if E PACE FOUR KIDNEYS WEAKENING? LOOK OUT! Kiy trotVfS a-nt c' T too- wife of :- 'a-d themselves. Tr.er f'cw s.o .y t"-t os : fCc2 1-e w::':---'. fori a? tt.:.i- ceai.y crta-r.-.y you rat. a vsc THE MONITOR. JANUARY 8, 1919 THE THREE CRAFTSBURYS NORTH CRAFTS BURY John Camley is cose, xu. Mrs. A. G. Mackres has gone to Waverly, Mass., with her little daughter, who is ill, to obtain niedi- o: her . --tc: livu to incurs.-' c;as-. : v, r ir- ... - - Str-p yo-r tr:ufcW.? w..'.c there Is t:rr.?. or! C;; ?- -s 'vr: r".:. lZ- IX--r -tt est:: Utile V-r- i- r i r-.o--t!-. :n a rrti. .-. ki--. ront it::'-? ti.tn -I .sro.se -:" - -J s- vc;J future r- ;.--..r ir.-r... ;rrro:r.-.e: .-:: i-. GCL.D vk'ai. Ho: :r.-. ".: - fu.ts i. ; --. Tke Urre n. r i:-T civ cr.t-li you s-re c'rt' ' fr.e f"; r -. c-' f t.? "r.i : -' -v -r--c:Y :: t-N-:' i :.v. y1 Hvv' it . : - ; it i-.-."-. m j cnarue - , . . jrivn a t-P -T T. M. "v - - - . I ... " . ..-v- those cream team icr manj ) Miss io-s xis-.c ;w.as badlv kicked by a norse inui- with srrippe. t,i-en immediately to Hard- wick hospital, where his ankle was found to be badly splintered. He has the sympathy of all. CRAFTS BI'KY rr -;m v.:-c-: rr. Ir.- ed at the home of A daughter arr.v C. L. Cole Jan. b. v-;J t;-mt: ha-- returned 'heme in Ne" Ycrk. f c T.. T-vcn wa? home from ;:;m N. H.. f- Chriitm-s. her Urove- v:s- 'ostmaster Keir is ab!e to be b: :ne cmoe a cram. (. . . . Ha: l At Perky s Novelty Store 1 Vjiiiii.-ti: l - i a - - Children's i . T at cc Cl. i - V.' t : were open v.iv imrrov- COVENTRY Mrs. Leonoia Wire is very Urv. Mrs. Esther Hancock is not as well. Mrs. Bert Ware is in very poor health. Mrs. G. J. Benware has been ill with a hard cold. L. S. Eaton has returned to his work in Lebanon, X. H. Carroll Bickford was homo from Willoughby over Sunday. Chas. Hyland's family have been ill G. J. Benware and family have re turned from a trip to Boston. Carroll Wilier is eainin- slowly illness with mnuenza. GLOVER GLEANINGS GLOVER Mrs. Isadore Corliss is working for Mrs. H. E. Clark. Alva Rich is suffering from neurit is in his arm and hand. Mrs. Thomas Marnoch has been much" out of health of late. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rich are stay in? at the farm with their son, Alva. Georce Sherburne, who has been very ill v-:th r"e"monia, fo"oVir. .Hi;ui".-a, iS ocu.r. bury, where she has employ- with the Fairbanks Co. This village escaped the influera epidemic when it was at its w0r$. but has over 20 cases in and r.ca the village at present. Mrs. W. O. King and Mr. W Magoon attended the ;0th wojj-c anniversary of an uncle ar.d au-t -Hatley, P. Q., recently. There were no services Sunday c av.oa.t oi the inllucnza ar.d thV ar- nuai meeting oi tne ihurch ;lrs Marv Yaneour a nd Mrs. Edith j Postponed until Tuoia.N Leonard visited 3trs. in Newport last week. Emma Morse ' week i'i r.e: I oiaays lameron is v 1 in Lvmlonville. She Sarah Priest is in Sunsmne notice that her seho-oi :: Ycsta C.vvc.ar.d nas Lv-en on : sanitarium lecovermg irom an ot-vi- ; closed lor the present k lis: the pait VV V.-. i-lock vent I at:on to Craftsbury lor ar-c:micu;?. i tne t I?:v.-'CIo C-ark is home from ' mr.uor.za. ARxnr sal:- navmend Kmc X. II.. here . 'ihurbcr is ab'.e to be i!inc;-s with tonsiiitis. -.as gone to Lelan .e ha employment. C- Vi .i- t o i t li..' ilA A..0 Mrs. Sumner Rich are liv- j learn of t!u Vov.io m the vihacre prominent i V a . . v. i u . - r. e v e e . e n O w a r.e i laDanese China Teaci Regular Price. 53 doz. Special at 2.59 doz. S? Ycur Chaice of Tw? Pititrr.s. White wiJj Gcki Bind or Fieri! Ds-ign . ta j uj. v. n: o she Ciia ey's n. De- uone to ee work i r. 1 fa- Mrs. Austin Kieh are ";v of Mr.