Tb,toIlowln iww arpearfd JnJiu we JRoxXh. Troy .FullAdlum .but .did not
.. t., iM.k: onttor
Oving to
the precsnt iujh prices
decided to do
and scarcity of all lands of Men'c and Young Men's Cloth
and the still higher prices for spring, we have
out our Barton store. Commencing
and running intil after Christmas, we shall ;place on sale everything in our vstpre.
is one grand moneyrsaving opppittunity for you, coming as it does, just before Christ
mas when you can -purchase y
We have a goodi clean stock to of fer you, and e are going to sell it to you at prices you
can vafford to pay. iAll goods for Spring and Summsr are going to be a good deal higher jcp
ay-cuv for ne!piing and Summer. - :
This b not iho ucaal time for sales but oq our leace.expires ilonuly ?l,ct, it io rather imper
ative that we have itiat this time but vhat weilcso you gain. sReraember everytha(j.io,gpinj
at a big tliccount andi some at below one half -the actual value to-day.
Rather than Hot every article in our stock we are going to give y ou a rebate oh each and
every article (not put! in opecial cale groups) of -
- . - . . . .
This means that you just pay 90c ibr a dollars worth if goods
This will include all Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants, Mackinaws, Hats, Caps,
Sweaters, Hosiery, Underwear, Collars, Shirts, Overalls, and in fact everything not listed at
a: ,very much lower price.
3 Coats, sizes 13-14-15, Regular $7.50 value. Sale price . ,$4.00
1 Coat, size 33. Regular value $12.00. Sale price $5.00
1 Coat, size 30. Regular value $15.00. Sale price. . . . .$9.00
X Coati size; 37. Regular value $16.50. Sale price. , . .$12.00
1 Coat; size 34. Regular Taluef$12.50 Sale price. .$5.00
v t .
Hen's regular $1.50 values. Now. . ....,., , . . . . . . . ;$130
Boys' Regular $1.25 values. Kow. . .... .... .v. . . . . . . . ;C3c
All regular $2.00 Mitts now. . . ; . . . . . . . . . . :$L70
All egfular $1.50 Hitte now. ... .... ... . . .. . . .... .$1.30
AH regular -$L00 Mitts, now. , . .... . . . ....... , . . ;C0c
All regular 75c vMitta; now ...... . -CQc
All regulars 50c Mitts; now. .45c
- 36 to 44. Regular $2,00 . values. Now $1;39
fc .
1 Lot Men's Shoes, regular ;$4.00 value. Now. . v $2.95
1 Lot of Men's Shoes, regular $7.00 value, now. ....... .$5.95
. AH Jihoes jiot; in the two lots, going at 10 Discount
l;Lot of $1.50 and $2.Q0 Dress Shirtsgoing at. .98c
All good patterns .
JL Lot tof c$1.00sNeckwear, now v70c
ILot pf 85cjtfeckweaj, now.;. . . f . . . , . . f, . . . ... . . , ... C9c
1 Lot of 65c .neckwear,; now. . . , . . . v60c
vThese are all nice patterns a
1 Lot of. Canvas Gloves, J25c values, now. .............. 9c 1
We .also .have a g?eat many odds and ends to close which you '-can buy
at a small fraction of their value tb-day.
Store will be closed Thursday, December 12th, to miark down and re
arrange stock. We will be open IFriday morning, December 13th ready
:to give you a good 'deal more than your money's worth.
Wendell Peck - was home
ill . - S . N . X-f J X A f -n Y ( ) U r r r f I Boston last week.
II 1 1 1 V VX X X X J
-J-CDj - 1 .' 1 " .... " ;.- -
Mrs. C. R. Holden and Mrs. A. A.
Macomber went to ' Barton Wednes
day. V : r
Harry T. Robbins of Springfield,
Mass., was a visitor at W. R. . Bailey's
Monday. . v
-Mrs. ,W. E. Sawyer and children
went Wednesday to Orleans for a few
days' , visit .with friends.
The ladies of the. W. R. C. will
hold their next meeting Saturday,
Dec. 14 . in the Congregational vestry.
-Mrs. C. J. Chaffee who has spent
six weeks in town caring for her sis
ter Mrs. P. I. Clark, went back to
her home in Watertown, Mass., re
cently. W. W. Reirden and family of Bar
ton and Walter Reirden and family of
Richford spent Thanksgiving day
with their 1 parents, Mr. land Mrs. J.
W. Reirden.
A. A. Thompson and family have
moved from Mansonville , to North
Troy. .They occupy the east 1 tene
ment in Mrs. , E. J?. Elkins'hause on
Geraldine avenue. k
Mr. and Mrs. Max Chevalier of
Bedford, P. Q., were in town on their
wedding trip last week. - Mrs. Chev
alier was Miss Maggie Hamilton and
formerly lived here.
