OCR Interpretation

Orleans County monitor. [volume] (Barton, Vt.) 1872-1953, June 30, 1920, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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VoL 50 No. 26
Single Copies 5 Cents,
i n inortirt under hz-
trt Ver word for tirst Insert
P ord thereafter. Cash
r-TTFP One good man for hay-
G. T.
rn SERVICE Damon Jr., Mor-
S"f"H. Kimball, Glover. 20tf
fr -e and see them, iiaipn nam
& Neort, Vt. Tel.213-3. 22tf,
tthp su.E Resristered Jersey bull
-7 fmr months old. H. L. Davis,
w-t nzi cyrt
lb late R. R. Brennan, Orleans. See
O.W.Locke. Zo-p
PIGS FOR SALE New lot just
fc. cone and see them, tvaipn xiam
VA Newport, Vt. Tel. 213-3. Itf
FOR SALE 12 swing stanchions
fc rood condition. II. . leaning,
Albany. 2otf
FOR SALE Furnished cottage
cd iarra lot at Crystal lake, airs
Lena M. Woodward, 19 Pearl St., St.
Jabsbury. 2otf
FOR SALE lhe Lang house in
Barton on School street. Terms to
sdt purchaser. Apply to J. E. Wa
terzaa, v illoughby. 2oti
Congregational Church Notes.
"Rev. J. J. Hutchinson, PastoT
7.30 Thursday evenine1. Bmvpr
meeting and Bible study.
Sunday, 10.30. public worshin.
Subject of sermon, "Holy Spirit." The
Sacrament of theLord's SuDDer and
the rite of baptism will be administer
ed. Any parent desiring baptism for
their children will please notify the
11.45, Sunday schooL
C. E. at 6 o'clock.
Union service at 7 o'clock in the
Methodist church.
Forty-eight persons from Kirby
were ushered into church Sunday
morning, the party having pilgrim
aged here to hear Mr. Hutchin son,
who preached in Kirby while in Lyn-
ji "Tii mi i
aonviue. mere naa Deen no cnurcn
services in Kirby for 12 years previ
ous to Mr. Hutchinson's voluntary
work in that community, which result
ed in a rebuilt church and a flourish
ing organization. No services are
now held there. This visitation, which
included representatives of all but
two families in the parish, was a
splendid tribute to Mr. Hutchinson
and the love they hold for him.
LOST June 12 between St. Johns
bury and Newport, side piece belong
ing to a wooden bed. Finder please
notify Monitor office. 2otf
FOR SALE Large Mpsler safe in
rood condition. Will sell or ex
change for smaller safe. Weight
1200. Mrs. Lilla Dow, Glover. 19tf
FOR SALE Seven-passenger Stu
debaker six, four new tires, mechani
eal condition perfect. Cheap. Leon
L Boulanger, Irasburg. TeL 161-32
FOR SALE 12 horse power Ols
erie nearly new with trucks, also 1
set pulley blocks for 1 inch rope, 75
feet rope. Price right. Edward S.
EL Barton. 23tf
FOR SALE Four fine Holstein hei
fers two months old, also two Guern
y heifers and Ayshire bulL All fine
cimals for farmers to raise. H. B.
Cbeberlin, Irasburg. tt
FOUND A young Scotch Collie
dog, solid yellow. Answers to name
of Jack. Owner can have same by
provincr property and paying charges
Harold Shenerd. Irasburg. 24-26
School Meeting Tonight.
The annual school meeting of the
Barton Academy and Graded School
district will be held in Alumni hall
tonight, Wednesday, at 8 o'clock, to
transact the usual business of the dis-
1 iwo trustees will be elected,
one to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of John Batchelder, and
one to take the place of the member
whose term expires this year.
The auditors report shows the to
tal orders drawn by the trustees to be
over jw,uuu, -but the increase in in
debtedness is only a little over $500
over that of last year. It is probable
a higher tax will be necessary to
maintain the high standard of the
scnooi anotner year, with the known
increase in all expenses.
Mrs. W. A. Warner is in town for a
few days.
Henry Cutler is home from Dart
mouth college.
Rev. I. A. Ranney of Hardwick wa.?4
in town Tuesday.
Miss Elizabeth Cutler is h
from Smith college.
Mrs. Ella Dana visited friVrida ir
Westmore last week.
Mrs. Maria Wright tpcpt, m,uj
J i nr. "J
xxtcnua in westmore.