-. Annette Frost of was brought here the iirst Cvk and buried beside her ; KXerii ta at Tne iu to o: Vo v;;.:" Fr. Dillingham cr.:i nas eee: tiee. cn the "Con-rostro"- -- n :or vear to Her- 11 2 has ? mnuenzi. Miss Evelyn Thomson H. G. PERLEY Gilrnan Kcisden vent Monday to uTl:nctcn to take treatment for a re in his mouth. of Belvidere I ,s rew teacner m tne crammar . seheel instead of Miss Palmer as re- ; rorted last week. ! Miss Ruth Shippee, nurse, was call ed home from St. Johnsbury Monday on account of the serious illness of Gran-re mee-f.r.g iuescay evening. ' Installation of oT:eers. Refresh ' meats served by the gentlemen. Let all members make an effort to be j present. Irs. F. W. Hastings wishes to nk the friends, who so kindly re membered her with the Sunshine bag at Christmas time. s-, li j Post Office Square, BARTON, T. t REMEMBER THIS H:-c;t fue . cca.ers - ycur ;i:ve. . v-.U 'LI .Tct More Heat and Reduce Your Fuel Bill GEM TREAT Thursday. Jan. 9th DOROTHY DALTOX IX TYRANT FEAR PEARL WHITE IX THE HOUSE OF HATE Orleans Opera House Fridav. Jan- 10th Mrs. Gertie Kelton, who was oper ated on at a hospital in Springfield, Mass., and recovered partially, writes that she will have to have another operation before health will be re stored. WEST GLOYER James Magoon has the prevailing grip. . i i i i i : 1 Vv 1 - -r i f n Jamie Chapman of Johnson wa? a , gregai-onai cnurca me nurar.v m u-c Clarence LocKe s iamuy are an im- aet of her aunts. Mrs. W. P. Kais- : open irom - io sin iae diiemuuu mi ( proving. !?r and Mrs. C. G. Hatch, last week. ; trom . to y m me evening. Thefe cage3 q influenza at T. Pa-tfrson returned last week ' ana -urs. j. eniur n Pelland's r-1 i0....,,i,.!CfT: vr-A wcrf ni Newport are boarding at Harry ! Tbursdav to East Hardwick. where Thayer's. M. S. Saw-;r. our town represent- her brother, George, ative "left Monday to take up his : jjr. anii Mrs. X. L. Labell and work in Montpelier. children are recovering from influ- Hardr Merrill left New Years day ' r.za. Mrs. Mitchell of Irasburg has to take up his work in the U. Y. M., ; oetn caring i c. . - , i r - . 1 i. , wnicn ne leix wctn ne went iu ai. The dav of the roll call in the Con- v,:. :e.. vcj tr.it :t i r.rcs lt.c r. re tsC. Saturday. Jan. 11th : he has a pos:t:on w-th Mr. Albee. I George, little son of Mr. and Mrs. i rr,r"p Walker, was brought home sawyer milL . Mr. Wentworth is the new it the F. H. Hermon & Son - from the hospital much improved, on THE FAMILY SKELETON Thursday. CON-SUM-IT SOOT DESTROYER - - c. it v. : .t:ve. FOR SALE BY H. T. Seaver. Barton, Yt. P. C. Kelr, Craftsbury, Yt. H. X. Drew, Glover, Yt. A. D. Thurber, Coventry, Yt. J. H. PopeSreer-sbcro Bend, Yt. H. A. & G. C. Bartlett, Wtippie & French. Orleans, Yt. Newport Center, Yt. True & E lane hard Co M. A. Toot. North Troy, Yt. Xewport, Yt. H. W. Cotleigh, West Burke, Yt- Mer.hants ar.d agents wa: ted wure -o: already joli Truxa! Chs-zcz. Cc. Seattle. Ya?r., Mir?. HEARSTS PATHE NEWS Orleans Opera House ROY STEWART IN PA.YLNG HIS DEBT HEARSTS PATHE NEWS HIS THANKLESS J03 Comedy Tcesdav. Jan. 14th BILLIE BURKE IN MYSTERIOUS MISS TERRY "-eel Mac Sennett Comedy THE KLTCHEX LADY Orlean Opera Hocse Wednesday Wednesday. Jan. 15th Alien Twiss. who has been very ill vi:h jaundice, is improving. Maud Mocney. who has been caring for him, finished her work Saturday. Tr.ere is to be a free entertain ment of a moving picture show in the vestry of the M. E. church Sun day evening, Jan. 12. Everyone is invited. Ross Wright has killed seven foxes this season. R. O. Buchanan and family have Carroll Brooks has received an ! returned to Uuriington. honorable discharge and has returned j jin an(j irs. Webster and Hester home from Pelham Bay Park. Mr. j have been victims of influenza. and .Mrs. crooks are now visiting t relatives in Portland, Me. Jacob Greenwood of Canada, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Cleveland, has gone to visit his daughters, Mrs. Xellie Hanford, in Hardwick and Mrs. Clara Branch in Burlington. Mr. andpMrs. J. P. Borland and Joyce are suffering from influenza. X. C. Stevens and