OCR Interpretation

Orleans County monitor. [volume] (Barton, Vt.) 1872-1953, September 05, 1917, Image 8

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G. A. Davis picked a cucumber 13
inches long- in his garden.
Sir. and Mrs. Elmer Andrus were
visitors in .Boston last week.
Fred Richardson of Brattleboro
visited at E. B. Searles' Sunday.
Mrs. Rollins and son of Newport
visited at J. B. Darling's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bashaw have
returned from a trip to Bangor, Me.
Clifton Loomis of Craftsbury vis
ited his aunt, Mrs. Clyde Sweet, last
"Mrs. Knox of Beverly, Mass., visit
ed her sister, Mrs. G. A. Davis last
The Red Cross entertainment was a
decided success, the proceeds being
Mrs. J. D. Kelley and son and
daughter were visitors at Orleans
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Kendall from
Colorado visited at Elijah Stone's re
cently. You miss an opportunity to benefit
yourself and the Red Cross if you fail
to take advantage of our September
offer. See page one.
Mrs. Violet Spinney of Lawrence,
Mass., is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Charlotte Chamberlin.
Chester Dezotelle of Brattleboro is
spending the week with his daughter,
Mrs. E. B. Searles.
Albert Campbell, who is on the U.
S. S. Nebraska, came home Saturday
for a week's furlough.
i Bessie Stone of Glover spent sever
al days with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, Elijah gtone, .
; Enoch Rowell, Mrs. F. M. Fletcher
and Miss Barbara Fletcher were visi
tors in Orleans Saturday.
Herbert Cowles and family of
Cambridge, Mass., are spending the
week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.
M. Cowles.
0. D. Gray of Rochester, N. Y., has
been spending the past two weeksr at
Elijah Stone's and with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Orin Leach have re-1
turned from a trip to the White Mts.,
' and are visiting her mother, Mrs.
Charlotte Chamberlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hyde and
daughter of Somerville, Mass., are
visiting his mother, Mrs. C. E. Rog
ers. They ' motored from Massachu
setts. V Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Stone celebra
ted their golden wedding - Monday,
August 27, which was also Mrs.
Stone's birthday, with a family -party
consisting of Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Gray of Rochester, N. Y., Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Stone and two daughters
of Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stone
and daughter of Albany, James Sal
mon and Arthur Salmon and family
of Glover. A-chicken pie dinner was
served, also cake and ice cream. .The
house was prettily decorated with
golden rod and sweet peas. The chil
dren presented their mother with a
string- of cold beads and their father
With a cuff and tie set. Henry Sal-
mon and daughter gave tnem a oeau
tif ul clock mantle, his own work. Let
tprs and cards were received from
friends at a -distance and the occasion
was one long to be remembered. Their
many friends here offer congratula
tions and wish for them many happy
returns of the day.
Abraham Messier is working in the
Mrs. Abbie Healey is visiting at W.
B. Loukes'.
Addison Smith has moved his fam
ily to Barton.
Miss Lettie Metcalf is attending
school at Barton.
Miss Alma Ducharme is attending
school at Barton.
Miss Doris Sears has returned to
Richf ord to teach.
George Kennison has purchased a
new Buick-six car.
N. Robinson is at his home in Bol
tonville on business.
Pearl Griggs was home from St.
Johnsbury over Sunday.
Ernest Ord of Boston is visiting his
mother, Mrs. Mary, Ord.
Harvey Bennett is visiting his
brother, William Bennett.
Orin Carpenter is home from Ran
dolph Center for a few days.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Cota Saturday.
Murray Pike was home from
Woodsville, N. H., over Sunday.
Remember the Kennison fire auc
tion sale advertised on page one.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N.- Knapp visited
friends in South Royalton Monday.
Cyrus Moranville of Lebanon, N.
H., called on friends in town Tuesday.
Henry Priest is home from Holder
ness, N. H., for a three weeks' vaca
tion. Mrs. Ella McGregor of Richford is
visiting her niece, Mrs. Lizzie Hol
brooke. Mrs. Eunice Simpson of Sheffield is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. G.
