PAGO EIGHT THE MONITOR, JUNE 1, 1921 : ORLEANS . (Continued from Pag rive). Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hall of Barns ton and Mr. and Mrs. Charles White of Lo veil, "Mass., were at B. E. Con verse's Tuesday. A. D. Beede, Park Beede and Edith Lothrop go. this week to attend the commencement at Lasell seminary, Auburndale, Mass.,. where Miss Helen Beede graduates. 1 Mrs. A. C. Harris has left for. the Mary Fletcher hospital at Burlington for observation and an operation by Dr. Tinkham. Mrs. C D. French and son,x GGerald, accompanied her. Mrl and Mrs. F. J. Kinney and fam ily motored to Johnson Monday to hear her uncle, the Hon. T. J. Boyn ton, of Boston, deliver the Memorial day address. . ' ' Misses Bertha Bishop and Ha Allen Luman Farns worth' and David Boyle spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKereney at Brome Lake, P. Q. . , George Sanders passed away Satur day afternoon arid the funeral service was held at the home Tuesday after noon. : His remains were taken to Al bany for interment. . "Mr. and Mrs. George Stone of New port, Mr. and Mrs. Plin Allard and son .of Albany, visited Mrs. Stone's .mother, (Mrs. George, . Lyon, over the holiday- . , '. , . ; All those wishing to attend the county convention of W. C. T,. U. at Coventry June 9. and 10 notify W. S. .Scott for Thursday afternoon . and A. R. Bennett , for. Friday. .Please meet evening.-The Vance school united Corner after which he led the march , ,mmtm mm m with them. After the exercises Al- to the cemeterv wherp the traml L'neV t0 Oe Rtmemberetf. Derive Nm From Ocoupatlon. mon Dingman, an exprivate, gave a Sibuted floS aS flats on the sol" J1? hCart. f the mak,J tb Hmting with a flcon was thm chleT short talk to the people. Exercises dS eravw and Hags on the sol- glft dear precIoug. a amonf Bedlm, EnKland. and were also held at the Creek and Mer- v selres we say even of a trifling gift, who trained the birds or handled ril's Corner schools and were well at- SOUTH ALBANY CHURCH NOTES "It cornea from a hand we love,", and them were known as falconers, from tended. John Kelley, a Civil War vet- Mornw Bervice 10.30. !k not 80 much at the gift as at the which 1 derived our modern Faulk. - , . : ' : : " ... . . : v . . - - ' ; See the Bradford Clothes Shop Ad. on Page Three j u n ii I have on hand a complete line of Bird & , Son's, Neponset Roofings, consisting of American Twin Shingles, Artcraft Roll Roofing,. Paroid Roofing that has stood the test of time and wear. Mineral-surfaced, smooth-surfac-ed, slate-surfaced and Granitized Roll roofings. We also have a car of Maine Cedar Shingles, Pulp Plaster, Lathe, Clapboards and Cement. -.V. ' Satisfaction Guaranteed on Our Goods ' The two greatest salesmen on earth Quality and Price, are constantly working for us and you'll always find us a step ahead of others in Quality and a step be hind in Price. - r . E. R. COOK Barton, Vt. ROdWG II II II r". DOB n ii ii ii u ,, n n ;.. u n v. II r- u .-, D : n n ii r n J1 u n -ii-ii ii ii ii n ii ii ii ii ii ii lies: FARMERS Now is your time to lay that line of pipe, s 1 have a Special Price on a shipment just in 3-4 in. Gal. Pipe, 5jrod or over at $1.65 per rod 1-2 in. Gal. Pipe, 5 rod or over at $1.30 per rod . i ' . Don't forget I carry a Full Line of plumbing Supplies also the . Stewart One-Pipe Furnace the best furnace made I. A. McRITGHIE T Plumbing and Heating Barton, - - Vermont ii ii ii it ii ti ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii u D n ii u n n ii ii ii ii ii u n ii ii ii H ri ii ii ii ii u TO THE PUBLIC I wish to announce that mr Laundry is now opened to accomodate the people, I will do family and individual washing!. Having installed the most modern machines I guarantee prompt and clean service. Hoping to have a good share of your patron age, I am, Yours for BuMncM KIM PAGE, : June 1, f 921 Barton, Vt. Tel. N. 13-3 mmwww mi mi U II II II 11 MM-MH JTlfJ TnnnilltnMIPliintWUiiuituroiuiiuiniipnniiniiwu"ii""u EI3JSI3ISISEISJSISI3I5ISISI3ia3aE!IS 1 What Is Your lea 4 of a good bakery where ;f hey bake everything that you can im agine and of the best quality, too? Well, you have one right in Barton. ' . '' .' ' We are always glad to. see, you and listen to your troubles : i.J i.i j x 1 & m cuuitcry. vvc arc inc uuciur lur uiusc uuuuita. TPlenty of the "Golden Cruit'': Bread. You know its quality. 