his entire family have been quite ill the past week. Others who have been ill recently are Clara Young, Helen Baker and Shirlev Scott. C. W. Prestcn, NorthfieM Falls, Yt. Gerer&I Agent for Vcrmcnt e: Many Things Adorn Oar Cases and Shelves which really should be an ornament or a useful article in Your home. On! a small exchange of money ani a "littu- ot" your tinae to Select wou'-l place them whtre thev belong Mrs. W. R. Shippee and sons, The M E. San dav school was re- : Oeorge and endeii, nave Deen sick organized Sunday with the same ofS- I with the influenza the past week. cers and teachers retained except in Mrs. Shippee and Wendell are get v -..a cwTttsrv tA rrpnsTiTpr. - tinz alone as wen as could be ex- Foster Anderson was e.ectea. as uer- pn-icu uui prrvcnnRn BEND -ruJe Webber re:gned. very ill with pneumonia.Irs. Cole j GKttSsliUKU uu . of Orleans is helping care for him. j EJ juGn and j. B. Silver are on A SEVENTY-YEAR OLD COUPLE i ! ;. i:-r R. A. Ritchie was in St. Johnsbury on business the first of the week. Mildred Hartson is spending a few davs with her mother at B. D. Pip- Ankur S.il n. n v,n t;-;. late Jolm and J.an Sahv youngest oi eleven viti!.'.: born on DuiirlxT : i. ' very farm whre he ii greater part of his life that farm. Twenty-six years a cm i.e married Miss Nora Kelton an.; a happy home has been the res alt ail these years. Mr. Salmon was a man with many friends, a good citizen and neigh bor, a thrifty farmer, honest ani ; upright, and the community meets ' with a great loss in his remov- ; al. He was a faithful member i of the Masonic order at Bar ton and an associate member cf Mason Post at Glover. He was the father of five children, four of whom survive him, while one died in infancy. He leaves to mourn h:s loss his wife, three sons, Merrill A.. Matthew C, and Peter J., also or.e daughter, Jean Irene. Three of his brothers survive him, James and Harry of Glover and Matthew of Rock Ledge, Fla. Two sisters also are living, Mary Ann Stone of Al bany and Mrs. Agnes Brown of Sa lem, Ore., besides more distant friends and neighbors, who sorrow over his death. The funeral was held December 2?. short services taking place at the house, after which the remains were taken to Glover village to the church where Rev. W. A. Warner officiated, assisted by Rev. Mr. Kimball. A large number of his brother Masons attended the obsequies. The inter ment was in Glover cemetery. THE GREENSBOROS M-. -i M-s T- . O.Tzm-7. Hi I'barr, Fa . CLT THIS OLT-IT IS WORTH MONEY a ' ---' " rw-T. Ttt c - i I o ty K5-ty P:" A trcK.LB - i.- r;.- it. the s-eTer-.es. e ( c v a.s e -re " r. "j yeirs ao. SUGAR-MAKERS OF VERMONT I"TS TIME TO WAKE UP! T'ON'T JJI THIS. Crt njt th i'.'.r.'rcjose r-.h:ci5Ciii.;: :i Foley & Co., 2-:? She eld Aver ue. f'-icao. I'.l. wr:: -e vour name and ddre5 r Viu n.i TK' tf ;c rrum a vr.it lactate tonaxiK Foley". H-r and Tr y-rrznd. f or , u a " ..w. r Wjliie W OOdS. Who ha 5 been ill for Vhe.kVneVTnd ! CI . several weeks with influenza and t'.iii'T f-necr.: ar.d F -ey a-harr c Tablets, aj Mrs. Warren Ransom is spending pneumonia, was presented with a -,o'.--ne ar.4 ihcthiT t'.-atvirj: ra-harrc for j a few weeks at the home of L. J. sum of money by his friends or. : - "r V." T' " i Patch. v-nnsimas. a visit with her sister, Alida, who is a student in the U. V. M. Mrs. E. C. Hayes is substituting for Mrs. Grace Gregory in the pri mary room of the village school. Mrs. Gregory is ill at her home in Hardwick. We ar about to take invoice ani kct things we? will be jlsd to eli S jdj at n extre.T.ely lovr prize. Wait about i n-.w recjri for lb; hnj !Tj:is;i new upsc ui? We ; Lave a good telection cn hard. Can yoa ie: t 3 reed easily? If not, call on ai ;n! find out why. err re5pecti b.it. 1 Lang jewelry Store, - Barton, Yt. War's over. The boys are coming home Em'tarcc-es are lifted. Restrictions removed. Labcr more plentiful And price cf Maple Sugar is oat of sight. We used to sell for Zc.l's; was a hi?h ;rr-'-.