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PAGE FOUR EEnajsEEISEEISEEiaiE FRUIT JARS Fruit Jar Rubbers Preserving Kettles Onr SPECIAL for SATURDAY A 50c Pound of Kibbe's Assorted Chocolates For 39 Cents Postoffice T T nrnT TV Barton, Square Vermont Spider's Amazing Strength. The uiouzlng etrtnsih of pltfers shown In a number of well authonn c;ited Instances. Thus we have on in stance of a half-Inch spider catching a nvo-lncL fish. It was of the jjrouud 01 wolf family. A scientist came upon It struggling with a fish on the edge of a little pool. Its claws were burled iu the fish's tail ; It had the tall out of the water, but the brad still remained underneath. The spider struggled to pull the fish up the t:.u)z and the fish struggled desperately t draw the spi der Into the pool. For ten minutes tht scientist watched this silent and dead ly fight. Then he hurried away for r. bottle in which to put the combatants when he captured them. He was gone about half an hour, and on his return the end had come. The fish wad dead and the spider was slowly dragging its victim away. New York ilaiL MONITOR; JULY 23, 1919 ALL THE ALBAOTS . i I fit Jllr rL 01 r rtf& - .fes A- 22 letei. m; - Zf Wf Direct FROM ITS SENSATIONAL RUN IN NEW YOKK TAe A'eftzre f Aar uiff IVe Forever 1 The Biggest Production in Ten Years The picture you'll never forget stupendous in theme. A veritable Mveiabon or- unending wonder. A romance of the great war, a story ot the love that passeth all understanding, "A tremendous pic tare, "One of the most stir ring film ever pre tented in New York. -AW 1W Mix WmrU "Spectator? 'thrilled to it with enihati' "Take rank with the great masterpiece of the screen. " ; - ' Uur advice u, k go ee 'The Heart of Hamanity, ,' .(, VWS Trikmmm : '"Of tnemoet'i i lentity. "Jk Jjb -"A distinct achieve- ment in motion pic- tare creation. " "it'certairi'to'ioucl) the heart of human; ity. " 4 J jmeemfmr V to hi Ml 3w fanorama vnar pasted on the screen. 7 V W.U. . v'Vfa intense story willl hqldyoa to the end. ' 14." Conceived skill and intelligence that lift it high above it contemporaries. 11 f'Beatg -any lory on JJie tcreen. j Mflllni III) 1 This ts cue picture for your vvtioie faaifly-Bring Them GEM1THEATRE, BARTON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5th ORLEANS OPERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6th Some Velocities. When the temperature is 32 degrees, sound travels 1,090 feet a second and one additional foot a second for each additional degree of temperature. Elec tricity over a wire where there is no resistance travels 192,924 miles a second GEM THEATRE Thursday, July 24th J. Stuart Blackton Production MISSING PEARL "WHITE IN THE LIGHTNING RAIDER Orleans Opera House Friday, July 25th Saturday, July 26th CHARLES RAY IN THE NINE O'CLOCK TOWN PATHE NEWS Comedy Orleans Opera House HARRY CAREY IN ROPED 6-act Western PATHE NEWS Tuesday, July 29th DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN SAY! YOUNG FELLOW! 2-reel Mac Sennett Comedy HIDE AND SEEK Orleans Opera House Wednesday, July 30th Our Offer to Save $10 to $15 On Every Round Oak Pipeless Furnace Goes Into Effect JULY 31 Beginning Thursday, July 31 we will ac cept contracts for the installation of the Round Oak Pipeless Furnace. This may be installed later in the season if desired. In this connection we will also offer a special service. Every Round Oak Pipeless System sold will be installed according to a scientific blue print plan supplied free by the Round Oak Engineering Department. It costs 5 or more to canvass for heating con tracts. By your coming into our store during this 10 day period, you reduce our selling cost. You en able us to book ahead a large number of con tracts which keep our men busy without loss of time. We are in position to purchase the heaters, cas ings and fittings in large quantities. We propose to give YOU the benefit! Here are a few advan tages of the Round OaKPipess Furnace 7reDeSt ?ipelessJvrr)pcp or tt& rarfe tr- It will heat your home year after year with