Ladies' Hosiery in Black, Brown, Grey and White
Children's Hosiery in Black, Brown and White
New Stock of Ladies' and Children's Rubbers
Same price as last season
Hare you ever used our O. K. Imitation Vanilla Flavoring
Extract? Only 15 cents per bottle. Try a bottle and
you will save money and become another of our many
satisfied customers.
Vermont State Schools for Vennonters
The Vermont State Norsal Schools at Castleton and Johcson each offer
twj vear courses. Teachers graduating from these two year courses are
qaal'Sed for the best teaching positions in the elemeatarr schoa's, and miy
receive ?3 prr week from the s ate for the time which the y teach ia rural
tcho-Is iri:icn free to residents of Vermont.
Furth?r infcrruation may be obtained from the principVs cf ha ee"?"''.
State Normal School at Castleton Opens September 16th. 1919
State Normal School at Johnson Opens September 23rd, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. E- A. Bashaw return
ed Thursday from an automobile trip
to Bangor, Me.
tr Dawsrm and mother, Mrs.
euests at
the McCIarv home.
Horace Chadsey and Muriel Booth-
by of Boston were guests ai v
MeGuire's last. week.
Mrs. Fred Witt and children of Or
leans are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, N. A. Cutler.
Mrs. Nora Scnofield of Hyde Park
spent several days last week with
her brother, E. A. Andrus.
Mrs. Catherine Hayes and son of
Ckicagro are guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Head.
Mrs. Frank Miles and two children
visited at Mrs. Lydia Johnson's in
Hardwick Wednesday of last week.
Miss Effie Miles is attending the
chautauqua at Hardwick this week,
the guest of Mrs. Lydia Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Doying and
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Doying attended
the Witham reunion at Cabot Satur
The contract for building the
Hris-G-s bride-e has been awarded to
Canada are sruests cf their aunt, Mrs. J parties from Barre at $10,450. "V ork
C. D. McGuire. I has been begun.
Mrs. Barney Dyer visited in Lowell
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert George are
visiting at W JP. Gowen's.
Mrs. A. M. Goddard of Morrisville
was a visitor in town the first of the
Mrs. Goodrich of JefFersonville, O..
was a visitor in town the first of the
Ethan Cutler has gone to B rattle
bo ro, where he has a position in an
Little Yieva Downey of Newport is
spending two weeks with Mrs. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. PL M. Cowles attend
ed a Shriners meeting at Burlington
Lucile Anderson was home from
her work at Vergennes a few days
last week.
Mrs. Charlotte Chamberlin return
ed Friday from a trip to the White
Clara Marsh and Doris Frizzell of
ail Agricultural School and Farms for ! n
! Q
I a
: ft
! n
! n
! ?1
The Theodore N. V
the Boys of Vermont
lis cbj-'-:t to train br-ys in practical Vermont farcins: ard cord
Tui:ica free to bojs cf Wrzsozt.
A bo. nay er.:er iu" ?chc! at toe cezinniis cf ;sv north.
a r o ? ? n ii
J A U & t C ir' U
try Aca
t a Afrs, Ramfv Dyer enter
tained last weekz Mr. ?nd,M Geo.
Mulligan of New York, Mrs. Percy
Nve and son of Barton, r.rancis mur
phy and Mary and Annie Finnegan
o Lowell.
r -v T?rtfroT whose illness has
been mentioned, died Saturday and
the funeral was held luesaay j
Congregational church Rev. Good
rich of Ohio, a former pastor, gat
ing, and burial was in the village
cemetery. ,
The game of baseball between the
Bachelors and Benedicts of Albany
resulted in a victory for the bache
lors. The fact that it took ten inn
ings to break the tie, indicates that
the bachelors had a task for nine
strong men.
On Thursday evening, Aug. th,
the members of the M. E. church
choir will serve a fish cnowaer sup
per in the dining hall of the church.
The purpose of the supper is to raise
funds sufficient to pay for our new
piano. We expect a house iuu
people. Come.
