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thXtiftU II ER STOMACH j j 5cr: Ave-, S trstymo, Cat TroaHefor tea years. .--3 so bad I got Cr s ttro or three tf.ea xi THE MONITOR, DECEMBER 29, 1920 PAGE THREE .1 IX t:jt3 cf terrible torture, I Frult-.-uves' cr Fruit . i z -1 rent for a trial box. r L'Li box, I felt :-T.dT life'. -7 - TV . O A Ui.i f :r 52JJ, trill :xe 2 "Vr, mCIT-A-TIVi DONT (DESPAIR is; fed tired; bai 5 fc5Lch? rri cf urir.e, you will find relief la COLD MEDAL s rtdxd remedy far kidneyi i;r i eric acid trcblts and r-.f-iy cf HcDaad sir.ce 1555. VERimNT NOTES 2!?dS?Sa CUir Powell, state's at i w I county, the statement that a Concord citizen was fined $75 and costs for bringing 15 head of cat te. to ermont from New Hamp shire without a permit from the com. missjoner of gTku2taxe, the fine be ing $o per head of cattle. Alfred Cormier, who "has been of fered a pardon by Gov. P. W. Clem ent, wul not accept it. He was sent - via. v.rrecuon i c mer from Montpelier for the ron-su? port of his family and apparently he hying at the institution better tian with his family. He resisted all of the persuasive powers that the superintendent-of the institution has been able to make to hrm, A deal moaning to about $500,000 has been closed in which the Wetmore & Morse granite companv buvs the Jackson interests in the E. L." Smith quarry in Barre town. This deal in cludes II- Houses Jackson of Burling ton and S. Hollister Jackson of Bar re, Donald Smith of the old comnany retains his interests. It is-one of the largest quarry deals in recent years. The new addition joins the old pro perty of the purchasing party. St. Albans customs officials Fridav seized 26 barrels of Scotch -whiskey, each barrel containing from 100 to 125 quarts,-in a southbound freie-ht car, which was billed from Montreal. No details regarding the consignee have been given out. Had the liquor been received by the consignee and sold, it would have brought some $25.- TOU at the place to -which it was con signed. A fund of $o40 for the establish ment of a Midd!ebury College scho larship, for the assistance of needy and deferring students in the prepar atory department of Doshisha Uni versity, Kyoto, Jatvan, has just been forwarded to Yoshimitsu Suieki, rrmczpal of Doshisha acaaemy. Mr. Suzuki-was for some time a student at Middle bury College in the class of 13T, and the scholarship fund, which was contributed bv stiHer.ts and alumni of Middlebury, is in recogni tion cf the rood work he is doing and THE FOURTH By MYRTA ALICE LITTLE. &ar tl CcJ M2jJ ea mm lsj ham- "Snip, slither, crick, crack." went Blackie Boy's pistol, and the pea-shot bit the stone wall underneath the blue and yellow target. "Salver, shudder, quiver, quake" went Blackie Boy's girl mother, stand- mg at the kitchen window with the heaviest water pail in her hands, self pitying with a vim, because father had forgotten to fill iL Good for you. son! Aim like this! Seer boomed Blackie Boy's boy fa ther from the side lines under the ap ple tree. Blackie Boy aimed. Then it hap pened. Blackie Boy began to yell, then he yelled harder. He ficng his pistol into the grapevines, then himself on the ground, and kicked. Fie screamed! And Blackie Boy was gathered into plump, white arms, and mother's voice end her yellow fluffy hair and the green grass -were all around Mm. while fatSer stood on one foot and growled, like thunder- feih up and away. -TVhst's the matter with the kid? Can't find a place where he's hurt. Tcu got him nervous watching him !" The lips that were saying soothing things to Blackie Boy, as the hands searched for the hurt, shut hard. "If you hadn't insisted on the pistol. Tom ! "It killed me. jes' like rauwer said Piffes kilded folks," sobbed Blackie Boy. ""Where did It hurt mother's boyT T won't cot tell you." bawled Blackie Boy, sitting on his fat