Newspaper Page Text
GOONTY TOR ' . ' - . - - lair. . . r. . - VoL So iNo:48 BARTON, VERMONT, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1921 Single Copies 5 Cents. CLASSirlEO ADM US! ni I it T iw. cts i-r word for Ilrst :j.-ert!o nl ?" cnt per word tbe.-aft' Cash niUHtnmitTf.iiny ortlf-r. -V odvertine- ntrnt vill be 'fd '" if t-i tp-ttvn tents. FOR SALE FOR SALE Six young horses. J. Kimball, Willoughby.. J. tf FOR SALE Fine upright piano. Inquire at this office. l?tf FOR SALE Farm in Irasburg vil lage. H. W. Wilder, Irasburg. 42tf FOR SALE Laths. Charleston Lumber Co.,. East Charleston. 43tf FOR SALE 25 tons nice quality hay. J. II. Bartlett, Orleans. 46tf TO RENT AT ONCE Two tene ments. Inquire, of Mrs. Nettie Mc Dougall, Barton. 47tf FOR SALE Two 14-weeks-old hound pup3. Satisfaction guaran teed. E. L. Alexander, Glover. 47-48 FOR SALE Large quantity, of dry 16-inch wood, $7.00 per cord at Wil loughby. Drown & Reirden. 40tf FOR , SALE Dry stove wood, all maple. Apply to P. W. Desmarais, Barton. Tel. 34-3. tf FOR SALE Several of my famous handmade sleighs. W. W. Talbert, East Hardwick. 44-48 FOR SALE First-class range with coil, for hot water. Wood fur nace. Cheap to make room. Amos ' R. Robinson, Barton. x 44tf , FOR SALE THIS WEEK-Cottage on Cottaere street. Orleans. Taolin & Rowell. lw FOR SALE White Leghorn pul lets. E. S. Kelley, Orleans, R. D. 2. 46tf FOR SALE Three second-hand sleighs. Will sell cheap if taken at once. H. P. Darling, Albany. 46-48 FOR SALE Organ, almost new cheap. J. A. Burkewitz. Tel Orleans, 147-33. " 46tf FOR "SALE CHEAP Buzz plan er, board edger (carriage and saw), Hub boring machine, Franklin fire place with doors, marble slab and screen; canthooks, rifle case iron bar, pair single sleds, brick, string sleigh bells, buffalo robe, half barrel meat jar, parlor stove, manure fork, buck saw. Call on F. W. Baldwin, Barton, Vt. . . 48-49 WANTED WANTED Barton. -Live poultry. Elrick, - 24tf . WANTED Hides and. raw fur. E. Sokol, Glover street, Barton. 'Phone 30.. ;. ,., . 44tf WANTED $1.50 . for " Breeder's Weekly Gazette to January 1923. E. L., Graves. 46-48p WANTED Fresh eggs, live broil-, ers and fowls. H. H. Skinner, West Glover. J 20tf WANTED Calfskins, carcasses, and horse hides, also all kinds of junk. I. Solomon, Water street, Barton. Tel. 66-3. ltf WANTED Fresh eggs and .poul try Saturdays and Monday forenoon at my home in Brownington Center. E. C. Brennan. 43-50p MISCELLANEOUS We clean and pres men's and wom en's suits and coats. Also do dyeing, steam cleaning. Mrs. Fred Bilodeau, Lang Block, Barton; - 40tf BARGAIN in galvanized roofing. Carload post received. If interested, get our -low prices. Strong H'dwe. .Co., Burlington, vt. 23tf CRYSTAL LAKE HOUSEFur nished rooms by. day or week. ..In quire of Mrs. L. M. Hubbard, Bar ton. ' 44 tf FARMERS NOTICE Will buy stock Monday, , December 5. G. S. Dodge, Orleans. lw PAINTING I am now installed in Charles Morse's paint shop and am prepared to do auto, wagon and sleigh tainting, and all other work. First-class workmanship guaranteed. P. J. Guertin, Barton. 45tf NOTICE It has been called to our attention that somebody is spreading a rumor that we are going to charge $8.00 for custom sawing but we are pleased to announce that from now on custom sawing will be charged at $6.00 per M. November 25, 1921. Wessell, Nickel & Gross, by Fernado A. Wessell, president. ' 48tf INSURANCE AND REAL ES TATE Best stock and mutual com panies. Surety bonds all kinds of vil- ine ical csiatci rxiij ujjc uariug vil lage real estate they wish to sell call on F. W. Baldwin, Barton. - 39tf PEOPLE OF BARTON If you want your dyeing, cleaning and re pairing done satisfactorily, send to : the .Barton laiiormg Co.. J. Jvadisn, 1 52 Buckingham street, Boston. . Work done promptly and returned parcel; ufc piu. iu.niznt, iNovemDer zatn. - , . ; C. PARKER McCAULEY, GRAD UATE of Boston Tuning school, .now with Bailey's Musit Rooms, Newport. First class piano tuner and repairer, work guaranteed. At Barton next Wednesday. Can leave orders at Monitor office. . . ltf LOST. - n ""L " 7 't. 1 LOST Between Barton and Evans- vine, siae curtajfns ior auto, rina- er p-ease return to this office. 