Mr ar,A TTc TT rr o
- mia, u, x. oeaver were in
Ajynuonvme over Sunday.
-aims Dons Whitcher has been ill
wun tonsmtis the past week.
Mrs. C. McFarland has been ill for
several aays but is improving.
Rev. A. B. Blake, who has been il
for several weeks, is much improved.
Miss Mary Urie is eniovinc a vaca.
tion from her work in the Monitor of-
Calkins, the Farmers Candidate for
the, Senate.
Mr. Editor:
M. E. Calkins of Westmore an
nounced himself a candidate for the
senate early this spring and has NOT
withdrawn his name.
He is a farmer, a member of the
Farm Bureau and Farmers' Ex
change, and believes in allowing the
tarmers to live. He was born and
has always lived in this county and
The Barton team went to Lyndon
ville Saturday and was defeated by
a score of" 7-5. Lyndonville collected
three runs in the first inning and
four more in the fifth. Barton tied
the score in the fourth but Lyndon
ville's lead of four runs in the fifth
was too great to overcome. B. Lee
pitched five innings and was hit hard.
In the remaining three innings Em
erson allowed one hit and no runs.
woman, worK an aone uy maKuiuwj.
Valley ouse, Orleans.
FOR SALE Pair work horses,
ei?bt 2100, also harnesses. Will be
sua at a low price or traded for cat-te-
A. J. Dunton, Sheffield. 2o-26p
e?3 in Glover village known as the
A&OCtt Tllacp enninno TrritVi clfTif
n?ts, flush closet and spring water,
e storage room. C. H. Kimball,
u.uver. - 20tf
FOR SALE One Chevrolet run
wat m Al condition. Also one Blais-
n iaine, complete with chuck, cen
ws, cutting tools, etc. P. W. Law.
, airport, tf
v,lP SALE Three good horses for
J?S Cheaper than to hire. All
food animals. J. C. Houston. Orleans
ieL Ur leans 125-15. 25-26
.F. D.
tAT n .
fua ALE Two used Wood mow
ffiacnmes ready for use. Also
p..orea Collie puppies. Elliott
t!2Larton- 25-26p
WANTED Live poultry. Elrick,
"barton. lStx
WAKTRD 15 men to cut and
peel' spruce pulp. . F. R. Hastings,
Henry UrooKS, canon.
fmnd. capable men, eight-hour day.
5 ' - t, j-, t TT
Jervan & uorKins, iiewpun.
has lived in Westmore 31 years. This wRay played a clever game at short
is an appeal' to the farmers of this
county to support and get out and
vote for men who will look out for the
interests of the farmers in the legis-
ature this year.
Therefore let us stick together and
send farmers to represent us in the
nouse and senate this fall. Men who
will make laws which will allow the
farmers to live and men who will not
sell their votes.
G. A. Gilman,
Westmore, Vt.
WANTED Hand spinners,
Rolls parcel post.
H. C. Gay, Bar-
WA-NTTF.D Fresh eergs and poul
try Mondays at Orleans express sta-
i,- v: kp pv. uiicauo.
null. - j w
-tt- a XTrn-CT . PalfskiTlS.
and horse hides, also all kinds of junk,
Solomon, Water St., uanou.
TtTAMTrn ifi mnre black mares
to breed to Black Percheron Stallion
Supreme 1335by at o.uu.
free if not the best one m Orleans
county. E. L. Graves, Mgr., Barton.
HELP WANTED Both men and
women steady work. The -work for
woSS'is on Snail boxes . also veneer
YZ R'A HdnSr1aS
Kers. 1 iQiQ a. . ... . . ,
it t curing witn starter, z
tuurins. i npsp. cars
tJSh SALE 50 cords7 (about three
idry.,four-foot wood at R. R. sid-
Z V tHSs north of Newport. $8.50
to J'r, - B- cars- Guy Cour
!!!lestGiover. 7tf
S.ALE 2 rebuilt Ford road-
are v m ood condition as they
now being overhauled and paint-
. ". LaWSOTl. NpimArf IRtf
staFrSLSALE To highest bidder all
formS? i33 at CamP Westmore,
fe fhrpastTox? Ha11-" in-
ritP .jj Pickel on premises, or
rfcW rrsflng Barton, R. F. D.
-Jffly3- 25-27
u acres, suear and annle or-
aadbaU J?Ing water. Good house
ton vaS; 0nlv two miles from Bar
anitTile on Westmore road. Good
acre. ofqarI7 on Property. Also 180
fciBan and and Pasture. J. M.
