Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR THE MONITOR, SEPTEMBER 21, 1921 oocoocoocooC'OOOooooccoooooooooooc Shoes! Shoes! For Ladies, Misses and Children. Be sure to see them. . We have a splendid line of them. ' ; It is going to rain some day and you will need Rubbers. We have them. v v Just received a nice line of Felt Slippers. We have a second-hand Crawford Range for sale CHEAP Perley's Novelty Store Main Street, - - Barton, Vt. 0K WASHINGS Wet Washings 4 etc Ib. Quilts 30 ct., 2 or more 25c each Agents for first-class laundry to handle starched work. Also cleaning. Starched work may be left at Heath's Mason's and Flood's Barber Shops. Barton Electric Laundry KIM PAGE, Proprietor -. . ' V ' BARTON,; Tel. 13-3 VERMONT Saving In Your Coal Bill and take solid comfort this Winter and for years to come with a Modern Glenwood Single Pipe Warm Ah- Furnace. ; It is built massive and strong: from top to bottom, and is as easy to regulate as a clock just a slight turn of the Glenwood regulating damper increases the heat or slows it down. A Few Sticks of Wood just rubbish you want to . be rid of, will give sufficient heat on mild days. It heats the entire house uniformly upstairs and down, is easy to handle and costs much less than aw nfliAr hpsrHnor anrafatns tn install and keen in V Tl ... 1-i . J oraer. it is equally gooa A Glearrood "Makes V - TE ftt I II 'M if ? -fl 1' kill It does away with hot air pipes in the cellar and in partition walls, and because of the triple insul ated casing surrounding the fire chamber, pre vents waste of heat in the cellar and is a wonder ful improvement for country homes where a cool cellar is essential for vegetable and fruit storage. For Burning Wood instead of Coal this furnace is ideals Double feed doors are provided to admit large logs and the new wood grate will keep a wood fire night and day the same as if burning coaL Note the arrows in fllostrathm showing the downward passage of cold air against the outside casing and the upward flow of warm air on the inside next to fire chambers - This circulation is constant bo long as there is any heat in the furnajce. Glenwood Ranges and Furnaces are famous the Country over for then smooth castings and good workmanship. They Save Fuel and Make Cooking and Heating Easy. The low cost will surprise yon. Estimates famished free. - Whipple-Converse Co.. Orleans - Cows fed corn and oats last Winter did not receive a balanced ration and . drew on their bodies to produce a good milk yield. These xows will grow thin on glass and will yield poorly because grass is not a real feed, only a stimulant. Special Dairy Molasses Feed is a balanced grain ra tion. It will increase milk flow and put cows back in good condition. Sold by F. C. Brown, Barton. adv. Shoes! Rough Dry Washings 8 cts. per Ib Mangle work by the hour l 1J 1 t zor uiu or new aw Heating Easy' BROWN IN GTON Misi Grace Caron is in the con vent at Barton. -. "- Mrs. John Dwire is keeping house for Thomas Canning. Willard Nichols has returned from his visit in Connecticut. Victor Swanson was in Norton Thursday and Friday of last week.' Mrs. Adaline Church is visiting in West Charleston at Henry Church's. About 20 attended the husking bee at J. E Youner's one nieht' last week. W. J. Stone is putting in another ? big window in the front of his store.' Mrs. Joseph Beauregard is quite ill and Mrs. Wilfred Besette. is caring for her. Harold Hawes has gone back to his school after spending his vacation at home. , - ; Mrs. ' Annie Bashand spent the wek-end with her sister, Mrs. Car rie Caron. - Mrs. Martha. Burrows is stavincr with her sister, Mrs. Jane Burrows, for a few weeks. School in district No. 1 began Mon day, September- 19, Miss -Davis of Newport is teacher. Talk about going to California when lilacs are in full bloom. They can be seen at George Pierce's. Miss Isabel Cullen has returned home from Rutland, after spending several months with her father. Mrs. Jennie Fullington from John son has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Clara Marsh, for several days. Mrs. Myrtie Wright and children from Concord Junction, Mass., are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Wright. z Mr. and Mrs.. Victor Swanson and family were in Glover recently, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hink ley. " Mr .and Mrs. Luther Murry and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart from West Burke -visited Mr. and Mrs : E. J. Caron last Sunday. 