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i ti ' mm 9 1 I ii ci H II II II II ' II II II II II fl II II ii II II U ' a ti 11 11 11 ii i ti i !! tl ffl II tl tl II II . II II II - II II l tl II U a an Sweater Day I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Saturday, Nov. 12 Forty Sweaters placed on center table at $5.95 each This lot contains many styles, many colors, and all Sizes, the prices formerly ranged- from $6.95 to -$16.00. j They are just as warm and comfortable as they ever were jj and in perfect condition, but the most critical might una some detail that is not the latest, but remember- the price is only $5.95. . v ' For two weeks we have advertised Suits at special prices to reduce our large stock, and the Prices, combined with the splendid styles, best materials and perfect tailor ing, have made things move. x , But there are still good values left. Wouldn't you buy a good $39.50 to $45.00 Tricotine Suit at $25.00 ? ' ' Come in and look you can do it. " Near-Seal Coats, Sealette Coats, Plush Coats, Bolivia jj Coats,. Erminia Coats, Pollyanna Coats, Normandy Coats, ij i'anveiour Joats, ur lnmmea ooaxs, av auy price yvu. ma.j want. v $19.50 to $95.00 Compare Price and Quality with any Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and Furs in fine assortment. Bed Blankets, Wool Nap and all wool white and gray. Cotton Blanket, 64x36, Special at $1.95. Floor coverings are going out every day because we have. a new, and large stock to select from. . ;' ; Congoleum pemnants, 36x36, at 45c each. Munsingwear Underwear1 Have you ever tried it? Perfect fitting, made from the best yarns, and prices figured at the low market. Columbia yarns, Toques, Knit Sets, Wool Scarfs; and New Sweaters. ... s Mr. and Mrs. E.'H. Reece, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maeroon.N Mr. and Mrs. li;E. C. Cass And Mr. and Mrs. W. J IliPvlipr nrp. in theii camD at Holland. where the men are hunting deer. Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Buck of New port and Mrs. Swett of, St Johnsbury motored to Chester, Mass., last week, called there by the sudden death soi Leonard Brainard. Mrs., Buck is a sister and Mrs. Swett sister-in-law of Mrs. Brainard. ' Mrs. Augusta Young will be hostess of the Woman's club on Wednesday Nov. 9th; exchanging programs with ll II II ii uiiiuin i lulls ifAia' ur" LIEUT. CLEVELAND The latest construction work being done by H. O. Smith, contractor is the building of airplane .hangars. The past week Mr. Smith with a force tf help have been in Coventry erecting hangar for the Curtis plane of Lieut. Walter Cleveland, which is being lo cates on. the Judge H. C. Cleveland meadow. The hangar is 55 foot by 33 and of sufficient capacity to accom modate a much larger plane than the Curtis which Mr. Cleveland has., Lieut. Cleveland has received such ig programs wiui ltv, tf . nciWi Mrs. Foster who is unvoidably. absent nhZ from town. Mrs. Hinman will also i - T nave a snorx message to " is so constructed that , . , vear. a snort message to present, to - Vir nntira frntlf ryp RK "fpO't'. IS mstAa lin to be present.1 I of sectional doors which will operate drawford 'Adams, one of the J on rollers arj track "opening up the most popular figures in the en- entire front (J the i shelter. Connected tertainment world, made his second - with -the ' building will be a fully appearance before a Newport au-! equipped machine shop where neces dience Monday evening. The audience sary repairs can be made by a mechan- at the armory, although not large, ic. was very appreciative, ana xar. GILMAN & CO., Inc., Newport, Vermont ii ii Adams responded to numerous en cores. ,'. Former Mayor Jamesi T. Gardner, who recently purchased the Billings farm, where he spent the summer in one of the cottages on-me piace, ais- Hospital Name Changed. k Will Probably Build in Soring A meeting of the members of the T . . j TT :4- 1 T Wednesday evening. Although the which flourishes on Jape uoa. Mrj-"'"""" IT "VZ r.Ara-r v,. moca on hm market i to come before the meeting was to see Benjamin Wright, who is traveling for G. S. Stoddaru & Co. . of New York, visited his family over Sunday. The Ladies of St. Mark's church will hold their annual supper -and sale of fancy and useful articles the first week in December. The Ladies of St. Mark's church will hold their' annual supper and sale of fancy and useful articles the first week in December. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ora Day, who have been occupying an apartment in the Arlington Block for sometime, moved Monday to new rooms on Scott ave nue.- Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, ac companied by Mrs. Howard Scott and Mrs. A. M. Lebourveau of Cookshire, P. Q.,were in the city Monday, on business. . .. r x Myron Brainard of Lowell, Mass., was here last Saturday to attend the burial services, of his brother; Leo nard, who- was killed in a railroad accident at Chester, Mass. D. Wellington Hall of New York will preach in the Advent church New port Sunday Nov 13th.' The regular prayer meeting at the church will be on Thursday night instead of Wed- a dinner party last Friday evening, the occasion being Mrs. Hobson's birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Welland Shepard and Howard Hobson of Island Pond. over- ?40 wortn oi tne Dernes wis season and is; planning on greater quantities another year. - "Jim" is bound to boom Newport and he may, do it by raising cranberries. j The Takastitch club members ' and their husbands met at the home of Mrs. Roy Hicks Nov.. 1 at a halloween party. The living rooms were, prettily adorned with halloween decorations. ! Halloween stunts and games were played by the 30 that were present, and a erood time enjoyed by all. Re freshments of sandwiches, coffee, doughnuts, pumpkin pie, punch, ap ples and home-made fudge were serv if the members would vote to change the name .of the hospital association. When .the hospital project was first launched, the name decided upon was Newport Hospital association, Inc. As time went on and funds began to accumulate, the officers of the asso ciation were satisfied that a hospital for Newport was assured in the near future. It was then that it was de cided to conduct a drive for funds f6r its construction. . The v result of that drive is well known around the coun ty. .. .The response from all the towns in the county exceeded expectations, and ed. The next meeting will be at the UA "ff "IT8111? v"c" home of Mrs. EdgaDeari. ,x fnmembfn t-x . , . , , . . 'to have a. change in the name, which Sam Davis, who is teaching music- ag unanimoUsly voted at this meet and French at the .Cranston high in g. and the association from now on school, Providence, R. I., is also tak-! be known as the Orleans County ins a prominent pan m - uMiuau Memorial Hospital Association, Inc. circles in wax, city, xie ,wcupics Mrs. Walter Hinman presented a formulated plan of a building which she thought, would be suitable for a 3ananaQncaacc3aaflaDnananc22Eacacanau Use the Monitor for Results center position on the Grace church team, also is playing forward in the X. lA. j. xx. Mjaui. . xu a iCui ov- , . n ,. . , count ' in a Providence paper of a UiTA ? oc contest between the Grace church team1 40 86. feet; stones with a n,.Z Jv,,, fMm -htnix rear extension of 24x24 feet. On this fctXlU Valval J V.11U1 VH -v.CIlt t mvii i , . . the former won by 35 to ,23, Davis Proposed plan estimates as to the cost a X x -c t.of such were secured from Contractor which the Calvary quintet could not O. Smi h which was about 7 000 Rev. L'. A. Edwards of the First Congregational church preacherf in the Brighton Congregational Church of Boston Sunday. The pastor of, that church, Rev. S. W. .Anthony was a collegemate of Rev. Edwards. The Ladies'- Social" union of the East Main street Baptist church will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Hildreth. 'Ladies please come and be prepared to sew, as there are aprons to be made for the sale to be held the first part of December. Luman Jenne received a postcard last week from Will Tripp and fam ily, who are on their way by auto to Florida. , They were in Augusta, Ga., at that time and having a fine trip with no trouble and making 125 miles per day. scale. Davis made 7 basket from floor and got 7 goals on fouls. Sam is keeping up his former good record which he held when in Newport. " ' , g h g The buildinc: is to be of colonial style and brick veneer. The building will be divided into sev eral rooms and apartments, wards, offices, sun parlors, operating room and. maternity ward.. Nothing was overlooked by Mrs. Hinman that would give Newport an