Charles McGoff has gone to New
Vineyard, Me., where he has purchased
a farm.
Mrs. Flora Bennett of Morrisvjlle
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Meta
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bell of Wolcott
spent Sunday with her brother, Addi
son Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scribner of
Etowe spent Sunday with her parents,
lir. and Mrs. E. A. Pike.
H. W. Graham is spending a few
days in Boston.
Miss Bernice Martin is attending
Barton academy this fall.
Chas. Vance is at home from Dan
ville where he has been working.
Miss Amy Pickett recently visited
her friend, Mrs. A. C. Williams.
Oney E. Rowell spent last week
with relatives in Manchester, N. H.
Misses Ila Urie and Mabel Young
are attending school at North Crafts
bury. Frank Richardson spent the greater
part of last week with his parents
Albert, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs.'C. W. Urie, is ill with the mea
sles. Mrs. Jennie Hubbard has been ill
and Miss Jane Harvey has been car
ing for her.
Miss Cecilia Rarity of Montreal
has been a recent guest of her friend,
Miss Ila Urie.
W. J. Graham with a party of
friends attended Sherbrooke fair on !
Tuesday of last week.
Harvey Rowell and Charles Vance
were among those who attended Sher
brooke, fair last week.
W. J. Graham has returned to Au
bumdale, Mass., after spending three
weeks with his mother.
Misses Maud and Nina Anderson
were entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C, W. White Saturday. !
Mrs. Rosina Page of Medf ord, '
Mass., has been a recent visitor at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Mar
tin, ; ' - " ; .
Mrs. Fred Chase, who has been car
ing for her mother for several weeks,
has returned to her home in Detroit,
School in the Seaver district began
Tuesday. Miss Angel of South Wood
bury is the teacher. She is boarding
at O. H. Anderson's.
You miss an opportunity to benefit
vourself and the Red Cross if you fail
to take advantage of our September
offer. See page one.
The village school opened Tuesday
with Miss Doris Cameron of West
Glover as teacher. Miss Cameron is
boarding at J. G. Martin's.
Mrs. O. E. Rowell, Miss Amy K.
Pickett andMisses Isabelle and Lucy
Macarthy were visitors at Will Cam
eron's and George Urie's Friday.
F. J. Graham with relatives from
Lowell, motored to Monroe, N. H.,
recently on a fishing trip. They vis
ited several other points of interest.
Miss Amy Pickett, Misses Tsabelle
and Lucy Macarthy . and Mrs. O. E.
Rowell were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. White one day last week.
Rev. Mr. Smith of Wells River,- who
preached at the U. P. church in East
Craftsbury Sunday, was entertained
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,N.
Urie. '
Charles Williams and Grant" White
were in Pennsylvania last week at
tending a cattle show. On their
route they visited Charles Williams of
Boston. ,
Mrs. A. C. Williams wishes to
thank all for her postcard shower,
the sunshine bag and everything that
was given to make ' her birthday
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Russell 'spent
the past week at the Bluffs, the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Newland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Goodwin have
gone to their former home in Gardner,
Mass., where they expect to reside.
Misses Marjorie Sears and Helen
Crawford have returned to St. Johns
bury academy for the fall and winter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holmes of
Shoreham were called here by the
illness and death of his sister, Mrs.
Nancy Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Webster, Mr.
and Mrs. Kelley and Miss Floy Gib
son of East Burke were guests at E.
W. Keith's Sunday.
You miss an opportunity to benefit
yourself and the Red Cross if you fail
to take advantage of our September
offer. See page one.
You missvan opportunity to benefit
yourself and the Red Cross if you fail
to take advantage of our September
offer. See page one.
A. E. Harlow, D. A. Brahana, S. W.
Beauclerk, and F. M. Sears were in
Burlington yesterday to attend a
meeting of the deputies.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will serve supper in the vestry
xriaay mgnt irom six o ciock until all
are served. All are cordially invited.
Miss Jessie Loukes and daughter,
Hazel, and Mrs. Raymond Wells spent
Sunday at Fort Ethan Allen. Eugene
Labounty conveyed the party in his
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hannant and
Miss Ida Hannant were in Browning
ton Tuesday to visit Mrs. Hannant's
sister, whose home was destroyed by
fire Monday.