hands. Ton go "way." Sturdy lees kicked Into mother's square chin. Tn killed." Then he drew a Ior.greath. Thct's the tnfT. Be s'csrvr-ad-vised father. "Be a man. Blackie son." The ho? TJs1de sfn'ly. H SLAFS iml DIARY m ti......... Uk CALEDOM COUNTY S;2w. m - mm mim mm mm mm 4 i VfcH. MUXW X A )UA XI XtA XtA X4A XtA XIA M. XI Xi U! XiA AW XiA XtA A ?5 - - ri Friday Jake & me lost near all are breths getting home to mte. they is a kid down town wfc5H is very short tempered & he got mad at me & Jake for calling him Tar lan. pa told ma that the men fokes has so much more wirk to do than the wimmen fokes has- ma sed mebby so but the wimmen fokes Does more wirk than the men. WEST BURKE Earl Fyler is improving. Mrs, Fanny Fairbanks of Attleboro, Mas& is visiting at E. A. Hall's. Mrs. Emma Way spent a few days in Orleans the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C IL Coburn have been visiting relatives in Walpole, N. IL lisle Smith of West Lebanon, N. IT was & visitor in town last Pri- I day. Miss Laila Roundy is at home from Springfield, Mass-, for a short vaca- pritty tion. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roundy is very ill with i oroncuus. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Farrant of St. Johnsbury spent Sunday at H. G. Caswell's. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Townsend of St. Johnsbury spent Sunday at L. G. Roundy's. Miss Muriel Kendrick is at home 55 Hut y S3 its fits 215 fi5 fits xi St5 x !5 x 25 2!5 m 25 We Thank You We believe it paid you to come to the Wrong Side We wish you A Happy New Year x 'A Ye. a UTAn? hrenthel . -1 cirtnsal zt& xa s the cause of higher education in Jap an. Suit has been brought by the town I of fcast 3Iontpel:er against tse iior.t- f p-ffrr every vsh of the round I'ttTe ) pelier Sr Barre Light &: Power Co., the fmyT - r. essmple yen ft tou i Corry. Diaritt. Frost Eiec trie Co., ; ; fi t n.!ST arVoa our fourth ar.i F. M. Corrv, E. H. Deavirt ana I. ... . ... ,T ,K. . . t- . : trf? jf;TP'i',TT Orient 1 M. Frost, maiTicual.y, to recover ; " -- .x " S25.-CO0 damages allesred to have been n-vy yoj. ist-z " c? mgsway tarougn tee - ieacn:r,c tra o cse Lrin;:x m of tne tor-, ve-r re c-:ir-e von -ere sit, a. ar p'art on tse t ron've had t'1 ince cn-i I wss I Winooski river between 2i0ntpe.ier i 0 .,- v "ko!" Saturday I had to laff at pa this afternoon. h zirt -foH rL-TT-n the side walk down town, but I laffed from ter school in Northfield, Mass-, in secret tor I new he was provoked Ior Lae nouaays ma sed N nats the matter did you fall cown & ne replyed & sed No I did dent fall I just am iieing down here to kinda cool off and rest up. It was cold as ice to. he diddent tawk much enny more. t x5 The Hutchins Store Wrong Side of the Square Si; BARTON, VERMONT 23 m S3 a rj in m s m y m )rtX 2 215 xm 25 xx 55 X5 XK 25 xiS 2'5 25 Sunday I am srlad they cant lick i you in Sunday skool or if they did I ; wood of got it a plenty today, just for leaving a bnded pin on the seat where Art set down, how did I no he wood set on it.. The Teecher just tassened her eyes on me's I cuddent get them off of me. Monday Went to a nother party tonite & had a good time xcept Tec ic Jane got pritty thick with each i nether. Ted is always sayinsr fun ny joaks which makes a hit "with sillv hedied girls like Jjn? is & lots of oth ?rs to. I cud say joaks to only I ?ar.t never think cf them. Tuesday Saw Jane today at skoo k she tride to be scktinjr frendly to me but I up & told her I sed I aint r.o budiys fool, and she sed bae Well I Lress r.obuidy warts you. I dont no v,"hat s.i 2 nieni. Sa Iv 1 ill That Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Sleeper spent Christmas day with their niece, Mrs. Russell Griswold, of Lyndonville. Mrs. Etta Rusrtrles snent Christmas xiS and the whole week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Waite