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PAGE FCUa Tim t&ttiroa, august 10, icai OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOWLS - We have them. Several styles and sizes. Prices from 1 Sc. to 50c : - BALL IDEAL FRUIT JARS pt. $1 io doz., I pt. $U20 doz ; I qt. $i.2S doz, 2 qt. $1.7$ doz. Wire Canning Recks holds, 8 jars 65c Genuine Bargains Rubber sole and' leather sole Canvas Shoes for ladies and children Perley's Novelty. Store Main Street : - ? . - " Barton, Vt. oxooohoooooooxxo6ooooooxxooxooo IRASBURG . .. Mrs.OE. W. Keith is on the sick list. There will , be a band , concert Mon day evening. .; ; v . ' Mrs. Delia Farrer of Hardwick is Visiting her brother, E; A. Pike. ; A. M. Clough has been in West field, surveying, the past week. . ' GEM THEATRE . THURSDAY. AUGUST 11 DOROTHY DAITON in HALF AN HOUR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE LAST EPISODE OF FIGHTING FATE .Orleans Friday FRIDAY, AUGUST-12 BRYANT WASHBURN in A FULL HOUSE SON OF TARZAN Orleans Saturday . SATURDAY, AUGUST IS HARRY CAREY in . . THE WALLOP CENTURY COMEDY, TROUBLE BUBBLES Tuesday, August 16 MILDRED HARRIS CHAPLIN in POLLY OF THE STORM COUNTRY A PARAMOUNT MAGAZHSE . ' Orleans Opera House Wednesday : Jl. Miss Helen Harlow sjent the. past week - with friends , in Barton. ' ' Miss Lettie Metcalf is spending ' the week with relatives in Wells River., " c Mrs. Booth of Redding, Pa., is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Gould. Miss Theda Corlejr is spending the week with her sister in Northneld. ", H. A.' Fay and daughter, Hazel, are; visiting relatives in Franklin county. F. E. Powers has moved into the house he purchased 'of John Austin. Rev. E. E. Wells and family are guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Russell this week.' John Austin moved into his new house . last week which is nearly completed. " Joseph Prance of Boston spent the week-end with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Prudence Prance. - v Mr. and Mrs. LaCroux and her fa ther, John Prance, visited Mrs. Pru dence Prance Sunday. ; Mr. Brooks of Craftsbury spent a few days with his datghter Mrs. Perry Miles, last week. Mrs. A. N.i Page is having her house newly papered and painted, O. N. Washer doing the work. Miss Mary Cole of North Troy was a guest at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. A; M. Clough, over. Sunday. Abe Messier of Morris ville is in town for a few days to do the paper ing in John Austin's new home. i R, E. Willis, who has been confined to the bed with sciatica for several weeks, is a little more comfortable. Glendon Metcalf and Lois Manley are spending the week with their un cle, Cyrus Metcalf in Washington. Mrs. Mayo and Mts. Estey of Ar lington, Mass, are visiting their par ents, Mr and Mrs. Marshall Freehart. Remember the entertainment to be given by Rev. E. E. Wells and fam ily-next Friday evening mad plan to attend. . . Dr. Crampton of St. Johnsbury. was called in consultation with - Dr. Tem pleton in the case of R. E. Willis yes terday. . . -" , Mr. and Mrs. M. C Roberts and daughters, Doris and Anne, of - St. Johnsbury visited relatives in . town Saturday. ; ': Frank' Roberts of St. Johnsbury and daughters, Opal and Barbara, of Burlington spent Thursday with rel atives in town. , . . .'