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PAGE 2 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1917 ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR WALLACE H. GILPIN, Publisher, Barton. Vt. Published every Wednesday after noon. Entered at the Postoffice at Barton, Vt., as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTIONS One year, $1.50. Six months, 75c. Eight months, $1. Four months, 50c. ' Invariably in advance. When your subscription expires the paper stops. ADVERTISING i Cards of thanks, 50c. Resolutions, $1.00. Reading notices, 10c per line per insertion. Classified advertising terms at top of column one, page one. Display advertising rates upon appli cation. FUEL. The Burlington News suggests peat as a fuel during this era of high prices. It is worth considering. Peat abounds in some Vermont swamps. It is coal in the green stage. Ran dolph Herald and News. There is probably virtue in the above suggestion. Certainly every suggestion should be considered and every possible plan made for next season's fuel as we are told the coal question may be even more serious another year than now. In Vermont there ought to be some method of supplying more of our own fuel. A local coal dealer told the Monitor recently that he handled more than 1000 tons of coal in 12 months. Other coal was also hand led in this same place, representing at least $10,000 which went of that place for fuel. Repeat this in towns all over Vermont and northern New En gland and we have a money drain on our communities that would mean greater prosperity could the money be kept in circulation at home. With our wooded hills we ought to burn more wood without seriously de pleting the supply. One has to go but a comparatively short distance from most of our towns to find great quantities of good standing wood. Good wood, honestly measured always finds a ready market at a fair price, and the Monitor believes more farm ers could afford to supply wood for the market. Certainly in these times of fuel shortage both farmer and vil lager should make an effort' to get together on the wood supply. Coal will continue high in price and diffi cult to get for some time to come and despite our coal-burning equipment and the greater convenience of coal as a fuel there is sound logic in buying home produced fuel. Another source of heat which the Monitor believes should have serious thought and perhaps attention of our fuel administrators, is electricity. There is enough electrical energy go ing over the dams of electric plants in Vermont this winter to keep hun dreds of homes in comfort. The elec tric plants are established, the homes need the heat, the power is running to waste. The matter resolves itself into the question: Can electric com panies make an emergency rate for current for heating purposes which shall not prove a' loss to' them, and which can be afforded by any consid erable number of homes? The Mon itor believes such a thing not only possible but feasible. The Monitor is no prophet or mar ket sharp, but it just imagines that Orleans county farmers who have surplus potatoes to sell better sell them now. The local crop was poor, short and costly to raise, but govern ment reports show that the country over there are many million more bushels of potatoes than usual. There is fire risk and the tax inventory to consider on stored potatoes and many seem to think tubers will be no higher in the spring than now. The Enosburg Standard says: "The idea of using dredges to maintain a channel through the main street of the village has been given up, cold weather having removed the danger of further slides." This shows that Barton is not the only town which has had "simply awful" streets this fall. The writer has been in several vil lages of the size of Barton where streets have been equally as bad as ours. Bad roads and streets are not a local condition or problem only. It is a very general one, but one that must be met squarely soon. Newport's ex periment with cement streets will be watched closely. Man Who Can't but Tries. Don't forget that the man who can, but doesn't, must give place to the man who can't, but tries.: Comtelburo. Some Reasons Why Germany Is Strong in This War. Germany, though small when com pared with our broad prairie expans es, is not small compared with other countries of Europe that because of their material accomplishments in the world we have long regarded as great. She is larger in area than France, and several times as large as Great Britain. Her population is larger than that of either of these and about two-thirds as great as their combined populations. In man ufacturing and commerce Germany had prior to the war made strides that passed all European rivals save Great Britain, and threatened her. In agriculture she is nearer self-supporting than any other country of western Europe. If one investigates he soon finds that the