Fred Fauchs arrived from Camp
Devens, Mass., Saturday morning on
his way to Stevens Mills. He has
been honorably, discharged from the
U. S. army service:
' Secretary , of .State-Elect rH. A.
Black and family ' of "Newport were
guests of-Mr. and Mrs.. W.. R. Dailey
on Thanksgiving day.
Edward Lake who has been confin
ed to the house for several weeks past
with heart trouble' is so far recovered
as to be able to be put of doors.
..... j
George Aiken came home. Wednesr
day morning after a week's visit to
relatives in .Greenfield ; and Athol,
Mass. " i
Homer C. -Elkins of Worcester,
Mass., is in town buying hay for
shipment - to .points Jri southern New
England. " :
.A. card from Walter Everest who is
overseas, says he is now serving with
the 1117th Field Artillery somewhere
in France.
Glenn Burnap accompanied Mrs.
Burnap to Farnham, P. Q., Tuesday
morning, to enter the hospital for
Ray Hunt and family of Newport
were visitors at the home , pf his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hunt for the
A. Gilbault-and family, , who have
occupied the so-called . Handy farm
for several months, have moved to
Mrs. J. C. Pettes of West Brome, P.
Q., who has been visiting at the home
of her son, F. C. Pettes, has returned
to her home.
C. T. Hall of Montgomery Col. C.
E. Nelson and B. F. Butterfield of
Derby Liye were visitors in town one
day last week.
N. S. Parker, the well-known min
ing prospector and promoter of East
man, P. Q., was a business caller in
town Wednesday.
Work was commenced Tuesday on
the erection of the new and perma
nent ice house of the H. P. Hood &
Sons Co., that is to be used in con
nection with their creamery.
Rev. D. D. Villandre of North At
tleboro, Mass., was in town Monday
on his way to Montreal, to visit his
sister, Mrs. .Atchez Tetrault, who is
in a hospital there for treatment.
Chas. C. Santaw and family, who
have been living for some more than
a year in St. Johnsbury have returned
to North Troy. They will occupy
the yellow house at the foot of Rail
road street.
Jesse Honsinger, who has occupied
for two or three years the house on
what 'was formerly known as the
Chester Wheeler farm, has moved in
to the house on the A. O. Dubois place
on the West road.
F. tW. .Elkin M .having . a v sugar
house built . in . his sugar bush , north
OI ine Village. nriw sugar acinus
at 25 cents a pound the revival of
maple ; sugar making would seem ( a
profitable venture.
The over-abundant rains of the past
week terminated with a snow-storm
that brought only enough of the win
try covering to tempt the small boy
fn nflA hia sled on the sidewalks and
so produce a perilous condition, for
ine peaesinan.
George Cole and children went to
WoforKnrv ITrirtav tn see Mrs. Cole.
who is at the state hospital undergo
ing treatment for mental trouDie. mrs.
Cole seems to be gaining in some re
spects and it is hoped she will even
tually recover her normal mind.
The Victory Girls will hold a
Christmas sale in the teacher train
ing room at the high school Friday,
Dec 13 at 3 o'clock. There will be
many attractive and useful gifts 4or
sale. Here is your opportunity to
"shop early" and to help a good
On the evening of Nov. 27th at the
Baptist parsonage, . Rev. C. B. Danse
nniforl in marriace Howard . Sarcrent
and Mrs. Edith Hazard, both of North
Troy. The single ring service was
used. After their return from a
short trip the newly-wedded couple
will, make their home here. !
Leon Baird received news last week
that his brother, Fred Baird, was se
riously wounded somewhere in France
Mr. Baird recently received a letter
from him dated Nov. 4th in which he
said he was in good health. Evident
ly Fred was wounded on some date
between Nov. 4th and the 11th on
which day hostilities ceased. Fred
Baird enlisted from Montpelier in Co.
F, 101st regiment. He went over
seas Aug. 5, 1917. He is 24 years of
Mrs. C A. Young is suffering
from a sprained knee." "' " i
-C. A. .Young is home from Kittery,
Me., for. a short visit.
C-C. Stannard was a business call
er at Camp Devens recently.
.Howard Barney, was home from St.
Johnsbury Thanksgiving week..
Miss Leah Diette 'returned to St.
Johnsbury the last of the week.
'.James Keech visited his parents in
Burlington Thanksgiving week.
