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the Lronrron, august iq, ic2i PAGH FiVH- 1 The hands cl &z indicator of piice ii .1 il il il II il tl il il again move downward COI1UUNITT JUNIOH CHAUTAUQUA Days Filled with Good Thaea Not a Doll Hour in the Week cts. etc 6 etc. 10 eta. 10 cto. 12 cto. ii ii VI Jl II ii II II J.- & P. Coats six-cord spool Cotton of 150-yard spools, ; r 6 cts. Aunt Lydia's carpet and button Thread, 15 cts. Robinson's linen Thread, 3-cord on 200 yard spools, 30 cts. King's Giant Thread, x 7 cts- Richardson's button hole twist, KP':5:cts, Richardson's sewing Silk, y IScts;. jj Are you familiar with the Richardson quality? We ask you to compare it with other brands for your work. Silkine art Thread, 20 shades, 6 strands mercerized, per skein, 5 Syltex Rope, 23 shades, for embroidery work, per skein, - :-. 5 Richardson's mercerized sewing Cotton, - in' colors, ' . J jj ... ;;; ' ' Silkateen crochet Cotton, Silkine crochet Cotton, ' Clark's O. N. T. mercerized crochet, M. & K. knitting Cotton, all shades, ball, 10 etc J. & P. Coats, 6-ply darning Cotton, 30 ' - yard: spools, - c:-- r ''e -X. i I 5 etc. Silkateen darning Floss, -:XX- 5 etc. HUNTER .& POTTER ORLEANS, VERMONT M n u n ii ii ii ii u n u a n a -n vii n ii -ii ii ii ii i til ii ii ii i) SSI 31 ii u a, ii .1 ii a ii i -ii ii ; ii v 41 ii V, Hi II 91 HURT? DO YOUR PEDALS Aching, tender, swollen sweaty, burning, tired feet are made more comfortable with De Witt's Antiseptic Foot Tablets Kinney Pharmacy Pensular Agency Orleans, Vermont n u H a D B a a . a a a a u D n n a n ii u ii n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii n ii u n ii ii ii u a : The Junior Community Chautauqua a a mm j w t j , starts on wun riea. .riper s jr-ruiia , on the evening of the opening day, I Monday, a great parade for every boy and girl in town, from "8 to 8.30. i Be gins promptly at 7 o'clock and ends promptly at 8 o'clock at the Chautaa qua tent in time for the first program of the" season. From the head of the procession, where the lovely Pied Piper will sit, down to the last littlest girl or boy at the "tail end," there will be strangely and gaily :dressed paraders. A group or hardy sea-seasoned sailors, a bevy.' of merry-faced oriental girls, a squad of uniformed Boy Scouts, a P-Nutt band, a torch light .brigade of dark-faced musicians, a raft filled with cUTiousiooking.buc caneers'ar company of; : Camp - Fire 'irls guarded 4hy- Indians, and many, many other costumed figures of inter est. All the noise in town is to , be used in this P-Raid. After marching through the principal streets, the pro cession . will finally halt at the tent and what a yell will, go up from the Junior Chantauqnans. The Pied-Piper will divide his pie among the chil dren and those who get the ..lucky pieces will win prize tickets. HUNT FOR TREASURE SHIPS , Early on the second morning, in search for lost ships that are scat tered around town will go the eager Juniors. When all . the hundred lost ships are brought safely into har bor (the big tent where the play leader waits) the finders of the three "Treasure Ships" will be given a re. wari- : Yoa11 neve guess what it is. - THE JUNIOR , COMMUNITY . 'Then Junior citizens will elect their own mayor, as well as other high officers. Great care will be tak en to make the very ' best selections possible. Watch the junior citizens work throughout the week and count their splendid activities, if you -.can. Each citizen will . wear . a badge so that you will know him to be a "true blue Junior." Every morning at 9 o'clock the mayor will be in charge of a Junior Community meeting in side the Community teni. Grown ups are cordially invited to visit these meetings. GAMES AND STUNTS More thrilling and lively than ever are the games and stunts planned for the Juniors. . Every morning from 10 to 11.30, games and folk dances for the girls; and stunts and games for the boys. - THE PAGEANT , ... Then the new big Pageant, in which every Junior Chautauquan has some part to play. On the last af ternoon this Pageant,"The Cruise of the