OCR Interpretation

Orleans County monitor. [volume] (Barton, Vt.) 1872-1953, August 27, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022871/1919-08-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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VoL 4S No. 35
Single Copies 5 Cents.
J ZZ '.mTJ-td fc-r Jew t.Vi tweff-c
-TTr7vEi OP. TRADE Work
V "" " - Lewis. Barton, lw
Miller piano, fcaby
Siannard's, LowelL
34-3 7p I
. I
r - ; i" 7. CHEAP Three used
,-.-t- r-rrs. S-lxi- R- W. El -
""cins. 34-Scp
j..; p. SaLZ CHEAP Eight cylin----zrr
"Hire"" car. Good cendi
V" 0. L Kelry, Derby. 33-S5p
5Ai Fird touring car,
rvc --rri-iin, thoroughly overhaui-
1- ili.; H-iscn truck. E. Sockol,
" -.r
-- OOtX
FCF. SALE Two young mares.-11
f :irr v-jar? e.i. - Inquire cf Lillie
rrv-.ii cr W. E. Hanson, Barton.
JCS SALE Furnished cottage
izz larr? jet czz the shore cf Crystal
ii Mr;. Lena M- Woodward, 13
Ti-ir. S- S Jchnsbury. 24
SALE Large safe. Bought
n: ici Central Savings Bank
i Ttuit Cc. until the tank block was
-zz xi -xzl's installed. Dimen
;:cz5 :: ;a:i safe are 34x44. with
rit :t :'. :n:ies. Just right for
t:-su lark's -:ce. store cr any large
Sa:i safe must be moved
irrn rrir.T Iccatirn at once. Will
nxki rr.-'-r right and deliver same
zz ttlzzzL If interested write or see
n? it G. S. Dodge, Orleans.
Glover. 24tf L
3i72ANCE Best stock and mu-jPrt?ctcr-ml
rr-tizizs. Surety tends. F. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Six
tcii s- x . t
Arsut, Barton. 23t ?
-i -
ii i I T
A 1 II Z ?. 5' NOTICE Stock
zczziz -Terr 2-I:r,ST. Telerhcne City and WiZard Aldrara cf Boston!
n-r :i:-i2T n-minzs for rrices.ae guests at V. F. Hunters. !
A . 0 OWNER S Blow-cuts,
r'-'ri. t;r-r trouble, prevented by
? 7 rre and tube saver. Wui
tr.zz 1X0 to 5XO miles ta old
v.ak tris hich yru are about to
rry iTi". Let me prove it. G
2 ?tI;T5. Glover. 31-5,
x"! f
poultry. Erick, r
. ANTZT- Waitress at Crystal
rotcl Experienc not reces-i
23tf i
. . :
r-l" r.c;s. L Sclcmcn, Water
-jr 33-5cp
ANTZ3 ::c No, 1
fs- IL'X: hLds, -tic per lb. A. C
-A.TZD Girl
Vt-r5 p cocking cr washing.
Currier, Barton. 33-5
pvT-tV. Several grxd painters.
ct -12- Eenry M. Whiting,
--T 5-gnest cash pnee
standing white ash humher
p L and worse
i C-:d warss. Apply to E.
v.."'--- Cary jr arm, Leodngtcn,
atr,"tr- Iir
J - ir- lras station, every Mon.-
pnpes-tion. Previ-'
Esaith Deuartment, f
gan Capital. SLy
ccstetTjos and scrg-sj
r 2r . rr
use, Organs. "23tf
7 32rf i
" 1 1
-tcticn Aiiress Massa- j
a . . s
V." .t'-5- oifsrs to young women cf f .; . " TrZT
H''-. tt marines havm a highJ TO RENT Furnished rocm. Mrs.
tor '"r i 1 1 cay Kn27. ins resn cx zne part7 ; j.fy T C&Hins.
v-.r tV ec:rr5t p 1:5 train-ngfc TO RENT 2-tcrr hcuse, ell and wCI remain in Barton the rst cf the
St. -fv-fr3F" X, rZ bam, acres "land cn mILs frum week visiting- relatives an.i friends. Stewart Chamberlin turned lart
E-fr---,' Pv?2" ra' Prrate s tr 13. xs? r so r-t . . , . fwek frsns a two weks visit wth
ad St, R,sw, STTlJi c&fe . W. The Ladies' s-ty cf the Congr; i tis grandparents in White River
24-3o -J ZT -are C3Szri' tV fgatSecal chur-.i serrd ice cream an.i f Xrm r
ai- " v- frj the vestry Tuesday e-renirg. 1 ,
r-r- S lost
r1- I TrK-l,W tandha ntaming-
j1'! &T pro-rmgrrop- ITtl ter? &r srh ar. atTarr daughters cf
i-.T-e7? TSS Str TZJZSTS: aid their willing response and nne f itln his .