.Mrs. .Will Armstrong of Newport
Center is helping afc G. L. Curtis'.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Shufelt Friday, Nov. 29.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tillotson were
business callers in Newport Monday.
Mrs. Maria Martin was a guest at
Freeman Farman's Thanksgiving day.
Miss Melba Tillotson was home the
past week, returning to Albany Sun
Dr. W. A. Young and M. L. Tillot
son were ih Newport the last of the
week. v
F. J. Smith was in Orleans several
days recently,' .returning home Wed
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. O'Brien of
Eden visited at A. P. Sweet's Wed
nesday. Florence Cargill, the nurse at J. P.
Murphy's, returned' to ' St. Johnsbury
Mrs. Robert . Fields of Johnson is
visiting her patents," Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Newton.
Carl and Annie Fisher of Irasburg
yjsited Jtheir ,:aunt, -.Mrs. Edgar La
clair .Sunday.
All the influenza patients are re
po'rted' :improving. There have been
no" ew cases ' reported f6r several
days."" ' v' " 1 ""V J
7 Ed.- Richardson of Swanton is visit
ing his. mother, Nancy Richardson,
and: his brothers, , Herbert and Hor- '
ace Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. Albion .Stebbins have
f one to St. .Albans where tMr. Steb
ins has ' employment in 'he! Foundry
garage for .'the winter. "
-.. it.... ' .. i..
j Mr., and Mrs. .N.i.E. Winget were
called , to . Sherbrooke Monday to at
tend the funeral of Mr. Winget's sis-tex-in-law,,Mrs.
Angus Winget. -t
t Mrs. Mary Warner ,had the misfor
tune to . jfall . , down , stairs ' Saturday
morning, receiving a severe scalp
wound and being otherwise badly
bruised. At present she is in a pre
carious condition.
Mark Warner and his mother have
moved from their farm to the asbes
tos mines and will keep house for
Wallace Warner,' who has the care of
the mines for the winter.
Walter Howard Pope of Camp
Devens and Anna Pearl Walcott of
Lowell, Mass., were united in mar
riage Nov. 27th, by Rev- Roy E.
Green at the home of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pope.
Milton Bell, S. A. T. C, Burlington,
was home for Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Robinson went to
Westmore Wednesday for the re
mainder of the . week.
Mrs. Guy George came out. from
Mansonville Wednesday to ' spend a
few days at' her home.
.Monday C. JE. Perry .received a tel
gram saying . his eldest son 'was se
verely .wounded in France Oct. 21st.
Mrs. Herbert Longley went to
North Troy Saturday to . spend the
week-end . with her . sister, Mrs. Geo.
Root. ' "
Since coming, to .the parish in June,
1917; Bev.vW. rG Macfarlane has offi
ciated At 2.5 funerals. Ian . unusual
Lourober for a parish of this size.'
Albert Eastman came home from
Barton .Wednesday for the Thanks-
cr? vi ncr vacation ' armmnanied ' hv his.
cousin, 4 Alden" Eastman,, of Lyndon.
Mr. Bly And-mother of Springfield,
Mah.. who have been a few weeks at
Fremont Miller's, . recuperating from
the influenza f returned nome aatur
night."" " '. ' '
'Alfred H. Stetson died at his board
ing place, at James Collins, on Nov.
27, of acute intestinal indigestion. . He
was born in Sutton. P. 62 years
years' ago June 1st, son bf W. P.' and
Jane McAllister Stetsdn." . The. funer
al was held at the home ox his broth
er, Elmer , Stepson, : Rev. Macfarlane
bfliciatin'g. Besides " his aged moth
er, he leaves two brothers, Elmer of
Westfield and Arthur of Springfield,
Mass.,. and two sisters, .Mrs. Charles
Carpenter of Eden : and Mts.' Bert
Courser of Charleston. Mrs. Cours
er and son, Warren, were present at
the funeral. Most of his life has been
spent in Westfield and his mother
will especially feel the loss of her
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Skinner have
moved to their new home in Bates
ville, Newport, and their many
friends are sorry to have them' go.
Word has come that Mrs. Glenna
(Morse) Glidden, formerly of this
town, has just given birth to a fine
eight-pound . boy. .We extend con
gratulations. Rev. C. W. Kelley, the Methodist
pastor, is. spending the week in Bos
ton, attending the great centenary
convention in -Tremont Temple. All
the Methodist ministers of New En
gland are expected to be present at
this meeting and their expenses are
paid by a special, fund raised for the
.A. special school meeting was held
in town Monday night to consider
some matters which had to do with
paying the. teachers during their en
forced vacation, while the quarantine
was on, and the election of two new
trustees, to take' the place of those
Who have resigned during the year.