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PAGE FOUR X0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Farms Wanted preparing to issue a revised edition of a booklet contain ing advertisements of Vermont farms for sale. There is no charge for this advertising. Any person desiring to sell Vermont farm property should write for a blank, fill out the same accurately, and return the copy as soon as possible. Address : PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT, Secretary of State's Office, 0K0K0KK Do You Like Candy? SO DO I That is the reason why you ALWAYS FIND THE Best Candy at PERUEY'S We have Very Nice SALTED PEANUTS for 25 cents per pound VALENTINES 1 Yes, we have them H. G. Post Office Square, : and WllWII' W TTT ll 'I T jj Q that we guarantee satisfaction in every respect. Consult LANG, Reliable Optometrist Office at Lang's Jewelry Store, Barton Wedding Necessities "The Bride and the Ring" Get the bride where you will, the ring should come from the col lection we have here. No other stock in this section contains such a pleasing assortment of single and combination stone wedding and engagement rings and certainly at at no other place are they obtain able at sucn prices. We are muking extra preparations lo attend to the wants of our patrons and others who may he in town this week who wish fine Wat eh or Jewelry Repairing done will do wel! to leave it wirh us. Please bear in mind we have the largest and most complete Jewelry and Silverware stock in this section and ail our goods are marked at very attractive prices. We also carry a fine stiock of Stationery, Cameras, Records, Musu Etc. Leave y ur Fi'm.s to be developed. We Invite You to Call Langs Batchelder Block, a f: MAY CAUSE YOD MUCH LOSS Many fires may be preventable but when they do come, they often cause much loss. To be on the safe side and have pro tection against both fire and theft, put your valuables in our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault. Safe Deposit Boxes -sgliftss ? ft ii "J JT Tt, i . i C I The Publicity Department o f the Secretary of State's Office is Montpelier, Vermont PERL.EY : BARTON, VT. You Can See Things with properly fitted Glasses. Don't strain the eyes by doing without this assistance Eyeglasses or Spectacles are not a sign of weak ness or an indication of old age. Youthful eyes require them. Per mit us to make a test and supply the necessary glasses. Hundreds of satisfied customers will teli you our tests are made scientifically - ?SsS3l S&ff iss3 eweiry store :-: BARTON, VT. i for renl $3 AND UP PER YEAR Central and Savings Bane Trust Company ORLEANS,T. f ! il THE LAN GUARANTEED DESERT.ON NOTICE My wife, Adel ne Tatro. having: left my bed and hoard without Just cause or pro vocation. I hereby forbid anyone harhorinor or trusting her on my account after this date. FRED TATRO. rnto! -t Wostmnrn, Vt., thl 23nd rtay of January , !..'.. t-T GEM THEATRE Thursday, Feb. 6th JULIAN ELTINGE IN THE COUNTESS CHARMING 5-act Paramount Feature PEARL WHITE IN THE HOUSE OF HATE Orleans Opera House Friday, Feb. 7th Saturday, Feb. 8th ROY STEWART IN WOLVES OF THE BORDER 5-act Western Drama HEARST'S PATHE NEWS Triangle Comedy Orleans Opera House SESSUE HAYAKAWA IN HASHIMURA TOGO 5- reel Paramount Feature HEARST'S PATHE NEWS Triangle Comedy Tuesday, Feb. 11th THE WHISPERING CHORUS Artcraft Feature ROSCOE "FATTY" ARBUCKLE IN MOONSHINE 2-reel Arbuckle Comedy Orleans Opera House Wednesday, Feb. 12th Here Are A Few cf Our Prices to Save You Money at Hunt's Comer Store Evansville, Vt. Percale, I5o yd. Portland and Boston Cotton, 36 and 42 in., I Cc yd Outing Flannels, 15s and 20c yd Gingham, 20c yd. Print, 15c yd Plenty of Heavy Brown Overalls and Frocks at Lighter ones at White Corn Flour, Rye, Corn Meal, Graham, Fancy Tomatoes, Salmon, Salt Salmon, Fresh Fish from $2.00 $1.65 5c lb 6c lb. 16c can 20c can 18c lb. 12c to 25c lb. A Good Assortment of Men's Boys' and Youths' OVER SHOES of All Kinds at BARGAIN PRICES. AUCTION SALE OF- C 17 C y J I And Other Personal Property AT THE ROWELL lAl'LLN & ROWELL STABLES ORLEANS, VERMONT Saturday, Feb. 8, 1919 at 12.30 o'clock P. M. We will sell At Public Auction the fol lowing described property, viz: 22 Horses, weighing from 1100 to 1500 lbs. each. These horses are Can adian horses, recently purchased from the British Government. Thev have been used for Army purposes, well broken, young and sound, are a fine lot 10 Choice Young Cows We will also sell goods from the Tap lin &. Rowell Warerooms consisting of Sleighs, Harness, Etc. BE SURE TO ATTEND THIS SALE. ftLlTL & Ul3C ' snl ni es H MONITOR, FEBRUARY 5, 1M GLOVER GLEANINGS GLOVER Ernest Rogers is home for a few days. Wales Walton is sick and confined to the bed. Mrs. Florence Rich has been ill with influenza. N. S. Dodge drove to Newport Fri day on business. Mrs. Olive Kimball preached in Morrisville Sunday. Mr. Tyler .the blpcVe'th has beer quite ill for a week paot. Isadore DeParo has hired to Alva Rich and begins work soon. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stone visited in Albany the fifirst of the week. Mrs. Alice Rowen of Barton has been visiting at Harley Drew's. Carl Bean is conducting a ten-day test of some of his famous Holsteins. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mathie were business visitors in Irasburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Cook are ex pected home from Washington this week. Clyde Wheeler has purchased the Freegarde house and has taken pos session. Mrs. Villa Rich has been nursing at Alva Rich's but has returned to her home. Major Cusson, the stage driver is at home sick. Sam Bean is taking his place. Uz Cameron visited at Noble Clark's last week and he will go there to work soon. E. L. Clark and Melvin Anderson went to Craftsbury Tuesday with wheat to be ground. Ruby Drew burned her arm and hand quite severely by falling against a hot stove last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Freegarde of Orleans were business visitors in town one day last week. E. L. Alexander went to Newport Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Milk Producer's association. Mrs. Lola Clark and Miss Isabelle drove to Lyndonville recently and visited at Luther Merriam's. There is to be an auction at the John Leonard place, Wednesday, Feb. 12th, for the sale of farm property. Regular meeting of Glover grange Tuesday evening at 7.30 sharp. Work in first and second degrees. Ladies please bring sandwiches. A special meeting of the grange will be held Thursday afternoon of this week for drill in the degree work and to ac cept names that have been presented. A goodly numher of friends as sembled at Harley Drew's Saturday ALJL THE ALBANY Elias Searles is now running his mill. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cowles were in Newport Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cowles were in Newport Thursday. Hazel Thayer of Craftsbury is vis iting Mildred Brown. Mrs. Mary George is recovering from her recent illness. Mrs. Luella Eldridge of East Al bany recently visited Mrs. Mina El dridge; Miss Cochran of East Albany is caring for Mrs. Charlotte Chamberlin who is quite ill. Dan Dyer was unable to return to his school in Craftsbury this week on account of sickness. Mrs. Ida Burt has returned from Ashland, N. H., where she has been spending several weeks with her son. The annual donation and oyster supper will be held in the M. E cnurcn vestry, inursaay evening, leb. 16. Charles Davidson has a Rhode Island Red pullet that recently laid an egg measuring 7xo inches around. E. G. Darling was in town one day last week and moved his goods from J. B. Darling's house to his home in Marshfield. Abner Mason has received his dis charge from U. S. service and return ed home. He i. recovering from a severe wound of the arm. Mrs. Henry Rogers of Lawrence, Mass., was called here Saturday on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Charlotte Chamberlin. Harry A. Pike, eraduate ODtome- trist and eyesight specialist, will be ' muauy i ucsuay, reu. n, ai airs. Gilbert's. Eyes thoroughly examin ed. ad Glenn Miles has rented Charles Winget's woodworking shop and will run a garage. Mr. Miles has consid erable experience in that line and in tends taking an electrical course in Boston before opening his business here. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. W. E. Craig, Pastor Pastor's theme for Sunday will be "Meeting the Needs of the Hour." Evening service at 7 o'clock. This :Wiu be devoted to evangelistic sing ing, followed by a short talk by the J pastor on the Sunday school lesson. j The Boy Scouts are working dili- gently on their play entitled, "The (Boy Scouts' Good Turn," and expect j to have it in first-class shape for the ! night of Washintrton's Rirth- Watch the date. J' SAVS IT IS THE BEST I.N THE WORLD There U nn remedy that those ho know drnrnd u(ra for re!f (rom coughs that "hans; or," afier the . r, - i , . K sooth raw, innarned membranes and UkunU. s irri. i i"n i i '! : ..iiu.i n,i urtuoit in tit ilirojl. A. H. Met The next meet- i haa Wtie i warLti.'tI!M?S -T.r :a Evcr where. evening to help Miss Ada Drew cele brate her 18th birthday. The eve ning was pleasantly spent in games and social chat. Refreshments of cake and coffee were sereved, Miss Ada passing among the crowd with her birthday cake. Prin. Bates and the larger part of Miss Drew's class from Barton were present. A sum of mon ey was presented with which to pur chase a souvenir of the occasion. A. pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. GLOVER COMMUNITY CHURCH Pn-tor, Rc. John IT''!. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 12 m. C. E. meeting, 7 p. m. Mid-week meeting, Tuesday, 2.30 p. m. Subject, "Three Times Over." Next Sunday morning the pastor will crcpk oi the theme, "Moral and Religious Aspects of the Peaca Con ference." Rev. Olive M. Kimball supplied the pulpit for Rev. Geo. F. Fortier at Morrisville Sunday. At the annual meeting of the Com munity church the following officers were elected; Chairman, Henry Cook; secretary, E. L. Alexander; treasurer, Amy Blodgett; assistant, Mrs. Geo. Anderson; executive committee, Ezra Clark, Roy Davis, C. P. Bean, Albert Merriam, Mrs. C. Parker, George Drew. WEST GLOVER Clarence Locke has been on the sick list. Louis Desmarais is very sick with pneumonia. Phyllis Urie spent a few days at home last week. Narcisse Pelland's daughters are very sick with influenza. Anson Clark of Newport was in town on business recently. Mrs. Eliza Page has been spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. Net tie Hinkley. Walter Kennison received word last week that his son, Leon, has landed in New York from overseas. Herman Hinkley attended the fu neral of his uncle, Wm. Dow, at New port Wednesday of last week. The annual meeting of the church was held Jan. 28th, with a rather small attendance. J. W. Dewing was elected the new member of the finan cial committee. Glendon Anderson, Lynn Ander son's little boy, met with a serious ac cident at school one day last week, breaking a leg near the hip. Dr. Easton. assisted by Dr. Templeton, placed it in a plaster cast. ALBANY SOUTH ALBANY Pastor's theme for Sunday will be "Meeting the Needs of the Hour." This will be very largely a song ser vice. Everyone is cordially invited to come and join in the service. There will be a donation at the church Tuesday evening, Feb. 11th. Oysters will be served. A cordial welcome is extended to all. An Alphabet social at the school house Friday evening, Feb. 7. Ladies bring cake. All will be welcome, Leave trouble behind. Pray don't be tardy, but Hasten and find A welcome that's waiting, Both friendly and hearty. Everyone come To the ALPHABET party. Mr. A. K. Gale Says: ' "I certainly was amazed with the result of RAT-SNAP. It did the work and no time was lost. It's never any effort for me to say a good word for the exterminator. And anyone an noyed with such pests should not de lay a minute while there is such a preparation as RAT-SNAP on the market." aav. Sold by Fred D. Pierce, Barton." Austin's Pharmacy, Orleans. HOLLAND George Green is on the sick list. Dan Vincent is very sick with influ enza. Carl Jenness is working for O. L. Kelley. Harry Page returned to Montpelier ' Auditor's meeting will be held in the town hall Saturday. Mrs M. A Sykes is with her daughter in llliamstown. Fred Davis had drown in Holland pond last week. The school is cIospH church on account of the influenza. ORLEANS LOCAL MENTION (Continued from Page Five). prize m connection with their- age sale. The annual donation rf tha f tt church will be held Tuesday eveningi ren. llth. SuDDer will he o-,7 . 