To the people of Albany who at
tended the baseball game in Albany,
Saturdav: I wish througn me col
umns of this paper to offer an ap
ology for the profane language i
ued while attending tne game, i
aooloeize for the uncalled for re
marks I made to Rev. . E. Craig.
I am sorry for disturbing the peace,
ad shall endeavor to conduct my
self in a more manlike way m tne
futrure. .
Signed, O. U. reters.
The Campfire Girls and Boy Scouts
Albanv srent a most enjovauie
vacation at Caspian
pleasure was spent. When the last
embers began to die we all joined
in singing thesDoxology and the Na
Anthem. The boys wish to
their cratitude to the girls
their kindness in having the
Prominent Real E.Ut.
Scouts over to dinner the last day. real tte'bkeraVi, haT w
SLt,iv Me of the bovs voiledfr.ti
Uiuwi"- J - , ,,. j una lldrvA,.. " 081r7v
the whole banquet Dy caning u jutuns ; Argo-PhoiPhate bo7
... m - nVAn thaM I mt Without f..i . ltrv te
ao mv Tor more suuu " "-" "s
ta ' two days
And 'Junior-Senior Hich School
A . -rs vrcpr.-y ard cqaipien- unexcelled bv anv school.
A faculty cf Vertncrteri.
n the firm for a boy to earn a large part cf his
L nuju opportunities
rec?"-rv expenses.
V.'rito fcr farther information and a c
CARROLL XL PIKE, Director, Lyndonrille, Vt.
?3tlI0S tO
! S
M ! The o-irls occupied a well-furnished
Si cottage and the boys had two com
H moiious tents ar.d a woooen shack in
"I which the food was prepared and
!very readily disposed of. The pro
fc ! jrrari consisted principally of boat
s in sr. f. shins and swimming, but the
iy ! principal recreation for most of the
eijbovs was eating. .One morning the
find the
happened to be no more. When camp
broke up and we started for home
we all concluded that we received far
more pleasure than we had anticipat
W. E. Craig, Pastor
Sunday, Apgust 24th
Moraine- service, 10.30. Subject
Thnii art weiehed in the Balances
and are found wanting.
t?;kTo srhool following the service.
Albany seldom does things by halves
as is indicated by the progress we
are making in Sunday school and
rhnrch attendance. Last bunday we
had no less than 112 people m Bible
,vkni TvmVintr in all a total of 1S4.
The church of God moves along when
men and women patronize anu wor.
fny thp rhurch as though they believ
ed in it. There are a few empty
- A-
vpt to be nlled. come next
SnnHav and we will have a good
time together worshipping God and
studvins: how we can best carry out
His program.
A dance was held in the school
house on Wednesday evening.
Edward Comer has finished work
frn- O. M. Iiowell and has gone to
Barton to work for Dr. Nichols.
Louise,- Eleanor and Ruth, the
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Adams of East Craftsbury, have been
spending a few days with Mrs. U. h..
Mr. and Mrs. Will "Mitchell and
children. Mariorie and Warren, of
Danville, and Mrs. Dean Mitchell and
Mr. Corev Urie of Greensboro were
the home of Mr. and Mrs
ii ;;Sir- Soon I "
T. TtTos cm-in.iPii srri PVPrV DOV ...-v . -
Preparatory and Teacher Training
The Vermont State School of Agriculture at Randolph m
Center, for the Boys of Vermont
Its o-rjct to train boys in prictical Vermont farmiug and good citizen-
Tuition free to boya of Vermont.
A two year course with special work in cow testine, farm and creamerv
maragemint. -Fall
term orens September ISrh. 1919.
A tjpieal ermont farm for instruction and demonstration purpose
A weii cqnipped school.
A new dcrmicory.
A faculty of Vermonters.
Opp-rtunity fcr a limited number cf boys to earn a part of their expenses.
Write fcr further information and a catalog to
G. LELAND GREEN, PrincipL Randolpli Center, Vt.
Among schools approved for Teacher Training Courses are the foUswine:
Lyndon Institute, Crftbury Academy, Derby Academy, North Troy Hih School
MARY H. BAILEY, Prin., Latin.