. Mr. and Mrs. E..A. Pike and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pike were in Wolcott Sunday, to visit the former's mother on her 87th birthday. A. E. ' Harlow and Murry Pike were in Springfield, Mass., the first of . the week in the interests: of the Jersey Star creamery. ; - The remains of G. W. Parker, a former and : hicrhlv resoeeted citizen. ; were brought here from Orleans for interment last Thursday. ; v -' Mr. and Mts.' J. Mi Lanou and children and Miss Florence Winget are spending the week in S. W. Beau clerk's cottage at May pond. ..' a Mrs. C. E. Towne and daughters, Dorothy and Thelma of St. Johnsbury are visitinsr Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Tem- rpleton and other friends in town. -1 Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Townsend and Perley Meron of Springfield, Mass., j spent the week-end -with their grand- motner, xars. a. is. rage, ana aani, Mrs. R. N. Baldwin. : The Irasburg baseball team beat the Cabot team in the return game played there last Saturday afternoon, the score . being. 7 to 4. Many of our townspeople witnessed the game. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scribner and son, Sedgwick, of Stowe spent the , nrst ox ine wee& wiua avr , preuw, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pike, en route for: Bassano, Alberta, to visit her aunt. Miss Elizbbeth Templtton ; enter-' tained . several friends at her home Monday evenine. the occasion . being her 13th birthday. Ice cream and cake were served and all enjoyed a good time. She was the recipient of many useful and pretty gifts. Dr. : Templeton, Rev. Axtell, Mrs. A. E. Templeton and Mrs. M. L. Ken nison were , in St. Johnsbury Wednes day, the latter to visit her brother, Mr. Carpenter, who is in the hospital there, and has not beeri doing as well as his friends could wish. Latest re ports are that he is improving. ( Mrs. Mary A. Nickerson of Boston,: Mass., formerly of West Somerville,1 is visiting her niece, Mrs. Perley ' Johnson, for a few days. She will auto through the White mountains j and Mohawk trail to Swanton to visit her nephew, Ezra J. Batchelder, then to Stanstead, P. Q., to her sister's, Mrs. Emma Curtis', for a few days. WELU ! HERE I AM AU NCC AND NEW I Was just Purchased bv Now KIT YJRTP HIS WfsM ON tt VET-SOWS Pf ARC SO, TflR6HTFUU- 00T ANVWV KNOW I'M 60NNA HAVE A6000 TIM. 60U BVT TUIS ISK?CCITIN6!hER IT IS THfc THIR.0 OAV ANO PM HAVING THC TIMK OP tiv HFC .Tne SHOW TO-DAV WAS the best veT UOOKHOW vtfotoi ANDTATTeftEO rri 6ETT4N6- I OONT f5i xTO MAKE lOMtWfi HAPPy ; OT THAT WAS A f IWf 0?SN?W2 PK06RAM I WAJT IN TH c AFXCfitiJSH AND VEN.N6VT0fli 1 Ttii. VOV iTlfiOZS Utt VlX HAVE A 6 RAT TlMC THIS WEEK. -EVEN IF t WA$ PUNCKHO "TWICE TO-PAY 0H, NY-fAVe SO MANV HOLES' IN MC FEEL UR A WIS5 CHEESE 86T I CATCH COLD SAY 0U SHOULD HAVE SEEN T8 FOURTH OAV OH 601 lTWA'i IMMENSE-l W0UJ?lj rtAAE MiSSeO IT FOR ANVTHfft 3 an !feRE vu THERE t Just As iexP5cteo A6000 TO-OAy, I'M HflNOUfO )UITE AUOT i-ATE-y-- T&-DAY-'TM,,K' ME" THIN" But 1 a Mould wflajy YfHEWl WEllTiat5 iORe A good Joo pone. eLi eve Ml 60T W MOHyj vcrth NerrR -01DV0O o AS.0FTM AS I I tio : The ong who &ooar Me AiD IT WAS THE" &SST ChAU- rowN even rtA0 THAT PLEASED MV0U BET. COPmUNVTV CHAUTAUQUA t5k me Ws:rv Tiine. Orleans, August 15 - 20 THE VNIVEltSAl CAR BUY THE CAR WITH UNPARALLELED SERVICE BEHIND IT We represent the most thorough and up-to-date motor car factory in the world, turning out the best all-round car on the market today the most adaptable to every need of every class of people. . The Ford Service Organization of which we are a branch is the most extensive as well as the most intensive organization ot its kind in existence, consisting of over 18,000 Service Sta tions in the United States. It is our duty to uphold the high ideals of the Ford organization in this territory, to deliver cars as promptly as possible, to give quick and thorough repair ser vice and courteous treatment to all customers. P. w. NEWPORT, LAWSON , - VERMONT She will then Tear for Victoria, B. C, returning to Boston about the mid dle of November. - She has many friends through Vermont and Canada. She says the Vermont people, air, and mountains are splendid. 