- 21-c a seemingly impossible f.rure. and yet it 1 o:r a long while to come. It's ur t ieakv Bucket. Tank, Pi: HOLLAND Mrs. Ella Cheney recently visited her sister. Lackev are in -l-"c an extreme oiks like 20c or Patch. Mrs. Etta Willey is spending a few davs at the home of her son, Henry Willey. There was no school here last week because of the illness of so many of j the children. ! Fred Leavitt has returned from Dixville, Canada, and is stopping at ! J.. B. Lumsden's. Rev. and Mrs. Collins of Ryegate ., i n- : - were in tne place caning on inenus zt.c-iC cf woo-i or an near c ; r. to-o trooi for the Ver MONARCH. r - r ro-iu:e the fcoos. Discard every Boiling Rig. Don't waste a drop cf sap. a - c r.r. V p .Er? i: rent on there's MONARCH cuts sugar production cost to the bone, MONARCH stops town. Mr. and Mrs. Ira camp at Island Pond. W"m. Harris has moved into Mrs A. R. Hall's house. Harry Paee, representative, left I iutiday for Montpelier. !Irs. Burbeck recently visited her ' the first of the week. daughter in Massawippi. A thoEe . with the Miss Eess:e Collins recently visit- ' fluenza are gaining and there have ed her sister, Zvlrs. Harrj- Hall. j been no new cases for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sykes are vis- ! Mrs. L. V. Patch was called to -tin? their daughter in Williams- Lvndon Thursday to care for her ! son, Oscar, who is ill with influenza. II. O. Hutchinson of Burlington, superintendent of junior high schools in the state, was in town Tuesday of ; last week, looking after the interests of the local school. The Red Cross will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. C. E. Colby on Thursday afternoon. There is plenty of work on hand and a i"A attendance is desired. No services were held in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR An Authentic Narrative of the World's Greatest War afcs , saves tne wc-od ana reduces one co:.. --j-.--r.v-xa s.tu u. ire vi . a. camp installed tneir ! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pope left Mon- tlev're built that ay. -.;,s -10-aa evening and a dance f day for New iork City, and alter ' We'r ready to talk Sugar Tools with anv man who makes sugar. See , followed. j spending a week there will go to Z v at th Sugar Maker and Dairvman Meeting in Burlington, or inquire of i Ora Selby has moved into the Wm. Florida to spend the winter. I ...... ,T.r,r. .r, ,rtn.,.u i.rnrnnnT itt i fr i"tLTU:V s v- I GREENSBORO : mUiiAKln LYArUaAiUK lUMrAni, nLYTfrUril, Yl. (Intended for last week.) ; k I By FRANCIS A- MARCH. Ph.D, In CoIIab-oration with R::hard J. Beambh Special Wat C -rresp-oncent 2.nd Mi itary Analyst With Ir.triuctiDn By GENERAL PEYTON C MARCH Chief of Staff of the United States Arrr.y 750 pages, rco C'ustratirns frcm cff.cis! phctcgraj hs cf the United States, British and French Governments. I have placed the above history m my library either for rest or for sale. The rent will be 10 cents for two week. If you wuh to own it the price ij $3.75, $3.00, or S2.75. I have added other books to my library which are of especial interest at thi time. i TEe CiFT SKO? BAiVTOIJ, VERMONT Increasing Its Usefulness With ample capital and surplus, efficient management and approved modern facil ities, the Central Savings Bank and Trust Company is increasing its usefulness to the people. When wishing a new or additional de positary, remember we are at your service and cordially invite your checking account. Central SamxgsBank AND Trust Company ORLEANS.VL V r- T i t1 . n- ! Will Smith has sold his farm to ;Ora Selby. '; Mrs. Ella Cheney is visiting her I father, Holiis Stone, this week- Willie Lyon of Groveton, N. IL, spent Sunday at Irwin Chadsey's. John Hall anl Glen Grav have ?or, ! into the pulp woods at Island Pond. B. J. Stratton is entertaining his father from Beebe, P. for