-arton. 16tf
EailT? ,es.tate 0 the late Mrs.
a''ProSWm' IwiHsellherperson-
urdays mill closes at 12 m
ployee who has wur 'm.. --- -1
hours will be paid for 54 hours, a
lin- lumber, manuittti.ui r
bafks, sounding boards and I veneer
work. Also several butter tub mak
fc nnv or uicv-c v
tion he is capable of Ov
time pay - -T. 0r
see us. J-ne 23tf
leans. - "
Miss Ida Whitcher is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Fred Kinsey, in Hartford,
Maurice Poirier nf fVa
., is the new jeweler in the Lang
a cure.
F. W. Cutting has moved into the
house recently purchased of Allen
. Beginning July 1st, all piano les
sons will be ?1 each. Mrs. F. H
Fills bury. adv.
C. E. Buswell has moved into Mrs
J. M. Hanson's house for a tempor
ary stay.
Miss Avis Phillips of Sheffield is the
new operator in the Independent tele
phone omce,
Miss Ruth Currier of Newbury,
was a recent guest of her aunt, Mrs
C. Hibbard.
Miss Marjorie King is home from
the University of Vermont' for the
summer vacation.
Miss Etta Litchfield of Coventry
is at the home of Miss Austin for
massage treatment.
Miss Elsie Hibbard went Friday
to Randolph Center where she has j
work for the summer. - !
Adelbert Leland was in Boston re
cently, driving home a car for the
Barton Auto Exchange.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Prescott are
enjoying a vacation spent at mew
camp at Willoughby lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ross and fami
ly of Sheffield were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. u. ts. joy.
The bathing season has opened on
Crystal lake beach and bathers pro
nounce the water "fine."
Rev. F. H. Larabee of Wilmore,
Ky., is the guest of his brother, A.
A. Larabee, and family.
S. Ernestine Willson has accepted
the position of bookkeeper in the of
fice of J. W. Murkland Co.
xt. s fl. Cheslev and daughter
of Sutton", are guests at the home of
J. S. (Jnesiey, me iuimcj. a ovu.
E J. Rutter will be at O. H. Moss
tt.-v. Julv 9th. Call anc
have your eyes examined. adv
for Barton, accepting eight out of
nine chances. Priest and Webster
ed the team at bat with two hits
each, and Webster also starred in
the field. For Lyndonville Taylor
pitched his usual slow sure game.
tiazard and Wakefield stung the ball
hard, Hazard getting three doubles.
Innings 1234067 y
Lyndonville 30004000 7
Barton 001200200 5
Batteries, Taylor and Pope, Lee,
JbJmerson and .Barrows.
'X. ' "
. . - m-J
M. E. CALKINS of Westmore
Candidate for Senator from the South
End of Orleans County
Helen and Christina of St. Johnsbury
are guests of Mrs. W. B. Proctor, to
remain over the holiday.
W. B. Moulton has moved his f ami
ly from their farm on the Evansville
road to the Flanders house on Main
street, recently purchased,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Leland have
returned from their trip to . Burling
ton. Mr. Leland has a position with
the Barton Auto Exchange.
Rev. J. J. Hutchinson is in Boston
to attend the great meeting of Con
Barton eoes to Morrisville Thurs
day and Orleans plays here Satur
day. Let all the fans be present
and help the boys win both games.
And concerning1 that Fat vs. Lean
erame Friday, you will miss the great
est treat of the season if you fail to
see it. The 25c you pay to get inside
the fairground will be well spent.
TIigic is considerable rivalry already
and if the game finishes without the
spilling of blood, it will be because of
the heavy police guard which is being
considered for the contest. An extra
supply of baseballs f.nd bats have
been ordered, also liniments, bandag
es, surgeon's tape, etc., for emergen
cies. "See posters for the lineup,
which includes heavy reserves and
plenty of tall timber. The umpire has
not been announced but he will be
provided with fire arms and every
safety device known to modern sci
ence, because he will be called upon to
decide many "weighty" questions up
on very "lean" evidence. The busi
ness places in town will all close at 3
o'clock, m order that both sides may
be provided with rooters. Well, just
go, tnat s an.
The Barton Cornet band will fur
nish music in Postoffice square be
fore the game and also on the ball
ground during the game.
Judge Miller Candidate Again.
