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PAGE EIGHT A. P. BEAN GLOVER GLEANINGS Glover, Vt. My ft fair aUaJiaf lW D Lavl rmrf mm dwmXliT, fc 1 NO matter what anyone may teO you. there it only ooe speed at which you can turn a separator crack and get all the cream and cream of uniform thicknc That" the speed plainly in dicated on the crank of every separator, of whatever make. Full speed is the only as surance of full capacity and full efficiency. Every De Laval now has a Bell Speed-Indicator. The bell warns you if the handle is going round too slowly. You can't be mistaken about it The Bell Speed - Indicator adds nothing to the price but much to the value of the De , Laval Separator. RELL SPEED-LN'DlCATOil The "waroins u'jna" thai iaanres operatiro at the proper peed. Come in, examine the machine and see bow the Bell Speed Indicator works. S00NE1 OS LATER YOU WILL BUT A m umL GLOVER C. W. Dexter has gone to Hart ford, Conn. Mr. Chadburne of Barton is work ing on Mrs. Mary Cobb's barn. Will Simpson of East Burke spent the week-end at Harley Drew'a. Harley Drew has been quite sick for several days past, but is better. Harley Drew raised his barn frame this morning. Will McDowell is his carpenter. Mrs. Francis Wright has returned home after spending two weeks with her son, John Wright in Hardwick. R. Ei. Davis is doing a fine job of cement- work in front of his store, which will much improve the place. A. Pepin has rented of W. E. Han son the pasturage on the "South Hill" land Mr. Hanson recently bought of N. M. Lewis. John Tate was in town last week with the Enosburg Falls Kimball Medicine team collecting and supply ing articles for the emergency boxes. Regular meeting of Glover grange Thursday with dinner. Question for debate, -"Resolved that the trials of a village housewife are greater than the farmer's wife's." The Glover Girls' club will repeat their play, "Men Not Wanted," May 23d at 8 p. m. at uana iars s. Games and refreshments alter tne play. Admission 15 cents. Pov fin A Mrs Kimball cave a most interesting talk on Russia at the last (Y-1-DT.rro TYlOstillir which W85 PTCatlV enjoyed by all who heard it. At the next meeting, May zz, a aeDate, xwe- solved that the village housewife has more problems than the farmer's wife," by four busy women, will be, the program. GLOVER COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor, Rev. John Kimball. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor meeting at 7.30. Midweek meeting Tuesday at 8.30 p. m. Sunday morning the pa6tor will giv a Memorial Sunday sermon. Sunday evening there will be a praise service at 8.30. Topic, "An Evening with Henry Van Dyke." The topic for the mid-week meet ing will be, "Strong Son of God." WEST GLOVER There was a good attendance at the social Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Urie have a son, born last week. Union Memorial services will be held at Glover Sunday. Miss Helen Uucklev of St. Johns bury spent the week-end with Phyllis Urie. Mr. Nims has gone to attend the I Congregational conference at t-ssex Junction. Harold Baker, who was at home on a furlough last week, has returned to Camp Devens. Mrs. Mark Bean's daughters met with her Tuesday to celebrate Mrs. Nettie Bakers birthday. Jennie Magoon has finished work for Mrs. N. C. Stevens and is now working for Mrs. A. A. Webster. THE MONITOR. MAY 21. 199 AOL THE ALBANYS ..-j ;rit at 7.45 a Beginning u, '"in be held series of special Winder the in the M. E. church .at 7 45 un q leadersnip ui v--. t n Boston. Reuben Smith a gre & ALBANY Estate of Louis Renaud STATE OF VERMONT PlRtrlct of Orleans, 88. The Honorable Probate Court for the Dis trict aforesaid: To all persona Interested in the estate of Louis Henaud late of Barton in said dis trict, deceased, ORE ETING: Whereas, said Court has assigned the IHth day of June next lor examining and allow ing the account of the Administrator of the estate of said deceased and for a decree of the residue of said estate to the lawful claim ants of t he same, and ordered that public notice thereof be (riven to all persons Inter ested In said estate by publishing this order three weeks successively previous to the day assigned, in the Orleans County Moni tor, a newspaper published atKarton in said district. Therefore, you are hereby notified to ap pear at F. W. Baldwin's oflice In Bar ton in said district on the day as slKned then and there to contest the allow ance of said account If you see cause and to establish your rlfrht as heirs, legatees and lawful claimants to said