Newspaper Page Text
PAGZ EIGHV THE rONrrOR. DECEMBER - T ' - . i 1 i i ii i i MTT i " I- : i i Opportunity i By AJLVAH J. GARTH DRAWN WITH MASTER HAND Walter Scott s Portraits of the Past a Notable Contribution to Eng lish Literature, No wonder that Walter Scott, who. ha Ting shown tte world In the Min strelsy and the Lay that. he was ed itor and poet, and being himself a novel reader, should be utterly dissat isfied with the quality of the existing supply- The French Revolution, dis tinguished by Its leveling principle and action, had ended in substituting a feudal ear-Ire for an euVte monarchy ; end even when Napoleon was redivid- rated as a candidate to the state sen- j Ins: Europe into kingdoms and princl ate and was very proud and ambitious ' parties for his family and his follow ever the circumstance, f ers. there had sprung up or rather It was of his motherless daughter revived a deep devotion to the chlv Myrtle that he first thought when j airy which had done so rjeb ia the j--tile hocor was thus thrust up-fi r-sst. and whose traditions had in hlm. - He had gwarded her Jealously ' grafted grace into history and breathed since early girlhood, often mapped out reality Into sop-g. tr.entally a career of social-pro nai-t To this felsng. this principle. Scott a husband with a future, but ? had ministered in his poems ; and now. (51 X5i. Wtra Newspaper L'cica. I In a day Arnold Bruce found him self prominent In the eyes of his fel low citizens.' He had led an easy going, humdrum life In Woodville; hid always earned a good living, had some property, and. by a curious, -switch In local politics, was nomi- " NOTICE A large quantity of important news items from Iras burg-. Glov er, Greensboro, Brownington and South Albany are omitted from this issue owing to circumstances making it impossible to pot the matter into type. ADJOURNS SESSION - V BROWNINGTON CENTER Alonxo Gray of Charleston is vis iting; his son, Ira Gray. . . - " Albert Harvey of Irasburg- spent Christmas at John La beau's, . Miss Laura Whitehill of East Charleston spent Christmas at home. Lyman Seymour and family "spent Sunday at Wallace Russell's in Bar ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heath of Morgan Gore spent Christmas at Charles Burns. tenee no one coming along who exactly answered to these requirements.. .Ibe stubborn, self-opinionated old fellow " had discouraged male comnanv for Myrtle, and she had led a ratter dreary and companion less life- He was seated with her upon the porch ec grossed in discussins his prospects and plans with fcer, rr.e.-Ti ' time casually and indifferently eye'n; a stranger sested on a lower step ckv Ing way with a lunch Myrtle had giv en him. He was poorly dressed- un shaven, looked the tramp and home less" one. indeed; yet there was some thing about him that susaested better days. All the signs were of poverty and not of dissipation. He had- dear, intelligent eye. and when he had asked for food be had insisted first on earning it by weeding a sar den patch. More than once his gfance wandered to blithe, lissome Myrtle, and at the same time he took In what her father said: "Tou can s-e I am In a predica ment. Myrtle, and there seras to no ee here in Wwcdvil'e who ciis help le out of it. Of ourse. rici-t .here at L-Te. whre nil rry frler-I liv. I will get the fu!l vot. Tl. c'l.-r cotrzties have to ?e crrnv:? ' tt'U-h- In fact. I nsz? have a sn,2rr, Tx-to-dare cer.prfign cianager zA :c?e cr.e to help ce get np y f-;"-..- In r-rt-n:ane fvnn. ;.i :.tru a giri ineifi csme !