Newspaper Page Text
RLEANSCOUNTY M ONITOR j&D ADVERTISING . . . n ?Vilc will r-tinsert-u uuj )-n"?'r thereafter. rh than tventy-Jtrr FOK SALE -rLEOat straw-. T. tf F33 iLE Two 6x6 foot green - it l i rT.-T "rsntE Thirty tons of stand G. H. Jenness. 27-28p 5UE Cook stove in good r"' Ircuire Mrs. Hale Mason, (Ki-v- 28tf. rr ULE Horse, weight about .iriel "S-5. Fred Ingalls, Bar- 27-29p It ps SERVICE Damon Jr., Mor--."icn. Standard and register -"C. H. Kimball, Glover. 20tf "p5TfORSALE New lot just v ami and see them. Ralph Ham- f, Newport, v t. TeL 213-3. ltf F03 SALE 12 swing stanchions r ood condition. H. P. Darling, !5tf FOE SALE Furnished cottage cf-a -ct at Crystal lake. Mrs. U 3L Woodward, 19 Pearl St., St. Jy. 25tf F02 S.EFarm in Sutton, H4 tis from R. E. station. 1 mile from Bke vuiaze. Will rent or sil on easv terms. Apply to J. E. Te. Willcuzhby. 28-29 F0 SAii r ive-year-oid mare about 1200. Inquire of R. i, West Charleston. 27-28p. FGS SALE Seven-passenger Stu sr six, four new tires, mechani st condition perfect. Cheap. Leon I Bcsr, Irasburg. Tel. 161-32 26-28p FGS SALE Used Ford touring . Newly painted and in good con to. Apply to W. T. Abell, county Farn Bureau office, Newport. lw returned to Newport. Miss Shaw is a nurse in the Boston Homeopathetic nospiiai ana is spending a vacation with her brother's family at Newport. BARTON LOCAL NOTES Mrs, George H. Gorham is spending the week in Lyndonville. Mrs. J. R. Colliston spent Thurs day last in St. Johnsbury. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bucklev were in Wheelock the first of the week. Miss Alice McFarlane is visitins- relatives in Orleans for a week. Mrs. J. M. Hazen of Rochester is at her home here for a few days. Hon. Porter H. Dale and Mrs. Dale were recent guests at Hotel Barton. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Baldwin of Keene, N. H are in town for a few days. Leo LeBlanc of the Monitor force is ill at his home in Bedford, P. Q., Mrs. Gladys Farman of Lowell is the guest of Mrs. E. D. Alger for a few days. Mrs. C. E. Hamblet and Miss Ber nice spent Saturday and Sunday at Willoughby lake. ' Miss Af tian Scott is in Newport for a few days assisting in the Express and Standard office. Mrs. E. A. Cook of Orleans was the guest of Mrs. M. H. B running seve ral days last week. Edward Tisdale and friend of Dan ville made a brief stay at O: A. Hubbard's last week. Miss Ina Paige is home from her college work in Delaware, Ohio, for the summer vacation. Escapes Serious Injury from Over "unw AUtO. What might have resulted in a fatal automobile accident occurred Tuesday morning near the south high bridge when a car owned by Harry Shaw of Newport and driven by his sister, Miss Shaw, overturned com pletely, pinning Miss Shaw uderneath where nrst aid was given. Exceot four url-W w, vt 7 ai festivities, for severe cuts and bre.hS ! their eSE?" T?rL poxn recover none the worse for their 1 at large, one havW l narrow escape, ater m the dav thev At 10 o'Vwv m?""" Jailer Cushman made his rnn, tT"S Was ?? ri-ht and the break i?WnU,ntlil thl following morn Pgi a-1 7, flock, when Officer Swett took in their breakfast. The escape was made by sawing off the bars on cue wuiuow ana bending them down.i allowing space to get through. The' saw was made from a steel knife. It is reported that they were seen mak ing their get away about 11 o'clock in the evening. Search wa3 at once started, which resulted in the capture of one, made by Deputy Sheriff Stafford of Lyndon ville, who followed the prisoners trail 10 iiueton, iN. l. He was brought to St. Johnsbury Tuesday night and lodged in the Caledonia County jail, Officer Swett bringing him to New port Wednesday noon. The three oth er prisoners have not yet been apprehended. Two of them were sailors who were taken off a freight train last week and held as deserters. Their names were Daniel Clyde Johnson from the Brooklyn Navy yard, and Henry Neault of Hampton Roads, Va. Or ders had been received to have them returned to those stations. The two civilians were Walter Duke of Berlin, N. H., waiting trial for smuggling and Walter Clark of Lowell, Mass., held on charge of vag rancy, Since the above was written two more men have been captured, one in New HamDshire. BARTON, VERMONT, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1920 FOUR PRISONERS BREAK JAIL, ONE CAPTURED Make Saw of Knife and Cut Bars During Carnival Celebration, July 5. Single Copies. 