11. K ClIfc&CH NOTES " " Rev. Edward P. Wood, pastor. Morning service 10.45 a. m. Sunday school 12 m. Evening worship 7.30 p.m. Rev. E. E.' Wells of Attleboro, Mass., a former pastor, will preach J Sunday morning Classes in the Sun- J T 1 M 11 TTwtTiftlm .-.-n 't uay sciiuui xor au ages, uvcumg ion service probably in the town hall. Epworth League service Thursday evening at 7.30. Topic, "Thy Will Be Done in My Pleasures." Leader, Miss Marian Sears. - - r- v - J Cami meetinsr at Riverside grove 9th to 21st. Many speakers of note will be there. . ; ' : The religious chautauqua will be held here from the 22d to '28th inclu sive and will be a" great event. The team consists of Rev. Dr. Walter Hea ly of Boston; the Rev. M. M; Thone burg of Swampscott; the' Rev. M. Steven James of . Revere and the .Rev. Dr. E. L. Farnsworth of Lynn. Mov ing pictures will be given on five evenings. Every service wilL be worth the attention of everybody. No charge for admittance. All services except that of Sunday morning will be held on the common. An offering will be received each evening. Every body will be welcome. - " The Sunday school picnic was held at Willoughby lake last Thursday. A good time is reported by all of the 91 who -were there. - o ' Albany Alice Kelley was a .visitor in Bur lington Saturday. ... Wayne Sanders from Boston, Mass is home for a vacation. Margaret Johnson from 'Hardwick visited at W. C. Lanphear's last week. ' Mr. and Mrs.; Glenn Miles visited at Bert Cook's , in Greensboro Sun day; Mrs. Hattie McGuire from Barton visited her sister, Mrs. Lucy Rey nolds, last week. . Mrs.- Abbie Smith., of Swansea, Mass., is spending some time with her brother, C H. Smith. Mrs. Barney Dyer and daughter spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. P. H. Nye, at Barton. ; Miss Cora E. Barnes &nd Miss Clara Bushnell front Braintree, Mass., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Helen Camp bell and Mrs. Fred Newton. Fred Newton and family and Steph en Newton and. family visited in Gro ton, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and (Mrs. Ernest. Campbell from Medford, Mass., were guests of their uncle, W. C. Lariphear, last week. ; George Davison from Walden and Frank - Davison from Cabot visited their brother, Charles Davison last week. - ' . Mr. and Mrs. Orin Leach" rom Wahpeton, N. D., are visiting Mrs. Leach's mother, Mrs. Charlotte Cham berlin. , Mr. and Mrs. James Brown from Lowell, Mass., and Mrs. Rose Sawyer of Newport visited at Barney Dyer's last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Irving Dillon of Law rence, and Wendall Cobleigh of St. Johnsbury have been visiting their uncle, ChaTles Smithy Rev. and Mrs. Percy Newton are spending a three weeks' vacation , in Boston. Kev. Newton is attending lectures at the university during the time. ' Dr. and 'Mrs. S. C. Kemple from New Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. W. C. McLeod from Toronto, Can., were visitors at Mrs. Betsey Shepard's Au gust 2. . Mr. and (Mrs. Leon Bullock had a gathering at their home August 5, when a bountiful dinner was served. There were swings and other amuse ments for the children as well as for the older people. Mrs. Carl Goss gave a reading and all present joined in singing v songs. Those present from out of town were Mrs. Allen Thomp son and daughter, Hilda, from Roch ester. N. H., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goss and Mrs. A. B. Goss from Irasburg; Mr. and Mrs; H. C. Goss from Coven try Mr. and Mrs. Quincv Goss from Irasburg, also Mr. and Mrs. Preston "Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grecr- orv and Mr. and Mrs. Fern Jones; Mr., asd !Mrs. Henry Marcou and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Prescott from Barton, and Miss Leah Thompson from Plainfield.' There were 41 present. - SOUTH ALBANY Miss Gold ie Johnson of Craftsbury is visiting her friend. Miss Guila Row ell. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eldridge and family of jMorrisville were in town Sunday. 7 . Mr. Blodgett and son of East Al bany have been working for A. C. Williams through haying. ; Mrs. Sarah Little, who has been vis iting at C. W. Urie's,. returned to her home in Newbury Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilman of St. Johnsbury and Mr. and Mrs. -Will Hanson of Barton were visitors at O. M. Howell's Thursday.- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calderwood of Hardwick and Irving Haines of Greensboro spent .a day recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cal derwood. ' . Mr 'and Mrs. Milton Lyman and son, Forrest, of West Glover and Mrs. Ernest Chamberlin and son, Howord, of Allston, Mass., visited at C. R. Vance's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tussey of New York City, Herbert Edwards, Otis Skinner" and Miss Louise Cayting of Bangor, Me., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Courser last week. The latter will remain for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Courser and Will Courser recently entertained Mr. and Mrs Fred Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McGaffy, Mr. and Mrs. : Henry Worth, r Miss Judith Courser, Miss' Clara Sage and Earl Courser, all of - Stanstead. EAST ALBANY Charles Sinon is working for M. A. Sinon in Wheelock. - -Malcolm Ingalls is in Richford this week visiting friends. j Julius and Jacob Blodgett are hay l ing for A. C. Williams. f-.-vMiss Freda Stearns of Orleans j spent the latter part of the week with friends here. iMrs. Mamie ' Harding and little nephew visited friends in Orleans the latter part of the week. . Mrs. Julius Blodgett was in Lowell Saturday to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Mr. Greene., ORLEANS BASEBALL Orleans Holds St. Johnsbury to Two Runs. The Orleans team all played extra good ball at St. Johnsbury Tuesday when they held the strong home team to two. lone runs, one of which was the' result of a lost balL In the last inning, with two on bases, an exceed ingly close decision at the plate shut Orleans out of a chance to score one and a possible chance to tie the game. Orleans made one excellent . double play, 6-4-3. v-Tripp made a long run ning catch which was warmly - ap-) nlauded. " " The score: - -T ORLEANS : -AB R H PO A E Harrington, 3 4.0 a 0 3 0 Mathews, 1 . 4. 0 0 13 0 0 Hardy, c V - . '4 0 1". 0 2 ; 0 Griffin, p 4 0 0 0 3,0 Lynch, s 4. 0 0 1 : 0 0 Tripp, If, . . . 4 0 0 3 0 0 Sullivan, 2 .3 0 2 4 3 1 Clifford, -cf , . 3 0 .10 ,0 ; 0 Hughes, rf 3 0 .1. 3 0 0 Totals 33 0 5 24 11. 1 ST. JOHNSBURY ' ABRH Lynch to Sullivan to Hathtrrs: pires, Basse tt and WdtalL 1 The Orleans boys . go" to Hardwick to play ball Saturday. Swanton comes to Orleans to play ball this week Thursday and has promised to use Beor, a former Or leans pitcher, in the box. - A hot game is expected. - " Green Mountain Theatre Conner, If v 4 10 Downey, p 4 .0 1 Conlon, s - 4- 0 1 St. Angelo, cf 3 0 0 Starr, c 3 0 0 McLaughlin, 1 ; 3 0 1 Mahjer, 3 3 O 1 Richerli, 2 3 1 1 Vitty, rf 13 0 0 PO A E 1 0:0 1 3 2 2 0 3 0 0 2 5 11 3 4 ,2 1. 