KARL G. PERRY. Agriculture and Science.
EUXA K. ANDERSON, Mathematics.
A. CLEMMA SEAYER, Home Economics.
MABELLE M. HATHAWAY, History and French.
Anaouacemint regarding the instructor of the Teacher
Training Course to be made later.
thp alarm was
was made aware of the loss. It w?.s
later discovered that one of the fel
lows, who had been underfed for a
few meals previous, ate the cheese.
He has not told it all, but we are
thinking that probably he dreamed
he was hungry and got up in his
sleep and ate the cheese. The fact
that he is enable to recall everything
in connection with the tragedy plus
the uncomfortable condition he was
in all the next day should add some
weight in convicting him of the
crime. Another fellow got off with a
string of philosophy while he was
asleep. We won't record all he said.
This was about the only string we
caught because there seemed to be
no fish. The last night in camp the
girls were invited to attend the big
camp fire which the boys had. Ice
cream was served and an hour of 1
Pastor's theme for Sunday, "Thou
art weighed in the balances and art
found wanting." Here is a church
that is alive in every department.
The people here, as well as at Al
bany, are people who do a finished
job on any task they undertake. It
is a pleasure for the pastor to preach
here. The standing of the contest
shows Albany and So. Albany much
in the lead in Sunday school attend
ance. Sunday we had 72 here, making
a total of 184 for Albany. We can
not allow this issue of Jae paper to
pass out to the subscribers without
making mention of the special music
rendered in the M. E. church. Mrs.
R. P. Webster, one of the county's
best soloists, rendered two splendid
solos to the delight of the entire
congregation. We wish to thank her
for her very acceptable contribution.
eat without fear of dlri.'WN
rreat change in mV VLi Eft
xnere is nothing in n 1 , "
kidney and liver nfnatln. nerJS
Pierce5. Ph. D., and L ft.. aPJS
-OF .
I will sell at PnKi.v a. ...
.auction at.
residence, in East Albany
' - '"iuS io v.rattsbury
-ON -
Wednesday, August 2?
At 1:30 o'clock
The following described prop.
One pair Grey Mares, 6 and 7,
old, weight 2400 lbs.; r C
Jersey and Holstein Cows,sor
freshen soon: 1 yokeoftiwL
old Steers, 1 two-year-old register
ed Holstein Heifer, 7 two-year
grade Holstein Heifers, z'vZZ
grade Holstein Heifers. 3
Holstein Heifer Calves, 1 HoK
Bull Calf, 1 three-vear-old Cov
6 Shoats.
TERMS 6 months
bankable paper.
credit for
M. M. TAPLIN, Auctioneer
Help the Kidneys
e gives
1 1 I-.
SoCO-ny Motor Gasolin
tmcK or car power not only for
usual needs but for emergencies.
And the power you get today you
can get tomorrow or next weekfor
So-CO-ny is every day the same.
Adjust the carburetor for So-COnv
AV -CLmar Part ot the machine.
vxiuusnon never varip: .
never slackens.
yhy take chances with unknown,
doubtful mixtures? Keep to
wO-CO-ny and keep power at par.
Buy it where you see the Red,
White and Blue SoCO-ny Sign!
lf of a relkblecfealer
end the worlds best CasoOne
The Keir families are camping at
.Lake .uego.
Many are attending the chautau
qua at Hardwick this -week.
Jlrs. Laura Bemis is a guest at
tne cowles come this week-
Flora Waterhouse left Sunday for
lucniora to visit her sister.
Avis Keir came from Boston thi3
week" to spend two weeks at her home
here. -;
beveral attended the address of
Rev. Edwin H. Hughes in Wolcott
isunaay evening. -
f. : t it - - ,
mxluxx: rvo eu 01 rosion was a
guest of ilr. and Mrs. Clarence
Cowles last week. -
Day Sawyer of Bridgeport, Conn.,
came Thursday to spend his vaca
tion at his home here.
Hardy Merrill left the first of th
week for New York where he ex
pects to remain several weeks.