soil and strata of Germany contain probably more different and diversified natural components and deposits than any equal area on earth. Germany is able to, and under the skillful and intensive system ap plied, does in fact produce nearly all the essentials of comfortable modern life. A brief list of the principal products -includes all those of com mon field agriculture, save that in the natural flow of commerce the bulk of certain staple grains and foodstuffs used in the empire is imported. It is a mistake, however, to regard Ger many as a manufacturing and com mercial country, dependent wholly on outside sources for what her people eat. The lands of Germany are high ly cultivated, naturally rich and pro duce enough in normal times to pro vide a very great part of what her population consumes. Under the stress of necessity, the past two years has seen some remarka ble accomplishments in this direction. Large areas of Germany are given over to grazing and stock raising and still others to rich forests that have wisely been protected from the rav ages of the portable sawmill as ours have not been. But it is in mineral wealth that Germany abounds. Save petroleum products and these she has reclaim ed from the Russians in Galicia and conquered in Rumania and save copper which she secured in her oc cupation of Serbia, Germany's mines produce almost every known metal in abundance. To her own stores of the chief essentials at this crisis, coal and iron, she has added those of Belgium, northern France and Poland, and she can still buv the fine grade ores of Norway and Sweden. A prominent i German was quite correct when, in comparing Great Britain with his own country as to their self-sustaining ability he said recently: "We pro duce four-fifths of what we consume; Great Britain imports four-fifths of j her articles of consumption, YVmcn .an endure a blockade the longer?5' Then Germany is rich in man pow er, either for peace or war. She has nearly 70,000,000 of people, practical ly all of one language and stock and this latter feature is of great value. Her birthrate, unlike France's, great ly exceeds her death rate annually. To replace in part the wastage of this great war, over half a million young men reach the arms bearing age each year. Since the war began two mil lion have thus heen added. It will be quite an effort for the United States to put into Europe and maintain as many soldiers as Germany thus gains every year. The German system promotes industry. The women fre quently do rough, heavy work in fac tories and fields, and are now able to replace men in producing power. Boys and old men are utilized to the full limit. Figures show that except in the industries depending upon for eign commerce Germany has not suf fered materially in productiveness since the war began. . That she has been able to strengthen her armies constantly and that now she has un der arms more soldiers than at any other period of the war, her foes real ize and concede. Germany's ability to finance the war rests largely on the strength of her monetary position when she en tered it and the fact that she spends most of her money "in a circle," Ex cept the sums advanced to her allies and these in part the war cost re mains within her own borders. In dustries that supply munitions have ! supplanted those formerly engaged in manufacturing for export now j cut off frequently in the same plants. War profits are taxed or in duced to contribute heavily to gov ernment war loans and the money goes back into trade again. Of course there is a measure of loss and it cannot continue indefinitely, but there are no signs of immediate col lapse. A year or more ago we heard a great deal about Germany's perishing of hunger, but less latterly. It takes great deprivation to force a nation into submission that way. The world's history shows no example of it. Even to starve to the point of capitulation a beseiged city, cut off from all sup plies, is no easy task. The German oeople have gone short of many things that we regard as necessary to comfort and well being in diet and living, but thanks to their system of Cood conservation and distribution, there has been no starvation, indeed, 50 far as we can see, no actual loss of vital force, either in troops at the front or workers at home. With the i opening of Galicia, Rumania, Poland and other conquered territories, the levying of war tributes, the compul sion of labor by civil populations in acquired sectors and of such war nrisoners as can be induced by an at tractive wage, Germany's position is constantly improving. These are a feAV of the reasons why Germany has made her wonder ful showing under the stress of war and give some hint of the task that is ours mainly of putting her on her back. Randolph Herald and News. riAN TROUBLED FOR TWO YEARS Men and women should not suffer from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff joints and swollen sore muscles when relief can be easily had. James McOrery.Ber rien Center, Mich., says he was troubled with kidney and bladder trouble for two years; would have to get up several times during the night and had pains across his kidneys. He used several kinds of medicine without relief, but Foley Kidney Pills cured him Many such letters come every day from all parts of the country. Fred D. Pierce, Barton; G. H. Hunt Evansville. . VERMONT NOTES The Vermont Methodist conference will hold its anual session at St. Johnsbury in Grace Methodist church Apr. 24 to 30 next. Bishop E. H. Hughes of - Boston will preside. The divorce case of Mrs. Ethel De Boer Field was tried in Washington county court last week. Mrs. Field has been getting $1500 alimony a year, but is suing for $2500, stating that $2500 a year was as little as she could support her home and rear her children on. Fort Ethan Allen near Burlington, which contained so many thousand troops all summer is now practically deserted. More than 3000 men have left the place within a few days and what few are left now expect to go soon. A large part of the recently moved men went, to a Mississippi training camp. A sagging potato market in Bos ton has had no perceptible effect on the Vermont market as yet. Pota toes have gone off 50 cents a bushel in Boston with Vermont potatoes selling less in that city than they are in the home market. Farmers still are holding back their crop for bet ter prices. With this condition ex isting western potatoes have been shipped into southern Vermont and New Hampshire. The Vermont and Quebec Power company of which Charles H. Thomp son of Montpelier is manager, has bought the Fessenden power about three miles south of Brome lake in Canada. The purchasers expect to set their pole line this fall and con nect this power with that used at Stevens Mill for operating the new talc interests at Johnson. The devel ment to be derived from the new power is 2,000 horsepower for 24 hours. Floyd Denton, the 18-year-old Stowe farm hand, who is accused of assault with a dangerous weapon with intent to kill Mrs. Frank Wright of Stowe, was taken from the Mary Fletcher hospital, Burlington, to the Lamoille county jail in Hyde Park Saturday. No operation was per formed for the recovery of the bullet said to be in the young man's head. His condition is improved as is that of Mrs. Wright, who has also been ir the hospital since the shooting. Vermont's fertile pasture lands will be grazed some day by multi tudes of sheep as they were 75 years ago if plans of the United States de partment of agriculture do not mis carry. Tangible evidence that a be ginning has already been made in that direction is the presence in Brat tleboro this Aveek of an expert sent by the government to interest every farmer in that vicinity who has fa cilities for raising sheep to make that part of his regular business. A scheme to swindle the United States government out of $2,850, in which the Lane Manufacturing com pany of Montpelier would have been an innocent accessory, has become knoAvn. A feAv days ago the concern receiATed from Francisco de la Vega Echemendia, a commission merchant of Santiago, Cuba, a letter stating that he wished to open an account en closing money orders amounting to $2,900. Later another letter was re ceived from Echemendia stating that he had draAvn a draft of $2,850 on the account. The transaction seemed regular enough, although perhaps someAvhat out of the ordinary. Be fore arrangements could be made to have the draft honored, Postmaster B. E. Bailey was warned from Wash ington to be on the lookout for just such a transaction. Vermont Red Cross Changes. At the annual meeting of the Ver mont chapter of the American Red Cross in Burlington Friday the fol loAving officers Avere elected: Chair man, Col. H. C. Pratt of Proctor; vice president, Hon. W. V. Stickney of Ludlow; secretary, II. T. Rutter of Burlington; other members of the committee, C. S. Emery of NeAvport, Dr. E. G. Twitchell of Burlington, Miss Bertha Carey of Proctor, Mrs. A. O. Ferguson of Burlington, Mrs. O. T. Benson of Brattleboro, Miss Florence Corry of Montpelier, John E. Maun of St. Albans, Guy Johnson of Bennington, Lee S. Tillotson of Montpelier, George O. Gridley of Windsor, P. M. Meidon of Rutland, George M. Powers of Morrisville, Dr. C. A. Cramton of St. Johnsbury, M. M. Wilson of Randolph, Nelson W. Fisk of Isle La Motte and E. M. Bartlett of Island Pond. One of the most important actions taken was the re-apportionment of the funds taken in by the various branch es of the state. During the recent membership campaign and up to this time, it was the policy of the Ver mont chapter to allow the branches to keep 25 cents of each dollar col lected from new members. The divi sion headquarters requires 50 cents of each dollar for its work, so that there Avas left for the state head