W. D. Miller of Troy, assistant
judge of Orleans County court, is a
candidate for reelection to that office
according, to a statement issued by
Mr. Miller recenly.
Mrs. A. M. Vercoe has soldi her mil
linery business to Mrs. F. N. Belo
deau of Waterbury, Conn., who takes
possession -July 1. ' Mrs. Vercoe wil
spend the summer in camp in Crys
tal Lake Grove, after which she wil
devote most of her time to nursing.
Mrs. S. S. Hill and fatally motor
- ed to Manchester, N. H., last week
From, the Express and Standard
n Tuesday, June 22d, Miss Hazel
Irene Gates became the bridge of
Harley Alanson Leland of Glover. The
wedding ceremony took place at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. P. Gates, of West Burke at
2.30 p. m. To the strains of Mendel
ssohn's wedding march from "Mid
Summer Night's Dream," played by
Mrs. Abar of West Burke, the wed
ding party, preceded by Master Ger
ald Black, nephew of the bride, bear
ing the two rings on folded rose buds,
and Eleanor Hall, a niece, as flower
girl," marched to a beautiful floral
archway, fashioned of hemlock boughs
intertwined with pink peonies and
mountain laurel, where they were met
by Rev. W. A.. Warner of Peacham,
officiating clergyman, who used the
double ring service. The bride, dain
tily attired in blue suk net over pale
blue taffeta and with a band of tulle
and orange blossoms in her hair, was
given away by her father. She was
attended by Miss Allis Harvey bf East
Burke, bridesmaid, .who was gowned
in pink georgette crepe, and Franklin
Lynch of Lyndon ville, fraternity
brother of the-groom, was best man.
The house was beautifully decorat
ed, the color scheme of pink and white
being carried out m every room, and
was a veritable Dower ot evergreen
and blossoms." The parlor was dec
orated with hemlock and dozens of
pink peonies, the adjoining parlor be
ing very beautiful with evergreen
and mountain laurel. The dining
room was tastefullyVarranged with
Clusters of pink rosea wigelia ana
mock orange blossoms; occupying the
center of the room was the dining ta
ble on which was an immense bride's
cake decorated with smilax and wi
gelia blossoms, while from this were
long streamers of white satin ribbon,
at the end of each being an individual
box of wedding cake for each guest.
Following the ceremony the newly
married - couple were greeted with
showers of confetti and colored
streamers and a jolly time was par
ticipated in by aLL Ice cream and
cake, lady's fingers and macaroons
were served by .Mrs. Delbert Leland
and Mrs. Harry Black, assisted by
Kotha liall and Kaymond Ulack.
A pretty feature following the
ceremony was the throwing by the
bride of her shower bouquet of bride's
roses and sweet peas, from an upper
window. This was captured by Miss
Ethel Addison.
Mrs. Leland has always made her
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P,
Urie was the scene of a quiet wed
ding at noon Wednesday, when their
eldest daughter, Ethel G., was united
in marriage to Irvin Rich of Boston
Rev. V. A. Warner of Peacham per
formed the ceremony.
Mrs. Rich is well known here, hav
ing graduated from Barton academy
in the class of 1910, and later grad
uated from a business college in
Springfield, Mass. She is at presect
employed as a stenographer in Bos-i
Mr. Rich is with the Hood Rubbe
Co. in Boston, where he has a fine
Summer Train Schedule.
Beginning with Monday, June 28,
the following .train schedule is in ef
fect for the summer. It will be not
ed a new train south in the forenoon
and one north in the evening is o
the schedule.
6.00 a. m.
9.45 " " .
1.39 p.
3.40 "
10.37 "
11.16 "
3.19 a. nu,
3.51 "
11.13 p. ra.
3.53 p. m.
'4.54 " "
7.15 "
5.45 a
9.35 "
1.26 p. m
3.22 " "
11.02 " "
3.28 a. m.
4.01 "
11.25 " "
4.02 p. m. '
5.04 " "
it OA
All daily execept Sundays, unless
otherwise noted.
Clip out and keep this for refer
ence. Daily anj Sunday.
Stops on flag to receive passen
gers for White River Junction ea?
U. V. M. Notes.
Among the students who wer
graduated from the University of
Vermont Monday. June 28, were the
following: .Harley A. Leland, Glov
er, Bachelor of Science in Agricul
ture; Marjorie L. Young, Orleans.