0 Totals 80 2 5 27 13 0 Orleans 00 00 0 00000 St. Johnsbury 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 x 2 A single base .was the biggest hit; sacrifice hits, Orleans 2, St, J. 1; Struck out by Downey 3, Griffin 0; stolen bases 0; first base on balls off Griffin 1, Downey 2; passed balls, Or leans 1; umpire, Davidson. The Orleans baseball team hit a fast stride last week and captured three -straight games, winning out-of-town at West $tewartstown Wed nesday and at Lisbon Thursday.. A good crowd saw a nearly air-tight game on the home grounds Saturday with the fast Barton team.- A single score for Orleans was the total and that was when, one score looked good. This makes two games won by each team. Let us hope, for another fast one later. . . The score: At West Stewartstown August 3d. ORLEANS AB R II PO A E Harrington, 3 5 1 2 2 .2 0 Mathews, 1 . 5 117 10 Hardy, c 5 1 0 4 - 3 ; 0 Griffin, p t . 4 2 12 2 0 Lynch,- s 4 0 0 1.1 2 Tripp, If 3 0 0 2 0 0 Sullivanr2 , : 4 2 3 5 3 0 ClitTard, rf . 4 1 110 0 Brennan, cf ' 4 0 0 3 0 0 Hughes,. If 1 0 0 0 0.0 .' t wa aw mm mmm " Totals 39 8 8 27 12 2 WEST STEWARTSTOWN . AB R II . PO A E Boober, 3 4 0 2 ,1 0 2 Wiggins, s 4 0 0 1 2 1 Marsh, 2 4 0 1 5 4 2 Phillips, c 4 0 1-9.10 Hamilton, p 4 0 0 0 4 0 Merrill, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 Ashnault, If 3 0 0 2 0 0 Perry; cf 3 0 0 1.1 1 Young, 1 3 0 0 8 10 Totals 33 0 5 27 13 6 Orleans 1 0 0 0 2 2 3 0 x 8 W. S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Home run, Sullivan; three base hit, Boober; two-base hits, Mathews, Clif ford; sacrifice hit, Hamilton; struck out by Hamilton 5, Griffin 2; first base on balls by Griffin 1. . At Lisbon August 4th. ORLEANS AB R H PO A E 5 0 2 1 2 0 Carmel Myers in "The Gilded Dream" is a five-reel featurel Elmo Lincoln in "The Flaming Disk," 15th episode. Albany, Thursday, August 11th; Irasburg, Saturday, August 13th Lyons and Moran in "Fixed Up by George,", a big comedy. Albany, Au gust 18; Irasburg, August 20. -- Irasburg, Tuesday, August 16, Rex Ray in "Dangerous Trails," and Hel en Holmes in "Daring "R. R. Scenes." Friends, you will find this show one of the best you have seen for a long time with plenty of gocd music. Be sure and see it. . " AUCnOII SALE 07 " PERSONAL PROPERTY We will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Chester farm in She3eld, one mile from the village, on the road leading, to Sutton, on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1921 at 1 o'clock sharp 117 acres of excellent land, suitably divided into tillage and pasture, in good running order, will be sola in a whole' or in. sections to suit pur chaser; 12 cows, .l two-year-old bull, 3 two-year-old heifers, 3 yearling heifers, 4 horses, work harness, lum ber wagon, wheel harrow, smoothing harrow, mowing machine and horse rake, 30 tons of excellent newly-cut hay, and many other articles too numerous to mention. SALE POSITIVE; :" - " Reasonable terms will be given. TAPLIN& BATES riiyiif-iitan WASHINGS Wet Washings 4 cU. lb. ' , Quilte 30 cU-, 2 or mors 25e each Rouh Dry Washings' 8 ctt. per lb Mangle work by the hour 1 Agents for first-class laundry to handle starched work. Also cleaning. . Starched work may be left at Heath's Mason's and Flood's Barber Shops. Barton Electric Laundry KIM PAGE, Proprietor BARTON, TcL13-3; VERMONT Harrington, Mathews, 1 Hardy, c Griffin, If Lynch, s Clifford, rf Sullivan, 2 Styles, p Brennan, cf Tripp, rf Totals 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 9 2 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 5 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 i- 38 2 LISBON AB R Johnson, s -40 Webb, 1 - 