Newspaper Page Text
I) V OLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1915 PAGE 5 0 a No. 611 For Men mean Good We have and oervice. them Boys News and Views from this Hustling Village Last Call For dUINCE and PEAKS A Small lot (3, doz.) Ladies White Wool Vest and Pants worth $1 for 69c each Ladies'Camei's Hair Vest and Pants worth $1.25 for 98c each, only while these last. Outing Night. Robes for Ladies and Children Outing Night Shirts for Men and Boys Outing Pajamas for Men WANTED Good Yellow - Eye Beans Pay Cash and save two and one-half cents on every dollar Chicken Pie Supper. The Ladies' Aid society of the Con gregational church will serve their annual chicken pie supper in the ves try, Thursday evening beginning at 5.30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. The chapel will be open for a social time. Music furnish ed on Graphonola kindly loaned by Whipple, French & Company. The popular price of 25 cents will be charged, 15 cents for children under 12 years of age. Congregational Church Notes The mid-week service will be held in the chapel tonight at 7.30 o'clock. Subject to be considered, "The Value of the Old Testament to Us." The annual chicken pie supper under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society will be served in the vestry Thursday evening. Morning worship Sunday at the usual hour. The Sunday school will meet at the close of morning wor ship. Lesson topic, 'Elijah's Heavenly Defenders." Reports from the state Sunday school convention will also add to the interest and profit of this hour. The Sunday evening service will be held in the church at 7.15 o'clock. The first portion will be devoted to song, followed by a sermon. The new hardwood floor in the vestry has been completed and is much enjoy ed. It makes the entire room rather lighter and adds much to its general cheerfulness. Methodist Episcopal Church Notes. The special meetings are being con ducted this week at 7.30 o'clock. It is desired that the church mebmership make a special effort to ba present. Everybody invited. Sunday services. Sermons by the pastor at a. m., ana v. lb p. m. Bible school following morning wor ship to which young and old are in vited. Let any who cannot get out to the evening meetings come if possible to the Sunday morning service. The Sunday evening meeting will open with a praise service, followed by an evangelistic service Conducted by the pastor. A very pleasant October meeting of the W.F.M. society was held with Mrs. Colton and Mrs Dodge. The presi dent conducted the devotions, business and recognition service for the new officers, and Mrs. A. W. Willey, the program. The topic for the afternoon was "The Golden Jubilee Day." The Jubilee song was sung by Mrs. Dickens and Miss Willey, with Mrs. ' Colton pianist.. Quiz on the Blue Book, Mrs. Gilmour ; reading, "Why a Jubilee," Mrs. Dickens. A very enjoyable social hour was passed.during which the host ess served sandwiches, coffee and grapes. The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. E. Lyon. ORLEANS J. Joslyn is visiting in Bos- I will pay $i.oo to the first per son returning Cash Receipt 1333, 3667, 8888, 5000, 5843 7406. or 9192 For a time the new numbers added will be the registration numbers of Orleans automobiles, watch for yours. Mrs. A. H. Bullard returned 4933 Don't expect a cash receipt if it is charged O. W. LOCKE ORLEANS, VERMONT Mrs. W ton. A. H. Swett is in Portland on busi ness. Miss Lettie Marshall spent Sunday at Derby. P. Vergani is driving a new Stude- baker car. Miss Helen Keves SDent Sunday in Morrisvile. Weslev Doyle is spending a week at Ayers Cliff. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witt spent Sunday at Craftsbury Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Flint are visiting at South Royalton. Miss Eva Bassett wsa a business vis itor in Boston last week. There were 76 registered guests at the Valley House Sunday. Miss Daggett of Littleton, N. H., is visiting at the home of Isaac Keys. YTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTT VTV YYY VTYYYY YYY YYYYY YYTTfT YT m You are Invited to Call and See IE our line of New Fall Dress Goods and Corduroys in all the de sired shades, Wool Poplins, Broadcloth, Mixtures and all Wool Shepherd Checks. We have also new Taffeta Silks, Plaids and Stripes for Waists and Trimmings. All kinds of Dress Trimmings, Allover Lace, in black, white, ecru and dresden, both fine net and silk, always a large assortment of fine laces in all widths. US LfrlLW:i.l zz for ladies and children, boys and girls unioES and separate pieces, no better underwear made. Blankets all sizes and prices from 98c up to $6.00 per pair. Fine patterns in Bath Robe Blankets and Cloth by the yard for Bath Robes. New Plaid Ginghams, Outing, Eden Cloth, Shirtings, etc. An assortment fresh from market and at prices worthy your attention. Flannelette Night Robes in sizes from 15 to 20. Children's Sleeping Garments and Slumber Robes. Call and see what we have, what you can't see ask for. Webster .