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PA E TWO Slpin, Hunt & Company Inc. Printers and Publishers ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR Barton, Vermont facned Every Wednesday and Entered mt the Postoffice in Barton as Second class Matter KORTH TROY PALLADIUM (Leased of A. H. Butterfield) W. E. Sawyer, Local Manager North Troy, Vermont laroed Every Thursday and Entered mt the Postoffice in North Troy as Second-class Matter. THE NEWPORT NEWS JL F. Humphrey, Local Manager 57 Main Street, Newport, Vermont Issued every Friday and Entered at the Postoffice in Newport as Second class Matter. SUBSCRIPTIONS Any Paper $2.00 per Year, 6 months $1.00 AD subscriptions payable in advance mad all papers discontinued when time expires ADVERTISING Cards of thanks, 50c. Resolutions, $1.00. Reading notices, 15c per line per insertion. Classified advertising terms at top of classified column. These rates apply to any paper. Display advertising rates for any paper upon application. County politics izig on new life. seems to be tak- Why do so many persons persist in iatingr chances with life and pro perty by driving without lights at aigit? The law is specific and teams as well as automobiles should be pro Tided with some kind of a light vhen on the highway at night. Tke Rutland Weekly. Herald, af ter 126 years of continuous existence, lias been discontinued, conditions in the publishing business being such that the paper no longer pays a pro sit. The Weekly Herald is one of the oldest papers in the entire country irhich has had a continuous existence and its passing places another tomb atone in the grave yard of newspa pers. The number of newspapers passing to the great beyond in the ast few years exceeds 1000. j What will the census return show la Orleans county? Addison county ias lost in population in the last ten jears, as it am ;ne len years previ os. This paper ventures the guess "fiat Orleans county will show a alight gain in population. Some towns will show a decrease to be sore, while others will show increase enough to offset such loses. What will the exact population of the new city of Newport show? What will e the second largest place in the county? The town of Barton will of cmurse show the greatest population of any political unit outside of New port city, but will Orleans or Bar ton village be the largest center out aisle of Newport? It is predicted that North Troy will show a fine in crease, but no official returns have yet been given out of population fig mres in Orleans county. They should be forthcoming very soon. Danger! Beware! A woman who was too economical to subscribe for her home paper sent iter little boy to borrow the copy taken by her ne.abor. In his haste the boy ran over a four dollar stand of bees and in ten minutes looked like a warty summer squash. His cries reached tis father, who ran to his assistance, and "failing to notice a barbed wire lence, ran into it, breaking it down, cutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining a five-dollar pair f pants. The old cow took advan tage of the gap in the fence into the corn field and killed herself eating corn. Hearing the racket, the mother ran, upset a four-gallon churn of rich cream into a basket of kittens, drowning the whole litter. In her hur ry she dropped and broke, past all kope of mending, a twenty-five dollar set of false teeth. The baby, left alone, crawled through the spilled cream and into the parlor, ruining a iwcnty-aoiiar carpet, uunng the ex citement the eldest daughter ran away with the hired man, the dog broke up levn setting hens, and the calves got at and chewed the tails off of four fine shirts. And all to save fifty cents! Morale; Subscribe for this paper at once and protect yourself from such calamities. Lakwiilp (It, A - AitU F VERMONT NOTES Ex-Mayor E. C. Glysson of the Glysson Granite Co. of Barre, has .ar ranged that during the rest period in the morning the workmen shall be giv en a pint bottle of milk as a part of the plan to avoid tuberculosis. It is the first move of the kind m the gran ite center of the country. Thus far 32,236 persons have been granted license to operate automo biles in Vermont covering some 6, 000 machines. Of that number 354 reports have been received at the secretary of state's offite showing that that number of persons have been involved in accidents. Neil Knapp, a hunter and trapper of Cabot, has a skunk that proDaoiy no nseum in the country has any thing like. It has a head like a mink, a fox's tail, stripes like a skunk, and a handsome goiu cuiux j Mr. Knapp has been offered a good price I or It, out lunula ao keeping a