Eg Home Talent Entertainment on
Tuesday Night.
A lire committee is organizing a
big" entertainment and dance for the
evening of Sept. 2d. The proceeds
are to go to the Y. W. C A. and $55
must be cleared to finish Barton's
Entertainers will provide a rood
time. They are Miss Marion Red-
vocalists: Slayton Lang saxo-
phone soloist: a vocal double eruar-
t a i w mm . .
Jiiss txresuze iuson at tie
Fano, an-l tne tiartcn band. The
community sing -will be conducted by
R- D. MerrilL
Notrab's orchestra cf 12 pieces has
f been engaged for the dance music
tThis orchestra guarantees the latest
itz.iia.ic a.u tne grvnzr tempo, xics.
i ets are to be sold beginning-today.
come across, iney are only a quar-
' ter and you can have your money
I back if the show isn't worth it. Danc-
50c. Ice cream on sale.
Monday being Labor day, the bank
will be closed. -
F. W. Catting left last week on an
extended motor trip.
J. N. Webster went to Brightlook
hospital last week for treatment.
Sarah and Ros Cohen cf Chelsea,
Mass. are intown with friends
There will be a dance at Woodman
hall, Evansville, Friday evening. 34 tf
Miss Gladvs Hill is assisting in the
J. W. Murkland Co. cSce for a time.
Mrs. Joseph Valley, daughter and
niece were in St. Jchusbury for the
X. D. Martin is building a new
tarn on the ground in the rear of his
Mrs. Hale and daughter of Grauby,
P. Q, are guests cf Mr. and Mrs. W. :
j.v..i.. :
Remember the Barton-Lyndonville
ball game cn the fair ground Satur-
5 . Katnleen
Proctor cf Sher
t of Miss Grace
t D..-a.e is tz.e
-ir. an-u iirs. uuTr jmsco ct xraa-
fori were guests at the home of C.
Sisco, this week.
wiuu nr meaner, -irs. J-ucy r.zz m-
Charles AEchurci of New Tor
Miss Ljdia Hi
n cf North Da-
kcta was the guest cf Mrs. C E-
gj'-. a -f gj- rc"-t!T
Mr. Mrs. Stennea Sawin of f
their daughter, Mrs. H. W. Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Seaver are
moving their household goods to
. where they will keep
house and teach in the ins titute.
Mis3 Gemma Seaver goes to
ter school at Craftsbury academy cn
Thursday. She will teach domestic
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cooper cf
Wilder are spending' a short tune
with Mr. Cooper's parents. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Buctley at-
tended the wedding- cf their brother.
T. E. Durkin, in. East Albany Au.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cutler and Mr.
and Mrs. Ear Stiks attended the
t Branson, auctica in East H-trlwlck
r f
Trjere will be a Bed Cress booth
at the Orieana County Fair, where
information will he given ta . any
who desire it.
Den. Masca cf Middlehury Is
spending a few days with his uncle,
R. F. Mason- Mr. Masctr has been
overseas, but goes ta MVfiiVbjirj
eolleg- as an instructor this fan
Mr. and Mrs- C H WiZard and
fa2r are TZGzizjz a two weeks
and eastern Massachusetts-
The Nye cows so-1 we at the E
large auctic!a cn his farm turuay.
V- Nto is to sell tie hay this sea -
son, but intends to stcoc the
again m t-e sr-rmg. f
Mrs- D. J- Huntingtcis has return-:
eti from th-y heme cf her daughter a t
Irashurx. and her daughter, Elsie,
take her place there for the prea-1
It has been a physical impos
sibility to Ya TT r- news
a-.i advertising' matter which
has ii the cSce this week.
PLEASE get eipr ni early and
help us to handle tne sttua o
: " ! TO RENT
Large List of Entries and Exception
al Attractions Offered.
Final plans for the Orleans County
fair Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day of neit week are being made and
everything points to one of those
good old times when everyone went
to the fair.
