Newspaper Page Text
COUNTY Vol. 45 No. 39 BARTON, VERMONT, WEDNESDAY, SETPTEMBER 27, 1916 Single Copies 5 Cents. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertisements will be inserted under this head at tw o cents per word for first insertion, and one cent per word thereafter. Cash must accompany the order. No advertise ment toil I beinserted for less than twenty-five cen tx. FOR SAL.E FOR SALE Two small farms.P In quire of E. P. Wright, Barton. 35tf FOR SALE CHEAP Fine cottage lot .'on Crystal lake. Call; or f write Monitor office. 29tfj FOR SALE Gent's fur-lined3 coat nearly new. J. E. Williamson,Barton. 39tf FOR SALE 18 swarms of graded Italian bees. Charles Healey, Iras burg. 39-40J FOR SALE Blower and cutter run one week. Price right. H. B. Cham berlain, Irasburg. 37tf,&.' FOR SALE Chestnut mare 5 years old, 950 lbs. , would exchange for cows. E. C. Brennan, Orleans. SltfMz FOR" SALE My milk route, business and equipment in Barton on account of continued poor health. AiDana. 38-40p FOR SALE Good workhorse'weigh ing 1300 lbs. a'so two good grade Jer sey cows due to freshen scon. frit e right. F. B. Tower, Barton. 38-39o FOR SALE My farm on the Wil louerhby road. registered Holsteir; stock and tools. Charles F. Pierce, Barton. lltf FOR SALE God p3ir work horses. weighing 2500, Liiley wagon find har nesses. Will trade for good auto. George E. Colby, Greensboro Bend, Vt. 27tf FOR SALE Eight-room residence, all modern improvements. Fine loca tion. Small barn or garage. Garden and hen yard. F. E. Wheeler, Orleans, American Express office. SStf FOR SALE Tbirty-eight-acre farm half mile from Barton city. Good lo cation, good place for the right party. For particulars write or call. Mrs. Henry Nault, Barton, Peerless Mfg. company. 38-40p WANTED WANTED Barton. -Live poultry. Elrick, 18tf WANTED Manle sugar at 12 cents. Ray P. Webster, Barton. 37tf WANTED Sound, clean sacks. R. P. Webster, Barton. 38tf WANTED Live poultry. Top prices paid. Empty crops, please. Strawn. Orleans. Bell phone 142-12 39tf WANTED A good home for a boy seven years old. B. Lane, Orleans, Overseer town of Barton. 35tf WANTED A thoroughly experi enced lady cashier at the American Clothing Company, Newport, Vt. Tel. 14-3. Best references required, lw WANTEDjj Live poultry of all kinds. Will arrange to take poultry at express office first of each week. E. S. Kelley, Orleans. 31tf WANTED Teamsters and yard men. One yard foreman. Good pay. Board and rent reasonable. Steady work for right men. Whitney Coal & Grain Co., Concord Junction, Mass. 36-39 WANTED Live Poultry. Phone me when you have poultry to sell. Parties met at Orleans and Coventry stations by appointment. Bell phone 142-12. N. W. Strawn, Orleans. 35tf WANTED Several able-bodied men who are willing to work in salt plant. Liberal pay and permanent work for good men. For particulars write E. E. McGaffey, 131 State street, Boston, Mass. 38-41 MISCELLANEOUS Interesting proposition for agency for standard make car. Address Moni tor. 38-40 NOTICE Regarding the trademarks from Babbitt's Soap, Babbitt's Clean ser, Babbitt's 1776 Soap Powder. Bring 50 to Austin's Pharmacy, Or leans, or Pierce's Pharmacy, Barton. Several useful premiums to select from. 33tf ONLY 25 CENTS for large load dry shavings at our mill in Orleans. Also six-foot edgings at 75 cents per cord at the mill. E. L. Chandler Co., Orleans. 21tf TO KENT TO RENT Rooms, also garage and stall at F K Powell place, Barton lw TO RENT First class office in bank block for rent. Apply to Central Sav ings Bank & Trust Co., Orleans. 26 tf TO RENT Good tenement with barn attached. Two houses and two farms for sale. Worth the money. Terms to suit purchaser. H. R. Cutler, Bar ton. 38.39p TO RENT in the DAVIS BLOCK Three fine office rooms, all connecting, steam heat, water and. toilets on same floor. Prefer to rent all under one lease. Write or phone G. H. Davis, Barton. 35tf LOST LOST Bunch keys and padlock, be tween Flanders & Mossman garage and Brownington. Leave at Monitor office for reward. . 