. Bert Goodwin, who has worked for
the E. L. Chandler company for the
past two years, has gone to his for
mer home in Gardner, Mass., where
he expects to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keith motored
to Cambridge last week and a sister,
Mrs. Ida Hunt, returned with them
and will spend a few weeks with them
and other relatives in Orleans county.
Among those who attended Sher
brooke lair last week were Dr. P. C.
Templeton, B. T. Chaffee, George
Kennison, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Collins,
Mrs. Walter Houston and Curtis
Ile&ley. ..'.
Mr. arrd Mrs: Bion Holman of Kan
sas, who have been visiting at her
home :n Way's Mills, P. Q., visited his
sister, Mrs. R. G. Quimby, over Sun
day. Mrs. 'Thompson of Way's Mills
also was a guest at Mr. Quimby's
over Sunday.
Mrs. Nancy Carpenter, who suf
fered a stroke of paralysis a few
weeks ago and who has been in a crit
ical condition since, died at the home
of her son, Don Carpenter, Monday
afternoon. Funeral services were
held at the home today.
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Moore, re
turned missionaries from Gondia, Cen
tral Provinces, India, spent several
days in town last week and both Mr.
and Mrs. Moore gave very interesting
addresses in the M. E. church Sunday
morning and evening on their work in
India. Mrs. Moore was formerly
Miss Wheeler of East Albany and
lived on the farm now owned by E. F.
Wells. She went to India as a mis
sionary 40 years ago.
Sunday, September 9th
Regular preaching service in the
morning at 10:45.
Sunday school at 12.10.'
Junior League at 3.30. -
Thursday evening at 7.15, Epworth
League Prayer meeting.
Usual preaching service at the Con-
i t i- j. i j
reawuiiai cnurcn m xne evening at
7.30, with the Methodist minister as
the preacher. -
The average attendance at the
morning services through the months
of July and August has been exceed
ingly good, considering the congrega
tion to attend and the summer months
with the natural tendency to be away.
Every department of the church is
doing well with increasing interest.
A most interesting C. E. meeting was
held Sunday evening when Miss Flor
ence Wmget led, the topic being, "My
Favorite Hymn, Tell Why." Many
hymns were sung with touching re
marks as to why they were favorites.
The Woman's Missionary meeting
will be held at the Congregational
parsonage Tuesday afternoon.
The ladies of the church will serve
supper at 6 o'clock Friday afternoon
until all are served.
On Friday evening the choir will
rehearse in the church.
Sunday morning the pastor will
speak on the subject of "Christ's
Challenge to Manhood." In the eve
ning there will be a union service.
Rev. C. W. . Kelley will give the ad
dress. All are very cordially invited
to attend tnis servjee. ;
The " headquarters for this branch
have been changed for the present to
the vestry of the Methodist church.
This was made" necessary on account
of the schools using the hall until the
schoolhouse has been renovated. The
meetings are held on Wednesday af
ter the noon hour. The surgical
dressing class continues to be held at
the home of John Carpenter.
.The Red Cross greatly appreciates
the generosity of Mr. Doe and the
Chandler company m the gift of lum
ber for tables, and slab wood and of
Mr. Aiken and others who are going
to draw the wood and move the be
longings of- the Red Cross to the
church vestry. What a lot of kind
sympathetic people there are in Iras
burg and elsewhere, who are so ready
to give money or time or even them
selves for the church or nation. And
yet there are everywhere those slack
ers who show a streak - of vellow in
their natures. We must live with
them but . it isn't easy.
Three more boxes are to be shipped
to Boston this week, two jof hospital
supplies and one of dressings.
What a pile, of work the good wom
en of Irasburg have turned out in the I
four months since we organized. An
invitation is extended to every loyal
woman to do sewing or knitting for
us. See the energetic Mrs. dough
if you want to work. It is surprising
she hasn't seen you before this.
See Mrs. Templeton if you want to
enter the surgical dressing class.
