Newspaper Page Text
PACE FOUR THE MONITOR, MAY 21, 1919 IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney 5 It ms rp",tr of pr- j ton a majority of the ill amictinsr pople today can be traced back to kidney troubie. Th kidneys are the m"t Important crmi of the body. They ire the fllierera, the purifiers, of your blood. Kidney disease In usually lnl;-ated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, 4leapon'lerrcy. backache, stomarh Irou Me. pain In loins anrl lower abdomen, grail stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All these dranf?oments are na''s al Trials to warn you that the kn'.neva need help You should use JM.L MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Imme diately. The soothlnjr. heallnc oil stim ulates the kidneya. relieves Inflamma tions and destroys the (Terms whicft have caused it. Ijo not wwtt until to morrow tio to your drutrgist today and insist on I50L.D MHDAL Haarlem Oil (.uajlen. In twenty-four houn you rhoulj feel hca:th an.l v.cor returning and will b1eH tiie day you first heard of COIA V.IOI'AI.. Haarlem Oil. After you fee! that you have cured yourself, continue to take- one or two' cupHUle each day, so as to keep In nrst-Caps cnf!Jion and ward off tha danppf of otner attacks Ask for the original imported GOLD Mi:iAL brand. Three sixes. Money re funded !f they do not help you . jL (VING to the increased rate of discount on Canadian funds, this bank will be obliged to raise its rate of discount on Canadian currency to 3 per cent, beginning May 20, 1919, until further notice. This in crease in rate will only reim burse us for cost of collection. f i I 'i h I ''S Central Sayings Rvxk AND Trust Company ORLEANS,VT. ;!! , 1 f' Qualify Goes OearThrouh TOURING CAJ $925 The soundest reasons for your own ing a Dort are furnished by the actual experiences of Dort owners. They will tell you that the car travels smoothly and comfortably. They will speak in the same satisfied terms of the mileage it gives in gas and oil, and on tires longer mile age per gallon, you will find, than what is commonly regarded as good mileage. They will tell you, also, that it re quires a minimum amount of service attention to keep it in fit condition and continuous service. Prices F. O. B. Factory Wire Wheels land Spare Tirea Extra Barion Auto Exchange Barton, Vermont P.Q KT, MOTQK CAR. C O M P ANV; Tinted Stationery Blue or Pink, - 25 cts. per box Salted Peanuts Another Barrel of those Extra Fine at 25 cts. per pound H. G. Post Office Square, PERLEY : BARTON, VT. o 0 o o o nn,riV5 LOCAL MENTION (Continued from opposite page.) -r ii r onnpr Misses E" Afield. Mass., have returnee -V- with their - i n rr v I t f v - alter spenu.... - - . n CiapPe parents, Mr. and Mrs I Several irom - pnr,fpren( ton to attend tne pe- d this evening. VT. a"' h peak. Ex-rres. Taft are among me i jl a J o a -r a a a w w w w TO BE READY for a certain thing at an appointed time we find necessar Prepare and think. The busy student has been preparing for graaiation a his or her school life. So the attainment is near at hand and we an gladly join in making it a happy and successful occasion Some da mt gift or remembrance will be treasured and remembered all through lite. A Bracelet Watch or Bracelet A Brooch Pin A Hatpin A Fan Fountain Pen Camera A Picture A Chafing Dish A String of Pearls Some Article in Ivory or Silver Lingerie Clasps Ear Jewels Desk Set Nice Stationery A Neck Chain and Pendant or Locket You will only. need to step into Lang's Jewelry Store to find just what you will want. Very respectfully, GEO. CLANG Graduate Watchmaker and Optician Batchelder Block, - - - Barton, Vermont ers" , ,. va TInll and Everett . Vinlo-H.U a merd"it; their tenement -er A inp the winter has taken a room Mrs Colbv Stoddard s. The Canadian Circle irc Marcaret Demick, r riday ai Xrnoon a.SO. An interesting pro gram has been arranged for. it is KnnprJ that every member