47-48pj LOST About week ago' yellow Collie dog, white ring around neck, white strin on face. J. J. Blodgett, Barton, R. D. 2. . lw -.7 Academy Notes The report cards for the term were given out Wednesday. The ,11th year class are to have charge of chapel Friday morning. The percentage of attendance at the academy for the fall term . was very good. Regular attendance- is very necessary for good work in school. The following, shows the per centage of attendance in each de partmen: High school 94.7, train ing class 95.20; sixth grade 93, fifth grade 91, fourth grade 96.7, third grade 96, second grade 94.2 and first grade 94. It is the hope of the academy fac ulty that the parents and pupils will do all in their power to maintain this record through the winter term. "A dillar a dollar, a ten o'clock scholar," is the type of pupil the j grade children of Barton are plan-1 ning to banish forever. To this end a ATitoef ic nrviv in nrnnrrDOC Vi o oi'mi! of which is perfect attendance with no tardy marks. Every week the score of each grade is recorded upon a chart in the corridor so that all may keep " in touch with the progress of the contest.; The winning grade is ing for1 the ensuing week the contest banner, an orange star on a black ; Held the colors of the school. The j proud possessor for this week is the j fourth grade . which won over the ! third grade by only two points Last week Miss Aagesen. the state ! supervisor of teacher training, vis- j ited the Barton raining class and ! commented very highly of the thor- j ough work which the class is doing. Mrs. F. D. Atkinson, the new assist- ant in the teacher training: class, began her work last week. Mrs.' At-ley, several days last, week.' . kinson is fully qualified for the posi-1 A daughter was born to Mr and tion, beins: a graduate of Wells col Mfs; Harlan Paige o.i Sunday, No lege with the degree of Bachelor of vember ,27th, at Alcron, Ohio. Arts, and also of Leland Stanford ; . Mrs. O. C. Jones of St. Johnsbury with the Master's degree. She has and h l. Porter of Johnson are vis acted as assistant in English at Le- itmg Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harned. ISSt 'SvSSl hfrain5htatPe?h; Mrs. C. A. Barrows and Miss Ella gogy and physical training at the Blaisdell , of Orleans have returned state normal school at Montclair, N. f a d , t - t Boston. J. Mrs. Atkinson comes to us high- ' v , ly recommended and will be a big ad- i Mr. and Mrs. W. H.' Smith and dition to '.our faculty, It is very, daughter left Tuesay night for Pas gratifying to have a training class adena, Cal., to spend the winter, so large that necessitates two teach- Miss Dotie Potter is back in the ers to carry on the work. j Peerless factory office after being ab- Tuesday evening the training class sent with a severe throat trouble, enjoyed a 16-mile ride to the home of Samuel. Maxwell and H. R. Connor Miss Bertha Sjnon in East Albany. ; and family spent Thanksgiving- at Songs and stories along the way add-'st. Johnsbury with Fred Rattigan. ed to the enjoyment of the. ride. j M Gf.Gibson who is in the of There was time for dancing singing, fice .of w W, Reirden, was at his games and refreshments at the home ( home in . Mclndoes for Thanksgiving. BARTON Miss "Mildred Rushford is ill. Carl C. Hamblet is home for a few' days. ' ' . F. Pi i Sawyer is" out again, after ;a? severe Illness ; r Ernest Hibbard has .returned ' to! Springfield, Mass. , I vet o tt n r, . . ! Warren S. Vance of Groton is m town on business . ) Mrs. C. S. Webster is reported to uc in uuxi ixiipxov eu. ; after a brief visit at 'Mr, and Mrs. G Harold Carter is home from U. A. Humphrey's. V.-M. for a few days. John Smith of St. Johnsbury and Mrs. V. F. Nault of Berlin, N. H..!Rav Smith of Lyndonville recently is visiting ir'.enas m town. G. D. Donald is . in Woodsville, N. H., this week on business. ; Are you a member of the Red Cross? If not, why not? "Mrs. Kibby of the Normandy Cafe' reports 14 regular boarders. Mrs. H. E. Paige was in St. Johns bury last week visiting friends. Miss Helen Anair spent Thanksgiv ing day at her home in Hardwick. D. Zabarskyf finishes his work for the Hood Creamery Co. December 1. John Cornish and family expect to go soon to St. Johnsbury for the win ter. - V F. B. Planders entertained "Mr. and Mrs. Rooney Adams Thanksgiving day.--" . , ... :. . .. (Mrs. Ella Robinson is assisting in the home of F. E. Ryder for a few days. Joseph Chesley has gone to his former home in West Burke for a few days. ' .. 