Eugene Batchelder and family of
Pennsylvania are guests at Elmer
Batchelder's. v
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Cyrs has been dangerously ill
the past week.
Mrs. Bertha Hutchins from Massa
chusetts recently visited .her sister,
Mrs. Maud Ewens.
Miss "Aileen Raymond of Derby
Line was the "guest of Miss Dorcas
Wood the past week. -
Mrs. E. Judd was called "here from
Coventry last week by the illness of
her little granddaughter.
You miss an opportunity to benefit
yourself and the Red Cross if you fail
to take advantage of our September
offer. See page one.
Robert Mcintosh and Donald Mc
Donald of Graniteville, with Mrs. M.
F. Farman, E. E., E., and C. Kilburn
of Massachusetts were guests the
past week at Alonzo Ewens',
Miss Cook has gone to Burlington.
Harry Hall is improvng very slow
ly. Mrs. Cardwell has moved to Wen
lock. Edna Sykes has returned home
from Lunenburg.
Winnie Little is working at the
Derby Line Hotel.
Henry Weeden of Morgan is ivisit
ing at O. L. Kelley's.
Herbert Stone has returned to his
i home in Massachusetts.
Mrs. Carroll Ladd has a cousin
from Maine visiting her.
Ella Stone Cheney has been visit
ing her father, Hollis Stone. .
Kate Ferrin has returned to her
teaching at Barton academy.
Charles 'Young of New York City
i3 visiting his uncle, A. R. Hall.
Mrs. George Eumery had a brother
from Boston risating her recently,
Mrs. Gerald Buzzell of Newport is
spending a few days at A. R. Hall's.
Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Lu
nenburg have been visiting at M. A.
You miss an opportunity to benefit
yourself and the Red Cross if you fail
to take advantage of our September
offer. See page one.
C. O. Wright still remains very ill.
Mrs.- H; J. Frazier is ill with
Mrs. L. M. Thurber has returned
home from Troy.
Harry Root's family have been en
tertaining the mumps.
Miss Clarissa Metcalf has . returned
home from St. Johnsbury.
Miss Josephine Betters is-the guest
of her cousin, Mrs. J. J. Labell.
"Theodore Austin and parents from
Morrisville were in town Saturday.
Rev. W. L. Bradford and family
have returned from a two weeks' va
cation. Rev. C. C. Claris and W. R: Thur
ber were in West Charleston Friday
evening, -.-
Miss Myra Douglass has returned
from Willoughby lake where she has
been camping.
Kenneth Berry of Barton spent the
past week with his cousins, Lyle and
Merton Dean.
Miss Helen Lawson has finished
work at H. J. Frazier's and gone to
Newport to work.
Mrs. H. W. Mansfield and two sons
have returned from visiting relatives
in West Berkshire.
Carroll Brooks has finished work at
West Burke and is visiting his fa
ther, W. C. Brooks.
Miss Lucy Hancock, Roy Shippee
and Albert Wilder have returned to
their school in Orleans.
Mrs. A. J. Hancock has been called
to Newport by the illness of her sis
ter, Mrs. Emily Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wheelock are
taking a carriage drive to Lyndon,'
Hardvvick and other places.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliot and Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Thurber are taking a
trip through the White Mts.
Miss Ina Tedford of Richmond and
Miss Dorothy Grow of Waterbury
were guests at J. T. Wells last week.
You miss an opportunity to benefit
yourself and the Red Cross if you fail
to take advantage of our September
offer. See page ose.
J. T. Wells and family spent the
week-end in Waterbury. Mr. Badger
and son went with them as far as
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fuller and
daughter, Thelma, of Manchester, N.
H., were guests at Vester Cleveland's
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pratt (Mrs. Pratt vrzs
formerly Sfki Myra Lewis) cf Mas
When you figure miles per gallon,
there is no gasoline as cheap and
efficient as SOCONY. Because
SO CONY is not only pure and
powerful, hut uniform.
Every gallon is like every other
gallon, no matter where you huy it
quick starting and chock full of
energy. The SOCONY seal means
that the gasoline it marks is the
best that extensive sources of sup
ply and highly scientific refining
can produce.
