Newspaper Page Text
mm nty MONITOR Vol. 45 -No. 36 BARTON, VERMONT, WEDNESDAY, SETPTEMBER 6, 1916 Single Copies 5 Cents. CLASML ADVERTISING "AivertisencntF vc'V. Reinserted under this he 1 1 at two n-nts per went for first insertion an J one cent per v.ov! thereafter. Cash, m-ast a'-oiTipany the 'order. advertise ment will be insa ted for less than twenty-five cent. FOK SALE FOR SALE Two small farms. 1 In quire of E. P. Wright, Barton. 35tf 5TF0R SALE CHEAP Fine cottage lot on Crystal lake. Call;; ori write Monitor office, m - - 29tf M ZJSix horse' power gasoline engine, one ironaxle tip cart. H. C. Wilson, Irasburg. 36-37 ; FORS ALE Second hand I. H. C, six! horse power t engine. F. I H. Churchill.l Orleans. -T::: 30tf 3 8TFOR SALE Fiftyl healthy shotes atj $5 Messier, Derby Line. rugged ?rand eacb.Isaie : 34-36prj FOR'SALE Few choice young""cows andlheifers, falso pigs four weeks old. Harry P. Darling, Albany. - j.l 36-37 A FOR SALE Cottage lots on shore of Crystal Lake. Easily accessible b road or water. C. F. Cutler, Barton. 35tf FOR SALE My farm on the Wil loucrhby road. registered Hoi stein stock and tools. Charles E. Pierce, Barton. lltf FOR SALE God pair work horses, weighing- 2500, Li Hey wagon rd har nesses. Will trade for good auto. George E. Colby, Greensboro Bend, Vt. 27tf FOR SALE Two good cows dee to freshen Oct. 24th and Dec. 20th. One good brood mare and sucking- colt. One? good three-year-old mare. 1050 pounds. Wm. B. McElroy, Lowell. lwp Mrs. John Bean. Mrs. John Bean, who moved from Barton about 12 years ago, died Aug. 30, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert French of St. Johnsbury, and the body was brought here for burial Friday. Services were held at the grave, Rev. W. A. Warner officiating. Magaret Barker was born in Topsham, July 20, 1834, married John Bean of Sheffield, who survives her, in 1853. Her early married life was spent in Albany, where her three children were born, Dennison D. Bean of the firm, French & Bean company, St. Johns bury; Electa, wife of W. H. Ford, assistant superintendent B. & M. railroad, Springfield, Mass. ; and Mar tha, wife of Robert E. French, St. Johnsbury. Mrs. Bean was a member of the Barton Congregational church and had many friends here. She was a most devoted, unselfish wife and mother, a loyal friend and a neighbor whose unfailing kindness endeared her to all. During her long illness of ten months she bore her intense suffering with great patience and although ber left side was entirely paralyzed, she could always count her blessings, "so thankful for eyesight, hearing, children and friends." She was brought from Springfield. Mass., to St. Johnsbury about the middle of June. BIG TIME ASSURED Barton Guest Day Plans Being Perfected. Band Concert and Corn Roast the Climax. Mrs, week. A. FOR SALE Fair matched Morgen colts, own sisters, 4 ana 16 months old, sire, Victor Morgan, good size, bay. Also one full blood yearling Jersey bull, a beauty and six splendid heifers corning two yesrs with calf. L. K. Heath Orleans. Phone 75-13. 36-38 YA i KT WANTED-Barton. -Live poultry. El rick, 18tf WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. Daisy C. Baldwin, Barton. 35-37 WANTED Hired girl. Mrs. John Berkewitz, Irasburg. 'Phone 147-33. 36-37 WANTED Two good reliable men on farm. Permanent positions. Ref erences required. Monitor Office. 35-37 WANTED A good home for a boy seven years old and a girl five. B. Lane, Orleans, Overseer town of Bar ton. 35tf BARTON M. Vercoe is in Boston this Walter I. Metcalf was a guest in town recently. A. E. Clark has gone to Waterbury to the hospital. Mrs. Charles Naatz is in Newbury with her husband. Miss Mary Hanson is visiting friends in Littleton, N. H. . Mrs. Alice Sellier of Montreal is a guest at the May's. Miss Florence Blood is visiting friends in Franklin. Miss Martha Burdick is waiting tables at Hotel Barton. Mrs. Harriet Borland is visiting a cousin at Lakeport, N. H. Miss Mary Smith visited friends in St. Johnsbury over Sunday. ., . Mrs. Mary Danfortb is visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. B Willard. ...... , The mock court trial is tonight at Seaver's hall. Barrels of fun. ;jj g Ray Underwood is acting as marshal at the Sherbrooke fair this week. Mrs. Melvin Drown is visiting her brother in Groton, Walter Bargin. George Rowen of St. Johnsbury spent Sunday with his family here. Miss Rosa Valley of Stanstead is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Noah Brooks. Mrs. F. D. Pierce visiteT1VHss""My Spencer in St. Johnsbury Thursday. ""Mrs. George Batchelder of Lyndon ville has been in town several days. WANTEDS Live poultry of all kinds. Will arrange to take poultry at express office first of each week. E. S. Kelley, Orleans. 31tf WANTED Teamsters and yard men. One yard foreman. Good pay. Board and rent reasonable. Steady work for right men. Whitney Coal & Grain Co., Concord Junction, Mass. 36-39 WANTED Position as foreman on farm. Protestant, married, wife would board help. Best of references. Ad dress, L. C. Dearth, Springfield, Vt. 14 Bank Court. lwp WANTED Live Poultry. Phone me when you have poultry to sell. Parties met at Orleans and Coventry stations by appointment. Bell phone 142-12. N. W. Strawn, Orleans. 35tf Mrs. C. Mrs. A. M R. Prescott is assisting in . Vercoe's millinery room. . WANTED Live poultry. Hens 14 cents, chicks two pounds and up, 15 cents pound. Empty crops, please. N. W. Strawn, Orleans. Bell 'phone, 142-12. - 32-tf Miss Edith Ruggles has returned from a visit to Boothbay Harbor, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Dana of Lyndon ville were recent guests at Ai Dana's. ""Mrsr SanT Maxwell of Littleton, N. H., has been visiting at W. E.Hanson's. M. E. Willis has purchased of W. A. Scott his interest in the Barton Ba kery. Miss Doris Whitcher was the guest of Miss Ida Wright in West Glover last week. . ... ! .... ... -.a, . ?r When Barton village really sets out to do something it usually succeeds. Well, Barton village has set out to have a genuine guest day on Friday of next week, through its Improvement club. The people of the surrounding towns are invited to come to town and make themselves at home, without money and without price. Tbe rooms of the Barton Improve ment club will be headquarters. Their rooms are located over the Pierce drug store and the entrance is at the double doors near the middle of the block. Here guests may check any articles of clothing for the afternoon and obtain information concerning events. Toilet rooms may be found here. At 1 o'clock the doors of the Gem moving picture theatre will be thrown open to Barton's guests and a contin uous show will be run until 4 o'clock, and persons may stay in as long or as short a time as suits their convenience. At 1 o'clock all those who desire to do so will be taken on a cruise of Crystal lake in motor boats and a second cruise will be made at 2.30 o'clock. At 3 o'clock there will be a ball game on the fair grounds between Orleans and Barton and then at 7.30 o'clock in the evening begins the great free band concert and corn roast on the fair grounds. Numerous fires will be kindled, there will be a wagon load of corn, sticks with which to roast it, and there will be some fun. Automobiles will be provided to get guests to and from the fair grounds for the ball game in the aiternoon ana every cemfort and convenience will be provided. And everything will be free; the picture shows, the boat rides, the ball game, the corn roast and the concert. Barton wants you to come. It is making preparations for a sort of half holiday, winding up with the big corn roast and concert event in the evening. Barton wants to reciprocate. Now give us a chance and see what we can do. This bard concert will take the place of the Saturday evening concert of that week, and is tbe last public con cert of the season. Bear this in mind. Look for still further announcements next week. S. A. Hunt was in Laconia, N. H., today to attend the funeral of his brother, Fred Hunt. Bray's Singing orchestra will give a social dance in hall Saturday evening. Miss Martha Burdick spent several days last week with Miss Eva Rose brook in West Burke. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mosher of New port were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E.WiHjsover Sunday. tt&-u Ar M. Tower and grandson, Willard Webster, visited friends in Newport several days last week. Mrs. Henry Bushaw has two large geranium plants which have 33 and 36 blossoms respectively. Miss Lillian Robinson has been the guest of Miss Amy Davis in Crystal Lake Grove this week. Mrs. F. A. Hubbard, who has been visiting at O. A. White's, has returned to her home in Boston. Congregational Church Notes. Rev. V. A. Warner, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 10 10.45, morning service. 12.00, Sunday school. 7:00. Christian Endeavor meeting. Subject, "The Greatness of God. " Ps. 145:1-21. Leader, W. H.Gilpin. Thursday, Sept. 7, evening service, "Work and Rest," Deut. 5:1-15; II Thess. 