Elsewhere in this issue is a com
plete program of Wednesday's and
inurscays program. A smacking
erneM scores. .
A special tram has been arranged
for -Wednesday when the Lyndonville f
team come ana tms wiu undouotedly
bring a crowd of fans and f airvxsi-
tors from the south. The train will
leave St. Johnsbury about SJ5
o'clock that morning and will return
after the races are completed.
The list of entries for the races
show a string of nearly 40 horses and
some good racing-.
- Secretary Hamblet is assured of a
very full exhibit of stock and says
some special exhibits never before
seen at art Orleans County fair will
be worth seeing.
The stage stunts are of an unusu
ally high order and the band music
by the Barton and Orleans bands is
bound to " prove satisfactory.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Byington of
Charlotte were recent guests at the
home of Geo. E. King and Miss Lois
Hawkins is spending a few days
Mrs. . Sarah (Smith) Creed, with
her husband and four children of
Northield cane to attend the funer
al of her uncle, M. J. Smith, last
week. -
Miss E. M. Daggett, formerly of
this county, late of Littleton, N. H-,
is a guest at the home of Mrs. P. L.
ecster. jiiss era eoster na3
gone to Lebanon, N. H.
Mrs. Ruth Bum ham and daughter,
Ruth, and brother, E. C Blake, wife
and two daughtres, cf Manchester,
N. H-, who have been taking a trip ;
rv? uv-- 5 S l motorcvele with side car, driven by
as the teams paying have had their Frank Nauit of Barton, crashed to
tsats crossed and there will be no un- cither as they rassed. voune Nault
to .Montreal, nave amvea in cowu. investigating tee matter, naa a war
Mrs. Bumham spent the summer in rant issued, for the arrest of Will
her brothers camp near Manchester. Fitch, who has the control of three
Rev. R. B. Wri
came on from his
Idaho, to attend his class reunion at
KT,C"t- 7Z v t::rriX ?
w. J. Edwards and Roscoe and
Periey Smith, who came to attend
their fathers funeral, have returned
r-cme. xrs. i.cwarus wui remain
I to a53 her mother in preparing
fto move to Barre.
Mrs. C- Lw Hutchins is in Boston
this week attending the convention of
the- New England Retail Millinery
home in Randolph Saturday. They
mw c&en m tctwtl iot a snore s k
at the home of Mr. Brooks parenta-
They will live m Lee, Mass-, where
Mr. Brooks i3 employed.
Sprague W. Dretran, assistant
principal cf Barton, high, school a
few years ago, married Miss Dorothy
Cook in Burlington Wednesday cf
last week. Miss Cook was a high
school assistant here for two years,
and it was in Barton the young peo
ple frsrt met.
' More raia has faHea in. the past
ten days than for some weeks before
mrvf relief from the drought is wel
comed. A cumber cf cocl eights
and days cf late remind us of ap
preaching falL The thunder shower
cf Sunday mcming was one of the
most severe cf the summer, but no
lightning- damage is reported from
tH immediate vicinity.
Three cf Barton's test ball players
have bees put cut cf the game this
summer, the latest one being; Cateh-
er Barrows, wno is row asouu wwn
f cn; crutches owing to a Tnzzed an-
CT TT C mnm
. ty t-.nh:- whfV in the
, f Maurice Le-
lt - - t iJ r tl w .
fv Yt the team is going
strong and many fs are in New-
pert tolay to witness tne nrst eiiia
betwees tnese two tgar.
"We wish to thank the friends and
neighbors for their help and marry
kindnesses during the sickness cf ctxr
I thank the Masons for their imp-res-srre
funeral service, also all these
twho sent Sawers.
I Mrs- M. J. Smith,
1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ei
P. M. Smith.
Mrs. Mary E Eusnex cf AtrrI,
piass, a,ccuszn jrs. . a.
.and a nece. Mrs. G. E. Bamsteaa,fc
wm,-' - . - - w - Ts -
and sen, g.rrarL cf Stcneham.
I Mass., accompanied hx M- Bamstead,
tmcterai here, arriving FrSiay eve-
rrrr. Mr. Bamsteai returned Sun -
f The weather was net favorable, fct
! there was a gtod patronage- The
I Ia.iies wish to tak the members cf
or tan-t wr.- so fcrd-y furnished
w- xtI -pVt V -t- -r -y
S .-p-iia1- r-y'- a'Treriated.
heme in rJose,? . , -..
