. Mrs. Villa Richards moved from Henry Stone'p to (-Hover village. Mary Stone is staying with her for a few days. . . At the last meeting of Glover Grange it was voted to cancel the meetings on the dates of July 27th and August 24th. Aug. 10th will be the date of the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drew, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dunn, Mr. Paddleford, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Patterson, Onn Miles, Mrs. Roy Christie, Cora Healey and rGlen : Prindle went to Dixville Notch. Sunday. " Mrs. Abba Flood Brunning, who went to Kansas last year, wishes to thank her friends for the many cards and letters which she received on her 75th birthday aniversary which oc curred on June 24th. In one day she received 126 cards. Guests at Glover Inn were Mr. Montaghue with a - party of six from Sherbrooke and Derby Line, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Stevens and Miss Millie .White from Orleans, Mr. Snow of New York City. A. J. Smith, insur ance inspector, has been stopping at The sudden death of Mrs. Paul Andrus was a shock to those who knew her. Although rot well, no alarm was felt for her e ndition, and she was about d ing wok. When her condition was realized she was past all help and died immediately. The case is a sad or e as she had several small children. Mrs. McQueen invited the friends of Karl Abbott, who with a party of gentlemen has been camping at Stone Pond, for a couple of weeks, to an informal reception on the evening of July 13th. The party consisted of Mr. Abbott, Mr. Eden and son and Mr. Danks and son from New York City, and Mr. Milligan of Providence dined at the Inn. After spending an hour on the lawn listening to the band, the party entered the house for more music of a different kind. Mr. Danks, who plays violin and his son, who plays banjo, gave several selections and songs. Miss Miles and Miss Cook played duets. With Miss Miles at the piana the company sang several songs in chorus after which C. S. Parker was prevailed upon to sing. Nellie Cook recited, "That Old Sweetheart of Mine," and Rev. G. R. Douglass re cited "Farmer Stebbins on Rollers." Aden Phillips agreed to do a stunt with the crayons if the company would repair to the hall next door and recita tions and mora music with a few dances by the young people closed the even ing. All present will be glad to meet Karl and his friends again. GLOVER COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, July 18, was family Sunday, with an appropriate sermon from the text, "And the Lord set them in families." The ladies' choir furnished music. Sunday school here numbered 116, Irasburg 160. Sunday evening, the story in song, "The Pink Rose," was read by Miss Hattie McDuffee. The ladies' quartet sang. The story is of the reclamation of a girl from the slums by a gift of a flower. and Gleaner Wednesday the Star classes held a social. It has 'been voted to hold a Sunday school picnic in the near future and the Men's class are committee. On Thursday evening there will be an exposition of the second Psalm. Those attending are inviffed to bring thoughts from their reading. On Sunday evening the usual ser vices. The men's choir will sing. The Men's class will open with a debate. Sunday evening if weather is favor able the meeting will be out of doors. The band is expected to play. WEST GLOVER Mrs. Alma Martin is a guest at E. A. Baker's. Rev. Mr. Eddy and family are at home from Willoughby. W. B. Stiles has been at home from Willoughby to cut his bay. Mrs. Sara King is visiting friend3 and her cousin, Mrs. Sylvia Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Davio and 'children have returned., to their home in Canada. of Morgan "is with her aunt, Catherine Wilcox spending a few days Mrs. Hastings. The masquerade-promenade at the ball was, well attended. Cake and punch was served. Miss Effie Lafont and Richard Rogers were married last week. fTheir many friends wish them much happiness. Mr. and , Mrs. J. C. Borland have returned from their automobile trin in ' 29-81 the Inn for several weeks. - Massachusetts and New Hampshire.