4 1 Preo, c - 4 0 Chamberlin, If 4 0 Perry, 3 4 0 Walters, rf 3 0 Ritchie, cf - 3 0 Douglass, 2 3 0 Cheney, p 3 0 8 27 15 4 H PO A E 0 12 2 2 16 0 2 0 5 1 1 2 10 1 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 .0 0 10 0 0 2 4 3 10 4 0 Totals 32 1 5 27 18 9 Orleans 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 Lisbon ; 00000100 01 ' Three base hits, Mathews; two base hits, Hamilton; sacrifice hit, Hardy; struck out by Styles 4, Cheney 7; stolen bases, Sullivan 2; bases on balls, Cheney 1, Styles 1. With Styles pitching shut out ball and Orleans playing nearly errorless ball back of him, one run was all that was needed to defeat Barton at Orleans Saturday. That run was handed to them in the fourth inning. Hardy, the first man up, drove a grounder that Carter let get away from him. Griffin flied to Dubois, Lynch received a free pass, - at this point Dailey tightened and fanned Clifford, he then caused Sullivan to hit a ground ball that ordinarily Lee would have handled but didn't this time and Hardy crossed the plate with the lone tally that won the game. The score: ORLEANS v -AB R H PO A E Harrington! 3 . 4 0 2 0 3 1 Mathews, 1 4 0 0 12 1 0, Hardy, c 3 0 2 0 0, Griffin, cf 3 0 1 4 0 0 ; Lynch, s 2 0 1110, Clifford, r .3 0 0 1 0 0 Sullivan, 2 3 0 0 56 0 Styles, p 3 0 0 0 3 0 Tripp, .1 3 0 0 2 0 C O 28 1 4 27 14 1 r.z u WOW. IVORY , and then some more Ivory For the next two weeks we will make you a special price on the following articles Trays 39c, 79c, 1.19, $i.79 i-98 now 23c, 59c, 79c$i.29f $-4? Clocks 52.45, now $1.98 . -Trinket Trays 59c to 79c now 39c and49c. Picture frames from 25cto $1.49 each. To everyone trading $5.00 or more we will give i setJSterl ing Silver Top Cut Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers. - AT THE 11 11 n 11 11 . C Croft . Store DC Willey Block, Orleans, Vt. s; H a a a n u n 11 u n u n a n a a a n a u oooooooooooooooooooooooooooookoooooooooooooooookv A dvanced Showing of Fall Millinery now on display in our Show Rooms ... E. L. BASSETT Ladies' Hatticr Main Street, :-: Orleans, Vt. Tel. 32-12. Opposite Bank 00000000000 STILL PRICES GO DOWN 36 in. Percale, best quality- 27 in. 36 in. 40 " Bates and Red Seal Ginerham. Lockwood Brown Cotton -18c yd 20c yd Lockwood Cotton 20 yds. or more ic less Cameo Cotton. , . Indian Head. -..-14c yd .15c yd 36 in. t6 in. 36 in. Pillow Tubing, extra quality 40 " " " 2 ' " 81 in. Bleached Sheeting 81 in. Unbleached Sheeting 25c yd .25c yd 35c yd 40c yd -42c yd -55c yd 52c yd Fine Line of Hosiery, come in arid look -" HOYT & HOYT Vt- BARTON Heath, 3 Pubois, cf Lee, 2 McDonnell, c Barrows, 1. Snyder, 1 Palmer, r Carter, s Dailey, p AB B H PO A E 4 3 -4 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 '0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 5 0 4 9 3 1 2 1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TO CLOSE OUT $18.50 HAMMOCK $16.00 - Raited Head. Only two left ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Maytag Cabinet Electric Washers JUST ARRIVED Wash by the Scientific Millrace Principle. A free dem onstration if you wish. GIVE1T A TRIAL Bedroom Furniture Genuine Brass Beds, Steel Beds in natural wocd finish or plain white. . . " Dressers and Chiffoniers to match, in quartered or plain oak. Pillows, Blankets and Comforts. GET OUR PRICES Furniture for the Whole Home. Get it Here 29 0 4 24 10 3 ' Three-base hit Harrington; sacri fice hit, Dubois J struck out, Dailey 4, Styles 2; first on -balls,- Dailey .1; Joublo plays, Dailey to .CarteT.. Carter-to Barrows, Mathews to Sullivan, The Whipple-Go'nverse Co. Orleans, Vermont ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo