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4 B H n n r B n m 13 n n H a n n n o a H A , .; B i . B H D a n M n a u n n -n j H n n v. :'i i? 'IV r ? "A t 000000 Winter Weather and it makes us all think of something warm and com fortable for our feet. Our stock is so complete in this line that you can get what you want when you want it. No waiting this year. V : Youth's Lumber Jacks, wool lined, Ball Band Boys' Lumberjacks, wool'lined, Ball Band Mens Lumber Jacks, wool lined, Ball Band Men's Lumber Jacks, wool lined, Gold Seal . . . . Men's Duck Perfection, Ball Band . Men's all rubber 10-inch lace boots, Gold Seal . . Men's all rubber 10-inch lace boots, Ball 'Band Men's 4-buckle all rubber Overshoes, Gold Seal Men's 4-buckle heavy Arctics, Ball Band . Youths' leather, tops, Ball Band ; ?. . : ....... Boys' leather tops, Ball Band .v. Men's leather tops, 8-inch, Ball Band ..... ... . Men's leather tops, 10-inch, Ball Band . . . . Men's leather tops, 12-inch, Ball Band Men's leather tops,, 16-inch, Ball Band . Men's all rubber lace 16-inch" Boots ... Men's canvas top lace 16-inch Boots . . . Men's felt Boots . , . . . .;. Men's coon tail Boots .V. ' Youths' Leggings . . .............. Boys' Leggings ................ ... Men's heavy Eureka Leggings . . ;. Men's heavy Socks i : Men's; extra -Rubbers for leather tops . Youths Felts and Rubbers, sizes 6 to 10 "Mens., black knit Shoes ... . . ; . ,;. O1. .T a special xuiDDer ior tne men s knit snoe .2.00 .2.40 3.00 3.25 2.60 -4.50 3.90 4.75 ...... 4.35 . . . 2.35 ... . 3.25 . . . ; . 4.00 ... 75 .. ..... 5.25 . ..... 6.25 , . . . . . 6.25 ....... 6.25 ,'. ... . 2.00 .! ... 3.50 90c to 1.00 .... . 1.25 - ...... 1 .60 .35c to 90c . . ; ; . 2.50 . . ... 2.15 3.45 2.25 1 lb. Golden' Nugget Coffee ". 'I'. '''Hi '.v? 35c I lb. Cocoa V. si v . . . ... il. t . . . 20c 55c This Combination Special for Friday and ; Saturday, November ltth and 12th ' " - v . i -i HUNTER & POTTER ORLEANS, VT 00000000000000X000CK !!15BBS9BBS3nSDOODBBnBBQQB59BBBBQBB!IDBOIGRIBEICSSBSDC3BDBSB CHOCOLATE "Hot H a B B B a B fl B m a Hot chocolate is a drink you can .drink for pleasure alone, and it certainly has a distinctive food'value. "' vV V ; It also "warms you up" when you have been ridingn-the cold. v--. m ; We serve it and alsp other drinks .Piping" Hot at our Fountain.with Saltines 10c. v Kinney Pharmacy Pensular Agency Orleans, Vermont b B a B BBBBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBklBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU At Austin's Drug Store Good-Form Hair Nets "A womn's crowning glory' loses much of . its beau-', ty if not properly cared f or. V Most women do care for their hair with shampoos, brushes, etc.,but many over look the added comfort and improvement of appearance obtained by the use of a :Hair . Net : If you have never used one, try a Good Form. (They fit.) . - If you do use hair nets, try a Good Forhi. '(They last). . . . You will never want any other kind.' Light brown, black, dark brown, blond, medium brown, auburn V. ; ; ' V 1 15 cents. -Two for 25 cents. White and gray 25 cents each. This coupon and 19 cents is good fo two.Gbod Iform' Hair Nets; if presented oh or before xNov6mber 16, 1921. (White or gray, one net). " AUSTIN'S ORLEANS -1 1 Near the 3fl0 ORLEANS Bridge SSSSS VERMONT oxoooxodoooooooooxxoooXK Orleans Cczrty's Leading Food Store ALL ROUND FLOUR Golden Poppy $1.15 1-8 bbl. tack " ' -'-p - large- 'f -'r M k INDlAk RIVER, GRjrtPE FRUIT I ; . - ' - 'i fancy Western; steer beeif Round Steak-, . Rib Roast trlociStak 'iSc lb. : 25e30e lb. ' v ) 40clbi ; ... . . '.. ...... . i - . i '-. --- , . ' Squired . Squire's 7 - Squire's Frankforts Bologna Minced Loaf 25c lb. ; ; : 20c lb. L 25c lb: Si' ORLEANS Ch W. Locke, A. O. Austin, 1 Reporter Business Agent Orleans School Notes.