wnne. T.ient MeCreerv. who has been in the vicinity of Middlebury purchasing Morgan horses f or, the U. S. govern ment, for use in tne cavairy, nas quip ped five head to Norwich and 17 head Fnrt Rnval. Va. The government stock farm in Weybridge has shipped tht stallion. Donlyn. and the mare, Jewell, with a six weeks' colt, to Ta- coma, Wash. Dr. J. H. Miller of Wallmgford, a reputable physician of many years' practice, was arrested yesterday by Deriutv Sheriff Robert W. Hopkins of Wallingford on a warrant charging him with violation of the laws of Ver mont by failure to quarantine a house in which there was a case of whoop ing cough. Dr. Miller pleaded not guilty and demanded a jury trial. Alderman Walter Kellogg of Ver gennes has recently lost six fine heif ers from a disease not yet known. It was at first thought thy died from murrain or blackleg, hut a microscopic analysis of the blood did not reveal any symptoms of the disease. Al though there are a large number of other cattle in the pasture, only those belonging to the herd of Mr. Kellogg were affected. Byron M. Pettibone of Bennington will be placed on trial for murder on Monday afternoon, July 19, at Man chester. This was the decision of Judge Stanley M. Wilson in Benning ton county court following Petti bone's plea of not guilty to the in dicment for murder returned by the erand jury. The respondent will be returned to the jail at Bennington pending the trial. The Vermont Equal Suffrage as sociation convention is to be held in St. Albans July 1 and 2, commencing July 1 with a mass meeting at which well known speakers will address the delegates and public. The con vention sessions will continue through the next day, and the asso ciation expects to merge from the convention as the Vermont League of Women Voters. Dr. C. H. Burr of Montpelier cap tured the Vermont state champion ship in trap shooting in the 12th an nual registered tournament of the Vermont State Trap Shooting associ ation held in Burlington last week. This was a 300-target shoot, with 150 targets each day. Dr. Burr broke 2 1 out of the 300. II. B. Moulton of Mont pelier was runner-up for the state championship, with a score of 262. Dr. Burr thus retains the champion ship which he has held for the past year. The executive of the State grange has decided on St. Johnsbury as the place for the next State meeting, provided satisfactory arrangements can be made, and if not Burlington as the choice. The meeting will be held at some time in December. Oth er matters acted upon was the ap propriating of an additional $500 to the educational fund, to be transfer red as soon as the money is available, PRESS CLIPPINGS Probably Not. (St. Johnsbury Republican.) Governor Clement probably would not be in favor of the ten command ments, without a referendum attach ed. long of the fimery Losing No Sleep. (Rutland Herald) Candidate "Curt" Emery stops rn rrVl 1TI cuvugM " w f . - y Mmnaim tn "marrv off his son. in cidentally, said candidate isn't losing a lot of sleep about the way things are going and isn't looking for some one to shoot. Vermont for Sale. (Enosburg Falls ' Standard). The Republican convention at Chi cago adjourned without acting upon Governor Clement's asinine proposi tion that he would call a special ses sion to consider suffrage if the con vention would adopt a plank embody ing his referendum ideas. Making Vermont's attitude upon a great question of public import a matter of trade and barter is another stage in the humiliation to which the state as been brought by Clementism. Farmers Must Keep Books. (Stanstead Journal) The Farm Bureau of Orleans coun ty is making an extra effort to have farmers start systematic farm ac counts at the beginning of the year. At least one farmer in Orleans coun ty runs a good set of accounts on the double entry plan. This would seem foolish to the average man. The farmer started with an inventory as a basis for his capital account. Each cow is numbered and a careful ac count is kept, each being charged with all feed and credited with all products. This same course is pur sued with his -hogs, hens, sugar or chards, etc., all acres cultivated and in hay. This man has a blue print of a careful survey of his farm and does not guess at the area of a field. He knows what the overhead expense is to a cent, and each cow, even the flock of 46 hens, participate m this overhead account, being charged with all time expended in care and feed ing. The sugar orchard account is interesting because of the intelli gence exhibited in the accounting. The account is even charged with the stumpage used for fuel, the cost of cutting and hauling of