residue. Olven under my hand this mh day of Way, 1V1B. 21-28 B. M. SPOON ER. Reeristar COVENTRY Mr. Carbee has gone to Norwood, N. Y., to visit relatives. Dr. O. E. Handford of Hardwick is a guest at H. C. Cleveland's. Miss Alta Wheelock has been vis iting her friend, Gertrude Wheeler, in Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. C. Besaw of Orleans were guests Sunday at Polie La bell's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thayer visited recently at Wallace Shippee's in Or leans. Mrs. Lizzie Thurber had a shock Saturday evening and remains in a critical condition. Miss Lucy Hancock spent the week end at Westmore with her friend, Miss Mae Wheeler. Mrs. Gertrude Ware and grand sons, Alton and Arland Noyes, are visiting at Mr. Shepherd's in Iras burg. Our stage driver, Polie Labell, ap peared on the street with a new hack last week. This will be very com fortable and convenient for his pa trons. Charles Niles was given a surprise party at his home Saturday evening in honor of his 18th birthday. Dainty refreshments were served, music and games were indulged in and a pleas ant evening was enjoyed by all. Don't forget the V. I. S. entertain ment Friday evening. Fancy danc ing by Miss Skinner, Miss' Mildred Reinald Werrenrath "THE LEADING AMERICAN BARITONE ON THE CONCERT STAGE" AW York Mail This distinguished artist will give an All-English Recital at the Colonial Theatre, St. Johnsbury, Vt, ON Thursday, May 29th Only Appearance in Northern Vermont thi Season PRICES FOR THIS EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING $1.50, $1.00, 75 cents, plus war tax Mail orders, accompanied by check, will be filled in'order of their receipt. Stamped addressed envelope should be en closed if tickets are to be forwarded to applicants. For all details address MRS. LEON W. SCHULTZ. N Save This Coupon American Flag Coupon No. 5 Present two of theae coupon consecutively numbered, at Ma newspaper office with 98 cents cash and jet a beautiful Flag, aise t ft. J - by 5 ft, with sewed atripea, guaranteed fast colors. GET A CLEAN NEW FLAG 1 Pomeroy and others, piano and man dolin solos, readings, etc. A first class entertainment. Promenade at the close for the young people. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for all their kindness to us during the sick ness and burial of our beloved sister and aunt. Charles Boynton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frasier. There are now 1,175 books in the Riley E. W7right library. Following is a list of those lately received: Ex tricating Obadiah, Lincoln; The Amazing Interlude, Rinehart; His Family, Poole; Lorna Doone, Black more; Merry Andrew; I Spy, Natalie Lincoln; The Case of Mary, Sherman; The Brown Study, Richmond; Flam stead Quarries, M. E. WTaller; Come Out of the Kitchen, Miller. Non fiction: American Physician to Tur key, Uscher and Knapp; High Ad venture, Hall; A Yankee in the Trenches, R. D. Holmes; A. E. F., Hayward Brown; Cavalry of the Clouds; Over the Top, Empey. Juve nile fiction: John of the Woods, Brown; Red Cross Stories for Chil dren, The King and His Wonderful I Castle, Stephen's. Last Chance, Ash man; ihe f ive Babbitts at Bonny Acres, The Ransom of Red Chief Matthews, Tom Brown's School Days, Tom Brown at Oxford, The Lost Lit tle Lady, Knipe and Knipe; White Duckling. Dole. Juvenile non-fiction: Boys' Book of Mounted Police Camp, Book of Birds published by the Na tional Geographic society; Girls' Handy Book, Beard: Heroines of Ser fvice, Parkman. MORGAN CENTER S. L. Blake is repairing his store at the Center, preparatory to moving thTf E. J. Curtis has gone to Montreal to meet and return with Mrs. Curtis and little son. Memorial exercises will be held at the Center school hall Thursday eve ning, May 29. Ice cream will be sold H. D. Elliott, H. P. Burroughs and A. O. Elliott are working at the Hol land creamery, painting, papering, etc. (Intended for last week.) J. L. Aldrich has moved to Holland. Alvin Maxwell has moved his fam ily to Newport. H. O. Burrows has purchased Geo. Ewens' house at the Center. HOLLAND (Intended for last week.) Con CT tnl At inn a tn M r inH Um f L. Kelley on the birth of a son May Rev. Mr. Piatt preached a very in teresting sermon to the Woodmen on Mothers' Sunday. Burt Currier and Miss Rose Wash burn were .married at the M. E. par sonage Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Kelley visited his brother Sunday. Francis and Ro land returned home with them. Realizing the need of every family in thia vicinity for an American Flag to display