'V' V : " Best of attention civn to luncnM. ; 1 The A WILCOX Co. , BARTON, VT, Wholesale and Retail Bakers are?: Sot W earner Specials Do Your Shopping in our - Clean, Cool Store Luncheon Beef Lunch Tongue Develed Ham Salmon Steak Lobster St Johnsbury and Barton Broad Wards Cakes Lambs Tongue Roast Boof Potted Tongue Tuna Crabmeat Corned Beof . Boned Chicken Red Salmon Shrimp .' Sardines Kippered Herring Finnan Haddie Clams Heinz Salad Dressing Pompian Olire Oil Heinz Table Vinegars Howards Salad Dressing ; Heinz Olive Oil r White Cider Malt Olives Pimentos Walnut Meats Olive Butter , -I Jello Cherries Peanut Butter Jiffy Jell - Knox Gelatine Ice Cream Powder : ! Moxie i - Cliquot Ginger Ale Chocolate Maurice Salada Tea v Pan-American Coffee ' 1 mm Amos R. Rooiinisoini ', Barton, Vermont &: n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii n M II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II II II Use the Monitor for Recults rat the passenger station. Thf O.: H. S. baseball team played rthe' Barton team at Orleans Wednes day winning with a score of -6 to 6. Barton having won the previous erame a tie was called at Skinner park 'Monday. Barton; won the game 7 to, Frances Lawrence, Marion Chaffee, Lelia Smith, Germaine Beauchesne, Lela" Sanville ' and Gertrude Wheeler are. the new employees' at the hand kerchief factory. One 'of the last two sets of books borrowed from the state library by the Orleans schools all but two books have been returned by the pupils. Will the pupils having either Burritt's "Boy Scout Crusoes," or "Turner Picture Studies" ; copy eight, please return them immediately to the prin cipal so that the libraries ; may be shipped back to Montpelier without any charge against the schools? The following is copied from the Newton Graphic: "Miss Helen Bee de of Orleans, Vt and Miss Mary King of Haverhill, two seniors, gave a very fine recital on Friday evening before a large and responsive audi ence.The well-balanced program was delightfully rendered. Of exception al merit was Miss King's playing of 'Liszt's RegrelettoVand the group, 'A Swan,' 'A Dream,' by Greig, sung by Miss Beede." ' ALBANY i Mrs. Mae Annis has a orange tree with 12 ripe oranges on it. , Glens Miles is repairing his house. Fred Newton is doing the work. Mrs. Wilder has returned from the hospital at St. Johnsbury and is doing nicely. " Mjss Tillotson from Lowell spent several days last' week with Mrs. N. A Cutler, f -' ": Mrs. Glenn ; Miles and little daugh ter are Spending some time with her parents m . Morrisville. ,Mrs. Ambrose Brown and son from Lowell, Mass., are visiting her moth er, Mrs. Amanda Sanders. ' ' Rev. Akers' little daughter, Doro thy, from Johnson is spending some time with' Rev. and Mrs. Percy New ton. ' Mrs. Abbie George and W. P. Gow en' and family from Wolcott Were vis itors at Elmer George's over Decora Clarence P. Cowles and three sons from Burlington were guests of Mr. and Mrs.' R. M. Cowles over Decora tion day;; " J. B. Darling-and Alice, Marvin, Philip '-and Rebecca Goddard from Morrisville spent Decoration with friends m town. .' Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Newton and son, Lyndal from Hyde Park spest the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cowles and daughter, Dale, from Cambridge, Mass., spent the week-end with his brother, R. M. Cowles. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Rogers from Newport and Mrs. Julia Corey from Manchester, N. H., were callers on Mrs. Jennie Rogijfe Saturday. Word has been recently received of the death of Frank M.' Miles of Livermore. Ia., -brother of A. R. Miles. and Mrs. W. C. Lanphear of this town. Frank Mi Miles was born in this town 62 years ago. last February and passed away May 16. He had been in poor health for several years so his death was not unexpected. He was educated in the schools of this town and the seminary at Montpe lier and studied law is the office of John Burke. He went to Jowa in 1884 and was admitted to the bar in that year. Basides the brother, and sister here he leaves a wife, two sons and one brother, Daniel Miles, all of lowa. A paper from his home town speaks -in the highest terms of Mr. Miles as a man and citizen. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. Reij. Percy Newton, Pastor. Afternoon service at 2 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 o'clock ' . m- Evening service 7.30.- - J Service on Tuesday at 7.30. . BAST ALBANTS i Burton Wright spent the 1 Week-end in . Orleans with his people. : . Adolphus" Soulier-is in. Boston this week for his artificial Jimb. 1 . Oney .LaFont iof Hardwick visited his parents .here Thursday. , . -4 .. .: . Mr. and Irs. Jerry-Buckky, Martin and. John. Durkin-visited friends here Sunday. ; . . .-. . ;v- -? : Patrick Mullaney, who 1 is being treated by a specialist in St. Johns bury, is spending a few days, here. Mr. and Mrs., Orrin Miles and daughters, .Florence and 'Hazel, vis ited at Amos LaFont's Sunday. , Miss Hazel Sinon was called home from her school in Lowell,- Mass., on account of the critical illness of her mother. . Mr. and Mrs. Amos LaFont motor ed to St. Johnsbury Friday to .see their daughter ,Mrs. Richard Rogers, who is undex treatment at Brightlook hospital. , . . - Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Skinner of West Glover have moved to the Mox leyf arm recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. RayTwombly. , . ' Pre-Memorial exercise were held ; at the . East Albany schooL Thursday .... ' : 40&; fhbrics' - Forecast a Surrrler of Loveliness fACH year, as you start to ask yourself What clothes shall I need -this-Zsummer ? " a vision of glorious holidays appears before you. Travel, tennis, golf, boating pleasant hours on the porch tea parties informal dances motoring and each occasion demands its special clothes. AND never before did JabVics So beau tiPiUy meet the occasions! Therp are ginghams that instantly , picture them selves into smart morpirig frocks linens that seem to say "demurely tai lored" organdies that simply must have bloomed for garden parties silky voiles and crepes that vie in softness with summer nights. ; ; x It is hard to pick arid choose. they are all so lovely especially if there is a question of "what can I do without?" But you needn't "do without" this summer. Yoii yourself, can make loVe lier clothes than ever before clothes that will Have real Parisian chic and you will actually save more money than ever, too! For youwill save not only by making the clothes yourself but save amazingly more by using Oh DELT OR 4 fThe ?!Sew Picture-Guide lUiat Saves You 50c to $10 on Each Garment You gftfiake v THE DELTOR is. now yours with every hew Butterick pattern. It tells ycrj . by means of pictures so simple that you follow them almost by in stinct, at once J How to s3ve 50c to $10 on materials An individual Deltor, accompanying each pattern, gives you a "picture-layout", worked out by Butter ick experts in yar own exact size, for every width of suitable mateital, witja such marvelous economy that you save anyvraere from to lyescH&f oods. How to achieve that coveted Parisian charm Stitch by, stitch, as your nepdle flies in arid out, basting, then stitching, just as the Deltors pictures show, something more xhsa correctly draped frock gr-ws beneath your fingers. All uncon sciously, you have sewn Paris' own distinction into your gowii ' ' . .;;..- . - 2 How to finish like the cleverest French modiste The Deltor will tell you the French modkste's own . answer to every perplexing question cf finishing or adornment all those important lirne things that make the difference between " just a dress and a "creation from Paris". A host of lovely fabrics-the newestBut terick patterns interpreting the style inspirations of New York and aris and the magic of the Deltor ! Here is a wonderful combination indeed! Come to the summer opening of one whole establishment Each department . Is replete with , its special summery stocks, each anticipates your eviy need and desire at attractive prices that prove knew the leadership of thfs! store not only in style, tout in ECONOMY. Ik IE. ?. IMMM CO., Kaslcn, Vt , r