quarters the other 25 cents of each dollar for the carrying on of the ad ministrative Avork of the Vermont chapter. It has been found that the amount thus collected is more than sufficient for administration purposes of the state organization and that there is noAV a good balance in the treasury of the Vermont chapter. It was voted, therefore, that the branch es be notified that they may retain 40 cents on a dollar of every new member, sending only ten cents of the amount to the state headquarters. This will give each branch a much more generous sum for local work. Fireflies as Ornaments. The bizarre dictates of fashion, Which suggested carrying a monkey, or Avearing a lizard or chameleon were anything but esthetic or attractive. At first blush the Avearing of an in sect seems repulsive, but anyone who has seen beautiful Brazilian or Creole women making use of fireflies, or cucu jos, fastening them In little transpar ent bags of light tulle to their dresses and hair might change his mind and be entranced by the sight of these living jewels glowing in the darkness of scented gardens. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY Primary Law May Mean Graham Again. Various newspapers are beginning to discover the grave danger that would confront the state if Governor Graham were reelected and the moun tain and other rules broken. It should be remembered that Vermont now has a primary law. The only sure way to head off Horace is to see that his name Hnpsn't. P-et on the official ballot. Randolph Herald and News. Still Heckling Away at Dale. The Bennington Banner chides the Reformer and the Barre Times for not having a full appreciation of the ability and quality of Porter Dale, congressman from the second Ver mont district. The Banner says he is one of the strong men that Vermont has sent to congress. The Banner may be right but some of us on the east side would be willing to swap him and take Congressman Frank L. Greene of the west side in exchange. Brattleboro Reformer. Will Wield Gavel instead of Ruler. For the first time in its history the Vermont State Teachers' association at the recent convention in St. Al bans, elected a woman president and thus gave proper recognition to the sex that has always done about nine tenths of the school teaching in every toAvn in the state. The neAV head of the association is Mrs. Margaret R. Kelley of Derby. Success to her! There is no reason why the little schoolma'am should not be able to wield the gavel as well as the ruler. Springfield Reporter. Philanthropy and Bad Teeth. The $10,000 gift from Miss Emily Proctor and Hon. Redfield Proctor to be used for the purpose of a state Avide movement to improve the teeth of children betAveen the ages of six and twelve years, is the right kind of beneficence. It is a fact, that bad teeth cause many an ailment and Avhen allowed to continue work de struction on the human system. The foods given to children should be so regulated as to improve the teeth. The person who has good teeth is as a rule, the individual who enjoys good health. Waterbury Record. Dale Said to Be Strong Man. Congressman Porter II. Dale of the second Vermont district has a strong supporter in the Rutland Herald of liii!!!". ;i!i:!!;iii!i;!p!!i!:r V'Jai 1 1! :,n,!:: mm MSI i ! ; 1m ' !i: i t i i : ?v. ...f I a 8 mt-mimM'mt mm I h i sit i flfefwi IP PPf illii i 1 s i a m Id I S Mkmm 1 1 .Hi -: . . I fa. "V j "W III I! I I 1 I On cold mornings, a bit of fun and the good cheery warmth of a Perfection Oil Heater make getting up easier. The Perfection soon drives out the chill. The generous warmth encourages a feeling of fitness at the very beginning of the day. Convenient, economical, the Per fection quickly warms any room in the house. Yields glowing warmth for eight hours on a single gallon of kerosene. Now used in more than 3,000,000 homes. Re-wicking is now easy with the new No. 500 Perfection Heater Wick. Comes trimmed and burned off, all ready for use. So-CO-ny Kerosene gives best results. STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEW YORK Principal Offices New York Buffalo I w e WU KEROSENE I STANDARD DlLCagN.Y. j the first Vermont district. Brattle-' boro Reformer. The Herald, not being in the dis trict, and therefore not swayed by second district prejudice and rivalries and is therefore able to see through the fog that seems to interfere with the vision of the Brattleboro Reform er and the Barre Times. Congress man Dale is one of the strong men that Vermont has sent to congress and de serves the cordial support of his dis trict. Bennington Banner. The Why of the Graham Talk. The Montpelier Argus states very concisely the reasons why Gov. Hor ace F. Graham looms large for re election as governor of Vermont when it. said: "Gov. Graham has ac complished more in bringing about constructive legislation, has done more to advance the progress of the state, and has handled affairs with judgment and sagacity, which has not been equalled by an executive of the Green Mountain state for years and the state has had good gover nors at that. Gov. Graham has been an extraordinary executive and the fact is recognized by an overwhelm ing majority of the citizens of the state." It is because he has done all this and that the people knoAV it that we belieTe there will be a serious ef fort to re-elect him in the next cam paign. St. Johnsbury Caledonian. Pistol Invented in Italy. Pistols Avere invented at Pistoja, Italy, and Avere first used by English cavalrymen in 1544. 