on patriotic holidays, we have arranged to anpply a limited num ber to our readers at ridiculously small cost. All yea need do is to clip two of the above coupons and present them at this office with 98 cents in cash and the flag is yours. To those who may prefer it we will fomiah a larger flag 1x6 ft- for it cents additional, or SL.48. ALSO to those desiring a pole we will furnish with the larger (4x6 ft.) flag a pole ootnt, including 7 ft. Jointed pole, ball, rope and holder, all packed complete with one of the flags in a neat cardboard box. for 92 cents still ad ditional, or 12.49. Always add 5 cents extra for flags alone and It cents for polo outat for mailing if not called for. THE MONITOR. BARTON, VT. DONT LET IT LIISUER A momwh thmt loliMa 1a Minn. " - fc. --- T - -ft 7 MVB that "bull an from wiaier to aomi wear. th Mficrcr, lraia him or her ia a rccea4 state anahi ta ward of r W anH a...... I : lard, m FUlawre at . NashnlJ, Teas., vntaa:"! a auflerinf wifn a dry hacking couth aad a paia ia T coast, but aiaca taaiag I oirr a Has, aad Tar I ham h. .n r. IivmH It W k. . - caufba. coida aa4 creep. Goad tor wfeooanag COgh. Soid Evcryvaa. Truat EsUte of J. C Buawell STATE OF VERMONT District of Orient, a. Tot Honormbi Probata Court for tha dis trict afut-raaJd. To all persons Interested In tba truat Mlate of J.C. buswell. IsvVa of Barton la said dis trict, deccaaaq. GREETING WHEREAS said Court baa s.,i(Btb lth day of J uor armt for exaxnlnlba avad aiiowlin tbe socouut of tha trustee of lb trust eatlof amid dmatsdaud ordered thai pubUe notice thereof be sjiverj to sUl persons Interested to saUdeatate by pub UahlDS this order three weeks succeaalvelr previous to tbe day saslarned. Id tbe Orleeoa UHintjr Monitor. nws(jeper published avt Barton In amid I Hat net. THEREFORE, too are hereby notmed Lo atppeaxfet tbe F. W. Beidwln's oQce la fasw torn la saUd fJtetrtt at 1 o'clock P- a. oo the day aaalcoed. then sod there to coolest the aOiowsxtee of said actoosl If you aee re nas. and to eatabliah your rlsht es heirs, lesrsteee aod lawfui ciel atari la to aaid real- due. (ilven under car asad. this 1st a Bradley Sanborn of Lowell is work ing in the shop for Charles Winget. Dr. Goddard and son, Glendon of Morrisville were in town one day last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Wells of Orleans vis ited at D H. Hackett's one day last R. M. Cowles was at Orleans and Barton one day last week, taking in sugar. Miss Stacy Phillips, who has been here for several weeks, has gone to her home in Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Conroy Brown of Mansonville, P. visited -Brown's the last of the week. Bernie George, who is just home from overseas, has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Abbie George. J. B. and C. J. Darling, who have been spending several weeks here, returned to Morrisville Wednesday. E. A. Bashaw has swapped his place in the village for Dr. Goddard s place and will move there for a short time. Preparations are being made for a reception to be given the returned soldiers on the evening of Memorial day at Newton s hall. Mr. Goodhue had what might have been a serious automobile accident, when his car turned turtle at the foot of Cemetery hill. The car was smash ed quite badly but the occupants of the car, Mr. Goodhue and Joe Gon yeau, escaped with minor injuries. Memorial day will be observed as usual. The school children are re quested to meet in the village school yard at 10 a. m. and form for the parade. All patriotic societies and school teachers are cordially invited to be present. Alson Mills, Sr., will have charge of the parade. All re turned soldiers are expected to take part in the exercises. Everybody come and give the boys a hearty wel come, and show them we appreciate their great service. We wish the re turned soldiers to join the old soldiers at the G. A. R. quarters and march with them to the M. E. church Sun day. May 25. Memorial address on May 30 at the M. E. church will be given by, Rev. Fr. Hagan of East Al bany. Ladies are requested to fur nish dinner at the vestry. Adults 25c, school children taking part in the pa rade free. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES W. E. Craig, Pastor Morning worship at 10.45. Rev. E. W. Sharp will preach the Memorial sermon at this service. Immediately following the morning service the first quarterly conference will be held. A good attendance is expected. E5V threushorf the .' Come. SOUTH ALBANY w r TT Potter is in Montpelier .JSinf "m. Tttae at the h-me of ad5?eW: and child. , The Rev. E. W. Sharp will preach cj,1TiHv at the regular service, roi fowiSTthe service the first quarterly conference will be held. The music pupils of Mrs. OneyE. Rowell, met at her home Saturday and an enjoyable . afternoon was spent. Cake and ice cream were served. M. Z. Thompson, who has been critically ill with pneumonia, is alit i mn onmfnrfAhle at this writing. L1C UlVl va.e--. - A trained nurse from St. Johnsbury is caring for him. EAST ALBANY Mrs. Anne Corley is gaining slow ly. George Centebar has arrived home from overseas. Mrs. Fred Twombly is at Orleans hospital for treatment. Mrs. W. Gould, who was operated on last week, is gaining. John Durkin commenced work on the railroad this morning. Aim on Dingman and Harry Sweet land have purchased cars. Mrs. J. Buckley, who has been spending a week with her father, has returned to her home in Barton. Commissioners' Notice Estate of Milo Gray The TJnderslrned. bavlne been appointed by the Honorable Prohate Oourt for the Dis trict of Orleans. COMMISSIONERS, to re ceive, examine and adjust the claims and demands of all persons aerainst the estate of Mllo Gray, late of Westmore, In said District, deceased and all claims exhibit ed in offset thereto, hereby srlve notice that we will meet for the purposeaforesald at the East Charleston post office In the town of Charleston In said district. on the 14th day of Jnne and 29th day of October next.from nine o'clock a. m. nntll three o'clock, p. m. on each of said days and that six months from the 80th day of April A. D. 1919. Is the time limited by said Oourt for said creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allowance. lift ted at Charleston this 14th day of May A.D. 1019. BERNIE MORSE MATHEW CROWE 21-23 Commissioners Confectionery sir. I n!a rVsaaK Iina rf rnnfalU. we nave . -v-uci-y m thi, ment of the Barton Bakery with Chocolates 35c to 85c per pound any kind and flavor you wish, ju.t aik ui Toasted and Plain Marshmallows, at .... . r i TAnnAm;n4. " VVintergrecn, iriapic iu ciimm vcams, at All Hard Candies, at. 39c pa 50tJ Kibbe's and Schraft's one-half pound boxes, at. Don't forget the bakery department, food alw.y, The A. L. Wilcox Co. Barton, Vermont 6 XXKX00X0 0 Per Cent Discount on Spring Suits Come While the Picking is Good o So WHITCHE Barton. Vt. My reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods, coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability, has made tbe De Laval Cream Separator the leader in thJs community, NO matter what anyone may teO you, there is mm speed at which you can turn a separator cant d get all the cream and cream of uniform thickness. Thats the speed plainly indicated on the crank of evq separator, of whatever make. Full speed is the only assurance of full capacity d full efficiency. Every De Laval nownai.M Speed-Indicator. The beD ws you if the handle is going rod too slowly. You can't be mkab about it The Bell Speed-Inaicator ada nothing to the price but mdi b the value of the De Lava! Sef& Come in, examine the ma chine and see how the Be! Speed-Indicator works. SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A BELL SPEED-INDICATOR Tbe 'warning signal that insures cperaticn at tbe propel speed. OOOOO0OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0X0000C4W FLOUR BARTON, F. B. TOWER BOTH PHONES VERMONT Don't "Follow the Leader"! - - - -st by the sal ed ZZ?e impression that the" pes e ,ow the eSW CheaPer than th. d"JSSS l alfe" ooffthSr? T thit poli " I an actual loss. Why then Ho0,'?8 busi? at J sacrifice on some stendWrH Jh,ey. make they expect to gei it back Ltf- Becaue other and unid.ntifi-d VLS Sld nst on ated think th?y are iettinKhlchlthe uni"iti- I "leader" was cheap ! 8 Dg cheaP because the J b So?,h, fel you have I we recommend. uainess to test everything it sherodft We knw that t a great Chemical or?aijS?-eral Chemical Co worth trying. we Sid ?h tXOn' and murt bS they call it "The Perfect know why . We coMiler the RY2QV akl PWer 7 n wu the first Ulcin? poZr l , f value moment.. Tharto"1 Produce levei complamu from EYZON-J!" Why w t have an, rnnt.t. j .v . women can't vi v . mnJ" :r r uniformly -w7 " rr. uui u t rw f reciI when you ' :? rr uem ior SOc. " me tor ac. Ak about 1 -you can get barton. ROBINSON We have received! Car Wise King Bread a Snowflake Pastry Flour Two brands we ha sold for years It looks like HiT, Prices until Septet ber at least We think it a time to buy Si E. W. BARRON 0 Oppotite Passenger Depo' BARTON. - VERMoffr May. ll. B. M.SPOOSKB. Kelater VERMONT TTTIinn