up-to-date hos pital building in every respect Mrs. Hinman recommended a building of 20 private wards, each to be 12 by 15 feet, of sufficient size if circumstances demanded that two cots could occupy each room. Then there was the kitch en, superintendent's office, reception room, rest room, linen, closet, public baths, maternity department and nur sery, women's ward," men's ward, sit ting room for nurses, etc. Some dis cussion took, place on various matters and it was thought best for a commit tee to visit ether established hospital buildings, which might give them valuable information. The committee will continue to work along the lines of plans and specifications ' with the idea that in the early 'spring building operations will begin I' 1 WHAT. GOOD IS A GOOD BOOK if you have to st eyes wl . t . ' vet.' it is so rs to far' eyesight' J your ood - right .glasses.. V Iet us examine your eyes and by fitting the right glasses, make reading, writing -'and all your cys work a source of profit and pleasure to you, 31 fttty itymd jucaun ft L. H. Mclver D..O. S. Optometrt & Ontician Newport - - Vermont be bought ! ... The phonograph that amazed Orleans County : can There is a rumor abroad that the instrument which triumphed in the drastic comparison test, made October 13th at Newport Armory, was a special exhibition model. That ' rumor is false. The instrument .was a regular Official Laboratory Model, like those ixi our own stock. . Every Official Laboratory Model in our stock is guaran teed to sustain the same test. r If you were one cf those, in that audience, who wist fully exelaiiaed: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could buy a phonograph like tbat" know that you can. Know that it will perform this miracle every day for you in your own home. .NEW EDISON "The phtrwfraph with Swl" Came and hear for yourself the Official Laboratory Model's Barveleur rcaliea. Piad oat abent oar Budget P1b,-wniefc enables yoa to ewn ea Official Laboratory Model for"" a stsall down payneat, the balance ca a ffeatleman's ajrreeaeat ta sait year eenveaieaee. Note: -The test at tie ITetrpert Arsaory, was made by Leela Laeey. the werld-feaoas eopraoe. ' She compared her Hviag voiee with its , Hn-CRDAnoN by the New Edison. There was ao di!7ercace between the Hviag voice and the Rb-Csoatcd voice. . -. , The new Edisoa stands absolutely alone in this achieve ment; no other phonograph has ever sustained this test of comparison. - : ' . The & Company Newport, Vermont MAKE HOUSEWORK EASIER Use an Electric Iron to conserve energy and save time. A steady flow'of. elect! ic current keeps it hot from start to finish. Prices reduced to $6.00 and $8.50 A HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER " Makes housework much easier. Saves stooping and hard work with b$oom by instantly picking up lint, threads, hair. etc. It possitively rids carpets and rugs of all deep imbedded particles of grit and dirt that hack away with the roots of the warp and quickly destroys it. It beats, it sweeps, it cleans, - Cashnprice $52.50 Electric Toasters Nicely finished highly1 pol ished nickel, will make very acceptable Xmas gift, sev eral styles in stock. , x$6.75 to $10.00 Dut Mops ' Dry or for oil. Save a lot of work fa the house and de the work quickly. Prices on Cedar Mops - v Now $1.00 r Dentergent For Gleaning A weaderfal oleaaer tct alt tread werk whether aiee ly paintsd cr hard weed fleer. ffcall paekaffes, kecrs er barrells. :r, . " ;:, Wectinghcuce Electric Range ' The biemt caver of work and money ia the home. Yo u . can de u yoer cokias with Electricity far 1 -2 . what it . costs for wood or, eoml, and do it without dust or dirt all over the house. Heat just whea yoa want it and just the same amount of it all the tha-. Simple to use as turning on the lights. Visit eur Basement store frequently for house farnishiaga. True & Blanchard Co., Inc; Hardware Merchants Newport, Vt. Prices on Rane Nickel Tea Kettles 1-8 lower ficer, of Montpelfer spoke in the East Main street Baptist church Sunday morning and Rev. J. II. Blackburn oc cupied the pulpit at the First Baptist church in the absence of Rev. II. B. Rankin, who is visiting his mother in Reading, Pa. ' Special Here is 'your chance to prepare for Thanksgiving r Sale on Carvers 1 three-piece "carving set, sterling silver mounted, polished .