37 More Fo r Yo u r Money Get the Genuine CASCARA if QUININE 7 No advance in price for tins 20-year-old remedy 25c for 24- tablets Some cold tablets now 30c fcr 21 tablets Figured on proportion:: te cost per t -h'.?':, yon sire 9'. : vr cn you bay in 24 hcurr. ip m J Grtys? ?ioncy back t fr.'.i".. At anv Cru Store .f l.V.-.-il .M ! :; I : ;-.--.j : i' H;! V -I I i: ii:r'! :: li Iliiii.,:,! iiiiliiliiiiiiliiiiliiiliii:;! ill: ii'i ii ihii i' ' i'i!:-'i!i!!!i,V mm iliii! I!! Mi.S& ll ' II!'!1 iii i ! i ii !! I!! i !!l II ffiv ; . i, i - .it i 1 li I -r to n Albany J5S E I a I Boston ill slis Having Purchased the Insurance business formerly carried on by Mr. F. D. Thompson, I am better equipped than ever for insuring all classes of property. Pictures Framed. Mileages. F. W. CUTTING Barton, Vermont The Curtis Easy Pull Manure Spreader The Richardson Manufacturing Company made and sold Manure Spreaders before any other Spreader was manufactured. Many of these old spreaders are now in use and the Richardson Manufac turing Company is today the only company making manure spread ers who have not begun their man ufacture within a comparatively short time. Manure Spreaders have been improved, first in quality of work done, then in ease of operating and in ease of loading. The Rich ardson Manufacturing Company has made each step in this prog ress after months of experiments and tests. The latest spreader, the Curtis Easy-Pull, is a development of the Worcester Kemp, using many of the same parts, but with a new feature added that reduces the draft on horses and brings it close to the ground, so that it is easy to load. I have a few of these Spreaders g on hand which I can sell at the old price. F. S. WHITCHER BARTON, VT. FO O Sanitary Cross Illustra ICi2ted Catalog "A Revela tion in Hair Goods Econ omy and Smart Models in Hairdress" Sent by mail upon receipt of this coupon or delivered to you at our Hair Counter Name Address Cut this out, mail to Mrs. C. L. Hutch ins, Barton, Vt. Better than Money in the Bank STOCK UP NOW ON HYand FOR YOUR SPRING NEEDS Timothy, Clover, RAY P. WEBSTER Barton, A MARK OF DISTINCTION BARTON SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY BARTON, VERMONT Capital $50,000 Surplus $70,000 BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. M. BLAKE, M. D. BARTON, VT. Special attention given to treatment of diseases of the eye. ear, nose and throat, and the fitting: of glasses to defective eyes. Office Hours: 11 a. m. to 8 p. m., except Sundays, and by special appointment. C. A. CRAMTON, M. D. St. JonNSBtTKY, Vt. SPECIALIST. Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 29 Main St , over Post OfBce. Office Hours. 8.00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m. Appointments for examination of the eyes can be mad in advance by letter or telephone. Harry Dickens AUCTIONEER Orleans, Vt. N. E. Telephone G. S. COURSER Auctioneer South Albany, Vermont N. H. DREW LICENSED AUCTIONEER Glover, Vt. Satisfaction Guaranteed. FREDERICK LANPHEAR, M. D. ORLEANS, VERMONT QENKKAL PRACTICE, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Examination of eyes for glasses by appointment. JOBIA1I A. PEARSON, DENTIST, BAKTON, VT. OFFICE IN Owen's Block. HUBBARD HASTINGS CONSULTING FORESTER Timber, Estimating and Surveying 18 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, Vt. SEND 18 CENTS To LANG JEWELRY & ART CO., Barton, Vt., for 25 Christmas and assorted cards. RITCHIE & COLBY REAL ESTATE GREENSBORO BEND, - VT. PROBATE COURTS Special sessions of the Probate Court will ln held at the olfice of l i: Mvrx. in BAKTON. on the second and fourth Fridays of each tnor.tli in the afternoon ; and at the office of Ooli: Y Sto?i. iui, in 1 1 r,10A tin afternoon of the third Friday of each month. 1'artiesdesir nir totransact Probate business at Barton or Orleans should notify the .Judjre in advance, that he may take the necessary papers. The Probate office at NEW POUT will b open every day, except Sundays and holi days: but those comint? from a distance, at far as possible, should make special appoint nients with the Court in advance. KUKUS W. SPEAK. Jitpge. $4.00 to $4.50 25 cts. lb. Vermont . '"-y WiiltlMil Is the fact that you pay your bills by check, instead of counting out paper or coin. Men of means carry little money.