1 Dr. Ef. M. Nichols remains about the same, being still confined to the house. Miss Arline Marsh is in Bellows Falls visiting her sister, Mrs. C. L. Erwin. . . . James Martin and family spent Thanksgiving in Bi ownington with P. G. Stone. . F. D. Pierce has closed his house for the winter and is stopping at Hotel Barton. , Miss Etta 'M. Folsom,' who is teach ing school at Centervale, was home for Thanksgiving. Henry and Elizabeth Cutler were home from their respective colleges for Thanksgiving. Miss Mabel Freeerard .of OrWn is visiting her-grandparents, (Mr. and'fhere he. expects to make, his future Mrs. J. H. UOgSton. uuuie. W. W. Reirden and family spent', fcme;from Bright- Thanksgiving day at North Troy with;look hosPltal where - he underwent a Mr, Reirden's parents. . very" successful operation and is ex- Ti 0, ncfc t tr 4. i-- pected to be back m his barber' shop Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hutchms were Lam soon in Bath, N. H., Thanksgiving at the . gi 1 . ;.v- v, home of P. H. Knighton. I GT W- Bartlett has sold his house Mildred Ford was home from Bay on ark street to Ludger Boulanger Path institute, Springfield, Mass., V of Coventry, and is stopping at Hotel few days the past week. ..- i Barton. Mr., Boulanger 'takes pos- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harned spent 1 Thanksgiving at Orleans with Mr. . and Mrs. Fred Jones. The six-weeks-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hinton died Monday Miss Bernice Atwell is caring for ' Mrs. Frank Ryder, who is ill with broncho-pneumonia. . . TO RENT TO RENT Small ground floor. A. S. tenement on x,xCw, - ' ; ROOM TO RENT trally located for -Good light, ceh shoe repairing shop, W. C. Twombly, Orleans, Vt. , 48-49 : : . r....- . . FOR RENT Tenement - occupied by Mrs Forrest. Located on Main street opposite Nute's store. Apn!v C. M. Darling Lyndonville, Vt. 4Gtf Methodist Church Notes Rev. M. A. Turner, pastor. Morning worship at 10.30. Sunday school 11.45. . Epworth' League 6 o'clock. Preaching and song service 7.00. Rev. E. W. Sharp, our district sup erintendent, will be present Sunday morning and preach. Prayer meeting on Thursday even- r ing at 7 o'clock. The Woman's Alliance will meet ' with Mrs. C. . L. Prescott for a social; afternoon on December 2. Members please bring quarters. The Woman's Foreign . Missionary . t m t thfeMr3, Colliston .. T . nMA mixaV. rrQO KJH XJ1AU111 llEAIi XUCi) day, December 6. . Congregational Church Notes. Rev. J. J. Hutchinson, Pastor . Prayer service and Bible study on L Thursday evening. Sunday, December 4 . 10.30 Worship. Subject of - ser- ' m0n, "The City to Come." 1145 Bible school. o.uu vnnsuaii xunueavor. , 7.00 . Union service . in the 'Metho dist church. .Trk'coTVh T.ahnr ' ", the new Vlipf .at j the Star restaurant where there are i about '25 regular boarders. Gladys Huntington, who is teach ing in Irasburg, spent the holiday and week-end at her home. Mrs. S. G. Chesley of West -Burke was the guest oi ner son, j. p. unes- w. J. uooper nas just mstaiiea a one-pipe iurnace m nis- nouse, tne work being done by I. A. McRitchie. Mrs. E. M. Nichols started for San Diego, Cal., Thursday night, where she will remain for the winter. "J A,. McRitchie has installed , a I. A. . McRitchie has installed 3 team uea mig pidut, aim uiu iiA.i,uxca complete in the home of Earl Met- ' u :T ' ..' Friday evening.- Work ,m the first decree 'and Mrg H Q Humphrey of Northampton, Mass., have returned visited their parents, Mr., .and Mrs. F J. Smith. - ; R. L. French of Portland, Me., and Ed. Towne 'of Newport were in town last week on business for the Hood Creamery Co.' Miss Annie Wright is expected home soon from Arlington, Va., where she has been visiting her sisr ter, Mrs. C. C. Warner. Miss- Ejdth Bickford of Sheffield who was called here to assist in car ing for her aunt, Mrs7 Frank. Ryder, returned home Saturday. - Mrs. Z. Marsh has been in Bellows Falls visitiog ' her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Erwin. She also visited in Green field and Springfield, Mass. . Mrs.. Caroline Hogaboonv who. had a third shock nearly a year ago, is being cared for at V. R. Govro's. She is about 80 years of age. Mr. ' and Mrs. D. P. McLellan of St. Johnsbury and Mr. and Mrs. Haz en Converse of , Orleans weTe at John McLellan's for Thanksgiving. The village eTectric department is setting poles and stringing a special private wire line to the piano action factory from the sub-station. VI R. Govro is out again on crut ches after a long illness of sciatic rheumatism. Most of the time- he has been confined to the bed. . I will be ready December 5th, to do dressmaking and plain sewing in my rooms , at Mrs. Goodro's on School street. Queemie Wakeman. t adv E. Simpson of St. Johnsbury was