Newspaper Page Text
iEEEHBEHSnHMBEBSSBaBHSSBHacsSSSSSaBHnCS Discriminating Women i u SB m a m m hi rued to associate the La.France trade mark witv, w th footwear. They "know what they want" when 8 lea: ORLEANS demand LA FRANCE. The styles being right, must 1: i- npnl. Many of you have been tVinmnu. Variety Shower for Miss Stearns. by Ther lg& hian hali wiThaSrieaet fflU"y ' deted and-a table decorated ? eYSteon white, with stMamVr,, Vpmk and Her denoted that ? i? the chade to take place W.eddin wa soon A monk- lio : "v.ull,K ceremonv trL- iit Oxford. Louis Heel fi -ft - To the TtiSSf 5taT KkKid Oxford. Louis Heel $6.50 8 1 gffveST&eW, S "."V t.-;.i nvtnrd. Cuban HopI . - Hi iiiVere:thfldal party entered , j ies " - " " : $.:u Kld 0xl'ord' Cuban Heel, Pointed Toe $8.50 V. Kid Oxford, Cuban Heel. Medium Toe . . $7 qo !'kid Ox.ord, Cuban Heel $8.50 Jik Kid. High Cut : $9.50 rump. L.OU1S ,.tieei cc 7e JU. I O of LA FRANCE superiority. Can the rest of vou .f-rd HOI ;i - n m to m m u Q D M Si El BiVrt"- JJ"ss Mae Willev n- tv" E-rl? 11-. X-v H1C lillllP ,"UUL"y Harris as th. iy ' and Mrs. - !:';.k Ku 'pite&r Fuir.p, Louis Heel $7.95 ! Specials for Fridays & Saturdays I Ve expect to run special sales during the fall and i riter and these prices will be "CASH AND CARRY PRICES." and will certainly pay you to consider. These trices will be for two days only each week, (FRIDAYS jj ed SATURDAYS) so watch at the bottom of our adver ! Resent each week for the "SPECIALS." m-m wiutli V wllV?.? ,Fldes ..maids, Miss Theria VivS pi SIS Mnlldd Ordway, Miss D-mick p?I and ,Mrs' Margaret innck. Flower girls, Miss Freda ihfbridfawa?!'63' -fathe V e o,Tuhe -bridal" couple stood tinder an arch of autumn leaves and a white umbrella which was filled with Wtc S "tendci. at an oppor- :" L1" iU.lss. .Beatrice ?i it : This Week Friday & Saturday COMPOUND LARD l8c a POUND 230 YARDS 16-inch COTTON CRASH, 22c a YARD ! I I ri rj rj EI W II Q S3 H H n Ri n U a B U a n H n a a a a n n a a n n a a a HUNTER & POTTER ORLEANS, VERMONT BmXIIIBBSBHSSE&BaBBBBaBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnS OIIIHISZIESaEBSBaZBBB&aESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSBSa j THE SOAP OF A HUNDRED USES 5 was tnJ n 7 l unue, was over turned and she was showered with the contents. Later, one of TurnbuH's "CIRenn tul wa brou-ht in which was filled with cut slass, china, sil ver, Imen, pyrex, serving travs, and wool blankets. After unwrapping the gifts, Miss Stearns, in her pleas ing way, thanked everyone present for their gifts. About 80 ladies were present show ing the high esteem in which Miss Stearns is held in town. Refreshments were served, after which the company dispersed at a late hour with the best of wishes for Miss Stearns. ORLEANS LOCAL MENTION Mrs. Lydia Willey is on the sick list. The Eldridge family were at Eden pond Sunday. THE MONITOR. SEPTEMBER Orleans Lecture Course mit0?1"66 are Prepared to sub Sw. Ll dled Katem8 V.&itowaT oS? ivayems musicians: Tar,r, erd- DWUnt SharmSoT January o, Ihe Headlmers; Januarv 27 Kavem's foatnro , T-.i. T ;j ii "tuawjaus ana tiff n den TlU aPPear October 5 and the Bureau has this to say of them: x.icse ooys are clean-cut, virile ex service men, and masters in their 'par- wv-u,ai mies. iney give a variety program, consisting of a saxophone quartette, a brass quartette, an in strumental quartette, brass, instru mental and accordion solos, the mar lmbaxylophones, various musical sur prise features, flute solos, stories and jokes. "Louis Colangelo, manager of the company, was the leader of the 56th Infantry band, 7th Division. He is one of