Jollity," will be presented. STORIES ' Four afternoon story-hours con ducted by the play-leader. Stories of magic,, mirth and mystery, with some true, up-to-the-hour stories too. A new costume worn by the story teller each afternoon."" No boy or girl would miss these story hours. OTHER EVENTS There are so many . other features of -this vacation-week for girls and boys. A Breakfast hike that is dif ferent from any hike ever taken foe- fore a "Booster" pledge that will interest grown-uns as well as chil dren and many other too-numerous- to-mention-fun-times. Junior tickets cost one dollar and a quarter and they may be used morn ing, afternoon and evening by chil dren from six to fourteen, inclusive. A whole week of supervised recrea tion for the boys and girls in a Com munity Chautauqua town. Days fill ed full with constructive play-times. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CANNING TIME mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Can while you can Can until you can't JARS to preserve it in DOMINO Sugar to sweeten with Twombly &. Colton ORLEANS, VERMONT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOC)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ORLEANS H. B. Smith is Ctesrs T7. Perfcir. Geo. W. Parker was born in LowelL April 25, 1843, and died :ia Orless3 August 2d, as the result of a cancer which had given him more or less trouble for the past six years. He was one of the 11 children of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Parker, six of whom are still living. Four reside in Orleans, S. B: Parker, Mrs. . H. B. Smith, Mrs. Franklin Skinner, and Mrs. H.-D. Stannard. ' January 17, -1871, he married Phil ura Paul, who died at Irasburg in 1910. He is survived by three daugh ters, Mrs. Gertrude Fischlin of St. Johnsbury, Mrs. F. H. Pierce of Or leans and Mrs. Harley Wheeler , of Hartford, 'Conn., and three grand children. Mr. . ifi ... 1 1 ' V -a ell until ne movea xo lrasDurg in 1880, where he was engaged in the lumber.; business for several" years. In 19131 he came to Orleans to lit ; with his daughter, Mrs. F. Mr Pierce. He was a member of Central Lodge No. 65, F. & A. Mv at Irasburg. His- chief devotion, outside his . : family, was to ; his church and his work. He was deacon in the Con- nz gregational church at Lowell and II Irasburg, and a loyal attendant, at ! ! i . i ul !i cnurcn services wug as ma aesuta would permit, ms resignation ana trust rwere implicit and his only re- j gret in passing : was to leave his friends. AH who knew . Mr ; Parker will miss his kindly words and cherry smile. The funeral services were held , at the home on East street Thursday afternoon. In the -absence of Mr.v Hamilton," Rev. C A. Adams of Danville, a former pastor at Iras burg, officiated. The interment was in the family lot at Irasburg. , -TWO BARRELS. SALTED PEANUTS THK .-WEEK cd czjcsli hoxr thej do lcf cMGc pccd. No better cBca croted Pure Cider Vinegar - . Special price on Fruit Jars. " -Full size i6-oz cans unsweetened Milk l - -35c cc! Evaporated 2 cans 25c Strictly fancy hand-picked pea beans while this lot lasts ; : $1.00 peck P. & G., Grandmas Naptha, World, Star and Arrow B orax Soap,.. i 1 5 cakes $ 1 .00 Swift's Pride Lanndry Soap ... '..,.6 cakes 25c Grandmas Borax Powder r V . ' ; :18c What do yon think' of this?. Pineapple. Del Monte Sliced . 3 lara can $1.00 We are still selling that Honesttogoodnesa' Cheese at 27c per pound Lux 12c Rinso , , , Oc Cornflakes 10c Post Toasties .lOc Large can Tomatoes 15c can and a special price if you want a'dozen. Three large rolls Toilet Paper for 25c and its a great lig value. All a fellar has got to do to save money on his grocery bill is to dicker at Smith's and I guess quite a lot ofem arfe' finding if out ciuse thev lucrpred off more coocla for cash' last wppW fhan nnv nthrr wIr in - ' ' --Ir-PAYS TO-PAY AND. LU'G " : UP-TO-DATE GROCERY B. O. SMITH, Proprietor Postoffice Square ORLEANS, VERMONT Congregational , Church Notes Rev. R. A. Hamilton, Pastor . - Morning worship at 10.30. During the vacation. period at the Methodist church the