Newspaper Page Text
4k I 41. j f 1 S3 Hi m v.- M3 1 PAGE FOUR THE MONITOR, OCTOBER 15, 1919 City Hall Square-North Burlington, Vt. The Burlington Trust Co. In furtherance of the liberal policy hereto fore demonstrated in connection with the rate of interest on deposits in our Savings Depart ment we are increasing the rate to FOUR AND ONE-HALF per cent. THIS RATE IS GUARANTEED-In Advance This action also emphasizes the "mutual" idea that our "extra dividends" to depositors have indicated. Thirty-seven years of successful business and a long line of satisfied depositors. Capital' $50,000 Surplus $250,000 Banking by Mail is Safe and Convenient 41 Lyndonville Brass Foundry 41 Send XJs Oo"fc Pri rttirig Brass and Aluminum Castings. Automobile Work a Specialty. Estate of Stanley L. and Alice E. Holbrook STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid: TV. nil nersons interested In the estate or stniv t. And Alice E. Holbrook, minors. of Irasburg in said district. -,T,, ii'iri'Di'AS onllcotlnn in writ I tier hath been made to this Court by the jruardian of utiri minors for licence to sell the real estate of said ward, viz: Being the Interest of said wards in the late home place of Edwin A. HolbrooK, late 01 sum irabuuin, imriru, consisting of about 2JO acres, with buildings thereon, situated in said Irasburg, Repres enting that the sale thereof for the purpose OI putllll liic pi uirtua ut o n. oiv , v i. v . -. t .-. 1 ii ,r t Ho snn-ik I n itnlr s or other Teal estate, or using the avails thereof for the benent or said wara as me iaw uirecis would he beneficial for said ward. WHEREUPON, the said Court appoint- .,.! a.lrr,mH Ihu Sflt ll l)oi' nf Ort 1919. at the Probate office In Newport in said Iis- rict, at 2 o CIOCK p.m. to nearaim uri-iiiF uywn saidKpplication, and ordered that public no tice thereof to be given to all persons inter ested therein, by publishing this order three weeks successively In the Orleans County Monitor, a newspaper published at Barton in said district, which circulates in the neighborhood of those persons Interest ed therein; all of which publications shall be previous to the time appointed for the hearing. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place aforesaid, then and there in said Court to object to the granting of such license, if you fee cause. Given under my hand at Newport, in said District, this 9th day of October, 1919. -42-44 B. M. SPOON ER. Register. , I,' i J'.u J j The Motor A wide variety of mixtures is being sold under the name"gasoline." The best way to be sure that the gasoline you buy measures x up to quality standards The Sign cf a Reliable Dealer Sin of S OGON MB! 1 I J t RE5. U.S. PAT. OFF i j f fcl H Q uk I MOTOR Mil ervice Y Gasoline is to buy from the dealers listed be low. They sell only SOCONY uniform, pure, powerful. Look -for the Red, White and Blue So-CO-ny Sign. STANDARD D1LCD.SEN.Y. and the World's Best Gasoline DEALERS WHO SELL SOCONY MOTOR GASOLINE NEWPORT FIELD Albany .Winget, C. R. Barrows, C. A. & Son Barron Co., E. W. Barton Garage Crystal Lake Garage Laiabee, A. A. Seaver, II. T. Urie Garage i Coventry Benware Garage Derby Derby Garage Kimball, A. W. St. Francis, A. Derby Line Ames Garage Hunt, J. A. Young's Garage Evansville Hunt, G. H. Glover Davis, R. E. Irasburg Sears & Russell Winget, Will Lowell Parker Store Newport Buck, E. & R. M. Lane & Son, E. Lawson, P, W. Lindsay Garage Macdiarmid & Co. Orleans Motor Co. Tripp, W. E. True & Blanchard Willis, John Newport Center TurnbuII & Co., J. G. North Troy Toof. M. A. Jacobs, E. A. Orleans Orleans Garage Park View Garage Twombly & Colton South Albany Ma-tin, J. G. South Troy Bryant's Garage Brock, W. E. Wursthorne, B. L. West Charleston Holton & Weymouth ST. JOHNSBURY FIELD Barnet Gilchrist Bros. Gilfillan, L. E. Goodrich. J. II. Concord Bennett, R. J. Lunnie, D. J. Danville Morrill's Garage, C. F. Cass, W. H. East Barnet Galbraith, A. E. Gammell, R. B. East Peacham Esden, G. W. East St. Johnsbury Blodgett, R. E. Miles Pond Fuller Bros. North Concord Rich, W. M. North Danville Sanborn, A. C. Passumpsic ' Badger, Wm. Bruce, M. K. St. Johnsbury Center Mongeon, A. E. Favham, B. A. . v Powers W. F. St. Johnsbury Carr & Juneau Chamberlain, G. F. Corner Garage, Inc. Gounsell & Son, A. E. Goss Co.. C H, - - -Woodbury . Benoit Silsby Garage, C. E. Summerville Garage Brunelle Painting & Decorating Co. Richards Vulcanizing Company South Peacham Wilson, Bert West Barnet Ritchie & Warden Thornton & Harvey West Danville Daniels, - Albert Hastings, Gilbert Milligan, F. B. LYNDONVILLE FIELD East Burke Frazier, Carl E. Webster & Kelley East Haven. Bruce, G. L. Lyndon Guild, A. L. Morse, W. T. McDowell, S. S. Lyndon Center Rines, G. W. Lyndonville