Bachelor of Science in Commerce ar.4
Economics; Paul K. French, Orleans,
Bachelor of Philosophy.
Guy W. Bailey, who has been act
ing president of Vermont university
since the absence of Guy Potter Bea
ton, who was released for war work.
has been elected president of that
many months ago
i . ; - . . . suiuuou. iui
MZtt Potion signed by nearly the enfe.
Lyndon Institute. The past three
gregational leaders of the world, who
are in conference for a week.
to the home of her sister, Mrs. Lund-
erville. where they attended the wed
Hi no- nf Vipt AancrhtpT. F,va to Wil-
Will Caswell of Concord, N. - H., ! iiam Sullivan, at which Miss Gladys
Hill acted as bridesmaid. Mr. and
house. H. C. Gay.
rent at Club
' Crnn aeu ucr persun-
Edith xu7- .the residence of Mrs
i&v ti 2 m uover village, Sat
L. 3, at 1 o'clock p. m. E.
IW r?i?T Administrator, H. N.
is' auctioneer.
jSS?p0R SALE-270
Machine , AL 270 acres all
eHards sugar and apple or-
Jfcad. Lt ps o0 cows, at present 39
stemj oen ?if them registered Hol-
rnm,j'.8 Dlllch cows. tVrroo inrsS.
ahWa!? 8 feet in diameter with
ad b?ti,h.mes house, 13 rooms
toat fft j . house and barn on ce-
. 3
room. Mrs. w. - 1UY 23-27p
street, Barton. .
TO RENT-Tenement onLakeview
tage hospital-
CASH PAID for furs hides and
baasky, Barton.
H. 1j. Javis..
Stallion supreme Fiwin L,
Farlane's Mill Mondays. Elw
tm o-n built in 1911. Price
Well Vr00 down- L- C. Powers,
Vt- 23-26p
builH;u?ln known as the Whitney
Boin v ted at rear of Newport
,.SALETwo and
60 Newport, Vt. Building 30x-
1 i Png PLnt. Building now
tioa inr,-lnvestment. For informa
HS.r,e E. F. Humphrey, New
toa.s 0r GUpin, Hunt & Co., Inc., Bar-
-rrr.-n take stock
Min ii , r. r iii . , ... o-r-
tW 5th. Would u.-r
has been spending a few days m
town. Mr. Caswell was a lormer
emloyee of the Monitor office.
The weather up to Monday has
been hot and dry but showers on
Monday and Tuesday have relieved
the parcnea conainon oi uungs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burdick and
daughter, Grace, of Dorchester,
Mass., are spending a few days at the
home of his uncle, F. G. Burdick. -
F. D. Pierce is in Burlington this
week attending a meeting of the Ver
mont I'harmaceuiicai association.
Mrs. A. W. Morrill of Pike, N. H.,
was at her former home here last
week. Her mother, -flirt, iviarion
Nelson, returned with her for a brief
H. A. Leland, son of Mrs. B. F.
Jackman of this place, and Miss Ha
zel Gates of West Burke were united
in marriage at the bride's home on
Tuesday, June 22nd. .
Mr and Mrs. J. J. Neagle and
daughter, Kathleen, of Lyndonville,
rprpntlv at the home of Mr.
iA Mt Peter Cota. Kathleen will
Mrs. Sullivan snent Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Hill.
Frank Thorpe, Mr. Larabee and
Mr. and Mrs. John Thorpe of Wil
more, Ky., are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Hibbard. The trip was made by
automobile by way of Niagara r alls
years she has taught in the East Side
school and in that capacity as well s
in social life, has made a host of
friends, whose good wishes follow to
her new home.
Mr. Leland has resided in Glover,
was graduated from Lyndon Agricul
tural school and Lyndon institute, fol
lowed by a course in U. V. M.. and is
well thought of by all who know him.
He is a member of Delta Psi frater
nity in U. V. M.
After a persistent effort on the
part of the newly wed couple they i
were able to get away by (decorated)
automobile, going to Burlington for
commencement week, at which time
Mr. Leland will gaduatej after which
they will return to Barton where Mr.
Leland has a position with the Barton
Auto Exchange.
Many beautiful gifts were received,
that the presidency of the university
be given "Mr. Bailey.
and the lakes, the party being eight including many useful and beautiful
Miss Bernice Atweli isnome xor few weekg
, j.tre She then eoes w vm-;
V. E7 HknsoBarton.
TATE Best stock and mutu
panies. oJf,
lage real estate. Any seU call
PSlBStan. 39tf
Wessell, Nichol & : Gfo.s g w B
at $1 per cord whJe it ia3L 26tf
Miss Ina Paige is at the home of
tvT own iv i -rxs t-i r,.