- . The Hoadley children are back in school after being quarantined for scarlet fever. f : The new pupils entering the jun ior high school this week are Greta Ha skins and Leah and Preston pow. " The boys have "been enjoying the outdoors basket ball -practice since a group of them loyally worked a week ago Saturday to put up the standards for, the'goalSi The morning,, assembly Friday was again xf ayored by . the music, of the school orchestra. Geraldine Stod dard and Benny Doyle read original stories for the assembly period also. A new . course has been started for credit in the schools. ' A class in vo cal music under Miss Redfield has been added to the instrumental ap plied home music courses. Over a dozen pupils aTe taking these courses thus far. - ; . - One hundred" and seventy-five pu pils are defective according to the. repoft of the health 'examination here. Of the 215 defects found, 150 aTe of the teeth, 34 of the throat, 20 in vision, 4 of the heart and two of the nose and throat. A need is felt for 'the school health moto-put into action: EVERY CHILD NORMAL. Among thegifts sent through the Junior Red Cross by each grade to the children of Bavaria were, 32 handkerchiefs, 16 dolls, 14 balls, four wrist watches ,43 -tdys of r various sorts, five tooth brushes, six tubes' of paste, - seven hair ribbons, .16 . whis tles, eight books, and J.2 boxes . of crayons. There were, also many oth er articles in smaller quantities.' In all over 195 articles were packed, in the boxes. , ... ''-.. ', .. 'i I Orleans- School - Meeting; ill. The- -legal voters of f'the "Orleans Graded School district . are, waTned- to meet in , Opera Hall Tuesday; Novem ber 15th,". at;s7.30 p m. to.', transact the following business: S . Art, 1. To hear the Teport and re commendations of the building com mittee. 'Art. 2. To see what action the dis trict will take on the recommenda tions .of the building committee. Art. 3. ,To authorize the trustees to borrow money for the purpose of building said school building. V "Art. 4 4Tos transact any. other business that mayvlegally come before said meeting. ' " This is an important matter and every, voter in the district. Plans of ' ground in Albany and Eden. Congregational Church Notes Rev. R. A. Hamilton, Pastor The sermons on 0: T. prophecy will be continued on Sunday morning. On Sunday evening there will be a union 1 service at. the Congregational church. The lecture on Red Cross activities will, be illustrated by -means of a finely colored set of slides. -All are cordially invited to -this Sunday evening union service. ' . Methodist Episcopal Churth Not as Clarence D- Pierce. Pastox . '-'.' . Sunday -services. ; , -"Morning worship- 10.30 o'clock. Dr. Hatch of Montpeligr will speak in the interest of 'the seminary at the morning service. , t-" s Sunday' school 12' o'clockj-? r :, There will ; be a union service at thp Congregational church Sunday evening with slides illustrating the work of the Red Cross. - The L. S. Sunday school class gave a social at the church vestry Friday evening. The decorations were of Halloween effect: Music and games were enjoyed. Refreshments of sand wiches cookies, and orangeade were served. : IT PAYS TO PAY., AND LUG ously ill for a few days last week. Mr.' and Mrs. R. A. Bean spent Sat urday and Sunday in Burlington. Mrs. Clara Brown is visiting her niece, Mrs. Arno Burns, in Enosburg. Mrsl.Jane M. Wiggin has gone to Danville to visit her son, A. D. Wig gin.' :;: ; . . ' ' ' Mrs. Herbert Wheeler , of Irasburg was the guest o Mrs. Ralph Quimby Tuesday.-'t ' , r ' : -F, C. Brown is putting a new re frigerator into . the C. - W. Brooks market. ; j " c The rank of. knight will be confer red, at a-pecial, K. P, meeting .Thurs day evening. ; - Mr. land Mts. James Doe 1 of Gran by, QuS!, are visiting her sisterMrs. Milo TWiting. c V1-;'' 1 1 '.Mrsi "AC Harris "spent a part of last week' with her cousin, Mrs..j. War her, at HighWater 1 ' - ' - Alfred Cota of South Paris, Me., spent the week-end with his parents on Irasburg street. , o George Neddow has returned "from Charlestown, N. H., to run the dryer in the veneer mill. r ; Mrs. Minnie Twombly is visiting her niece, ' Mrs. Ruth (Tripp) Bow ley at Middletown.. " t Mrs. Mary Hartwell of Troy has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Andrus the past week. F. J. Pierce and F. J. Parlin are deer hunting on , their old stamping th nronosed " new buildine have been exhibited in the bank window for sev eral days. The committee have spent mu"h time and thought over . this matter and now present the result of thir considerations. If . a new high srhool building is to be erected in 1922 it is hisrh time that contractors be e-iven ary opportunity to figure and submit bids. ' ORLEANS , Missi Mabel Bennetr has tonsilitis. E. E'.s Doe was in Burlington Mon day, and Tuesday. ! : Ira Gray is having 1 setlou.i . trouble with rheumatism. . ' C. C. Grandy had a H. E. telephone installed last week.'