5.30, until all are served.. fnllr.ror k a social hour, during which the young , " tnurcn wui sea home made candy. At 8 o'clock the" choir W1" a concert in the church auditorium for which a splendid pro gram has been prepared. Everyone is cordially invited to attend The Odd Girls met Monday evening at-ht..home of Miss Clara Dwinell with Miss Dwinell and Mrs. Leo Hardy as hostesses. Ten members were present. A pleasing feature of the evemne was the rMHin - r. interesting letter from ..liss Orace Austin of Auburndale, ,Ias k Ml" Austin was formerly a member of the c uh TH r, l.1" ?.?!?lft lrs- Blanche Harris Monday evening. WESTMORE School began Monday, with Mr. Rand as teacher. Herbert Bowen was home from Morgan over Sunday. Mrs. Harriet Fish has returned to her school in Franklin. M. E. Calkins was home from Montpelier over Sunday. Willie Wills was home from St. Johnsbury over Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society will serve dinner at Mrs. George Gilman's on Wednesday, Feb. 12th. Everyone in cited. Of John McLaughlin's herd of 27 grade Holsteins, six have already freshened, two of these presenting twins. Mr. McLaughlin wonders if he will be obliged to build another barn to accommodate the increase. WTho beats this? nrfhrrcmo CMr.ese Tax. One of the greatest obstacles to commerce in China is the "likin," the internal tax on goods in transit, orig inating as a war tax during the Tai ping rebellion. The "liki" was origi nally a tax of one-tenth of 1 per cent of the value of the goods when it was first Imposed, about 1853, but today its amount is apparently determined arbitrarily by the collector. ORDER OF NOTICE No. 609. Whereas, E. A. Cook, Receiver un der appointment by the Court of Chancery of the Independent Tele phone Exchange, has filed with the Public Service Commission of Ver mont a petition which is in words and figures as follows : "STATE OF VERMONT. To the Public Service Commission of the state of Vermont. Petition for Approval of Sale of the Independent Telephone Exchange. Comes, E. A Cook, Receiver under appointment by the Court of Chan cery of the Independent Telephone Ex change, and requests Your Honorable Body to confirm the sale hereinafter described of the entire assets of said Independent Telephone Exchange, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Vermont, and operating a telephone business in the counties of Orleans and Caledonia, In Orleans County Court of Chan cery a petition was brought by myself as trustee of certain interests and certain individuals who were as trus tee of certain interests and certain in dividuals who were compelled to pay a mortgage given by said Indepen dent Telephone Exchange to foreclose said mortgage, and a decree therein was rendered by said Court ot Chancery in favor of myself as such trustee against said Independent Tele phone Exhange, - and all persons claiming thereunder, which becomes absolute on or about the 15th day of March, 1919. In the proceedings in said cause I was appointed receiver of said Inde pendent Telephone Exchange, accept ed the office, qualified and began oper ating the same on April 1, 1918, and have since continued in operation thereof as such receiver. In the decree in the above named cause, I was given authority to sell the property of said telephone com pany, subject to the approval of the Chancellor. The following facts should appear before Your Honorable Body: a. The amount of stock held by the stockholders and paid for by them in the company is in the vicinity of Twelve Thousand ($12,000) Dollars, probably more, but I have been un able to find the Stock Book. b. The indebtedness of said com pany, aside from the stock, is be-1 tween $l,U0!J and $20,000. c. This indebtedness includes the amount of the decree in this cause, which was about $11,000. d. I took charge of the property as receiver April 1, 1918, and have continued the operation of the same and on the first day of January, 1919, the income of the company had failed to pay the expenses to an amount of more than $1,000. e. While operating the plant, I have persistently tried to obtain a purchaser for the same, and in Octo ber, 1918, the engineer of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, located at Boston, in the state of Massachusetts, examined the physical property and placed an ap- praisal on the same, and nn tha oia IfLZ t rceher 1918, said New En- gland Telephone and Telegraph Com- for the same. ii. ue Bum OI i3uuu f. I immediately called a meeting Salt Pork (thick) 30c lb. Pure Lard, 30c lb. Yellow-eyed, Pea and Soldier Beans, 15c lb". Campbell's Soups, 12c Best Ceylon GreenTea,50clb. Bread Flour, 1-4 bbl. $3.15 Bread Flour, 1-8 bbl. $1.60 Big Assortment of Cookies SPECIAL TMIS WEEK j i 5 Swift's Pride Soap, - - 20 Cakes $1. DEAN'S CASH GROCERY Or! cans, TELEPHONE 26-3 