Mrs. Howard Spaulding and son, her pare ,
h week-end with her hus-ige, on
mer uavme. ------
lege work in Ohio last week.
7mnr H. Nault. son of Mr. and
Mr- H. Nault, who has been over
RoaV as a machinist, has gone to De
troit, Miclu, to take a special course
in welding and allied subjects.
Mrs. P. C. Robbins of Berkeley,
California, is the guest ol her sis
ters Mrs. Bickford and Mrs. Brunn-
inff She IS WCIl icuicmuticu a
Myrtie Cass, formerly of this town.
TCvman's Alliance of the M. E.
church will serve ice cream and cake
on the lawn in the park Wednesday
evening, July 7th. In case of ram the
event will taKe piace m iue tuuruu
Mrs. F. W. Baldwin visited Mrs.
Qm R.Holden in North Troy last
week. Mrs. Ho men wia De remem
bered as Miss Helen Laurin, an in
structor m uanon acaaemy several
years ago.
vr and Mrs. B. F. Jackman and
Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Leland at
tended the graduation exercises of
the University of Vermont in Bur
lington Monday. Harley Leland was
one of the graduates.
bridge, where she has employment.
SDCIH. -" " . . . ,-rrr- J
band, who is working at wmuaux.
Mrs. McDonald, Miss Grace juc-
mTf j navi McDonald spent
the week at their old home in
Barre. .
-ciAai-a and crrandson arrived
this forenoon from Boston by autp
mobile? and are visiting relatives in
Miss Marion Baldwin goes inurs
Julv 1 to a girls' camp at Lake
day, Juiy i, w b srnd two
Fairlee, wnwc
months. -
last week.
Mrs Mabel Cobb Stone of South
Pasadena, Calif., is expected in town
Sfrf for a viist among friends and
relatives here.
spent a
mont, N. H
Austin recently
Miss M. W. A.
few oayt"rr r" r.lare-
anrniiLK xjv
V V I lit J,
.. n fTi . in fh PTieSt Of
Miss """rVtte and is attending
f nJLl St a? U. V. M.t her Alma
Mater, this week.
a time a few years ago
Mrs Pearl Brock and daughters,
Carl Eveleth and sister. Miss Es
ther Eveleth.of Chicago, who have
been visiting relatives in this vicin
ity making the trip from their home
by 'automobile, started on the return
journey on Monday.
davs on the road, time of actual trav
el, five and one-half days. They will
return in August and Mr. and Mrs.
John Thorpe will go to Rockburg,
Tenn., where he will teach mathemat
ics and science in thehigh schooL
A very pleasant evening was spent
recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Campbell by several friends of
Miss Ethel Urie of Boston. The oc
casion of the gathering was a mis
cellaneous shower in honor of Miss
Urie and many useful and pretty
gifts for the new home were pre
sented. Dainty reiresnmnts ox ice
cream, cherries ana waiers were
served by the hostess assisted by
Miss Mary Urie.
Mrs. M. J. Wright of Barton is vis
iting friends in town.
Georere Conley's house came near
being destroyed by fire Saturday.
Miss Mae Wheeler has been visiting
her friend, Miss Lucy Hancock, in
Mrs. Eliza Hunt is visiting her
granddaughter, Mrs. Ruth Marshall,
in St. Johnsbury.
Mrs. Marshall Lacross and Mrs.
Hattie Myers have been on the sick
list the past week.
Mrs. Victoria Stone of Lyndon
ville has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. George Craig.
Mrs. Anna Sturtevant and daugh
ter, Ruth,' of Bristol are visiting her
uncle, G. C. Myers.
Several from here attended the
Sunday school convention at North
Craftsbury last week.
Mrs. Mary Whipple and son, Roy,
of West Burke visited her brother.
George Craig, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young of Low
ell and Mrs. Dana of Barton spent
Wednesday at H. G. Knight's.