of St. Johnsbury. v. x mx mv xx iv x s inx inx yy J?x ;x Jix ;x j?x x inx jix Jxyj xr, j r Ti,;n?T i:i i xi-lil 5 xi xii w xil xil Sii xil xi xil x.I xi xil xi xx xix xi xi x xi x xtx x5 th? daughter of Newport visited rel atives in town the first of the week. The Ladies Aid society cleared $165 at their sale on December 10th, instead of the smaller sum first re ported. The Christmas exercises in the ves try of the church on Friday even ing were good and much enjoyed by the little folks. W. F. Richardson and family of St. Johnsbury and Warren Wheeler of Orleans were the guests of Ward v neeier ana tamiiy on Lnnsonas day. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Colby had quite a dinner party on- Christmas day, there bein? 14 at the table. The company included Mrs. Gadapee of Derby Line, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker of Plymouth, the rest being home relatives. SHEFFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheldon are j , s'uistamea to i rv. Fro. st Electric Co.'s Th- .; x .tar TT Cit. z-.d East Montpelier. ; trie suit a-eres tr-a Tr.-i-aintix in 55.CC--1 of the E D U C A T I 0 Hi M F L I25XC-0 is for money expended in the repairing cf tj-.e read because of the darr.ace done by the setting back cf the water and that the renaming -fleck f . - - - -r . ! A'i-f-r Thai highway at that point. Rev. Frank W. Lewis of Si. AlMss, Tr i is the year --f the dtpend0Tce of !!.Irs. B:r-ck. snd cf the ir.'?er-?r..!t,n-e rf the C S. A, th Ore HiiT.'1re! sr..! Forty-fourth." Tnc'-1 Torn Black. Sr. of n Men heinc marned cn at the urgent request of several of siutatives-e.ect us become Y N nteelvsm school t -AAirr. m.t. TRO CO the reu: a candidate for the position of chap lain of the house of representatives. Mr. Lewis has been a member cf the Vermont conference for 40 years, and long been one of its most influen tial men. For six years he was sup erintendent of the St. Johnsbury dis trict. He was a delegate to the gen eral conference of 1&4 at Los Ange les, and for 15 years he was secretary of the conference, declining repeated ree lections since. Bishop Franklin Hamilton and Bishop IL W. Warren said that he was the most eScient conference secretary they found upon their travels. Beginning with the small charges where he had to ese out his salary by teaching in the old fashioned district school. Mr. Lewis later held several of the most import the state- He was nastor at Barton five years, (then the time limit). Some of his ether pas torates were Bradford, Bellows Fails, Brattleboro, St. Albans city and Gro ton. He is now pastor at High gate and treasurer of the Montpelier Semi nary Corporation. During the course of his pastorates he has served at times as superintendent of the pub lic schools. Mr. Lewis is a member of the lodges of Odd Fellows and of the Masons. He has been a resident of Vermont all his life. Mudgett Gets 30 Years in Prison Arthur Madge tt was convicted of manslaughter at the Lamoille county court at Hyde Park. Monday. The jury was given the case at ll:4o a. rn. and returned a verdict at 3:10 o'clock in th-e afternon. Judge Moulton gave a very careful and unbiased charge to the jury cas ing the jurymen's attention to the various verdicts that could be reached. He told the indictment of Mudgett on Jury 31st and said that this did not stand against the respondent. He said the respondent could not be guilty un less the jurymen were satisfied beyond a reasonale doubt of his guilt of the charge made against him. The respondent should be presumed to be not guilty until found guilty be yond, a reasonable doubt. The cred sbilitv of the witnesses heard he said I was a matter for the jury to decide. He said the fact that the respondent riid Ttfc taV th cfcrtfi in hi own de ll El) r trrTrv Ti a ptov v-i- I fecse should not count against him. - "FRCE. BARTON, VT. He