will make a e'dal efforrtoy attend this meeting. Elmer A LeBlanc of Veazie Me., is visiting his uncle, E. E Doe. ne has recently returned f rom . France, where he served in the American Ex peditionary forces wlth.10unfr chine gun company with a number of St. Johnsbury and Fitzdale boys. A stubborn fire was discovered m the fuel room of the upper mill at midnight Friday, which was suppos ed to have been caused by spontane ous combustion. It was fought and carefully watched by mill men with out calling the fire company. The Mother's club held their annual business meeting at the home of Mrs. Alice Cole Tuesday evening, May 13. After the election of officers the fol lowing program was given: Keaa ing, Edith Stoddard; quartet, Mrs. Searles, Mrs. Alden, Mrs. Dickens and Mrs. Sylvester; poem, Mrs. Dick ens. Dainty refreshments were serv ed and a social hour followed. NEWS 40 Reg. Holsteins -AT- AUCTION AT THE G. H. ALLBEE FARM East Hardwick, Vt. ON Friday, May 23, '19 Absolute dispersion sale of all my pure bred stock, beaded by my hrd sire Korndyfee Rg Apple Duke, No. 104107, a son of the great Rag Apple Korndyke, 8tb. ) . an extra floe lot of heavy producers Some milking 50 lbs. or more-per day cow, and some in advanced registry. A few to freshen at about the time of sale. 6 two-year-old heifers, 7 year ling heifers, 6 calves, part being from th herd sire. All are'lsrg and of splendid type, in excellent condition. To be sold subject to tuberculin test. Also 4 Head of Reg. Ayrshires An exceptional chance to secure a well bred and profitable lot of stock. Come prepared to purehase a few, either for a foundation or t add to voar herd. Usual tern. S;e wiit begin promptly at U:C0 o'clock iu the forenoon. May 23. Lunch will - be served. Send for catalog. Afdrs GUY H. ALLBEE, Owner, East Hardwick, Vt D. A. PERRY, Auctioneer, Bun, Vt GEM THEATRE Thursday, May 22d" J. Stuart Blackton Production WILD YOUTH RUTH ROLAND IN HANDS UP Orleans Opera House Friday, May 23d Saturday, May 24th 6ESSUE HAYAKAWA IN WHITE MAN'S LAW Bigr-V Comedy PATHE NEWS Orleans Opera House EVERY WOMAN'S HUSBAND 5-act Triangle Feature Comedy PATHE NEWS ! Tuesday, May 27th j Cecil De Mille Production i WE CANT HAVE EVERYTHING ! 2-reel .Mac Sennett Comedy i HER BLIGHTED LOVE Orleans Opera House j Wednesday, May 28th n THE GREENSBOROi A i 7 j - -- " Ccrn'ssioners Notice Estr. :sof Harry H. Oilman Th-u- : is I- hr appoint'! by tli- I : ii-i ... ir i '.mrt f.,r I ttm rt- rifi-nl;.. ui . :)', In. a- rii;d of all p.- mr ; ri-t nUl of Harry i (liitat) V. t-t rii.r ( r!.r,ri ( ti'-rrn- ;..! f . t . I I m h t It'. Ifl 1 1 TtT1 j t li-r-t '. j i t- nut i- i : . -n.-vi ; furtuc'f' i- .'r-at a' itff .S -.. ! A liu ' f In Ibr ilinif of iiartM t , dilrte" ,j th 7th j of Jun - ml i. y .( nclolrDit. from ''o'clock p ni.nuliUjiii o'rkjck p. m.u.i a i of lnr nod that t nonth from : j: h dr ft Apnl A.I'. Ifi J l tbrtlio- .jmH-J ' allurt fur mVi rrnlituro u P wnl llici fjlnu to u tur rianiicatioi) ai..l aUowaorr lntx1 at iirtoii Vt, tfata U'- h timy of afajr A. D. m. C K. HMKI.fT C. A hAKH"WS 1 oiuiu LHMiitt rm GREENSP.OIiO Julian Willey is visitinp his brother in Montpelier. Four of Abner Hill's children are ill with the measles. Joseph W. Atwood of Randolph is at his cottage, Falmawj, Lakewood. Miss Ella Fairbanks of Enosburg Falls visited friends in town over Sunday. Mrs. Alice Woodruff of New York City is at her cottape at the south end of the lake. Mrs. Willey of Wolcott has been visiting at the home of her son, An drew Willey. George Marshall, who has been very ill the past week, is again able to be around. , Harry . Femald, who has spent' the winter in DeLand, "Fla., is back in town for. the summer. Misses Ada' Hill and Alice Speir, who are students at U. V. M., are ill with the measles in that city. John Burnham, who has besn over seas in the American army, was in town last week, calling on friends. The Ladies' Home Circle served i supper in the dining room of the Con gregational church Wednesday eve-' ning. Rev. S. T. Achenbach, who has been here fishing the past two weeks, has returned to his home in Frye burg, Me. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Shedd and son. t,. L. bhedd, of Bellows Falls yisited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V.. G. Bodine. Remember the grange meeting on Thursday evening. There will be an amusing debate on fashion, which you will want to hear. Mrs. Alnha Gebbie underwent an operation at the Mary Fletcher hos pital, Burlinpton, Thursday and the operation was successful. h y,' Amsden of Milford, N. H visited h?s daughter, Miss Sibyl Ams den, teacher of domestic science in the school, several days last week. The subject for the C. E. meeting bunday evening at 7.30 will be "God's -iTkU? ;fmie " and the meeting will be led by the junior committee of the society. n uiei Road Commissioner A. B Cobleigh was in town last week look ing over the roads and deciding on t VU0?.0t the 8tate rads to be built here this summer. Dea. A. E. Perrin was elected a delegate to represent the CogVega tional church at the annual meetfng sex Junction May 20-22. Herbert Turrell of Orange N I Far"eayt0f0rhiaS f J rriaaj i0r a few days. Mrs. Turrl expected here early in June aid will open the cottage for the simmer Many fine trout are being takn from the lake the past few da-s.Tru" i i.n cau?ht a even-pounder and he Mih-nnih-M rder f Amican 5 . h"i a eet.ntf at the A-.B. DeBrune ThuUav p.anr.el soon to hA mfc.-tir.g with one or twr speakers fro- out of town l& A pr-tition is being circulated to close Porter brook to anglers for fivp years. Mar:- believe thPs b?oot iV 1 source of gr,at loss to the lake ih which uo up in great nurnUr in the spring to .pawn and are R taaen by the fishermen. About 40 toP:e attended the tui? ?haSl1 m th reKa'tiSS PP. '7 evemnff. given by the C E. society. Sugar was served on snow brought from Barr hi!! 1. there is still ,n abundance of it and I The Greensboro Improvement club i held their spring business meeting at the Congregational chapel Tuesday of last week and besides other business they voted to spend $75 for dust pre vention in the village this summer. Road Commissioner Homer Hartson was delegated to purchase the dust laying material. The senior class of the junior high school will give a rural farce comedy entitled, "At the Pottersville Post office," in the town hall Thursday evening, May 29th. The proceeds will go to pay the expenses of the graduation of the class. There are 16 characters in the play and it prom ises to be full of amusing incidents. No more books will be given out at the Greensboro free library until about the middle of June and it is de sired that all the books which are out be brought in as s6on as possible. Two young ladies will be sent here by the state library commission about the first of June to make a card cata logue for the convenience of the pa trons. J. H. Barrincton ramo vm mon t ... J having a serious arciHenf. Safurioir while on his wav from RmTiKnTn Bend with a four-horse load of loose corn, tie attempted to cross a tem porary Driage arouna a culvert which is beiner constructed nn tw,,.',. sugar house and tipped over the en ure ioaa oi corn, being thrown from the box. Mr. Barrington was some what bruised about the legs and es caped serious injury only by the mer est chance. The loss of corn was considerable. GREENSBORO BEND StMjroury.McCUen 13 Wrkin in OvBerlaDnd .Miss Ella Fairbanks of Enosburg visited at H. W. Gillis' the fim of th? SunriSvHf!len unair was at home over Sunday from her work at St. Johns' edTfrromrtK l0df?ett has been discharg ?rnredmhomearmy 8erVke &nd has - B. Sternberg P entS' Mr' and M- C. an?e?M-rsCe Ath VU& ter of Mr. hand in thf eeaVing78;uCaught h Sunday af tefnoon f the Orator very badly it t hand GREENSBORO-North Neighborhood a v!sHSorJrreei2ekf -as Loretta Cassavah EUi c; Raymond Philbrook TTl fu" and measles. are "1 with County AL'ent t.v. Cameron of Burling f80" and - this vicinity Ua?w"ek.ere VisitrS and ''daugtte'o'f "?ertv Fairbanks wtend visitors ABv re M,ro airbanks'. tt l. willev was in St. Johnsbury on business Saturday. tt i- T?oherts of Burke visitea rel atives in town Sunday. nrd Kennison is expectea nome this week from overseas. Herbert Fay and daughter, liazei. returned fromyNew Jersey Tuesday. Mrs. E. A. Pike is visiting rela tives in Stowe and Hardwick. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Pheliza Paquette Saturday, May 17. Mrs E W. Gaynor and sons re turned to' their home in Boston Sun day. Miss Isabelle Clark of Glover is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Her bert Fay. Mr. Brooks of Craftsbury spent the past week with his daughter, Mrs. Perry Miles. Mr and Mrs. Nelson Jones of Isl and Pond were business visitors in town Saturday. Arie Kennison was in Morrisville last week and purchased a fine horse for the road work. Charles and Clarence Fisher and C. T. Collins were in Morrisville on business Saturday. Mrs. Leland Herman of Newport spent Thursday and Friday with her aunt, Mrs. M. A. W7ells. F A. Buchanan has built a veranda on ' the front of his house, adding much to its appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scribner of Stowe recently visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pike. At the town hall Saturday, Wm. S. Hart in "The Narrow Trail," five-act Artcraft Western Drama. Otto Kaatz went to Morrisville yesterday and purchased a pair of horses for their farm work. t r t oti-ia of TSarton was in town Tue'sdav and set two fine monuments for John LaRoche and Mrs. Charles Healey. Mrs. Mary Kaatz is moving to her farm in South Albany this week. She has sold her home in the village to George Buck. Prof, and Mrs. Leland Green and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Collins took an auto trip to Burlington Monday, re turning last night. iFROM JIRASBURg" n nail in irtH . - '-. PVBIl. Dy Orleans Harmony onh ceeds to go toward Y.ew i',? Miss Annie Gavnt-r several weeks v,.. - '"'?- for her brother, Dr. V v ? returned to her hoi e p ' u day. ' ,n Sj Mrs. Addie Cook ha r-.,t B. McGoff's house. Mr purchased a farm in cor 4 his brother, Charles, in Ma,-r pects to move there rr-v I Dr. and Mrs. P. c. Ten-.- ,, tertained his brother Vvil5 Waller, a few dav L, f r ,C i has just received h;s dUrKr'4', turn to Warren, Oh 'i. nracticinp1 when ho rJi- . .,! tf i ,lt 5-.,Ji;e(1 The io. where ed. cuiri Linnn,,'r.T r. town hall Saturday v the 2 Belles," as the closinyr.urr" lecture course, was all th r," 5 vertised and then some." Va gram which consisted of fc-' and dramatic readings, voca' a- 3 lin solos and ensemble wok of those artistically selected' grams and was presented bv si splendid artists with personal:" CHURCH NOTES " A good-time social will he h me tow ii nail r riuav pvpr- i dies are requeued to' brine "Cj iv asKeu to urine lackktiiree n. . . -. ... ;peak or B Dickens of Orleans will s experiences overseas, and Mrs. j ens will sing. Ice cream and at will be served and all are ir.os: dially invited to attend, iw. 10c. The first quarterly conference r be held in the M. E. church day evening. All officers are nrs to attend and brinp: reports, si bhaw will be present A large congrepation gathered t the M. E. church Sunday ever:;;; listen to the experiences of Prof. I land Green during his service ii Y. M. C. A. work oyereas. t; was very interesting and mucbe:- ed by all. Sunday morning will be olwrs as Memorial Minnay. ah are invited to attend in a bodv. Mothers' day was obsened day. The pastor preached a bar ful and inspiring sermon ari a choir sang appropriate music. THE THREE CRAFTSBURY5 ylt CHARLESTON jrammar lffip of a fiafiy aAhrough th 7 Way' of war. VUBn th trying time Knew your SuWr. Ptkn promptly. CRAFTSBURY The masquerade dance of Friday evening drew a large crowd. Harry Bishop and George Farr re turned from overseas last week. Morgan Hatch is working at the butchering business for Harry Mack ender. Clarence Emery has gone to St. Johnsbury, where he has, a position in a garage. - - Percy Keir gave a short talk on re construction work in the South on Sunday morning. A committee was chosen in the for children's day. Clara Collier, a returned mission ary, will speak in the M. E. church Monday, May 26th. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kinney were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor in Hardwick Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thayer re turned Saturday from St. Johnsbury hospital where Mr. Thayer has been several weeks for treatment. He is greatly improved. This community was saddened by news of the death of Mrs. Mary Bell, wife of the late Rev. Martin P. Bell, former! v n naiin. u m tt church in this place. The Rev. C. J. Peterson of the Con gregational church at North Crafts bury, will preach the Memorial ser mon m the M. E. church Sunday. This is to be a union service. Rev O. B. Wells , and daughter rDetuiidfday f'Berksh1re.hey- int had been absent, attend ing a missionary meeting. atntfcJriday eening. May 30th, event of10 hal1' the nniest nlacp thX 8eason wil1 take Place when the marriage of the Sn'wiHK the "Tom Thumb Wed handsomi lij?re8e2ted fcy 75 briht, yiw of illl1fe-n from three to 12 Tne chflrS5 ' &11 ln eddiPK costumes, and eroSS " J e minister, bride man.:aJdi h .ooms- ushers onVo0fo moiner. bridesmaids, usners, guests and flower girls. EAST CRAFTSBURY tiveiCanddfICei! is visiting rela tives and friends in this vicinity. burtiSS8Dimatda Davso of Crafts 'HSdi&th her Mrs. -TnK V j , have eorie cnQriCK and son, John vit rffaUveTinr triP to Philadelphia Cambridge. O., and Mrs. Ma rr TITI! with her dano-K y V7 wno has been of ClevelandO MrS" JosePh West has retufcrnnedd $T& onAFg; en1141 .the 8cial cake and cryIn.,Refre8hments of musical and iitr Eerved and a i much enjSed. Crary prSrara was j NORTH CRAFTSBURY ; Irs- C. B. Cole is quite ill. iDodAnr2jItton Purchased a new ! , I rheumatism Steven is ill with hSu1dafnd0nVme frinds in GreeLw B" 11004 viitl Greensboro over Sunday. John Dutton has purchased 4 Dr. Dustan brick house and is ha it repaired. It is exnected the Barton bas nine will be here Saturday tc 'A the C. A. team. Tom Dunn has purchased the dence of Mrs. Sadie Cowles aad ed there Friday. The C. A. ball team played the t? leans team Saturday and toh game. Score, 6-8. Adna Pike from Washington' week-end visitor at the home of B father, A. B. Pike. - Geo. H. Chassee has so far iF ed that the nurse returned J Johnsbury Saturday. Harvey Ferry and Whittemore of Albany, were at Mr. Sweet's Friday. The play, "The American F will be repeated by the stud 1 Academy hall Monday evening, w 26. Admission 25 cents. Kev. a. n- h , " rs occupied the pulpit Sunday bs -speaking in the interests of & morial Tercentenary fund. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders ha ceived work that their son, who has been in i ranee. ( New York Saturday, May PlantsforEveryW There 5 no eXCUSe lOT ing without a flower ted as we have by actual coun, lies vi nc -nlan.t.R at reasonable Pr'CH In Asters we w ' vincible asters in separ Burpee's Fordhook : 'o' celebrated Crejro the Market and Sempe Asters. , tyf Our Zinnias and are in a great var.e.j , colors, and all varietiea best of their kind, a a Gladioli Antirrhinum (snap draeon) Alyssum sweet Balsams Begonias Bellas (English Daisy) Calendula Celosia plumed Calliopsis Centura Clark ia Coleus Cockscomb Cannas Chrysanthemum Cosmos Dianthus pw Dahlia double Dahlia single Feverfew Golden W Gerar.iuc! Hibctt Koch;a V'.. rl"j.C Mom:r. Phace:- Fa-v-a 1 Our stock of will be in the hand, oi ((f and surrounding counurs ution. We thank ur .l;"1 their loyalty and all a most vx0 A. R. BARTON,