members of that congregation are cordially invit ed to attend . the morning service at the Congregational church. There will be a special short talk for the younger people. - Th NeW e rom H Suits for Fall wear art Schaffner & Marx are now h ere ii ii n ii ii having her Mrs. house painted. The R. W. Eldridge home is being newly painted. Mrs. F. M. Blencowe visited in Mansonville last week. Mrs. Lida Niles of Coventry visited Mts. G. J. Gross Saturday. Mrs. Amy Bartlett of Glover is visiting Mrs. Lydia Willey. Mrs. Nancy Clark of West Glove lsvisiting Mrs. A. L. Brown. Mrs. Samuel Mitchell and two daughters are home again. -i H. 'M. McFarland of Hyde Park was a business visitor Saturday. Mrs. A. -E. Parlin of .Island Pond recently, visited relatives in town. Ibra Winget has been on the sick list for a few days but is better. - Mrs. F. W. Hardy is visiting Miss Evelyn LaFrance at Enosburg . Falls. Mr. and Mrs F. M. Allchurch weTe in Montpelier on business last week. Mrs. Simeon Sheltra is in a critical condition at a St. Johnsbury hospital. Mrs. Henry Harding of Worcester, Mass., is visiting friends in town this week. L. A. Crandall of Worcester, Mass., is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. M. Porter. . ' y ; Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Leach of Wah peton, N. D., called on friends in town Mondav. ' - i . . Gerald Gihnan has finished - work j j in Groveton and is now visiting in n Hard wick. j j j Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hill of Water-III loo, Que., visited at H. O. Searles jj last week. jn . MrsI Ovid Taylor and niece of Do- ; j ver, N. H., visited at Ezra Taylor's n last week. '. ' j jj Donald Dickens is home from a five 1 1 weeks stay at the Plattsburg train-;j ing camp. . jn Mrs. Grace McNamara is enjoying j a vacation from her, duties at the 1 1 Fletcher Co. jjj The Junior band played for a lawn n social at Brownington village Tues- J I day evening. j Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Culver of ! ! Richford visited at the M. E. parson age Saturday. V G. J. Sheperd entertained his broth- . er, Adna Sheperd, and daughter, Dor-jll othy, last week. J 1 1 Mrs. Wallace Smith and daughter, II Vera of Barton visited Mrs. CL P. J Skinner last week. ! 1 2 Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Converse and daughter, Clemma, spent Sunday with 1 1 friends in Bamston. i j j Mr. and Mrs. John Mathes of Lit- II tto-f --n c-noTi Vi nrPAlrnn with Mr. ' ! ! and Mrs. E. E. Doe. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Badger and son j of New York are visitine the latter's i Hams. iU The patterns are specially desirable, the styles are good, the quality is the best and the price is very low for this class of goods. Every suit guaranteed to give satisfaction or back it comes, ho if or ands a new suit or your money back. Your the judge. We still have a lot of Tennis and Canvas Shoes to close at 1-2 the regular price. 1 lot Caps . . ... 1 Jot Caps . . . j . 1 lot Summer Suits at . Best Hart Schaffner & Mark suits 25 cents 50 cents $25.00 All Ladies' Oxfords 25 per cent discount These summer goods must be closed out and we haveput a very low price on them. ; n ii ii ii c ORLEANS, Sfteveims VERMONT Mrfa F. 15. Hunt has so far recov- CZIT ered that she and her nurse have mmm gone to Hampton Beach.- JfaV571y Rvatie ;.Mr- MJ?-?rV.V and his helpers are on the job. ?1S moiner, "?,"ua "- Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Burke 11 I II II II II II II II II II II n ii il !! II II II II U n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii . ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii i ii ii ii ii ii ii - ii n ii ii ii ii ii ii u B. A. Scott Mrs. Madeline, of and Hartford, Mr. and ..... .. r?an crht.PT- John A Wen's improvement nas per- pr-- s-itine at F. J. Kinney. mitted Ui removal to the convales- Conn- ar ' ' cent home at Welledey HU1,. - tamed Tr. m.fhW" Y. .chKienryaSr! day for a visit among relatives. . iwe n. n j In the absence of the regular U&d-' yithe oTmis er, A. H. Bullard led the Barton band . i,. JJ?nK Porter at Lisbon. N. their concert Saturday nignt. - m Minnie Stannard's hoqae is -now H. j David Webster and Miss Fanny Dean are camping with the Irasburg I Websters at Parker pond, West Glov er. Thins s R i ght 5 Orleans County's Leading Food; Store I Corned Beef .S?Si 18, 30c lb 1 Fresh Ground Hambg Steak 18c lb I Fancy Pastiy Flour $1.25 New Bees Honey 35c comb Pure Home Tried Lard 15' ib. Pure, Wholesome, Economical i if . 