39-40p Orleans County Cases at Supreme Court The following Orleans county cases are set for the term of supreme court which opens in Montpelier Tuesday: Charles W. Hitchcock vs. George Ken nison, bill; William H. Blasdell vs. Hayden A. McClary, contract ; George A. Humphrey vs. O. A. Wheeler, tort ; Frank Holbrook vs. E. A. Phoenix and trustee, contract; H. L. Whitcomb vs. D. A. Farnsworth et uxf bill ; William Robey vs. Boston & Maine railroad, tort. BARTON L. M. Hubbard is quite ill. L. P. Case is failing rapidly. See Mrs. Vercoe's ad on page three. Harland Paige returned to Burling ton Tuesday. John Rash has sold his farm to par ties from Canada. Leo LeBlanc visited relatives in Bed ford, Que., over Sunday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Massey Sept. 20. E F. Flood has gone to Maine to visit his father, who is ill. Miss Ruth Freeman is teaching in the Parish district in Glover, Frank Lemos has moved from the W. E. Hanson farm. to Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Browning were in St. Johnsbury the past week. Mrs. George Rowen spent Sunday in St. Johnsbury with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Demo were re cent guests of Mrs. Hattie Martin. Fred Smith of St. Johnsbury visited his sister, Miss Mary Smith last week. N. W. Scott of Newport visited his sister, Mrs. M. E. Willis, ever Sunday. W. A. Scott is moving from the Nel son tenement on Glover street to West Derby. Louis Danne and Miss Nellie Cassidy returned to Chicago the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Marsh have been visiting at B. Sherburne's in Glover. Miss Jennie Young of Orleans was the guest of Mrs. W. L. White over Sunday. Miss Viola Rollins has been spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Mary Rollins. Glen Comstock has been confined to the house the past week on account of illness. Mrs. Lucy Collison returned Satur day from a visit with friends in Fairlee. Miss Ellen Gould of Winchester, Mass., is the guest of Mrs. C. R. Prescott. Mrs. George Batchelder of Lvndon ville was a visitor in town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilman of St. Johnsbury weie visitors at W. E. Han son's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Maxim of Everett, Mass., were recent guests at O. A. White's. Mr. and Mrs. Charies Kipp of St. Johnsbury were visitors at Frank Sheldon's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Lake of Saxtons River were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baldwin. Mrs. Eunice Collins returned Thurs day to her work in the Mary Fletcher hospital, Burlington. C. S. Webster has been taking a week's vacation, part of which he has been spending in Troy. Martin Rowell of Lowell, Mass., has been visiting his sister, Mrs. F. W. Comstock, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Amos Robinson of Woodsville were guests of Mrs. Lucy Robinson Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Oliver Blanchard of Manches ter, N. H., visited her sister, Mrs. Lyman Mason the past week. The Woman's Literary club will have a picnic dinner at May Falls Saturday at 12 o'clock, weather permitting. A. G. Williams is moving into Mrs. L. P. Page's tenement on High street, recently vacated by Roy Buchanan. Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Jones of Norway, Me., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barrows several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wright of Bos ton visited at J. C. King's, H. E. Paige's and B. J. Jenness's last week. C. F. Percival, who has been spend ing several days in this vicinity, re turned to Springfield, Mass., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wilkie, who have been .spending several weeks at Willonghby lake, returned Thursday. Mrs E. G. Colliston celebrated her 70th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kimble Page, Tuesday. Mn and Mrs. F. D. Pierce and Mrs. Altha Pierce were in Newport Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Goss. Owing to lack of time this issue does not contain all material intended for it. i.ost LOST Black heifer, -.white spot pn hip, no horns, black face, white spot on front knee. Finder please notify Waterman A. Brown, Orleans. 