. , L. R. Wifson was a business visitor in Bradford last week. Miss "Viva tf'otter spent the week end with relatives in Barton. The frame of T. J. Hughes' new house on Irasburg street is up. 1 Miss Althea Wheelock was seri- J. H. Gilmour.was quite severely in jured last week by a fall from a lad der wtfile working in the mill. Mrs. Charles Gallup of Browning ton is working at Carroll Wilder's. Mr. Gallup spent. Sunday with her. f ATthur Emerson and Maurice Par ker, accompanied by VS. D. Parker of Newport; are deer hunting in Nor ton, r G.'S.( Dodge is installing a hot water heating system in, his home. The Whipple-Converse Co.', are; doing the wortt. Mrs. E. N. Trenholme and son have returned after passing several weeks at the home of her neople in Ayer's Cliff, P. Q. i " " T. M. Buzzo, A. G. Baird".and John Baird are deer hunting in Wenlock. Preston Skinner will join them: later in the week. " ' . Charles R. Taplin goeto New York Thursday night. While there he will attend the Dartmouth-Pennsylvania football game. - V . Wm.. H.. Jeffreys, chairman of the fFancy Cheese , Cream of Wheat Postifm CefeaP.. . . v. . . ... , Instant Postum . . ... . . . . , Butter Crackers, large box' Pure, Vanilla, 2 oz. ..... i Fresh Shredded Wheat . . . Pnrp T.arrl Fresh P. 1 nes . .... ... ...'.. . Pound-can Evap. Milk ... I Olneys Corn or t'eas. . . Three large 'Grape fruit 7 . . Fresh line Cookies, lb. . . . . Boneless Cod strips, special at .30c . 25c .20L .44c 24c :15c . : 15c . . . . . .15c . .10c .:;.:15c .! 25c . .20c . . .23c lb. Buttermilk toilet Soap, 5 'cakes Glycerine Toilet Soap, 5 cakes Swift's Pride Soap, 6 cakes . Lenox Soap, 6 cakes Export Borax Soap, 10 cakes P. & G. Soap, 15 cakes ..... btar boap, id- cakes ... . . . Fels Naptha Soap, 10 cakes Grandma's Naptha Soap, 15 cakes Naptha Soap Powder, 6 boxes .... Quart best Ammonia ,2r x Fletcher's Castoria . . . .34c Uampbelrs Soups, dozen .$1.25 . . . 25c . . . 25c . . .25c . . .25c . . . 25c .$1.00 .$1.00 . . . 69c .$1.00 . 25c 50 Pairs -Men's heavy Woolen Hose, to close the lot 69 cents nn it. Bear Brand Men's Heavy Cotton Hose, 100 pairs at 15 cents a pair. 'l''. .Gloves and MittensShoes and Rubbers Overalls and Heavy Pants Special,' 300 pairs Men's heavy Cotton Gloves all going at 15 cents pair.- -Seeded Raisins 22 cents. Seedless Raisins 25 cents. Fancy Molasses 50 cents gallon. Buy your Thanksgiving Supplies Here and Save Money Rice Figs Dates Cranberries- Walnuts Spanish Onions Poultry Seasoning & Sage B. O. Smith, Proprietor Postoff ice Square Orleans VL X Si ii ii ii Jhio i i ii. ea u a a a n u a g a a a n H ii El u n u a a u a a a a a n u a ii is u n u a Never before have we EeenJ aBle to offer you such values: for $5.00. We have so 4 a lot but still have a ot left. Mens brown calf dress shoe, genuine welts in both medium pointed and round toe made by one of the high grade shoe manufacturers and guaranteed to give satisfaction at . i Ladies' dark brown high cut dress Shoe .in the medium heel and low heel genuine welt and a dandy. Only THESE ARE :XTR A VALUES g Other Shoes for the ladies at $3.00 $3.50 and up to $8.50. Children's Shoes, sizes 4 to 8 hard sole, first step $1.15 up. Boys' and Men's high cut sheer. "SEES E222S5E2S Call d s an We have just received a large invoice of Blankets, Underwear and Hosiery . ' ' Double cotton fleeced Bed Blankets, Indian Blankets, Baby, tl Blankets both cotton and wool also Underwear and. Hosiery for ladies, gents and children. .' . m ; U ; u " i 1 Ei u B a a a 3 a a a a H t? a a a a Come in and see if the quality and prices are Tight. Beede Block 'HO YT & HO YT Orlean,, Vl. Ruths' Rubber Packs v $2.60 1 $3.50 Boys and Youths' Leather Tops $2.00, $2.25, $25 Heavy All Wool Hose .