the best cornet soloists in the country. "Signor Grasse, flute soloist with the musicians, refused an offer with the Chicago Symphony orchestra to finish the season with his company. He is a musical humorist; one of the funniest men on the platform. "Jack Liden,N story teller, was in the navy for two and one-half years. He was known as 'Duffy' in the navy by the thousands of boys whom he en tertained. Liden has roamed the United States from ocean to ocean, irom the Yukon to Mexico. He has .entertained in many states and under all circumstances. He presents sto ries in the Irish, Italian, Swedish, and Jewish dialects." The price of the course tickets is $1.75, students course tickets, $1.00 no war tax. The drawing of seats will be at the Opera House, Monday evening, October 4. 'Mattie Gauvin is working in Dr. K. S. Webster's dental office. Bernard McMullen visited friends in Barton over the week-end. Esther Disllett of Sherbrooke visit- ed at John Winget's the past week. 29, 1920 PAGE FIVE "3Dveu 5Vve (LooY &eulus Corns Tememner Out ITop Coyxi 5va os" ox awY aWOcpoYiwo. Fresh Ground Coffee ..... .35c, 3 lbs $1.00 Fancy Whole Head Rice ........ 15c lb Peanut Butter that will please you. . . .29c lb Buttermilk and Borax or Palm Olive Toilet Soap . . 3. cakes 25c Your kind of flour is here and the price is right Wise King Superlative Do r sey's Best Perfect White Lily Lux ury. Large package of Soap Powder now . .'. .20ci THE UF-TOOxATE GROCERY B. O. SMITH, Proprietor ORLEANS, VERMONT D arke, Davis & Co. Germicidal Soap f Kills Disease Germs Ij Removes and Prevents Dandruff Destroys Odor of Prespiration Qeaases Cuts and Sores and keeps them free from infec tion. Drives away Cooties and Lice. 25c a cake Pharmacy n H n ii ii ii a n V Vermont n a Wbz Kinney's I Orleans, Auto Body Polish Restores the Luster, Preserves the Finish j j-'-sething different. Rubs clean and dry and does not pave an oily dust collecting surface. Pint Can 45 cents j Ammunition for Fall Shooting j Flash Lights and Batteries j car Pulp Plaster due to arrive this week Twombly & Colton ! ORLEANS I Week-end Sale of Fancy Native Beef I Round Steak 25c 1 Rump Steak .33c m Salmon Steak 28c 1 Stewing Beef -. 14c m Potting Beef ....16-20c a Fancy Native Veal H Fore quarter of lamb. 25c i Hind Saddle Lamb 35c I Frankforts 25c Minced Ham 28c Corned Beef 15-28c Ayer's Cliff Bread Try a package of Matchless Tea None better Sweet Pickle Beef Tongues - C W. & M. W. BROOKS 'Phone 26-4 7 Orleans, Vt. 0000000000000000000000000K00000000000K000000 TOPS for TOTS The Latest Things for Tots for-all occasions in Velvet, Velour and Felt A Full Line of Tarns Just In E. L. "BASSETT Orleans, Wil,eT SSftSsSS? B"k Vermont ooocoooooooooooocoox VERMONT Wial Sale of Work Shirts Overalls while they last 10 dZ" Gd Cotton Wok Shirts, $1.75 -value, now $1.49 z. Good Brown Heavy Overalls and Frocks, 52.50 value, now . .$1-98 If " our yUlnust buy underwear let us give you a look at htCk Pr the youth hoy and man, our prices are tj r 60c we have some all Wool, medium weight hose. s ould have one pair or more. . , Boys' School ShoeG W t0 2 in the youth's. Priced V. ........ -$2.60 y!i12es, 2 to 6, priced ......... . . . ... . . .... .