a generous volume of pure, warm, moist, ever-changing air, free from dust, gas and smoke. It will burn any and all fuels successfully and eco nomically. It will hold the fire oyer night without re charging, even in zero weather. The System costs only one-fourth to one-third the price of steam or hot water, yet it responds more quickly. Its results are positive. It may be easily and quickly installed and ready for service in less than twenty-four hours from the time it is deliv ered to your home. The Round Oak Pipeless Is a Clean System The patented, improved, bolted and deep-jointed con struction and its heavy castings mean no dust or dirt in your home. We are positive it is the best built, most efficient, durable and satisfactory Pipeless Heating System on the market. WOI?h .evT cent you invest in its purchase. Its m fuel alone pays a liberal interest on the in- WHIPPLE, FRENCH & CO. ORLEANS, VT. . l 1 - r - - a - z. - 1 0 Star Point of Round Oak Pipeless Supremacy (.The beet pipeUe furnace on the mmrhet) 1- ?w rA,.b0lutl7 fire Proot (Sec Catalogue.) 2. lFJ7e- Gas nd Dust Tieht Bolted Construction. 3- IcoTonillyr15 SUCCe"fuU 4. Strongest Lasts the Longest Heavier too. 5. Humidifies and Circulates Pure T 6. Holds the Fire 24 Hours. "AT 7. Basement Delivers An the Heat to the Home. ."wve?8 m0rC PromPtly than 9- &ed?perated aad uickly Valuable Heating Book Free You should secure one of these free Round Oak Pipeless Books, 9x12 SfSfe?7 grated .which proves aU of these claims and describes other distinctive advantages. SOUTH ALBANY Mrs. Ella Frasier of Orleans has been visiting her son, J. o i ii?c nlace were m Evansville Friday night to attend the dance Miss Susie Miller of Irasburg spent the week-end with' her motner, Kate Miller. Mrs. Cora Winslow has gone to Craftsbury to help in the home oi vv B. Simpson. xt orA aTt-c Thns. Orne and fami- i.T r visited tneir iy JJ m mother, Mrs. Miller. ivT- tvttc Osrar Courser of nix . aim i'ii " , - Haverhill, hav beeen recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Courser. Mrs. Stewart and daughters, May and Emma Elizabeth, have returned to their home from Manchester, in. H. Mrs. Sarah Little and granddaugh ter, Miss Elizabeth Taggert, of New bury, have been visiting at Clarence Urie's. A large crowd attended the dance held in the schoolhouse Wednesday evening. Ice cream and cake were served. Service at 1.15 p. m. Theme, "The Man Who Was Shot in the Back." The pastor will give a short talk to the children. Miss Jane Harvey and her nieces, Mrs. Willis Field and Mrs. Will Turn er and son, Jack, left Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Will Harvey of Wol cott. Clyde Anderson took them in his automobile, ALBANY Mr. and Mrs. Dvdght Dowmotored to Burlington Sunday. Mrs. Glen Miles spent several days last week in Morrisville. Mrs. Andrew Loomis recently spent several days in Craftsbury. Mrs. Charles Willis of Hardwick visited at James Dow's last week. Madelaine Locke is visiting her sis ter, Shirley Locke, at A. C. Cheney's. C. E. Rogers, whose illness has been mentioned, remains about the same. Agnes Edgerton of Morrisville vis ited her cousin, Mrs. Glen Miles, last week. V. M. Darling of Wolcott is doing the haying on his farm on Chamber lin hill. Dr. and Mrs. Buck and Mrs. Lillian Dow of Glover visited at Chas. Win get's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevens of St. Johnsbury wiere callers -at D. H. Hackett's Sunday. nc ir.(-;n f Kpw-nort Center has been spending a few days with her son, D. H. Hacketk Mrs. Wallace Eldridge . and Miss Ella Blaisdell of Orleans visited at J. B. Dow's last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bashaw, Elzada Sanders and Wayne Sanders visited in Barton Wednesday. Mrs Wright returned last week from the hospital at Orleans, some what improved by her operation. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell of Morrisville and party were callers at Mrs. Helen Campbell's Sunday. a- on Mrs J. A. Brown returned Sunday from several days' visit with their daughter at North Troy. George Thayer, who has recently returned from overseas, visited friends "in town the last of the week. Mrs. Jennie Chafey and Miss Ag nes Chafey of Springfield, Mass., vis ited at D. H. Hackett's tfie nrst oi me week. Rev. and Mrs. Craig were in St. Johnsbury several days last weeic, where she had an operation on her throat. THE GREENSBOROS GREENSBORO Bernie Atherton is the latest to buy a Ford car. The Red Cross will meet Thursday afternoon for work in the Grange hall. Louis Kesselman has opened tas tailor shop in the vacant U. P. par sonage. Misses Louise and Belle Fairbanks of West Burke visited the past week at A. B. Fairbanks'. Rev. A. A. Stockdale of Toledo, O., one of our summer colony preached in Montreal Sunday. George E. Colby has sold his Bris- coe touring car zq mutun plans to buy a Ford truck. Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Richards of St. Johnsbury arrived at the Lakeview House Monday for a vacation. The Morrisville Woman's club was entertained at the cottage of H. A. Slayton at Winnemere Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Buchanan were in Barton one day last week to attend the funeral of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Harrub of GREENSBORO BEXD Mr, T.W. Silver. InJJU . Mary Smith of St. John. is visiting Mrs. Mary Weed Mrs. Jennie Hammond of xr bury is sewing for Mrs. L. J. pjjj Miss Margaret Johnson is , me a few davs with -fj. . "P9 land, Me. m Pen. Mrs. Came Kmghorn and chau, returned to their home in Wednesday. Bradf Mrs. Fred Lewis line Brightlook hospital. St. .T. J for treatment. "" Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Bradford t son are spending their vati: New York state. ""uu a Ted Gochie has purchased u-w known as the William Withers fara Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sheldon of Mont- Taunton, Mass., are at their cottage pelier visited at S. A. Searles'Friday and Guila Sheldon returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Conroy Brown of Mansonville, P. Q., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood of North Troy visited at J. A. Brown's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cheney and Mrs. F. M. Fletcher attended the funeral of Or- ville Rowell in Barton Tuesday of last week. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES W. E. Craig, Pastor service, 10.30. Subject Who Was Shot in the Morning "The Man Back." Bible school, 11.30. The pastor has a five-minute story that will interest every child. EAST ALBANY Much sadness and sorrow was brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Longe and family, especially the young husband, when death claimed the young lady, Glenna Bell, wife of Harold E. Longe, July 5th, at the Cleasby hospital, Orleans, after an illness of eleven days. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Powers, and was born August 23, 1900. Glenna was a young lady of winning personality, having many friends and will be greatly missed by all who knew her. - Our hearts go out in sympathy to the young hus band. He has many friends here and whatever he may decide to do or wherever he may go he will find a welcome here. THE THREE CRAFTSBURYS EAST CRAFTSBURY Miss Bessie Locke of West Glover is visiting at O. H. Anderson's. Will Stevens had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow last week. Orrin Robbins of Craftsbury is staying at J. R. Paterson's for the present. Mrs. McLoud of Hardwick spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. C. C. Adams and family were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Paterson Friday. Miss Ruth Heidger is enjoying a three weeks' vacation from her duties at the Mary Fletcher hospital, Bur lington. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Day of White field, N. H., have been spending a few days with Mrs. Day's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colburn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell of St. Johnsbury brought Mrs. Dean Mitch ell in their automobile to her home from the hospital Sunday. Mrs. Ben Locke, who has been spending the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Hodgdon, has returned to her home in Highgate. Corey Urie was operated on at his home Friday. Drs. Allen and Easton were in charge. A trained nurse is caring for him and he is doing well. Mrs. Chafey and daughter, Agnes, who have been spending a few weeks wnn Miss Eliza Mitchell, have re turned to their home in Springfield, Mass. Rev. Mr. Lukens of Philadelphia, who is spending his vacation at his summer camp at Caspian lake, preached in the U. P. church Sunday. He gave us a wonderful discourse on Christian Forgiveness." NORTH CRAFTSBURY Mrs. E. A. Keeler has been" visiting friends in Laconia. Miss Susan Paddock of New York is a guest at the Orleans House. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet and friends spent Sunday at Willoughby lake. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes of Philadel phia, Pa., are stopping at the hotel. Will Farr is in Burlington on ac count of the illness of his son, Roger. E. A. Keeler, who has been in t ranee in the service, returned home Roger Farr went to Burlington on W ednesday where he entered the hos pital for an operation. Mr. Watts and family, who have been visiting at Mrs. C. W. Du'stan's, returned to their home in Dixville Canada, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Root, who has been suffering for some time with throat trouble, is in the Mary Fletcher hos pital for treatment. CRAFTSBURY Mrs. Gladys Corrow is a guest of Mrs. E. W. Hardy for a few days. Fred Green has finished drawing cream and will work in the creamery. Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Kinney were business visitors in Hardwick Mon day. Mrs. S. R. Lathe and , Mrs. Cora Wyhe were visitors in Glover Thurs day. Mrs. Ella Howard fell downstairs Wednesday receiving severe sprains and bruises. Mrs. Wallace Merrill royally enter tained the Missionary society at her home Tuesday. Harry Mackender has bought the residence of the late Dorman Bridge man in Hardwick. Leslie Bickford of Barnet has bought the place known "as the John Grieves place in Collinsville. Dr: Jinkham of Burlington Was called Friday night by the serious condition of W. B. Simpson. Hollis Lathe, who has been in war service and overseas for some time, returned to his home here Friday. " Mrs. Jennie Randall and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Armour An derson in West Glover Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. O. B. Wells are to entertain the Delta Alpha class at the Keir camp on Lake Ellego Friday. James Randall of New York, who day? dS here' returned Satur- ivreaAnthV0.unest son of Mr. and as welf. hospital a short e, is not Levi Cubit has bought the farm lately occupied by E. E. Gilbert of?oosr road-Price' the vici$ BpMJSwPays?n Morse of Greensboro Siy8'8 (Ptof her husband's LstenekMr' MrS' John w ?enry KinS of Wolcott spent MSt W3e?k m town her daughters MrS. Plke and Mrs calderwood Mr King spent the week-end here. erSf on bu"dins of George Ath erton on the Branch road, were en- noo dTherTd fire SundErfSl hrnit'ed t?rC 13 Up-osed to have the barn 7 ne 'heating of hay in part of tU her?5 Was burned- A ed- There was $1800 insurance. Frank Comment. It takes a email coy to take the con celt out of one. Being a Utile stout and not often well pleased with my self, on one occasion when wearing a new gown I asked my small son If I did not look rather well. He eyed me for a moment, then took the starch out of me by asking, "Are you not just a little wide a-ross the skirt?" near the village for the season. Mrs. Sam Ladd was in Stannard Saturday to see her brother-in-law, who soon leaves for New Mexico. Rev. V. H. Lukens of West Phila delphia, one of our summer colony, supplied the pulpit in East Crafts bury Sunday. Rev. S. F. Blomfield of Easthamp ton, Mass., who is spending the sum mer here, supplied the pulpit in Wa terbury Sunday Rev. Dr. J. F. Berg, pastor of the Flatbush Avenue Dutch Reformed church, Brooklyn, N. Y., will occupy the Congregational pulpit Sunday, The subject for the C. E. meeting Sundav evening, will be, "How Do Men Confess Christ and How Deny Him?" Leader, A Summer Visitor. Many will be saddened to learn of the. death of F. F. Wakefield, for many years a resident of this town, at his home in Berlin, N. H., July 5th, of cerebral hemorrhage. Burial was in Saco, Me.