39tf LOST Jersey heifer, color light, large white star in forehead. Finder please notify R. A. Dutton, Orleans, Vt. 38-39p BIG FIRE LOSS IN NEWPORT Wheeler Livery Stable Total JLoss. Fif teen Horses and Two Autos Burn. Origin of Fire Unknown. Newport suffered a severe fire early this morning, when the building owned by Harry Stewart and occupied by Wheeler's livery stable, was complete ly destroyed by fire and the roof and ell of the Drew block occupied by Hurst s restaurant, was destroyed. Fifteen horses and two automobiles, besides all the equipment of sleighs, wagons, harnesses, etc., were a total loss with insurance of only $3,000 on the equipment. The horses were un insured. The alarm was first given by a loco motive whose occupants first discov ered the blaze bursting through the roof of the Wheeler stable. Seven streams of water soon played upon the blaze and kept it under control. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it is thought to have started in the upper part of the barn. A portion of the livery stable burned three years ago. F. D. Pierce was in Boston the first of the week attending a meeting of the directors of the telephone company. Will Cassidy, who has been spending a week in town, has returned to his work in the Avenue House, St. Johns bury. The canvass of I. D. Berois for hosiery has been delayed until about October 20th by the death of Mrs, Beniis. adv. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell of Morrisville and Miss Lucile Hobson of Newport were visitors at G. C. Lang's Sunday.- Mrs. Lilla Lang and family have re turned from Charleston and are living in the Blood house near the fair grounds. f Miss Ina Paige has gone to Boston where she has entered a training school for social service work and domestic science. Mrs. Ollie McGorty and sons, Rollin, Ralph and Clarence, were in Lowell Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Far man. (3 Bernard Lee is home from Skowhe- gan, Me., where he has been playing ball this fall and helped win the cham pionship. Mrs. Leon Batchelder, who has been in St. Johnsbury for several weeks caring for her brother, returned home Monday. George Blondin of Littleton, N. H., has moved into the tenement over F. S. Whitcher's store and is doing shoe repairing. Mrs. Eliza Wilkinson has gone to Bur lington where her daughter, Mary, is a U. V. M. student and they will make their home there. A. B. Morency is moving to St. Johnsbury, where he has purchased a half-interest in the large paint busi ness of his father. The body of Mrs. Smith Hunt, a former resident of Barton, was brought here Friday for burial in the Welcome O. Brown cemetery. Thomas Bushey, who has been in the hospital at Waterbury for some time, died there last week and the body was brought here for burial. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Percival of Pike, N. H., were in town Thursday to at tend the funeral of Mr. ;Pereival's aunt, Mrs. Louis Danne. The members of the Afternoon Study club are invited to meet with the Book and Thimble club at Orleans Wednes day afternoon, October 4. Roy Buchanan and family have gone to Burlington to live. Mr. Buchanan is teaching electrical engineering in the University of Vermont. Mrs. J. VY. Millar has three cucum - Ders, two measuring lb mcnes in length, and the other 17 inches, that weigh over five pounds each. Miss Mary Urie has been out of her school at West Glover for a few days on account of illness and Miss Mildred Lang is supplying in her place. Mrs. . Cyrus Cassidy is taking a ten days' vacation from the New England Telephone office and Mrs. George Rowen is working in her place. Leo Williams of Albany, who has been enlisted in Co. C, has returned from Mexico and visited his aunt, Mrs. H. D. Phjlilps, the last of the week. Mrs. Frank Smith and son, Luther, of Greensboro and Mr. Murrell of Australia were guests at F. D. Thomp son's and H. R. Cutler's last week. W. P. Goode of Boston was in town Sunday to return home with his moth er, Mrs. Goode, who has been staying at Miss Harriet Austin's for some time. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles children of Springfield, visitors in town Friday, has been spending the Brownington. Percival and Mass. , were Mrs. Percival summer in W. T. Medford of Massey, Md., and F. P. Medford of Black, Md., were guests of Miss Belle Rollins last week. They have been touring the eastern states this fall. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Batchelder re turned Sunday night from an auto mobile trip to Bennington, Keene, N. H.f Boston. Springfield and other points in Massachusetts. Mrs. Henri Berger of Boston and Mrs. Homer E. Smith of St. Johnsbury were guests of their sister, Mrs. M. J. Elliott, several days last week. Mrs. Berger returned with Mrs. Smith to St. Johnsbury Friday. Congregational Church Notes. Sunday, Oct. 1. 10.45 Morning service. 12.00 Sunday school. 6.00 Christian Endeavor meeting. Subject, "The Consecration of School Life." Prov. .4:1-13. Leader, Mar jone King. Thursday evening, Sept. 28, prayer meeting. "Does it Pay to Be Good?" Ps. 73 ; Job 1 :l-22. The missionary meeting will be held in the vestry Tuesday afternoon Octo ber 3. The time is changed on account of the meeting at Woodstock of the Vermont Branch of Foreign Missions. Miss Mary Wheeler has been elected delegate to attend the state convention of Christian Endeavorers at Montpelier next week. There will be a union service in the Congregational church Sunday evening, at which Rev. I. A. Ranney will preach. Methodist Episcopal Church Notes. Sunday will be observed as rally day by the Sunday school and the usual Sunday-school hour will be given over to special exercises to which all are invited. Mrs. Mason Kimball of Marblehead, Mass., was the guest of Mrs. . C. Currier last week Mrs. Kimball is 82 ye-ars of sge and wa3 for many years a resident, of Barton. Mrs. Minnie Sabin of Concord, N. H., visited her father, David Colliston, last week Mr. Colliston, who is in very poor health, returned to Concord with his daughter for a time. Mrs. E. W. Barron and Miss Mary Wheeler left Monday for Woodstock, where they are attending the 44th an nual meeting of the Vermont Branch of Woman's Board of Foreign Missions Mrs. Clayton Burrows of St. Johns bury was in town Saturday to see her mother, Mrs. F. K. Powell, who has been seriously ill at Hotel Barton. Mrs. Powell has sufficiently recovered to be able to return with her daughter to St. Johnsbury for a time. Miss Gertrude E. Skinner, Mrs. George D. Atwood (Louise Rawson) of Brooklyn, Richard Rawson, Fred Pack- TTOW 10 PREVENT THE 3 SPREAD OF INPAN- TILE PARALYSIS. Dr. C. Bol- & duan, director "or public educa- 0 tlon of the New York city & health department, and Dr. Si- 3 mon Flexner, director of the 8 Rockefeller Institute, explained 3 how to detect symptoms of in fantlle .paralysis and how to O ward off the disease and prevent 3 its spread. 3 The first symptoms are fever, S bowel disturbances, headache S and Irritability. l After a few hours pains d-" 3 velop, usually in the lower part & of the legs and in the feet. & Sometimes there are also pains S in the region of the spine, in the 3 arms and neck stiff neck. 0 Within twelve hours the patient 8 is unable to move his arms or S legs and sometimes cannot talk. Vomiting, delirium, twitchlngs 8 and convulsions accompany the 8 progress of the disease. 3 S A temperature of from 100 to 106 degrees lasts two or three 0 days. 8 Sometimes, but rarely, the pa- 3 tlent has chills, sore throat and S skin eruptions. Health is no protection. Often S children go to bed apparently well and awake in the nisrht 3 (& with the first symptoms and are $ partly paralyzed by morning. 