4 , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lemaire from New Bedford, Mass., are visiting-Mr. and Mrs. Beauregard on the .Dutton farm. They came .by auto. ;;. - E. S. Kelley is in. : Springfield, iffaM -fn t.tiA" interest of the - suirar makers' exhibit of the Farm Burwm and the Farmers' Exchange. - , . Mr: tLnA Mrs. Thomas soent Friday n) SdfnrftT with Mr. and Mrs. Bd- gar Kalhstrom and they have C?oe with them to Morgan for a tim. ' '. Mrs- Mabel Caldwell from Burling ton, vice president of the .Rebekah as- nnd attended the meeting at Derby Thursday. Thayer Comings and sister, Cath at J. E: Youner's one day last week and Marjorie Young re turned to Burlington with them to take up her work again. The boys' and girls' clubs of Brown ington have been invited to hold their annual exhibits at Woodman hall, Evansville, probably October l. ifur-i ther notice next week.' j The friends of Ethan Adams are very sorry to learn of his death m California, of .cancer. The remains will reach Newport Monday. Sym pathy is extended to the family. Henry Bailey, Mr. and M rs. Ora Bailey and. son Earl, and Mrs. Onn Bailey and two daughters;' Pearl -and Gertrude, from Worcester, Mass., spent last week with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Adalme Church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryant and family from Coaticook, Que., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burrows, and his ther Mrs L zie Bryant, went home with them. Ihe has been with her sister several months. ' ; ; Our next regular . Grang meeting will be Tuesday night, the 4ivu The third and fourth degrees will be worked on five candidates, Refresh ments will be served and Walter Hall, district deputy, has been invited to be with us. Let all members make an effort to come. . BROWNINGTON CENTER Max Porter is building a garage. Charles Blouin of Barton is visiting at Collins Lacourse s. . ; Horace Whitehill and "muyvv recent visitors at Ayer's Cliff, P. JJ- Willis Grant of Hardwick recently visited his sister, Mrs. Henry . Le- land. ,..::... tttt Mrs Effie Lucas oi versamco, Mrs. vrnk Seavey, last visitea ner wio", - Week' , Wolf or Houston Of irSUratjrK Sunday. . . aUed -to St, josepu --pntiv to attend Cuillaume P. Q;1 !fftly - the f unerai oixx from 0r. ,ii"SbS caring for Mrs W. B. Guild. . Mrs: Jennie Noyes oi 6Joh- befn visiting jgjgg lin Young, and siste Mrs. a j Horace , Whitenm ;""r "Myrtle Coventry Saturday. . - ,ward; Mr. and Mrs. ueorge -z- . house at Evansville. - - Mr. and Mrs. r J. . ..fod the aitoJllto b' Wr: On funeral of 'Mrs, visited at Con- their way home they visited v. cord and Manchester, N. H. Mr. and Mrs, dLdk?ng tor trip H prmgfield, Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Gilman y iteand M r!S&ZS It representatives of at his entertained by C. A. -Barrows cottage there. g e and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. b. -erry Mrs. yinjJ'jM Simmondsowere called v TSfS eT GREENSBORO Harold .Simpson rerped to Uni versity of Vermont Tuesday. ; Wm. Barrlngton has .entered Nor wich university: atNorthfield. . Prof. Bliss Perry and fo110 their summer home Monday and. re turned to Cambridge, Mass. .Mrs: Ella Simpson ' is . visiting her sister in Enosburg for a few days. Charles- Miller returned from the hosnital at St. Johnsbury Sunday. Fred Messer of .Montpelier was a business, visitor in town Thursday. Mr. Robbins from camp at Caspian lake was recently, called to Wash iiTrton. 'D.. C. on " business. Mr. and Mrs. William Clifford of Bethel, .were the guests of Mrs. C. U. Bear and F. A. ;Purdy on Wednesday. . Principal Karl and assistants, Miss Smith and Miss Fitzpatrick, motored to Burlington Saturday with Dorman McKinley at the wheel. " i Ano3 Chaffee of Greensboro and Miss Lillian Wright of Richford were Ihas recently bought the Myron" Kin ney farm. Rev. Dwight Hillis of- Brooklyn, N.