in town Tuesday with tSe Cary -Map-;, le Sugar Co. truck, returning with a 5000-pound load of maple sugar. W. V. Orcutt of St. Johnsbury was in town recently calling on friends. He leaves soon for Pasadena, Cal., session soon. Fred B. Noyes of Lisbon, N. H., ! :w:t, v0 j w MiirWanri r.n Thp Murkland : company is expanding its business rapidly. . r,0 t,qc vQe! dt, niA able snowfall resulting in fine sleigh- mg. Cars -are also in use on all of .the main highways . as the foot or more 01 snow nas pacKed nara., . mi . a n' ' ' Ahere will be a regular convoca- " i tion of ' Keystone Chapter No 16, R A. M., Monday evening, December o. mere win re woric m tne iviar: and Past Master's degrees. Mr. and Mrs. H. D.- Phillips v;:tli Mr. and Mrs. E. R Collins of Greens boro and Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. b'. Eeed of Craftsbury spent xhanks- giving with T. P. Johnson at Crafts- bury. Tis- Marv Hibbard. who ha been visiting hor narents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hiboard, returned to Carnst wed- ncsday, where she ha bs.en promoted J. P. Telfer. " John Patterson Telfer, 79 years of age, died at his home on .Church street, Thanksgiving day, . following several months of sickness, the past three weeks in bed. Funeral servic es were held from the house Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. J. Hutchinson of ficiating and interment was in Wel come O. Brown cemetery. Mr. Telfer came to Barton from West Glover in 1890, to the place now occupied by H. A. Cleveland. In 1906 he built the fine set of buildings now occupied by R. M. Gilmour.on Elm street, but sold tms place and moved to his late home on Church street in 1915. Mr. Telfer was born in Craftsbury August 17, 1842, the son of Thomas and Jean Telfer. On March 10, 1875, he married Eliza Skinner of West Glover, who died April 8, 1885. One daughter, Mrs. F. P. Knight, of Con cord, N. ,H., was born to them. In March 1886, he married Bertha Smead of Albany who died in 1910. Besides the daughter, he leaves a brother, Thomas, of Lyndonville, and two sisters,, Mary Legett of Water bury, Conn.', and . Jane Graves of West Glover. Mr.- Telfer was .a member of the Congregational church at West Glov er, and was highly respected by all. It is understood his will leaves $200 the Barton Congregational church, ;.he income to be nsed for the sup port of that institution. , is head operator in the telephone ex change there. '; , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith wish -o thank' tho Sunshine club, the Wom an's alliance and -their many other friends for the quantities . of good things given them at -Thanksgiving time. The - Aborn Operatic Sextette will give a short concert followed by "Faust" in costume and sung in Eng lish at the Orleans Opera Hall Sat urday evening. December 3rd.. Tick- . ets at Austin's drug store. adv WArd from O. B. Willard and fam ily who are in Florida, state that they made the ' auto trip 1 n vun without mishap, Richard, who is 15 years old, driving the entire distance, V111- said to be a record for a boy of that A wedding of great interest to age. i Glover people took place at the home The local branch of the Red Cross ' ?f William Wylie Thanksgiving even distributed Thanksgiving baskets to : mS . November 24. The contracting a few families, also remembered parties were Ervm Elliott and Mar some .sick persons and children, earetyoungest daughter of Mr. Wy Mrs. Elsie Dodge of Kimball wishes :iie- emony, which was per- to" express her thanks through these formed by Rev. John Kimball, pastor columns for supplies sent to her. j f the Community church, took place Fred Forrest died of apoplexy Sat- teeawaVw. 'marlage e"s- urday, November 26, at Brockton, Jmfftffa3 hnT W& MlSS Ya Mas Th Wrl 4 twJ ! Elliott, sister of the groom and the day at . Willoughby. Mrs. Forrest ; has gone to Orleani to . live with her sister ,) - ' sister. , .. .W' t F xr' ftas : bS?ht a double ring service.