3 3 Cleanliness is the only known g 3 preventive. S The isolation of children in the S house is next in importance. & nave children wash their hands and faces often. . Avoid buying candy, Ice cream S S and fruits which are eaten with- S 3 out being cooked from peddlers 2 '3 and storekeepers who are not S 8 careful of their wares. Don't kiss children on their S & mouths. Keep their noses clean. This S c$ applies especially to young ba- 3 3 bies. Don't cough in their faces. Protect them from flies. The germs of this disease, 3 which are small that they & cannot be seen with microscopes 8 and which pass through germ filters, almost always enter the & & bodies of thplr victims! thrrniffh the mucous membranes of the nose and throat 0 Keep children away from their mates in the streets or at mov & lng picture shows. 8 ' Report all cases at once to the & board of health, so that the city's 0 doctors can immediately inresti- gate and remove the patients to hospitals. Adults are not free from the disease. If your hands are dirty 8 or if you are not careful about the preparation of your chil- dren's food, remember that you can give your little ones the dis- 8 ease as readily as can outsiders. r & g 3& $$ g $ g $ g ! 3 COUNTY COURT. The case of Raymond Aiken vs. O. Metcalf of Irasburg tried last week to recover damages for personal injury, resulted in a verdict for the defendant. The next case called was F. M. Hunt vs. Village of Orleans, an action in tort, is now being tried and seems to be a battle between the lawyers jus at present. Morrisville Afraid of Paralysis. A case of infantile paralysis having appeared in Elmore, a meeting of the local board of health of Morristown was held, with two of the local physi cians besides the health officer pres ent, also several business men, and the question of closing the schools and other public places was thoroughly dis cussed. It was finally decided after consultation with the secretary of the state board of health to close the churches and local theatorium, but al low the schools to continue, all of the five physicians of Morrisville to be at the village schools each morning for a period of two weeks to examine every pupil with the understanding that the parents should have the option of keep ing their children at home providing that they confine them strictly to their own premises, keeping them apart from all other children. ard and Dr. Henry S. Goodall of Ben nington, accompanied the body of their aunt, Miss Sophia Skinner, here for burial on Tuesday. There has been much activity at the rooms of the Barton Improvement club during the past ten days. Two differ ent parties have met the business men of the town relative to locating an industry here and a third business is under consideration. There seems to be a good probability of locating one or more of them which would lend con siderable impetus to the growth of the place. All propositions will be care fully investigated before definite ac tion is taken. The club is serving the town in a aennite way in acting as"a clearing house for propositions from prospective manufacturing concerns. Mrs. Louis Danne, nee Nellie Cas sidy, who died in Chicago Tuesday morning, Sept. 19, and whose body was brought here for interment, was well known to many people in this vicinity. She was born in Barnston, P. Q., and at an early age moved with her parents to Derby Line, and later to Coventry. She received her educa tion at the old Brownington academy then presided over by the well-known Prof. Twilight. In the early 'sixties she went to Chicago where she en gaged in business and was eminently successful. Mrs. Danne was a sister of the late James B. Cassidy, and Miss Nellie Cassidy of Barton has made it her home with her uncle and aunt dur ing her three years at the Northwest ern university. BROWNINGTON (Intended for last week) Mrs. Flora Shattuck spent last week with friends in Derby. Miss Jennie Lacross spent the week in L-narieston witn ner parents. Schools