W. Scott Brocks of place and "ere found? about 60 keys. Some of
Miss Josephine G. Sumner cf Ran- j them were skeleton keys that would
do!-h were married at the tatter's unlock the -doors of several cottages.
Accident Happens at Curve in Road
Between WTlloaghby Station and
Bobbin MilL
Tuesday evening just before 7
o'clock a Ford car, driven by Alfred
Demers, bookkeeper for the U. S,
Bobbin and Shuttle Co-, at Its plant a
mile south of Willoughby, and the
sustaining a crushed left leg, which
;;;r-r ; smnnHHnn w
iow the knee-
it is said both car and motorcvele
tvmc- t -twJ !-. hnt
that the automobile was on its side
of the road. It would appear that
the driver of the motorcycle swung
back into the read too soon as the
front fender of the car was not
damaged, but the rear fender was
jammed and the rear left hub cap
jammed off, while the spokes of the
wheel showed signs of the collision,
it must have been Nauit's leg was
oetween the hub cap and bis motor-.-yele
when the crash came as the leg
ras nearly severed. Otherwise " he
sustained few injuries, though the
motorcycle was badly demolished.
In the side' car of the motorcycle
was Leora Ball, but she sustained no
injury whatever.
The Demers car brought Nault to
Barton where a stretcher was pro
cured and he was taken to Orleans
hospital where the leg was amputat
ed later that night.
For several years the cottage own
ers have been annoyed by their cot
tages being entered and frequently
articles of food and clothing have
been missed. Week before last, the
cottage cf C. M. Stebbins, situated
on the south shore of the lake, was
entered and an alarm, clock and a
pair of rubber boots taken. Com-
t plaint was made to State's Attorney
Thompson, who came here and after
Fitch property for stolen goods.
cuzh search of the Fitch premises,
resulting in nncing m the possession
of Fitch the Stebbin3 boots and sev
eral other articles that the campers
identified as their property. Fitch
was taken to Barton before Munici
pal Judge Wright, before whom he
pleaded guilty to entering the Steb
bins cottage and taking the boots. He
also admitted that he had entered
in the cottage in which he was living
The ease agamst titcn was contm-
"u ioi Ki--
Edith Brown has finished work for
Mrs. Ted Gochie.
F. D. Thompson cf Barton was in
the place on business Monday.
Miss Helen Anair has gone to
Barton to work for W. W. Ecirden.
Lw W. Reynolds has vacated the
hotel and is moving his family to
Mrs. Will Graham, of Gardner,
Mass., been spending a few
days in town-
Mrs. Ruth Johnson cf East Hard-'
wick is spending a few days with
Mrs. Mary Weed.
At the ball game Tuesday between
the Woodbury ball team and the
Greensboro team, Greensboro won by
a score cf 15 to L
Mr. and Mrs. E- R. Collins took an
automobile trip through DirvQe
Notch -rA home try way cl the
White Mts. the last cf the week.
WHlie Spring and Mabel Brown
were united in marriage Wednesday
and there was a reception for them
at Sumner Leavitt's Thursday eve
Wilfred St. Marie has teen ill the
past few days
Walter Meicaif Las teen cn the
rick list the past week.
Mrs- C E. Pike has teen cn the
siek list the past week.
William S. Hart in "The Wolves cf
the RalL at the town hall Saturday.
Wallace Farmas has g5& to the
CarAiiian Northwest f&r the harvest-
t f 7 season.
ry Switxer and Harry, have
- - -Z.j., vTv .JJ v. c
gcne - ta Pittsda, where they have
ra -"
tempi - oymen
rs Geerge
f. - - f',
cf Orleans is
a few days with Mr.
I Miss Jennie M&sr cf New Haven,
Conn-, anti Mrs. Charles Mesier and
f cf Lcwell spnt Thursday with
f thefr aunt, Mrsx-ixa fcrutperd.-
Mrs. Bert Sarrrille arid
Leb&ixis, N. H are ri
fc-ritcr-rn-law, Chars
I Ir.itx, and ether reat-ves jn twn.
rj d -who ! co-ia'es owned by his motner, who
i Ajt. xj?j ijssuri ui aciiitii ti-c
Secretary of State Has Inquiry from
Concern Regarding Location in
Vermont. .
Wessel, Nickel & Gross, manufac
turers of piano actions, with offices
at 457 West 45th Street, New York
City, and factories at West Forty
sixth street and Tentla avenue and
West Forty-sixth street, are desirous
of locating a large factory in Ver
mont. Here is their letter:
New York, Aug. 12, 1919.