- The wedding building of John Wells m Coventry march was played by Miss ' Agnes which, he will move to Barton near White,: cousin of the bride. A large his blacksmith shop on Gloer street party of relatives of both bride and and' put. in a stock of blankets, hal- groom were present to offer Con ters and. other farm supplies. .' j graduations and good wishes. They Mr. and Mrs.' A. P. Underwood ..received valuable presents of silver, were in West Burke Tuesday to at- bric-a-ibrac and checks. Refresh- tend the funeral of Dana Coe. one of the oldest citizens of the town, he being 83 years of age." He was born and alwdys lived on the farm where he died. ' In our mention of improvements on real estate .we .failed to mention extensive ". repairs made by W. H. Chappell on his house including the installation, of a new furnace. Mr. Chappell has also made repairs at the table shop, putting in a hew boiler, new flume, making repairs to the water wheel, and other imm-ove- ments. -, - F. D. Pierce and A. O. Austin of Orleans were in Boston recently where they attended the Rexall con vention A prize of $25 worth of Rexall goods was given to each mem ber from the best attended district. This district, which includes Rich ford, "Newport, Derby Line, Orleans, Barton Lyndonville and St. Johns bury won the prizes. . :;r " Lucien Emery of High street, was seriously injured Tuesday afternoon while loading Christmas trees near the freight station. He was binding the trees to the car when one of the rones broke causing him to fall, striking his head against the rail and at the same time the binding pole also fell striking his head; Among the visitors at Hotel Bar ton Thanksgiving dav were, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barrows, W. P. Barrows, Mr. and Mrs. John McLellan, Dr. J. M. Blake and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Batchelder, Mr. .and Mrs. E. W. Barron, R. P. Webster and family, all of Barton; Miss Ella Blaisdell, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Converse and Dr. Lamphear and family of Orleans; Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McLellan of St. Johnsbury, W. H. Palmer of Mont treal, Que., and G. L. Thomas of Burlington. Wessell, Nickle & Gross are at the present employing 26 men. They are building a new office in the box shop to take care of the office work to be done here. The plant is be ing wired for electric lights and motors the conduit system of in stallation . being used. . The work is supervised by Ernest Tuttle of New York. Steel siding is being put on all wooden buildings. E. P. Searles of Albany is the new superintendent, taking the place of C. H. Davenport, resigned. - - . - GLOVER ' Marion and Nellie Clark were at home for the Thanksgiving recess. Eva Darling of Lyndon Center vis nieu xiieuus. 111, iuwu uvei Lilt; weeK- end. ; Dr. Farmer of St. Johnsbury was;ily ad Mr. and Mrs. Heman Bates m town Sunday m consultation with Unonf TnVcoino. n TT R T?j,toc' r i i i 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Clark spant Thanksivin.o: with motier in Corinth ills 3 Healcy of LynionvilTe vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Carroll over the j - IIr.. and Mrs. Frank Hastings - cn tarta'ned the'r son .and his wifo from Bradford last wsak. ' Misses 'Hattio and Mamio McDnliie have aio ei to the house re:ently va cated by Norris Smith. ' ' Dr. and Mrs. Beck s.nd son and Mrs." Lliia Dow tpsnt Thanksgiving v.'ith Dr. Buck's narnts in Ncwaort. Th2 Glover Rainbow Sewing club will hold an ashie ;irazv.t m :ms in the church vestry Thursday even- Calkins Again a Candidate. With all due respect to the candi dates who announced their intentions hjst" week, M. E. Calkins of West more presents himself as a candidate for senator from Orleans county. The result of the vote last year gives him. courage to try again. He prom ises to safeguard the interests of farmers and 'pledges himself to sup port only such measures as shall be for the betterment of his town, coun ty and state. Considering the present outlook for the New England - farmers, wouldn't it be policy for us to have as many farmers as possible in the next legislature? Respectfully, G. A. Gilman.' Hard L.uck, Indeed. "We have heard of. hard luck, of wet feet and no fish," says the Stan stead Journal, "but of nothing ap proaching the fate which befell J. A. Hunt of Derby Line, during the late open deer season. He had been in the woods about Long pond,' West more, for about a week without even seeing the mildest sort of a doe. Hav ing a business engagement at St. Johnsbury, he was hurrying back from his last trip out, Saturday, No vember 12, when he sighted a 12 point buck at about 100 yards, and brought it down at first shot. Un able to get the carcass to camp alone, he rejoiced at the approach of two friendly men, who happened along, and being in a hurry to get out of the woods, he bargained with them to take the dead buck to camp, there to await his return next day. But when he got back, he could find noH trace of either