o-f all tha ef NlrViT4avo .11 n of the telephone, and all creditors of which I had any knowledge, to be he'rf at Barton in the county of Orlear', on the 26th day of December, U$' g. At that meeting I placed be fore a large number of the above de" scribed people the situation with i lation to the Independent Telephone Exchange, and tried to enlist 8ome parties interested in an independent telephone line to take some action and at that time a committee was ap. pointed to consider the situation and report at a meeting to be held on the 6th day of January, 1919. h. On the 6th day of Januarr 1919, I was compelled to be at Mont pelier, and the meeting was not held for the reason that the committee who were to investigate the matter reported to me that they were unable to find any personal funds to take hold of the venture. i. In the meanwhile I had procured the consent of the New England Tel ephone and Telegraph Company to MM the;r offer onen until the 10th day of January, 1919. j. On the 6th day of January, 1919, one John Buckley, who is one of the guarantors and parties inter ested in said decree, notified me that he desired to purchase the lines and run them as an independent line, and I notified him that 1 should be glad to turn the plant over to independent individuals, but I must have a guar anty that I would be paid the f 13,000 when approved by Your Honorable Body and the Chancellor. k. On January 10, 1919, after hav ing seen John Buckley and learning from him that he was unable to ob tain the guaranty at that time, I ac cepted the offer of the New Enpland Telephone and Telegraph Company. I am fully satisfied that, although the property of the Independent Tele phone Exchange has cost to date in the vicinity of $30,000, it is not now worth any more than, if as much as, $13,000, as it is not paying concern, and althouph it might be, possible, if the lines ex tending too far back were cut off and it was placed in a small compass to pay expenses, I am satisfied that un der no conditions would it pay any fair interest rate on $12,000, leavin? alone the question of depreciation and repayment of principal. This sale has been reported to the Court of Chancery for approval, a copy of which report is hereto attach ed and made a part hereof. Therefore, your petitioner respect fully requests Your Honorable Body to" take such action as may be proper in the premises and confirm the sale above described. E. A. Cook. W. W. Reirden, Solicitor for Receiver." NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Public Service Commission will hold a public hearing upon said peti tion at the office of W. W. Reirden, in the Village of Barton, in the Town of Barton and County of Orleans on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and IT IS ORDERED that the petition er shall cause this Order of Notice to be published in the Barton Moni tor, a newspaper published at Barton in the County of Orleans, for three weeks successively, the last publica tion thereof to be at least twelve (12' days before said 4th day of March. 1919, and that the petitioner shall, five days prior to said 4th day of iviarcn, nie wiin me ruDiic ser vice Commission copies of the news paper in which this Order of Notice shall have been published. Dated this 20th day of January, t 1919. i Walter A. Dutton, Wm. R. Warner, I Eli H. Porter, , Pnhlir Rprvipp C.nmroiccinn nf Ver- f mont. I Office of Clerk. I Filed, January 24, 1919. Attest, Neil D. Clawson, ' Clerk. STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION I, Neil D. Clawson, Clerk of the Pub; lie Service Commission of the State of Vermont, having by law the cust'-idyo: , the seal and all the records, hook-. documents and papers of, and apper- taining to said Commission, hrebv ? certify that the pages hereto attach is a true copy of Order of Notice, In re Petition- of Independent Telephone Exchange for Approval of Sale & fully and completely as the same ap-1 pear by the original files and record; of said Commision. , y Given under my hand, and the Sea of said Commission at Brat!fboro. f Vermont, in the County of Wmdharn on this 24th day of January, A. D. lyiy Neil D. Clawson, Clerk. Nut Grove Margarine, 38c Ik Troco Nut Margarine, 38c lb Swift's Premium " 40c lb Fancy Cream Cheese, 38c Ik; Jumbo Salted Peanuts, 35c lb j Peanut Butter, (light) 28c lb.; St. Johnsbury Crackers, 60c ha l T I Vermj