the wood. Lvery expenditure to produce tne zn cent per pound delicacy appears In this account. Even its proportion of the taxes and insurance is shown. The most of the farmers say this is too "fussy." They would rather hitch up the rig or take the car and go to town after the chores are done, than to spend an hour writing some thing no one can read when the ink is dry. Farm accounting is the me dium throucrh which, the successful farmer is to arrive. The days of "thumb rule" and guessing are pass ing fast; education and farming must get away from the "oil and wa ter" cooperation: it must be a long. hard pull together to the uplands of efficiency. THEMONITOR, JUNE 30, 1920 MPLEsniil RHEUMATISM Until He Took "Fniit-a-ilyes" Or Fruit Liver TaMsts R. R. No. 1, Loexs, Ost. "For over three years, I was Confined to bed with Rheumatism. I treated with doctors and tried nearly everything without benefit. Finally, I tried 'Fruit - a - tives Before I had used half a box, I saw improvement; the pain teas easier and the swelling started to go down, I continued taking this fruit medicine, improving all the time, and now I can walk about two miles and do light chores about the place'. ALEXANDER MUNBO. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or from FItUIT-A-TTVE3 Limited, OGDEXSBURG, N. T. Dr. E. H. HILLS Veterinary Office and Hospital, East Main Street TeL 43, NEWPORT R. J. BEEMAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER East Hard wick, - Vermont "HEMSTITCHING" We hemstitch in all the popular styles Alt Mail Orders attended to promptly Misses Trudeau and Wheeler 77 Main St. Newport, Vt. 25 Men Wanted DR. EDWIN L. MILLER Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Phone 138-11 Davis Livery Stable Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. Branch Office Newport. Vt. Henry W. Bernard, Dept. Supt. Cleon W. Seaver, Agent. Harry E. Drown, Agent, Lane's Blk. Business Directory J. M. BLAKE, M. D. BARTON, VT. Special attention given to treatment ol diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and the fitting of glasses to defective eyes. Office HoTjks: 11 a. m. to 8 p. m., except Sunday and by special appointment. RUFUS W. SPEAR General Insurance Agency Assistance in Probate Matters In cluding Preparation of Probate . Accounts DR. HARRY F- HAMILTON Dental Surgery Gilman Block Newport, Vt. Complete X-ray equipment Hospital Unit L. H. McIVER, D. O. S. Specialist in Optometry Appointments can be made by mail or 'phone for the examination of the eyes for glasses. Optical Supplies of all Kinds and re pairs made. - 'Phone 332-2 Renihan Block Newport, Vt, A. C. FARMER, D. V. M. VETERINARIAN Office at NEWPORT, VERMONT Buck's Feed Stable C. A. CRAMTON, M. D. St.Johssbuet.Vt. SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nosk and Throat. Office 20 Main St. over Post Office. Office Hours, 9.00 a. m. to 6.00 p. m. Appointments for examination ot can be made In advance by letter telephone. HARRY DICKENS General Insurance Office 'phone 33-4. ORLEANS, VERMONT and Auctioneer Residence 107-5. Pros and Cons of Soldiers Bonus. (Springfield Reporter) Congressman Porter H. Dale, re leased from his duties in Washington,- is in Vermont again and visited bpnngfield IricSay ana Saturday. A ft .- Assea in regara to nis position on the soldiers' bonus, he stated that he voted for that measure; because, after the way the government had rewarded those who stayed at home, he did not feel like refusing the men who had been in the trenches and at the front anything jn reason which and the approval of the State master's ! they thought was due them. Individ plans for an exhibit of Vermont ma pie sugar products at the national meeting. The population of Addison county, as taken in the 1920 census, was 18, G66, a decrease of 1,344, or 6.7 per cent? The population -of the incor porated places is as follows: Bristol, 1,251; Middlebury, 1,993; Vergennes, 1,609. Addison county is the first complete county m Vermont to be re ported in the 1920 census. The pop ulation of that county declined in the ast three previous censuses, the num ber in 18S0 being 22,277, in 1900 being 21,912 .and in 1910 being 20,010. The three incorporated places in the coun ty showed an increase, Bristol village having increased from 1,180 to 1,251. jnuuicuurj viuage naving grown Standard. VERMONT NOTES ualiy, too, the amount of the bonus l l ii wouiq De a smau sum maeea com pared with the wages and salaries of the government employees dur ing the war. Washington" so swarm ed with clerks of all descriptions, at tracted by the high rate of remune ration offered, that dormitories had to be erected at a great cost to ac commodate them. Even then they were not satisfactory and demanded more pay,: which was immediately granted tnem. I here was a bonu3 tor this clas3 and a bonus for that class, without a word of opposition or aeDate on the subject until it came to a bonus for the soldiers when, if ever, the government, in his opinion, would have been justified in continuing a generous policy and not from 1,866 to 1,993 and the city of seJec the moment of the appearance vergennes naving gone from 1.483 to AT UC3e"'K ueneucianes t,609. ' as the time for calling a halt in reck less expenditures. When the snl Large ouantities of grasshoppers toe already begun to infest the fields in Vteybriage and Cornwall. Last March a Springfield woman, xomg out on a shopping trip, hid the jKK&etbook containing the family savings in the oven of a gas stove acd -when she came back home some ferns later forgot that the oven was feKrporarfly serving as a safety de posit box. Being in a hurry to pre re supper, she lighted the burners s the stove and whp n alio o rtn ir BkeoT in the oven found the ashes f what had once been nine $20 bills, oe $1J bill, an insurance policy and awte ether valuable papers. What wemained of the money was taken the Springfield Savings bank and Wrmltltutlon forwarded the ashes T Washmgon to see what could be J" the way of obtaining the val- we Durned bills. Last week savings bank received a check i M? -,UTy, department fbr i ZrL., Wl11 make good the loss Harry A. Black, secretary of state, has served notice on the drivers of automobiles that a campaign is now started against reckless driving of machines and also that there is one against the use of the glare lights, lie has found that some persons who set forth m their application that they use non-glare light are using glare light and he ex pects to stop, in a general way, the use of these lights. The Warner lenses, while not exactly according to the statutes will probably be al lowed this season, although this does not comply with the laws. Inspect ors and peace officers will be asked to cooperate in the conducting of the campaign to stop rectjiess driving and use of glaring lenses. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Jh.11 PPUcatloiM. as they cannot reach ad Portion of the ear. There ia III SSf, Tyvi ure "rrhal ieafae.a. Cat.r.),,! smuiuuonai remedy. 1 J'1 l cauaed by an in fhu.C,iUoVof th mucoua llnins of , h'av.n Tuo- When thla tube la Sfd?rOU1haTe a Wliig sound or im '"J1 rtn. and when it U entirely closed. Ieafne.. U the reult. Unlea. the Er.Jt non1 condition, hearing deaUoyed forever. Many caaea of e"" caused by catarrh, which is c7?,Uon of the mucous sur , Catarrh Medicine acts thru yJtenl " mucou "laces of th. mII.AL'-- ! 'or be erm Kw -Z- " cannot OU free.' AM Droireiti 7sif For steady work in Veneer Mill, good living conditions, schools and churches. Saturday afternoons o without loss of pay. Richfard Manufacturing Co. Richford, VL For Sale Harnesses, Whips, Blankets, Halters, Strap work of all kinds, Carriage Lamps, Spong es, Chamois, Sloans Liniment, Tuttle's Elixir, Dr. Lesure's medicines, Cura-Box Perfection fly killer, guaranteed to kill the flies, Some Second-Hand Farm machinery, one cream separa tor, nearly new. Good time to have your har nesses repaired and oiled at the crlover Harness Shop. M. W. JOHNSON Successor to A. B. SPEIR GLOVER, :: VERMONT We pay top prices for Calf Skins, Cow Hides, Horse Hides, Sheep Pelts and Raw Furs in Season DAISY WHITE Teacher of Violin and Expression (Graduate of Mount Ida School, Newton, Mass.) Studio 783 East Main St, Newport . E. H. HOWE Successor to Hove & Stowe REAL ESTATE, NEWPORT Tel. 175 Root's Block JERVAH & CORKINS Building Construction Remodeling and Repair Work of All Kinds 'Phones J. J. Corkins, 153-2 F. A. Jervah, 18 G. S. COURSER. Licensed Auctioneer .Timber Estimated South Albany, Vermont N. H. DREW, - So. Walden, Vt. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed. F. R. HASTINGS, M. D. Barton, Vt. Returned from medical service Over seas September 1st Insurance of AH Kinds May's Insurance Agency, Barton, Vermont JOSIAH A. PEARSON, DENTIST, BARTON, VT. OFFICE Owen's Block. M. L. BATCHELDER Cottage Hospital Lake vie Avenue TeL No. 44-4 BARTON, VT. XT .. Elliott (WW) ton. in said District ii0" claims exhibited inoff,edtC,eh83ed' give notice that WVm nL1?6"19. pose aforesaid, at thT, the A Son. in the townof & C-A- on thtUOth day of Jm"'l& next, from I o'clock p m n,flar S m on each of said ritotil'ck,' months from the 14th ri8and tfeat 1920. is the time limned 0f Ma A-ft said creditors to prS th?1? & ,0DateT dSSo? a Barton-thls 2lst day of Commissioner' Mt.:- Estate of Carlos E. GaT -The undersigned having hn .7, by the Honorable Probate rw"?011 District of Orleans. COM MTssmvJ? ti4 receive, examine, and adinS and demands of all ptrsonl SS, estate of Carlos E. fil ?Jll "Wtti said District, deceased. T.V' &Pfc 25-27 Wbited m offset thereto, "hereby SS" that we will meet for theDnnf,,11011 at the late residence S n7S?il town of Barton. in said faSt luin aay or July and 27th dav or Ko, next, from l o'clock p. m. mm mS m.. on each of said days and tfi?- months from the 3rd day 'of jnn?? f 1920. is the time limited by said rfc said creditors to present iKa&ft! for examination and an UB w 1 DZim. urieans' ims 21st da.v of June, 1 V. J.J0SIYK JERRE MAKSTCi, Commlssioneri NOTICE Inside and Outside Painting Paper Hanging Bell Phone 13-12. P. J. GUERTIN PROBATE COURTS Special sessions ol the Probate Court will be held at the office of F. W. Baldwin, in BARTON, on the second and fourth Fridays of each month in the afternoon: and at the office of E. A. Oook. ia ORLEANS, m the afternoon of the third Friday of each month. Parties destrlntr to transact Probate business at Barton or Orleans should notify the Judge in advance, that he may take the necessary papers. The Probate office at NEWPORT will be open every day. except Sundays and holi days; but those coming from a distance, as far as possible, should mate special appoint ments with the Court in advance. -E. J. SMITH. Judste. PLENTY OF Adas Portland Cement Lehigh " C. E. JENKINS PUBLIC MARKET Orleans, :: :: Vermont Estate of Thomas Durkin STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, ss. Ihe Honorable Prohate Oourt for the diers came back and realized the ex tent to which others had Drofited bv District aforesaid war conditions, while they were call- 'To the heirs and all persons interested in ed to eive ud oositions and hninin. i J:!!??.?!.1?0.0" DurUmtateof Albanr prospects m order to co overseas and endure unutterable hardships to proieci tms premium class of war- was in said District deceased. GREETING: WHEREAS, application hath been made to this court In writinar. by the Administra tor praylnsr lor license and authority to sell Cattle Salt Grass Seed RAY P. WEBSTER BARTON, VT. co workers, it was not unnatural fnTaii them to consider that a little some- I Be,nS the northerly half of the southerly thine .shmilH ho 1 1 half of lot numbered eight of Lot of land in xt:?i. i cucui. . airt town of Albany, as described In a deed -. ermeieisb, mere is another View to Thomas fmrkln. from Enoch O. Rowell oi tne case, which is not Congress man Dale's. The return soldiers are in the heyday of their youth, strong and better equipped-many of them by their war experience to make their own way in the world than they were before their country called them; m fact, they are better able to take care of themselves, to shoul der the burdens of civil life and do their proper work in the world than are some of those who would have to be taxed to raise their bonus. Now, during the period of readjust ment following the war, not a few of them believe they couM do better than join the army of bonus-demand- j ers or set a price on their own pat- i noire service. They already have a sure passport to preferment and favors; honors await them as they are fit to take them, and later, when they will need it more than they do at present, there will be all the bonus or its equivalent that they could wish.. The soldiers of this country ua,c never vl naa cronnrt Tr nm rT;L2!!: -P1'" fit , being neglected or forgotten. and Henry Bomere, dated February 21. 1882 representing to said court that it would be beneficial to the heirs and all persons in terested in the estate of said deceased, to sell stid real estate and convert the same Into money. And nrlnjrlng Into Jourt the o -sent and approbat'on in wrltinjr,o ill. he heirs to said estate residing In 11114 ntate. and setting forth the situation of the real WHEREUPON, the said Oourt appointed and assigned the latn day of July. lifciO at tne Probate office tn Newport, In said Dis trict. to bear and decide upon said applica tion and petition, and ordered public notice thereof to be given to all persons Interested therein, by publishing said order, together with the time and place of hearing three weeks successively jn the Orleans County Monitor, a newspaper which circulates in the neighborhood of thoe persons Interest estedlin said estate, allot which publications shall be previous to the day assigned for hearing. Therefore, you are hereby notified to ap pear before said Oourt. at the time and place assslgned, then and there In ald court to make your objection to the granting of such license, if you see cause. tilven under my hand at Newport, in said District, this 2hth day of June. ISrjti. S"-28 B. M. SPOON ER. Register. No fool like a young one who trk tamed but they don't expect the en- This is the time to save your money and a banking connection with this institution will in sure you of good treatment, ample protection and the incentive to build up a good deposit for future needs. . Barton Savings Bank & Trust Co. BARTON, VERMONT Capital $50,000 Surplus $100,000 Safe Deposit Boxes to Rent at Reasonabl Rates. 25-27 Estate of James Laplant STATE OF VERMONT District of Orleans, ss. The Honorable Probate flnnrt trict of Orleans. To all persons interested 1n tha aria of James Laplant, late of Craftsw GREFTTIfl "WHEREAS, said Court has assigned tin 16th day of July next for emmininff .n allowing the account of the Administrator oi xne estate oi sam deceased and for a cree of the residue of said estate to tin lawful claimants of tne same, and order) tnai puDi.c notice inereoi beeiventoal wr- eons interested in saia estate by pub- usmng ims oraer tnree weecs successive!; previous to the day assigned, intheUriauu County Monitor, a newspaper published it Barton in said i.'istnct. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified tt appear at E. A. Ooofc.s office m Orleans in said District, at Z o clock p. in. on taedsj assigned, then and there to contest tiieit lowance of said account if you see can and to establish your right as heirs, le gatees and lawful claimants to said residi Given under my hand this 22nd day of June, 19-20. 2t-28 E.J. SMITH, Judge to act like he's an old otsu STATE OF VERilOM nictrict, of Orleans, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the Bl trict Aforesaid: To all persons interested in the estate a George Henry Chasse and Doris G. Ch&s Minors, of crartsbury. GEEETI5G: tTTTT TT T? T A C n nnli ffttiOIl in WlltlM tat been made to'this Court by the (ruardanof George Henry ana uune u. for license to sell the real estate of sttf i ..4 . Puimr the H-orris'inteiestintK Woodbury place, so-called, situated in sua Ora f tsbnry and being d e c re edM said Wards from the estate of G.G.Chte representing that the sale thereo! for the purpose of putting the prwJ snch sale at Interest, or in vestine he in stocks or other real estate. or uu a vailst hereof for the benefit of said warda the law directs would be beneficial for sd WHEREUPON, the said Oourt appo and assigned the 9th. day of Ju at the Probate Office ewpoi-t. i District. at ten o'clock to hear and decide "J1 cation and ordered public wrtwr to be given to all pe?1"? thn in. by publishing this order threew successively in the Orleans County itor. a newspaper published at mtw said District, which circulates toe Kg borhood of those persons intoertrttww all of which publications shan jkp to the time appointed for the .wan . THEREFOKE, you arc .hereto appear before said "-h" ECort place aforesaid. then and the U s to object to the granting of sucd u you see cause. . in aM in nnder my hand at ewport,in District, this ayoN Commissioners' Notice Estate of Blanche CYo The undersigned. taTlWfji by the Honorable WS?SsioSEB& District of Orleans. 0ffibecWB receive, examine. ain"tneet" demands of all Persons agains Blanche O. Young, exUW District, deceaseu. - noticet" iu offset thereto, hereby pved t will meet for the purpose a.or. fl t rial July, and lth ?tok.v&'& sent their claims to u ior allowance. h day oli Dated af Glover, this i A.D120. y.M.HrBBABft 2S-27' Commissioners Estate of Lewis C The undersigned by the Honorable Protatt o trict of Orleans, com msS nddei examine and adJusT the of of all persons 'against the oryi,D O. Loomis. late of Orai exW"?' & deceased, and al 1 cto m set thereto hereby aforef.Si meet for i '-' Loonii.'" Ol r i"-Y'. V.-tricton":. Mi'. Of residence oi r . v strM on v- Craftsoury. o( pee. of August b o'clock P-iV -M itse-r o'clock- a.m. until nths; said days and that six tuasj dayof June v torstoP3Js said Court fjmlnation ndJ;ef jss claims to us for exami" , w . j -iftBhury. tnw" . uaiea v"' oinLfc" D. 19 REAS-saidCoun- of ' toftbe"5 yUli "said dvd . e Mm VOW ttate BM05T STATJ2 "r 9 District of Orleans. CoUrt V t n.11 person a?K,u, of r0 ... i!rrZ& Udec- GP2Tl WHK 8th day allowing of the "residue fv UhUorder t previous nev'y0" j Oounty Mon'Wjtetrict. Barton. n said berebf d Kf Therefore, y"" orrice -kt y appear at the P'tbeo and?;, ,f on the day assig nea. d ccou vv, ?eS tbe allowance of yourf cause, and to e- j cl- j ii " legafes and residue. hfln!j, tn" Given under my June. 102". 25-27 r About the time j.. fr life the JOOOOOO