-"n; the str-et en I clle-1 to Mvrtle, ni j achnowIejge?1 heed of the romantic school, te resolveil to extend its lim its, beyond the ballad to the narrative poem and use prose as the more suit able medium. He strove to delineate the past as-it .seemed In the eyes of men wfco were dubious of the present and afraid of the future coble, state ly, glittering and gay, with the pulse of life ever beating to heroic measures. Hls view of feudalism in The Talis man." "Ivanhoe" and The Fair Maid of Perth" was not the caricature a few preceding authors had drawn, but a portrait faithful, if idealized. Robert Sheiton Mackenzie. DEAL JUSTLY WITH CHILDREN Almcst Every Ccur.try Now Has Courts to Handle Cases of Juve nile Dsiinqiertcy. Philo Powers, who is workinsr at - " j Charleston spent Christmas at his "HOLY WEEK" IN JERUSALEM ,4 l Mrs, Adelard Cabana was called to p... )iI,.w . . ( Derry, N. by the illness of her . j t' ... nv u mnthpr r er Services In th Church of tho Holy Sepulcher. to compel attention to i The txample set by the United States In etiblishinT juvenile courts hss leen foJIftwel bv all tie princi- I their wares, the vehement discussions pel cc-un tries of Eurt7. Spain, tee j of the that bouzht, an'i I had al lat to fall ia- Kae, his a lap'ej the ! most said the flleoce of the Rusiaa njodern viewpoint ttat del'r-qrent chl!- ! dree sbould not be treated as criis!- f mother, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clough and I grandson. Charlie, are all on the sick ; list at present. An Interesting account I Harold Lafoe, who is workin- at of Holy Week In Jeru- Northumberland. r 1 i Kstm wn written srm th hrtK.-ov at Kfrr n f yearsago by Robert Hieb-! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Currier were iC author of "The Gar- '' recently called to Barton to attend the den of Allah," for the faneral of Mrs. Currier's sister-in-Century Magazine. He,1 described the ceremonies in the Christmas exercises passed off Church of the Holy Sepulcher. ?Ie?5anI?y SaJarday . evening. "My nrst impression fn the cUnjdu- g 1 he says, ras that I had suddenlv . , , -,- . . . , - . tT rl , Z Tie families in the Powers neigh- eotne into a barbaric castle of magic borhood met at the home of Horace connected with Innumerable caves of Whitehill Saiurdav evening- for a so- Aladdin. About me were caves lined cial hour, and also had a Christmas J with silver and gold and Immense tree. Jewels unknown to me; caves across Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bennett enter- which miraculous spiders had rrun tained at their home on Christmas webs of silver and gold. Stars gleam- day A. R. Bennett and family of Or ed In them; footstep echoed, voices ail5'xTMrVra Mrs. Leon Heath and relous fabrics Bhone softly . fami!v ard sister. Mia Enebia bronxea and glided Ironwork." Robinson at Georfre Wheeler's in Bar- And In the courtyard a roar of ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Young and voices went up The pavement ech- daughter, 'Marion, at Howard Gray's oed with the ceaseless tramping of !? Barton. Collins Lacourse and fam t tv .. . lly, Maynard Da -.ton. Elmer Watson. - i-uj. TAuai-am-ua V-,c WWo-V rrVi fV--Ta fry Cir and cries; the whining and shrieking leans. of tegrars the loud calling of sellers determmevJ amons Those who were out of town for CRAFTSBURY Mrs. George Walker is ill with pneumonia. . - Many in this vicinity are suffering from hard colds. L. A. Smith, who was quite ill last week is improving;. Roland Moodie, who has been ill the past week, is improving;. L. iJickford returned from Manches ter Thursday afternoon.- , Mr. and Mrs. Tony Roy-were Sun day guests ofMr. and Mrs. W. R. Moodie. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bickford enter tained a large party" at dinner on Christmas day. - Rev. O. B. Wells and family spent the week-end in Berkshire returning the first of the week. Everyone is invited to East Crafts- bury New Year's day to the enter tainment and community dinner. Mrs. Lydia Robbins, who was se verely injured by falling down stairs, was surprised Friday evening- by a Christmas " tree springing up in her room with many useful and beautiful gifts for her comfort and enjoyment. The M. E. Sunday school elected their new tScers for the coming year last Sunday: Superintendent. Wal ter Anderson; assistant,-N. L. Saw yer; secretary-treasurer, Hoilis Lathe: The teachers will be appointed by the superintendent. The Christmas exercises at the M E. church Friday evening- were es pecially interesting. The young peo ple and children made it evident they could do things well. The exercises by the kindergarten clas3 added much to the pleasure of the occasion. NORTH CRAFTSBURY T. H. Dunn has been quite ill the past week. Stephen Smith, who has been quite UL is better. The Root family spent Christmas in Greensboro. Sharp Discussion Took Place Closing Day Over Mandate Territories Mandates over former enemy ter ritories caused sharp discussion at the closing; session 01 tne assembly of the league of nations Saturday." . The general conclusions of the man date committee's report were that the council of the league had adopted such a policy regarding; mandates that there was no opportunity to discuss them publiciy before they went into force; that the mandatory nations should not recruit soldiers interri tories confided to them, nor profit from their trust in exploiting- for their own benefit the natural re sources of those territories Lord Cecil, in presenting; the report suggested ttat at leh.t k v shrmM Vv "'.least one wow My, Dr. Wellington Koo riil as5 Sate announced to thse d'le" Representatives of Austria Y ia Luxemburg, AlbanSSsU ' and Finland, which have been J?' members of the leaeu? ?ad the meeting but dif nJ - x- ---. ,-ifc was arranged. Kenew your subscription " prompt ' Renew your s.iWr;c vls' nua prompty. AkAAkAkkAAAkkAirkiHti n!s. bnt rsther as victims cf adverse f coditio-c and sarrcundinrs. Ia work- f I ' Hew Boys Caujht Fish. Fishing has teen reduced to a sci ence by two Ikvs living in the neigh borhood of the North Kansas avenue bridge over S4dlt-r creek, says a To peka (Ksn.) dispatch. This U how it I dene, and the roethj Is cot pat- take a "gunny of oorr. then an- joinei Ler Her ,5 -tr'iEier, ref-V-vine his taiteied Le epos the porch. Bruce. fc said. "1 bsve tn lisirrlrrr to what you have said abut ye-r r--IItical sircation. I am fcl.'r exrlr.-v-f-d and prepared toact ia your b-Ia!f." "Tr ejiicu'ated Fircce amszefT. teznnU'z thr h.r.i. trarspish attire before izz .vat the de-ails .f tf Utr. S'2Zih ! I TZ - - " r- : - 1- i.V v I ""d: authorities haTe fotkwe-3 America t 'I ' -'. 'A ' i -V V .S- i 'if Two little fellows errrVc.. -rin- ?o ir .formation f ! r i .. ? '-. f.-.Sl ck,- VI it half full received by the ci:ild.-vca bureau of I i ; ;',' r v if S cLor lt Ia a dct?P to tbe Cifd s-s; detartmenr of 1 .-4 -' t ''" i J 13 rn-der the Srr.:-h law the children's --i-' ' v' J.. l-'l '' i v ;ir Aes. I:nrt judge a down-and-cut wither: ksowir.r sverhir.g core than the surfacj ifT sbvut bj3?- call me Bertra:n CariisI. inat is not my rre, but it win er?wf"; 1 1 was for taco years private secretary ri Zr: a Western t5te. 1 1 managed a I rg campa?i for tillo. I ' wrote" his srecr and they re-elected him. Then hard luck came to me. Set me pa my feet; give me a chance and see what I can do for you." -If what you say Is .true." spoSe Bruce, after a minute of meditation, "come to my down-town In an tour." The so-cal'ed Bertram Carlisle re fused to tell more about himself when he appeared In response to the sp- pc'intment. Trey had a long tai. Carlisle had not been particularly no ticed In the town. Bruce trusted Lim with a hundred dollars, with Instruc twvis tn rt himself in shar in a nelghborirg town. When Bertram Carlisle returned , next day to Woodville he was like a new being. When Mr. Bruce took him to the house and introduced the weil groomed Mr. Carlisle to Myrtle, not for a moment did she connect c:m with' the tramp of two days previonis. The young man son proved hi3 expertcess. gaining the desirable pub licity for his client, helping him frame his speeches and scoring a comp'ete success. Bruce made a creditable campaign, was elected by a large n Inrirr' and raid his belDer a very lib eral sum for his active co-operation. It was six months Inter at the state ju-2i is n,; r.cvcSvii;iy a r2em!