a few days. Will Harris has moved his family into Mre. A. R. Hall's tenement house. MORGAN CENTER B. J. Williams was a business visi- 1 tor in Newport Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scribner have moved into C. J. Goodsell's house. Mrs. C. J. Goodsell visited her daughter, Mrs. Leon Morse, at Island Pond last week. The oyster Eupper given by the Woodmen at the hall Wednesday eve ning was well attended and enjoyed ; by all. George A. Porter is in Montpelier. Linvel Brown has been a sufferer from the mumps the past week. W. S. Ingalls was a business visi tor in Barton several days last week. Misa Alice Spier left Monday for Burlington where she is a student in U. V. M. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien of Cab ot visited last week at George Cuth bert son's. Mrs. IL A. Hartson and daughter. Merle, were in St. Johnsbury on busi- f assembly this session. 1 1 .1 cnurcnes tne past two Sundays r cause of the danger from inf! i'-r.za. It is expected that services v.i.l i. held as usual next Sunday. Dr. Easton of Craftsbury a3 call ed in consultation with Dr. t C Kin ney one day last week over the case of Mrs. David Spier, who has ktr very ill, but is now slightly improv ed. Ray Pestle, who has been prir.cipa' of the junior high school the pa four months, resigned last week, ani left Wednesday for North Benning ton, where he has a teaching posi tion. Among the new cases of influenza are Mrs. Allen Hall, Miss Lorett Cassavah. Will Thompson, Howard Allen, Mrs. Nora Hathaway, Anna belle Curtis and Mrs. Clyde PbJ brook. Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Kinney left on Tuesday for Montpelier, where they will reside during the session of the state legislature. Dr. Kinney " renrPHPnt nrecm.M in- tViO VAAti j Mr. A. K. Gale Says: i "I certainly was amazed with the : result cf KAT-SNAP. It did th work ar.d no time was loit. It's never any : effort for me to say a good word for i the exterminator. And anyone an s -oyed w.th such pr2ts should not de--ay a minute while there is such a preparation as RAT-SNAP on the ! market. ay Sold by F. D. Pierce, Barton. ' j Austin's Pharmacy, Orieata. ness Monday, Mrs. Melissa O'Erien, who has been visiting her son in Cabot, re turned home Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Kinney spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Albert Kinney, in Hardwick. Miss Merle Hartson is ill with in fluenza and is unable to teach in the loung district as she had planned. R. O. Buchanan of Eurlington was in town Wednesday of last week and did some repairing in the central office. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chase will oc cupy the house of Mr. and Mrs. F. C Kir.cey during their absence in Mont pel.er. Misses Alida FairV,5.nV a t jory Perrin left last week for Bur-! ! v n'Tt lty arfe students in W. C. Bodine of Bellows Falls be gan his work as principal of the ju nior high school Monday morr.ir.x He comes well recommended and it hoped the school work may be w carried on the rest of the year. Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Collins of South Ryegate visited frifr.ds f town several days recently. Mr. yjt" lins was formerly pastor of the L cit ed Presbyterian church here and r. accepted the pastorate of a c-hurc Ohio. fV 1 ir-.. .t tY.f 1 in; annual meeiinK o. onal church will be Jwlay, Jan. loth. Reports gre gati ne iuk aiienaance may w- f uA.cm' f r, f .r. - Vave ens f- of the dinner and it proroi"- -,J a good one. Miss Mildred Fairbanks will not be abie to open her school in Greens- t-.ro Bend till Monday of next week, because of illness. Miss Grace Fair! ungion over the wtfek-.r,4 ur.A 1 ..:, ... ...... rwizt T-i- . t . 1 l " 1 Miss Grace Fairbanks was in Bur-' ran with th .leih to the c.-' Mrs. Frank Chase had the tune to be tipped from h-r near the home of Dr. Y. Thursday but was not hurt 01 uju5 m; viiiarv wnerc i -