-Co. Dry Goods and Groceries Orleans, Vermont 4 4 4 4 4 F AAAAAAAAAAAA A AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA A Footwear Specialties For Men Urban Ba88 (Croasett Ralston Overland For Women LaFrance" D. A. R. Roxbury Girl "Mignon" "Quality Comfort" 1 For Children "Educators" 1 "Portland School Shoea" I "Sb-nffor" ."Deligh " e to- Each one a Specialty in itself and made in the best factories in New England, they are sure to give you your money's worth in Comfort, Style and wear. ORLEANS SHOE STORE Orleans, Vermont A. H. SWETT, Prop. Both Phones Miss Emma Eldridge visited the d ub lie schools at St. Johnsbury Tuesday. Henry Smith is moving from the Ly man Heath property to theAlden farm. Miss Helen Beede spent Sunday with friends and relatives at St. Johnsbury. Mrs. E. H. Lothrop is visitinsr her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Hall, at Melrose, Mass. Mrs. Alton McPheters of Lowell town, Me., is visiting her many friends here. Thirty-five loyal K.P.'s attendad the district meeting at Island Pond last week. Randolph Tornbull is on the sick list and has returned home from Cushing academy. Mrs. Ella Abbott of St. Johnsbury has been visiting at the home of H. D. Stannard. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. French and Dean Corley spent a few days at Burlington last weeK. Van Hunt has moved from the Wil ley diock 10 tne luureage diock on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abbott of St Johnsbury spent Sunday at the home of K. A. Bean. A. C. Stewart of Hanover, N. H., has been visiting his daughter, Miss Myrtle Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Temple entertained a large party of autoists from Morgan one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Locke and Mr. and Mrs G. J. Gross motored to Dix ville Notch Friday. A. W. Fletcher was in Boston last week buying holiday goods for Whip pie French & Company. The Orleans club have purchased a new billiard table and the club rooms are about to be enlarged- Mr. Batchelder and Miss Hughes of Oompton, F. (4., are guests of their cousin, Mrs. W. T. Wiggin. Arah Wilcox and family and B. O. Smith and family motored through the White Moutains on Sunday. Nw hardwood floors and other im provements are being made at the Congregational church vestry. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Twombly visited rela tives in Waterbury last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Demick motored through the White Mountains Sunday. Herbert Elliott was called to New port Sunday by the death of his cousin, who died of infantile paralysis. Mrs. H. W. Buchanan has returned from Readville, Mass., where she has been visiting Mrs. C. D. Folsom. Eight boys from the agricultural class attended the meeting of the county association at Irasburg Friday. If you forget the rummage sale Tuesday, don't blame us. We have mentioned it every week for some time. " Mr. and Mrs. W. C Bowles of White field, N. H., and Joshua Rick of Lisgar P. Q. , have been visiting Mrs. Sadie Brown. There are advertised letters for W. R. Aldrich, Arthur E. Dodge, Ervin Austin, Sherman Heath and Mrs. G. Prince. Miss Inez Waterman has returned to her home in Barre. It is expected she will soon return as the bride of Harry Bassett. Preston Skinner n taking a five weeks' vacation from the new market. He will devote the time to hunting and trapping. Harry Dickens and Alton Doe made a trip to Boston last week in Mr. Doe's racincr car. The trip was made in eight hours.' : V" Work has commenced on the Brown bridge just north of the village. The work is beins: done : by a construction company from Burlington. . , L. M. Kinsley, Hiram Allen and J. B. Colton were at Wenlock the last of the week.getting up a woodpile for use during the coming hunting season. Marion Wilson, Myrtle Cushing and Goldie Chase are new. pupils in the third and fourth grades, makine a total of 39 pupils in Miss Fmdlay's room. So many people from Orleans motor ed to Stanstead on Sunday that the customs officials must have believed that an invasion of Canada had begun. The Book and Thimble club are en tertaining the ladies' clubs of Barton at the Congregational church chapel this (Wednesday) afternoon. Mrs. G. J. Gross is hostess. F. E. Nelson of Barton is moving goods into the new store in the Willey block on Main street. It is understood that Mr. Gilman of Barton will have charge of the business. Mrs. E. W. Eldridge is in Quincy, Mass., where she was called on account of the illness of Miss Ruth Eldridge, who is in the hospital there for an operation for appendicitis. M. M. Taplin, Mrs. Harry Dickens, Rev. E. W. Eldridge, M iss Doris Spafford and Miss Grace Austin at tended the Sunday school convention held at Richford Thursday and Friday. Several friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wedge gave them a re ception and shower at the home of S. F. Sargent Thursday evening. Many useful presents were left and a fine time was enjoyed. New England telephones have been installed for Mrs. A. D. Chandler, Ware & Lee at Irasburg, Charles Burns of Brownington, Tom Colburn W. T. Powers, American Express company and D. C. Farrer. Dr. and Mrs. K. G. Stevens are ex pected borne the latter part of this week after a two weeks' vacation spent in southern New England. The doctor was one of the fortunate ones to secure tickets for the world's series games at Boston. The Book and Thimble club have de cided to hold their fair at the opera house on Tuesday evening, December This will be a real inside fair and one for which the ladies are making extensive preparations. It will be the first fair in Orleans for several years. It is understood that there is to be a . 