-. horn handle, Price $16. 50." Special price S12. 00. -I same -as abovev bone handle. Price $16. 50. Special price $12.00. 1 three-piece, bone handle, sterling mounted, Price $11.50. Special price $7.50. 1 three-piece set, ivory handle. Price $10.00, Special price . '$6.50. 2 two-piece sets, bone handle. Price $5.60. Sale, price 3.00. .Come early as supplyis limited to sets listed - above. E, E. WOODRUFF Jeweler and Optometrist THE HALLMARK STORE NEWPORT, VERMONT VVVf VTVVV yyyyyy Dancing Frocks at Reduced Prices Just in time for the Armistice Ball and the Most Tempting Prices 1 Lot Satins, Taffetas, Tulles, All Colors, offered at $19.50 Some of the Gowns were priced as high "as $47.50 and no old styles' in the lot. There is also a splendid assortment of Dresses priced at $25.00 and up to $39.50. All Suits are at Marked Down Prices. You Don't Have To - Wait Until January to Get a Suit Bargain.. .Don't Wait If You Want One of the Best Ones As They Always Go First Coats at $12.50 that would have been $25.00 a year ago. A, good coat with a Fur Collar for $15.00 and up to $75.00. The $89.50 and $95.00 are all at $75.00 and a good many reductions have been made in the higher priced coats, and some coats have: been bought very much under price that are more moderately priced. This is surely the year to buy garments. A New Lot of Silk Jersey Petticoats' just in at $2.95 Also showinga Good Petticoat, with Cotton Top and Silk Ruffle, at $1.95 . Silk Jersey Bloomers, Black, Navy, Brown, Copenhagen; Triced $2.95, $3.25, $3.50; extra sizes priced $3.95 Hand Made Blouses, very daintily made with hemstitching and filet edging, others with Vest Fronts, Priced $3.25 to $8.95. There are Extra Sizes. SHOE SHOP NEWS New Black Kid, One Strap Pumps, Baby Louis Heels. Priced $6.50. New Brown Brogue Oxford, Rubber Heels, priced $6.50 New Black Sct Grain Sport Oxford, priced $7.00 :,Nev" ; '' : ;"'I'l?9Vn JjTu-Buoia Straps, Military Heejs, Wid " : ; ; w., Military Heels,' priced $7.50 Rubbers for all Styles of Toes and Heels at the Lowest Possible Prices. ' "'-i ' ' MATERIALS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS What can I make for Christmas-is the thought that is 'in the mind of most every woman at this season of the year. There are so many materials that can be made with little work and " great expense, we have space to mention only a few: . . ' CAMISOLES We h- Footing with Hemstitched Space for Ribbon in the this comes in two widths for the Tops and Straps. The lower part of the Camisoles can be made of A. B. C. Silk, Crepe de Chine. or any desired material. There are also Pointed Laces with Beading in the top, and . Band Laces with Applique Flowers in Colors that are made expressly for Camisoles. - ' We have two Grades of Black Surf Satine and' two Grades of Black Ratines for Card Table Covers. We also have White Jewel Cloth, for Card Table Sets, Cloth and r Four Napkins to match. This material is also used ,for Luncheon Sets, Scarfs of all kinds. x We are snowing a Wonderful Line of Cretonnes, priced 25c and up. The Ever Useful Bags can be made from these. There are alst the Terry Cloths that work into many Useful and Ornamental Gifts. - LINENS All Grades and Widths, White, Ecru and Cream. Hand kerchief Linens in the most wanted shades. The Hand Made Colored Handkerchiefs are probably the most popular articles at the present time. The lady who has not made -several of these is hard to find. This Colored Linen is 36 inches wide and priced at $1.25 a yard,. Would have cost double this pricelast year. A Wonderful Line of Fancy Ribbons for Camisoles,' Bags, etc. v Tliib Wcek Wc Shall Offer For ' Vcck-End Dorgaina Linen Finish" Crash; sold a year ago at 25c, and worth today , 15c a yard. W?ek-End Price 10c a yard. Small Lot of 36-inch Bleached Cotton, sold a year ago at 35c and worth today over 20c. Week-End PWced 13c a yard. ' Lot of Children's and Misses Velvet Hats that must be closed out. Have been priced $5.00 to $6.95. Week-End Price 95c each. . Peroxide Toilet Soap, has been 15c a cake, but now back to 10c. Week-End Price s7c a cake, four cakes for 25c Gold Band Cups and Saucers, actual value 35c each. . Week-end Price 19c WATCH OUR WEEK END SALES AND YOU WILL . SURELY SAVE MONEY RIAfK & FLIT, - Newport, Vt - - X- - ' X- X-X-X-X-X-X- xK XV X- f xh X-X-X- x X-X- W W 1