Allen, H. O. Blodgett, E. J. Eaton, J. C. & Co. Leach, F. H. Sheffield Giffin, A. J. West Burke Fairbrother, M. E. Wheelock Roberts, G. A. STANDARD OIL COMPANY of NEW YORK ORLEANS LOCAL MENTION (Continued from opposite page.) C. M. Dwinell, who has a crew of men at work in St. Johnsbury came home Thursday night and returned to his work this morning. B. O. Smith, district deputy of the K. P., and O. W. Locke, district dep uty of the F. & A. M. were at Island Pond Monday night to attend a Ma sonic meeting. Mrs. A. W. Fletcher fell on the stairs in her home Monday evening and was considerably bruised and shaken up. She is now quite com fortable and making good recovery. Mrs. C. S. Moulton of Newport vis ited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ermina Chaffee over the Sabbath and Mrs. Chaffee returned with her on Mon day for a stay of several days. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett have gone to Southern Pines, N C, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ben nett have come from Portland, Me., to care for the business while their parents are away. Frank W. Hardy was recently elected to high office in the Vermont grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, and Mrs. Hardy was elected head of the Pythian Sisters, honors of which this place may well be proud. Miss Maude Bennett, the nurse, who has been caring for Miss Ella Blaisdell since her operation for ap pendicitis, returned to her home in St. Johnsbury Friday. Miss Blais dell has made rapid recovery. " The Fletcher Co. mailed a package of post cards to Hawaii recently on which the postage was $5.97. This package probably required the larg est amount of postage of any one package ever mailed in this vicinity. List of uncalled for letters at the Orleans postoffice, Mrs. Simeon Shef fey, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Miss Evangeline Haywood, Miss Arline Gardner, Mrs. Ada Bond, Mrs. George Boutin, George Thompson, Ernest Smith and H. Gould. Mrs. M. L. Pearson, chairman of the Play Ground committee, requests that the committees that have been appointed by the various organiza tions and all others who are interest ed shall meet at the Congregational chapel Friday evening to hear and act upon the reports of the special committee on the skating rink and lo cation of the play grounds. There will be a meeting of Orleans Post 23, American Legion, at the rooms of the Orleans club, Monday, October 20 at 7.30 p. m. All mem bers are urgently requested to be prsent and bring with them a pros pective member if possible. All ser vice men are cordially invited. Per order, Karl S. Webster, Commander. Card of Thanks We wish to ex press our appreciation to themeigh bors for the flowers and expressions of sympathy when the Angel of Death entered our hnmp nnrl natrViori from our arms so suddenly our little son, I'ninp. Mr. and Mrs. Laftam, Mr. and Mrs. Leach, Mrs. Moulton, Philip S. Moulton. Rev. S. Grant Lewis, a native of Vermont, who was iormerly a mem ber of the Vermont conference of th" Methodist' Episcopal church filling pastorates in Hardwick, Marshfield, Orleans, Danville, etc., before going to Iowa, has recently received the appointment to the Highland Park Methodist Eoiiconal ! Moines, la., where he will be located ior rne coming year. Mr. Lewis left Vermont about 12 years ago, going from Orleans. Laurette Temple No. 3 held a spe cial meeting October 9, at which members of Green Mountain Temple ii I SuPreme Rep. Lizzie Stock-well- of White River Junction, Grand Manager Mae Elkins of North Troy aRd Past Grand Junior Cora Warner of ISiorth Troy were invited guests Supper was served at 6 p. m. to which the Knights were invited. Just as Meeting was called to order a re ception was given Sister Hardy, who has been elected Grand Chef of the State of Vermont. The degree team and officers had a short march and formed m front of the Most Excellent Chief and presented her with a bas ket of flowers. Two Sisters and one Knight were initiated. After the meeting speeches were made bv some of the visiting Sisters and Knghts. A solo was sung by Carl Willey and the rest of the evening was spent in a general good time and bountiful re freshments were served. Congregational Church Notes. R. A. Hamilton. Pastor. j Miss Florence Hardie has been ' chosen bv tho c v delegate to the state convention at Voodstock, Oct. 20-22, Miss Mattie Gauvin was elected alternate. r -u1 meeting Friday evening, JJwignt Stafford was chosen president of the Go-to-Church band, and Miss Evelyn Stoddard, secretary. A new term has just begun and this is a good time to become a member. Sys tematic attendance at. the morning or evening church service, or at both services i tha ; r t. t j Religious education