-er cf the lrch. He is assisted by two ad- I t viry members a; j'ir. ti by the cvm- I cission for the protect ioa of chi' iren. I Privacy is c-arded very ciosoSv la the Spatrib Te:iIe co":r; ro o--e ex- cep: protatic-n oScers Is allowed In j the cctirt tn:!55 by rclsl remvssioG. and the press is forbidden to publish j any fnfcrratioa a:-oT:t rs-e of averlie j delinquents. iince tTiicaro estar.iir.eo tne n !e in the creek. a few days fermentation sets In and II the ca::. sh. croppie, crawfish and it. I turtles In the stream begin clam- ring for tdntittnnce to the sack. The pungent dor or tate of the decaying .".T- c rn seem to work a charm crKsn the T-l:r pf "4 inhabitant cf Soldier creek, and they - I l ln:med:ate!y bc-td a conteritica. Wishing You a-Happy 1921 Turks' Island Salt, bu. sacks : $1.05 Granulated Surar ioc lb. Gutchess Mince Meat, extra, fancy, 1 lb. makes 3 pies, 30c Old-fashion Soldier Beans, 13c Fresh Eggs 1 76c doz. A dandy Japan Tea, bulk, 45c - Fmosa black Tea, 35c, 3 lbs." Si Royal high grade Coffee 42c The old-reliabletiolden Vale Coffee, sold in this store bv ' idic iur. Kobmson for years, return 10 bags and get 1 lb. free, nov45C lb. Armour Anderson's Butter - ''-T: LI Catchi-g them is esy. Jest halt - . " , i . Cir. Jt;r-i'-'rj yct.r hok with some of the graltis of -s"" -t-'riiJ'-- com out cf the sack, or, still better. I use a little sf,-rt sni oil on a rlece of stale liver, the tys sy. Then en Joy some of the liveliest fishing Imag- ; inable. ; than -7 - -:f :"-; :, Attar In Cr--rth c1 tK Moty Sepulcher' , i.sre heei est at! hfd :a C-g'ar.d. , i France. Belgium. Holland. Dertnar., ;i2grlms. Switzerland. Italy, Germany. Kussia. Austria and Hungary. For cmi Russia mute at tie thres v" vi ff rui EOt absolutely necessary to be happy -a " v"" It Is aU very well to talk about happ!- The riavipsPdulurfW One of the p-robecr which naval architects have to cenfroct Is the roll In; of a ship on the waves, and the navipendulum" Is an Invention for deal la? with It experimentally. The arrsratus consists of two 1 which Is parts : A p4ate to which a motion cor- I sepulcher. resp-ndiE? to that of a portion or tne surface of a wave Is Imparted, and a pendulum of a peculiar shape which rolls upon the movies plate la the man ner of a vessel supported by water. The same pendulum can be made to represent different vessels of given size asd shape by adding or removing artificial resistance to the esdllatcry motion. This Instrument has been employed to study the roHins of the Ital'an bat tleships as well as those cf ether countries. Co Well Without Heat. Les than a third of the world's population pets whatwe should call three good meals a dsy. yet tte work in? capabilities of the. from our po'nt of view, underfed cos tin en? s of Asit. and Africa will compare very well with either Europe or America. The aver age annual meat consumption of the world Is S3 pounds a head, yet both the Australian and the American eat nearer cspitol tnat Tatiier ana cicgaier met 5 isf) p,, T Eeaa; and the English- Carusie at a reception, hew au Why Happ'.nesa Is Elusive, W t-i rt rpmwnhrr one thinz. It 1 there, He describes the -Miracle of the ? t!ons of ne u we can never find Holy Fire the church packed with teess If we search for It. Happl thousands eager to light their candles cess elusive.