in the village and in the north part of the town began Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Caron of Littleton, N. H., visited their brother, Ed. Caron, recently. Mrs. Young has returned from a visit in Derby Line, Baldwin's Mills, Holland and Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. William Searles are stopping with their daughter, Mrs. G. W. Grow, for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ross and son from Sheffield visited friends in town Sun- day. week. Mrs. Ross remained for the Miss Hazeltine of Beeoe teaches in the village school Harland Nye of Charleston North district. Junction and Mrs. in the Miss Ruby Dutton began her school in St. Johnsbury September 18, and Miss Ethel Newton began her school work in Orleans. Evelyn and Louise Adams, who have been with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. W. G. Dutton, have returned to their home in Newport. EVANSVILLE Ed. Aldrich is repairing his barns. Frank Lapierre is painting his buildings. .. . THE FLAG Mrs. M. A. Foss is in Albany visiting her son, Fred Foss. Jos. Hamel and family visited friends in Holland last week. Don't forget the dance Friday night. Sawyer's orchestra 5 pieces. Wales Spencer has just finished painting his buildings. W. J. Monteith has the F. L. Chand ler company logs all sawed. Mrs. J. W. Moore had one of her fingers amputated last week. Mrs. W. J. Monteith visited her daughter in Orleans last week. The Pike Manufacturing company is running the factory night and day. A new horse barn is being built at the M. W. A. hall to accommodate those coming to entertainments. BROWNINGTON CENTER There will be a Sunday school con vention at the church Tuesday evening, ct. 3. Rev. Atkinson will be present. Let us hope every one will attend. The body of Mrs, Louisa Cannon of Bellow Falls was brought here Thurs day and placed in the family lot. Mrs. Cannon was a former resident here. WESTFIELD . (Intended for last week.) Miss Isabel Willey is attending school in Orleans. John Watkins hss moved to Barton and Elmer Fdmurds to Lyndon. E. H. Courser has traded hu place for a tarm in UrEniteviiie, (qjue. Albert Kastman and Beulah Grv have returned to Derby academy and Donald Gray went with them. Mrs. J. Albro Hunt snd Mis. H. E Gray have bf fr chosen c'elegD-e? from the C. E. society to attend the ?tais convention at Montpelier, The C. E. society will give a social and entertainment in Farman's hall on Friday evening, October 6. Taler.t from St. Johnsbury will furnish the entertainment. On Sunday evening, September 24, the Rev. C. C. Claris of Coventry wii! give an illustrated lecture in the church under the auspices of the-C. E. society. The subject will be, "Bud dhism, The Religion of the Pessimist. ' It Won't Harm the Pigs. Visitor My good man, you keep your pigs much too near the house. Cot tager That's just what the doctor said, mum. But I don't see how It's a-goin' to hurt 'era. London Punch. Several Forevers. This farmer was a very positive man. "Tar fenceposts," said he, "and they will last foreTer. I have tried it three times, and I know." Christian Herald. Trouble springs from Idleness and grievous toil from needless ease. Franklin. CIVIL RIGHTS. In order to stimulate your ex ertions in favor bf your civil lib erties, which protect religious rights, instead of discoursing to you on the laws of other states and comparing them to our own, allow me to tell you what your civil liberties are and to charge you, which I do in the most solemn manner, to hold them dearer than your lives a lesson and a charge at all times proper from a judge, but particularly so at this crisis, when America is in one general and grievous com motion touching this truly im portant point For my part, in my judicial character, I know no master but the law. I am a servant, not to the king, but to the constitution, and in my estimation I shall best dis charge my duty as a good serv ant to the king and a trusty of ficer under the constitution