$1.25, $1.00, 75c, 5e, 4pc JENKINS- j - Orleans, PUBLIC MARKET TT JpOU all know? th'e. fellow who waits 'till the very last minute T to get his hunting togs, and you know howhe keeps the ; whole crowd waiting. You also know v that the same gang thats willing tot;wait all day for a deer hates- like thun dor to wait S minutes ior a man who is'nt ready. . Be a "Jerry on itie Job" Men's Leather Tops, 8 to 16 in, Men's Canvas Top. Swampers , Men's All Rubber Swampers' -Men's All Rubber Packs r Boys' Rubber Packs $4.75 to 6.25 1 4.75 to 5.00 $5.00, $5.50, $6.25 : $385 to $4.50 3.2B y Ojfjr-: Sweater linens still complete oh sizes and there ate :V- J? ICKS, ,.Ultr-COIiirS UIJM OWC LCI 5 111 OCill JJIUWI13, XJ1UC3, j;'Kccp yotir eye on the Bargain Table 1 Mea Shoes, formerly $5.50 $4.50 - IVIen s Rubbers ;v x , , ; :f-.;.";-rV BoystRubbers 'V - --J '. Sheepskin Bootees Keep your eye open for our weekly bargain tahlgrd atep lively. at $3.50 .70 " ;55 "155 H - Gente Furnishings Clo rpi,ne 33-3 H ORtEANS, -Allchurch .' Block rnl - . . -V: . - " t ' thinir ' Have yoii 6een our all wool Sweaters for men at $5.00?f If not look them over. Same thing with collar $5.50. ' v Co ORLEANS, ! VERMONT U a a a a a u H a a a u n t n n n n n n u n a n n u M a n u m m n a a a a n a 11 n a n a a a a a a a n u a a u a u M U a ii M M a u a u m M u B U n H a a a a a a a a State .'Board of Charities and Pro-. bation vfas in town on business Fri day and Saturday. . - R. W. and L. C. Eldridge spent a few days in Boston last week and while there attended the National Textile exhibition. ; Mr. anfl Mrs. L. W. Rash have re turned from a seven weeks' trip to San Diego, CaL where they visited their daughter Hope. . ; - Miss Evelyn Alexander - oi St. Johnsbury, special state tuberculosis nurse, was in, Orleans Tuesday in the interests pf her work. . , The Pythian listers are preparing for a sale of fancy work, aprons, handkerchiefs, and a' mystery booth at K. P. Hall, December 8. ' Miss - Ruth " Aldrich invited Miss Gladys Hill, home economics teacher, to snd the week-end with her at her home in Derby Line. y. Rev.'C. D. Pierce has .--joined a party of deer hunters at Notch pond, Wenlock; and Hiram Allen is in another part of Wenlock. - "My Bungalo is the title of a new sonjr. the words of which, are by Mrs. W. J. Joslyn of this place. The words are very good and the music, quite pleasing. . . , , " Mrs. F. A. Bennett is entertaining her brother and sister, Benjamin and KatKeryn Donaldson of Portland; al so tending store wjiile Fred in seeking venison. Rev. R. A. Hamilton' rwas;in WfciU River Junction Monday and Tuesday to attend a' meeting of the . state evangelistic ' committee .of; which ".lie is chairman. Mrs." Lirtie Cameron is slightly im proved. Her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Rich mond of Newport is assisting in her care. Mr. Richmond, has also been $r;fdaya.,..r : ..,r.,Vv About a dozen Orleans people at tended the - funeral 'of Mrs. ' J ospeh' iHyde at. Westmore . Friday. West- more .and. Orleans-people nave many . interests xn common. , - -m , . ( M. W. Parker is having two weeks' m ' vacation from his duties as trouble M man for the N. E. Telephone Co., and SOI Ray Rush of Newport is looking af- wotk ior - me vrieaiis e--- u ooooooooooooooooxxooo r iNE of the Season's Most Important . Coat offerings! Ready tomorrow, in Bolivia, Silvertone, Plush; Heather Mixtures, Chinchilla and Velobrs, made in loose Back, semi fittedand belted backs. " Range in price from $12.00 to $50.00 With every coat sale this week a pairof gloves will be given E. L. Orleans, BASSETT Vermont TL32 12 57 Main Street it': el teT the f -change. '. . : VERMONT ; j - Mrs. Arthur . Sargent and little oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookooooookooo (600000CKOOOOOOCOC0000000000000000000000000000000 " 77 iW II I II HOE . We have added to our stock the well ' known Wise IChis Bread flour, made from the bsest quality wheat and Goodness milled, into every barrel. " : - -$2.50 1 At bbl. Sack . Twombly & Golton ORLEANS, - ; - VERMONT y V yyy V yyy y ? J J (Covtiaoed tt ovposfto pase.) oooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooohooooo ) A I