- Remember the next grange meet ing Thursday evening. It will be ob served as a musical evening and will be in charge of the music committee: Mrs. H. H. Haines, Mrs. C. H. Mil ler, George E. Colby and Miss Doro thy Willey. One of Percy Kier's horses, on its way to North Craftsbury through this village, ran away Thursday after noon. The wagon struck a telephone pole and the horse freed itself. .Not much damage was done. Mr. Bliss was driving the team. The standing of the graduating class of the Junior high jschool for the jast two years as given out- this week by Prin. W. G. Bodine, gives the first four places for scholarship to the following: First honors, Katharine Hayes; second, Lester Hill; third, Dorothy Willey; fourth, Lilla Jackson. Perley Reynolds is working for Beeman of East Hardwick and irin soon move his family there. A number from here attended tie auction of the Dorman Brighara pron. erty in Hardwick Saturday afternoon! GREENSBORO-North Neighborhood Wm. Young is very ill at this writ ing. Claud Lund has gone to Winnipeg Canada. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Lunt started for Kansas Friday. John Gebbie has returned to his work in Exeter, N. H. Mrs. C. E. Lapierre and son were in Morrisville Tuesday. Mrs. Hattie Silver returned to Springfield, Mass., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Aldrich of Va. den visited at Carl Philbrooks' San day. Mrs. Irwin Wilson and son visited friends in Sutton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lazotte of Nashua, N. H., are visiting relatives in town. Miss Loretta Cassavah spent part of last week with friends in Port land, Me. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Burns and soa of Cambridge were callers at D. G. Speir's Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Philbrook went to the Brightlook hospital, St. Johnsbnrj, Monday for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Willey enter tained a company of friends Friday evening in honor of Mr. Wiliey's birthday. Misses Belle and Louise Fairbanks, who have been visiting here the past week, returned to their home in Sut ton Sunday. Mrs. David Speir has so for re covered from her accident as to M able to ride out. She wishes to thank every friend who did so murt for her in the past few weeks by per sonal calls and the many gifts. Bob were much appreciated. BOH MAKE my maw Come to Lang's Jewelry Store and hear The Yictrola, The Sonora, The Brunswick, The Edison, The Silvertone And soon we will add another new one. If vou hear them all m suit your taste, all are staple. Victor records can be used for them Just now it may be your good, fortune to possess a Victrola as happen "to have a few in stock. We have about $ioo.oo worlh of records so can entertain you for some time. A Fine Line of Water Color Pictures cf WILLOUGHBY and CRYSTAL LAKE Headquarters for EASTMAN CAMERAS and SUPP Lang's Jewelry Store BATCHFi nFR ri nrir RARTON. VERMOnM ipening Announcement OAVING purchased the Roy E. Davis store we are prep t " to carry a full lineof General Merchandise. Wesn an g c prompt and efficient service, and our first aim will be to p c our customers. . We shall continue the fancy egg trade which Mr. V j worked up, and shall pay highest market prices for strictly j brown eggs. . . . teeo We are agents for the Iowa Cream Separator wbicn n . proven the world's best separator by actual test. t-roc we will gladly give you a demonstration of this machine time. For This Week Only Wan-e-ta Cocoa in i qt. glass can, regular 40c grade . , . " , Store Closed Tuesday and Friday Evenings at 7:3a WALCOTT & LYON THE BROWN EGG STORE .fCo Terms Ca.h GLOVED St