$3.50 acti0 Walton's Shoes and guaranteed for satis-- 00000000000000 At Austin's Drug Store Rexall means King of All, and all preparations put out under this name, whether they are medical prepara tions, toilet preparations or other merchandise, are made of the very highest quality of materials obtainable, the finest ingredients put together in the most scientific way, in the most up-to-date daylight laboratories and guaran teed to give satisfaction. We are showing Rexall preparations in our window. Special To the first person handing in a complete list of different items shown in the window we will give SI 00 in Rexall goods. To other complete lists we will give 50c in Rexall goods. . To the next five nearest com plete lists, 25c in Rexall goods. Look at;the window, make your list, sign your name and hand it;, in. Look for lc Sale Adv. Soon v 72ic GtvaJUL Store Vote now in the Rexall Stores Straw Vote Near the Bridge . ORLEANS, VT. f Sheen ci. ' i 40, 42 in. rillow lUDing . J bkln Coats, lengths 30, 36, 40 and 52. They are $6 in. Bleached Sheeting C. HARRIS CO. Phone 33-3 ORLEANS, VERMONT NOTICE THE DROP We are to quote you lower prices oin- 81 in. Sheeting, bleached... 6 " Pillow Tubing 95c -55c .58c 32c Nainsook: Long Cloth Lockwood Brown Cotton. Portland Percales, all colors : 45, 55c 40, 45c 34c 36c All the above at less price by the webb. All Silk Goods are - from 35 to 50 cheaper H. D. Stannard has returned frnm a two weeks' vacation at Rye Beach. W. B. Bowman has bought out the barber shop formerly run by Tony Koy. Charles F. Boulairger of Irasburg is working in the C. E. Jenkins meat market. Ben Alden and family are attend ing the State fair at White River Junction. Roland Bartlett has cone to Bur lington to enter U. V. M. for the jun ior year. Mrs. Carroll Green is assisting in the Whipple-Converse basement store this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bassett are viisitinir i"elaHives in Wpst tflnrinth this week, . Marion Bartlett is teaehinc nnvsl- cal culture at a girl's school in Pas saic, N. J. .. Mrs. J. M. Wlpwn lfff Si-mntr -fnT Boston where Bhe will visit relatives and friends. - C. D. Pierce was nn n Kneinea rin in Swanton and BakersfielH the first. of the week. The box Shon of thp Pn rl-pr.Vnn-nrr Co.. Was shut down MonHav horansp j of a broken shaft. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rarc-en nnr? son and Miss Olive .Findlay spent aunaay at JNorth Troy. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Merrill and son, Robert, of Craftsbury called at the Methodist parsonage Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Parker, Mrs. Mary Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler spent Sunday at Lake Eden. Mrs. Lena Gallup has returned from visiting her brother, Clare.nce Busijey, of Lawrence, Mass., the past week. F. H. Frasier has sold his house in West Burke. He will have an auc tion sale of his household goods Thursday. The high school baseball team play ed the North Troy team at North Troy Saturday. The North Troy team won, 14-8. Mildred Lillian Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Bowen died Thursday of cholera infantum. The burial was in Pleasant View cemetery. The Misses Baushaw have returned from a three weeks vacation trip. Misses Mattie Gauvin and . Blanche Winget assisted in the Valley House during the Misses Baushaw's absence. Thjeda Corley, Mildred Ordway, Ruth Corley, Beatrice Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris, Pat Brahana, Guy Harris and Leon Turnbull spent the week-end at the Turnbull cottage at Willoughby lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson ana fnmiW mnvpH to Lowell. Mass.. Mon day where Mr. Robinson has a posi tion as shipping cierK ior tne jboose Wiloa Risen it Co. The manv friends nf Mr nnH Mrs. Robinson are sorry to have them go but wish them success. A delightful afternoon was spent at the chapel Wednesday, September 22, when the Book and Thimble club met for a library benefit. Hostesses: Mrs. H. J. Stannard, Miss