buck or men." - ing. An interesting program will be given and the public is cordially invit ed.. Among those who were home for Thanksgiving were Floyd Taylor" from U. V. M.; Aldrich Alexander from Randolph; Nahum Chesley from Montpelier seminary: Miss Vera : Phillips from Greensboro and . Miss Dorothy Kimball from North Dan- best man was William White, a lTnrU TZ 2, and Doris Anderson,- nieces of the C e XT 1 t nr i it. ments of sandwiches, cake, punch, and confectionery were served. The groom' is an ex-service man and has recently xbeen appointed - rural mail carrier at North'Troy, where he. and Mrs. Elliott will reside.' Mrs. Elliott was formerly in telenhone exchanges in Barton and Greensboro. ' The newly wedded pair have hosts of friends in this vicinity., t , GLOVER COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. John Kimball, Pastor. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 m. Social service 7.30 p." m. : The evening service last Sunday was conducted by Nahum Chesley, who is studying for the ministry and was very much enjoyed and largely attended. The Woman's Union will hold a meat dinner and Christmas sale Fri day, December 2nd. Be on hand to buy your Christmas presents. The price of the dinner will be 35 cents and 15 ' cents. Ladies not solicited please bring pie or cake. It was voted last Sunday . to con tribute to the Near East Relief fund by the Sunday school. The Lola Sargent Mission circle will meet with Mrs. Glenn Anderson, December 6. .The Men's class of the Community church Willi give an entertainment and supper Friday evening, Decem ber 9, in the church vestry. - WEST GLOVER H. G. Prescott has purchased a new Dodge automobile. Mrs. Alex Magoon is quite poorly at this writing. Ellery Lyndes of St." Johnsbury spent Thursday at R. C. Stevens'. Mrs. Will Magoon spent a few days at M. H. Davio's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Heman Bates of Newport Center jhave been visiting their son, Guy Bates. Mrs. Malvina Wright of Barton spent several days last week with her son,v Charles Wright. George Young .and family, Alton White and family, spent Thanksgiv ing at C. M. Borland's. Mrs. Nettie Baker has finished work at Clarence Wilson's and is now working at J. T. Stevens'. : 'Mrs. J. T. Stevens, who has been in poof health" for some time, remains about the, same at this writing: Nelson Rash spent a part of last week with a niece at s Greenfield, Mass., and returned home Sunday. J TVfi on A frc (Znxr TSnfps nnrl fam. spent Thanksgiving at H. S. Bates'. The play, "Back to the Farm," giv en by the West Glover young people, will "be given at Sheffield December 2nd." . TCitut. -who Tins hpen in Hp. trojtf Mich., for two months, has re turned home and spent Sunday with his parents. , . Miss Hester-Webster spent Thanks giving at her home and re turned to her school at Montpeliar seminary Monday. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Garvin and son, Ch?.rTe?, spenV Thursday at . Harry Cook's of Irr.sburg. Tre inani:3givmg(iay was new at u. it Vance's of South Albany. Thirty- Probate Court Items Settlement was made in the estate, of Helen Elizabeth ;Eat6n. An account was made by the ad ministrator in the estate of Jennie A, Leavitt, late of Newport town, i A guardian has been appointed for Emma Clara Monteith, late of Lowell The last will and testament of Charles Lamoureux, late of Newport city, has been allowed and the widow appointed executrix. License was granted to sell the real estate in the estate of Elizabeth G. Mitchell, late of Glover. The Central Savings Bank and Trust Co. has made an accounting in the trust estate of Cynthia E. Web ster and for Mildred A. and, Dor ris M. Boden minors, of Orleans. An accounting was made in the matter of the Gross minors of Or leans, and also in the matter of Charles Bickford, minor. The Barton Savings Bank has made an accounting in the Charles W. Car ter Trust estates and for Harold In galls, minor, of Albany. Accounting was made. in the guar dianship estate of Rena M. Collins, of Barton. . Accounting was made by the guar dian of Rosseta Hall of Glover. C. Stannard of Orleans was ap pointed administrator of the estate of Buel W. Stannard, and A. P. Sweet and S. B. Gelo appraisers and commissioners. The will of John P. Telfer was presented for probate. Hearing will be had December 23, 1921, at Bar ton. , P. C. W. Templeton was appoint ed executor of the estate of Ada E. Templeton, and F. M. Sears and D. A. Brahana appraisers and commissioners. County Red Cross Elects Officers The annual meeting of the County Chapter of the American Red Cross was held at the armory in Newport Friday afternoon. The resignation of Col. C. S. Emery aa county chair man was accepted and O. W. Locke of Orleans was selected to take his place. Col. Emery has served the Red Cross long and faithfully, his service dating back for ; a period of fifteen years.