when I boldly declare the laws to the people and instruct them in their civic rights. Judge William Henry Drayton, South Carolina, 1774. ' May In Cleveland Leader. AND THE MAN. Barton Academy and x Graded School The teachers in the academy are thi3 year located as follows : Sprague W. Drenan, at the Crystal Lake House, Miss Patrick at Hotel Barton, Miss Ferrin and Miss Renfrew at John Cur- j tis's, Miss Ruggles at the Mays', Miss Peirpont at A. P. Underwood's, Miss Cook at O. A. White's. . The trustees of Barton academy and graded school have opened to the pub lic a school building in prime shape for the reception of its pupils. Ever since the school dosed - in June the building has undergone a thorough cleaning at the hands of Mr. Mudgett and bis helpers. In all probability surroundings more conducive to -the health of the pupils are not to be found anywhere. Parents may congratulate themselves upon being able to send their children to school where the child's health and needs are considered of paramount importance. Aside from the congestion in the grades, a matter which demands a speedy solution, the school plant is well equipped for the work of the year and in the hands of an efficient corps of teachers. Visitors for the week were Elsie Young of Brownington, Roy Brahana of Lowell, Julia King of Barton, Mary Wilkinson, George Phillips of Glover. Out of town pupils in the grammar school are Murray Cameron, Mark Cobb, Ava Bean, Marjorie Bean, Flor ence Cook, Alice Drew, Elson Calkins and Clyde Been. At the opening of school Monday, Dr. Pearson, Mr. Gilpin and Miss Patrick made short, interesting addresses. There are 104 pupils in the high pchcoi of whom 68 are girls and 36 are boys and distributed as .follows : Freshmen, 2815 girls and 13 boys; sophomores, 32 ::2 girls and 10 boys ; juniors, 18 13 girls and five boys ; sen iors, 2012 girls and eight boys ; train ing class six, BARTON "ACADEMY Abbott, Alvah Abbott, Wallace, Baldwin, Aline Barnard, Clara DIRECTORY Barton Barnard, Louella Basford, Gladys Blair, Florence Blood, Florence Brahana, Hazel Brunning, Esther Buck, Clemma Burnharc, Ruth Calderwood, Theda Calkins, Rawson Carpenter, Vera Carter, George Carter, Helexi Chase, George Clapper, Merrill Clough, Mayland Corley, Ivah Corley, Marion Cutler, Elizabeth Cutler, Henry Dunham, Clifton Dunham, Theda Drew, Perley Lowell Barton Sheffield Westmoie Irasburg Barton Orleans Westtnore Irasbuig Barton t Glover it Drew, Ada Dewing, Lois Dewing, Edith Drown, Eva Elliott, Leslie Elliott, riortense Emerson, Lee Emerson, Flora Emerson, Dorothy Eddy, Olive Forrest, Gail Fisk, Majjorie Foss, Raymond, West Glover Barton Westmore West Glover Barton Westmore West Glover Barton Gardiner, Neil Gilmour, Fhyllis Gilmour, Albert Grow, Marie Griggs, Gladys Griggs, Glendon Gray, Greta Dopp, Edith Hastings, Marjory Hawkins, Laila Hinton, Gladys Hitchcock, Shirley Huntington, Elsie Johnson, Helen King, Marjorie Lane, Bessie Leland, Vera Longley, Raymond Mason, Lillian Mason, Viva Marsh, Arline McGorty, Ralph Metcalf, Olive Metcalf, Walter Messier, Marie Miles, Florence, Nelson, Marjorie Owen, Amy Owen, Bertha Parker, Paul Potter, Viva Prue, Georgia Revoir, Emile Robinson, Lyndon Rollins, Alfred Albany Clover iheineld Farton - Irasburg Glover Barton Craftsbury Barton Irasburg Glover Barton Glover Barton Newport Barton Westmore Barton West Glover Barton Orleans Irasburg Ryan, Eleanor Salmon, Jean Scott, Alice Seavey, Marion Shedd, Hala Shedd, Mary Sinon, Elizabeth Sherburne, Rose Sherburne, Daisy Smith, Ernest Smith, Ethel Stone, Bessie Stone, Henry , Switzer, Hairy ' Tate, Rupert Taylor, Floyd Thorpe, Evelyn Tripp, Roland Urie, Phyllis Wakeman, Albert Wakeman, Alice Warner, Elgie Watkins, Robert Webster, Harold . Willard, Frances Willey, Clarence Wright, Ross Young, Isabel! Young, Marion Glover West Glover Irasburg Barton Glover Sheffield Westmore Barton Glover West Glover Barton West Glover Barton Lowell Barton Westmore West Glover West Glover Lowell