described in detail the various (verdicts the jury could reach in the . w..,. . case. He said that the circumstan- -U KhUJS tUKir j tial evidence was entitled to the same ! weight as direct evidence. He spoke maae me sore. Wednesday I herd pa a argueir.g with cr. Giilem tonite. r.r. Gilieni sei s woman's place is in the heme where she shud ourrht to be. pa sed m sriM a wnmsn c-rt n T:tr tf wirk & she is intitled to a mans wag- Hi es. I ro he thinks thataway because ! Minnie Sheldon is improving very ma jrets ail of hi? sen evry Sat nite. 1 slowlv. Sunday. Cold With CASCARA MJf QUSNINt Cola FOR s, Coughs AND La Grippe Neglected Colds ere Dangerous TaVe no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks cp a cold in 24 henrs Relieves Grirre ia3 days ZTxceller.t for Headache OuirJr.e in this fcrta does not erect the head Cascara is best Tonic -ICo O-iata in I III .L DRUGGISTS SELL IT in New - s Scccescrto butter, sweet, f delicate, made from f coconuts and milk f n a splendid new food Plint- Troco Aafcrj, X Not Batt r Chiogo Ceciboofrm Dictribated bv EOLEROOK GROCERY COMPANY Keene, New Hampshire fc k-, .best (ruestc a Barton Citizens Show a Way. of tne weight a motive had in the judging cf evidence. Spectators who have followed th i trial er.T-roA tVo ?t 1' v- -.7 5- reason why any Tery fair Ed extremelv instructive tlr -1 --3 wno su::ers the tor- to tfce jury vreigjun K the evid e nee in "r. - aching back, the annoy- the Tase. l"f-'1-t7' "V -t V-cart orne3 at l:su oclocs and the Fourth of July, anyway.' "Or nny tlne." snid DIsckle's moth er crisply. "AjvI now you've lot sr.j rrile about talkinz like this before him. I want my freedom. I tell you. and rra golnz to have It, and Tm go ing to take Blackie Boy with me now! He's Just scared of the narchry pistol. Mother knows." Father turned on his heel anJ grumbled himself Into the house. And all the time father knew that lately he been petting Irritable and rosy and unreasonable Making a fourth anniversary cake just the same. Is sheT Down among the yellow daisies mother was saying to a reasonabli quiet Blackie Boy. "What made you scream like that? Tell me." -I won't not tell you. I was a man." said Blackie Boy. thrusting his left band Into his blouse. T won't not how you my hand thafs kDded. Is we goin to have a pinnlc today. nnrwerT" -TVould yon like to go away with mother all the time?" whispered the little voice. "And mother could work tdp tap typewriter and get lots of money the way she used to and buy a drum for Blackie Boy. and every day we'd have a picnic!" And all the time Blackie Boy's mother . was talking she was thinking how silly and jealous and unreasona ble she had been lately. "Would you like to live with Just muwy?" asked Blackie Boy's mother. "I luv muwy an' I luv fawer said Blackie Boy. "An for two sens I show rnuwer an' I show f awer my nan an I was a man. muwer. en I didn't not cwy not much. Come an fin fawer." They found father washing the cook leg dishes, with a sheepish expression on his face. "Ook, fawer! begger Blackie Boy, thrusting out his little left hand. And the fat, pink knuckles were pinker and pufEer than usual, where just an ordi nary baby bumble bee had sat down, "I didn't not cry much an It's all wight now. I want two sens," said Blackie Boy. "An I wan to fin my piSe an a pfnnlc" That's It, son," said father cheer fully. "He wants your pinnlc and he wants my p!Se, mother, and I want your cake and smiles, and yon want well, we all want pinnies together. All dependent on the rest of us and we like IL Frost that wedding cake and Til make a tin pan drum and well start all over again. I've been too cross Uo live." "Won't yon fill th-it water-pall? Its awfully heavy. And then find hfs pl toL Of coire yoi wouldn't let him have anythlnz that would hurt him." said mother promptly. "Sure, m fill the pan." sld father. I "Why didn't you ask me before? Likf ? Alder. -astman is visitin, port this week. j Thursday went to the stoar to re- t Vrs .Top Montminv stent i piy to a aa tor a aeuvry ooy soze i Christmas in Canada. l cua. get sum money err.: ior pris mas, the boss sed I must have my shews shir.ed up &"my hare cut &. two $ in change. Deleave me if I had two S and all the other. fixings I woodent need- a ole job. ennyway I diddent xcept the posishun. Pleads for Europe's Helpless Children V". ' ; ' J Thy arc no more my children than yours." is Herbert Hoover's homely yet eloquent plea for 3,500.000 European children who face incredible tragedy this winter unless America comes to their rescue. The funds by which American aid has been feeding mil lions have run out, and that the work may not stop and thus precipitate what would amount to "a massacre of the innocents" seren other great Amer ican relief organizations have united with Mr. HooTer's organization under the name of the European Relief Coun cil In a joint appeal for funds. The collaborating agencies are the Ameri can Red Cross, the American Friends' Service Committee (Quakers), the Jewish Joint Ditribotlon Committee, the Federal Churches of Christ in America, the Knights of Columbus the T. JJ. C A. End the Y. W. a A Mrs. Sumner Eastman is visiting her j daughter, Bertha, m Lyndon. John Simpson is gaining from his injury received in the woods. Don't forget the dance Friday night with Hill's orchestra in attendance. Augusta Blake visited her father and sister in Bradford over Christmas-Elizabeth Faye of Orleans spent Christmas with David Roberts and family. Mrs. Henry Mitchell spent Christ mas with her son and family in Lyn donville. Grace Niles of Lyndon is keeping house for her mother, while she is at Lyndon. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones spent Christmas in St. Johnsbury with their son, Clinton. Emma Simpson of Lyndonville vis ited her mother, Lydia Blake, the first of the week. Charles Blake and son, Norris, spent Christmas with his daughter, Daisy Davis in Lyndon. Mrs. Myron Park has gone to Har ry Hubbard's to care for Charles Hubbard, who had a shock recently. Mrs. Nellie Drown has returned from New Hampshire where she has been visiting her daughter the past two-months- Cotton Seed. Cotton seed was treated as garbage In 1S60 ; by 1ST0 it was being used as fertilizer: In 1SS0 Its usefulness as food for cattle had been recognized; and In 1890 its potentialities as a table food were being advertised the coun try over. Now it is one of the most Important of the sources of oils, vary ing from the clearest "olive" to the coarsest paint-oil. i ii S3 Is Happy ecause Protected People who put their valuables in our Vault are happy because they know they are protected from fire and theft. The cost of a Safe Deposit Box here is Only $3.00 and up per year. Central Sayings Bank AND fed Trust Company ORLEANS.VT. k3 i 1 1 : 1 1 Job - Printing - A - Specialty Use the Monitor for Results , . a.itijkj jl, a t.g. SLiLa, a. a. . . ;;-:Z r il- wtat a "j was 11:05 when Judze Moulton cCT-1 cav,e 'tl v-y stpl ,..TT - pleted his charge and the jury retired 5raia U thaa a f!cto1 &n e-'.t - Elm street, t 2 5 J I for a little shaver, eh. son?" V pled Tv!ld ! MudVeit was a very interested spec-1 I an favrefs pirle an' mnwer's i & AJZ tat&r in the final proceedings. He dwurn," said Blackie Boy. "An a pin- i zri-affl. VcT?0r t ,T,sl-.r I men who are to decide his fate a3 the judae instructed them. His sister. Miss Josie Mndgett, and his three brothers, Per!ey, Ernest and Curtis, were in the court rocm. The court room was eomfcrtably filled, the bliz zard which had raged since early morning, keeping many from attending. n 1 1. . si Liia iA)m s uiuusiiii, j-.ri"- - a-e re.iet. a consicer tnis ;"T.r 'J c-'-5 of merit for it does all rJ--snted to do. I am glad to .