John Harvey of New York is
spending hi3 vacation with his broth
Harvey, and sister, Mrs.
JNora Comer.
Eosco Lathe and friend came Mon
day from Bridgeport, Conn, to spend
aS sstvthi parents-Mr-
r,55d Mrs; Benjamin Thornburg
f Iwfeif- Sf P-dinf
v. - 1 J . iu"" Aeit sunaay for
their home in Waltham, Mass.
n?P;,?Md Mrs- Beiamin Thornburg
A2f?- been spend!
for Vh2;J x. own lelt Sunday
ior tneir hom it rrn ,
aju-ixctm, iiass
The Ladip ka -.. ,
mg at the home of Mrs Ida r
wv Aor Anursday of next
GrenwT r ". Chase of
Clue's mother Mrs fTnby M"i
sister. Mr. plrl. iP??.. and
elL j a7r,r.f1m1 ?f Low-
rr-t . "u jU inpnni hHT
innruiiv vu.
Tuesdav ,t u,cu. enly on
in Eden. ThZ ,01 ViIas Brown
Kesfiay, Kev. Oldndge of Wolcott f
ficiatmsr. Burial wt it ViT ?f"
lot at BanckMrnWi? iamily
most of hi3 fee here 8pent
atdiolgSy visitor
. Miss Susie Moffatf -
the guest of Miss iiarion PeSonl "
friends adEMShifiIen Pikce viiit
n Berkshire over Sunday.
on fi irom, Wonsin called
on ls many friends here la.t
hoS?nfJ to Ur
vacation. aItr three weeks
IPaisumpsk. ImmU m Orleans and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moulton of Bos
ton are occupying' Bonnie View
Lodge at Lake Hosmer.
Mr. Sweet and family were in
Newport Center the week-end to help
celebrate his father's birthday.
Mrs. Davis of Beverlv H arm c
Jiass., has been stonninf at the fir
leans House, returning home Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthm- Cnlck on1 cr-rt
Cecil, have been looking after their
household goods stored here, also
cauing on old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wheeler of Or
leans and 3lr. and Mrs. Vaughn
..uetiier ana cnuaren of Bridgeport
-onn., were visitors at E. T. Wheel
ers unaay.
It being a beautiful day Saturday
it was decided to hnlH
Picnic at vtoI. J. E. Colburn's camp
ihen it was hnrrv tnmHa v
ular things for the vegetable dinner
10 oe cooked out rf
corn, new rotatns efr
with salt pork, cucumbers and milk
gravy and an abundance of pies and
canes and coffee and dousrhnuts. - At
me ciose 01 dinner Mrs. H. N. Stev
ens Drought forth a beautiful birth-
caKe, aecorated with candles as
it was miss -i a r-ri k w;io. v,.-tu
J . : " usuu o MIL LII-
Among those f rom - away - who
are here risi-mllr 1,:,.
tv t 7. "v vkiuk were:
'" Wilson arrl tn- A,,U
Vlu f rom Connecticut, Mr. and Mrs
P rfe a v 8on,of Georgia, Mr.
ratt of New Yni-t ir:i
ler of PhiladelnTiia Xi;- o,.:- tj
Ar - -"" uaie nxu.-
Williams of Boston. wh aA
rvn4- 1- l- . " -"- co
.Ttr ' ev.-r rank Hazen and son
vJ?hr!z?" 9eo. H. Howard of New
farl. f - .tTe were a few new
ThnLttJOm the nuter this year.
Those having autos kindly carried
time?605 aU d a jolly
Readers Are
Learning tit
to M;t56nT'5IcLaughlin nas gone
to Montreal for treatment.
Alfred Hodgdon is visiting his
grandparents in HighgateT S
Armour Babervk - 1 :
visitor in Wfc.ri t?: "?olueB8
Thursday. -uncon on
Rev. Mr. C.ihanr, nt V .4. t
Mrs. Henrv fTAA 1 . ...