- It will escape us, If we at the fire sent down from heaven j to jj d lt. Bat If we go our way, once a year, aecordinsf to the teach- ,f tn i nnr fith no mat- lngrs of the Greek church, to the j . eary or how disheartened. priests within the marble sanctuary, t e learn to find happiness in little supposed to mar tne in the reading of a book. In 1 the Elnsinz of a mnz. In the making of -Ana men. aiter tne wocuercu cau- i A cress, la the coins or our wore, eight mas on the eve of Easter - - j It is the last thing Indeed that Is came the Easter morning ceremony In the real cure for the disillusionment of the court of the Hoby Sepulcher. Ah. ue that comes to each of us. -Work Is Low gentle, how tender, how teaching the great panacea. If we work, and It was. that simple greeting of the work well, we shall find much to corn wonderful morning after the delirium j pensate us. And If along the way we and frenzy of the holy fire. ATI hearts choose to pretend that dreams do some were excited to frenzy by the holy times come true, who can blame us? fire. The Easter morning proces- j Ft on moved hundreds to tears, held j How to Keep Cool. them tensely silent. Instead of the j you can enjoy the summer despite blue dome spangled with artificial : tve Eeaj The state department of stars, a faint blue sky was over our ! t, 13 authority for the following heads. Instead of the glare cf the ragrestlons to that end : torches the sunbeam fell mildly upon Eat pienty of fruits, vegetables and cs. Instead of the yelling multitudes jj-jj tct Tery little meat, eggs and we heard the sound of The wonderful otiier heavy foods. Brink much water, bells bells never to be forgotten. ut not quantities of Ice water or other They sound! nxe strange, emononaj cej tTeraes. voices cf llvinr thlnrs. nroclalmlng a 1 4 great, a superb truth. Down below Allen Pike and family were in Wol. cott over Sunday. Miss Blanche Cole is caring; for Mrs. LeBarron and little son. Miss Miry Root is home from St I Johusbury for a short vacation. ' .Mr. and Mrs. C- B. Smith entertain- ' a ed C Er. Baich and wife Christmas. F. B. Gcjdwin is gettir.r out lum-; a ber to build a garage in the snrinr. ! a Geor-e Anderson and family went a to Albany to celebrate Christmas day. H Mr. and Mrs. LeBarron are rejokr inr over the arrival of a son. Ha wn a Christmas present. - Mr. ani Mrs. Estell spent Christ-" cas With Mr. and Mrs. John Dutton at East Crafisburv. Th ?s:?;l-Z:: rvf N-if! te 15 mprov- Dill Pickles Mr. Putnam, who has worked for i u Sour Pickles C. B. Smith for eisht years, is tak-1" Collins Hulled Com gg a month s vacation tn Lisbon, N. ; d Apple J The first real cold snap of the sea- g Evaporated Apple . . son struck us for Christmas. The I .hhv? Pi AAnTp . ... u 1 W. R. MOULTON BARTON, x ;.; :.: VERMONT - - K. K. K. Handy Soap a u El removes orease, paint and all kinds of stains from'the hands. Cleans Glass, Brass, Copper Nickel, Aluminum, Porcelain and Granite Wear. a n a a a Brooms .50c 60c, S5c, $1.25 Large can Tomatoes 18c, 3 for qc e friends of C. W. Wheeler will ; g - Canned Corn, iai to know that he is improv- n T)iU Pifl-li li H n H m a a u cans 25c . . . .30c Ig can ::y: a B H n S3 m H 8c -Ih'Z- 20c pkg .25c and 50c a '.20c lb a thermometer registered 14 below Sun- g Chocolate atfd Lemon Pie Filling; day morning. The Mens club of Craf tsbury held I Prunes, Mjid. 28c lb, large . their annual frame supper at the i K Arjricota X gym Tuesday evening. The menu : w y '' was as fo!!ows: Rabbit tail soup, dill ' g Peacnes v t pickles, olives, celery, crackers, roast u Riris seeded venison, fried rabbit, venison pie, con 'H r . . horn pomme de terre, brown gravy, j gHaisms, seedless cranberry sauce, cream of corn, rolls, j B Blueberries can apple pie. pumpkin pie, ice cream, cof- M . . ' fee, cheese. The state fish and game !fi Raspberries, can commissioner gave a very interesting Libbvs Mince-meat I talk on the different departments of " . e - . his work. About 80 sat down to eft- i u Our Cookies are from 2c to 5c per lb lower in price . ..23cpkg ... 