( X., will, give the first lecture of the course which opens September 28 at School hall. There will be five num bers in the course this year. This has. been made possible by .having a surplus from the last entertainments to furnish a better : course, this sea son. ' : Mr. and Mrs. Block and children closed their cottage Friday and left town for their home in New York. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Block arranged a violin recital by two of their pupils, George Smith and Har-j wflicn several Oi xneir menus were invited. GREENSBORO BEND William Gochie, who has been quite sick, is a little better. The blacksmith shop has been cov ered with metal roofing the past week. Andy Bedell of Laconia, N. H., is spending a few days here with friends. Mrs. Ruth Bedell of Fairlee is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' C. B. Sternburg. Mr. and Mrs. 'Barney Vallencourt of Lawrence, Mass., are visiting friends in town. Will Graham of Gardner, Mass., is spending a few days in town looking after his hotel property here. Mrs. Mary Robinson was called to Glover Sunday by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Henry Tichurst. Mrs. Jane Hutchins 2and " Mrs. Black Smith of Lyndon spent the week-end with Mrs. Delia Hartson. F. A. " Amsden'8 mother, . Mrs. Amelia Amsden,' ' passed her S3d birthday Tuesday, September 13. Mrs. Amsden lives aH alone and does moat of her housework. - 1-: 1 . o n j I BAST, ALBAWT r. . .- I Fancis Keenaxt has gone t Whee lock to work for . Uartin, Sinoa. .. John ,T. Sinon has. been jn St Johnsbury tha past week: foi 'treat ment. .. - . ' William . Kilgallen ;Jias gone to Bingham, N. Y.t where he Aas em ployment. . v Mrs: Nora Good of Barre spent the week-end with her brother, John Murphy. " Thomas Ansboro came home Sun day from his woirk in Newport for two weeks' vacation. Miss Mabel -Walker was operated on at the Mary Fletcher hospital in Burlington recently. . . Miss Josephine Centebar of New port is spending a two weeks' vaca tion with her parents here. Miss Kathlen Keenah went backto U. V. M. Monday after spending her summer vacation with her father here. . (Deferred locals) The many -friends of-Miss Kather ine Ansboro will be glad to learn of her recent marriage to John Murphy of Lowell. Mts. Murpby has for the past' six years been a very successful teacher both in this town and m Lowell.- They will make their home m Lowell where Mr. Murphy is m the blacksmith .business. A friends extend good wishes for a long and happy life together. v f ALBANY J. D. Kelley was a visitor in Hyda Park Saturday. Mrs. Clara Conant from Morris ville is visiting at GeQ. Lawrence's.. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bashaw spent the week-end with friends in Marsh -field. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevens from St. Johnsbury were recent guests at D. H. Hackett's. Mrs. Fred Wright was operated up on for adenoids at the Orleans hos pital recently. Mrs. Elmer Wallace and daughter, Iola, have returned to their home in Cambridge, Mass. Several from this place attended the fair at North Craftsbury Friday and report very favoably. Mrs. Alfred Bimson went Monday to the hospital at Orleans for an op eration for appendicitis, r v Mr. and ,Mrs.; Rogers , from Haver hill, Mass., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Charlotte Chamberlin. .. Mr. Lathe, who has been staying at F. M. Fletcher's for v several years, has gone to Craftsbury-to. live .,-"., . Alonzo Fisher has purchased the house on Water street, formerly own ed by Waldo Eotter, and moved into it. Barbara Fletcher, Kathleen Keenan, Dan Dyer and Albert Campbell - left the first of the week to attend U. V. M. at Burljngton. Harry A. Pike, graduate optome trist and eyesight specialist, will be at Mrs. Gilbert's Thursday, October 6. Regular visits. adv J. B. Darling from Morrisville, E. G. Darling, from Calais and Dr. Ira Darling from Warren, Pa., were vis itors at H. P. Darling's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hallock from Saranac Lake, N. Y., and Mrs. .Hiram Merrill from Lowell, Mass., and Dr. Harold Merrill from Laconia, N. H., were callers at Mrs. Delia Honey's Sunday. Fred Newton has finished the car penter work on Woodman hall and has gone, to Lincoln Miller's in Crafts bury to build a veranda. Elmer George is doing the painting-on the Woodman hall. ; METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Percy Newton, Pastor Morning service 10.30. - Sunday school 11.30. . Evening service .7.30. An invitation is extended to all. to attend these services. : Miss Dorohy Dow commenced her duties as trianist Sunday. Those of the Sunday school who went to the picnic last Saturday had a great time, although we. had to go home early on account of rain. vjr-TTTH ALBANY Mi- TTa Uri loft vn Monday for her duties at U. V. M. C. R. Vance is filling silos for parties at West Glover. - "Mr. and Mrs. A. - C. Williams are suffering with hard colds. Mis3 Guila Rowell returned on Thursday from the hospital. George Vance is suffering ' with rheumatism and is not able to work. 'Mr. and Henry Gamer entertained his parents from Mill Village on Sun day. - .. ; v ;.- . Mw Waif pr Anderson is snendiner thia week with her brother. Frank El- '...' Mrs. Nancy' Bailey, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Roland Ames, has gone to Lowell, Mass. '"--- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Urie are now occupying their new home. We are very gad to welcome them. 'Arthur Knight, a former resident here, now of Lynn, Mass., and his brother, Fred Knight, of Concord, N. H.t were recent visitors in town. SOUTH ALBANY CHURCH NOTES Pastor, Rev. Percy iewton. . Afternoon service 1.30. - . Sunday school at the close of the afternoon service. '.' An invitation is given to all to at-; tend these services. i ORLEANS (Continued from opposite page.) Hattie Cleveland, last weelc She will return with them and they hope to keep her through the winter. Ira A. Gray of Brownington has bought the Gay house on Willoughby avenue, recently vacated by the Stearns family. Mr. Gray and fam ily will be welcomed to Orleans. J. G. Turnbull, Harry Dickens and four girls . from the Turnbull office are spending the week in Springfield, Mass., attending the New England States exposition. The party went by auto. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Doe took a mo tor trip to Northampton, Mass., last week. Through their courtesy, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Winget and son, Ibra, made a surprise visit to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joslyn in Greenfield. Carl Fisher of Irasburg baa assisted the,Orleans band all summer. Through his courtesy the Orleans boys were in vited to Irasburg for. a treat last Thursday evening, previous to which they gave a concert on thecommon. . Mt. and Mrs. G. P. Adams recently entertained her parents, 'Mr. and lira. H. L. Russell, and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Lyford, of Cabot, and her brother and wife; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Susaell, of Barre. Some people have bean annoyed by the damage dona to yards and shrub bery by cows being allowed to wan der aside while going . to . and from pasture. ' A little more care by those in charge might-: avoid this nuisance; Mrs. Mary AUchUrch goes to Barton for a few days and will then go to West Somervdlle, Mass., to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Aldrich. She has been with her son-in-law, V. F. Hunter, for the sum mer. Miss Butler, town treasurer, will be in Orleans at the - Valley House all day Friday, September 23, to receive taxes. Will also bring receipts for all who have paid taxes by mail from Orleans, which may be called for. at Valley House. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barney enter tained their aunt, Mrs. Ida Kidder, of Lyndon last week. The party mo tored to the old log house in Hatley, where Glenn, his mother and aunt were born. Monday they carried the aunt to her home in Lyndon. Miss Alice M. Bennett of Brattle boro is here to take up the work of district nurse. Miss Van Patten of Burlington, state supervisor of pub lic health nursing service, is expected here today to complete the details-of the arrangement. The Village Improvement society announce that any people, desiring plants are welcome to take anything from the various beds in the village except canna bulbs. These will be taken up for next season. The oth ers will only freeze if left much long er. . Hospital notes: Guy Colburn was oerated upon the 14th by Dr. Farm er, assisted by Dr. Wells. Mrs. Al fred Bimson was operated on the 19th by Dr. Allen, assisted by Dr. Temple ton. Mrs. F. Benware of Lowell was brought the 21st by Dr. Young of Lowell for treatment. Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hawse entetained Mrs. R. J. Avery, Dean Avery and Mrs. Wilber Hawse of Hanover, N. H., Miss Mary Jinks of Concord, N. H., Mr. and Mrs. Har old Kennerson, Mrs. Fred Kennerson, Mrs. Wm. McGuire and Miss Audrey Travers of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eldridge are entertaining his sister, Mrs. Amanda Fairbrother and daughter, Mrs. Effie McPhiling, of ; East Hardwick. Mr. Eldridge's people have spent the greater part of the summer at their cottage at Willoughby lake, -but are now home for the winter. - The Mother's club held their annual i picnic at Mrs. A. O. Austin's Satur day afternoon. Nearly 40 mothers and children were in attendance and enjoyed the refreshments of ice cream and cake, and all' the pleasures of a delightful afternoon. The club ex tends thanks to Mrs. Austin for the use of her house and lawn for the gathering. Mrs. Ella Brennan took an auto ride around the village and up to the Perley farm last week. This is the first time that she has been down street in 12 years, and 13 years since she has been up to the old home farm. During all these years she has been confined to a chair or bed with rheu matism but her cherry smile is an in spiration to all who are privileged to know her. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Allchurch were in Montpelier Monday, , where they bought a house at 20 Vine street. They expect to move there soon. He will engage in the optical business with an office on State street. Mr. Allchurch has been in business in Or leans for the past 16 years. Their many friends will be sorry to have them leave town. The next regular meeting of. the Book and Thimble club will be held Wednesday, September 28 at 3 o'clock in the Congregational chapel. An in teresting program of vocal and in strumental music has been prepared. The public is cordially invited and it is hoped there may be a large at tendance as this is a benefit for the library. A collection will be taken. H. R. Wellman of Hanover spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. H. B. Smith. They started Tuesday via. Waterbury for Hanover, where Mrs. Smith will spend a little time with her son and then go to Epping, N. H., for a visit-to her daughter, Mrs. F. E.'Knox. Later ?he will po back to her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Twombly, at Waterbury and home aprain about November 1. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Converse enjoy ed a family reunion at their home Sunday. Besides their family there were present Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Con verse and two children of DeTby Line, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Remick of Barn-j ston and Charles Converse and daugh- ter, Dorothy, of Grand Rapids, Mich.! The two latter have snent several months in the, East and have now re turned to their home in Grand Rapids." EVANS VILIJS ' Mrs: A. E. Tracy is ill. , ; Willie Lowry of Walden visited his uncle, William Lowry, one day last week. . Mr. Davignon haiTsoid his farm 'on Barton mountain and. bought a farm in Stowe. , : :.; . Doris Spencer, who has been confin ed to the bed for the past .week, is im proving. Mrs. Ida Martin and son, Homer, of Newport were visitors at A.E. Tracy's last week. " ': r There will be a dance at the Wood man hall Friday evening, September 23. Everyone cordially invited. W. W. McDowell is moving his fam-! uy to bnetlield this week, onto the farm which he recently purchased there. Mrs. D. A. Gallup went - to West Burke .Wednesday to attend the funer al of her sister, Mrs. C. L. Hart, who died at Bellows Falls September 11. George Woodard of Morgan has bought the Enos Lapierre house and moved his family here. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Woodard among us again. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Rash, who have been spending part f their vacation with her brothers, Delbert and Harley Converse, have returned to their home in Chiccpee, Mass. The social and box party which was held at Woodman hall Friday , even ing was a success in every way. The proceeds from the sale of the boxes were $25.15, and were for the benefit of the ball team. Everyone is recraeated to bear fn mind tha church fair which is to be held at the Woodman hall September 28. - AH those having articles to don ate for the various booths are re quested to leave them with, the com mittee or witn (sirs. George Hunt by September 26. At this sale farm pro duce, . groceries, - aprons, quilts, tow els, and fancy work, will be sold. Al so ac uie mystery booth you may oh tain five and ten-cent articles. No regular suDDer will be nerved hnt t the food booth ice cream, cake, cof fee, doughnuts and sandwiches will be sold. All come and spend a pleas ant evening-and' irt'this way help the auxiliary. ' COVENTRY ' " - ..... H. C. "Goss has been' Awarded flia patrol woTk on the federal road. Lieuts. Cleveland and TTaxa nm iln. ing some fine stunts in the air which is greatly annreciated bv Covntrv people. . ' - , . Leslie Glover will give moving pic tures -n the town hall Friday evening, September 23. "Wolves of th fitroaf. " All come., - The ball game between Newport Center and -Coventry resulted in a victory for Covenrty, 14 to 8. The boys are doing fine this year. OPERA HOUSE, BARTON .. FRIDAY O m. OA EVENING Oept. OU J. C. ROCKWELL'S Sunny South Co., The Oldest Organization of its Kind on Earth The Enemy of the Grouch, Blues and Sadness PI AD I? Exclusive Features, Original Novelties IVllf II Ij Charming Musical Numbers Top Notch Vaudeville Stunts ' THAN ANY SIMILAR ORGANIZATION Largest in Number Best in Quality A Riot of Fun Fascinating Music Girls Who Can Sing, Dancing that Is Enticing Comedians Who Make You Laugh ALL FOR FUN Solo Concert Band KOONTOWN Prices 55c and 85c War Tax Included Sale at Pierce's Pharmacy ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo THE CABINET ELECTRIC WASHER The Washing Machine that washes by scientific millrace principle of flushing Jhe hot sudsy water through the meshes of the fabric 200 times every minute. No rubbing, consequently less wear on the clothes, washes quicker and better than any other machine on the market. The only wringer that is self adjusting, swings to any position. The users of the Maytag are our best advertisements. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AND RECORDS A full line of cabinet and table machines. Our terms will please you. THE FREE SEWING MACHINE , -The easiest running, highest speeded sewing machine sold. Will do in ' four .daysv what any other machine will do in five Covered by a life-time guarantee that covers every part of the machine. The Whipple Orleans, 000000000000000000000000 - Hopeless. "Ah, I was a struggling young man when I married her. Yes, I struggled hard, but I couldn't . escape." From the Looker-On, Calcutta. . ; Green Mountain Theatre : Coming this week the first episode of the great wonder serial, "Light ning Bryce," featutfng Ann Little and Jack Hoxie. You will see in this great serial the Mystery Woman,' mysterious ' wolf powder, cowboys, Indians' dance, hall girl gamblers, saloon keepers and Chinamen. Sel dom has a serial been made that com manded so much attention as this serial. It is claimed by many to be the best serial ever made. Don't miss a single episode. In addition to the serial you will see a six-reel feature, "Wolves of the Street." You will see scenes taken in New York underworld and the splendid scenery of the West. There is nearly. 8000 feet of film in this show and for that reason we will begin at o'clock sharp. Be sure to see the first new show Albany, Thursday, Coventry Friday, Irasburg Saturday of each week. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBJ 22 DOROTHY GISH in LITTLE MISS REBELLION ART ACORD in THE WHITE HORSEMAN Orleans Friday FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 REALART SPECIAL, - - THE MYSTERY OF THE YELLOW ROOM -TWO-REEL WESTERN DRAMA, FIGHTING FURY v;:' Orleans Saturday SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 LOUISE GLAUM in - ; LOVE MADNESS PATHE NEWS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 ETHEL CLAYTON in A CITY SPARROW A PARAPOUNT FEATURE Paramount Magazine ' Orleans Wednesday WORLD FAMOUS v Americas Greatest Colored Show FUN FOR ALL Excellent Orchestra PARADE DAILY - Converse Co. Vermont wc0 .11 I