4- C. E. JENKINS $ " PUBLIC MARKET J Orleans, - . - J Vermont The things you need at the right price is What we aim to give you at this time Men's Suits, those we -have summered over," to go at prices you would make yourself, and New Suits for this Fall, at prices we make Right to fit the pocketbopk and the eye.: - Talbot Clothes have the fit, style and Right price, and ask those who have worn them as to wear. Our new Soft Cloth Hats look fine, and the prices range from $2.50 to $4.50. The Right style for the bid boys and the young boys. . ' - : Have you seen our assortment of the litest narrow Knit Ties? They won't wrinkle. Right price, $1.00. .Men's Brown and Blue Pin Check Overalls. Men's White heavy Overalls and Frocks, Men's big strong Work Shirts, : . If you will give us a chance at fitting you with Work Shoes, Khaki Coats, Work Trousers, Tennis, etc., at the price we now have them marked,' you'll say: the Harris Boys have the Right goods at the Right price. ; SATISFACTION GUARANTEED m 4- ORLEANS, - 'Phone 33-3 Allchurcli Blck Mm. P. A. Whte and thre chil A&n war nt vititora at the home 1 ' of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lyon at Ayert U Cliff. ' HI ' rw and Mrs. Lannhear and ion, Leonard, ana jkliss xua ciaisucu t at Hampton Beach for about ten days. . M. Andrua has put in new ce ment steps and sidewalk nt ibe home of Mrs. Mary Landon on East street recently. It is expected that the band -will have extra help from Barton and Newport for their concert Thursday evening. The B. & M. railroad engineers are lining up the curves and preparing for raising the track at .the Main street crossing. . Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wright and daughter, Rhoda, of Springfield, Mass. visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fauchs Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wilson . and daughter and Mrs. Wiggins visited in Coaticook and otner canaaian puim, last week. - ) H. R. Wellman of Hanoyeris stop-1 ping with his mother, Mrs. 1. is. Smith, after which he plans to take a trip to Maine. Miss Mattie Gauvin is having a two weeks' vacation from Dr. Webster's m office during the doctor's stay at M Camp Devens. . M -Mr. and Mrs.' A. C. Harris recently ! M spent a few days in camp at Joe's S pond with Dr. and Mrs. Victor Genge 5 of St. Johnsbury. J V A-i TT Tir:i1 TXT C! Tnnlirn ViQTra j. V. lllcy oil . . vuaiju UUTW exchanged runs. The former taking the .day run and the latter the night fa run as R. R. clerks. - - - ; S Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Willey and two M sons and Miss Stella Twombly vis M ited at Mr. Edson's at Montpelier . " . H Sunday and Monday.- M Mrs. Inez Bassett entertained her VERMONT M brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. ! . m waterman, and two cnuuren iromi Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo6oooooooooooooooooX)ooo At Austin Dniff Store 30 IDiscouaefi: ON ALL Fishing Tackle FOR NINE DAYS ONLY Begmdng Augcst 11th, and Ecding Angost 20lh 30 per cent, discount will be allowed on anything in the tackle line. It will pay you to buy for next year, it is better than 45 per cent, interest on your money from now until next season. Some articles at even better prices. - Near the Bridge Tho fHoaadUl Ston VERMONT 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $1.00 98c each $1.00 L. BASSETT The Stce where quality counts Waists A new line of waists for all occasions in all styles, Voiles, Organdies, Georgettes and Pongees alLat reasonable prices. a i ORLEANS. WILLEY BLOCK Tel. 32-12- VERMONT ! 3h - Frlmtiiig - A - Specialty (Continued onT Page Eight). yyy WW V.