5 Cent. FG2 SALE Dandy -1 horse now coolie engine in perfect order, t-; rerersiuie propeller. Just right f cta-y row ooat, $40. Cost new JIoO. H. C. Gay, Barton. 28-29 A County Congregational Chautau qua Day. x At the recent conference of the Congregational churches of Orleans county held at Island Pond, it was voted to hold a County Congregation al picnic, field day or chautauqua event at some convenient point in the county, to which all Congregational people would be urged to attend, get acquainted in an informal way with their neighbor churches, and at the same time get something of worth to take home with them. The committee in charge of the event as set Saturday, August 7, as the day for the big event, and Wil loughby lake as the lace. Nothing definite as to the program has been given out but it is known that some very prominent men will be present to address the audiences, that conference leaders for the work of the various departments of the church will be nresent, that there will be music, sports and a basket tricnic. In short the day is to be a big event for the Congregationalists throughout the county and further announcements will be looked for with great interest. WANTED WANTED Live poultry, larton. Elrick, 18tf F02 SALE 12 horse nower Ols erne nearly new with trucks, alsVl-f foiicj Diocics ior l men rope, 7 km. Price right. .EdwardS. Barton. . 23tf FOR SALE OR RENT My build l&J? . over ttkge known as the ! Place, equipped with electric osii closet and spring water, P storage room. C. H. KimbalL 20tf S SALE One Chevrolet run g oAl condition. Also one Blais- Jie, complete with chuck, cen- irr mLi , , -i waz tools, ftf TCAXTTF.n AT ONCE Laundry " i- ii rr machinery, woman, worit au uuuS hfn-f VaUev ouse, Orleans. , . Trnrn TTanrl sninners. casn. W ASi a i t r r v Bar r.u. r,oi-fPl no st. H. C. uay, ar Rolls parcel post. ton and poul- try Mondays at Orleans eff " tion. E. S. Kellev. Orleans. 17tf "BANCROFT" TO BE BROUGHT TO TRIAL Grand Jury Finds Promoter of Camp Westmore Secured Money Under False Pretenses. 2 Newport. P. W. Law- tf ftlhSA.LE 50 cords (about three b W011r-foot ood at R. R. sid teLfif orth of Newport. $30 60- B. cars. Guy Cour t Glover. 7tf G2isiiLaEr2-rebuUt Ford road- If-f IJ tourmg with starter, 2 fia'lk?- tourings. These cars t nnm v m good condition as they ei p Ve?" overhauled and paint awson, Newport. 16tf ;p2 s. i?. iTeItra Pce, opposite the f LSAKLEMy Place consisting caM and one acre of land Pbo. p, , ' aiiccL ana ttnuwn as pta t(Sse- Nice location, fine Paul l!nn ??q 7 -rA WVU SS 4 160 UK KENT Farm Sard STJgar and apple or-tibaU- water. Good house fcs rl2;a ytwo miles from Bar CuitTi.,011 Westmore road. Good re3ofqry on property. Also 180 Whau and pasture. J. M. carton. iaetrT-0 Ford during ? ma? coition, one with Splid- 4!SauHt-.v AIso set of 34x4 cas" llr E. Sockol, tel. 24-11, 27tf I. Solomon, vy 43tf ttxt t WANTED Both men and a A wnrfc. The WOTS women,. steady ork- Uo veneer. women is on small boxes l a Pay is ztVnt for dinner. Sat 58, one hour out ; ior Any em- urdays mUl closes Qe bove, ployee whohas worked 53 hours, extra bonus aaaea full week and iJmen is hand- their pay. nfactUring Pano ng lumber, .manufacturing vneer baC ATsevlraT butter tub mak work. Also several Same hours ers, day or pi Fay and bonus as paid to d T-Sf&& Co.. Or Mi3s Mary Kenneson of Albany was the "guest of her cousin, Ji.lsie Huntington last week. Mrs. E. P. Flint of Irasburg spent several day3 with her sister, Mis3 Harriet Austin, last week. Mrs. J. M. Longyear and Miss Ida T.nT,rvAar of Brookline, Mass., were recent guests at Hotel Barton. Hotel Barton now has a very at tractive dining room, newly decorated and with new indirect lighting. Mrs. F. S. Whiteher is in Hartford, Co?" failed there by -th. I ness of her daughter, .airs, x . PnTker of Beebe, P Q.rcTmes toda r to spend someone with her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Barrows. -ctt-!- Or,m?ams of Richford was t and son of were gue&ua i, street last QOUIU uuvu.- The Celebration at Albany, The celebration July 5th was at tended by a large number of peopk and was a success in every way. The parade started at 10 o'clock led by the Orleans band and followed by sev eral young ladies horse back, floats decorated, automobiles decorated and horribles. At 1 o'clock p. m., Col. Emery of Newport gave a very interesting and instructive address. The ball game between Orleans and Island Pond was won by Orleans. Following is a list of prize winners m the parade and sports: Floats: Maple Valley Grange, first; Albany school, second. Automobiles: Gladys Head, first; R. 31. Cowles, second. Horribles :Chicoine Broth ers, first; E. B. Searles, second. Horse and buggy: Rev. W. E. Craig, first; Bulger Brothers, second. Sad dle horse and rider: Dorothy Dow, first: Guila Rowell. second. Horse race running: M. J. Martin, first; Newton Rathburn, second. 100-yard dash: Harry Rowell, first; Ellis Moodv. second. Bicycle race: Al- phonso Marshall, first; Frank Dyer, second. .Fole vaulting: uonaia -rei-ley, first; Harry Rowell, second. Shot Put: Paul Griffin, first; Harry Row ell, second. Discus: roster Miies, first; Harry Rowell, second. Running high jump: Harry Rowell, first; Dean Lawrence, second. Running broad jump: Freeman Mason, first; Harry Rowell, second, ; Sheriff E. J. Hill is in New Jersey where he went to carry information that VV ilfred A. Bailey, alias, Russell G. Bancroft, had been indicted by the Orleans County grand jury of fraud in connection with Camp Westmore. Bailey is in a New Jersey jail and ex tradition papers will be asked for and Bailey brought here to stand trial at the September term of the Orleans County court. The grand -jury were in session Thurdsay and State's Attorney Thompson presented evidence which resulted in a bill being found against Bailey, whose past history is allegea to be filled with fradulent promotion schemes m various states. - Since the above was written Mr. Thompson has- gone to New Jersey, that state desirinsr to hold Bailey on its own account. New York, Mass achusetts, Maine and New Hampshire all want Bailey, also, on similar accounts. Huntington, Boston Lyceum School Concert com pany, are guests of her father, C. H. Blood, this week. The company will give an entertainment in Barton on July 30th. a frnm "Rarre which stood front of the Comstock market one day last TO RENT for : F01? b"i- , Two and one-half "T1 known as the Whitney b v ea at rt?ar of Newport ' viti, i x- - v nil I in iriir .mix. ith bar F V?'. vt building 3U ractiir, , opportunity for tinSl3 pkn. Building now ? n 7rraSe and paying good in T'S infarma- or Giinin tt umpnrey, jNew t Lpm' Hunt & Co., Inc., Bar- 25tf LOST niare colt weighing never shod. F. r . 28-29p BOAT SPACE to T-g 31IS CELLANEO US w hn-rst into names irom Mrs Winget and sop of erorooig, the Jhood. A hand fire ex- truest of her sister .Mrs." gLTf the Barton Auto Ex- unTn .niiriiii aw"-" 1 i n -- nmi rna HolbrooK, on own WMt.OearHacA1biob &L.5SS'JS Mrs. A. J. recently Twombly's. . anA Mr. and Mrs. "SSS sons of ClaremonNd on of their sister, Mrs. uuy Park street. - A. A. Laabeef agenlSkf spent the with relatives. Danville and O. A. Hubbard. ,T.v;.keT and Mr. a-SMaveMass.7and Dr. &T a?don of Waltham, Mass. ttt:11 inv 1? A TIMERS' NOTICE v. ct for market Monuay, r- G. S. Dodge, Orleans lw CASH iu0r haniel Za- iunk. Telepnone 9tf baasky, Barton NOTICE-Car of . shuTgles just fSSStt Price right, i- - w ' Percheron stallion, Albany, foaled 1917, at my farm m 25.29 H. L. Davis , Stallionf Supreme onJy. Farlane's Mill Mondays. Graves. : . Trr. "R"RAL ES- I IVI 1 r-c IV . are guests motored '-ran operate at gt& h0SPt moving to g. Tred Sawyer o.KrotheT, Gjy to Lyndonviue ,TwiU occupy tne rooms -v,nn. the nw" -'.. f Boston Mr- were w- be rememberea FleicherUJe rracticin law m Bos Leslie. , sni jlsuccessful. ton and is n of Worces: Donaldcv- Tnmeri ol X o mac rtTtT OTiii tnP cange soon put y, i n-iTZ car was not seriously damaged. The event proved a better advertisement for the extinguisher than any demon stration could. nc Pofar Paul died at the resi dence "of her daughter, Mrs. Strahan, June 21- Mrs. Paul was taken to the v;fol - ATnntaeroe City when LkersickmThe month of April and afterward went to her daughter's ?ITe . ov, Hied at the aee of 71 SS. She was a native of Canada QT1rl leaves two daugh- ers," M Srkhan of Greenfield, Mass., and Mrs. Betters of Provi dence R. L and one son, Dorilla Oli ve?Paui; of Newport, R. L. also four y".j.i.!yfl land two cnreat-grand- SreTtwo brothers, Louis H. Vain rf Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Euchriste and oni sister, Mrs. Alcidas Messier Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul moved to Barton from Turners' FaUs, Mass. last falL r -r S7 andvl12 tween St. 7ohns- I a SS?0' de piece belong- fioSS Finder pleal tor office. 25tf ..LOg T ' ' 2? iron vi"age, ladies' Les lhan8:e and key. A. 0tea0wnmgton, P. O. ad u, R. F. D. TeL 123-11 lwp JaJes. Surety lage real estate. Any q caU laie real estate heyjn. 39tf on F. W. Baldwin. Barton. " j at the NOTICE tyoursawuu, wssell. Nichol & Gross mm, j;. at $1 per cord while 26tf Hanson, Jjarwu- FOUND JVATrfirst of June- &no me aooui. r -th tan pomw- haired, . color, dark wi tn Understanas Vr "vine' property ovp same by proving f rhamber- Dr. tor. Dr. lS'TiheS. last wee!. aixa- - vc- rmcuday, ht, and Mrs. v. Mrs. Jane and M. Je?h MU'es and Ms. Miles. Miss ElizaoeL" , flre ?pend- rSMT of J ton. During the electrical storm - Monday evening, Vtreet do- Sa Nate house on J entered slWiav.mafe through the chim- C. A..Nute 5?BTjTris' house r . w. - ney. r n Smith of North Mr. and Mf3' the first of the iSSfSSS street for a We6k" big cash clearance !??eit sale we have e frthe public Come - Adv both of whom are m Barton Wins Two. In a tieht trame at Newport last Thursday Barton nosed out the home team 4 to 3. For six innings Barton led 1 to 0. In the last of the sixth, Newport made three runs on a com bination of good hitting and weird playing by Barton. Barton however, came right back and tied the score in the seventh. In the ninth Leland was hit by a pitched ball affd then stole second. Seraphim strucfc out ana Dubois fiied out. Then eood old "Peck" Barrows came through with a clean hit that scored Leland and - T J won the game, isemie j-e maue four hits and probably would have made another if the pitcher hadn't given him a base on balls the last time up, COUNTY WIDE FIELD DAT BROWNLNGTON CENTER Mrs. L- N. Lund spent Sunday at L. Jl Lund's m uneans. - Several from here went to Albany to the celebration, jmy . Adelard Cabana has recently had a milking machine instaueu. Albert Gadbouis of Manchester, N. jt j3 viSltmg ai r lamiiuutiu. o. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Smith visited at C W. Smith s ai uneana over ouu day. xrrv Simmonds of Derby has been visiting her son, Fenni3 Sim- ond's. E M. Porter of Orleans spent the ; j th nome oi uia ouu: weeK-enu M Porter. f nri AITS v unfs dauhterrMarion, visited in Sheffield oneday last week. Wallace the little son of Philo PowefeVone day last week dis locating one shoulder. Misses Mary and Matilda Frapiere of iSfntreaL P. Q- are vitmg their wusin, Mrs- Simmonds. a anehter was born to Mr. and r Cenree Lathe at the home of GRal ne day last week. Gilbert Dutton was in Windsor last week to attend the funeral of his sis-re?m-law, Mrs. William Lynch. Mr and Mrs. Collins Lacourse with their euests took an auto trip to Stanstead. Derby and Newport Satur day. Mr and Mrs. William Russell and son, Leonard, of Barton, recently vis (Continued on Page Eight). Mrs. Eusebe Morin. Mrs. Rena Sampson Morin died at her home on the Orleans road Satur day morning at 10 o'clock after an illness of nine months .and the nast few weeks she had been a ffreat suf ferer but bore her suffering with pa tience and cheerfulness. All that loving hands and kind hearts could do was done for her in her long sickness. Mrs. Morin was born in Henryville, P. Q., August 15, 1845. About 13 years ago she came here to live. Her husband died about four years mo and a year ago last Noyember her son, Bert, was killed in the war which was a great shock to her. Mrs. Morin is survived by three daughters, and two sons. Carrie Clement, Rosanna and Vina Morin. rrep: ana jugene. Mrs. Morin was a home loving woman, her interest being m her home and family. iu6 oexreer xnan ail sne was an earnest christian who loved her church and followed its teachings with the greatest devotion. Her funeral was held at St. Paul's church Mondav. at 9.30. Reverently yet with grief she was laid at rest m the Catholic cem aetery at Barton beside her husband. Thus ended a good life, ambitious to the end. Those present from out of town tn attend the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. Medrick Clement and son, Eugene, of Aiancnester, iN. M.; Mrs. David Ena- uit of St. Hermenerilde. P. O Josenh Sampson and son, Earl, of Taunton, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. James Costigan and Valmore Clement of Suncook, N. H.; Mrs. Rosanna Bolduc of Franklin, N. H.: Mrs. Georsre Cronm of St. Johnsbury; Teles Roy and Mrs. J. Buchard of Rock Island, P. Q. Card of Thanks We wish to ex tend- our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends who were so kind in rendering aid and comfort during the sickness and death of our beloved mother, also for the beauti ful flowers sent. Rosanna Morin, -Fred Morin, Vina Morin, Mr. and Mrs. Medrick Clement, "Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morin. WESTMORE Camp Westmore is beine onened no as an adult camp. E. C. Winslow of Boston visited at M. E. Calkins recently. Mrs. Evans of Norwood. Mass.. la boarding at G. C. Myers'. Joseph Tatro visited his brother. at JNewport a lew days recently. narne oie nas Deen visiting at hi3 uncle's home in Newport for a week. Rev. Bole of Hardwick was in town Saturday in the interests of the church. The score: Barton Heath ss B. Lee 2b T. Lee 3b Leland lb Seraphim If Dubois cf Carter rf Barrows rf Snyder c Emerson p Totals Newport Monty So Lahar cf Mossa c Kennison 2b Rublee lb Gilman ss Brouillette If C. Wells rf E. Wells p Totals Innings Barton Newport AB R H PO A E 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 2 5 4 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 9 2 1 2 0 7 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 2 0 2 - 0 41 4 IS 27 11 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 2 1 5 3 12 1 1 1 1 27 12 7 8 9 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 3 0 0 2 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 0010002 0 1 4 000003000 3 Two base hits. Leland 2, Lahar, Struck out by Emerson, 4, by Wells, 4. First base on balls, Emerson 4, Wels 2. -Hit by pitched ball, Wells 1 Passed ball, Snyder. Barton went to Orleans Saturday and cleaned up 6 to 3. Orleans had some new men and looked much stronger in the first came but the Barton team is in its proper . stride now and should win most of its re maining games. The score. AB R H PO 5 2 12 Barfon Heath ss Barrows rf 3 Webster rf 2 B. Lee 2b 4 Leland lb 5 Snyder c 5 T. Lee 3b 5 Seraphim If 4 Dubois cf 4 Emerson D 4 Totals Orleans Monty 3b Griffin 2b, p Pike ss Mathews lb, 2b Brennan If Hardy rf 4 Beor p, lb 4 Bassett c "3 Montague cf 4 Totals 38 Innings 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 10 7 1 1 1 0 A 5 0 0 2 1 1 3 0 0 2 Farm Bureau, Grange, and Basiaes Interests to Cooperate. - At a meeting of the Orleans county Farm Bureau Executive committed held in the Spring, it was voted to ac cept the invitation of Glover com munity to hold a county wide field day in that place some time in Augvst. The committee in charge consists of three members of the Farm Bureau, the Master of the Pomona Grange and one business man each from the Newport Chamber of Commerce, Us Barton Improvement club, and the Orleans Improvement club. The committee will meet in the near f ture and formulate plans. This is the big out or doors event of the seasaau There will be something doing every minute. Plan now for a day off ana take in this big county-wide field day. It is hoped that very soon a count club leader will be procured to help the boys and girls of the county pet ready for the fall fairs and train the teams which are to represent the clubs at the state fair. Several can didates for county leader are under consideration and it is probable that, one of them will be appointed to the position within a month. Meantime the clubs are working; splendidly and planning to "Beat their Own Record," which is the chA motto. The Wide Awake club at Brownington village has set its gar den aim at $100 profit, and its can ning aim at 400 quarts, the Ment phremagog Willing Workers club of Newport is holding meetings regulai ly and the president, Helen Heyer. reports caps and aprons made and m good bit of canning done toward the 200-can pledge; the Busy Bee club o Brownington Center is pluckily "car rying on" with work and meetings ia spite of the fact that they have had no leader since Mrs. Leslie Duttoa moved away in the spring. .The Brownington Jolly Juniors and Will ing Workers are also very busy rais ing food and canning, cooking and sewing so that they may have bigger and better results for this year. Considerable interest is being shows about the county in the Holstein Calf club and already three boys have pur chased calves with money procured by note from the bank. These boys are Floyd .Norway of Newport Center, and the Swanson boys of Browning ton, and are without doubt, the proud est young chaps in the county. 41 6 11 26 14 AB R H PO A E 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 0 12 0 2 4 5 5 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 8 0 0 5 2 1 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 27 11 Recent communications from club members in the county contain these expressions which bear the real clue since I've joined the club than I did sentiment: "I love canning better before" and "It's fun to work for- club." This spirit, combined witk the energy and grit which the dob members are putting into their work, is sure to get big results which wSS. speedily repay Gilpin, Hunt & C and the many contributors for the ef fort put forth to procure funds foe the club leader. Carroll Pir and family recently visited at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Berwick is visiting his fa ther, Z. P. Berwick, and sister, Mrs. Minnie Switzer. Elder Hiram Carpenter, who con ducts a mission in Worcester, Mass., is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. E. Clap per. Rev. William Rockwell of New York city has been engaged to fill the pulpit until the arrival of a pas tor here. Mrs. Benjamin Mason of Groveton, N. H is visiting her daughter, Mrs-. Rawson Calkins. J. Tatro's. Mrs. Elmer Knight and two sons, Wayland and Reginald, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter at LowelL Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tyler and four children of West Medford, Mass- vis ited Mrs. Tyler's brother, A. E. French Thursday and Friday coming by automobile. Frank Berwick and family. Mrs. Albro Bradley and family and Mrs. John Seyce and three children from Lyndon Center, spent the Fourth with Mrs. U. L Switzer. The evening meetings at the church will be conducted by the local people. A very interesting meeting was led by Lee Emerson Sunday evening. Miss Flora Emerson is leader next Sunday evening. A cordial - invita tion is extended to everybody. "Pride goeth before a fall," but if you didn't have any pride you couldn't falL 123456789 rTi -fvr 'Knttint nnt. of turn. Barton 2000003016 Orleans 000002100 3 First base on balls, Beor 1, Emer son 1. Struck out by Beor 3, by Grif fin 1, by Emerson 5. Hit by pitched ball, Emerson L It is understood that St. Johnsbury has cancelled all its games with New port and that all its games with Bar ton are indefinitely postponed. Of course no one thinks St. Johnsbury is afraid to play but it does look queer. The records of other years will show that Barton teams have always won their share of the St. Johnsbury games and everyone knows that the Newnort team is a hard nut to crack. It is believed that either Newport or Barton can give St. Johnsbury an ar- guement well wortn watcmng: al though it is realized that the Scale town boys have far greater resources from which to build a team. EYANSVILLE Miss Vera Leland was ill the last of the week. Miss Viola Smith of Boston, Mass., is visiting relatives in town. Frank Twomblv of St. Johnsbury was a recent visitor at A. H. Miles'. Mrs. Delia Hilliard is home from Orleans where she has been nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hilliard of Or leans visited at Charles Hilliard's recently. L. A. Drown spent last week in White River Junction, the guest of his son, EarL Mrs. Alma Griffin of Newport city was a guest of Mrs. A. E. Tracy sev eral days last week. Maurice Tracy of Dorchester, Mass., recently - visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tracy. Will Labor fell while working at the whetstone quarry last week in juring his elbow quite badly. Walter Norris of Orleans has mov ed his family into one of the Fiice Co. houses, and has employment at the shop. 1 and Mrs. Harry Webb and Mrs. Annie Perkins of Hanover, N. H- spent several days last week at E. M. Carpenter's. Leon Knight of Pike, N. H.. is in town repairing the water wheel at the whetstone shop and boards with Mrs. Alfreda McDowell. Mrs.' S. R. Morash of Boston and Mrs. W. J. Campbell and children of Concord, N. H-, are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Devereaux. Carl Wheeler of Morgan and Kath- It is impossible to summarize tke results of the Farm Bureau member ship campaign to date, since not aS of the communities have been heard from and none of the communities; have made a complete' report. The incomplete report shows 50 increase of new members which fact would indicate a greatly increased member ship this year. Due to various causes some of the committees were delayed in gettmg the campaign under way and so it is made necessary to carry the cam paign along into July. There is need in some sections of a little more ac tive energy on the part of the com mittee if the quota is to be reacned. It is interesting: to note that the greatest success is resulting in those coTomittees which have adopted and out a real community r arm Bu'ttu program. This wonld indi rale that if the wtrk is to be success ful and obtain the active support cf the majority of the farmers it must be based on local problems which are being attacked in an organized way by the local people themselves. There is still a chance to get a pen nant for your community showing that your quota was reached. Is your community to be in the black list or will you be able to pre sent your pennant of accompUshmeat at the annual meeting? leen Brown of Newport were united in marriage by Rev. W. W. Cook at the M. E. parsonage Thursday even ing, July 8th. The Ladies' Auxiliary will have a business meeting at the churea Thursday evening of this week. Ev eryone interested in the church is urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith of Grofc on, Mass., Marcia Scribner of New York, and Mrs. Ella Robinson of Eos ton, Mass., were recent guests at AdeTbert Converse's and E. M. Car penter's. COVENTRY Walter Cleveland is home from Boston. Horace Wilder and family have returned from Hudson, Mass. Mrs. Effe Smith of North Wood stock has bn a recent guest at U home of L A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thurber and daughter, Ruth, of West Burke, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Edith Batchelder has beea pending a few days in Irasburg wit her friend, Mrs. Harry Manley. Don't complain that you are not "understood." Ifs probably a good thing that you're not. 28-30P lin, Irasburg. naviner charges.