Ruth Rich mond and Miss Elsie . Skinner. Thir ty-seven club members and 20 visit ors were present. After the business meeting the following program was given: Song, Miss Edith Lothrop; welcome, by the president, Mrs. Swett; reading, "A Tribute to the Life of Fanny Merritt Farmer," Mrs. Nye; song, Mrs. Dickens, and a piano solo by Miss Genevieve Phillips. Af ter the program a social hour was spent and delicious chafing dish re freshments were served by the host esses, assisted by Miss Willey, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Bean. Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Joselyn poured. The amount raised for the library was $18.76. The club ad journed to meet with Miss Edith Lo throp, assisted by Mrs. Levi Lothrop at the chapel, October 6. Home Ec onomics, October 20, instead of Oc tober 6. Hart Schaffner ' V Clothes J Bargains in Misses 'SrBoys ' Brown Shoes We have been able to buy a quantity of these shoes at a big discount and at the present can sell you Misses' High Cut Brown Shoes, size 2 1-2 to 6 at $5 Boys Brown Shoes 2 1-2 to 4 at $5 5 to 7 at $6 These shoes are far below the market price today and you will, do well to look them over. We also have a full line of Men's,' Ladies', and Children's Rubber Boots. C. S. STEVENS ' ORLEANS, VERMONT The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes S3i3iaiaiaisiaiaiaiaiaiaic Congregational Church Notes. Rev. R. A. Hamilton, Pastor a now form of the Go-To-Church band opens with the first Sunday in rt.sKai. Thia is n cood time for the new members to enroll. There will be a baptismal service for the chidren next Sunday at Orleans in the morning and at Brownmgton m xne afternoon. The subject for Sunday is "The Criticism of the Bible." The' term "criticism" is mis leading. -What does it mean ana what are the results of criticism. These and related points will be treat ed. Following the meeting on Sun day evening there will be a meeting of Sunday school officers and teach ers. The Missionary society will meet on Tuesday afternoon, October 5th. The C. E. society which now holds its meetings on Wednesday evenings, from 7.00 to 8.00 o'clock has divided its year into two terms of four months each, beginning with October 1st and running through to June 1st. New officers and heads of committees have been chosen to serve until February 1st. The topic for this week, "Inspiring News from Far Away. Lands." . - The Whipple-Converse Co. HARDWARE, FURNITURE; Orleans, Vermont Dining Tables . . . .$16.00 to $56.00 Dining Chairs $16.00 to $50.00 set China Cabinets and Buffets . Rocking Chairs $5.00 to $30.00 Steel Beds .$10.00 to $35.00 Library Tables up to $22.00 Congoleum Floor Covering. .85c sq. yd. Ringwall Floor Covering 95c sq. yd. Second-hand Cook Stoves Second-hand Parlor Stoves Second-hand Dining Tables Second-hand Chairs 14 Corrugated Galvanized Roofing ....... .$10.00 sq. See the Maytag Electric Washing Machine Demonstrated 0000000000000000000000K00000CKXX0000000000 :-: Orleans County s Leading Food Store White House Coffee 50c lb. P. G. Coffee, that excellent flavored Coffee - - -- - Wingold Cocoa in quart jars Lean Salt Pork - Lean Smoked Shoulders 50c lb. 1 lb. net 35c - 22c lb. - 30c lb. Beede Block . HOYT & HOYT . vt- FRESH FISH Ind OYSTERS C. E. JENKINS PUBLIC MARKET ORLEANS, - j VERMONT HO0OOO0XXK00 Methodist Episcopal Church Notes Clarence D- Pierce, Pastor Morning worship at 10.30. Evening service &t T.30. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. -i - f 1 1 j xT Mrs. Pierce ay he parsonage Tuesday . Prilltillg - A " SpSCl&Ity afternoon at z&v. ; v WKW c-