Hrn w, " ' ;VU6 JW" anu IWO Chll
visit in HighSteT "Um
XT!-- lf:ii
enpnHino. , ' .s oeen
Miss MlbXl Wlth er friend,
Mrs. Nancy CrosW :.uj
sewing for Mrs IT it "S"
has gfne to he"home
Mrs. Rfjbprt TT-, . ...
It's the little kidney ills
The lame, weak or aching back
The unnoticed urinary disordeis
That may lead to dropsy ui
Bright's disease.
When the kidneys are weak,
Help them with Doan's E&kj
A remedy especialy for weak k
neys. .
Doan's have been used in beey
troubles for 50 years.
Endorsed by 50,000 people-ea-dorsed
at home.
Proof in a Barton citizen's i
W. F. Mitchell, farmer, Elm street
says: "About five years tp
my kidneys became aisoraereu
had some trouble with my back, n
kidney secretions were irrear
passage and too frequent, boa . W
and night. The secretions were itejj
ly colored. I read of
Kidney Pills and tried than.
i r moifine neloea
and I know Doan's Kidney BJ
are reliable and entitled to gres
a week's
at all dealers. , DJ
simply ask for a kidney remW-g
Doan's Kidney Pills-the same ittj
xMr. Mitchell had. r osier---Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Estate of George Merrill
District of Orleans, ss. fortje
The Honorable Probate Court m
District Aforesaid: intpri"
To the heirs and all persons i ime - v
the estate of George Merrai ia
bury in said District. llei:fcasEETI'i:
TOtlWDP C .nr.lll-Rtkm h8tll b?.???
to this court in writing. W e ioriff
trator. praying for J cense and
to sell all of real estate v i - - Mrtflt
wit. being pasture known as
pasture located in Vr?". nrt of
County. Vermont, ana w.e ntai
No. 3 in the fifth ranK - "tW
about forty acres or ianu. 'J eflcii
said court thai it ' Crested U1
thehirinH all oersons Inceresi'ru
estate of said deceased, to se'iu
tateand con vert inem
Ana onuKiuis . ,ha Beur
i . j v. tirnr. f ii mi - . mAr
said estate residing la this SU
ting forth the situation of tne ' pp0
w u w M it pf i s . the said fflWf
ed and assigned the 8th day o; ,,1
1919. at the Frormte Office jn
o'clock P.m. in sam -i. " d peti
aeciaeupon saiu Kv "A.rpof toWi''r
and ordered public notice thereo f by
to all persons interested therein,
llshlna ld order, together wun
and place of kesrUM, tnw y MJI1,f
iveiy in tiie urieu jeiiJ
newspaper whicncircuiov"", - . tfJL
i i . . i .nAni illicit0"'
tate. an or wnicn v-.-"--, f0rb
previous to tne aay "eb DOt,j
THRRKKORE. you are hereoj .
innnrnr before said court. i , ald
appear Deiore miu ,Vr in
a.Bijrned. then and there i ttE(
r ' : . i.rt s ryi iu
to raaice your otl'v";'lflP a .j
if Toil lee cau. iniM
Given under my hftnd; -Ji 81.
Dlstrtct. this ISth day of
ni svla n a. SB
The Honorable Frotote Coun
The Honorable
trlct Aforesaid
IBS Eliza Mitchell.
ch?ldrennfMn ' V1 lIitche11 and two
cnuaren of Danville have been viit
ureensboro UV,in,..
noanced it fine. Mrs C
ana pro
C. Adams
which was
let Aforesaid: . , tbMl
To all persons interested in t(bc?J
Alphons K. Garvin i -
said District. deceased. G?-ltXa v
6th cay of Heptember . b
re ortheVeidue of .aid S
iui claimants i rireo f ,.a.
public notiee therwf f f by pur
sons interested in .t Sv'?1jS
this order three week- " L th'
ous to the day ,ntri'ri, pui"
Xunty Monitor, a n"" ' j
JJarton in aJi iJisirn.-.. br
TH KKKKOKK. you f' la
appear at f e rwuaw on
lowance v.aid account u
and to establish yoa',J,ZmaU 10
lrgates and lawiu
residue. . thii JW
Given ander my ba,ad. v'
AuyiiHt l!li.