- Miss Inez Miller of Newport was elected vice chairman and Miss Ruth Richmond of Orleans secretary and treasurer. Chairman of home service, Mrs. W. W. Reirden of Barton; chairman of Woman's work, Mrs. E. J. Smith, Newport; chairman of junior Red Cross, Mrs. G. J. Gross, Orleans; chairman of finance committee, Earl L. Brown oi Newport. ' six were nresent and a bountiful din ner was served. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keith of Al bany, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Webster of Barton- and Mr. and -Mrs. E.- A. Slack and family of Newport spent Thursday at A. A. Webster's. Mr. and Mrs. -Guy Garvin and son. Charles, visited Mrs. .Garvin's par ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Lyman Barber, last week. Mr. Garvin .returned to St. Johnsbury Thursday, and Mrs. Garvjn and son, Charles, remained until Sunday. Word has been received of . the mar riage of Miss Pearl Miles, formerly of this place, to Ira Deveau. The marriage took place at Lynn, Mass., on Wednesday, The couple left im mediately for Lewiston, Me., where they spent Thanksgiving with her father, Ed. Miles. . The Calf and Sewiner clubs will i hold their Achievement nroeram at the. hall Wednesday evening, Novem ber 30. Each member will report up on the work he has done this year and Miss Marjorie Luce of Burling ton, assistant state club leader, and C. S. Webster of Barton, secretary of the State Bankers association, will help with talks about the state-wide aspects of club work." ALBANY ' J. Berry has purchased J. B. Dar ling's house. Glenn ' Miles and family spent Thanksgiving in Morrisville. Barbara Fletcher - from U. V. M. spent her Thanksgiving recess at home. Alice and Edmund Kelley attended a basket-ball game at Hyde Park Fri day evening. Mrs. Kate Bridges from East Al bany visited at S. A.-Searles the last of the week. Lucile Anderson from Vergennes spent the Thanksgiving recess at her home here. The students who are attending Craftsbury academy spent the vaca tion at their various homes here. Kenneth Newton and Lloyd Hack- j ett were home from Montpelier sem inary for the Thanksgiving recess, METHODIST CHURCH NOTES . Pastor, Rev. Percy Newton Sunday Services Afternoon 2 o'clock. . Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Evening 7 o'cloclo Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7 o'clock. .... ' The church fair will be held on Fri day, December 9th. Everybody keep the date open and endeavor to be present. . ' The Community Guild will hold a social in the church vestry on Wed nesday, December 16. j An invitation is given to all mem bers of the community to attend j these services. SOUTH ALBANY Charles Vance is ill with the jaun dice. ... . - ' Miss Susie Miller returned to Iras burg Sunday. ' W. F. Ames, who has been ill, is somewhat improved. Miss Jane Harvey spent Thursday with Mrs W. F. Ames. Mr. and Mrs. C. .W. Urie and fam ily visited at John A. Urie's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C-. R. Vance enter tained 35 of their relatives on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Alice Clifford and son, Ashlev, m.-uu iu. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rowell enter- MUNICIPAL COURT Wednesday, Nov. 23; James Carr of Holland who had been in Orleans county jail since Nov. 20, lacking' $1500 bail waiting further hearing, again appeared before Judge Wrightr charged with grand larceny. Carr was before the court Monday and for lack of evidence he was placed un der bail for further hearing on Wed-. nesday. In 'the absence of State's Attorney Albert Farman, the state was re presented by Aaron H. Grout. Hu bert S. Pierce was attorney for the defendant. Carr is charged with the larceny of one horse valued at $100, wagon $100, harness "$25, fur coat $50, and rifle valued at $35.00, the property of John Lebeau of Brownington. The only witness to take the stand Wednesday was John Lebeau, from whom the pro perty is claimed to have been stolen, and Sheriff E. J. Hill, who with Dep uty Sheriff Charles U. Ladd of Der by made the arrest. Testimony introduced by