-I'r'i a remedy cf its sterling t.T-..; tiiatement given cepi. "--T 14, 1920, 3Irs. MiTer said: 5lV-":--::s cf Doan's Kidnev Pills I have used Doan's jedneys were out of order s ., -.- "Cfer to nein me. i. w t f5'2-1 say a few words of rl-LC. --; them. I gladly renew the i.V-5-t I made several years t.Ve at all dealers. Don't ";' 5 for a kidney remedy get 3 T - - - the same that er had. Foster-Milbum f ---ne7 fills i r. if. AJuaio, Pi. x. Ran en Its Reputation. .A San Francisco man '-eit to sleep to tl satono?He esriy one morning recently sed wfcn he woke up his mrjehine pone two miles frosi the last landmark which f e rememtered The machine stuck to the r'ad and behaved very prcr-erly during the chau5ecrs nap. And the boy father and the girl mother lacjrhed and g-ave each other a rousing smack. Just lite kids. Red Brick Popular In Fin'ana. The chief buildin? materials in th-. larger tor. ns and trgde centers of Fin iaiid are red brick -and ctuit, OI late. lir? and trick have tin ct:i m-nly u-?&d end thr; are tno ir.I-n '5rick works. Cement rtorn or Mock? ire lso c--d. but to no great: e-xterii rhe coismon material is red brick aade la a great number of larger sr.' mailer brick works. - Normally, ih ore !rr;T.rt:int works produced alc .t j brh.k? annuclly. At presets Je srply Is about exbacsted- THE UNIVERSAL CAR L The Dependable hord Quality 1 1 1 Fcch Was Nearly Killed. Althonsh It Is not generally known. Foch had a very narrow escape from berng killed in May. 191 S. Tbe marshy, then commanded the army of the north, and while riding In a motorcar with his son-in-law. Cz tabi Foomie. the car dashed into a tr between Dammsrtin and St. Soun- plets. Foch was severely hurt in the s head. His son-in-law was tuu ui.c seriously injured. Both of them were taken to the American hpital at Jullly, and afterward to Meaux, where thov remained for several weeks. Th accident took place daring the dark days of the second battle of Ver dun, and the censor forbade all refer ence to the matter at that time. Avoid Artificial Li;ht. Victory windows sre windows wide open to ti e light. In the early autumn their screens and awtdnss are re moved. When da.?k creeps along in the afternoon-?, their shades are drswn to the very top. No bt-avy curtains ban? in them, for these absorb the rays. Th-y are very clean. iawh L'ght comes Into th- windows and It goes so far into the eorntrs and Sin gers o late, that ga. and electricity are not nMded wilhrn fco long as ;h-re Is a little LrlghtneH without. V.'hf'D artificial light Is fcav&d th? coal ! tared with whic It is manufactured. Dependable JiORD durability began back in 1903 when Henry Ford started p experimenting with Vanadium steel and heat-treating processes. He knew that a more exact tempering of steel for motor car building must be worked out. Vanadium, it 'was learned, when added to molten steel, gives to that steel a greater toughness and adhesive ness". And now other alloys have been found which are superior to Vanadium. With the Ford Motor Company constant progress is the daily companion. The Ford products Car, Truck, Tractorgrow in quality dai. - Heat-treating tempers each part so that it will best withstand the wear or tear to which it is subjected. Ford chemists and analvsists have created formulas and standard specifications for rery individual part of' the Ford car not only for the steel but ior ev evervthinz from pneumatic tires to top. Ford durability isn't a matter of accident, it is a matter of pains taking thoroughness in laboratory and factory. The Ford is a car of precision of standardized values. Order your Ford car now. No matter how fast .-they may be made the demand multiplies faster. Order today for we can make fairly prompt deliveries Runabout, Touring Car, Coupe, Sedan, Truck and Fordson Tractor. P. W. LAWSON, Newport, Vt. HI ?' i, " ' - g!J! - , 4