SOCONY is so different from the
inert mixtures that are often sold
as gasoline that it pays to he par
ticular what goes into your tank.
Say So-CO-ny' and look for the
Red, White and ' Blue SOCONY
Standard Oil Co. of New York
sachusetts, were guests at H. C.
Cleveland's yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane of West
Charleston and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Oliver of Canada were guests at Ves
ter Cleveland's Sunday.
Clyde Riern of Barton was a guest
last week of Mrs. Lida Niles and
called on other friends in town. Mr.
Kiern has enlisted in the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brooks and
children and Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Batchelder and daughter, Corrie, vis
ited in West Charleston Sunday.
' A party of young people from the
Ware district, with Mrs. R. K. Ware
and Mrs. L. C. Lee as chaperones,
1 were in camp at Brownington pond
last weeK.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rossie recent
ly enjoyed an auto trip through New
England, returning home Aug. 21 af
ter spending several days in New
York City.
The village schools opened yester
day with Miss Lina Mann of Troy,
teacher in the grammar school and
Miss Bessie Tucker of Woodstock in
the lower department.
Day-Dreaming With a Purpose Is All
Right but Much Time Is Lost In
Kind That Serves No Purpose.
Ilave you ever stopped to think how
much time is lost in mind-wandering?
How many times during the day do j
you let your uiuumns wuuuu
main task at hand? And once a per
son's thoughts start wandering, how
they skip from. one link of recollec
tions to another until a chain of
wasted moments is forged!
Mind-wandering seems to be a gen
eral characteristic of the human race,
but those who have succeeded In con
quering the characteristic and concen
trating upon the task at hand have
been the men who have moved ahead
tn the business and professional world.
Day-dreaming is all right when the
dreams are busy with plans for pro
moting business methods or with ideas
for practical inventions and when
other work is not being neglected.
The inventor of the steam engine,
watching the steam in a kettle lifting
the top of the pot and day-dreaming
about what that power might be made
to accomplish was not wafting lii
time, but was advancing the human
Useful day-driming is all right, but
mind-wandering should be relegated to
the scrap heap. Arkansas Democrat.
Save Trade-Marks from
Babbit's Cleanser
Babbitt's 177S Soap Powder, Babbitt's
Best Soap. Bring CO to 'Pierce's Drag
Ctcra for & Washbcard &zi Towel
4fe2rCl & wilt C MmLI-X XCttMfcXl mXLM
1 V-'v BflQniinE i
- SlMIOMlDOlLGOHilil jl;
Barrows & Son,"C. A.
Crystal Lake Garage,;
Flanders & Mossman
Barron Co., The E. V.
Benware, G. J.
Derby Ctr.
Derby Center Garage
Derby Line
Ames Garage
Hunt, J. A.
East Charleston
Moulton, C. N.
Stoddard; V. A.
Skinner, R. A.
Sears & Russell
Wincret, Will
Island i Pond
Bosworth Store Co.
Foss & Co.
Francis, 11. M.
Parker Store
Bi. 1 ' "Si S&9t gT'W'" F""T3B
i 11
Holding 20, 30, 40 and 60 lbs. butter.
Price some higher than last car.
mmmmmmmmmmm si rsaf O
Opposite Passenger Depot
v jtk ! ...4 A . 4 .Jb. rfk i , br. & & rA A A. ft1 . - -
i w v w -im.--7' v 'V ' W w ib. ' V r V v- V V v v
The Sign of a Reliable Dealer
and the World's Best Gasoline
Lewi3 Bros.
Lane &. Son, E.
Macdiarmid "& Co.
Orleans Motor Co.
True & Blanchard Co.
Willis Garage
Newport Ctr.
Turnbull Co., J. G.
North Troy
Hadlock's Garage
Seaver, C. W.
Toof M. A.
Orleans Garage
Park View Garage
Pea body Store Co.
Twombly & Colton
South Troy
Bryant's Garage
West Charleston
-Holton & Weymouth
West Derby
Avery, M, C.
Hitchcock. II. B.
1 1
nn-iv;! 01 T" a o y
ii Minimi m in i htm.

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