is the subject lor consideration this week at the mid-week service. It is another of the practical problems to be considered. Next week the topic wil be the Peace Ire.aty, lts ratification or rejection. i--si-p nned to 'have a discussion in which several will take part for the sake of getting our own thinking clear on the issue which is before the American people. The subject for the C. E. meeting is the one given for the first Sundav of October "Our Relation to Others,' To ward orld Brotherhood." An intorocf i j. ti - . . ot-tu. lnenu aL orowning ton has purchased pew holders for the individual cups of the new com munion service recently secured. Boy Scouts Notes. The Scouts will have, an out-door SUnner Thursday f K rll ii "Will o.ou, to be followed by a business meeting and play. Saturday aftemopn, start ing at 2 c clock there will be a cross country chase. Final arraneements J we Tu,1 tha meeting this vtek for the athletic meet to hP h soon. " TTncnitnl NoteS. Dr. Ricker of St. Johnsbury operat ed Sunday on Mrs. James. Labelle of Coventry, Homer E. Martin of New port and Paul Randall of Evansville for tonsils and adenoids. While attending the baseball game in St. . Johnsbury Friday, Mike Rey nolds was struck in the face by a ball and taken to Brightlook -hospital. He was able to come to the Orleans hos pital Monday and is making good re covery. Mrs. Sarah A. Fox. Mrs. Sarah A. Fox died at the home of her son here Sept. Jlst, al ter an illness of nearly seven months, caused from an abscess in her throat and complications. 1 Mrs. Fox was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Beldin and was born in Canada, August 24th, 1840. She was marred to Dennis H. Fox at Jay and later went to Westmore, where she lived for a number of years, until the farm was sold to Mr. Peene and since has been known as Fox Hall. Two children were born to them, Mrs. Theodore Carpenter5, now deceased, and .Gaylord Fox of Orleans. Mrs. Fox was a kind friend and neighbor awl was always ready to assist in time of trouble, and will be greatly missed by those who knew her best. She leaves to mourn her death, be sides her son, five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was a member of the M. E. church in Brown ijigton Center. Funeral services were held at tne son's home here on the 23d and buri al was in the cemetery at Browning ton Center, Rev. R. A. Hamilton of ficiating. Card of Thanks We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness 'through the sickness and death of our mother and grandmother also for the beautiful flowers. Gaylord Fox and family, Martin Clapper and family, Ed. Carpenter and family, Hiram Carpenter and family. Howard F. Swett. Howard F. Swett was born in Westbrook, Me., Feb. 14, 1851, the son of Charles and Lydia A. Swett, who both died during his early child hood. He lived with his elder broth ers and sisters until about 18 years of age. The greater part of his life was spent in Gorham, Me.. For over 30 years he was employed by the Port land Packinc: Co. i For the nast four years he has liv ed in Orleans with his oldest son, Al vah H. Swett, where he has had a very pleasant home and received every kindness which loving hearts and hands could supply. He has been very much devoted to the home building and gardening, in which he took a deep interest and felt a just pride. Of a retiring nature, his circle of acquaintances was not large, but to those who were priivleged to know him well, his kindly smile afld genial good cheer will be long remembered by those who have lost a good friend. Mr. Swett was Past Chancellor Commander of Dirigo Lodge No. 21, K. of P., Gorham, Me. For the past two years his health has not been good. He realized that the change must come and calmly arid confident ly faced the Great Unknown, making the final arrangements with painstak ing care. Two sons died in infancy. He leaves to mourn his loss two sons and two daughters. Alvah II. Swett ! of Orleans, -Maynard L. Swett, Mrs. R. L. Soule and Dorothy L. Swett of Gorham, Me. The funeral was held from the son's home on East street Sunday, Rev. R. A. Hamilton officiating. The in terment was in Pleasant View cem etery at his own request. The members of Ph'lcnioa Lodge, K. P. and theiBythian Sisters attend ed -m 'a body. The large profusion of flowers was a silent tribute to the love and esteem in which his memory will be -cherished. Card of Thanks We wish to ex tend our most sincere thanks tr the many friends and neighobrs, who so kindly assisted and sent flowers dur ing our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Swett, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Swett, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Soule, Miss Dorothy Swett, BROWNINGTON F. E.