Mr. Le beau brought out the following story. Mr. Lebeau, who is a farmer in Brownington, was about to take a trip to Lawrence, Mass., for a few days' visit. Previous to his departure James Carr began to work for him, the date4 of which was Oct. 2 1. Mr. Lebeau, in company with his wife, left by auto Monday, Nov. 7, for his in tended trip, leaving Carr in charge of the farm, and to do the chores. Upon his return home by train Sun day night, he telephoned home to have Mr. Carr come . and get him at the station. Being unable to get any an swer, he telephoned a neighbor, who told him that Carr had disappeared and had taken the team. Upon Mr. , Lebeau arriving, home, the above named property was found missing. A search "was begun, which resulted in his locating Carr at the home of a brother, Sheldon Carr, in Holland. Monday night he drove to Holland and Sheriffs Hill and Ladd also ap peared at the Carr home. The miss ing property was all found at the Carr home and the defendant was arrested and brought to Newport. Sheriff Hill testified t0 finding Carr in bed and making the arrest, and bringing him to Newport. In the argument made by Attorney Pierce, he tried to show the court that the case was one of trover and not. larceny, that Carr took the team, rifle and coat to wear for the pupose of going deer hunting, that there was no intent to steel on his part and no " L evidence showing that during the six days that he had the goods had he tried to dispose of same, that none" of the property1 was found concealed, the rifle was hanging on the wall back of the stove anvthe fur coat was also hanging in the kitchen and horse, wagon and harness were in the barn, and none had been injured. Mr. Grout made a strong argument for" the state, and. the court bound Mr. Carr over under . $.1000 bail for trial, at the March term of Orleans county court. Judge W. M. Wright had a quiet afternoon at Monday's session of the municipal court, only one case coming before him. Ora Vadnais, a farmer in Wol cott, appeared in court charged with petit larceny. It -is claimed that Vadnais helped himself to a buggy wagon valued at $25, the property of Jerry Buckley of Barton, the wagon bein taken from the barn on land owned by Buckley two miles north of Barton village on the river road to Orleans. Mr. Vadnais was repre sented by Hubert Pierce and he plead not guilty. The bail fixed by the court was $300 which is being ar ranged for'. Vadnais was arrested by Deputy Sheriff George Jennings of Barton and brought to Newport Sat urday. tained M. Z. Thompson and family of East Craftsbury on Thursday. Mrs. Harris of Greensboro has come to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Etta Calderwood. Mrs. O. M. Rowell and daughter, Guila, were guests of Mrs. F. C, Brown of Orleans over the week-end. "The Barton and Craftsbury acad emy students were at their respective homes for the Thanksgiving vacation. Mrs. Agnes Graham and Mrs. O. E. Rowell visited at the home of Mrs. Sarah Anderson on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. C. E. Anderson and children attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Margaret Wylie, to Ervin El liott at Glover Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Corey Urie and fam ily of Greensboro, Mrs. Carrie Cal derwood and Frank Calderwood of Glover spent Thanksgiving at James Calderwood's. About 50 were served at the Com munity dinner at the M. E. church on Thursday. The Thanksgiving ser vice was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Percy Newton. SOUTH ALBANY M. E. CHURCH NOTES Rev. Percy Newton, Pastor Sunday services ' Morning 10.30. - Sunday school 11.30. -An invitation is given io all mem-, bers of the community to attend these services. EAST ALBANY Berton Wright of Brownington is working for F. E. Daniels. Tom Robinson and Jacob Blod cett are cutting wood for Mr. La Fountain. Miss Alice Morley spent the Thanksgiving recess' in Hardwick with Miss Lambert, f -Fred Foss returned from Nashua, N. H., Monday. Mrs. Foss and Stan ley will Temain for another week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robinson of Walden, spent Thanksgiving with her folks here. Mrs.. Robinson will remain tor a time. Mrs. Richard Rogers, who has beer spending a lew days with her par unts, returned to ner home in Glo er Satutday. She remains about tl same. - SHEFFIELD The V. est Glover rliy, "BacX to the Farm." wi;l be riv; n at t'i nail in Shefi.fld Fridav. Drvombrr . The d f th . ... .y fonow the play.