3:1-18. Next Sunday morning Mr. Warner will begin a series of sermons on "The Life of Ezekiel." The service Sunday evening will be a union service with the Christian Endeavorera at 7 o'clock. There will be special music and the old familiar hymns will be sung. Mr. Gilpin will give an address on the C. E. topic, "The Greatness of God." The Fidelity class monthly meeting will be held Tuesday evening at C. F. Cutler's. Miss Clara Buswell has been attend ing the millinery openings in Boston and New York, returning homeJSunday. Ernest Freeman of Springfield, Mass., has been spending a few days at the home of his mothi, Mrs. Mary Freeman. Mrs. A Ims Cor:n. , was Wright and last week. L. Wigfin of Hartfoid, the gnst of Mrs. Lucy other rt-iatives in town Mr. and Mr are guests of Dr. and Mrs. 2 J. F. Goode. W. P. Goode of Boston Mrs. Goode's parents, . F. Prime, also Mrs. of Boston Seaver's .1 MISCELLANEOUS The Orleans School Committee desire to learn of boarding places for non resident pupils attending O. H. S. Notify Dr. Wells, M. M. Taplin or F. C. Brown. 33P-35 NOTICE Regarding the trademarks from Babbitt's Soap, Babbitt's Clean ser, Babbitt's 1776 Soap Powder. Bring 50 to Austin's Pharmacy, Or leans, or Pierce's Pharmacy, Barton. Several useful premiums to select from. 33tf ONLY 25 CENTS for large load dry shavings at our mill in. Orleans. Also six-foot edgings at 75 cents per cord at the mill. E. L. Chandler Co., Orleans. 21tf Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Martin of Lyn donville visited at J. P. Telfer's last week. Mrs. P. L. Webster is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Sylvester, in Cov entry. Mrs. A. F. McDougall, who has been in Maine for several months, has re turned. Charles Day of Plymouth, N. H.. has been visiting his grandfather, Ira T. Day. Miss Betsey Gallinger of Concord. N. H., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King. Mrs. C. G. Peck of Newton, Mass., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jenness. Mrs. Malvina Wright returned Tues day from a visit with her sister in Northfield. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Conover, who have been at the Mays,' have returned to Montreal. John Thorpe, B. A. '15, leaves to night for Wilmore, Ky., where he will enter college. TO KENT TO RENT Tenements Troy, Vt B. M. Keach. m North 35-37 TO RENT First class office in bank block for rent. Apply to Central Sav ings Bank & Trust Co., Orleans. 26 tf TO RENT in the DAVIS BLOCK Three fine office rooms, all connecting, steam heat, water and toilets on same floor. Prefer to rent all under one lease. Write or phone G. H. Davis, Barton. 35tf LOST LOST Black and white dog, about six months old. Finder please notify John Berkewitz, Irasburg. 35-36 LOST Gold locket marked with ini tials. C. F. B., containing photograph. Suitable reward will be paid for return of same to Hotel Barton. C. F. Barnes. 35-36p Prof, and Mrs. A. G. Fletcher of Orleans were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Erwin Saturday. George Dean of West Burke was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. John McLellan, over Sunday. C. C. Baldwin of Keene, N. H., was the guest of his brother. H. P. Bald win, the first of the week. Mrs. Nancy Simpson has gone to Marshfield to visit in the home of her brother, Benjamin Nownes. Pomona Grange will meet with Glover Grange Wednesday, Sept. 13. Question, "Preparedness." Mrs. Arthur Denio and son of Pas sumpsie visited Mrs. Denio's aunt, Mrs. rlattie Martin, bunday. The first meeting of the W. C. T. U., will be held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. W. Reirden. Miss Nellie Kellogg, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. N. Webster, has returned to her home in Boston. N Misses Grace and Virginia Jones of Los Angeles, Cal., were guests of their aunt, Mrs. O. A. White, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of Water- 1 ., 1 1 nr o ..1 uury nave ueen visiting mr. omitn S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Barton people are to remember that Friday afternoon of next week i3 guest day. and that we should give visitors every consideration. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Prescott, who have besn spending several weeks in their cottage at Wiiloughby lake, have returned to their heme. Earl Davis of Springfield, Mass., and Miss Winifred M Rash of Barton werfi married at the M. E. parsonage by' Revi' I. A. Ranney, Sept. 2. Mr. and Mrs E. C. Elliott visited ber brother, Ernest Humphrey, at Auto Rest Inn, Piermont, N. H., last week, making the trip by auto. Mrs. Charles Sheaff and two daugh ters, Margaret and Ruth, of Skowhe gan, Me., are visiting Mrs. Sheaff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ai Danai Roy's. Gray of Wheelock and Miss Mary L. Calderwood of Sheffield were married Sept. 2, at the Congregational parsonage by Rev. W. A. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wright of West Glover and Miss Grace Bliss of Hart ford were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cutler. J. F. Batchelder has purchased a new Chalmers car, . and C. F. Cutler and F. W. Cutting have purchased five passenger Dodge cars of F. B. Tower. Mrs. Lucy Robinson was in Woods ville, N. H., the last of the week to see her son, A. R. Robinson, who has Deen seriously 111, out is now gaining. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shea and Miss Shea and friends of Littleton, N. H., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shea's daughter, Mrs. W. W. Reirden Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Williams and Miss Anna Mason, who bave been spending the summer in the home of B. H. Mason, have returned to Boston. F. D. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Caron were among those who attended the Sherbrooke fairthis week. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mossman, C. L. Hutchins, E. B. Robinson, H. Chap pell, C. Brown, A. S. Drew, and H. A. Folsom, were among those who attended the Morrisville fair last week, Dr. Charles Tompkins of Fitchetts, Va., and Misses Minnie and Kate Tompkins of Montreal, whohave been visiting their sister, Mrs. A. M. Vercoe, have returned to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Batchelder and Miss Gertrude E. Skinner are touring points in New Hampshire and Massa chusetts. Miss Skinner will not return here, but go on to her work in Brook lyn. Mrs. C. A. Barrows and Mrs. F. D. Pierce were in Orleans Friday where they had dinner, at the Valley House with the members of the St. Johnsbury chapter of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution. C. L. Hutchins is moving from the Telfer house on Church street to Mrs. Cora Winslow's houseon Porter street Mrs. Winslow has taken rooms of Mrs. Charles Clogston in the Cutler house on Church street. Mrs. Sam Goad, who has been spend ing three weeks with Mr. Goad's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Goad, has returned to her home in Lynn, Mass., Perley Goad of Lancaster, N. H., visited here Sunday. E. W. Barron, H. T. Seaver, C. C. Cassidy, C. H. Blood and W. B. Proctor were in LyndonvilJe Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of W. C. Cree, an official of the Passumpsic division of the Boston & Maine railroad. Gustavus Burdick, who has been employed by the American Express company here, has accepted a position as express agent at Fabyans for the remainder of the season and will take up his work there in about a week. The called say advertised letters. Mrs. Adams, L. H. All those who were guests at Pisgah Lnriore Sanriav. had t.hp n boenra f n w - -i- 1 r n. t 1 i i , I : vi miss rieea 01 ot. uonnsDury nas neen hearing Miss Marion Bickford sing I. D. Bemis will canvass Barton with his popular line of hosiery and underwear about Sept. 20th. adv. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kimble Page the past week. H. A. Harding shipped seven horses to St. Johnsbury Monday for the races there this week. C. A. Nute and family left Tuesday for an automobile trip in Maine and New Hampshire. Charles McGovern of St. Johnsbury was a week-end guest at the home of Buckley Brothers. Mrs. F. E. Parker of Falls Church, Va., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wallace H. Gilpin. Mrs. Hattie Martin, who has been ill, is a little better. Mrs. Beraent has been caring for her. FOUND FOUND On Barton fairground, a gold watch. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Mrs. Josephine Simino, Irasburg. 36-38 Mrs. Delia Hilliard, who has been caring for Mrs. C. P. Jenness, was called to Boston the last of the week on account of the illness of her daugh ter. Mrs. H. P. Cook and sister, Mrs Carrie Mason of Cambridge, Mass. spent several days last week with their sister, Mrs. Mary Hadlock, in Troy. Clarence Hagar has hired the dooI rooms in the Seaver block of Ed. Miles, who has gone to Norway, Me., where he has a position with the Grand Trunk railway. Mrs. Carrie F. Bunker of Manches ter, N. H., who has been spending s year in California, arrived here Sun- Way and is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. W. Comstock. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Barron and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Barron entertained H ft 1 tir m . f 1 .... air. ana ivirs. w. xi. weDoer ana Miss Webber of Lyndonville at Pisgah Lodge bunday. Kev. and Mrs. Collier, who have been spending several months in the W. L. Dow cottage in Crystal Lake Grove, have returned to their home in Lexington, Mass. The board of civil authority wil meet at the town clerk's office Satur J - . - i j ti 1 . uay evening at eight o ciock to revise the check list for use at the primary election Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkie go to Wil loughby tomorrow for two weeks 8nd will camp in the Klondike cottage. E. N. Hibbard, who has been spend ing a week with friends here, has returned to his home in South Royalton red Brooks, who is working in the Butterfield shops at Derby Line, spent the nrst ot tne week at his home here. Richard French of Woodsville, N. H., visited his sisters, Mrs. F. E. Nelson and Miss Jane French, Monday. Miss Maud Hatch of Montpelier is visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. H. Martin sen and helping to care for Mrs. C. P. Jenness. Mrs. T. J. Coburne of Orleans is keeping house for her father, F. D. Williamson, while Mr. Coburne has a position in St. Johnsbury. .; following letters remain un for at the postoffice. Please when calling for these Joseph Haves, G. P. Campbell, F. H. Chase, H. J. -Hammond, T. G. L. Gephsn, Olen. Henry M. Leland, his son and daughter. C. Leland and Mrs. A. Detroit, Mich., were Barton several days eland motor. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Woodbridge of guests at Hotel last week. Mr. is the inventor of the Cadillac Everett Ruggles, who has been spending the summer with his sister, Miss EdUh Ruggles, in the E. W. Barron cottage in Crystal Lake Grove, has gone to New York for a visit before returning to Tufts college for the year. Burton Brooks, formerly of this town, and Miss Luella Taylor of Rut- and, were married in that city Aug. 30, and.have been spending a few days with his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks. They will make their home in Rutland. The fire alarm Thursday morning called out the hose company for a fire in the Chappell table shop on Water street. The fire started from the chimney of the dry kiln, but by the prompt action of the hose company the fire was soon under control and little damage was done. C. A. Nute has purchased from the Vail Farm, in Lyndon, a Shetland pony for his daughter, Dorcas. The pony is seven weeks old and weighs only ninety-four pounds. The mother was killed by dogs and the pony is being raised on milk and is already halter-broken. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dummett, who have been spending their vacation in their camp in Crystal Lake Grove are breaking camp this week and will visit friends in Charleston. From there they will return to their home in Boston. Mr. Dummett has a position as chef in Simmons college and also has a class in cooking. It appears that the Monitor placed the wrong given name to the Lafoe, who was reported last week to have escaped Sheriff Jennings some time ago and was recaptured. Ernest was the name given but Ernest Lafoe says he never escaped any sheriff yet be cause he has never been arrested and the Monitor is glad to straighten the matter out. The Woman's Alliance of the Metho dist Episcopal church entertained in their church parlors Wednesday after noon, the ladies of the Congregational church. Over 100 ladies were present and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent in a social manner, after which delicious refreshments were served. Tbe committee in charge are to be congratulated upon the success of the afternoon. LOWELL Schools in town will begin Sept. 18. H. P. Naramore was in Bakersfield, Thursday. Miss Bernice Winget visited in Or leans last week. Mrs. R. A. Sinclair visited relatives in Westfield, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker and son, were in Troy, Friday. Several from here attended the fair at Morrisville last week. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hines, Sept. 1. Ms. and Mrs. H. J. Pudvah are the parents of a son born Aug. 23. Miss Thelma Eldridge of Barnet, is visiting Mrs. Clarence Parker. Miss Helen Stephenson has returned to her school in Concord, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rhodes and son, spent Tuesday in Westfield. W. G. Cooledge of Johnson, was a business caller in town this last week. Frank Newton of Lowell, Mass., has been visiting his father, H. H. Newton. Mrs. Geo. Goddard and son of Glover, visited relatives here the past week. G. E. Curtis has sold the building known as the tub shop to Mr. Aubin of Newport. Mrs. Minnie Scott of Stoneham, Mass., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shufelt. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Newton and chil dren of Brownington visited here the nrst ot last week. Mrs. Lizzie Benware and Mrs. Gard ner, spent the week-end in North Troy with friends. There will be a ball game in Barre's grove, Saturday, between Tillotson's mill team and Silby's mill team. Mrs. Anna Kelty of Moretowruand Miss Sarah Reynolds of Waterbury, visited at Edgar Laclair's recently. School census shows there are 308 persons between the ages of 6 and 18 years in the town of Lowell 158 girls ana iou ooys. The ice cream social at the church vestry, Tuesday evening, for the ben efit of t he Christian Endeavor Society was well attended. Mrs. Mary Gelo is visiting her son at Bart on, from there &he will go to North Leominster, Mans ., to visit her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Benware and children of Cover try and Mrs. E. J. Benwate of Westfield, were guests at R. A. Sinclair's, Wednesday. (Intended for last week.) Harry Crafts of Fairfax is in town visiting friends. , I Frank Parlin is doing some fpapering and painting for H. H. Day.; 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Boston visited at Fred Waterman's recently. Miss Mary A. Newton fof Lowell, Mass., has returned home rafter visit ing her brother, F. E. Newton. Misses Frances Hefferman of Salem, Mass., Grace Knowland of Swampscott, Mass., and Alice Crane of Somerville, Mass., spent a few days in town last week and boarded at Will Wiggin's. Card of Thanks To the neighbors and friends, who were so kind to our dear mother and grandmother in her long illness, to the singers and those who furnished flowers for the funeral we would return our heartfelt thanks. 5 Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols ; and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Grow. (Intended for last week) William Doncaster has recently purchased a new Ford car. Marjorie Young spent a part of last week visiting friends in Newport. Miss Mary Newton of Lowell, Mass., is visiting her brother, F. E. Newton, Burlington is chum, Alsey Mrs. Gladys Farman 15 in Orleans for a few weeks. Ij tik Rev. F. Oldridge of Sheffield visited friends here last week. "RTlph" Ward of Bradford ; visited .friends here last week. Mrs. Henry Mann of Bath, Me., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lynch. Mrs. Ed. Lynch has returned from a visit of several weeks at Bath and Portland, Me. A. P. Sweet was in Montpelier last week to attend the special session of the legislature. WESTFIELD Miss Hazel Flint of visiting her college Young. H. G. Dickens of Orleans is caring for J. N. Wyman's insurance business until further notice. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Newton and chil dren spent several days in Lowell the first of the week. "X'wTTSodgkins of Portland, Me., is spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Calvin Wilson. Quite a party attended a cornroast at J. E. Young's Saturday evening and reported a good time. I Those from out of town here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Betsey Nichols were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kahlstrom and Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Gladden of Coventry, Harland Nye of Charleston, Hollis Morey of Newport and Mr. and Mrs. Olin Ingails of Sutton. Betsey Collins Nichols of this place died Friday of hemorrhage. She was born at Stanstead, P. Q., May 28, 1826, and msrned W. T. Nichols in 1855. She leaves one son, J. J. Nichols, and two daughter, Mrs. W. N. Burrows and Mrs. L. T. Grow, and several more distant relatives. The funeral was from Mr. Grow's home Sunday, Rev. W. S. Smithers of Orleans officiating and burial was in the East Coventry cemetery. Mrs. L. T. Grow has given up three and one-V.Mf years of her time and strength in the care of her mother. She has given her the best of care. BROWNINGTON CENTER Hector Lapierre was on the sick list last week. Miss Laura Whitehill was a recent Visitor in Charleston. Mrs. Smith Crowe of Boston is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Amanda Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Armstrong visited relatives in Charleston over Sunday. Shirley Hitchcock of Barton visited his uncle, W. A. Currier the first of the week. has returned ur. ana Mrs. r. rt. nastmgs and Miss Marjorie Hastings left Saturday for Wells River from which place they are taking a canoe trip down the Connecticut river. Miss Clarabelle Sheldon, who taking the training course in the Mary Fletcher hospital, Burlington, has been spending her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Sheldon. Miss J. B. Merrill of Boston was in town the first of the week to note the progress made by infantile paralysis patients. She has been here several times at previous clinics. Tbe Woman's Alliance will serve a baked bean supper in the vestry of the M. E. church .Friday at 6 o'clock. Price 20 cents. There will be a busi ness meeting at 4 o'clock. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mossman, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Flanders,' Mr. and Mrs. Many complaints are heard from villagers about the loss of garden truck, apples and cultivated berries. The loss is attributed to young boys, who appear to have the desire for de struction "rather than actual pilfering of these things but the matter is quite a serious one and parents and boys should heed the gentle warnings as some of the boys are well known and trouble may result. Miss Eva Gilpin, who is on a vaca tion from her duties at the Monitor office, was in an automobile accident near Whitehall, N. Y., Sunday even ing, while on her way from Vermont to New York City in the Miller car. to visit her sister. Mrs. M. M. Miller, The driver was blinded by tbe head light glare of another car and drove over a 25-foot embankment. One occupant of the car was unconscious several hours and another badly in jured, but Miss Gilpin and the others escaped with bruises. Sydney L. Hendrix from Charleston. E. H. Courser and family visited last week in Sutton, P. Q. John Watkins has sold hi3 farm to parties from Canada for 8000. E. W. Gilpin and family cf Richford, are visiting his father, Judge Gilpin. Mrs. Mary Wright of Burlington, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Lilian Wright. Harold H. Farman and family of Derby Line, recently visited at C. H. Willey's. Raymond Willey is here from Bris tol, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Willey. Mrs. George Goddard and son Ray mond of Glover, have been visiting at Josenh Goddard's. Mrs. Abbie Williams and Mrs. Eva Hitchcock of Providence, R. I., are visiting their brother, Judge Gilpin. After attending the special session of the legislature, Chaplain M. W. Farman visited friends in Royalton. The Rev. C. C. Claris of Coventry, will give an illustrated lecture on Buddhism in the church, on Sunday evening, Sept. 24. The C. E. society gave a social in Farman's hall, Friday evening. Miss Blanche Griggs of North Troy was reader, and Mrs. George Smith and Mr. Trussle of Troy sang several se lections. Ice cream was served. Florence, the youngest daughter of the late Mrs. Minnie Hitchcock Clark, and Parker Terhune, both of Newark, N. J., were married on Aug. 26, and are at ,W, D. Bell's on their wedding trip. BROWNINGTON Mr. and Mrs. George Wiggins and Mr. and Mrs. George Burroughs spent Tuesday at Sherbrooke fair. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dutton and daughter Florence, of Hartford are spending a few days visiting friends and relatives in town. Mrs. Crane and little daughter, Lois, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. E. S. Kelley, has re turned ' to her home in Somerville, Mass. Wilmer Bennett of Coventry spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe and son of Lowell, Mass., are visiting at Mrs. Jennia Robinson's. Mrs. Bert Hagar and Miss Belle La- hue of Newport spent the week-end at Mahlon Seymour's. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McLean and Miss Hilda McLean of Boston are visiting at John Lower's. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Leonard of Sheffield, visited at Elmer Watson's and at H. H. Leland's, Sunday. Miss Beatrice Lacourse of Rumford, Maine, and Albert Blouin of Sheffield, were visitors at Collins Lacourse's last week. Henry M. Leland, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Leland and Mrs. Gertrude Woodbury of Detroit, Mich., visited at H. H. Leland's, Friday. EVANSVILLE Earle Cowles moved to Barton this week and works for Mr. Nute. Arthur Miles has moved into the house lately bought of Mr. Grow. Mr. Grow has .moved into the house with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Lapierre. The M. W A. ed and a fine They will hold evening, Sept. orchestra. dance was well attend time enjoyed by all. another dance Friday 15, with a five-piece Beginning Monday there have been special services each eveningjn a tent opposite the church. They will con tinue the rest of the week. Thursday evening Rev. G. S. Smith of Concord will speak. Friday evening there will be a baked bean supper at the church followed by a lecture by Rev. O. J. Anderson of Derby. Saturday even ing and Sunday morning and evening Rev. R. F. Lowe of St. Johnsbury district superintendent, will speak and Sunday at two o'clock p. m., Mrs. Herbert Baker of Newport will speak. Little at a Time. The chief art of learning, as Locke has observed, is to attempt but little at a time. The widest excursions of the mind are made by short flights frequently repeated; the most lofty fabrics of science are formed by the continued accumulation of single prop ositions. Johnson, i