Secretary of State,
Montpelier, Vt.
Dear "Sir:
We manufacture piano actions and
piano hammers, essentially a wood
working proposition, although we do
metal working as well, manufactur
ing the hardware (brass and steel)
used in the manufacture of our prod
uct. Under normal conditions we em
ploy about 650 persons, males and fe
males, in about equal proportions,
and the principal commodity which
we use is rock maple, about 300,000
fec or more "per annum. We have had
for quite some time a plan under
consideration to transer a part of our
plant to some locality where labor,
both female and male is more or
less plentiful, with good shipping fa
cilities and where water power may
be had.
Our plan would be to buy an ex
isting: plant, to manufacture our own
lumber and install our saw mill and
moulding mill departments, as a
start and enlarging as time goes on.
Therefore, we would inquire wheth
er you can accommodate u with a
list of properties f.or sale with full
description of buildings, fioor space
and asking price, etc., location, rail
road facilities, population and other
relevant data.
With thanks in advance for your
attention and assistance in the prem
ises, we are
Very truly yours,
WesselL Nickel & Gross.
There will be services at the
church Sunday.
Miss Elsie, Skinner visited relatives
in West Burke last week.
W. J. Monteith was a week-end
visitor at Henry Clark's in Glover.
Mr. and Mrs. Eb-er Watson of Sut
ton were week-end sruests at G. H.
j Hunt's.
I Miss Mario rie Newton of Cam-
bnige is visiting at Acexoers. con
verse's. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Emerson of
Orleans visited at L R. Emerson's
Wm. Ixrsrerr, Mrs. Omira Skinner,
Harley and Adelbert Converse have
electric lights.
F. S. Foster is having his bath
room newly equipped and is putting
in running water.
Mr. and Mrs. J- L. Marshall visit
ed Mrs. Ann Spencer in Westmore
one day last week.
Esther and Irene, were called to Is
land Pond last week by the illness of
her father, Mr. Nichols.
Charlie Gallup recently visited his
mother, Mrs. Guy Fletcher.
Mrs. S. J. Kittle and daughters,
Donald Devereaux of Albany
spent the week-end with Ms grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dever
eaux. Mrs. Sarah Gray of K eerie, N. EL,
is visiting, her son, U. S. Gray. Mrs.
Gray is S3 years old and i3 remark
ably active for a person of her age.
Emily La rock of the 12th Battalion
Canadian infantry is home from
overseas. Mr. La rock enlisted from
Canada four years ago and has seen
much active service in France. Since
returning to the United States Mr.
Larock has married Miss Edna Hines
of Woodstock, ILL, and it is expected
that Mr. and Mrs. Hines will reside
Mrs. Ann Spencer is-visiting in
Mrs. Ehr.a Knight and children
visited her parents in Lowell last
Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer and
children of Newport visited at M. E
Calkins Sunday.
Mrs. Ira Lyon and children of East
Charleston spent the week-end at
Eugene French's.
. Dorothy Calkins underwent a suc
cessful cperatksn on her throat at her
home here Monday.
Mrs. Dunn and .daughter and
Wayne French of New York are visiting-
his parents here for a few
Visitors at M. E. Calkins' Wednes
day were Mr. and Mrs. John Mar
shal! cf Evansville and Mr. asd Mrs.
George Calkins and children of
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Eaih and
daughter, Charlotte, have returned to
their home in Chkopee, Mac., Mrs.
Rat H ard daughter having spent sev
eral weeks with relatives in terwe
Re-r. Gr?-e IL Too? of a large
Episcopal church in Philadelphia
w.il speak at the niomicg servk on
oxda7. He wa a volunteered
ekajKais at Camp Dfx, Wrizhttowa,
;, J., ard wer.t there when the in
fseTiza epidetsie wai rajr.g. Ills
topk; w; J - be. The Arr.erkan Sol
drs Respotise ot the spiritual Ap-
f peaL"
Jurors Drawn for County Court.
The September term of Orleans
county court will open at the county
court house Tuesday, Sept. 9. Judge
Sherman R. Moulton of Burlington
will preside. The side judges are
Frank Tenney of Albany and Wal
lace D. Miller of Troy.