1 1 new concern in tne ice Dusmss next season. Lothrop & Hunt have erected a concrete dam on their land below the Twombly spring and are preparing ti flow about an acre. The water from this spring is an good as any in the country and ought to make fine ice for domestic uses. There will be a regular meeting of Valley Lodge Thursday evening to work the third degree and enjoy re- a mi mi 1 iresnments. ine masons win noia a district meeting at Island Pond Satur- daySafternoon and evening. All Ma sons desiring transportation will please notify A. O. Austin before 10 o'clock oaruraay morning. E. B. Willey of Manchester, N. H.. will cover Orleans county for the Whip- pie rrencn company, curing tne com ing weeks selling Grafonolas. Mr. winey nas just returned trom a motor trip through lower Quebec and along the St. Lawrence river. He reached the river a distance of 120 miles be low the city of Quebec. ; The reservation tickets for the coming lecture course are being distributed The attractions and dates are as fol- See THIS WEEK 200 lbs. Fancy Tokay Grapes at 1 Oc per lb. 25c-size Crisco, this week 21c; also 50c-size, 41c THE UP-TO-DATE GROCERY B. O. SMITH, Proprietor ORLEANS, VERMONT lows: Oct. 28, Mai lory company; Dec. 2, Dr. Spencer; Dec. 16, Cadman Concert company; Jan. 12, Royal Male quartet ; Feb. 7, Prof. Hindus. Sea son tickets will be sold for $1.25 and the drawing of seats will take place at the opera house Tuesday evening, Oct. 26 at 7.30. CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT. , GOLDEN SILENCE. Silence never shows itself to so great an advantage as when It is made the reply to calumny and defamation, provided that we give no. occasion for them. Addison. Silence, when nothing need be said, is the eloquence of discre tion.Bovee. Silence is more eloquent than words. Carlyle. That silence Is one of the great arts of conversation is allowed by Cicero himself, who says there is not only an art, but even an eloquence in it Hannah More. Be silent and safe; silence nev er betrays you. John Boyle O'Reilly. Orleans Market Is still selling meat a reasonable price. Salt Pork - Pure Rendered Lard, 20 lb. lots Smoked Shoulders Sliced Ham No. i Round Steak Pork Steak Also good Dairy Butter at 12 I-2C lb. 13c lb. 13c lb. 22c lb. 22c lb. 17c lb. Fat Hogs and Veal Wanted Currier Bros. Bell Phone, 26-2 Orleans, Vt. 4L We sure Pirepsiired! To show you the newest styles in Millinery. A good assortment always on , hand, New Goods arriving twice a week. We also have a nice line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Garments, Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses and Furs. j You are cordially invited to call and in- j spect the line. Respectfully, DRESS IP1RIT OF Tup NEW FALL SEASON For the best looking suits made, the correct material, the style, the expert design and tailoring, the all-round 100 per cent satisfaction ask for our Peavey Brothers Suits Greatest values at $15 to $20 Others of extra good value at $6.50 'to 12. Men's and Young Men's Fall and .Winter Overcoats Our new stock is ' in and our assortment is large and well worth your time to look them over. Rice Friedman Famous Mackinaws Over 100 men's and young i men's Mackinaws for you to select from. Tust the thing for every man and boy. Let us show you some of the good values. ORLEANS, VERMONT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1 AAA A AA A AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA Brown Block, Orleans, Vt. I r ! t S A Drug Store at Your" Door Try Kinney's Parcel Post Service You need not wait for Drug Store articles when Kin ney's Parcel Post Service will deliver what you need on time. A complete Drug Store right at your door. Mail us your wants and we will send you the right goods by the next, outgoing parcel post. Absolute satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. i "Kinney's Service Serves" Mail us your order today. 4 4 -4 4 4 THE MODERN MARKET 12 cents, Mild Cured CORN BEEF 14 cents, 16 cents, 18 cents pound Cured from best beef and cured right Boneless Salt Fish 3 lbs 25 cents Salt Mackerel 1Q cents lb. SWSBT POTATOES 9 lbs. 25 cents EXCELLENT QUALITY Salt Pork 12 1-2 cents lb. SMITH & JENKINS S SANITARY FOOD STORE ORLEANS, ' - - VERMONT VVVVWVWWVVVVVTTVTTVVVV VVTVVVVWWVTTTVVVVWVVW r Kinney's J Orleans, 5 5 i i : 4 . t rharmacy Vermont t Buy Early And Save 10 per cent on Leather Goods On any of the following lines of Leather Goods sold before November 1st, we will allow 10 per cent discount for cash sales as an inducement to early Christmas Buying: Ladies' Hand Bags, Vanity Bags, Purses, Music Rolls, Gent's Bill Books, Bill Folds, Purses and Cigar Cases. New Goods in these lines are in and included in this sale; u fir n AUSTIN'S PHARMACY The ffiegCl&L Store A. O. AUSTIN, Pharm. D., ORLEANS, VERMONT