Mrs. A .E. French, Wayne French
and Miss Ella Dunn visited at Ira
Lyon's in East Charleston Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and
Grandson of willoughby Fpent Sun
day with his son, E. J. Wheeler, and
Miss Theo Hendrix finished a suc
cessful term of school Friday. It is
expected she will return for next
articles besides a substantial sum of
money. j
The wedding was attended by only
near relatives and five of the brid,e's
most intimate friends. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Gates and
Mrs. Abar of eWst Burke, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Jackman of Barton, Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Leland of Glover,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chaffee and son,
Harold, of Irasburg, Samuel Qiaffee
of Derby Line, Mr. and Mrs. llarry
A. Black and sons, Kaymond and Ger
ald, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall and
daughters, Rotha and Eleanor, Mrs.
Harold Litchfield, Ara Griggs, Misses
3 " XT' 1 1 A JJ" H f !1 J
x reua varr, jLaiiei uuison, j)iimreu
Litchfield, Janette Knowlton, all of
Esdon Clan Meets at Greensbor ,
About 40 members of the tZJL
Scotch family of Esdon. know ex
the Esdon clan, held their srresfife
annual reunion at the home of Mrs
Helen Esdon, Glendale farm, on Sat
urday, June 26th. Ohio, New Ytnlv
Massachusetts, and ten towns of -mont
were represented in the com
pany assembled.
The day being fair tables were'set
on the porch which was hung with
curtain of evergreen boughs, fere
and daisies. The dinner running the
whole gamut from chicken pie to ,im
cream, was followed by an informal
toast list. One of the younger Es
Aans. told of the time when there-
jwas no Greensboro Bend, no railroad
and only a path through the wood
which entirely convered the preseist
Esdon homestead. It was about ?
years ago that the place was cleared
by his grandfather. There were als
recollections oi the oia-iasnionea.
schools, Scotch stories, and the clam
sang, commemorating the father
and mothers who "came from Scot
land where the heather blossoma
grow." .
Plans for the next reunion were
made and officers for the new year
elected. These are George Gal
braith of Passumpsic, president;
George Esdon, Greensboro, vice pres
ident; Frs. Fred Eldridge, East Hard
wick, secretary ana treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Myers recent-
y- received a telegram that they
were grandparents of a little daugh
ter born to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
ish in Springfield, Mass. Congrat
Lewis Bennett is shingling his
Miss Glen Fuller is working for
Frank Seavey.
Leon Gilman of Springfield is vis
iting at L. N. Lund's.
D. J. Carter of Newport was a bus-
mess visitor in town Saturday.
Mrs. Wesley Rollins of Newport
visited at W. Jr. Smith s Saturday.
Miss Agnes Pronto of North Dan
ville is visiting at Lyman beymours
Mrs. Harry Heath and son, Leon,
of Barton visited at W. P. Smith's on
B. A. Seavey and family of East
Charleston visited at F. J. Seavey's
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wing of Bel
lows Falls are visiting at Mahlon
Quite a number from here attend
ed the, sacred concert in Orleans Sun
day evening.
Miss Dorothy Seymour has returned
from a visit of two weeks with her
sister in Sheffield.
Ira Gray and family attended the
graduation exercises at East Charles
ton r nday night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Smith spent
Sunday with their dughter, Mrs.
Haroid Heath of Orleans. .
Mrs. Ethel Hudson and son, Ber-
naH of Enfield. N. H., spent last,
week with her mother, Mrs. Sarat
Mrs. Lafayette Willis of North
and Samuel Clough, and sister, Mrs.
Troy is visiting her brothers, josep
John Lower.
Mrs. William Lucas of VersaiHu
Ky., and H. C. Seavey and daughter
Cassie, of Irasburg, are visiting at
Frank Seavey's.
There will be a strawberry supper
in the cnurcn vesiry iuuiaua .-
iTir Juiv 1 el. a eiiuri,
ment will be given after the suppe.
Everyone will be most cordiaLy wel
comed. .Ladies are requested to idx-
nish for the tables as usual.
Mr. Brill has moved his family
to Stannard.
Beatrice Fuller has finished work
for Mrs. Lydia Crowley.
Frank Chase of Barre called om
his brother, A. C. Chase, Sunday.
There was a family reunion at the
home of Mrs. Helen Esdon on Satur
Nina Lumsden has been spending
a week with her aunt, Mrs. LiSm
Bullard. '
Mrs. Nelson Barr returned to bear
home in Taunton, Mass., the last of
the week.
Wesley Cole, who has been quite
sick, is better and back in the Davis
store again.
Miss Marguerite Esdon of
sumpsie visited her aunt, Mrs. Mary
Weed, the last of the week.
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