The following are the petit jurors
who have been notified to appear on
above date:
Albany, A. C. Cheney, C. M. El
dridge. Barton, E. W. Barron, F. S.
Whitcher, J. B. Colton (Orleans).
Brownington, W. G. Dutton.
Charleston, C. E. CorutU, F. J.
Coventry, H. E. Minor, E. L.
Craftsbury, S. R. Lathe, Fred B.
Derby, George O. Burton, Henry C.
Glover, E. T. Anderson, H. H.
Greensboro, A. C. Chase, G. A.
Holland, H. L. Bradford.
Irasburg, E. A. Pike, H. B.
Jay, H. W. Miller.
Lowell, Guy F. Kinsley, S. B. Gelo.
Morgan, E. J. Batchelder.
Newport City, L. A. Edwards, H.
H. Green.
Newport Town, G. L. Armstrong,
E. E. Niles. -
Troy, H. M. Dodge, C. W. Seaver.
Westfield, H. D. Miller, W. O.
Westmore, M. E. Clapper.
Two Hundred at Woodman Picnic
While the day was not one to be
most" desired for a basket picnic,
nearly 200 persons attended the
Woodman outing at Lake Eden Tues
dav. The ball game in the morning be
tween Lowell and Eden, was won by
Eden. Score 10 to 6.
The speaking by State Deputy
Whalen of Madison, Wis., was very
interesting and should have been
heard by a much larger audience.
At 3 o'clock p. m., the ball game
between teams of Woodmen, one
from the east side of Lowell- moun
tain and the other from the west
side, was called, resulting in lots of
fun and a win for the west side team
with a score of 22 to 6.
Everybody seemed to enjoy them
selves and it is hoped that next year
the weather will be right.
Special Barton Town Meeting.
Notices have been posted calling a
special Barton town- meeting at
Seaves hall Tuesday, Sept. 9, for
the purpose of seeing whether or not
the town will vote to appropriate a
sum of money from the general fund
for the purpose of continuing the
work now in progress on the road
leading from Barton to Westmore,
for which work private subscription
to the approximate amount of $5000
was raised.
The academy will open Sept, 2d.
Prof. J. E. Colburn has returned to
Guy Garvin of St, Johnsbury was
in town Monday. -
Mrs. Fifield's father from Fairfax
13 a visitor here.
Mr. Smith of Montreal is visiting
hi3 son, Fred Smith.
Mrs. Easton is entertaining her
sister from New York.
Miss Alice Mills of Johnson is vis
iting Mrs. Adelaide Dos tan.
Mra. Sadie Cowles has moved to
Barton, where she expects to reside.
Mrs. Homer Collins and daughter
of St. Johnsbury ar visiting at C. B.
Cole's. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gordon of
Lyme, N. IL, are visiting at Rev. C
H. Rowley's.
Fred Root has gone to Hartford,
Conn, in charge of 20 cows lor a
company there..
Miss Ella Dunn of Hard wick visited
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Dunn, last week.
Mrs. John Colburn was called to
Springfield last week on account of
the tenons illness of her mother.
Mrs. Fida Chaise and son and
daughter, who hare been in West
Glover this summer, have returned
Rev. John Chamberlin and family
or rew York City nave arrived and
opened their summer home, Auld
Lang Syne.
Mm. Cora Wedge has been visiting
relatives in Newport. '
Miti Annie Powers of Magog is
visiting at Edgar Powers'.
Jennie Laplerre of Newport is vis
iting her cousin, Susie Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. IL If. Leland were in
Orleans Sanday to attend the funeral
of Mrs. L land's nephew,
Thomas Smith has returned to
Fisher's Island, after pendicg a few
days here with hi family
1,1 rt. Ethel Hudson and tm, Eer
rard, of Enfield, li. IL, were week
end guests of Mrs. Weeden.
Twenty-one from here attended the
Boys and Girls elob picnic at
Brownington pond Friday and report
a fiM time.
Ai Yulford of I'aaamjk ha been
vlilt.'njf his sister, Mrs. I'hllo I'ower
and Mrs. Powers lias returned home
with him for a short visit.
TO SPEND $50,000 ON
Federal Contract Let and Work to Be
Begun at Once. Probably 50
Teams and 200 Men Will
Be Used.
The first money to come to Orleans
county under the new federal road
law will be spent on a stretch of
road approximately three miles in
length on the road from Coventry
village toward Orleans. Work will
begin in the sand hill just south of
Coventry village and before reaching
the sharp curve to the left. This
curve will be eliminated by cutting
across the fieldi while the grade,
curve and width of the upper part of
the hill will also be improved.
In the main, the present road will
be followed but the grades, curves,
width, surface and ditches will re
ceive attentionl The road is to be
graveled, the material coming from
the George Bean place located a short
distance from Coventry on the Iras
burg road. The ditches for the entire
distance are to be rubbled and the
entire job is to be one of the best
pieces of road in this part of Ver
mont. Drainage of the road bed will
of course be one of the important
Wherever federal road money is
expended the road must be of the
very finest construction and it is ex
pected this stretch of road, which
will extend as far toward Orleans as
the Bailey place will receive more
ubtt 'saun. aaiqi ao aottt) JLq Zauoui
any other similar stretch of road in'
Orleans county has ever received, the
sum approximating $50,000.
Barton 10, Morris ville 4.
Partnn wpnt to Morris ville Thurs
day, Aug. 21, and evened up the
series by winning 10 to 4. Silloway,
so effective the week before, was hit
hard and gave way to Newton in the
Leland, driest and. jjudois were
the batting aces of the game, Dubois
scoring two runs and driving in four
WpIIs nitched a crood eame
and was well supported by Barrows.
- - . . - . s-i is 1 a.
The Morrisvuie team niu wen put
handicapped themselves by maiang
eight errors.
The score - - .
ab r bh po a e
5 0 1 2 0 0
0 0-0 2 0 0
5 1 1 0 0
5 112 11
5 11 4 1 1
5 1 2 3 0 0
4 2 0 1 1 1
5 2 3 6 0 0
5 2 2 1 0 0
5 0 0 0 3 0
44 10 11 27 6 3
ab r bh po a e
4 1 0 12 1 1
110 15 0
4 0 1 3 4 3
4 115 0 0
4 112 0 0
3 0 0 .1 0 0
4 0 1 2 3 1
4 0 1 2 3 1
3 0 0 0 0 0
10 10 0 0
32 4 6 27 15 8
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Heath, r
Emerson, r
Barrows, c
T. Lee, 2 -B.
Lee, s
Priest, 1
Dana, 3
Leland, 1
Dubois, cf
Well3, p
Billings, s, 1 .
Daly, s, 2
Thomson, 3
Churchill, c
Grady, cf
Newton, r, p
Morrill, r, 2, cf
Silloway, p, 1
Bridge, 1
Barton 03303010 010
Morrisville 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 4
Two-base hits, Churchill. Grady;
sacrifice hit, Newton; double plays,
Lee (unassisted), T. Lee and B. Lee;
struck out, Silloway 1, Newton 2,
Wells 5; first base on balls, Wells 5;
Batted in ninth inning. Umpire,
- - - ",
Barton Wins Again.
Barton journeyed to Island Pond
Saturday and won a tight game 6 to
5. Barton went into the last of the
ninth with a three-run lead, but two
hits and a man hit by the pitcher
gave the Pond boys two runs and a
man on third. This man tried to score
on nothing but the hope of a Barton
error, but couldn't get away with it.
B. Lee ran him down and Barrows
touched him out in his convincing
way, and the game was over.
The score by innings:
123456789 rbhe
Barton 00031010 16 14 4
LP. 01000101 25 0 3
Batteries Emerson and Barrows;
Morse, Rooney and Flanders.
The Irasburg Game.
Barton won a loosely played game
from Iratburg Aug. 26 on the fair
ground. The boys nicked Lefty Ken
nison for 17 hits, of which Lee Em
erson trot four and 13. Lee, three. Ar
thur Emerson pitched in good form
and was well supported by Boyd.
12 3 456789 rh
Barton 2 0 0 2 1 1 8 0 14 17
IraV 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 O 4 7
- I,,, i ,m
Methodist Episcopal Church. Notes
Rev. U. A. Turner, Pator
Sunday, August let
Morning worship, 10.45.
Sunday school at 12 o'clock.
Epworth League,
Evening service, 7.20,
The regular mid-week prayer meet,
fag on Thursday evening at 7.30.
The test of the pallor's morning
sermon Sunday was Daniel 1:12,
"Prove thy servants." In the evening
he spoke of "Bravery," as exempli
fied by men and women of the Old
The Sunday school picnic held la
the Miles grove Friday was a very
pleasant occasion. The wtatYier was
favorable and the attendance large.

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