-Newton in quite sick. Darwin Wright is having his house extensively repaired. Jurs. Koy Litchfield has returned to iiuitesier, iuass. E. S. Kelly has had his house new iy ciapooarded and now is havinr- it painted. Rev Pierce from Orleans preached La r d' ? 1;Ar- "amiiton was called to attend a funeral. Mr. and Mrs. William Miner visit ed friends m St .TnViek j . . -" .uouuijr iuu varies W will m Several Places in N. H. EVANSVILLE Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Chase of Fran- CD0onwei1.fs?turdVte'1 " W" S' Mc" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colburn and Joe Neddow has finished work for their sister, Mrs. S. J. Kittle, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilliard and Reynolds spent the week-end vth hi brother, Elmer Hilliard? in oS M?1; 1Irs J- Marshall and to Bradford ' 7"? Osgood3" S daUghter' Mrs- Forrw't Auction Sale -OF- House Furniture and Furnishings I will sell at Public Auction at my late residence in the Village of West Albany, on Tuesday, October 21st at one o'clock pfm. All my household goods consisting of the following : 2 Chamber Suits, 3 Sets Bed Springs, 2 Old Fash ioned Bureaus, 1 Old Fashioned Sofa, 1 Modern Style. Sofa, 1 Writing Desk, 1 Sewing Machine, nearly new, 1 New Glenwood Kitchen Range, Rocking Chairs, Cooking Dishes, Feather Beds, Bedding, Carpets, Rugs, Pictures and other articles. MRS. KATE DELANO M. M. Taplin, Auctioneer. Commissioners' Notice. Estate of Rosette Hall THE UNDERSIGNED, having been ap pointed by the Honorable Probate Court for the District of Orleans, COMMISSION ERS, to receive, examine, and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against Rosette Hall, non compos, of Glover, In said District, and all claims exhibited in offset thereto hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid, at the Union House in the town of Glover, in said district, on the 8th day of November and 22nd day of March next, from one o'clock p. m. until four o'clock p. m on each of said days and that six months from tle 22nd day of September A. 1). 1919, is the time limited by said court for said creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allow ance. Dated at Gloverrthis 7th day of October, A. D. 1919. H. II . COOK. S. T. VANCE, 42-44 Commissioners GEBS THEATRE DOROTOTltonV01 RUTH ROLAND ir QUlcSAXBs THE TIGER'S n, Orleans fW T Friday, Oct, 17th Saturday, Oct. 18th BARE FISTS o-act western s PATHE NEWS ; Orleans Opera Hmio. WALLACE REID IN MAN FROM FUNERAT Ymv. PATHE NEWS l Tuesday, Oct. 21st THE GREATEST ThInGIN LIFP " iU oennect Comedy VILLAGE CHESTNUTS Orleans Opera House Wednesday, Oct. 22d T1 5r a Truef Ftfat nf P 1 rL. 11 - w i. vuanaier STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for'th. District Aforesaid: or We To all persons interested in the trut. tate of E. L. Chandler, late of Barton, inmi District, deceased. ' a sam WHEREAS, said court htu ainedh. 3d day of November next for examininz and allowing the account of the Trustee 5 the trust estate of said deceased, and ordered that public notice thereof be given toallper sons interested in said estate by publishing this order three weeks successively preri ous to the day assigned, in the Orleans County Monitor, a newspaper published at Barton in said District. Therefore, you are hereby notified to ap pear at the Probate Office in Newport in said District at 2 o'clock p. m., on the day assigned, then and there to contest the al lowance of said account if you see cause. Given under my hand, this 7th day ol Oct ober, 1919. 42-44 B. M. SPOONER. Register EEEIEEEEEIEIEiEIEEIEJBES At Perley's, Novelty St ore Shoes and Rubbers for Ladies and Children A choice line of Stationery .. Capaco Paper, per pound . Capaco Envelopes, two packages for. 25c to 60c per box . 40c - - 25c Pictorial Review Patterns for November and the Winter Fashion x Book Tiow on Sale Postoffice Square H. G. PERLEY Barton, Vermorlt sJHJzrarararararajsrajaj'ararar&r ThankYou FORERUNNERS OF SICKNESS without erir n;j or nanM ? " ' . ? e lhe howels usmess is dooi We have sold 14 Autos in the past two weeks, but we still have a fine assort ment of New and Used Cars. Call around. W e need the room. You need a car. BARTON AUTO EXCHANGE STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEWPORT NEWPORT, VERMONT At the close of business September 12, 1919 RESOURCES - Loans and Discounts.. ...$ 74797 0 U S,and Other Bonds, Stocks anTsecuri'tiesZl.... - 49S'22 oo 5 rer Cent bund 4&c , Cash and due from BankslTZrZiriZZZZlZlZl'l- 128,140 . LIABILITIES Capital ' $ ioo,ooo-f Surplus and Profits " ' 78,i58-80 Circulation "' ' " 02.OCO.cO Bills Payable' ' " '"" 25,000.00 Depositsv ::i::::i;.ziz;:zzzzzizii iji 4 Interest Paid on Savings Deposits