15c .....I. 35c ....35c lb . . . .35c lb ...... .25c .......30c ...... .40c ...... .40c i . . .40c lb improved the young man and Myrtle looted startled when he was ad dressed as "Mr. Gage." That is ray real came. Miss Bruce." explained tte young man. "A wanderer, I was zt odds with my fa- ther when you first knew me," but he did cot then allude to his tramp ex- rn is not far behind with about 120 pounds. Criticizes Use ef Oil. Dr. White of the United States ge ological surrey has declared it "no less than an economic crime to use oil under toilers as fuel." because the sup ply of oil was so rapidly declining In the United States and elsewhere and ted Mvrtle at her home several " -. - - imes. and had expressed the love he I problem as to getting the neces elt for her and knew that she re- amnmt Is penence. TV wwa UtAr ft- va hfid ri ti: cred his affection. 1 1 Tvu think I care the less for5, a tg5!r:" you l-f-caae yoj were estranged from 1 your family and In poverty? Ah. nor Symboim cf Animata. said Myrtle. "Yea -ere oaly a pr:r.e 1 In the symbolism of animals, the ant in tatters. l 1 e. mai is ail iruij niiu r.v. . OT r, f ,vtt fr.-rr.?,! v f- 111 .tt3J'er onnttas: the f ff but of And Woodvi-ie. never tDe the rue bull straightforwardness; the buJ dog. f - tie story of the enzasitn yov..z man who pertinacity; the butterSy sportlveness , X(y na- an. of me I saw tears streaming over the seamed faces of many Busslans as they, signed themselves, kissed one an other, told one another, Chr!st Is risen.' - vi EasUr Day. It Is a beautiful conception, the Cay and Its significance. Our" finite minds are accustomed to conceive of death as the end; we are often prone to step there and not go beyond the resur rection. The physical world Is em blematic of tt'e change that must ever take place before the springing up of new life. So with the life of the spir it, He that laseth his life shall find it, Something cf this thought Is In the mind of him who find the real meaning cf Easter. It is the beginning Bathe daily or twice a day a cool spocge or shower bath In the morning and a tub bath at night, Sleep eight hours a day. outdoors if possible and at least in moving air. Exercise every day, preferably in the early morning or late afternoon. In dulge la recreations that vary the dally joy the feast- u a Nut Mayfield. EAST CRAFTSBURY j- 25 cakes Export Borax Soap Mrs. Alice Simpson is ill wir tne " prevailing distemper. j ! f Mrs. Lizzie Bailey, who has been j g ill with the grip, is better. g Paul Heidger of the U. S. r.avy, j g stationed at Portsmouth, was home ' g for a few days at Christmas time. r Miss Hall, trained nurse, who has . been caring for Mrs- James Anderson, ; H returned to Hard wick on Friday. j g Luther Heidger, a medfeal 6tudent 1 B at U. V. M is spending- the holidays i g with is mother, Mrs. John A. Ken-' Q drkk. ;n Mrs. Hattie Findlay left for N?sh-g ua, N. on Sunday, called there by vk the critical illness of her brother, Ja son Young. All remember the community New Year's dinner to be served at thfc-,U. P. church on Saturday of this wk Come and enjoy a social time. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Anderson an little datsehter. Bern ice. who hav: been visiting at O. H. Anderson's re-: turned to their nome luescay. Te church was well filled on Friday evening and the Christmas exercises passed off very pleasantly consider ing the number of children who were unable to be present- The U. P.' Sunday school reorgan ized on Sunday. Fine reports were given by the secretary and the treas Granulated Sugar 10c lb We have a valuable Mitten lost last week in front of our store. ' Am OS Jrw Barton, Vermont . .33c lb . .$1.00 In Kovfnn Vormnnr Bnnnnnc3css3aB2nEBaBanscnanncaBBBnBnnBBEEBci-- Robins on Avoid direct exposure to the sun iurer and missionary treasurer, show- Dress lightly. Avoid alcoholics. Don overeat or overexert your strength 0 nt worry about the heat Are Bachelors Funny? A baih'dor may 1? les.l. but there if s!w?r - sirK.iLfr. fu-uy aboct hinx In the cae of ri b. maid. tterf Is al ways the prr!-:- txruse that h-r lover died, bnt f a nan wanted t- net rrarrie! be wouldn't ra-T s-v atlei.ti'f to - thlig like tht. E. W. HoweV lleriihlT. ing an increase in attendance during the past year. The following officers were chosen for the ensuing year; Superintendent, Arthur M. Dewing; assistant superintendent. Will Artier son; secreary. Miss Isabel Ander son; treasurer, Howard Findlay; mis sionary treasurer. Mrs. James Urie; pianist, 51 rs. O. E. Rowel. So Hew Can Ycu Know? "I i'or-'t rh!nV ft is-rlcht to say - r .-j-.r.'t ker-r a secret." He ! ----- '-. s vr -;1Y th"tV She - - V- Widow. - - 0 OU VOUTS V i neipea Areo.a " "" - j nVm of abnndsnce of life with J bad. '93 as his bride the tIe cence and harmleess; tie fen. cun- : vmnl -M the village.,;-: - " I J1?.8 ZLJT- S To the Christian wori-i Easter Ufe is'made of many such ex- folly; the Jf;. !, the apotheosis : of everything thai TL.nri!. '---. .i ' " ' ' - III ITir:fI onrt ira.lni: I I This is What they AH Say "It goes further and makes lighter, whiter bread peacock, pride; the swan, grace- per: his d-arkest b-yr IVrtrain Gare seized an rrpnrtunTty aiid made good. - . "iriite senator and "."fatter-io-law." Building a Ccncrete House, remarked Arnold Bruce to him frarra- ! An Engiish engineer is building one lv one dsv.""T7e will keep our .ret, ' piece concrete house walls with a cen- bnt fae broushi voa to niv iid-' ii the tral air pace by erecting the core first vital motnent and fate has 'worked i and moving the outer mold upward '; the concrete is poured. I plnrg. means the emergence of the spiritual, 1 the message to humanity that the good and true and beautiful can never die. It Is the Inspiration of the poet, the essence cf hope to tte man of faith. cut globus de&t'ny all around." Why :io2nd Grow WiSIowa . Holland is covered with willow i trees and the great dikes of tha - oT-i. m-A ItrrOESTT bT tha network formed by tie roots. isroox- lyn Eacie. , . ) Oldest Christian Festivat Easter is the 'oldest festival cf the CiTistlan church." The celebration of it Is really continued from Sunday to i than any flour I ever used." m - j Try Russell's Regular g Fine as Gold, all-round . . . King, pastry " Virginia Dare Extracts, double strength Vanilla, p Lemon, feacn, cnerry, tstrawDerry, itaspoerry ana union . .$3.25 $1.65 ; .$3.00 $1.50 ..$3.00 $1.50 He Never Lcses It. :i Tt?i:'r says the only member fg j ,-t to alter 211 -aw-n n tn T!trTial RahtMth t-rVs m flavors. i3 Dates r j Sundsr. and will be till at last the Vi - bo after all Mvn nf r T! Rshtwith trrpVs '& .20c lb 35c lb The Crucial Test. ! A rin i-3Tt Tfr j nenpecseo. unxii . ,i : , vvs ttr be has put on mercial business is done by checks . V . ; - f.,.m ArksraVTl.mas drafts. less than 10 per cent be- . '' - . ina ditie with cash. r."-": h;:nt"rIirTe;; Ion hl everlasting Easter morning Wishing you all the Happiest and Most Prosperous r i - -er- shall rise on a new heaven and a new p3 ew Year you ever had. sartb. The lisurrectlon was an an- s . . ' . ' - oouncement 3f the greatest victory M wh!cb h2Ji Mfr bT - won. n xirfure aver bondage nd over 3eath. Mai tux cteie can compare -ith th!-: - - ROTH 'PHOKFS Credit Mainstay cf Buemess. In large eit!es tt is estlraated that :-' v. r' l d dl pi & : S J: , . , P ' . " p. p p ! . BARROW S 1 MOSHER MARSH CO., Barton, Vt. though Ei&aj hare becst the result nf It . i pi p . P: P P P P E. ?. P ; . Opposite BARTON, Paenger-Depot . . VERMONT if Jr . Jr ' I Jr - -)r Jr Jr JJr' Jr Jr Jr ' Jr )r J )r . Jr )J r Jr- Jr . - - 4 '4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 s.: 4.. i snr imi ym